HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-03-31, Page 8TCD PUT YOU AT YOUR r5: SUITS New small checks, bold checks, neat stripes and cords. All new fabrics and styles for Raster 49.50 to 65,00 TOPCOATS All weather coats, shower proof gabardines, popular tweeds and Harris tweeds —we've got chem all for Easter 27.50 to 49.50 SPORT JACKETS Light and dark shade popular tweed sport coats in a wide range of now shades 22.50 to 35.00 SLACKS Harmonizing shades of grey, charcoal, blue, brown and olive. All qualities—all sizes 7.95 to 14.95 EASTER HATS Stetson and Biltmore hats in flat tops, center dent. centre arch and regular styles. All colors 6.50 to 8.95 DRESS SHIRTS Whites. plain shades, stripes or -checks — mostly no iron types 3.95 to 5.95 NEW TIES Hundreds of new spring patterns and shades, just in for Easter 1.00 to 2,00 STE re 1 Each Thursday, Ellen Ramsay visits the bank to pick up the company payroll. On Friday she visits on her own behalf ... to deposit her savings.On both occasions she receives prompt, personal attention.] In the country, busy insurance man Tom Welch very rarely visits his bank. He does all his banking conveniently by mail. But he gets the same friendly, efficient service. Requirements may differ but, at The Cana- dian Bank of Commerce, the service remains constant ... and as broad and enterprising in concept as Canada itself. Clear across the country, in rural communities and in big urban centres, The Canadian Bank of Com- merce serves its many customers with that sincerity which makes banking a pleasure. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Call us your bankers .q,11r nam rr rni, nuns,. rinrrrr,ar, nrr11 uns, Ill111111111111011/1111 llllll 11,11 nam r rn rn ur m 1111111111 1111 11 r l 11111 rr b� TAX RETURN TIME Is rapidly passing. I would suggest that you make your appointment with me promptly and thus avoid any last minute rush. Phone 78 Seaforth will get ale at my new office, North Main Street e Go MEIR '"❑nn rrnn tunm 11 rmnn11UNnnmBn 111x1 I Ip I r Innrin 8111 r 1nr1111 r, rr sur 11nn nr, 11 n na, r n l lrl nnrin n l In 11m ,r FOR SALE Quantity of Herta Barley. Com. No. 1 seed. Cert. No. 49-8990, Iien Carnochan, phone 665r32 Seaforth FOR SALE 1952 Pontiac panel truck. Phone 61, Baldwin Hardware SPECIAL This week's special — house brooms $1,10. Phone 61, Baldwin Hardware FOR SALE Alfalfa seed. Also some Broome Grass seed. Apply Leonard Leem- ing, Lot 13, Con. 13. Telephone 831-12 FOR SALE Tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and sweet peas. Baker's Greenhouse, Your Garden Centre Wanted to buy, an old style kitchen cabinet with pull-out work surface. Phone 881r23 Seaforth FOR SALE Si; springing heifers — four Holstein & Durham, one Hereford & Holstein, and one Hereford. Morley Storey, RR 2 Iiippen. Phone Seaforth 672r8 FOR SALE, Nine pigs 10 weeks old. J. E. MacLean, 665r21 Seaforth FOR SALE Portable typewriter. Under- wood model in A-1 condition. Take on payments. Balance owing 7 payments of $4.62 or $32 cash. Box H, The Seaforth News FOR SALE Singer portable sewing mach- ine, complete with attachments. Under guarantee. Take on pay- ments. Balance owing 6 payments of $6,23 monthly or $31.38 cash Box HA, The Seaforth News 1 calf. Wo 'sSoatEroller with 1 h.p. motor in good condition, Phone 667J4. Gordon Reynolds TO RSNT 1 bedroom unheated apartment. Dr. E.A. McMaster Alfalfa seen FOR bushel, Gor- don Niftier, RR 2 Walton, Phone 52x5 Dublin Upright p ano,4Mason & Risch. Reasonably priced, Phone HU 2-9540 RegisteredO GalyL oats, home grown alfalfa, timothy and red clover seed. Arthur Bolton, phone 850x41, or Russell Bolton, phone 340x33 Register d0Gar yOR LEseed oats, cleaned, bagged and treated, Ap- ply Spencer Jeffery, Steffa, Ont. Phone 17.110 Dublin- NOTICE ublin NOT CE le hereby given that the Inset, 0ne0 Business of the late John F. Prueler, Brat -Bingen, Ontario, is being carried on for the time be- ing by Wilfred Ahrens of Brod- hagen, Ontario, until further no- tics, and all policyholders will be served in 1:110 same man1101' as 111 the past McConnell & Stewart Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for rho Eetato Gary seet1OR is ALE d Herbert, Mitchell It It 4. Phew) Dublin 761111 FOR SALE Farm equipment and grain, Sltyrluu hydraulic pump; 2 fur- row Ford Ferguson plow; weed sprayer pinup; upright piano; Rodney oats and 500 bus. of feed barley, Carl Walker, RR 1 Orem- arty. Phone 12r13 Dublin FOR SALE Maple syrup equipment, 8x12 Lightning evaporator, 2-100 gallon gathering tanks, 8 supply tanks, spiles and palls for about 900 trees. Apply Curl J. Walker, rr 1 Cromarty. Picone 121'18 Dublin Auction Sale Farm maehiuery, poultry and household effects, At Lot 21, Con. 2, Tuckersmith Twp., Lits, 114 s o 1 Kip- per' . east north 1 sire r ortl and 1/t miles 1 pen ort Tuesday, April 12 at 1 p.m. Machinery—GO Oliver Standard tractor with scuffles (in good con- dition), 2 furrow tractor plow; spring tooth cultivator. 3 section drag harrows. 2—Bissel tractor disk, 4 section diamond harrows (new). 8 ft. cults packer, Fertil- izer drill. Allis Chalmers power take -off side rake; hay loader. 2000 lb scales; fanning mill; wheel barrow, lumber, plank, posts, 2 wheel trailer, scuitler, harness, rubber tired wagon. 16 ft. combination grain & hay rack. Pine feed lox, Forks, shovels, chains, quantity wood, small sy. run evaporator. 600 ft snow fence & steel posts, lawn roller. Poultry -- 250 laying hens, chicken crates, shelters, colony house & equipment, Household Effects — All white enamel cook stove (like new). Small size upright piano, walnut finish, drop head Singer sewing machine (like new), extension table, 2 bedroom suites , mat- tresses & springs; child's cot. Coleman gas stove, kitchen chairs, rocking chairs, occasional chairs, small tables, sealers, crocks, quantity of dishes. Other articles too numerous to mention, No reserve, farm sold. Terms cash Prop., Emmerson Smith Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, Geo. Powell Auction Sale Clearling Auction Sale of Farnl Stock, Machinery and House- hold Effects at Lot 13, Con. 2, Stanley Twp., 116. west and Ma (new); 1,4 hp electric drill (like mile south of Brucefield, on Tues- new); leg vise; stone boat; air day, April 5th at 1 pm. compressor and tank; forks, sho- Cattle-6 cows, milking, and vers, chains, tools, etc. Other ar- ticles too numerous to mention. Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Machinery and House - how Effects. At Lot 23, Colt. 2, Stanley Twp., 11/4 west and 2 miles north of Brimfield ou Wed., April 13th at 1 P.M. Machinery -- Massey Harris 10 ft. No. 20 combiue, Allis-Chalmers tractor•. W.D. 46 beau pallor at- tachments.. Massey I-Iarris 13 disc drill. 33 plate double disc. 3 le rt spring tooth cultivator, single row scanner. 3 section drag har- rows. 9 ,ft steel roller. 3 furrow tractor plow, walking plow, pick plow, Massey Harris 6 ft. mower. Massey Harris side rake, dump CARD OF THANKS rake, manure spreader, wagon, buggy, bob sleighs cutter, root pulper, foaming mill, De Laval cream separator, circular 811,W, sap pans, buckets, spiles, barrels, hay fork, car and ropes, band grass seeder. Household EU'feete — Square pi- ano, bedroom furniture, cradle, crib, high chair. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash Prop. John A. McEwen Auctioneer, Harold Jackson CARD OF THANKS Mrs, George/400111/ dt and fam- ily wish to express their sincere alapl'oolatiou for the kindness and sympathy shown them (luring their recent bereavement in the loss of a dear husband and fa- ther; also for the many beautiful floral tributes, memorial cards and sympathy cards, Special thanks to Rev. .Fischer, doctors of Seaforth Clinic, special nurses end staff of Scott Memorial Hos- pital, and also to the Lockhart Funeral Home Clearing Auction Sale 01 Farm Machinery at Lot 10, Con. 4, Tuckersmith Twp. HRS., 1 mile south of Egmondville on county road, MONDAY, APRIL 4th, at 1 p.m. Machinery — Ferguson tractor, like new, purchased in July 1956; Ford tractor Cultivator with scuf- fling attachments; Ford tractor plow; John Deere 2 disc plow; 4 bar John Deere side rake; 3 drum steel roller; Massey Harris 11 run fertilizer drill; Ford tractor dou- ble disc; Massey Harris binder; post hole digger; 4 section har- rows; 1951 John Deere Model A tractor, hydraulic; John Deere crowfoot eulti-packer, adjustable, with hydraulic; John Deere model FB 17 ruu grain drill, fully equip- ped (like new) ; 12 ft. spring tooth John Deere harrow, automatic trip; S1/a ft.. John Deere tractor automatic disc; 7 ft. No. 5 heavy duty power mower; Fairb. Morse hammer mill with endless belt; John Deere rubber tired tractor spreader; 3 furrow rubber tired John Deere hydraulic plow; Int- ernational electric cream separa- tor (like new) ; 250 gal, gas tank with pumps; wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; anvil; vise; tilt bench; rip saw; electric saw with motor; McClary white enamel annex some due to freshen time of sale; 4 2 -yr. -old steer's; 6 2 -yr. -old heif- era, open; 4 11/2 -year-old steers; 3 spring calves. Hay and Grain -600 bales of choice hay; 300 bus. nixed grain, Pigs -10 chunks of pigs. Machinery—Massey H•arrls 44 standard tractor, 5 yrs. old; Mae- sey Harris 3 farrow nip bottom plow; 34055ey Harris 7 ft. binder; MH spring tooth. cultivator; MH 8 ft. double disk; MH 13 run seed drill; MH clump rake; Mil bean scuffler and puller; sloop sleighs; AOIi 6 ft. mower; Cockshutt side rake; Fleury 2 bottom plow; Int- ernational hay loader; Cockshutt manure spreader; rubber tired wagon with 16 ft. Eat rack; 9 ft. steel roller; 1 Gehl forage harv- ester; 010 forage blower with pipes; 2 heavy duty wagons and forage boxes; Cockshutt power corn binder on rubber with load- er; 16 ft. auger; Beatty 6 inch grinder with 3 hp electric motor; hay car and ropes; stone boat; root pulper; tractor wheel weights 600 lbs.; platform scales; woven wire stretchers; block and tackle; cream separator; 2 sets of 3 sec- tion diamond harrows; fanning mill; 3 chicken shelters; pea winnower and lifters; Stewart cattle clippers; 2 water bowls; logging chains; forks, shovels, crowbars; 50 cedar posts; end posts; lumber; gas barrels and pump; grass seeder; lard press and sapeage grinder; grass seed; grain bags and sacks; barb wire. 2 electric fencers; emery and 1,4 hp motor; % hp motor; 2 cider kegs and spigots; steel posts; milk cooler; 4 milk ca.ns and strainer; 2 milk pails; 'fattening crate; 10 cord furnace wood; Fleury plow; garden scuffler. Furniture — 1 bed, 2 bedroom suites; 1 highboy; large crib; lea- ther couch; ironing board; table. chairs; rocking chairs; Krydner upright piano and stool; small range. 1956 Chevrolet sedan in good condition, 32,000 miles. Terms, chattels cash. Tractor may be purchased on time if ar- ranged with prop. before the sale. No reserve. Farm sold, Sohn Aikenhead, Prop.; Harold Iackson, Auctioneer; George Pow- ell, Clerk. Township of McKillop DRAINAGE TENDERS Separate Drainage Tenders, Township of MoKillop, for the construction and repair accord- ing to Engineer's epecificatione will be received until April 011.: 1. Barron Drain, 34534 lineal feet, open work, excavating and spreading material, 766 lineal feet of 14 inch tile and pipe to dig, lay and backfill, 1 catch basin. 2. Storey- Dickson Drain, 8553 lineal feet open work, excav- s.ting and levelling material, installing pipe and field stone protection. 3. Loothardt Drain, 7364 lineal feet, open work, excavating and levelling material, 2 field- stone protections. Township to supply tile and pipe within approximately one mile of work. Contractor to have Workmen's Compensation Insur- ance, A marked cheque for ten percent, with a minimum of $100 to accompany each Tender. Low- est or any Tender not nocessar- fly accepted. Tenders to state when work will he done. Pian, profile and specifications may be aeon at the Clerk's office. 3, M. Eckert, Clerk McKillop Twp. R 711 Seaforth, Ont 28-46 Goodison threshing ma- chine with shredder, on rubber; and 120 ft drive belt. Terms cash. Mrs. E. P. Chesney, Prop.; Har- old Jackson, Auctioneer; George Powell, Clerk. Clearing Auction Sale Clearing auction sale of Farm Stock and Machinery at Lot 24, Con. 7, Hay Twp., 3%i west of Hensel], 1 mile north, or 21h east of Zurich and 1 mile north, on Parr lino, WEDNESDAY APRIL 6th, at 12.30 pm. Cattle -71 head. 35 cows, Poll Angus and Shorthorn, due in Apr. and May; 2 2 -yr. old heifers Ab- erdeen Angus, bred; 1 bull, Aber- deen Angus; 38 Poll Angus calves 400 to 550 lbs., stock calves. Machinery — Allis Chalmers WP45 tractor (nearly new), Allis Chalmers combine, 6 ft. (nearly new), pto, driven, fully equipped; 22 Massey tractor, row crop, with manure loader and 2 -row snifter attachments; 1952 Ford sedan, low mileage; 'John Deere 15 -run fertilizer drill on rubber; John Deere manure spreader, 70 bus.; John Deere 7 ft. power mower; John Deere wagon and rack; John Deere 4 -bar siderake; John Deere double disk; John Deere 5 -section harrows; . International Western rod weeder 14 ft. (new); 2 fur- row tractor plow; 2 blowers, 1 suitable for grain, 1 for air circul- ator, 14 yard steel drag bucket; 3 hp. electric motor and 6" Gent grinder; 1 Letz feed grinder; g- row corn planter; colony house 10x12; 400 chick electric brooder; quantity spruce lumber; circular 32" saw (new) ; tattooing set; Stewart electric clippers; steel water trough (nearly new); red clover seed. Household Effects — Bridgewall coal and wood stove, Congoleum rug 9x14; other articles too num- erous to mention. Terms cash. Chas. A. Robinson, Prop.; Har, old -Jackson, Auctioneer; George Powell, Clerk, Auction Sale 01 Farm Machinery at Lot 3, Con. 1, Tuckersmith Twp, 14, mile south of Hensall on No. 4 High- way on SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd at 1 pin. Machinery—Allis Chalmers Mo- del B tractor with pulley and pow- er take -off, scuffles attachment and bean puller for B tractor; 2 section spring tooth cultivator; Fleury Bisset tandem disc, 21 plate; drive belt; rubber tired wagon; combination 16 ft. rack and grain box; Cockshutt 4 wheel manure spreader; Cockshutt 2 - furrow plow; 9 Et. steel roller; Cockshutt hay loader No, 3; New Idea 'No, 44 4 ban side rake and tedder, used one season (like new); Cockshutt dump rake; Min- neapolis Moline combine, engine drive; 5 ft, Frost & Wood mower; fanning mill equipped for motor drive; 2 chop boxes; cylinder type root pulper; fly wheel type root pulper; 2 grain drills; 11 hoe fer- tilizer drill; steel gathering bar- rel with sleigh; 3 section harrow, Holland electric brooder; Massey Harris 6 ft. binder, in good shape; 2 pig crates, 1 large, 1 small; Fairbanks Morse hog weighing steel yard; syrup mak- ing equipment, evaporator pans, spites, buckets, syrup cans, 2 8. gal. cans; ]petal pig trough; 8 It. water trough; fonts, shovels, earth scraper; quantity 4 inch tile; 2 hay fork ropes; slings and fork; 2 chicken shelters; quant• ity household effects. Terms cash, Mrs. Roy Bell; Prop,; Harold Sl7AFORTII Jackson, Auctioneer. ORAGAARAMARAPORAIROWIIGURI Mrs. Lorne Webster and fam- ily wish to thank their relatives, 21iencls and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, the lovely floral tributes and messages of sympathy received eluting their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev, 0, Britton, Dr. Stapleton, the staff of Scott Memorial Hospital and M1•, G, A, Whitney IN MEMORIAM Broadfoot . - In loving memory of our father, William S. Broad - foot, who passed away one year ago, April 2. Sadly missed and ever remem- bered by the family FOR SALE Quantity of alfalfa seed, 1959 crop, well cleaned. James Neilans, Phone Seaforth S4G41. FOR SALE Gary seed oats, grown from registered seed, Hubert Johnson, Walton RR 2 TO RENT 3 room ground door apartment with bath, hot water and hydro; also cellar and garage. Apply to Carl Dalton, phone 62w HONEY FOR SALE Offering balance of 1969 crop of Clover Honey, 21bs• 800. 4 lbs 1,15; 8 lbs 2.25. Wallace Ross Apiaries FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm 6 miles north of Zurich. Good clay loam, all work- able land. 18 acres fall wheat, 57 acres plowed, balance seeded down. Brick house with modern conveniences. L shaped barn with good stabling. Hen house and small implement shed. Phone Ilonsall 699R12. Elton Bender Two Farms For Sale FOR PRICE OF ONE PARCEL 1-100acres grass land, Iot 2, Con. 5, Tuckersmith; water by windmill; will pasture about 30 bead cattle; about 40 acres could be cultivated. PARCEL 2-100 acres ("Auch- enhay") the farm of the late Wm. Sproat, Lot 6, Con. 4, Tucker - smith. A very choice location. A large white brick house, slate roof, water pressure, situated near bank of Bayfield River, a lovely setting. Bus runs past gate; close to school, churches, town and highway. A new barn, built two years ago, also a silo, double garage, implement build- ings; about twenty acres of young bush with a lot of oak trees; good pasture or crop land. These farms will be sold togeth- er, abort one ]Rile apart, or can be bought separate if you wish. See Russell H. Sproat, Seaforth, High street; Phone 742J. • TOWN OF SEAFORTH TENDERS WANTED For the rental and operation of Town Weigh Scales. To operate same on own regale tions and conditions. Highest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Tenders to be in Town Clerk's Office by twelve noon, Thursday, April 7181, 1960 D. H. WILSON Clerk NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Township of Tuckersmith are requested by the council, to not park cars on township roads and streets during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. Council will not be responsible for damages to any vehicles park- ed arked on roads Or streets. Cora Chesney, Acting Clerk BRADSIDE NURSING EION 1 Licensed for convalescent and elderly people. Call 395—Mitchell. Need Money ? Unlimited funds available on farms, homes, motels, stores, etc. Fast service anywhere in Ontario. 'Fast service anywhere. No retainer fees DELRAY INVESTMENTS 450-A Wilson Ave., Toronto ME. 3-2353 Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD: Phone 47 i/!4/ BUTTERMILK BISCUITS 1 111 4WE MAKE 'EM— YOU BAI'CE 'EM " C1e.,,r res IGA TEE SE(A.FORTH NEWS (Phone 84) T1lursday, Mara. 81, 1960 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention, Hospital Hod Flowers for all occasions Phones; 13ay 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, S.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Sealer* SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A, IIIoMaster B.A„ M.D., Internist P. L. BradY, M.D., Surgeon 08'1011 Hours, 1 p,m.. to 0 p.m., daily .except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7.0 pan. Appointments made In advance .y._J •desirable TURNSULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.0, TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D,V,M„'V.S. W. G. DIRENNAN, D.V.M,, V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Goderaoh St. W„ Seaforth Phone 791 Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 0.80; Wed. 0 AM to 12,00 PM. Thur. evp by appointment only, Clinton HU -2-7010. above Hawkins' Iidwe, Mon. 9 to 5.80 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS. CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 578 or 332-6t .s. AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 286 We write all lilies of I�SURAN Liability Auto ' an & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers .Life Insurance The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers — President. John L. Malone,- Seaforth alone„Seaforth ; Vice Pres., John H. MoEwing,. Blyth;, .Sec, -Tress., . W. E. Southgate, Seaforth. Directors, Norman Trewartha, Clinton. J.' L. Malone. Seaforth • Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm ; Robert Archibald, Seaforth ; John H. McEwing, Blyth ; Wm. S. Alssc- ander, Walton ; Harvey Fuller, Goderlch ; J. B. Pepper, Brucefield; Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth. • Agents—William Leiper, Jr., Londes- bore; J. P. Praetor, Brodhagen; Selwyn Bilker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clin- ton ; James Kaye, Seaforth. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Better Buns Are Used Artificial Insemination Service for all Breeds of Cattle Farmer owned and controlled Call us between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. week days and 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings at Clinton HU 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 VAIMIUMMIZIM USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Alex J. Rohde, RR3 Mitchell Vice President Milton McCurdy, RR1 Kirkton Directors E. Clayton Colquhoun, RR1 Science Hill Martin Feeney, R112 Dublin, Robert G. Gardiner, R1 Cromarty 01118111.12111. NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING CI11. WALDEN & BROADFOOT 'hone 686 w Seaforth