HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-02-25, Page 8The New. Spring Suitings Have Arrived ! . NOW'S THE TIME TQ ORDERYOUR Tailored --- .t a— Measure SUIT TT .or +G'OA.T. AND BE READY FOR EASTER Men who plan ahead will order their Easter Suit now ! The choice of new designs, new fabrics; •new styles are at their spring best now. See the new checks, burnished tone worsteds, plains and stripes that feature the spring ranges. TIP TOP ONE PRICE' TAILORS ONLY 317 smart spring fabrics to 6 69.50 choose from. The largest selec- tion et imported all -wool suitings in Canada—plus Tip Top quality, style and VALUE. W. R. JOHNSTON 59 CLOTHES • .50 Johnston Clothes have earned TO a high reputation for style and value — Choose from hundreds of new spring snitin e' nbw in p g g 75.00 four price ranges from WARREN K. COOK CUSTOM SUITS 7 ■ 5 0 The ultimate in fine, hand -tailor- TO ed clothes are made by Warren K. Cook. Exclusive imported fabrics f bri s for the man who wants the best. Cook Clothes pay dividends in smart appearance and long service. 100. LADIES' TAILORED - TO - MEASURE SUITS OR COATS 59.50 to 75.00 1S TE WA R T BROS. HENSALL M2. Sani Ronnie was taken to Clinton Public Hospital for treat- ment. Gold Cord .Presented at Banquet The local leaders of Guides and and Brownies were entertained at a Mother and Daughter Banquet in the Hensall United Church school room on Friday evening, This being Golden Jubilee Year. Mrs. Howard Scone chaired the meeting. Following the banquet a sing -song was led by Miss Gwen Spencer. Mrs. E. L. bfickle presid- ed at the piano for the National Anthem, The toast to the mothers Was given by Nancy Kyle and re- sponded to by SIrs, W. J. Camer- on. Flowers were presented to Mrs. E, T. Rower, the Mother of the year. by Ann Miekle. Elaine Keyes presented Miss Seigner of Exeter with towers and Mrs. H. Keyes presented ,Mirs. Thos, Lav- ender with flowers. The toast to Miss Pat Rowe was given by bliss Jane Horton. Four -songs were sung by the Brownies. The guest speaker, Rev. Currie Winlawwas introduced by Mrs. Ron Mock and Mrs. Hobt. Cooped thanked Rev. Winlaw. The Guides had the following activities under the leadership of Mrs. Geo, Parker, Guide Leader, Miss Seigner enrolled Joan Spear- man in_ the Guide. Badges were presented to Sharon Skidmore and Sharon Hume, Service stars were presented to the following girls: Pat Rowe, 5th year. Elaine Keyes, 3rd year. Mary Payne, 2nd year. Patsy. Schwalm,. 2nd year. Ruth. Traquair, 2nd year. Linda Noakes, 2nd year. Louise Jones, 3rd year. Sharon Skidmore, 3rd year. Nancy Kyle, 1st year. Su- zanne Ronnie. 1st year. Bonnie Foster, lst year. Ruth Smale, lst year• Marcia little, lst year. Ann Lawrence, lst year. Sharon Hume and year. ICathy Scone, 2nd year. Mrs. Geo. Parker. 7th year. Miss Seigner •presented Pat NOTICE Town of Seaforth PARKING To facilitate snow plowing and snow removal operations, parking on the streets of this Municipality is prohibit- ed between the hours of 2 a.m. and S a.m. This order will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act, Section 43, Subsection 9 NOTICflI IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused. tn parked vehicles as the result of snow plowing or snow relnoval operations - • Rowe with. the Gold Corti and spoke 7ariefty on the Golden jubi- lee Fear. Mrs. Walter presented Pat with a guide ring on behalf of the L, A. The guides snug Pour songs and closed, with Golden Snu and Paps. Mrs, John Baker underwent an appendictomy operation in Min- ton Public Irosiiiptal on 0ol•iday. Amber Rebekah. Lodge: Celebrates l.Ith Thirtladas✓ N. G, Mrs, Glenn Bell presided ,for the llth birthday party of Amber Rebekah :Lodge en Wed;. evening when ,the members ,of Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter, were guests. iN, G. Mrs: Bell pre- sented Mrs. Fisher, N. G, of Pride of Huron Lodge with a corsage, and Mre, Wm. Caldwell. presented Mrs, Bell with a corsage. D.D.P. Mr's. H. Parker was unable to at- tend owing to illness and was presented with a corsage by N, G. Mrs. Bell following the meeting, Mrs. E. ChipehaseViee Grand, Mrs. A. Orr and :Miss ,Mabelle Whiteman reported several visits made and cards sent, Greeting cards were received from the D. D. P. Mrs.' Parker and Pride of Huron. Lodge, Exeter, Arrangements were made for the euchre to be held in the hall on Wednesday, Feb, 24th. N. G. Mrs. Fisher of Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter. brought greetings from the Lodge and extended an invitation 'to the Lodge to a' eu- chre, Mr. Earl Campbell spoke ;present time the Presbyterian briefly congratulating the mem- 'Church needs 150 men to occupy bers on the progress of the Lodge., : vacant pulpits and 75 Deaconesses Mrs, Crilbert John. Exeter, also ex- are required. pressed best wishes for the Lodge. Mr. Vais stated: "It is not easy At the Close Mies Ellis favored for a young man to enter the min - with, a humorous reading, after istry, as there are other jobs more which the, Past Noble Grands were' attl'att va, but once you are pea - asked to sing a number entitled sassed with the •iden there 1s "God will take care of You", nothing;, in ,the world that can The highlight of the entertain- shake you." ment was the "Penny Sale" eon- , The choir contributed the an. .duoted by Mrs. Hugh McEwen, them "He Leadeth Me". MTs. Archie MacGregor and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson. 70 members and guests attended. A beautifully arranged table was centred with :the birthday cake with lighted candles. Miss. Mattta° 'Ellis P.N.G. cut the cake. en were served Refreshments by the convener Mrs. E. :Shaddick and several •members. BORN—In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Feb. 17th to Mr. and Mrs. 'George Beer, Hensall a daughter, HENSALL Ml, Joe Pelguson, who has been confined to his home with no at- tack of influenza is improving. Mr. Sean Rallnie, who 'las been receiving treatment in Clinton Public Hospital, returned to his home: Tile A n li u a 1 Congregational meeting of Carmel ,Presbyterian Church will be held in the school- room pf the church en Monday,, Feb, 29th. Mr, and Mrs, Guy Bedard and family of Ilderton were recent visitors with Mr; and M9•s,' Wayne Smith and family, Celebrating the joint birthdays of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, the local Guides, Brownies; and Scouts and Cubs attended Camel Presbyterian Church on Sunday at 11 o'clock directed by their leaders, Ilex Majesty's colors were placed on one side et the choir loft and the organization's flags on the other. There was a large congregation present and about 80 members of the organization.. Mr. Geo. 0. Vais commended the endeavours of the leaders in the movement. The•,.purpose of the, whole movement being to culti- vate charaoter• and the importance of .others. Mr, Vais based his sermon on this subject, pointing out the alarming need in our awn denom- ination for young men. and wa- men to enter the ministry, at the NEW NUMBERING# SYSTEM' A. new telephone numbering Nater At Scott Memorial Hospital system which will eventually f ea Feb 22, to Mr. and Mies. Jolrn Nater; eliminate exchange names is to an 4 Mitchel, n son be introduced gradually in,. the; Ontario and Quebec exchanges operated by, The Bell Telephone Co, Of `Canada, W. W. Hayaom,' Bell manager here. announced this week. The new plan—known as AR Number :Calling (ANC) — will• eliminate the •exchange names- from telephone numbers and uub- stitute figures for the letters now used to designate exchanges. kbr example; a number such as UN- versity 6-3917—dialed 'UN 6.3911 —would become 836.3011. . Initially the new plan will not affect existing two -letter five - figure telephone numbers, which will be changed to ANC only gradually over a period • of years as changing conditions offer fa- vorable opportunities. -According to -the Bell manager, first use of ANC in Bell territory is scheduled to be in several On- tarso and Quebec communities slated for dial conversion later this year. Most of those exchanges already in process of being °hang ed over to the two -letter, five -fig- ure plan will retain the telephone cumbers that have been assigned to them, although a few may be given all -numeral telephone num- bers. ANC numbers are also being in- troduced this year in several ex= changes in the United States, Extensive studies indicate that ANC is the most practical num- bering method for today's condi- tion, Mr, IIeyhom said. An important advantage of ANC to the telephone user is that calls can be dialed taster and more ac- curately,using nmerai8 only. ANC prevents misspelling and misinterpretation of office names and letter codes—of great signifi- cauce where mere than one lang- uage is spoken. It also eliminates the confusion between the figure 0 and the letter o and between the'egure 1 and the letter I. Tests indicate that seven -figure numbers are as easy to remember as name -and -figure numbers and, in practical use, customers have not found it difficult to memor- ize frequently -called seven -figure numbers. .. BORN Hoggart = At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Feb. 17th, to Mr. and MrsRoss Hoggart, RRl Clinton, a daughter Harbu 'n r At Scottam oriel Hae 'i- tai on Feb. 18th, to Mr.. and Mrs: EErr- est Harburn. Cromarty,n daughter Jewitt — At. Scott Memorial Hospital on Feb. 18110,” to Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt, Londesboro, a daughter Scott — At Scott Memorial Hospital on Feb. 19th, to Mr, and Mrs. Duncan. Scott, Cromaody, a son . 1ifoCloeklln — At Scott Memorial Hos- pital on Feb. 20th, to Mr. and Mre. Ro- land MoOlocklin,-Mitchell, a son Take Part in Achievement Day • At the Huron Girls Achieve- ment Day at Clinton the presenta- tion by Miss Tillman of ,provincial honor certificates and pins for the completion of 12 different pro- jects went to: Mrs. Fern Dougall, Mrs. 'Marilyn Pym and Miss Mari- lyn Hicks, all of R.R. 3, Exeter, Miss 'Bernice Strang, R, R. 1, Hen- sall, Miss Phyllis. Lostell, R. R. 3,, Kippen, Miss Janet ,MacGregor, R. R. 2, Seaforth and Miss Marion Hunt, 13.. R. 2, Seaforth, Receiving County honor certifi- cates and pins for having com- pleted six different projects Were Misses Nancy' Palmer, Shirley Gadser, Doreen' ,Kenny, Marlene King, Ruth Roeszler and Joan Smith, all of Crediton;' Shirley Jacques, 'Ruth MliIler, and' Betty Stephen, Elimville; Alma. Hodg- ins, Elinor Taylor, Karen Taylor, of Graucl Bend; Lois Scott, Sea-. forth; Susie May Lostell and jean MaN'Aughton Kippon; Faye Little and Joan Pryce, . McKillop twp. Eeob girl who eom:pleted 'the project received a Oliver 45-1 tea- spoon,' Greetings from Women's Insti- tutes were extended by >Mrs,' John. McLean, R. R, 3, Seaforth, district President for South Huron, • . a• TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News 'February, 1935 A presentation was made to caned Austin Smith and Mrs,. Sipith before their departure ,for Trenton. Canon Smith had opted ail choir leader in St. Thomas' Ohurch- while a resident ca -Sea; forth. A. number of young Conserva- tives attended.a rally in Toronto addressed b3' Prime Minister R. B. Bennett and Denton Massey. - b presentation was made by the congregation of St. George's Church, Walton, to Rev. F. G. Richardh who is moving to Dela- ware. Edgar Smith has engaged with Elgin MoKinlsy, Stanley, for the hatching, season. ,Mfr.. Roy Pinkney has joined the staff:of Cardno's bakery.- ' Arthur Burrows of London, vis- ited his father, Dr. 19. .7.. Bur - TOWS... John Hill of. Ivloosejaw, Sask., visited his mother, Mrs. Geo. 1ii11, Brucefield. • A meeting was held in Blyth to choose a site for a covered skat- ing rink. Members of the commit- tee were L. Eilborn, A. Taylor, L. Scrimgeour, at Mason, and 03. Shaw. • aVirs. T. J. Webster addressed the ,Seaforth Junior Institute on historical research. A surprise Panty was held by the neighbors of 8, 8. 7, . Tucker - smith for the Forrest . family, Bertha, Margaret and Joe. W. A. Wright was appointed chairman et the public school board.. C. A. IBauber was re -ap- pointed collegiate board ' chair- man, FORTY YEARS AGO February 1.900 From The Seaforth News The neighbors held a surprise party in honor of Mr, George Lowery and family of McKillop before moving to Seaforth. Mr. Porterfield has disposed of his residence and adjoining 30 acres on North Main street to W. R- Smith. - ,Mr, 'Consitt and family are moving to Stanley twp. where they have purchased a farm.' A meeting of Tuckeramith rate- payers was held in the library to discuss bringing hydro to the township. A. committee was ap- pointed to canvass with a peti- tion: T. G. •Shillinglaw, William Black, Andrew d3e11, •Mn•. Watson, secretary, and G. W, Layton, the chairman. Lloyd Colquhoun of Staffs teal 22 feet in- his barn 'and injured his foot and hand. A meeting at Cromarty voted' in favor of :econsolidated. •schools,: The people elt it would getewaY from havinto 'send ,boys and girls away ,,from home to attend, high school:. Norman McConnell of Vancouv- er has been'visiting his uncles at Dublin. W. A. Cole of Detroit renewed acquaintances in Hensall. Deaths from influenza included Mrs, D. Uiilbaoh, Thos. Pullman, Mrs. S, T. :t lbinles.' Mra, . Iiat-ry Carnoclrali. Seaforth Out Wiarton out in the OtIA semi-finals and will meet Coilingwood in the championship matches. Seaforth team is Ma. Geoeh, goal; defence Hoffman and Dot:Reid; centre, Sills; wings Hoffman and Reg Reid; subs., D. Reid and A, Diclt. CARD OF THANKS I would ilkg to thank my relatives and frauds wile so kindly remembered me with cards, visit», flowers and elite while I wee a patient br Scott armor- ial Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Me. Maxtor, Dr•. Brady, Dr, Melku6 and Rev D. Leslie Elder, the nurses and Staff of the hospital arid special nurses It was all deeply appreciated —MRS, JAIKES OAoIIo CARD OF THANKS T would like to thank eVerYone who Sent treats and flowers and ail the beautiful cards while I was a patient h Victoria Hospital and Scott Memorial Hospital, Also a thank you to these who helped at home. A special thankyou to Mise Elliott, Miss Drope, the dootors, especially Drt Stapleton, the very kind nursing stuff. and Mr. and Mre, Donald- son. Everything was very much apprec- iated, EMS. RAYMOND NOTT CARD OF TI-IANKS I would like to thank, friends, relatives and neighborsfor cards and treats I received. Also those - who visited me while I was In the hospital and since ,returning home, Special thanks to those who assistedat my •bons& in any .way during my sbsepne —IRVIN •ROCK CARD OF THANKS' I want to thank everyone who sent me cods, flower's endtreats, and those' who came to visit 'me while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, and Victoria Hospital, London —.ROBERT M, SMITH TO RENT Rouse to rent' on heron St, Seaforth. 19 rooms, hydro, bath, furnace. Available lmmedlutglr. Apply to L. I•lemberger Seaforth, or to Ernest MCCSv, phone B6J2-3299 Clinton control, Rayfield 11.112 FOR SALE 2 Holstein heifers dueradon. S Holstein sows carrying 3rd calf, .Harold PryCO, 1 '.mile east of Winthrop Teacher Wanted Qualified Protestant teacher for Har lock ,School S.S. No, 6 Hullett. 20 pup Ole Duties to commence in Sept, 1060 Apply to See.-:1`reas. John 11. McEiving RR #1 Blyth. Applications to he in by March 21, 1060 Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN CAMPBELL All psi%ons 'having claims again& the Sotnte of John Campbell, late of the Township of RGeKillop, in the County of 11uron,' Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 18th day of December, 1069 are hereby notified to send in Intl - pan Haulers of. their claims to the undersign ed -oil an:before the 18th dal', of March 060, after which date the assets wit e:. distriliuted,'.,having 'regard only to alainis then received. DATED at Sedforth, this 24th day of Irebr•uary, 1000, MoCONNELL & STEWAR.T, - Seaforl0i, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors wiminsvideinen Auction Sale Of Dairy Cattle, from lot 26, epn, 0, Goderdch Twp„ 1stfarm south of Port - We hill Church, on Tuesday, March'lat, at 1,30 5.00. 36 cows consisting of: 18 Holsteins, 12 Jerseys, 4 Ayr'shires., and 2 Durhams. Some cows are„fresh by sale date, balance springing or milk ing. 10 Dairy heifers pasture bred. This is a good herd of cattle with high .producers withgood quality and condition with most cows raised on the farm. Plan to attend this sale for good quality cows. Terms cash Wm, A. Townshend, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer • FOR SALE Tornado ec gales,' w ighs condition. i 220 Also like now. Phone 03 aroammomramommong RECEIVES CAP Among the student nurses re- ceiving their caps at St. Joseph's Hospital School of Nursing, Lon- don, on Tuesday, was Theresa Marie Ducharme of Dublin. MIAS. M A:7 JOLLY Mrs. May Jolly, 73, of Exeter, died Tuesday in London, Born in Brussels, she Was a termer school teacher in Hay twp. Surviving are her husband, Thomas; one daughter, Mrs. Cecil (Jennie) Kipfer, Hensall; three Sons, Don- ald, Exeter;.l5arold, Toronto, and Norman of Sudbury. The remains are at the: Hof furan funeral home, Dashwood. Service will be held. Thursday•at'2 p.rlt. at the Petite, costal Ohur h, E t • • - •"TECHNICAL' TRAINING" Need, for a technical school, in Huron 'count was w s pointed out recently by L. P. Plmnsteel, prin- cipal of Seaforth' District ,.high School, -when he -spoke to a Home and School Ascan meeting here. Every high school in the county has many pupils who would profit more fronstechnical training than they do from academic study, They •are either not capable of. auacademic education or ,,they are-nnwilling'to earn' one. heir interests and their talents lie in other fields. - Students in this category should be given consideration. Have net they right' h o eeducationalgt'.t opportunity, similar to. others, - a minority really, who desire aca- demic instruction ? ' There should he no stigma nor discrimination attached to those who: prefer technical training. They make substantial contribu- tions to our society, to our econ- omy, to our progress. The wage level of .trades has reached an attractive level. A number of ether benefits would be gained from a technical sahodl. As Mr. Pdumeteel suggests, it would rolieve congestion in our high schools which could raise their academic standards. Better instruction could be provided those who are intrested in the arts, sciences and professions. • In addition. of course, Huron would ,be developing skilled labor —an important feature in devel- oping an industrial climate which Huron needs to supplement its ag- ricultural strength. Just how and where such, a school could be established is a question. But. the project should. be given -serious consideration by district boards and -county oEic- iaid: Exeter Times -Advocate. EUCHRE In Orange Hall Wed., March 2 Auspices Property • Committee Admission 40c Lunch served Township of Puckersmith TENDER FOR GRAVEL Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuokorsmith for the crushing and hauling of approximately 10000 on Yds, of gravel to township- roads in 1060. 91" screen to be used; contractor to supply all requirements except grave which will be supplied by the township at three different locations; work to be completed by Juno 80, 1000. Tender to state flat price per eu. Yd. 'laid down and each tender to be ac- companiedby a,marked cheque for 9200, or tender will not be considered. - Tenders, clearly marked to be in the clerk's hands by -1 p.m., Mar. 1, 1060,, at which time they will be opened. .. Lolvest• or any tender not necessarily accepted. - (7ORA OHESNEY, , Clerk,-Tuckersmith. RR 4, Seaforth, Ont. TOWNSHIP OF SISJOKEBiS'l1'IITH ,TENDED POR WARBLE FLY POWDER Tenders lire invited by the Township of Tuokersmlth for the supplying of :ap- proximately 600.11x. of warble fly pow- der: powder' to be supplied in 16 lb, bags. Tender to state price per 15 lb. bug, delivered to tovn i r sll shed Inthe of Egn>ondvtlle. p hamlet Tenders, clearlymarked to be in the clerk's hands by 2 p.m., Mar. f•, 1960, at which: time they will be opened. Lowest or any tender not necessarily'. accepted, CORA CHESNEY, Clerk, Tuelcersmitb. • RR 4, Seaforth, Ont. Township of Tuckersrnith TENDER FOR WARBLE FLY SPRAYING 'Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for spraying cattle for warble fly control- in 1960 under The Warble Fly Control Act. - .. Tender to state price per head Per spray andwork P y oik to be done o t the direc- tion wnshd under the supervision of the •Township Inspector. • Tenders,clearly marked M. be in the clerk's hands by'2 p.m, Mara 1, 1960. " • Lowest or any tender not necessarily. accepted. - CORA CHESNEY, Clerk, Tuckeromith RR 4, Seaforth, Ont, NOTICE Township of, Tuckerslnith. Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Township, of .Tuckersmith are requested by, the council, to not C park cars on township roads and streets during the winter months' in' order to facilitate snowplow ing operations. Council will not be responsible for damages to any vehicles park- ed on roads or streets. Cora Chesney, Actipg Clerk BRAESIDE NURSING HOME Licensed for cenvale ent and elderly people. Gall 395—Mitehell, Hudson Sterling Coal. SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 • NATIONALLY• ADVERTISED. CO. -' has openings in your district for a Ilmi- ed number of women to act as demon- strators, • full or part time. Those select- ed must be between the :ages of 20 to 56 years, married and own their awn home. Salary. Commission. Send name, address and phone number to -PURITY, 781 Warden' Ave, Scarborough, Ont. NOTICE, See your authorized' dealer for district of Seaforth,' Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ- ators and Viking Milking Mach- Ines. achInes. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith .and Welding Shop, Brucefleld. Need Money ? Unlimited' funds available on farms, homes, motels, stores, etc. Fast service anywhere in Ontario. Delray Investments 450-A Wilson Aye., Toronto ME. 3-2353 whit Az- qp21, i( rA ATTENTION Manufacturers and Home Owners Repair - Remodel • Decorate Everybody prospers if everybody works, Nobody prospers if anybody shirks. All jobs are important, large or small Spilled and semi -skilled tradesmen are available now. Community projects mean colnlzlunity prosperity,' call the National Employment Office STRATI+ ORD, Ont... - Telephone: 5500 ' THE SEAFORneT84HH) 14EWS (Pho Thursday,. ,lrebruary 25, 7.000' BOX. Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital 'Bol Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 695W MARTIN W, STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M,D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m, to 6 pan., dell& except Wednesday end Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- ariasonly 7-6 p.m, Appointments made In advance are TURNBULL & BRVANS • VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. TURNBU,LL, D.V.M,, V.S. W. R. BRYAN'S, D.V.M., V.S. W. 0, DREN'NAiN, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 106 Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF •.. Optomahist Godepioh St. W.,• ,Seaforth, Phone • 7,97. Hours—Seaforth daily except Moa., 6 te. 6.80; Wed: 0 AM to 12.80• PM. Thur, ev* by -appointment only, Clinton HU -2-7010; above Hawkins''Sidwe: Mop. A. to 6.80. INSURANCE, • Fire I . Auto • :Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages. W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Rea. 540 blue. coal" WILL'TS DUNDAS CHAAMPZON STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 382-R AND FUEL OIL, WILLIAMM. M HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 286. We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Win Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO successor • to WATSON 8t REID Phone 214,' Seaforth Representative Manufacturers L' Life Insurance The, McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance 'Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTB, ONT. Officers — President, John L. Malone„ Seaforth • Vice Pres., John H. MoEwing,. Blyth; Sec.-Treas., W. E. Southgate, Seafomth. Directoro, Norman Trewartha, Clinton,. J. L. Malone, Seaforth•' Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm ;. Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McEwing, Blyth ; Wm. S. Aleg- - ander, Walton Harvey Fuller, Goderioh J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Allister Broad. "foot, Seafoeth. Agents— William Leiper; Jr:, Londe,. boro; J, F.. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clin- •ton ; • James Keys; 'Seaforth, ; WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION , Where Better Butts Are Used Artificial Insemination Service for all Breeds of Cattle ++ Farmer owned 'and controlled Call us between 7.80 and 10.00• a.m. week days and 6.00 and 8.00 p.m; Saturday evenings at Clinton HU 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5660 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE. INSURANCE COMPANY Head 'Office, Exeter, Ontario President Alex 7. • Rohde, RR3 Mitchell Vice President Milton McOurdy, R13.1 Kirkton Directors E. Clayton Colquhoun, RR1 Science Hill Martin Feeney, RR2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner, R1 Cromarty BVRNS CLEANER N0 SMOKE, NO ODOUR. WALDEN & BROADFOOT ;Phone 686 w Seaforth