HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-03-31, Page 7Makes GoLdMPklted Coaches—For Masi Twice a day, Mrs. Else Torp, of Copenhagen, takes fifty-two teas, one by one, from their gold-plated, velvet -lined boxes, fond, for ninety minutes lets then teed On her arm! Mrs, Torp is the owner -ring- master of Europe's only flea cir- cus and as the insects keep hex in luxury she feels it is only fair that she supports them, too, Since her father started the circus thirty-three years ago, more than 16,000 performers have appeared under the minia- ture big -top in Copenhagen's world-famous Tivoli Gardens, where business is brisk and re- warding, Hers is the only flea circus in Europe. Present star of the fifty- two -flea troupe is Madame Bab- ette, the tightrope walker. Other stars are Drak, who lies on his back and spins a tiny rubber ball and Flash "the fastest free on earth," At each performance four fleas harnessed to tiny chariots race six inches to a finishing line; while two others, hanging from the cross -bar of opposing goal- posts, throw a football across a six-inch field! Mrs. Torp uses only female fleas. Males are not strong enough to pull the various coaches, chariots and carts, most of them more than two thousand times the weight of the flea, The insects are harnessed by rule aluminum wire around the neck. Placing the wire in posi- tion is a tricky operation and oc- casionally an insect is decapita- ted in the process. Mrs. Torp buys about seventy- five fleas a month from a fam- ily in Jutland, "They are not very clean people," she told me, "and that is fortunate for me, as healthy fleas are difficult to find these days." The basic training period of a flea lasts a week. In this time even a dull one should be able to climb a ladder or take part in a tug-of-war. More difficult stunts need twelve days' train- ing, A flea signed on when two weeks old can look forward to four months of good eating. There's a rumour in Copenhagen that pensioned -off performers are dropped on to local dogs, like borses being put out to grass, but Mrs. Torp denies this. Mrs. Torp's son, John, an opti- cian in London, spends part of the summer in Copenhagen, act- ing as barker for the circus. He snakes all the circus equipment, including the exquisite tiny gold- plate coaches. The fleas perform on a white sheet under a strong light and are 'easily seen, but Mrs. Torp provides close-ups through an outside magnifying glass. A big thing about this unusual circus, claim the posters, is that no patron takes away more fleas than he brings in with him! MERRY MENAGERIE 'Tile's going through the cow- boy etsgel " SACK iN GOTHAM-Eye-caich- ing English entertainer Beatrice Page poses with her stuffed dog after arrival in New York from Los Angeles where she an- tertained in night clubs, Those .400 Hitters Are Very Scarce It has been 18 years since the American League saw Williams bat .406, 29 seasons since the Na- tional had Bill Terry at .401. The American has had one in 88 years, the National one in 34, Since the founding of the A.L, in 1901 that circuit has had sev- en batting champions at that level, by five men; the National four, by two men. Nothing emphasizes the great- ness of Rogers Hornsby more than his .401, 384, .424 and .403 averages from 1922 through '25. Ty Cobb did 420 in 1911 and .410 the following year. George Sisler won the AL crown with a .407 ]nark in '20, came back two years later to win it again at .4200., But since Terry's .401 season }r1. the National, the closest a hitter could come was Arky Vaughan's .385 in '38, a substan- tial 18. points shy. In the last 20 years the nearest is Stan Mus- lal's, .376 in '48, a fat 24 pointe (]way. Aside from such Williams av- erages verages as .388 in '57, his .369 In '48 and his .356 in '42, the closest another .American League hitter could come to .400 since Ted's .406 was Billy Goodmans' .354 championship pace in 1950, a big 46 points short. Obviously it takes a super hit- ter to come close and yet, many a man In that class has failed. Tris Speaker's 3,515 base hits were second only to Cobb's 4,191, but Tris never made the .400 Club. Neither did Harms Wag- ner, Eddie Collins, Paul Waner nor Musial, all with 8,000 or more hits. Simmons, Joe Di Maggio, Ruth, Gehrig, Foxx, Gehringer, Lombardi, Medwick and many others in the modern era swung great bats, and boys like Mays and Aaron are still swinging them, without .400 memberships. It takes something far beyond the status of the average to cook a .400 dish. HELD IN BLACK MARKET BABY OPERATION — A detective re- strains an angry Fay Wasserman, 49, in Jersey City, police headquarters after she was picked up in connection with a black market in babies in the Jersey City area. She is believed to be "sales woman" and "contact" between prospective mo- thers willing to sell their infants and a black market baby telling ring, police say. According to authorities, Mrs. Wasser- man may hove sold as many as 15 new-born infants for $3,000 each during the past four years. She was released on $15,000 after an arraignment. .,.,AFRICAN VIOLETS AFRICAN VIOLETS Latest varieties of these lovely house: plants are described in our new Cato - Josue just Printed. Write for it, Free! MERILEES AFRICAN VIOLETS COWICHAN STATION, B.C. ARTICLES FOR SALE THREE ROLL 75" HOFFMAN FLATWORI( IRONER HOSPITAI, expansionrogram re. wired larger unit, and this is now aur - plus. In perfect operating order until disconnected last month, To be sold for beat bid over scrap pate, purchaser to move same. Administrator, Leamington District Memorial Hospital, Leamington, Ont, BABY CHICKS BRAY has started -pullets available send for 114 Darold Ames, White, and Brown egg specialists, and dual pur- pose, for prompt shipment.. April broil- •.ersshoald be ordered now. See toed agent or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY APPLIANCE nG 100hsckirAselab , 9,,0 w torauy; established 5 years. 111 -health fence this sacrifices, Low rental for store. Apply to Box 97, Stirling, Ont. Phone 20. BOWLING • 0 lanes and Snack Bar nearly new building 95 x 110. Located In a good Norfolk County town. 520,000 will handle - Merrill Ifare Realtor, 84 Talbot St. N. Sintcoe, GA 6.2646. HARDWARE and Drygoods or Varlets' store with a nearly new building 35 x 70, With 2 apartments above, in the heart of the tobacco industry, Norfolk County, $20,000 will handle to close an estate - Merrill Hare Realtor, 84 Tal- bot St. N, Shncoe, GA. 6-2645, PACKING PLANT'FOR SALE A FULLY equipped meat packing plant which has been in operation very suc- cessfully for many years, doing ail kinds of custom work, such as ]tilling curing, smoking, wrapping and cold storage, and has had a steady, profit- able wholesale and retail trade all the Year round. THIS business. is located in a thriving district hl Kent County, on a highway, ft has a weekly capacity of approxi- 0rately 100 hogs and 30 head of cattle. This business has been a real money- maker, and the present owner, who wishes to retire. will be pleased to give all information and particulars in connection with the operation, and will carry a mortgage for at least 50 per sent of the price, if necessary. ne wising to get opportunity ntoeanw llfor established business of their own, THERE are two employees, who have been wlth this plant for many years and are quite capable of managing and ere willing to remain with the pnr- ehaser H. E. WELLS REAL ESTATE BROKER P.O, BOX 221, DRESDEN ONT. PHONE MUtual 3.4740, [AMEN NOSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE GROCERY business with residence at. Lathed in village, 30 miles from Kitoh. over. Sox 207, 123.18 Street, New Too onto, Ont. Essex and Vicinity 219 acres $45,000 100 acres 33,500 56 acres 21,000 83 acres 14,900 581 acres , 10,000 40 acres 12,000 2g acres12,500 36 acres and equipment 514,900 9S acres, no buildings $1;800 All cleared black loam workable crop land. , Earl Burstyn, Realtor PRospect 6.8377 R.R. 1, Essex, Ont. COINS WE PAY MORE NOW! LARGE 72 page coin catalog, pictuts gad coins,gplue generous U Sc listing, rice $1.00 unillustrated 250. Philacotn Regina 0, Sask. How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. Row can I waterproof e pair of hunting boots? A. Soak the boots in a mixture consisting of five parts mutton tallow, four parts beeswax, and two parts rosin. Heat and blend these ingredients in a shallow pan large enough to accommo- date the boots and immerse the soles in it while the mixture is warm. Soak the leather until it is thoroughly impregnated. Q. Please suggest a treatment for perspiring hands. A, One often beneficial treat- ment is the use of an astringent lotion made of one part boric acid to twenty parts water. Dust the hands afterward with talcum powder. Q. Row can I make it easier to remove the refrigerator trays? A. If a piece of waxed paper is inserted under the trays in the refrigerator, they will come out much more easily. IMP SSIFIED ADVERT'S FARM FOR SALE 790 acre Sarna comprised of two lots with a house and barn on each PIM/ other buildings. Will sell with 19 Rol. :steins and 9 yearlings and full line of Machinery er without. Apply Oslr. Lloyd ensue, R.R. No. 1 ASARTIN'rOWN etal•1o, This advertisement published t f'ree as one of the many benefits of: - THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADAi 1615 DUNDAS STREET EAST LONDON, ONTARIO FLORIDA RESORTS HLALEAFI (Greater Miami), AAA, all rooms :and apartments, $3 dally per person, double occupancy. atter March 10. Write for brochure, Former Tor. onionlans. Whaley Motel Apts.,452 E, 21 St., Hialeah, phone Miami Olt1.7728. Pool privileges, FISHING RUSH! Few Left! 1959 Stock. Labora- tory controlled worm bedding. Anglers grow fat and lively, Just 4L49, James W. Steward, 001 Union S.E., Grand. Rapids 6, Michigan. GUNS Special Notice to Shooters For all your needs . , , Write, plums or come In to WESTERN GUN SHOP 1411 Weston Rd., Toronto 9, Ont. Telephone: R0. 6-5032 LEATHER goods, custom holsters, pistols, rifles, modern and antique fire. arms, knives, swords, ammunition and reloading equipment, Antique gun d10• plays rented. Special discounts to pot - ice officers, gun clubs and dealers. WE -'BUY, SELL OR TRADE HELP WANTED PHARMACIST for retail pharmacy is Northern Ontario, close to Sudbury, 40 hour week, goad pay. Gerson Pharm• scy, Garson, Ontario. ST. THOMAS - ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Thomas, Ontario WELL GENERAL HOSPITAL, 8771 BEDS REQUIRES ASSISTANT DIETITIANS R.P.Dt, and C.D.A. Membership necessary. Apply To Chief Dietitian HELP WANTED FEMALE OPERATING ROOM SUPERVISOR PREFERABLY with post graduate training. or experience, Also: GENERAL DUTY NURSES for 60 bed general hospital about 20 miles from London. Accommodation available hi residence, good personnel policies. Write to DIRECTOR OF NURSES, STRATHROY GENERAL HOSPITAL, Strathroy, Ont. INSTRUCTION EARN more! Beekeeping, Salesman- ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les. sons 500, Ask for free circular No. 3s. Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. LIVESTOCK CHATSWORTH LODGE JERSEYS ONTARIO'S highest producing Jersey herd. Young sires from some of Can- ada's greatest cows. Usually available and reasonably priced. Don Matthews. Gormley, Ontario. MEDICAL DON'T DELAY! EVERY SUFFERER OP RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin trottbleo. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching scaling- and burning ems.ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema v4I1 respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free en Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2065 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO MISCELLANEOUS FREE 'Information about the Ozarks." Farm list with actual photos. Owensby, Realtors, Buffalo, Missouri. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALR HEARING Aids. Direct from manufac- turer (no agents) $89.50 buys you a completely guaranteed set that nor• malty sells for $275.00. Write for free literature and guarantee. Canadian Ole- tributing Co., Smith Falls, Ont. DOreththlad0rsTD , e tinylaundry. 51.0pot- paid, Limited offer, get yours today! Satisfaction Guaranteed. Empire, 1454 Haight Street, San Francisco 17, Cali- fornia. FOR Christmas Tree planting use the Forest View" Tandem Tree Planter for better survival. Plant 1,000 trace In thirty minutes, Write for descrip- tive literature free. Forest View Evergreen Nursery, Germania, Pa , U.S.A. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WAN'5i31? Steam Engine, Thresher, 014 Farm Machinery and Stove Catalogues, Old Auction Sale Bills. Send price first letter, ]lox 119, Thornhill, Ontario, USED Postage Stamps, phonograph records wanted. Correspondence wish- ed with those desiringenduring youth Oyu natural foods, Ewood Miller, 401 Oyu Washington Avenue, Ephrata, Pa„ U.S.A. MONEY TO LOAN UNLIMITED Money Loans - To City and Farm Folks. Money for anything rd anywhere. Phone or write now. S Investments Ltd.. 99 Avenue Road, ate 310, Toronto E. Ontario. WA 2. 2442. NEED MONEY? UNLIMITED funds available on farms, homes, motels stores. etc. Fast service anywhere in ontarlo. DELRAY INVESTMENTS 450-A Wilson Ave., Toronto, ME 9.2353. NURSE WANTED NURSE as Matron, capable and roll. Live in.td831eEmage, aldoSt eetsi5.. Damn - ton. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Fres Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 356 Rleor 5t. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St, W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL WEDDING Invitations printed. Write to M. Headford, 68 Huntington Avenue, Toronto (Scarborough), Ontario for free samples. DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL PERSONAL needs. Inquiries invited. Lyon's Drugs, 471 Danforth, Toronto. HEALTH, Happiness, Prosperity, Ad- vancement and Success are accelerated by the Home Course in Psychology Be formation free. Royal College of Sci• once 700 Spedlna Ave. Toronto. Can. side GET 8 HOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension may cause. 75% of sickness. Particularly sleeplessness, jitteryness and irritability. Sleep, calm 50ufore$4.00. LyonsspDrugs. fax ¢Dan. forth. Toronto. PHARMACIST WANTED PHARMACIST FOR shopping centre store good op. portunity for man with ability and ex- perience. Excellent starting salary, dia. pensing only. Must have references. WRITE or phone Throop Pharmacies Limited 1315 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, 5.4., 2.01`112. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Films developed and 6 magna prints in album 400 12 magna prints In album 5041 Reprints 50 each KODACOLOR Developing roll $1.00 (not including prints). Color prints 350 each extra, Ansco and Ektachrome 35 mm 20 ex- posures mounted in slides $1.25, Color prints from slides 350 each. Money refunded In full for unprinted nags. Wes. FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB SOX 91, GALT, ONT. COMPARE our photo service - try an order. KODACOLOUR DEVELOPING - 4100 GIANT COLOUR PRINTS - 250 se. Anscochrome & Ektachrome mounted in slides $1.25. CLACK & WHITE DEVELOPED and 8 Enlarged prints 600 and 12 dated Giant prints 700 Reprints 50 each We Pay all shipping charges. A fast dependable service by METRO PHOTOFINISHING CO. BOX 870 ADELAIDE ST. STA. (AT VICTORIA) TORONTO 1, ONTARIO. PLANTS TEN MILLION STRAWBERRY PLANTS ALL commercial varieties, grown by Boston Berry Farms, 11.8, 2, Waterford, Write, wire or Phone Waterford Hick. ory 3.5915 3.5863 or 3.5007. PUBLICATIONS ROCKIIOUNO • WILDCRAFT Supplier? Bulletin, 250. For persons with out- door hobbies, McCampbell's, Publica- tions, Calexico (since 1729), California. Itchrsitch ...Iwai Nearly Crazy Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid D. D..D. Prescription positively relieves raw red itch -caused by eczema, rashes, scalp irritation, chafing -other itch troubles. Greaseless. stainless, 390 trial bottle must satisfy or money beck. Don't stiffer. Ask your druggist for n.D. D.PRESCRIPT'lON Nfl READING GLASSES READING GLASSES A BLESSING FOR FOLKS OVER 40 0001) Newel Nuw order talllinIS reading glasses sit!e r.r rl, ni:_c of only $3.95. .F're l e villi carry'-. tg ease. Order today. the u, tmos of e,n.0• fled customers are now .Ole to r ld newspapers, telephone b k. or omit. !s, easier. Do fine fancy is ii- eroch ,tg for hours without strain. I rt I t., t glasses knot Rai taloa , e , and clear. Each lens setIs a ',rear stylish frame, Eseday nom.. too& A,rirt name, address Sex ri r r n 1 ,0y only 53.95 plea 1" CID tit 05 with order --,re ably , -tr )ed ,. ,. day from SHINDY OPTICAL. PRODUCTS CO Box 33, Dept. A Station 'W", Toronto. SALES HELP A AGENTS WANTED )IIAICE beautiful breuehr s. crack',, necklaces at home. Lasy 10 du Sett to Your friends Execlhnt ur,dlrs Se.nr1 for free wholesale tatalceiu, 1. (,. Murgatroyd Co., Dept, F. Agincourt., Ont. SALES HELP. WANTED, MALE WE need two conscientious ,Ommiseloa salesmen to handle our line of Mean. descent and fluorescent bulbs. Age un. limited. No objection to other lines. Training given. Commissions - paid weekly. Write now in confidence to Charles Clarke, Diamond Lamp Com. pany Limited, 27 Manson Street, horn• ilton, Ontario. PROTESTANT families to be surveyed for magnificent award-winning Bible. This beautifully illustrated end Otos, oughly cross-indexed masterpiece rep•• resents a major advance in the Bible - reading habits of the average fbmlly. OUR thorough training program pine excellent commissions assure regular income and peunanr-nt position. Car helpful. Write Box number 200, 123 -18th Street, NEW TORONTO, CHT, STATIONARY. ENGINEER WANTED STATIONARY ENGINEER to act as chief for small hospital 15, S. W. Ontario. Details: Responsible to administrator for operation and maint- enance of plant and minor repairs to hospital equipment. Must have third class ticket and be good sit a' tsor age preferably 35.55. Salary to start $950.00 per month, 40 hour week. Medi. cid Hospital, Life Insurance benefits end pension plan in effect. Box No, 209. 123 18th St., New Toronto, Ont. TEACHERS WANTED OTTAWA SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD APPLICATIONS will be received os' the undersigned for teaching positions in regular grades, Home Economics, Industrial Arts and Auxiliary classes, BENEFITS Malden? Services Incorporated. Cumulative Sick Leave Plan; Teachers' Credit Union; Organized social activi- ties; Modern, well-equipped schools, Ottawa is a University City, offering maximum opportunities for profession- al development. SALARIES Female Minimum e2,600.16 Maximum 64,200,00 Male single Minimum $2,000.00 Maximum 54,400 GO Married $500.00 additional for teachers with five years experience In Ontario. Extra for teaching special subjects or or holders of University Degrees. Al- lowance for 1/2 proven experience any- where outside of Ottawa for qualified teachers holding certificates valid int Ontario, Apply stating full particulars to Secretary -Treasurer, 140 Cumberland St., Ottawa, 5E6.7479 SUMMER PROPERTIES FOR SALE MUSKOKA Lakes, summer lodges dor oale, $12,000 to $52,000 Inquiries- ;n- etted. Francis J. Day, realtor, R. S. Pfrumter, .Port Carling, Ont: Ph. 84. VACATION RESORTS PORT Elgin, Ont. 3 -room housekeeping cottages, Mrs, Rowse 17006 Dorchester Dr., Cleveland 19, Ohlo, WINTER RESORTS ACAPULCO - MEXICO ECONOMICAL efficiency Keach unite. bungalows, pool, shopping and house- keeping services Included. Bungalows klaarbrisa. Box 345. Acapulco. Mexico WANTED, RABBITS AND PIGEONS RABBITS and Pigeons :live canted for table use. Box 209, 121.18111 Street, New Toronto, Ont. ISSUE 13 — 1980 -backache! -tired oat -rest damrEedl /4,1774,6 FED UP? When they are troubled by backache, that fired out feeling or disturbed rest, many, many women turn to Dodd'( Kidney Fills. These conditions can he caused by excess acids and wastes in the ayatern and Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate the kidneys and aid their normal action of removing these excess acids and woolen. Then life seems brighter, housework lighter! Why don't you, too, try Dodd's? 61 iW50MSV e 0 on round-trip to Europe o Round-trip reductions until April 14th o 275 pounds free baggage allowance c Stabilizers for smooth soiling e Dancing, parties, movier o Gourmet cuisine e Transportation -- Pitts Exira Vacation Cor, Say & Wellington Sts„ Toronto, Ont. Tel. EMpire 2-2911 SPRING SAILINGS From New Yori Halifax Montreal 5 Quaint 65116 1UTABETII MAR. 16, 35, All. 13, k7, NAY I1, 2S - --- SAX0104 MAL 17 (!41.18 AM. 14, MAY 11' MA9.18, APR. 12, MAY 20 --. MAR. 23, APB. 6, 28 MAY 4. I8 --. - 1460.25f MAB, 31 APB,. 1, MAY 6 APR. It APR, 13, MAY 11 PABTIIIA 080(0 MARY 001101111t 145501* MEDIA SYLVANIA IRItANNIC MASIETANIA MAR, 24 At 19.20, MAY 12.15 At5. IANL 57,14AY10' API`11 •Tn So the ,.pro,, cel tu,don c 1L +, To CIIER80050, SOIIEIIAMPTOII HAYRE,10)1090 LIVERPOOL CIUERR098O, s50TIIAM0100 GREENOCK, LIVERPOOL HAVRE, LONDON LIVERPOOL MAY 3.4, 28.21 GREENOCK, LIVERPOOL COBH, LIVERPOOL 00111, HAVRE, SOUTIIAMPTOH De Cahh, not Greened: offices at: Halifax -- Saint Jahn - Quehac Montreal - Toronto - Winnipeg - Edmonton Vencauvor