HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-04-07, Page 7Phoney Sea Dog Tracked The Navy A hot rang out in a woad near Cologne, Germany, and a big, bearded man slumped to the ground with a bullet in his head .. One of the world's greatest setoundrels and one of its most lnotorious liars had cheated the hangman by blowing his brains out, Not long afterwards the West Middlesex Coroner, on the out- skirts of London, conducted an inquest into the deaths of a young woman and her mailer. They had both been severely battered in a home they ran for old people in Ealing. The coroner's jury had no dif- tliculty in saying that the young woman's husband had murdered iris wife and his mother-in-law. The murderer and the corpes in Cologne were the same. If a Scots jury had not been so empathetic, or perhaps stupid, in 1927, at the trial in Edin- burgh of John Donald Merrett for wounding his mother, sever- al lives would have been spared during the next twenty-seven years. Merrett, alias Chesney, alias Milner was a crook, gun -runner and smuggler - a vicious bully, a braggart, a liar and a rat who lived off women, He was also a murderer, but Lord Alness, the Scots Judge, could hardly be expected to fore - ;tee the future when he presided et the trial in Edinburgh. Chesney's lies led him on two occasions to the steps of the scaf- fold. On the first occasion he was lucky, on the second he avoided the final ignominy by his own hand. In my time I have prosecuted • hundreds of criminals. I have spoken to thousands, both inside enol out of prison and to -day many well-meaning people say that crime is a disease and that eriminais should be treated as alek persons. In many cases that is a per - hotly correct statement, but 'What so many people forget is that there are a great number rpt criminals who indulge in a &tfe of crime from. choice. /they are not In crime because gt poverty, heredity orenvirozl- `t neat, but because they ai 4 vicious and idle. .: John Chantey was such, a per-• son. He was bad from the be- ginning and was quite incapable of telling the truth to anyone, or making any attempt to earn an honest living. For such peo- ple there can ultimately be only one end. In Chesney's case, the end was postponed for a few Years by the intervention of the war. In 1927 1VIrs. Bertha Merrett was living in Edinburgh with her only son, Jack Donald, who was then nineteen. The daughter of a wealthy merchant, who had been separated from her husband for a number of years, she lived comfortably and lavished both selection and money upon her only child, who had decided to study art at the university. He was supposed to he attend- ing his classes, but quite un- known to his mother he was leading a very different Life. Jclle and dissolute and unmindful of his mother's obvious concern, he had been for some time a habitue of dance halls, public houses, low -class cafes and clubs. Obviously he was a young ras- cal and early in 1927 had embark- ed on a life of crime which he wits to follow for the next twen- - ty-seven years. For some time he had been robbing his mother by getting possession of her cheque book and forging her signature. Even- tually he was found out when his mother received a letter from her bank manager, disclosing the appalling state of her bank ac - retina She showed it to her son and he then promptly shot her. She did not die immediately and during the whole time she was in hospital before her death, she never macre any suggestion against him. In his address to the jury Merrett's counsel asked them . to send out this lad with a clean bill and he will never die - honour your verdict". Unfortunately the jury were misguided enough to accept this e.,timation of the prisoner and their verdict on the murder charge was "Not Proven." On a lesser charge of forgery Merrett was sentenced to twelve months in prison. The trial was remarkable for lvieseir! tr icialeh'ae C etiE atter.- ea a mill 1 le where it made!" OFF TO ITALY — Actress Tinct Louise readies her camera to take photographer's picture cis she leaves for Rome. She wi'if spend the next three months there filming a new movie, "Sapho." the number of experts who gave evidence, including the great Sir Bernard Spilsbury, who in the whole of his career gave evi- dence only twice for the defence, of which the Merrett case was one. The prisoner added to his ):les by giving evidence that his mother had shot herself. It was a vastly improbable account, but apparently the jury believed him. He swiftly took advantage of this chance. Shortly atter his re- lease he married and before long he was back in prison again, af- ter a string of bad cheques had caught up with him, When he coxae out from this sentence he inherited e, fortune which, had been left in trust for him by his grandfather. The Public Trustee, who was handling the affair, persuaded the young man to settle nearly £9,000 on his wit. Under the settlement she was to receive the interest during her life, but if she died before her husband the capital would go back to him. Nobody could, of course, realize that years later that settlement was to be the girl's death war- rant. After his second release from prison Chesney persuaded his wife to join him in what he call- ed a series of adventures. For some years, right up to the 1939 outbreak of war, they were in- volved in smuggling incidents on the Continent and running con- traband and guns in the Medi- terranean. His wife left him on several occasions and throughout those years he was in prison again at least twice, In 1938 Mrs. Chesney retired to a London suburb with her mother to run a home for old people. On the outbreak of war, Ches- ney, with complete confidence, tricked the Navy into giving him a commission, Throughout his service he was regarded by the junior officers as a swashbuck- ling sea -dog, who had tales at fine adventure to tell and stories of fascinating people he had met, But he omitted to mention that the adventures were criminal and the "fascinating people" ware ie prison. During the whole of this time he was seldom without some woman at his elbow and after the war he indulged in a riotous spree of illegal business and smuggling in Germany, But the time was running short for Ronald John Chesney and so was his money. He made desper- ate attempts to persuade his wife to divorce him or to break- the trust in his favour. But Mrs. Chesney r'ef'used both his requests and that for her was the end. In 1954, by an ingenious plan Chesney came to London from Holland by air, murdered his wife and her mother in the old people's home and got back to Harland before he was dis- coverea. However, the call went out that Ronald John Chesney was wanted I'or murder and so he walked into a wood near Cologne with a pistol to commit the one and only decent act in his life. Only one person followed his coffin into the cemetery. Need- less to say, it was a woman. A teacher gave her class this problem. "If there are seven files an your desk and you kill one, how Amy will remain?" "One," answered Iter most down -lo -earth pupil, "the dead 011e" ARTICLES FOR SALE THREE ROLL 79" HOFFMAN FLATWORK IRONER HOSPITAL expansion etrogr.un re mitred larger unit, and this is now sun plus. In perfect operating order until flscoaneoted last mouth. To be sold or best bid over scrap price, purchaser to move same. Administrator, Leamington District Memorial Hospital Leamington, Ont. BABY CHICKS SAVE time, buy Bray started pullets. Good selection, request list. Dayold pullets, mixed chicks end cockerels, Ames, Le, horns and dual purpose, for prompt shipment. 'l'!me to order Aprils may broiler chicks. See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North. Hamilton, Clint, BAR-B•gUE UNIT FOR SALE OUTDOOR mobile barb-que unit. Ideal money -making project.for junior serve lee Club membership, Sntreduced for first time last year as part-time effort serving and Midt dlesex portions potential eoolcing ability of 2,005 full serciegs per day, Box 211, 12)•101i1 St., Neto Tor. onto Ont. BOOKS NEWT "Why I left the Ministry and be- came an Atheist", Vincent Runyon, 1.00. Free list Philosophical books, wearier Books, Bee 2832, San Diego 12, slifornie, U.S,A, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES APPLIANCE and TV business in Madoo, Ont. $9,000 with stock. A real buy, established 5 years. 111d1ealth forces this sacrifices. Low rental for store. Apply to Box 97, Stirling, Ont, Phone 2120. BRAZILIAN LAND! 2000 to 20,000 acres, $2,50 an acre, Healthy elevation and cUmate. Near Braille, roads coming. Harden, 2320 Green Street, Merced, California, FOR Sale $10,000,00 - barage business handling Esso products iii fast grow' )ng southwestern town. Franchises for automobile and/or machine parts avail- aey ble. Office Box ," Monte,pManitoba BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE GROCERY business with residence at• tached in village. 30 titles from Hitch. ener•. Box 207. 123-18 Street Now Tor• onto, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE 000 acres clay loam, 10 Room House in - eludes upper apartment. Barn 55 x 36, 2 Sheds Hog, Calf Pens, Chicken house. Iiouble garage and shop. Milk Contract, W1I1 sell with or without, stock and machinery. Apply to 1Sr, Lawrence C. Rhora, R.R. No, 2 Selkirk, Ogt1nt. This advertiseyment published free 4THEeALLIED SERVbenefits CES it (CANADA) 1629 DUNDAS STREET EAST LONDON, ONTARIO IVO acres Dairy or 'Beef farm on paved road, 8 room house with all eonvenlen- oos. New Pole barn 42 x 70. Lake on roporty. Would make a lovely sum• er home. Apply: Mr. Donald Walker, R. No. 1, BELLAMYS, Ontario. This advertisement published free as one of our many benefits by: - THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) 1626 DUNDAS STREET EAST LONDON, ONTARIO "300" FARM SPECIAL "300" 300 acres choice forte land, large 4 bed. room brick home With bathrooms and furnace. 2 large 52' x 91' steel pole barna with cement Retire -andheated water bowls. 93' x 93' paved barnyard, 0 large trench silos, 128' x 36' hog par. Mr with 36 stalls having electrical out- lets for heat lamps and special drains. Chicken house above holds 2 to 3,000 hens. Two other hen houses, machine shed own grain mill complete with Gooclison mixer, 24" grinder, hammer mill and 0,500 bushels capacity ' grain bins. 105 acres fall wheat. 40 acres plowed. See this beautiful set up with DEL PARKER, c/o 0. 5, White & Sons Limited 366 N. Christina Street, Saynia, Ontario, 100 Acres near Markdale, 7Room brick house with heavy duty wiring. Water In house and barn. Barn 50 x 50 with concrete Root. On open road near main highway. Good Trout lake on property. Apply to Mr. Sake Sehopf, Berkeley Ontario. This advertisement published free as one of our many benefits by: - THE 629ELIED DUNDAS VICES STREET TREET( (CANADA) EAST LONDON, ONTARIO How Can 1? Ey Anne Ashley Q. How can I snake my own Copper polish? A. A jar of paste made by blending flour, salt, and vinegar can be kept near your soap and: cleanser. Rub this on your cop- per pans after washing, and then rinse. Dry with a soft towel or paper towelling, Q. What can I do about draw- ers that refuse to work and have become stuck because of damp- ness? A. Apply heat in the form of en electric pad, a sun -ray (infra- red) bulb, or a portable electric heater. The heat will cause the wood to shrink, and when the swelling goes down, the drawers will work again. Take care, of course, not to scorch the wood. FARM FOR SALE FUR Sale: 110 acre farm, good buildings. modern Conveniences. George k'. 'iter Hewn R 2, Thermco. FLORIDA RESORTS HIALEAH (Greater Miami), AAA oil Mills and apartments, 03 deny per (56150n, double oecupanoy alter Metall 10. Write for brochure. Former roe 31 St. Hialeah,aplit e Mianip030 1,7722" Pool privileges. GUNS Special Notice to Shooters For ell your needs ... write, phone or come In to WESTERN GUN SHOP 1091 Weston Rd., Toronto 9, Ont. Telephone: RO. 6.5032 LEATHI00 goods, custom holsters, pistols rifles, modern and antique fire- arms, knives, swords. ammunition and reloading equipment. Antique gun tis- plays rented Special discounts to 001. lee officers. gun clubs and dealers. WE - BUY, SELL OR TRADE HOBBIES OR. DO•IT.YOURSELF mime IT Yourself Projeatsl Send 654 for Illustrated wood working pattern catalog to: Woodworking Pattern Sales 07 Crawford St., Toronto 3, Ontario. HOUSE Fog SALE LAKE Simcoel 2 Storey 7 room house In Sutton West. Lot 60 x 150. 4 pc.. Bath upstairs, 2 pc, down. Completely re- decorated. !Near stores, Vacant now. For further details apply to: Mr, Earl Wilson R.R. No, 1 Port Perry, This 54. vertisement Is published free as one of our many benefits by: - THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) 1629 DUNDAS STREET EAST LONDON, ONTARIO --_ HELP•WANTED PHARMACIST for retail pharmaoy in. hunekne'aSudbury, a4o weOntario, pay. to ?hrm. ace, Gerson, Ontario, ST. THOMAS - ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL St Thomas, Ontario WELL EQUIPPED, MODERN, AC. CREDITED GENERAL HOSPITAL, 875 R•EQUtuES ASSISTANT DIETITIANS 0.0.01. and C.D.A. Membership necessary. Apply To Chief Dietitian HELP WANTED MALE Experleneed Compositor also Verticle Meikle Pressman for Commercial Print- ing Company. Good wages and bene• fits. rive days a Week. State experi- ence. Shepherd Printing Co, Limited, Fourth Street, Chatham,Ontario. INSTRUCTION EARN morel. Beekeeping, Salesman. ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Lea. sons 50¢, Ask for free circular No. SS. Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. LIVESTOCK CHATSWORTH LODGE JERSEYS ONTARIO'S highest producing Jersey herd. Young sires from some. of Can• eda's greatest cows. Usually available end reasonably priced, Don Matthews. Gormley, Ontario, MACHINERY FOR SALE 1059 308 baekhoe; 20 -tan Unit on rub. leer; Insley backhoe with trailer; 07 Angle dozer used 2,000 hours; Buckeye backhoe Dragllne $0,000; 2 need Garb- age Packers; 8 in, floating Sandsucker; 5.ton steel Stlffleg derrick. Bayne, GL 9.0595. 1037Trafalgar, London. MEDICAL PROVEN REMEDY - EVERY•SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 E1GI4 OTTAWA. $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Poet's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching scaling and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. -Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3,50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO MISCELLANEOUS FREE 'Information about the Ozarks." Faxen list with actual photos. Owensby. Realtors, Buffalo, lvlissouri. SALE! Old Phonograph Records, old Sheet Music, Books, old Magazines. For cash or swap for - what have you? Write: F. J. Bretske, Brownsville, Wis- oonsiL MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE HEARING Aids. Direct from manufac' turer (no agents) 909.60 buys you a- completely guaranteed sot that nor• orally sells for $270.00. Write fox free literature and guarantee. Canadian Die tribattne Co., Smith Falls, Ont. TOR Christmas Tree planting use the "Forest View" Tandem Tree Planter 10r better survival Plant 1,000 trees In thirty minutes. Write for descrip- tive literature free. ForestView Evergreen Nursery. Germania, Pa., U.S.A. V E Rt MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WAN ILD Stole $notne, 'thresher, Old Farm l4SriediOd Machinery lsndprcefrt letter Bot 119, Thornhill, Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN UNLIMITED Mnnuy Loans • 10 any and Farm eollts Money for anything and anywhere. Phone or write now. OPS Investments Ltd. 99 Avenue Road. Suite 3111. 'Toronto 5. Ontario we e 2442. NEED MONEY? UNLEIIITED tunas available on farms, homes, motels, stores, etc. Fast service anywhere in Ontario. DELRAY INVESTMENTS 450-A Wilson Ave., Toronto, ME 3.2353. T NURSES WANTED - GENERAL STAFF NURSES Required For 500 -Bed Hospital Experience available in Surgery, Medi. One, Obstetrics and Geriatrics. Registered nurses basic salary $266 per month for 40 -hour week, APPLY DIRECTOR OP NURSING Kitchener - Waterloo Hospital Kitchener, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Tree Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Blear St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King Et. W. Hamilton 71 Rideau Street, Ottawa PHARMACIST WANTED PHARMACIST FOR shopping centre store, good op. portunity for man with ability and ex- perience. Excellent starting salary, dis- pensing only. Must have references. WRITE or phone Throop Pharmaelen Limited 1315 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, PA. 2.0510. PERSONAL WEDDING invitations printed, Write to M.-Headford, 68 Huntington Avenue, Toronto (Scarborough), Ontario for free samples. DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL PERSONAL needs, Enquiries Invited.. Lyon's Drugs, 471 Danforth, Toronto. HEALTH, Happiness, Prosperity, Ad. vaneement and Success are accelerated by the Home Course in Psychology ID. formation free. Royal College of SOS once. 700 Spedina Ave Toronto Can. ada. ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods. 36 assortment for $2.00. Finest quality, tested, guaranteed. Mailed In plain welded package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors, BOX 24T0 Regina, Sask. GET 8 HOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension may cause 73% of aiekness. Particularly sleeplessness, jitteryness and irritability. Sleep, calm your nerves with "Naps', 10 for 91.00. 50 for $4.00. Lyon's Drugs. 471 Dau. forth Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY COMPARE our photo service try an order. KODACOLOUR DEVELOPING - 900 •GIANT COLOUR PRINTS - 350 ea. Ansoochrome & Ektachrome mounted in SUdes $1.25. BLACK & WHITE DEVELOPED and 5 Enlarged prints .... 50¢ and 12 dated Giant prints 700 Reprints 54 cath We Pay an shipping charges. A fast dependable service by METRO PHOTOFINISHING CO. BOX 670 ADELAIDE ST. STA• (AT V1CTORJA1 TORONTO 1, ONTARIO. SAVE( SAVEI SAVE( Films developed and 8 magna prints in album 406 12 magna prints In album 800 Reprints 5e each KODACOLOR Developing roll $1,00 (not Including prints) Color prints 350 each extra. Anseo and Ektachrome 35 mm 20 ex. posures mounted in slides $1:25. Color refunded from slides fors unprinted !Money lives. FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT, PLANTS TEN MILLION STRAWBERRY PLANTS ALL commercial varieties, grown by Boston Berry Farms, R.R. 2, Waterford. IVrite, wire or Phone Waterford Hide ory 3.5915 3.5803 or 3.5807. aro • PROPERTY FOR SALE Owen Sound Business 91cck for Sale or barge Store for Rent, excellent 1005 tion. Answer to Box 210,123•JOth Street,: Nrw 'rimula, Otlt. RADIOS SPECIAL Introductory Otfcr! 6 Transis- tor Radio, 00 accessories blue, Pink, ivory, black. High Performance, Low cost, $19.95. Untversal Enterprises, P 0. Box 122 Pittsbnrgli 20, Penna. READING GLASSES�_.�, READING GLASSES A BLESSING FOR FOLKS OVER 40 00013 Newel Now order famous name reading glasses at spcedal &ale price of only $3 95. Free, special carrying case_ Order today. Thousands of satis- fied customers are now able 00 road newspapers,telephone book. or Bible, easier. Do fine fancy work. crocheting for hours without strain. Precision glasses toot Hx) bring out detail sharp and clear. F;ach lent, set in a strong stylish frame, 30•day home trial. Send. name, address, sex, age. On arrival nee only $3,95 plus cease, or send $3 95 with order we Alp prepaid Order to. day from SHINDY OPTICAL PRODUCTS CO. Box 38, Dept. A Station "J", Toronto. SALES HELP &AGENTS WANTED MAKE beautiful brooches, earrings, necklaces et home. Easy to do. Sell to your friends, Excellent profits. Send for free wholesale catalogue L- C. Murgatroyd Co.. Dept. F, Agincourt, Ont - SALES HELP WANTED, MALE WE need two conscientious eomnrissioh salesmen to bundle our line of mean - descent and fluorescent bulbs Age un. limited. No objection to other lines. Training given. Commissions pant weekly. Write now in confidence to Charles Clarke Diamond Lamp Cotn- ppany Limited, 27 Alanson Street. Ham- ilton. Ontario. STATIONARY ENGINEER WANTED STATIONARY ENGINEER to act as Chief for small hospital m 9, W. Ontario, Details: Responsible to administrator for operation and maint- enance of plant and minor repairs to hospital equipment. Must have third Mass ticket and be good supervisor, age preferably 35.55. Salary to start $350,00 per month, 40 hour week. Medi- cal, Hospital, Life Insurance benefits and pension plan in effect. Box No, 209. 123 15th St., New Toronto, Ont. TEACHERS WANTED OTTAWA SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD APPLICATIONS will be received ay the undersigned for teaching positional in regular grades Home Economics, Industrial Arts and Auxiliary classes. BENEFITS hyslcian8' S e r v i c e s Incorporated; mutative Sick Leave Plan; Teachers' redlt Union; Organized social activi- ties; Modern, well-equipped Schools. Ottawa 18 a University City, offering maximum7 opmenortunities for profession - SALARIES Female ;:,_....... -. Minimum 82,600.00 Maximum 894,200.00 Male single -••• Maximum $4,40000 Married $500.00 additional for teachers with five years experience in Ontario. Extra for teaching special subjects of for holders of University Degrees Al- lowance for 1 proven experience any- where outstde of Ottawa for qualified teachers holding certificates valid In Ontario. Apply stating full particulars to SecretaryTreasurer, 140 Cumberland St., Ottawa, CE6-7473 SUMMER PROPERTIES FOR SALE male. $12 000Lakes, 55,000 summer nquiiries or vited, Francis J. Day, reeltor. R, es Pfrumter. Port Carling, Ont Ph 04. VACATION RESORTS PORT Elgin, Ont. 3.roont housekeeping cottages, Mrs. Rowse, 17006 Dorrhetter Dr., Cleveland 19, Ohio. WINTER RESORTS ACAPULCO MEXICO ECONOMICAL efficiency beach unite bungalows, peel, sltoppfng end line!:. peeping services included nungelowe Marbrisa Box 345 Acmiulco tlnsb•o WANTED, RABBITS AND PIGEONS RABBITS and Pigeons t:Iivr r 01,t.:d for table use. Pox 203. 123.1lith S,iorl. New Toronto. Ont, A BIG HELP A speaker was lecturing a to cal Club au forest pr: , rt .t•Xt. "1 don't suppose," he said, 'the' there is a person in this hall who has done a single thing to con- serve our timber x e oal1 t es." Silence ruled for -.crural ands, then a neck toir•e caroti from the rear of the hell: "1 one, shot a woodpecker." • ISSUE t4 - 1912() f O IRI 8' r , l� �{ on round -trips to Eros • Round-trip reductions until April 14th • 275 pounds free baggage allowance • Stabilizers for smooth sailing • Dancing, parties, movies • Gourmet cuisine • Transportation -- Plus Extra Vacation See your loud agent -No one ran serve you hotter Corner Bay & Weliinoton Ste. Toronto, Ontario Telephone EMplre 20911 5001140 SAILINGS from Now Yolk Reign% 00ittete"Ounhoc to QUEEN MAPS ALAR. 23, APR. 6, 70 /AM 4,10 - -- C11ER10500, S00700007005 108070)0 AZAR. 251 ALAR. 26'1 APR. 19-76, MAY 12-13 006(00CK, I1 307001 - 00ER000R6,SOUTHAMPTON 000, 27, MAY 20* NAM, 100009 110E07001 MAY 3.4, 26.27 0REEO0CK, LIVER7001 CORN, LIVERPOOL 0)4.14,040(6* 100011, (00005 -- LIVERPOOL (000, ME, SOUTHAMPTON i Calls of Coal, not Greenock QUEEN 1112A0ET8 MAR. 30, APR. t3, 27, MAY 11, 75 - (00051A MAR. 31 ' APR. 1 M001/1 APR. 1, MAO d SYLVANIA APR. Rt All. 9t RRITAIINIC APR. 13, MAY I1 50)(0010 -- 000101A 070, 22, MAO 23 M000105NIA MAY 3, 26 - *to Soulhompton, nel London Offices on Halifax - Saint John - Quebec Manicotti - Toronto - Winnipeg ,- Edmonton - Vancouver