HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-03-03, Page 1Seaf
rth News
I'llolle 34
Highest Award in Canada'
to Hullett Guernsey Bull
"Dalevista Brigadier's Sparlalee
brad, owned and exhibited by Wm.
J. Dale has won the "All Canad-
ian" award for bull calves topping
the class of five senior and junior
bulls which were nominated for
the competition from all over
Canada' Results of the competi.
tion which were published this
week also showed "Far hills
Flame's. Hester", from the seine
farm receiving honorable men-
tion in the aged cow classes.
The Catadian'Guernsey Breed-
ers' Association at Guelph re-
ports the following Western Ont.
tondo winners:
Wm, J. Dale, Dalevista Farms,
of Hullett, won his first All Can-
adian award on his good bull calf
Dalevista Brigadier's Sparkler
that had topped the junior bull
. class at the Royal after placing
well at •distriot shows. Itis Mature
cow, Pair Hills Flame's Hester,
top Canadianbred dry cow at the
Royal, Avon honourable mention
All Canadian award. Bill Dale
has been •bieeding:GGuernseys just
four year's and his sueeesss in
that share period of time indicates
what can be- accomplished with
Guernseys by new breeders.
Another winner was 3, R.
Thistle of St. ,Pauls, joint owner
with Henry Borden of Tannery
Hill Leader's Rex, the top 2 -year
old hull and Res. Senior Champ-
ion at the Royal shared in the
winning of the Reserve "All Can-
adian" Mature Bull award.
The Alla Canadian awards are
made by a panel of judges who
select the •winners from photo-
graphs. The animals are winners
at district shows and are photo-
graphed for the competition.
H. Finnigan Injured
In Car Accident
Harold "Bust" Finnigan, Lon-
don, and .Charles Westlake, Toron-
to, were injured Saturday when
their cars collided head-on near
Woodstock. They are in Wood-
stock General Hospital. Mr. West.
lake had both legs broken, while
Mr. Finnigan has a broken bone
in his neck. It is believed Mr.
Finnigan's car skidded on the icy
pavement into the path of the
other car.
Mr. and Mrs, Orrin Dowser!,
Varna, announce the engagement
of their daughter, Margaret Patri-
cia, to Robert Wayne McBride,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mc -
.Bride, R.R. 3, Kippen. The mar-
riage will take place in 'Varna
United .Church on March 26th.
The Seaforth ,W, I. will enter-
tain their husbands at the March
meeting in Seaforth District High
School on Tuesday evening March
8th at 8.30 pin.
'Program conveners are Miss
Thelma E1gie and Mrs. E, Kerr..
Rev. Bren deVries of Exeter will
be the guest speaker. Roll call to
be answered with "I8 you were a
member of the council what im-
provement would you make."
Each member is asked to bring
sandwiches unless otherwise con-
tacted. Lunch conveners are Mrs.
Gordon Elliott, Mrs. lames. Doig
and Mrs. Les Pryce.
MI•rs. Effie Stephenson (skip),
Mrs. Flo Smith, Mrs. Mae Hails-
kirk and Mfrs. Inez Scoins attend-
ed the annual ladies' bonspiel in
Strathroy on Wednesday last.
A group of Goderioh Curlers
held a meeting last week to 'dis-
cuss the possibility of building a
curling rink at Goderieh. Aldi
tional 'information was to be ob-
tained from other centres, includ-'
ing Seaforth, at which artificial
the curling rinks are 'located.
No school buses attempted their
routes on Friday here Owing to
snow -blocked roads following the
winter's worst storm. Only three
out-of-townpupils arrived at Sea -
forth D.istriot Hight School and
classes were adjourned after a
brief session;
Seaforth L.Q.L. 793 held a sue.-
cessfui euchre in the Orange Hall
last Wednesday evening, with the
prizes .going to the following: La-
dies first, Mfrs. Chester Hender-
son; ladles lone, Mrs. Syd Gem-
mell; con., Mrs. Sloman. Men's
first, Dave ?apple; men's lone,
Won. Kelley; con., Alex McMich-
ael A draw was held on the cake.
Mrs. Milt Stewart held the lucky
In spite of the stormy, weather.
a successful euchre was held last
Thursday night, Prize winners
were: Ladies first: Miss Meta.
Reeves; .lone. hands, Mrs, Mae.
Watterworth; . con., Muss Olive
Laidlaw. Men's first, Mr. Norman
Mehl; lone hands, Elliott Olarke;"
con., Mr, Elmer nutehison. On
the draw for the' hat 'box Mr,
John Bach was the lucky winner,
Mr. Lawrence Ryan is co-chair.
man of a special campaign by
Sacred Heart Church, Wingham,
and St. Ambrose Church, Brus-
sele, to raise $50,000 over a three.
year period, The funds are to be
need for parish need, administra-
tion, arenovatlon of the rectory
improVemente to parish churches,
Rae. O 3. Hreker 15 parish priest..
• William 3, Dale, of Hullett
township, whose Guernseys
have won high awards
James A'. Stewart
Heads C. of C.
The annual meeting and dinner
of Seaforth Chamber of Com-
merce was held Monday evening
in St. Thomas' Church Hall with
about 80 present. Mr, Elmer W.
Goebel of Stratford, manager of
the Mid •Western Ontario Devel-
opment Association was the guest
speaker. Mayor B. F. Christie also
spoke. Retiring president W. R.
Smith, presided at the dinner and
-F. C. J. Sills, chairman of the
nominating committee presented
the suggested slate of officers for
Past Pres„ W. R. Smith; Pres.,
J. A, Stewart; 1st Vice Bruce
MacMillan; 2nd Vice, Len Ford;
Sec. Leo Hagan; Treas., Mei,
vin Nott; Comm. chairmen: Mem-
bership, R. S. Box; Merchants, J,
A. Wesicott; Industrial, Dr. E.
n. McMaster; Agriculture, Cliff
Broadfoot; Civic Improvement,
Wm. M. Hart. Mr. Ed Daly allow-
ed colored films 08 the Santa
Claus parade held last Nevember.
Petitions Ask For
Liquor Vote Here
Petitions for a vote on lounge
liquor licences for Seaforth it is
understood are being circulated
this week in town. If sufficiently
signed it, will be certified by the
town clerk and forwarded to the
liquor control board. The board.
will then draw up a bylaw for the
town requiring a vote on the ques-
tions en tile petitions. The cost
of the vote wilt be paid for by
the town.
The death occurred at her res-
idence, John street, Seaforth, en
March let of Mrs. Robert Smith
after a short illness. She was 83.
Born in MoKillop township, she
was the former Jessie Hay Cuthill
and was married Dec. llth, 1895,
to •19r . Smith. She was a member
of First Presbyterian Church and
of the WMS and Ladies' Aid. Af-
ter the First World. War she was
active In Red Cross work. Besides
her husband . she is survived by
one sister and one brother, Mrs.
Jennie Patterson of Seaforth, and
William Cuthill of 'Utah.
The remains are resting at the
Box Funeral Herne, High street,
until Thursday, March 3rd, when
service, will be held at 2 p.m. con-
ducted by Rev. D. Leslie Elder.
Interment will be in Maitland
Bank cemetery.
A. funeral service for NLiss E.
Matilda Fowler, late of Huron St.
West, Mitchell, was
held at the
Heath -Leslie funeral home on
Wednesday afternoon, conducted
by Rev. George M. Lamont of
Knox Presbyterian Church, Mit.
obeli, assisted by Rev. J. C. Brit-
ton of the United Church, Sea -
forth. The pallbearers were Jack
Fowler, Fred Fowler, Dalton Fow-
ler and Jack Butler, Mitchell;
Frank Fowler, Clinton; and Fred
Fowler, Londeaboro. Temporary
entombment was made in •Wood-
land mausoleum, with burial,to be
made later in Maitlandbank cem-
etery, Seaforth. Friends and rela-
tives attended from Seaforth,
Clinton, 'Londesboro, Mitchell, and
surrounding .district,
Seaforth loses Round
`BY One Point
Senior boys basketball, playing
off a tie for first place in Huron
Secondary School series, Seaforth
lost; the two game series with
Ooderic1i by one point in a hard
fought snatch on Wednesday af-
Seaforth won the first game
64' 49 on Monday. Goderioh took
the Wednesday game 54.38 giv-
ing them 'a ono -point' margin en
the i'otmd.
Seaforth:' Bob Reith, Bev, Hen-
derson, Bill Campbell, Gordon
Ross, Bert Dennie, Fred Flewitt,
Pete Rowatt, John Patterson,
Keith -Stacey,
Plan Tax Sale
In Tuckersmith
Tuckersmith Municipal Council
:net in the Town I-Ial1, Seaforth,
on March 1 at 1 p.m. All members
were present and the Reeve pre-
sided. At the Court of, Revision on
the Williams Municipal Drain the
appal of J, 81. Crich spinet his
assessment was not allowed,
Tenders for 'Warble Ply con-
trol spraying and for Warble Fly
powder were openedas follows:
Spraying:: Hubert Cooper, Exet-
er, 10e per head per spray.
,Warbicide: Borden Brown, Sea-
forth, R.R, 2, 15-1b bag. $6:30 (less
3% 10 days); 'B obt. H, Thomp-
son, Londesboro 16.35; Leonard
Sararas, Dashwood $6.20; H, F.
Wettlaufer,Clinton $6,30; J, Ald-
ington, Varna $6,20; D. A. 'Moffat,
Kippen $6.15; Engeiands, Milver-
ton $6:55; Hubert Cooper, Exet-
er $6.25; Canada. Packers, Olin -
ton $6,15; Lucknow Co43,p, Luck -
now $6.45.
The tender of Hubert Cooper
for spraying was accepted at ten-
der price of 10a per head per
spray and that of D; A. Moffatt
for supply of warbicide at tender
price of $6.15 Per 15 -Ib bag. A
tender was also received from
Murray ,Reid, Londesboro for
spraying but was not received in
time to be considered. The cost
to the ratepayers was set at 16c
per head per spray and warbicide
at '750 per lb. or 400 per half Ib.
Tenders for crushing and haul-
ing approximately 12,000 cu. yds.
of gravel to township roads in
1960 were opened from Geo. F.
Elliott, Clinton, 69c per cubic yd,
Lavas Contracting, Clinton, 66c
per en. yd.
The tender of Levis Contracting
at tender price of 66c per cu. yd,
was accepted .subject to approval
of the Dept, of Highways of Ont-
ario, and the clers was instructed
to return Bond cheque to Geo. F.
.A grant of $700.00 for 1960 was
made to the Fed. of Agri., to be
paid at the October meeting.
By -Law 4-A, 1960, re properties
liable for tax sale was given its
required readings and passed. At -
ter March 15, 1960, the Reeve will 1
issue a Warrant to hold a sale of
properties liable for sale for ar-
rears of taxes in 1960,
Court of Revision instructed
the treasurer to strike off uncol-
iectable taxes in the amount of
The clerk was instructed to
forward to the County of Huron
its share of RCAF Clinton Grant
in Lieu of Taxes for 1959.
Council advised Carl Dalton
and Emerson Coleman represent-
ing the Farmer's' Union that their
request to have Membership Re-
quisitions for .Collection of Dues
added to the Tax Roll was refused
for 19.60. Council then made a
grant to the Farmers Union of
$100.00 for 1960 to be paid at the
October meeting.
By -Law 5, 1960, appropriating
943,000 for road expenditures in
1960 was given its required read-
ings and passed and will be for-
ivarded to the Dept. of Highways
of Ontario for approval.
All owners and/or harbourers
of dogs in the Township of Tuck-
ersmith in 1960 will continue to
use the Dog Tag issued to them
in 1959 for Rabies Control, it was
decided by Resolution of Connell.
A tag to replace lost tags or ad-
ditional tags may be obtained
from the Clerk at the Clerk's .Of-
Accounts passed included: Fire
retainer, Clinton, $100,00; Re-
lief, $107.60; Nursing 'Home Care,
$83.75; insulin, $1.54; Salary and
allowance, 1224.95; Income tax,
915.90; unemployment ineuranee,
$1.60; supp, allow., $25.00; Sea -
forth Fire Brigade, $16.00; Coun-
ty of Huron, Federal grant, $507L-
55; Compensation Insurance, 940.-
25; Convention expenses, $75.00;
Roads Account, $5967.01.
Council adjosirned to meet Ap-
ril 5th at 1 p.m.
Cora Chesney, Clerk.
Golden Wedding of
the David Papples
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Dapple,
North Main Street, are 'celebrating
their golden wedding anniversary
at the Legion Hall, Seaforth,
on Saturday, .Marek 5th at 8 p.m.,
when all their friends are invited
to come. Also on Sunday, •March
6'from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7th 9 in the
evening they will be at home.
Isabella Monk and David G.
Papple, both of the •Mill 1Road,
were married by Rev. Neil Shaw
of Egmondville ,Church in 1910,
They have a family of six daugh-
ter's and three sons. A fourth son,
Robert, was killed in action in
June 1944. The daughters are:
Mrs. Roy West, London; Mrs.
Wallace Pringle, Brantford; Mrs.
Scott Kerr, Belton; Mrs. Elmer
Scott, London; Mrs. Wm. Little,
Seaforth, R.R, 1; ,Mors, Doug.
Stinson, London; Gordon, Sea -
forth, :R.R, 6; Barl, Seaforth, R.
R. 4; William, Egmondville, and.
Lloyd, London,
World Prayer
March 4th
Thie year the theme for the
special World Day of Prayer ser-
vice on March 4th is Labourer's
together with God, The •program
was prepared by a ,group of our
own Canadian women. The ser-
vile will be held in St. Thomas'
Anglican Church, .Prickly, March
4th at 3 p.m, Mrs. Ell Boyes will'
give the address. It is hopedthat
as many as possible of the Wo' 1
amen of the community will attend
this service.
Teachers and. Board
Arrange Salaries
The Seaforth District high
School Board engaged the firm
of Kyles and Kyles, arahiteots,of
Hamilton and otrattard at its re-
gular meeting Tuesday night to
draw sketch plans of the new
4 -room addition. The addition in -
eludes an agricultural science
room and three regular cites -
rooms, and itis, hoped that it will
be ready for next September. Pres-
ent enrolment is 356 and it is ex-
pected that this will go to 450
when school' opens next Septem-
A now contract has been ent-
eyed into with the teachers, the
basis of which is the four-categ
cry system. The adoption of the
schedule involves au increase in
salaries that are comparable to
the rest of the school boards ac-
ross the province.
The Encyclopedia Britannica of
Canada has given a set o8 its lat-
est edition to the school and this
will officially be presented by the
.Chairinan, p', C. J. Sills, to the
school on Friday afternoon at
3.30. The books are being given in
the name of Mr. C. A, Barber in
recognition .of his substantial con-
tribution to the community and
for his many years of service on
the High School Shard.
The Board accepted with regret
the resignation of Miss Nan Tay-
lor, which will be effective the
end of June.
Rev. W. F. Smith
McKillop Pastor
A former minister of the Mc-
Killop charge about 30 years ago,
Rey. William F. Smith, 72, died
Sunday at St. Marys. His home
was at 84 Harvey St., Chatham,
and he was a retired United
Church minister, a graduate of
St. Stephen College, Edmonton,
had charges in Bryanston, Elim-
ville; McKillop, •Oxford Centre, Oil
Springs, South Buxton, and
Sprucedale. Survivors: Daughters
Mrs. William (Lois) Pratt, Ker-
lin; Mrs. Roy (Gladys) Cunning-
ham, Clandeboye; son, Austin IL,
St. Marys; sisters, Mrs. W. Cow-
per, Tenriskaming; -Mrs. Thomas
Alexander, Shawville, P.Q.; broth-
ers, George, James, of Shawville.
The funeral was held en Wednes-
day 2 lam. Stephen funeral home,
Chatham. Interment South Dur-
ham United Church Cemetery,
S. School. Board
Appoints Architect
St. James Separate So h o 01
Board has appointed Peter Till-
man as architect to draw up
plans and supervise the construc-
tion of a new separate school in
Seaforth. The Board has consider-
ed several working sketches
which will be revised, Following
this definite plane will be drawn.
Air. Tillman is a member of the
firm of Watt and Tillman, Lon-
Family Court Will
Be Held at Seaforth
Following a visit to Seaforth
on Tuesday by Judge Frank Ping -
land and Magistrate H. Glenn
Hays announcement was made
that in future court will be held
at Seaforth on two Wednesdays
each month, instead of on Tues-
In future family court. -.will be
held in Seaforth tor eases in this
area. Such eases formerly had to
be taken to Goderioh. Officials
state that only a few local cases a
year come under this court.
Family, or juvenile court when
necessary will be herd at 10 a.m.
Magistrate's court is scheduled
for 10.30 am.
Announcement was made this
week that Magistrate Hays has
been appointed judge of the Ju-
venile Court in Huron.
Miss Marie Krauskopf, Hamil
to with Mrs. Catherine Kraus:
Mrs. A. M. Looby, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Looby have returned from
Soranto, Florida.
Mrs. Wm. Harper, Carlingford
with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith.
Mrs. John Cleary and Karen of
London, with Mr. and Nils. Frank
Rex. Father Schantz, Windsor,
with Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Benning-
A two -act Irish Comedy, songs
and dances, are being proposed by
St. Patrick's School, Dublin, for
the evening of March 17.
Mrs. Alice Bolland of St. Mo-
ments spent the wookend at her
Th Dublin W. I. held their Feb-
ruary meeting at the home of Mrs,
Ed Dean, with 16 niember's and
five visitors present, The roll call
was answered by What I am
thankful for. The motto 'Whatev-
er you do, do it kindly", was dis-
cussed. by Mre. John Nagle.
A successful bake sale was
held, •Mrs, Tom Butters was the
auctioneer, Current events were
read by Mrs. Geo. Robinson.
Mrs. Harold Pothlek .presided
for the meeting in the absence of
the president, Mrs. R. Ailcen's.
Lurch Was served lay the tom -1
niittee in 'charge.
Hold 2nd McKillop
Speaking Contest
The top six winners in the sec -
and public speaking contest under
the auspices of NP.eK•illop Federa-
tion or Agriculture on Wednesday
evening were: Mary Lou Coyne,
Jack McCall, Jean Patrick, Mary
Walsh, Mary Eckert, Roba Doig.
Winthrop Church was filled to
capacity for the event, President
IC, Stewart welcomed all present
and secretary, A, Dodds outlined
the rules 01 the contest. The fol-
lowing fifteen contestants took
part: Ken Devereaux, Jack Mc-
Call, Jean Patrick, Linda Somer-
ville, Mary Lou Coyne, Elaine
Murray, Betty Shea, Mary -Walsh,
Tor'ven ILaarbye, Brian Scott, An-
ita Harrison, Lorretto Murray,
Mary MoKercher, Roba Doig and
Mary Eckert.
The judges were Mr, Talbot,
Mrs. Krauskopf and Mr. Pullen,
While they were making their de-
cision, Rev. Mr. Summerell spoke,
emphasizing what a worthwhile
enterprise these contests were. Mr.
Pullen announced the names of
the winners and Ken Stewart
read the names, grades and
schools of contestants.
The seventeen pupils taking
part in the first contest on Feb, 3
came forward and were presented
with merit certificates by James
Keyes. Gordan Dapple thanked
the judges, board of the church,
pupils, parents and all who helped
make the contest such a success.
The final contest will be held
on Wed. evening, March Oth at
8.90 in the basement of Winthrop
Church when the three grand
prize winners will be selected.
Preparing For The
Easter Seal Appeal
Prepartions are being made to
launch the annual Easter Seal ap-
peal in Seaforth and district. The
fund is in aid of crippled child -
'ren and is sponsored by the Lions
Club, of which Mr. Len Ford is
committee chairman. , Over 1500
letters with the seals will go out
Ito residents of town and district
soon. Up to 92,000 is needed to
carry on the work here.
Constance U. C. S. School held
their annual meeting in the S S.
room with llr. Ross MacGregor,
retiring superintendent, acting as
chairman. Ron Jewitt, Sec.-Treas.,
gave the report for the year. El-
ection of officers were as follows:
Superintendent, Mr. Wm. Jewitt;
Assistant, Mr. Don Bechanan;
Sec: Treas„ Joyce Brown; Assist-
ant, Marg'aa'etllaeGregor; pianist,
Joyce Brown; Assistant, Gary
Jewitt. Sunday School teachers:
Primary, Mrs. 13. Brown; Assist-
ant, Mrs. G. Melllwain; Intermed -
late, Miss Joyce Jewitt; Assist-
ants, Mrs. Ken Hulley and Mrs.
Don Buchanan. Young People's
teacher appointed by their own
class are Mrs. W. L. Whyte; As-
sistant, Mr. Wm. Jewitt. Plans
are being made for a social even-
ing tor the benefit of the Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Glousher
and Stewart visited Sunday with
Mr. and .11rs. John Sanderson and
family of Blyth, it being the oc-
casion of the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Austin Dexter, 44th wed-
ding anniversary. Other members
of the family .present were Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Ball and fam-
ily of Auburn and Mr, and .Mrs,
Nelson McClure and Clayton of
near Seaforth.
At time of writing we are glad
to report that Mrs, James Dale,
who is a patient in the Seaforth
Hospital has .improved a great
Mrs. John ,Lewitt and baby
daughter, Carel Ann arrived home
Monday from the Scott Memorial
C.G,i.T. Mother any
Daughter Banquet
The members of the MIT
were hostesses to a Mother and
Daughter Banquet Monday even-
ing in basement of the Church.
Blue and white decoration out-
lined the colors of the C.G.S,T. A
beautifully arranged tab'1e was
set with Grace being sung and a
toast to the Queen and National
Anthem was sung. All present
partook of a bounteous supper
waitresses were Mrs. Jack Medd
and Mrs. Wilmer Glousher, Jan-
ice Jewitt proposed a toast to the
mothers and Mrs. dt,oss MacGreg-
or replied very fittingly.. After
which a program consisted of a
Bible quiz by Joyce Brown, fol-
lowed with a piano solo by Gien-
yce Jewitt, a reading by Mary
Buchanan and a piano solo by
Joyce Brown. After which the
leader, Miss Joyce Jewitt, led in
a worship period with Joyce
Brown reading the scripture les-
son, Mrs. Funge was present and
gave a heart to heart talk to' the
0.G,I;T, members, of the value of
their work and told them to chose
and cleclieate themselves to God's
work. Misses Mary and Margaret
MacGregor were called forward
and Mrs. Funge presented them
with white Lanyards, the signifi-
cance of senior members. The
girls sang .their OG -IT hymn, Miss
'Lewitt closed with the Deitedic
Mrs. Lorne Lawson attended
the trousseau tea on Wednesday.
of Miss Elizabeth Townsend
whose marriage to Mr. Robert
Hawes of Belton will take place
on Saturday at Turner's United
Church at 2,30,.. .
The World Day of Prayer Will
take place en Friday afternoon
at. 3 o'clock in the basement of
Constance United Church, Every -
Authorload as Second. Class mall,;
51.00 a year Post Office Dart., Ottawa .
Snowdon Bros., Pub:lahes,.
elam„aU"a,r„arQna,,,,,"„r„nrnu"m,i,,,uu, wnr„immotm, un,,,"d n,r 1 , rnrnmmnnm,unriMOi
Over 125 different patterns are offered at Sale Prices, -
smart new designs in Royal Doulton, Wedgwood, Spode,
Royal Albert, Royal Worcester, Foley, etc., Bone China Din-
ner sets, net cost of 950 or more, at
10% discount on all open stock bone china
Reg. 949.95
sale special 29.95
Reg. 91.00 and higher
to clear at 59c
Reg. 8.50 to 9.9.5
sale special 5.95
Good value at 91.25
sale price 89c
We'll allow you 25% of the value of the new watch
you buy for your old watch
New Watch Your Old Watch You Pay Just
Worth Just
$75.00 918.75 ll $56.25 plus your old watch
50.00 ........,. 12.50 $37.50 plus your old watch
30.00 7.50 922.50 plus your old watch
S watches only are offered at 50% DISCOUNT, plus
your old watch
Sale prices on all
Weddings Rings and all
Ladies' & Gents' Rings
Rogers Silverware Reg. 91.75
Sale price 88c
Costume Jewellery
Hundreds of necklets, ear-
rings, brooches, bracelets, etc.
Regular value $1.00
T -o clear at 59c
. $2 and $3 Costume Jewellery
Seaforth District
High School Crest
Necklets, bracelets and key
chains in silver & gold color
Regular 92.95
To clear at $1.00
57 -Piece Set of Silverware, "Newport" Pattern
consisting of
8 teaspoons 8 salad forks 1 gravy ladle
8 small teas 8 dessert spoons 1 coldmeat fork
8 knives, 3 tablespoons 1 berry spoon
hollow handle 1 butter knife 1 pierced pastry
8 dessert forks 1 sugar spoon server
To clear at $14.95 complete set
Our entire stock is offered at Special Sale Prices,
It Will pay won to drop in - right' away !
one is welcome. The W.A. and
W.M.S. will held their regular
meeting prior to the special
World Day of Prayer SeriYee.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kyle and
daughter visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Emerson Kyle and Jim,
Several cases of influenza and
chicken pox have been reported
in the district.
Air, and Mfrs. 'Shannon and
family moved recently from Mr.
Ross Broaclioot's house to their
own house in Zurich.
Mb. Stanley Jackson was on a
business trip to Oil City, Wednes-
day of the past week.
Mr. and Mlrs. Hildebrandt et
Exeter visited recently with 18r,
and Mrs, W. L. Mains,
Mr. Clarence .Priestap and Aud-
rey of near Mitchell visited Mr.
Robert Thomson on Thursday.
Mr, and Mrs, James. Armstrong,
Staffa, were Thursday guests of
Mr. and We N. L ong.
,,leather Reid celebrated her
llth birthday on Saturday; sever-
al of her friends from Hensall
were present.
Mrs. Henry Weiland spent the
weekend at Clinton, the guest of
her brother and sister-in-law Mr.
and Mrs. William Ross,
Mrs. J. S. Watson is visiting
with her daughter and son-in-law
Zr, and Mrs. Den Andrews.
Mr, and Mrs. Elmore Stephen-
son entertained on 'Monday even-
ing Feb, 291.11 in honor of the 11th
birthday of her sister, Mrs. Bruce
McClinchey; those present: Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce McOlinehey and
family, Mr. and Mars. Geo, Ste-
phenson and Mr, and 'Mrs, Elmer
Master of Stanley,
The World's clay of Prayer ser-
vice will be held in the Monsall
United Church, Friday, March 4
at 3 p.m,.