HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-04-21, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL, 82
I'ilut)o t(4
8140 a Year
AttOeet,...ee Vc mail,
Pet OM,Uo-pt., (111:1WIe
Snowd'm urns., peidtshers
The pro lerty known as the
(Antes toy factory, corner of Mar-
ket and Jarvis streets, Iles been
broken up and sold in several par -
eels during the weer(.
Louis Waxman, Brussels scrap
dealer, owner for the past sixty
days, has sold the factory proper
to Brad Smith and associates,
a some of whom are understood to
be local and some out of town. '1Ir.
Smith is general manager of Ro-
bert Bell Industries Limited, but
this firm is said not to be involv-
ed in the deal,
The brick 1011)40 north of the
factory has been bought by 72. S.
Box, The house was the factory
office at one time hut Inas been
occupied as' a residence for a num-
ber of years,
The vacant property on the
south side of Market street 1tae
passed through several hands in
the last few days,
Waxman sold the land,
which was a lumber yard in the
earlter days, 'to Harold Jackson.
Half an hour later Mr. Jackson
disposed of it to Joseph T. Hugill,
contractor, who has been using a
storage shed on the lot.
It is said that only a couple of
hours later Mr. Hugill sold the
major portion of the lot to Gamy
Kelly of Stratford for a bowling
alley site.
Possession will be given on
May Ist.
Early this weer( Dor. Smith
stated no announcement could be
made yet about the future use of
the factory, beyond that comb -us -
tion equipment might be manu-
factured It is understood a U. S.
firm is involved.
Originally the Broadfoot & Box
furniture factory, the plant later
was owned by the Canada Furni-
ture Manufacturers, who made
wooden office equipment. When
steel largely replaced wood for
office furniture, the plant was
closed about 25 years ago. Later
the Hesky Flax Co: owned it and
at one time there was talk of an
extensive linen industry develop-
In more recent years the Ont-
ario Textile Co. made toys, and a
plastics firm occupied past of the
At present the east end is occu-
pied by Genesee Manufacturing.
The town of. Seaforth has part of
it rented for storing machinery',
and feed firms are using part of
the main building for storage
Confirmation of rumors of the
sale of the boiler factory of the
Robert Bell Industries to Toronto
interests was not available this
Buys Land for
Bowling Alley
lir. Gary Kelly of Stratford ME
purchased the vacant lot at the
corner of Market and Jarvis Sts.,
and plans to start construction
soon on a building tor a bowling
alley. Mr. Kelly expects to have
It ready by early fall.
The lot Inas 127 feet frontage on
Market Street and 114 feet on
Jarvis Street. The land was pur-
chased from Joseph E. Hugill
who hacl previously purchased the
whole corner property from Louis
The bowling alley building will
be 00 x 120 feet, of cement block
and stone, and will have six al-
A portion -o'f this property at
one time was part of the old Sea -
forth market square where the
original town hall was located.
Mr. Kelly received approval Pram
Seaforth town council at the April
meeting last week for erecting a
bowling alley.
The monthly meeting was held
in Town Hall, Seaforth Wednes-
day night, The meeting •opened
with previous minutes being read
and adopted. Carl Dalton reported
for committees that were appoint-
ee) to approach councils on having
grants discontinued and Ievying
system and voluntary requisition
of dues collected in taxes be in-
stituted, There was mixed feeling
in councils who thought it less
work to give a. grant. The union
feels it should have the privilege
to - pay whaaevet' way Ile wishes.
Variety program was well receiv-
ed and very successful 13111 80
was further discussed and the
members thought the Government
should have the power to step in
and freeze the assets of any mark-
eting board if it is not using the
producers' funds the way they
were intended. Next meeting on
May 10 will be annual meeting,
all members are asked to bring
their wives, and lunch, Mr. Gor-
don. 11411, Ontario Pres., will be out
T,V. over CFPL London, Friday
night at 10,30 p,m, on a panel with
members of Hog Marketing Board.
Barn dance will be in Zurich o1
June 181.1, local 284. '
L.0.I34, .SrJOJTr8L8
A sateoessful euchre ivas held on
Monday evening by the LORA,
Tho winners wore; Ladies first,
Mrs. Gen, Reeves; lone hands, MI's'
Alex McMichael (Clinton); eon„
Mrs. llillebrecht. Men's first, A.
McMichael (Clinton); lone bands,
Albert O'Reilly; consolation, 0,
Parsons. The draw for the cake
Was wan by lire, Barney Hilde-
Fred Elewitt
In Leaders Class
A vote of staff and students
selected Frederick Flewitt of Sea -
forth District 1-Iigh School, as its
representative to The London
Free Press Leaders' Club.
The son of Mr. and Mrs, George
Ieiewitt, of R.R. 3, Seaforth, Fred-
erick is a Grade 13 honor stud-
Canada's greatest opportunity
for its youth lies in the scientific
field, he said, Canada's great
abundance of natural resources
and the entry of the world into
the apace age, is- giving young
Canadians numerous scientifc op_
portunities, he said,
'The most interesting experi-
ence in my school career Was be-
ing elooted to the Leaders' Club,"
he said. "This gave Ane a great
thrill and Is an honor 1 will al-
ways treasure'
His most thrilling sports ex-
perience was being a member of
the school's senior basketball
team which won the league title
last year; -he said.
Frederick played on the junior
acct senior basketball teams as
well as the school football team.
Easter At
First Church
About 60 young people and their
friends attended First Presbyter-
ian Church on Easter Dayfor the
Sunrise Service at 7 a.m. The ser-
vice was conducted by the presi-
dent of the Young People's Soci-
ety. Waste was provided by the
Y.P.S. choir, with Mrs. M. R. Ren-
nie as guest organist, and the
following: Solo. "He Lives" by
Meta Reeves, and a quintette "I
Knew that my redeemer l.iveih •,
comprised of Alice Ann and Gene
Nixon, Margaret Reeves, Peran
McLean and Carole Bitter. Follow-
ing the service everyone present
was entertained to breakfast as
guests of the Y.P.S. Rev. D. Leslie
Elder gave the address on the
theme, 'He Lives".
A very large congregation at-
tended the morning service of
worship. The choir under the dir-
ection of Mr. H. R. Kempster,
sang the anthem "Christ is Risen"
(soloist: Mr, Bob Scott). Mr. Da-
vid Stewart sang the solo "I
Walked Today where Jesus Walk-
ed" (O'Hara). The minister's
theme for the sermon was "Ex-
ploring the Empty Tomb".
The evening service proved to
be a very delightful experience.
The Junior choir excelled in fine
rendering of 'Easter anthems, The
guest soloist was Elizabeth Sinale,
StafIa, who sang "A Song of
Praise" (T:lliman). "The Old Rug-
ged Cross' was sung as a Trio by
Jean, Teddy and Brian Scott. The
choir numbers were "Then came
Easter Morning" (Ellis) ; Spirit-
ual, "Were You There?" and
"Sweet Bells of Easter Time".
The choir was under the direction
of their leader, Mr. 'H. A. Kemp-
ster. In addition to large congre-
gations of members many friends
and visitors attended both ser-
vices also. The church decorations
consisted of Easter Lilies on a
white Satan base, and candles.
The minister's sermon was on the gardenia corsage. The blue GIP -
theme "The Glowing heart" ers were a shade matching the at-
tendants' dresses and blue mums
were on the tables,
For a honeymoon in New Yerk
City and southern United States
the bride wore an off -whits walk-
er suit with black braid trim,
black Patent accessories, panama
hat of straw and tulle, rest carna-
tion corsage to match red of tulle
111 lent,
On their return they will re-
side at Windsor. Guests were pre-
sent front Toronto, Windsor,
Leamington, Oakville, Kitchener,
Brantford, Stratford, Amherst -
burg, harrow, Detroit, Seaforth,
Trout00, tiensali, Acton, Brussels,
Bruce Play
Festival. Here
Blame County Junior farmers
W011 1110 d 1111 festival held at
Seaforth District High School on
Tuesday night. Their play was
1'Ite PaH11)) ' presented by Tees -
water ,Tuninr farmers, winners of
the Bruce County contest. The
play was directed by .firs. Sid
Smith, There were six yon}}ng Peo-
ple in the cast The Purge was
Airs, Florence Scott, of London
Little Theatre, who said that site
would have liked to give first
prize to two plays,
The Bruce County play will
take part in the 1860 Jr. Farmer
Provincial Drama 1"estival at
Guelph on April 22nd.
Chairman for the evening was
Ron 34arKa', Provincial Director
for- Perth County, who acted on
behalf of Janres, Needham, of
Bence, Past President of Ontario
,lunior Farmers.
Huron was represented by Brus-
sels, whose play "Pink Dress" was
directed by Mrs, R. W. Kennedy,
Middlesex play was given by
Thorlulale. Their Director was Mrs, L. Carter; Christmas meet- of $5,552.73 transferred to surplus
Mrs. J. Drover, wife of a Cornier ing, 'Afro. G. Papple and Airs. Jas, account.
Seaforth boy, now a veterinarian. Doig; 4-H Club Leaders, Mrs. G. New members of the hospital
Perth County Play, "Prof- at Papple, Mrs, R. M. Scott, Mss, W. board are Bruce MacMillan, Don-'
L. Whyte, Mrs, J. Broadfoot, Mrs.
0• McKenzie, -Mrs. G. Elliott, Airs.
John McLean, South Huron Dist-
rict President installed the offi-
cers for 1960.-
Mrs. H. Hugill presided for the
Seaforth Institute
Elects O'#icers
i1lrs, Harold 11tlgill was reelect -
e(1 president of the Seaforth W. 1.
at their annual meeting held in
the town hall Tuestley afternoon,
The election of oflteers and con-
venors of standing committees
was conducted by AIrs, Gordon
Papple Other offieels aro Past
Hospital Bd.
,wilding. Fund
At the Itnnnal meeting of Scott
Memorial Hospital on T11esda)'
night announcement was made of ,
Pres.. 111:s, R. J Doig; Vice Pres. the establishing nl c1 budding
Arrs, James Keyes 211(1 Vire Pres„ fund for a new hospital I ham,
Mrs, Leonard Strom; Sec AI1s. 21011) will be accepted. The sum
I.. Strong; Treas., Mrs, Ross Gor- or $80,000 was.transferred (0 the •
dots. assistant, Mrs. L. Carter; board to -establish this fund.
District Director, Mrs, R. J. Doig;-
A. Y. 1IcT.ean. boardchaiiman, E
alternate, Mrs. II. Hugill; Branch
Directors Miss Thelma Elsie,
Mrs. A, C t 1)1)1:,1, Adrs. John Hille-
breeht, Program Convenor. Mrs.
W. Coleman; Lunch Con., Mts.:. D.
Haynie; Flower and canis con.,
Mrs. A. Popper; Il istori(al ('nsto. reported total adnti,sien of ]qt -
diad, ,AFrs, James le Scott; assist- lents in 10 39, 1,152; compared t„
1,033 in 1058.
and J. 114, Scott, eatntnittee (di:ir-
lna)), reported. -
29 Persons attended the meet-'
Miss Drone superintendent,
ant, Mrs. Gordon MrKenzic; Reso-
lution. cou., Mrs I MacLean; Pi Outpatients in 19 9, 426 1:!:',S, '
anlst, Mrs. J, Alt -iregor; 1) distant, HT. Births, 1 059 lee; 193a 122;
Ales. E, Cameron: Public Rela- 'surgicals, 19",0, ; 1973 285; X.
tions con.,,Mrs. 0, Elliot; Audit- rays, 1950, 1,:74; 1!150, 1,2100. i
ors, Airs. Gordon McKenzie, .Airs• Average daily number of pat-
:31'ae llillebrecht 'elle convenors lents, la, -,9, 26'2;
) (. 1958'
't S 3.
standing committe es are: Homelel”'
a '. per cent increase in
Economics and health,Mrs How -ow- With quarter, the first three'
tri Wilson, firs Les Pryce Mrs, 1959 first
E, Whitmore; Tits, J. MacLean; months of 1060 show a 20 per cent
Citizenship and L+ducatiou, Mrs. increase over last year,
R. J. Doig, Mrs. J. Gruumett, The average patient stay has
Mrs. R, M. Scott, Mrs, J. Kerr; increased from i) clay`s to 9.6 days, 1
Agricultural and Canadian Indus_ The financial Picture showed a
tries, Ill's, 3, Keyes, Mrs. Ellin, surplus on the year's operation.
Kerr, Mrs. -Graham herr and Airs. Transferred from revenue to sur-,
Ross Gordon; Historical Research plus account, $2,927.81, represen-1
and Current Events, Mrs. James ting net earnings; plus other re-!
F. Stott and Mrs, 'A, Crozier; Pic. venue including donations and in -1
nit Committee Mrs, J, McLean, terest, $2,624.92; making a total
Breakfast" was 1)tlt on by St.
Marys, directed by Ci Cline.
Altogether 22 young people took
part in the plays,
Violin and piano numbers were
given by Middlesex; a quartette
was sung by 13811 Campbell, Ken
Campbell, Larry Wheatley, Geo, meeting and reports were given
Turner; solo, Sharon. Strong, ac -1 by convenors of standing commit-
enmpanied by Mrs, Elmer Canner- tees. The roll 'call was answered
on; accordion selections, Bruce f with the payment of fees. The
minutes and correspondence were
read by Mrs, Gordon Papple.
County; square dancing, Perth
There was a wonderful crewel
in attendance. Lunch was served
at the close by Seaforth Club.
A pretty wedding was solem-
nized in First Presbyterian
Church, Seaforth, at 3 pan. on
Saturday, April 16th, when Cath-
erine Sue Nixon, daughter of 11r,
and Mrs. Auriel Dale Nixon of
Seaforth, and Walter Geo. Wayto-
wich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Waytowieh, of Windsor, Ont„
were united in marriage by Rev.
D. Leslie Elder. The church de-
corations were white lilies and
The bride was given in mar-
riage by her father and wore a
wedding dress of Beer -length
silk faille with chapel train, pelon
lined; the fitted prinoess lines of
the dress were enhanced with cut-
out design of guipure lace on the
full gored skirt, long tapered lily
Point sleeves, draped off the
shoulder,. Queen Anne collar edged
with lace, spotted with iridescent
sequins; head dress Queen Anne
crown of sequins and pearls; fin-
ger-tip veil of silk illusion; bou-
quet pink sensation roses and ste-
Miss Gene Nixon, sister of the
bride, was maid of honor, In
French blue crystalette similar to
the bride's, white shoes, matching
petal hat or crystalette and velvet,
pink tulle, white mums.
Miss Lynn. Nixon, sister of the
bride, was junior bridesmaid,'
dressed identically to the maid of
honour with matching petal hat
of blue crystalette, white shoes
and gloves, white mums and pink
James Nixon was ring bearer in
white jacket and charcoal trous-
ers, Pillow of satin and lace. Mr. quire? Christ enables us to be in
Donald Smith of Leamington was, tune with God, We must practice
best man. The ushers were Glen Ian awareness of God at all times.
Nixon of IEensall; John Duda, of We should not go to church o1
Wiedson. Mr. Kerupster of Gorier- Sunday but our purpose in going
ich was' organist, and Miss Alice to church should be to worship
Ann Nixon of Seaforth. soloist; God".
sang "Wedding Prayer" and "I'llThe April meeting of the Wal -
Walk Beside Yon". ton W. I. will be held in the Conn -
For the reception which fol- munity hall on Thursday evening
lowed in Ole church hall the April 28 with Mrs. Nelson Reid
bride's another wore green and and Mrs, Geo. Blake as co -con -
lilac brocade dress with lilac ac- venal's. The roll call will be an-
cessories and gardenia corsage; swered with the payment of fees
the bridegroom's mother, a navy and a gift for your Sunshine Sis-
dress with pink flower hat and ter, Annual reportswillbe given
and tine District President will
conduct, the Installation of Offi-
cers. hostesses will be Airs, r.
McDonald, Mrs. G. Ryan, Airs. L.
Ryan, 'Mrs. H. Craig and Mrs. J.
ald Stewart, Walter Scott, Sea -1
forth RR 2,
Members re -appointed for two-
year term are J. E. Keating, AL
McKellar, Mrs. Harold 'Whyte,
`Ars. John llillebrecht•
The monthly meeting of the
A li
, Friendly Re order -
at 2 a.m. Sunday, April' 24
Daylight Saving Time
FINE C'Til'•'t,
.,,n„o.ooxo,Doo,,,,o,um.o.neo,aoDeco,,,,,,mo,u",",""wm" ,,,,,,,,,,o,n.,u,,,,,,e,,,,,,n„ ,,,,,,,,
and children in London with Mr. spent from friday to Sunday with
and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson, his wife and son.
Miss Cecelia Feeney 08 Kitch• A large congregation attended -
the );aster services held in Trin-
ity ((0(8)an t hnrch on Sunday
The ,iectoi P.e1- 1.. Harrison
gave 1 1,') inspiring 'er111nn on
the Ic.nlreetion', and the eater
salt. two Ea,ter anthems,
Very beautiful flowers were
plaee,l in the chinch in wenn/1:y
of departed Due,,
Marti Fred (latter and daughter
Doris, Prest.m tete a !heir cot-
tage ,ever the iiol!,L•u weekend. _
Mfr. and Airs. Herbert Kirkham
of London spent the weekend with.
Iter parents. 11r. and Mrs. Enter_
son Beard, •
Mr. (111(1 Mrs. Keith Pruss a11)1
family. London. ani lir. and Alm. -
C'ha e, Parker and daughter. Tor-
onto. -pent /he weekend with
their Another. Mrs. J. Parker. -
-Mhirle 1 anon is spend.
ing a few days n 'i`oronto,
Elmer Johnston. Preston. spent.
Sunday with his surentn. Air. ant.
Mrs. Wm. Johnston.
Mr. and Airs. Orville 110111ein•
ha.rdt and family, Saginaw. Miele..
and Hilbert Knight. Toronto, re-
turned to their homes after at-
tending the funeral of the Iate
Keith (emeiuhardt.
Misses hackie Cluff. London:
and Vicki Clnff. Londesborough,
are spending the holidays with
their mother, Airs. J. C`hitt'.
Mus. Fred 11dl:wen returned to
Iter home last week after spend-
ing the winter at London.
iMr. and Mrs. I:..1. Florian, '1
Clinton, spent-n1)dar with Mise
Berthena Sturgeon.
Mr. and Mrs. hen Ma,'kie and
sun. London. spent 11111 weekend
with her parents ,lir. and Mrs,
Lloyd Mak 111H.
Leslie_ Elliott spent from Fri-
day to Monday with his sister at
:Mount Clemens. Mich.
Lesli tat Alillen and errw whe,
have been at Sarnia. 1'.,r at week
owing to heat/ lee „1 the Take
returned as far as Grand lteni
harbour anti ere 81)111ng arum
there. They report i._ 9 heavy
catches of whitefish and ., ;OA
3, C. Doyle returned borne: oe.
Saturday atter .,pending the win-
ter at Ottawa.
Mester Gerald Johnston, of St,
carfslt Guild o£ St, at th ng ener, Mr. Pat Feeney, of Tiilson-
can Church was held at the haute burg with .firs. Mary Feeney,
A report on the spring executive of Airs. D. Rachn, Mrs. C. Friend,' Air. Terry Flannery has return.
t g president, presiding. Mrs. \1'm, e11 to his home from Hamilton.
Hurting for the diyict'. of South Gooier read the scripture follow_ mfr, and Mrs. )1e1 O'Reilly, of
Huron was district
by Mrs. I. J. ed ie Prayer, Routine business r
Doig, The Thursday,
annual willh ibenWindsor, Airs. Helen Tate, De•
held on P110 ed C May 12th in was discussed with final plans troit with Air. and Alt's. Gerald
Elimville United Church with re- made for the bake sale to be held Holland,
gletratioa at 9.30 a.m, Ker Gard- .at the home of Mrs. Friend on Mr. unit Airs. Jinn Curtin and
on Papple and 'Mrs. G. Kerr were May 7th. !Mrs. Donaldson read family,
Streetsville. with Air. and
iippoitlted delegates to this meet- two letters of seven conversions hlrs, Josli'lstinis,
i11g, of the Sotith American Mission- 111, and Mrs. kiddie Holland
The extension course chosen for are Society. Mrs. Friend react the I and son of Toronto with Mr. and
this fall was "The Third Meal". Paster story of Simon of Cylene•1Mrs. Geo. Holland.
A donation14 of $10 was given to
the Seaforth Highland Band. Mrs.. Raeho gave an interesting, Mr. and ma's. Leonard Nagle,
nt. of
account the Legend of the Eas-' Robbie and Linda, Mr. anal 11re.
ter nt o, The meeting was ad- Earl Nagle, Stratford. with Mr.
At the close of. the meeting a 'Darned and lunch was served by and Aim Michael Nagle.
lunch was served by Airs. E. Pap-
ple, Adis. E. A\ llitnlore, Ales. Leon- Aliss Beatrice Murray, (laugh- family, Toronto. with Mars. Mary
ar(1 Strong and bliss T. Elgie, tet' or Mr. and Mrs. John 14, Mur- O'Rourke,
ray R.R. 1, Dublin, and a teacher Mr. and lar,. Newcombe. Port
of grade 3 at Brantford St. Basil's Credit with Mr, and Mrs. William
Miss Claire Hackwell 18 Lon. School is the third Separate Stapleton.•
don visited with her parents, Mr. School staff member in that city 11r, and Ill's. Louis Lane and
and Mrs. Thos. Hackwell over the to he requested for overseas duty Laurie Ann, London. with Sirs.
week end. in Europe next September, by" William. Lane.
1Ir. John Bruce is a Patient in Canada Defence Department. She .lir, and Airs. Ed Dean. Debbie
St, Joseph's hospital, London. will he a teacher in a school at- and Mary Helen in Hamilton.
Miss Elizabeth McGavin, lc itch- tended by the children of the Mr. and Mrs. John Krauskopf
ener, is spending the Fast rboli- Armed Forces. and two children of Drumbo, AIr.
clay with her parents, Mr. and 1021101'` Barts Gordon Costello, Toron20, Mr.
.Airs. Gordon 1Iclaront The death ,m.curred in Detroit Danny Costello, Toronto, Mr. and
on Wednesday, April 13 after a ,Mrs. Joe Malone and family of
Miss Audrey 1-Iacicwell of Strat- short illness et Patrick Burns, Kitchener. Mr. and .lire. Pete
fora Poachers College, is holiday- loll of the late 31r• and Mrs, Ton (irosecl( and children, London.lug with her Parents; . li0, 01111 Burins, He has been a resident with Mr. and mfrs. lean Costello.
Mrs. W C. 11ac1cwe11. of Detroit for almost 30 years. Hiss Lydia Jordison, Toronto,
Miss Ione Watson of London He was married to the former Mr. and Mrs. A. Jordison, An -
spent Easter with her parents, Mae Crowley of Kinl(ora. lie is easter, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tyndall
Mr, and Mrs. David Watson. survived by his widow, two daug- and family, Timmins, with Mr.
Two carloads of ladies from Alters and one sant, also two sist- and Airs. Charles Friend and 11.rs,
here attended the Easter Thank- ers, Airs. Wm. Flanagan or R. R. E. Jordison.
offering meeting in Blyth Baited 1, Dublin, Airs. Charles Shrub, of Air. and :Mrs. Pat Woods and
Church last Monday afternoon Kitchener, and a brother John of children. Georgetown, W11 11 Air.
when Mrs. 10, McLagan based her Seaforth. The funeral tool) place and firs. Fergus Horan. -
Easter Meseage on "The Story of Saturday in Detroit. _____
Talking Pictures," asking such The gift of a lamp was made g�Y���L�
sole -searching questions as "Has 110'. and Mrs, L. Mannar by Zion
'Your Roma given your children \W. A. marking their 401U. wed -
the religions training they re.. ding anniversary, the latter beim
the recipients. Airs. Gleno Pepper
WWI hostess and Airs. Lorne Ai- t y1rs, Rohe Ilnmpin•des and sun
Ivens conducted the meeting open-, Carl. Port Stanley are spending
ing with the theme hymn, scrip -0 week with her parents. Mr. and
cure by Mrs. Ross Pepper and 1h's. Russel herr.
comments by Airs Wilfrid Au- Mr. and Mrs. I„ Smith, London,
nig, Mrs. Earl Banter's reading
was "Ono Single Eient". Mrs. spent the weekend with Mr, and
Morley Lannin contributed a Alts..1.2. J. Larson.
poem -and Mrs. Aikens offered Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Fellows and
prayer. A quilt was completed daughter, Kim, Riverside, are
and lump served by the hostess, spending a few days with. Mr. and
Mr. mid Mrs. Wilfrid Curtis of Ales. Fred Fraser,Catherine) is spendiu;; 'hie week
Drayton with Mrs. Lona) Dillon Miss Kate Coop. London, is with 111 and Mrs. Geo. Little.
and Do'oihy. )ponding a few days •with trigs
Corporal Bill Miller. Mrs. 34111et•' Elaine Weston. 1" 411.11 ,yr11.L
and children have moved to R.R. lir, and ohs, hl'er and Jane, Joseph Mr('nnneli reports the
2, St. Thanes. Corporal Dialler
Syron, spent- the weekend with
sale n
, from Izmir
le t the 1 (1L,wing properties:
ft cl
trans c t \ \
has been .h. and Mrs. S. H. Bryant. Kees Jae Ito), 12.11. 1. 1C1Ppe;r has
base at Clinton to Aylmer. K
purchased two farms ot'. John
1 Bruce, eon. 17 and 15, 11n lite twp.
or Grey.-Inutnedtate po.s e s1011.
Anthony Van Loon, .liull,•11 has
purchased the two farms u1' Ray-
mond McKinan, 10th coiu•ession
Tnckersmith, Mr. Van Loon is
now in 105501si(111, _
Mrs.11-lenry Dietz, 87, formerly of
MoKillep twp., the former Alvena
Siemon, died in Scott Memorial
Hospital, Sea:fo•th, Saturday. She
was the daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Siemon and was
born Sept. 18, 1872, in Wanton,
In 1892 she was married to Henry'
Dietz and they farmed on lot 6,
con. 9, MoKillep. Mr, Dietz died
in 1949. She was a member of St.
Peter's Lutheran Church, Brotl-
hagon. In 1951, she came to Lo-
gan twp. to make her home with
her son Martin Dietz. She is sur-
vived by two sons, John of Mc-
Killop, and yMlar.tin, Logan; one
daughter, Mrs. Reuben (Caroline)
Bauch, Brodha,gen; 13 grandchild-
ren and 14 great grandchildren.
She was predeceased by one bro-
ther William,
The body rested at the Heath -
Leslie funeral home, Mitchell, un-
til Tuesday when removal was
made to St. Peter's Lutheran
Church, 13rodhagen, fee service at
2,10 p.nl. Rev, I7..8, Fischer offi-
ciated, Burial was in adjoining
Mille Jl'uhl(1.
A donation from Louis Bolton
at $5,00 ]hakes the total $118.00.
Air, and Mrs. Ton J3laelt of
Weston, spent Easter' with Mr,
and .Airs, Dale Nixon,
Mr, and Airs. David Backwell 0f
St, Marys were Easter visitors
with Yr. and Mrs. Wm. Dennis
and other friends.
Mr. and .firs. Earl Coutts and
family of Toronto were Easter
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. And-
rew Coutts.
Miss Rosemirrio Bolger', Tees -
water, is holidaying with her par-
ents 11r, and Airs, Harry Bolger.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Dundas
and family of Toronto strep a few
clays with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dun-
Mr, Chas, Shannon and Alt's.
Cook of Toronto visited with sir.
and 'Mrs. J. Shannon over the
A number of ladies from here.
attended Lester '1'hankoffering
meeting 1g in Bethel' United C11u021
last Thursday evening.
A spocial Good Friday service
was hoicl in Duff's Tinned Church
at 1.1 a.m. with Moncriefi United - 04r. and Mrs, Keith Kelly, and
Church also attending. The ser- Wilily, Mr. and AAs, Jack Kelly clay' to spend a few clays in IT. S.
vice ivas conducted by the minist- and Miss Nancy Kelly of Kitcll- Miss Mary Marks of Toronto,
er, Rev, W. M. Thomas with MIS. ener with lir, and Mrs, :Fergus spent the Master weekend with
Nelson Reid as soloist, singing Kelly. lien mother, Airs. 0, )larks,
"The Old Rugged Gross", Mr. and Atrs• Jim Irraliskopf Donald Kingsbury-, Woodstock,
ABs. Jack Tillman and family,
London, are at their cottage for a
few days.
Mrs. Fergus Stapleton. Miss
Stapleton silent Laster weekend
in New York City,
Air. and Mrs. Gerald Merman
and children of Deep River with
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Evans.
A1iss Mary Margaret Ryan of
Kitchener. Miss Theresa and Alice
Ryan, London. with Mr, and Mrs,
Pat Ryan.
Rev. Father A. Durand of St.
Peter's Seminary, London, with
Rev. R, Durand,
Mr, and Mrs. Jimmy Morrison
and family, of Toronto: Mr. and
Mrs. Vincent Morrison and fam-
ily Joint and Diary :Mousseau of
TZite.110ne1', 16'. x11(1 Mrs, Inc Mar -
risen and family -of Windsor with.
1I1' and Airs, 'Tames Morrison,
Mr, aucl Mrs. Lennie Gaffney
and son, Brockville, with Air.
Carl and Jerry Stapleton, Miss
Ph'yllds a,nd Glenn butters, Lou.
don, with Mr, and Airs. T, Butters
31.1 ter Ricky Westlake, Kitelt-
encr, 1s spending his Laster holt.
clay's with his grandparents, Ah'.
and Mrs, Al. L. Toms,
Miss Carolyn Philp, London,
spent t110 weekend with Mr, and
Mrs. To. McFadden.
Mss Ethel Blair, London,- was
at. her home over the holiday
Miss Chariene Scnichmer, who
is attending Normal School, of
Stratford, is itoule for the Easter
Mr. and burs. 't\'n1. Parker and
baby', of London, spent the week-
end at their homes
Brian Grimes, 11,117,0., London,
spent the weekend with his par-
Mr, and Mrs S. Sturgeon and
haby, Dli•, and Mrs, G. Sturgeon
and baby, Preston, Mr, and Mrs.
D. llisbaclt, Clinton, spent the
148001(011(1 with their parents, 11r.
and Mrs, led Sturgeon,
:Mrs. Russell Ken left on Alnn-
Peewees re
Winnin 0.
At Goderieb,
Seaforth Peewees took I?xeter
by 4.0 on \We elnesday a1'ternooe
in the semidinais for 1lo' 'C'
championship al Young Canada
Gary 111111151111 seared two
goals, Kerry Campbell 1 and Hil-
debrand 1. The boys are bring
managed by Coach Jack Eisler
atl(i hare defeated Ishloardine,
Forest in previous games.
The final is Wedueaday 1115111.