HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-03-31, Page 5TIIN Sh'.A:FOR7,'II NNWS --- Thursday, March 31, 19113 •,,011,11111111111,11111111111111111111a1111,1111wnei11111111111111111,118111111,111111111111111U11g1,11111,1,11111111,11i111111111a, SMITH'S OLIAR Maple Leaf Red Sockeye SALMON 2 7`" oz tins Aylmer Choice Cream CORN 6 20 -oz tins STOKELEY'S TOMATO JUICE 9 20 -oz tins Van Camp's Pork & Beans 7 15oz tins Golden Dew Margarene 5 1-1b pkgs. WHITE KLEENEX regular or chubby 6 pkgs. AYS $1. 1 '$ c 00 0 W Buy six new varieties of Gerber's Baby Food -- 6 for 65c, and received a cou- pon for twelve free tins (Offer expires April 10Ili) See London Free Press Thurs. for more Dollar Day Specials SMITII'S S P� O OR PHONE 12 WE DELIVER ,��411,111111111.111111.0 1111111111,1111111111.,111,111111111111.111,11111.111.1111.11111.,1.1.111,11111111,111111111111111.1111u111,1111 BRUCEFIELD Miss Janet Watson, Aylmer, Plisses Ellen May and Ina Scott eluent the week end wtth her ,par- ents, Mr. acid Mrs. 'Robert Wat- oPent the week end •with Mr. and son. Mr, Watson is confined to his NS's. Ross Scott. home having suffered a heart con - clition. Next Sunday the pulpit of the Brus field church will be oecup- n e Daincr led by the Rev. ev. Mr. McLagan, of Blyth, while Dr. McKenzie will have charge of the Blyth United Church service. Miss Margaret McQueen re- turned to London with her aunt, Mrs. E. Forrest where she will visit for at few days. Mrs. Wm. Sinclair, Clinton, vis- ited with her brother, Wm. Foth- eringhaxn on Sunday. Brod]lagen and District Community Centre Friday, April 1st Rhythmaires. Admission 75c Dance, April 8, Desjardines Announcem DR. E. A. McMASTER HAS ANNOUNCED HIS RETIREMENT FROM THE PARTNERSHIP IN THE SEAFORTH CLINIC. Take notice that all outstanding accounts with the Seaforth Clinic must be paid by May 31st, 1960 After this date the Seaforth Clinic will continue to operate under the partnership of Dr. P. L. Brady and Dr. E. Malkus Easter Candy Novelties SMILES 'N. CHUCKLES Easter Candies and Eggs Homemade Line of Cheoros' Easter Chocolate Novelties (Eggs, Chickens, Bunnies, etc. Macle up Easter baskets and Novelties LA ; ONE'S SEAFORT! 5c to OM ST9 tt E STATh`irNERY GIFT 411124111141111111121.1 . HUGH Sri TOWN TOPICS Mir. and 11r.I, Earl Dinsmore leave returned from Sault Ste. Marie, whore they were called by the biro - • ;tad death of Mrs, Dins- moro's father. A. W. Madill. Among those attending the Ina - oral an Monday of the late Mr. Edward Dothan' of Delaware were brother, Mr. John Itothant, Miss Leone 14athant and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Cooper of I ippen. MI', and Mrs, Peter Dunlop and Ruth, :Mr. and :Mrs. Orville Dale attended the Bath wedding Anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Job Ran. sero of Fergus, last Saturday, James 11. Scott, of Sea1ertli, national organizer of the Liberal Party, was reported improved i11 hospital i11 Winnipeg after col. lapsing at a meeting there on Monday. BORN O'Leary—At. St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, Sunday, March 20, to Mr. and Mrs. John O'Leary, London, tt slaughter Dale — At Scott Memorial Hos- pital o2( 1110101 28th, to Mr, and Mrs. 'Yemen Dale, Seaforth; a Son McCourt -- At Scott Memorial Hospital on Marcia 28t11, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus McCourt, Sea - forth, a son FEDERATION NEWS By J, C. Ilemingway At the annual meeting -of the Ontario Hog Producers they had as guest speaker at the luncheon, Mr, John Lenglet, Assistant Can- adian Director of the United Packing workers of America. Mr. Lenglet went to coneide- able length i2( showing that farm- ers were really waging the same fight with the Packers as is or- ganized labour. He quoted many figures to show that 1959 was a particularly good year for the Packers. From this he concluded that the Packinghouse worker was therefore entitled to an increase in wages to absorb the excessive profits of the trade and indicated that the Union he represented would take the necessary steps to obtain these increased wages. Now let us look at this from the farmers' view -paint. -We can agree that in 1959 the Packers had a good year but let us raise the question of the reason for good profit. The answer is that due to the very large numbers of hogs mark- eted the Packing plants were able to work at extra high capacity and since the unit spread is relatively constant the result 1s automati- calLy higher income. By the same token tIse Packing- house worker also had an even better year not only because he was fully employed but also be- cause he got an unusual amount of overtime pay. Again Ibis pro- fitable year was the result of the high productivity of the Hog Producer. Who then should get this por- tion of excess profit that is said to have accrued to the Packers At current prices farmers must reduce production. Thus the Pack- er will lose because his plant will not be fully utilized the Packing -house worker Will lose because he will not be fully em - played; the farmer will lose as au industry in total income though for the individual this may not be true; finally the Government will lose because of lost revenue and increased unemployment. Would it not then be true that farmers could take .lir. Lenglet's figures and put forth a very strong argument that the farmer not the labourer should pick up the "kitty". Let me also add for the study of farmers a statement made by one of our economists "Labour unions over the years hove never increased at a recognizable degree, the total income of labour. They have only increased the income of organized labour at the direct expense of unorganized labour". ern places. Mali. Neil Ilodgert is a patient In Scott Memorial hospital where site had en operation fur appondi• 111111. Mrs. harry Weiland is at King- ston, visiting with her daughter .112(1 son -in law Mr, and Mrs, Ernie Cook and family. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Clark and family of Muirki1'k were reeent tlsitors with :Mrs. Deark's mother, Mrs. J. S. Watson, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Gray spent a few days whit their dau- ghter and son-I11-1aw, Nlr, and Mrs. hurt Waters at Ajax, Mr. Boll Cray of Toronto spent the weekend at his luxne hero. EGMONDVILLE Miss Frances Houston and Miss Lillian Powell left on Monday for a visit with relatives at Sacra- mento, California and other West - The last Kippen East Institute Euchre a Dance HENSALL ARENA HALL Friday, April 1' Desjardines Orchestra Euchre starts 8.30. Ladies please bring lunch EVERYBODY WELCOME BRODFIAGEN Mrs, Edward Sellerbarth and baby (laughter returned home from Seaforth Hospital. Mir. and Mrs. Ralph Soherbarth and son Edward Richard of St. Louis with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scherbarth Sr, be - foe going to Detroit to reside aft- er M'r, Scherbarth's release from tlto American Army. ;firs. Kate Schorbarth of Mitch- ell at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Sohorbarth for a few weeks. Mir, and Mrs. Gerald Dittmer and family of Kitchener with his mother Mrs. Mary Dittmar on Sunday. Mrs. Dittmar returned to Kitchener with them. Pending an epidemic of Muinps, Pastor E. J, Fischer intents to hold on Sunday, April 3rd the ex- amination of the Catechumens at St. Peter's Lutheran Church be- ginning at 10.30 o'clock. Members of the Brodhagen and District Chamber of Commerce were iu charge of the refresh- ment booth at the Auction Sale of farm stock and 'implements of Carl Vock last Wednesday after- noon, Mrs, Lorne Wolfe, Marcel, Dar- rel and Dale of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern. 'Wolfe, Mar- cel remaining for awhile. Ma. Donald Ahrens and friend of Hamilton spent the weekend with Mrs. Olras. Ahrens. L shower for Mr, and Mfrs. F. Hinz (Shirley Motais) was held at the Community Hall here on Wednesday evening; The sympathy of the community is extended: to Mrs. Elizabeth Rock in the death of her sister, Mrs. Henry L. Diegel (Nora Ritz) also to other relatives - HULLETT FII1SIDE FARM' FORUM On March 28th 14 adults of the Fireside Farm Forum met at the home- of Mr.. and MTS. Jim How- att for the final meeting. We list- ened to the broadcast, answered question and appointed commit- tees for next term. The card committee: Mrs. Jim 1-Iowatt; Picnic: Mrs. Oliver And- erson, Mrs. Eric Anderson and Mrs. Harvey Taylor. For starting the next farm forum, Mrs. Geo. Hoggart and Mrs. Don Buchanan.. Reporters: Mrs. Oliver Anderson and Mrs. Geo. Carter. New sec- treas., MIrs. Jim Howatt. Winners of the progressive en - Ore were Mrs. Joe Babcock and Goo. Carter. Lone hands, Mrs. H. Flynn and Don Buchanan. con., Wars. IL Taylor and Mrs. Bea Ri- ley. I'or lunch, sandwiches, pie and ice cream. day. 11r, and Mrs. Alex li tnht.y kind Billy visited o2( Sunday with M'1'. and Mrs., Calvin Hulley ut '1'11. blurb', We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family of the late Mr. jack Norris whose death occurred steldeuly at his haute in Ailsa Craig last week. Cromarty Church Sunday S. will re -open on Sunday, April and beginning at 1.30 pan, Mrs. J. 0; Cornish, Seaforth, visited on Sunday with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Will Hamilton. Jahn E. Norris John B. Norris, 117, died sudden- ly, Tuesday, at his home i2( Ailsa Craig. He was It son of Mr. harry J. Norris, Cromarty, and the late Mrs Norris. Besides his wife, the former Dorothy Cox he is surviv- ed by his father, Dns eon Donald and two daughters, Joy and Jac, gueline, all at home; three broth- el's, Roy of Ilumber Summit, Hugh and Robert of (Veniality; and eight sisters, MrsHarvey (Winona) Jacobi, Kippen; Mrs. WWrm. (Beryl) Storey, and Mrs. Or- val (Lila) Storey, Seaforth: Mrs. Donald (hazel) Meheocf, Ailsa CROMARTY Mrs. Filmer Chappel and I Lura, Miss Olive Speare and -lir. and Mrs. Gordon Laing attended a shower for -hiss Audrey Norris, bride -elect of this week, which wee held at her home at Munro on Saturday evening. ' Mr. and .firs. Garnet Baker and family of Granton were Sunday visitors with Mir. and Mrs, Geo. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ramsey and children spent the weekend with her parents Mfr. and MIs. James Sorensen, Georgetown Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Cockwell and baby of Exeter visited on Fee- der with Mfr. and Mrs. Otto Walk- er. Mr, and Mrs. Laverne Wallace and Pamela and Mrs. John Wal- lace and Debbie visited on Satur- day with M'Ir. and Mrs. Frank Ca - dick, Sarnia. MIr. and Mrs, T. Laing, Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs, W. Miller, Mrs. N. Ilarburn and Mrs, Grace Scott were guests of the WMS of Sea - forth Presbyterian Church at their Easter Thankoffering meet, Ing on Tuesday, • Mrs. Jack McGhee and baby daughter of London are visiting for a few days - with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. The Cromarty Ladies Aid held a pot -luck dinner and quilting in the church basement on WW-ednes- 1st. Full 0 inch Concrete Wall against a 3" slab wall built by other companies. 2nd. Our walls are fully reinforced in the cement with Htghbond construction steel where it should be. 3rd. Fully rigid against storms at any time, 4th. Will last a life time, 5, Our reputation of 20 years' construction work, is your guarantee of our work. 8th. Orders are coming ea fest now, If you want ns 10 do your work--seo or phone at once J. E. HLTGILL & SONS Ilighway 8, west of Seaforth Phone Seaforth (167-W-1, Clinton ITU 2-9822 [IRINA —FED F� .1 ryin.g Chieken fresh, frozen, packed in plastic, ready for freezer or locker. Stock up now before prices rise for tourist season WE WILL DELIVER. PHONE 600 R 21 SEAFORTII eta" Comedy "JENNY KISSED' ME" ly Jean Kerr ST. COLUMBAN PARISH HALL Friday, April lst 3.30 P.M, Adm, adults 75e. Children 35c By special arrangement with Dramatists Play Services, Inc, ono; Ml's, joint. (Margaret) MceDougall, Stratford; MIs, Tuley (Dorothy1 Duvilitcon, I141a 11 Mrrra. lough (Donna) Flynn, i erdee, bare; and Mr's. i1•,bl'r1. rr:•kl.e1 1luberl, (fronaarl,1. l 1in1 , aL r.ery 100 wait held in Trinity Ang9)' C'hurr h, Ailsa craft;; en Frid with burls} in Stafia, emote', I`hl. robing aro ba.ek With [11, :;inns, 'I'oosda,y. ,,,= n-e4,ux1waw.,4414.wb.a4414ft..4.144n+w41ww..eM.,414 *wur Se Moore Skating Club PRESENTS ITS TENTH ANNUAL WINTER Under rhe direction of Arthur Burke FEATURING LOCAL TALENT Assisted by outstoading situters fr,Im Stratford and Sarnia SEAN: T d A ENA. FRlrV £HL 1st 9 8.15 P.M. ADMISSION: Adults 75e Students & Children 5411 COME Ot'T AND SUPPORT LOCAL TALENT Length of show—approximately one hour and 20 min. PUBLIC SKATING I'OLLOWING CAIINIVAL "I knowy ou'll really enjoy our kind of service" "That's because our kind of service is quite different. It's the type of service only `interested' people can offer. Every employee, in every Toronto -Dominion branch, has chosen banking as a career because they're genuinely interested in meeting people. They like to take all the time necessary to help you with any banking problem you may have." Gordon Miles is Manager of the King and Simcoe Streets Branch of "The Bank" in Oshawa. He's been with "The Bank" for nearly 33 years. An ardent curler, golfer and outdoorsman, Gordon enjoys meeting people. He's typical of the many "interested" people you'll meet in any of our 550 branches across Canada, That's why we say that you'll notice a wonderful difference when you bank regularly at Toronto -Dominion. Drop in soon and see for yourself why .. . people make the difference at TortIN ir0.& 010 n\yON THC BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD K..1843 muummtnmos.e.mwowcow 'MC* W. C. MOORE, Manager Seaforth Branch 4 4 41 4 4 4 4 4 a 4 4 4 a 4 4 4 n r A A .4 4