HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-04-14, Page 4THI.1 :?LA'UI1T11 'vl'Vit (Phone eV? Thursday April 11, Wile STC COLUM UA.N a, t retie where the former 1, sta.. 1111` lr,ltl' 11(F trill ti'iunrd 1'he futir t , 1.�tI • o \Ved. 5 .w art Reli I tuline and nt ems morel tc at C..,;umlra t M 11•11 tt III. 11i\iastc•r tot C`ltai•ch tft 1 , .i=,, t t ,,rs gale= :, iltyz'rtld ret ltt 1• .1't F rrur`rlri)t 1' t't' sirs, Gordon Lire: l ass>tl away tsar home here on 'Monday In r She was the Pinner mile e .flat, .itehie born :.at 11iHs- t'n where Nlte spent iter entire 'e111 moving t.o l:lensall three tn. Giro. Snrvit'fuk is her Mediand, one diad in to Mlat 11," ,it.,t 1.1n1- ti•nt, ata -urtht;- t i•;t ta�tia. il£r.e, ..tt tr1' i..,eu}vt• ld,iutrt. ,site vt ei in. her Stith sear. She hard lived. Sal her lite i'1 31'•lifliol, t'V . Serve -see.; Sons, ,loan. lit 1.,?.t Au, ages ("u l.; :AMia'=ttte'I, ''Matt anti Stephen ott el dell} p Leo, 'if it. Cm It .t dattenters. attune. �. tt (htrnce of \Vetttslthvin, Al• Mee t'rank Brans. Be•1„n, Mrs, o etra. it llee • at• Inane and '!'Its, Wile. d t l en.he el are re. 1p. i; i, Stelady of the letel. e die Robert t Ellen t Graham of West - Funeral uneral service was held ou trio.flzuts1 Y from the T3oxtthrou Mee ltegni t High Ott ea. un` a tl Metes r,ttdtteted by Rev. 0. by llvv, Fat Ai t , a ani t `t• t', n1aa Interment was in Baird's ( olamban Menan t acholic Church '4t wee Het Father 01E utt'h" tie ren. E. Walker is confined Stratford: Itev. Dr. Frontless and t, Vire-ilia llospital, London, ondo ltev, Farther Durand of Dublin, w o•tt he is receiving treatment. and [le•v. Pather A11•(Znald vt .car- rite rotnmenion service was b t orf=h, in the. sanctuary. The sidle -tad in Carmel Presbyter[an palllet,arers ,,were 1 -rau,l nus' t'1gi lt, Seedily. by Rev, ,lames R:aytnnnd. A'invent, hob, \eLlo tJ,„ 1 Panda., a-sistattt minister of New e -It .\lutr:tv Suri I;at v1,t1 a Cranes Presbyterian Chnrlt, /ecru,! Fv a iu St. t luulbun e lit• '..lid„n. Mr. awl Mrs.. Normtiter)'. Mattson were received- by certifi• I _ I oat, .' transfer froth New Si. WAL 1 ON J a t r ler shyteriau church, Lon. ''"core i,t . ei aw to at el- home don, Me Geo, et. Vais was in t,t•e:. '1'441 Seree t t 411 ...in \\'fi• eh.tt' e e i tie set•viee preceding a;, He was the communion. delivering an in- t: i tL Le • Meanies has \i We ' it ng internee ttte on the theme tiamson ..,•.1 t: letheih Jens 1I 11• -Tltc, Home Conning” On Baster t -e, \\ ..:e: .t I r 1 June d, Sunda. Mr. Vais will ,speak all 1 ! i 1-11s earl. educe. :le ti•nte lie Ys Kien". The e.rey. rte rtes a menti h sir w111 be assisted in the ser- : }i,,t-•: 'u .:t t'snrrhe et !ries rtt eon: by the Junior choir. lis eisesea- ,. eon. Mrs. II frothy Parker P.D.P. (if t 1 .:n-: since teat time{ 0 ist c,t•t. 1t of the Rebekah Assem- 7.:--i wit -it until Illy of Ontario made her official fete -se 'cox• r t t, M,tnin_, Star Rebekah .. .. t , he mar- T ? x_c, Brusoels, on Tuesday even- formsr a Forbes t,,o se Aeseserviettes e.-- Mr,. trate Ilarpole relented to ,I;msetere her e,,me hire last week after eie ens,:e - lisrbert seendleg, the winter months with tet: Clerke. her son-in-law and daughter Mr. !dela• • Pe L. Jer. t.. t Mrs. Doug Peac >.lt anti. fans - 1 i : el els .,. •,..:..v ode: Bl Jt:1 el Mrs. z+3 �ili '. ,.. M•FEDE}ATION NEW . tel-. • 10 3. C. Hemingway et s heather. toltt.Tee r. Ontario Farm Forum held the heel i i a Fee annual meeting, in the ,.eawa, :ate}len - , on to ted ; Hotel. Toronto. April 7th, with re- • t : easter Rev. Th.,'nas nf' e�resettta ir:•s from as far as Earl - i t.+in in Northern Ontario attend - Defeo C u err. Walton. - ! in_. Mrs. Vera Greig. of Wroxeter, Tee a1lLearers were tae -See, he Ontario Farm Forum -chair- Williamson, hair- Te -ui, n Harte i'•afz, Ken.. man. presided. tt ti Forbes. N<,. man C,ewland. i Farm Forum had a successful et Mk .rant and Donald au-,Farm In spite of :he fact that the 1 r.tan. The many floral tributes,ltu.uh-r nerreaced in Ontario. Iu wc-. -. carried by s`x grandsons. bell the \Maritimes and Western Eert Clarke. Ilan Carver, Rend nada more people took advent - Ken. Erie and Wayne_\Villameon.; ase of this means of trying to Burial took plasm in Brussels f' i Cemetery. Friends and relatives attended f improve the position of A€ricui- attendesl horn Teronxo. Fergus, titre. Hamilton. Stratford. Strathro. Mr, Bob Knowles of the C.B.C. Grimsby-, Goderich and Kitchener, told of the Problems of broadcast - Grimsby, in India. The Indian Gocern- ment is very interested in using HENSALL the Farm Forum method in bring - Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith and family of Clinton were recent vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman attd fancily. \hss Catharine \1 I'1wen. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Iluzb Me - 1 vee returned hems, from St, Jo - • 'i s lite ,ital, where she was reef,iving treatment last week. MI;. Larne Cha man• Miss Gwen Cha;•ntan of Lend.: and Sir,,Albert .11 irrat•:ienat ttr- 1 :' in Port Huron and visited with thefarmer's sam•in-law and dtnshter. 'Mr. and Airs. Joe De teem- in Sarnia. Mrs. PetPesrl Pa -enters.. Alis: Nor- ma Pee -mere. MIl . L. Hay. Airs. ft, Moto:seam •Mr Roy Brock and Mrs- Der—on Kyle le glen: a few da last week_ in Port Huron. Alro. Alberta MaeBeath spent. lee week in s cot tt , liemorial Hos- ier 1. where ,he received treatment it the interests :sts ',f her health. Alt MberS of Amber Rebekah Ilensatl, were guests at he meeting g sif Edelweiss ss Rebek- ah Lod t Seafutth. on Monday evening when Mrs. Dorothy Park• er D.D.P. of District 2e' made Iter clfficial visit. Mr. Geo. Otterbeiu of Preston visited over the weekend with bis father Mr. Wm. Otterbein. Mrs, Char. Wilson returned '.imme Iran several weeks in Re- gina and Moose Jaw, where she was confined to Hospital receiv- ing treatment. ir. and Mrs. Guy Bedard and family of Merton visited recently ,with air• and Mrs. Wayne Smith and family, L.A.C.-Jiebert Andre, Mrs, An- dre and Carl moved from the apartment of Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art- Bell to the RCAF Station, at lire information to their rural people. le. However they as yet have only been able to supply about 80. - mei of the villages with a popula- tion of over 'fern with one radio. There are another 600.000 villages of this size that have no radio. When we -arid t' title all the tilt-, lazes under this size we can see a ' t mendous market for what we cin er,rluce if we would only ad. just our economy a little to per. chase from them some of the thiees timy would be glad to sup. plc• The Beef Producers introduced r. neasotiming type Marketing' Pian at the a n cal meeting on April t. Under is elan the Board would h able re, negotiate ;roles. stand- ardise basis for dressed weight and •tat esters -en Bele and heavy elft and between globe.. The boar} would have n+l •tu,h•frtt • ,vet the actual sale of the cattle. A deduct xa of 10 rents for cat - tie and :ter for 'mire= would be ta- ken to finance the organization and to carry on a promotion pro• gram ter the sale of beef products. A resolution was introduced Bute -ting that the Beef Produ- cers' Board. the Hog Producers' Board and United Co -Operatives Board meet to study the possibil- ity of setting up processing facili• Ilse This resolution was defeated by a iarge majority without any l discus -ion. This was amazing to me since farmers are complaining) loudly about their returns and the Commission on Price Spreads and, has told them that the processing ) of farm products is much more profitable than the producing of 1 them. The first lesson taught to any 1!) I4 CIIEV BEL -Mit SEDAN, 3762 miles 1tl;,7 I11LLMAN SEDAN, radio lit57 CHEVIU)LET SEDAN its,ti PONTIAC COACH 1!1:",6 FORA) 1.4V1).AN 11+73: Ol.I t Fi0IIILI I';Il:'t.N. ICI^' 10'!! SEDAN, radio 19134 FORD C'OAC'H 1 I) 53 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Irl NO RI :t1 -'(1:N \.IJhE OPFFi1't REFUSED Seaford' Motors alc, aC Service SEAFORTH Phone 5,11. Chevrolet r girl ,rnribflr= MVIiTCITE1 t Phone C1, Fniti t 1 .;fl alt' na ut la that he ntn,t krto'w JWII prod11t and t. to•_t cord ie that iv, Itt11,4 I'netx' Atli torulteti ter's ;modest, seemly tlie prt't't$- ur t , n,.et in WW1 the ftu•uter • Elft' a. motel, 'if the consumer's meter 0101 it 11,.„itl� euslble for the farmer to learn of that end of the itutuslry.._ HEN'SAL L The Evening Atixiliat•y meeting ?tlotelae evening in the hatted Church had as 1ItR•ir guest ;speak- er Mr. (leo, C. Vale, minister of t',u•mr 1 Church who spoke on the theme -"rite I'iace of Women in tlr,> Church" in which he stated "In recent years the status of we.. mon in the church has been de- bated upon ,and discussed among menxbets of tttttny leading denotu- intoiou•. \''hat kind of a church would out•a be if there were only men in it, and no women at a11? "It was rt. Paul who said there is no distinction between male and female because we are all one in Christ. "Men and women worked to - Other in the find century to ad- vance the Kingdom of (lot in all the World : Who stood by our dying Saviour? MVtimen. Who announced the triumphant Resur• rection of one Lord—Women”. It weeld he a great thing be Faid if all your endeavor as indi- viduals and as a group are moti- vates] by and done in the Spirit and because of the Easter mes- :ate ttatneh', "He is risen". The raker was introduced by Mrs. embers Cook and thanked by Mrs. \Vnt \Iirlile. President nt Airs. Idugh McEwen who presided welcomed the spec•• i:tl guests the WMS and Arnold Circle of Carmel Church; the Guild of St. Pant's Anglican Church, and the 'V.MS of Hawaii and C'hiselhursl United Churches. 1::3 members and guests enjoyed a most delightful evening. The devotional dealing with the last week of the life of Christ was taken by Mrs. Robert Reaburn, assisted by Mrs. Jim Taylor and Mrs, C, Christie. An invitation to tate annual birthday party of the WAIS Aprii 29 was accepted. Mrs, Harvey Keys presented highlights of the Presbyterial held in Seaforth. Program numbers in- cluded solos "The Hol) City" .Airs. Wm, Puss, accompanist, Mrs. J. C. Goddard; Mr. Robert Blundell "Softly and Tenderly" accompan- ist, Mrs. R. H. Middleton; piano duetts, Mrs, Ed. Munn and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, and Mrs. Air Ross and Mrs. Robert Kinsman. Mrs. McEwen and. Mrs. C. Win - law formed the reception commit- tee, and hostesses Mrs. Walter Spencer and Mrs. R. J. Drysdale are to be congratulated for the beautiful decoration in Easter theme of the church schoolroom. Delicious refreshments were sere d. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith and Mr. andlIrs. Tom Kay. Seaforth, attended the funeral of Mrs. Wm. Keifer at. Caledonia who died at the age of 93. Ma -ter Billy Snaith spent the day with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Harper and cou- sin Sharon, at Carlingford. Mr. Frank J. Malone has been transferred from the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Dublin. to the Bank of Commerce, Parkhill. BRODHAGEN Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hinz on the oc,-tsion of the Confirmation on Sunday- at S•. Peter's Lutheran Church of their daughter Phyllis were: Mr. and Mrs. Mark Peel, Toronto; .Mfr. and Mrs. Allan McDougall, Mr. ren Schellenberger, Miteheil: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eickmeir, Brian and Brenda, lir. and Mrs, Carl Hillehreeht. Mr. and Mrs. Milton. Bode and family all of Logan, :Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe, Brod- hagen, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Boyd, Mankton, Relatives from here attended the wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maeray Price nose Betty Drager, at the Seaforth Le- gion on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scarlett of Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Sboldice. Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens, Mrs. Man- uel Beuerman, MTS. R. Beuerman, Mrs. R. Sholdice, :Mrs. L. Wolfe. members of Stewards of the Christian Home served a dinner to the Sunday School Teachers of Brodhagen Celebrating David Brodhagen, right, of Stratford , is a grandson of Charles Brodhagen, founder of the village of Brodhagen, 100 years ago. Ott the left, Ed Ahrens, 71, oldest continuous resident of Brodhagen, examines an old atlas of Perth County he used- in sedin gathering material for this story. Mr, Ahrens Is a grandson re the second resident of Brod- hagen. Charles Brodhagen, founder of this community 100 years ago, is called "a versatile character' in early .record books. The title is fitting. He was a farmer, hotelkeeper, .postmaster, merchant, tailor, bandmaster, mu- sic teacher, and as the history book states, "notwithstanding his multifarious duties, he was equal to them all, discharging the de- mands of each in a manner credit- able to himself." Actually, Charles Brodhagen and family settled on lot 31, con, S of Logan twp. 100 rods south of the present community. His first task was to open a sawmill and house -post office, the latter being expanded later to include a dance }tall and tavern, 'Otto tieig4lbonriug lot on which most of the village is now situat- ed, was purchased by Frederick Ahrens from the Canada Comp- any' 1n the 1SSOs the B•rodltagen family moved from the communi- ty., the first building was disman- tled ant used far other buldings; all that remains of the first set- tler's is a well slug in the 1890s. Buildings of the 1SSOs included a blacksmith and carriage shop, one general store and post office, seven Houses, a red school House and a frame church building. Tlie planing mill in the com- munity has had its share of mis- fortune. In the 1890s it was level- led by a fire which -damaged near- by buildings, It was replaced, but leveled again M the 1930s by fire. 4t Brodhagen is St. Peter's Ev angelical Lutheran Church, built to accommodate the residents of Otis section in 1068 at a cost of $1,200. Many Brodhagen pioneers were known for their musical ability. More than 56 years ago, the Brod- hagen Brass Band was organized. A descendant of Charles Brod- Wm.'S. Riehl introduced 11te guest speaker Mr. Ivan Lockart of Mit- chell. His message of encourage- ment was well delivered and was enjoyed by all. Ile was thanked ley Edgar Elligsen. •\Ir. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy at'td family, Mrs. Louise Hille- brecht and Edgar with lir. and Mrs. Alfred Beuermann on Sum day- to celebrate their daughter Diane's Confirmation. INSPECTOR PROMOTED G. G. Gardiner, Bra„ B, Paed„ has been appointed as Public School Inspector for North York it was announced by the Ont- ario Department of Education. ef- t ective Au_u-t 1st. Mr. Gardiner came to Godericb from St. Thomas about 12 years ago as Public School Inspector for South Huron. A native of Mount Forest, Mr. Gardiner attended schools there ant the University of Toronto. He � l rbtainei hie B, Paed. degree from 'the University of Toronto also, He taught school in York twp. some I years ago. During World War Il he served for three years as an «(firer with the RCAF, I Active and popular in civic af- �fairs, Mr. Gardiner is a past pres- ident of the Goderich Lions Club and has been on the Board of 1 Stewards of North Street united Church for some years. —Goderich Signal Star. TWENTY—FIVE YEARS'' AGO. • From The Seaforth News April 193o 1 William G. Strong has been ap- pointed principal of Elmdale pub- lic school at Ottawa. Angus Carter has disposed of I his grocery business to Angus I McRae and is moving to Oshawa, • The prediction was made in a !Lethbridge, AIta., paper that Wm. Aherhart, formerly of Seaforth. a Calgary school teacher and .an advocate of social reform, will be St Peter's Lutheran Church in l the next prem -ser of Alberta, the church basement on Friday Geo, Swan was elected preei- evening. After the dinner hour I dent of the Huron Football the teachers held their meeting.,'League and A. W. Dick, secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Russell SholdiceWedding; Isabella Jane Burst, and famii-, Mrs. Elizabeth Quer-i Atwood, and Geo, Wm. Jackson of engesser with Mr. and Mrs, Sam.l Walton. uel Clark. Mitchell, on Sunday. I James McBride of Stanley had Mr. and Mrs• Russell Sboldiee la knee eap brt,ken when .truck by the occasion of their loth wed - with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Diesel, Stratford, on Friday evening on the ocassion of their 10th wed- ding anniversary. Confirmation Service was held at St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday morning. Five girls and three boys received Confirmation rites, they are: Cheryl Wurdell, Phyllis Hinz, Diane Beuerman, Carol Mogk, Sandra Benneweiss, 1Itonald IBeuermann, David Prieet- a t. Barry Dietz, Mr. 1:r1 Rock of Kitchener visit. eel relatives here last week, Mrs, 'Lloyd Prurtet is confined to Stratford Ilospital I4 Mr. and Mire, Ed Fischer, Keith end Brian of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy i-iehn and Perry of R Stork with Mira Rosine Miller recently. e.ntly. Annual meeting of the Brod• lumen n and District Chamber of Commerce held on Thursday even ing. This wttsi a dinner meeting, the wives of the then of the pro „ra.tn committee were convenors told the wives of the executive assisting. 'I'hls wet the first din - tier in the new hall as gas stoves have been Metalled and also nw , i , !tphoard; built. After the tlinns a horse. Harry Bart has been awarded the contract for laying and eanri- `ng hardwood floor:; at the court house in Goderiob. r FOR7'i' i'A'AJI ° AGO From The Seaforth News April 1920 Tatting Part in an old time rron- cert in the schoolroom of Pent Presbyterian Church were Mlsee:, Adams and Anderson, Frank Free- I. man, K. Ament, 'lie Kerr, Bill Aherhart, Miss Govenlock was pianist. Mrs. George Weir is visiting her slaughter, Miss Grime Weir in New York, Mr. and Mrs, R. T. McIntosh have moves! to Sarnia. Mx rrapneil has purchased Mrs Dyson's cottage on Souti Main Street. tilt, Jowell Forrest and Bliss Margaret Forrest of Pennsylvania have come to live with theiretstet, Miss Forrest in Tuckersmith. 141 and Astra Harry White of Saskatoon are visiting his brother William White at Hensel', Mr. and firs, John Murray of Manley celebrated their 30tH Wed - ,dint; anniversary, Charles Lowrey has sold his farm ott the 14th con, of MutEillop to R. J. Dougherty of Grey two. Matt Armstrong has purchased the 100 -acre farm in Hallett of Robert Dunlop and the 50 -acre grass farm, of Wire Knox M Mc- Killop.. Robert Grimoldby has moved to the house at Constance wbich be recently purchased from Mr. Mc- Intosh.. Consolidated schools was the subject of an address by Dr. Sin- clair of the Dept. of Education at Foresters Hall, Constance. Dr. Field Public School Inspector, also spoke. MCKILLOP The regular m=onthly meetingof the WMS and \\'A of Duff's Church, McKillop, held at the home of Mrs. Eldin Kerr with a good attendance, The meeting op- ened with the MIS president, Mrs. Gordon McKenzie in the chair. A reading by Airs. McKen- zie and Mrs. James Kerr followed by a prayer for peace by Mrs, Ken Stewart. Roll call was ans- wered by each one donating cost- ume jewellery for supply work. Minutes and correspondence read by the secretary Mrs. E. Kerr. The supply sec. Mrs. J. Kerr, ex- plained supply work. Mrs. George Wbeatley offered prayer for Miss Beacon, missionary in Africa. The study book on Africa given by Mrs. Popple was entitled 'On the doorstep. the hearth and the Home," Mrs- Aaron Jantzie, W.A. presi- dent, presided for the W.A. gath- ering. Minutes were read by Mrs. Watley, see, Flowers for shut- ins were discussed and a bazaar Teamed in the near future. Mrs. Yuppie gave a reading, "God's Lit- tle Sheep". Lunch was served. lumen, David Brtdba..gett or 323 Erie St. Stratford, is thrown throughout Canada and the 11,S. as an exeelleut trumpeter, Today, Brodhagen has two gen- eral stores, one hardware store, one plumbing' shop, an egg gruel- ing station, two garages, tine bar• bersltop, a planing mill, and it post office. During the past year, a large feed mill was erected on Egmondviife -United Church Dr. J. Semple, Minister Lyle Hammond. rOrganist and !Choir Leader SPECIAL EASTER SERVICES The central conviction, which we were born to hold and to help others to find --is that the Lord Jesus Christ is risen to he the most powerful force in all the f:nivree herr: and now 11 A.M. • "IN MY FATIIF,It'S HOUSE ARE MANY ROOMS„ 'tele P.M, Mooing of the Young People's Union. Spereat Subject: "The Keys of Eastertide.' Aet.hena: "J'ty Dawned on Piaster Day" Church Scbool 111 A.M. Everybody attends Church on Easter Sunday. DON'T BE THE EXCEPTION. COM?) the easterly limits; final tottehes aro limy being added to the large llrorlhttgtln and District Conununl- t.y }tall, 'Melte population today is about 130, and the assessment $100.000. The crmunnnity is linked by a Paved rottrl to Highway 23 at Bornholm, and in the near future tate read to Dublin will likely be paved. ,a,umu,u,,,u,,,n,tw,o,,,,,101111111111111111, e, n,u"u","luttttoouuu""uunnuneunnununnuuugnu,_ mina Festival ONTARIO JUNIOR FARMERS SEMI-FINAL DRAMA FESTIVAL IN SEAFORTH HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM TUESDAY, APRIL igth AT 8 P.M. 4 Plays by the Huron, Bruce, Perth and Middlesex Junior Fanners, and other entertainment between plays Everybody welcome 3iuuuunu111111111111,111111111311,1011111111111e0111111.,11111 toun11111111e11111111111,111.111111s11111111111111u1111ne Town Seaforth PROCLAMATION Daylight Saving Tieh The Council of the Town of Seaforth has instructed me to declare Daylight Saving Tinie adopted for the Town of Seaforth during the period of SUNDAY, APRIL 24th, 1960 AT 2 A.M. to SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 1960 AT 2 A.M. and respectfully request the citizens to observe salve B. F. Christie MAYOR God Save the Queen ANIAAAI Seaforth Shopping Hours By mutual agreement, and to keep uniform hours with surrounding towns, the merchants of Seaforth will commence SATURDAY NIGHT SHOPPING on APRIL 30th Wednesday half holidays will be observed through- out the year with the exception of the month of December. MERCHANTS COMMITTEE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE kAAEBIAAARA with a check-up and a che ANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Seaforth and District Canvass --- April 18th to 23rd