HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-02-25, Page 5T11E SEA1rORTIT Nan (Phone 84) -- Thursday, 1('ebruary 2 Euchre - Dance Constanoe Ha11 Friday, Feb.. Sponsored by the 0,0.F. Admission '60c. Liuicll provided WOAA Intermediate D SEMI - FINALS 3RD GAME, SATURDAY Nrre FEB. 27 ATW000 vs WINTHROP WARRIORS In Seaforth. Arena GAME TIME 8.30 900 `taken a 'severe heart attack and CONSTANCE Mr, M, Jewitt 11 spending the last few daY3 lu Toroute attend- ing a 091111110113 CoVeutien, Mr. and Airs, 039. Meitwain and family visited Sunday with Iter parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wel- ter Kiug'swell, Goderich, Friends and neighbors 9f Mrs. Janes Dale are sorry to learn 31(6 is a patient in Scott Memor- ial Hospital, Seaforth, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Baynhaln, Sharon, Wayne and Wendy of Ex. eter visited Sunday with 14Tr, and &Ira. Howard 8-reszeator and family. lrriends of Mrs, Mary Jewitt Sr., mother of Win. and Wilber Jewitt, are aorry to learn the has NOTICE Seaforth Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting and Banquet MONDAY, FEB. 29 -- 6.30 P,M. ST, THOMAS' PARISH HALL Those who have not been contacted and wish to attend the dinner may obtain tickets from. Mervin Nott, treasurer. All are welcome 1414 I. 11,,,,,41 tiiipiipip„1114,4„IIU,,,„1,,,,11114„'41„1,,,,,,"„"11„1„1„1,411444„441„11,1,1,,,11,1„ I MUST MOVE from the old Dominion Bank Building where my office ' has been located for the past twenty-eight years. On and after the first of March I shall be found at my residence on North Main Street. The same old telephone number, 78, will reach me, and I shall be glad to'.nleet old friends and clients as well as new ones .at my new office. H. G. MEIR Properties For Sale Large dwelling,,.James St., including extra lot, New oil fur- nace. Modern kitchen and bath. A real buy for cash One & half storey briolc dwelling in Dublin. Modern conveni- ences,. Three bedrooms. A teal family home OTHER S31&PORTH DWELLINGS LISTED We also have a number of good Huron County farms for sale. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT Harold Jackson or John A. Cardno Phone 474 SHIAFORTH BROKER Insurance Office PHONE`214 SEAFORTH SALESMAN L ,11,,,,,,1,11,1,1,11,1„1,11,11111111111111.,,11,,,,1„11„1,111,1!1111111,11, 1,,,11,1,,, 111,11,111111111„1,11,1,1111111,111111111• is .in ll•egina hospital, TOWN TOPICS Mr, 1Hialrh Kruse, Gormley,' Mr. and Mrs, Albert Bridge, of Palnlereton, andiwlr, and ,Mrs, George Bridge Palmerston, Airs, l9dward Anderson of New loam= burg,, Mr, a11(1 Mrs, Everett Re- bineon, Brussels, were among these from out of town who at- tended •the funeral of the late William Oldfield on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Trott of Clinton were guetts •9f Mr. and Mrs, 11, 1I, Sproat last week. 1'E3122' PJt2'1 SBY'ITRI 1N W,M.R. The February meeting e3 the 'VMS, of Filet Presbyterian Ohuroh was held on Tuesday, Feb 23rd at 3 o'plook. President Miss B. Campbell presided and. gave an opening message on. words of our well -loved hymns, stressing that we give more thought to the words of these atter which all joined in singing the opening number. Reports and business followed and an an- nouncement as to the World Day of Prayer Service to be held in the Anglican Ohuroh on :Friday, Maroh 4th, After the offering and .prayer Mrs. W. J. Thompson gage a most interesting ;review of chapter. 2 from the study .book on Japan. The president announced the olosing hymn, and gave the closing prayer. NORTFISID71 W. M. S. The February meeting . of W MS of Northside United Ohurch was held Tuesday evening. Tile presi- dent Mrs. C. Walden opened with a ood”, Hymn 401 poem was suno ah gndMrs, Walden welcomed everyone especially the members from Mission Band, Ex- plorers, ;CGIT, and Mae Lane Auxiliaries, Ma's. 1Moffat's' Circle took over the meeting opening with hymn 261 with Mrs, Hunt reading the scripture. and Mrs. Oiose leading In. prayer. Miss Ruth Ann Wilson contributed a solo tor the Mission Band, T1ie Explorers, a skit. The CGIT girds sang "Tell me the old, old story” accompanied by Helen Elliott with her accordion. Everyone 'enjoyed the film from Africa "I41 sing, not Ory” followed iby a chorus from Mae Lane members. Bingo -- Dance Brodhagen & District Community Hall FRIDAY, FEB. 26TH AT 8,30 P.M. 15 Regular Games $10 each 2 Special Games 950 each 1 Special Game 9100 Speclat Door Prizes Admission 91. Desjardines Orch. Friday, March 4th Rhythmaires, Coderich ofel On the move to better facilities for the motoring public HULLETT. P113 Fireside Farm Fo1'iiw Met on Feb, 22nd with 1'7 adults pres- ent at 'the home of •Mr, and Mrs. Erie Anderson, The broadcast was a. review 91! prertee8 11133"414e, Winners at euchre went Moat .games, Mrs, R, Flynn and Mrs, 12, palton• Lone hands, Ma's. George Ca1t4r;.arld Don lluc11auan, Cense- lation1.921s. Joe Babcoek and Mrt. Harvey Taylor. T1i9 group will meet next, week at the' home of Geo, iioggart's, McKILLQP The W. A. held their Feb, meet- ing at the home 'of Mrs, 7f. Koeh- ler, Mrs, H. Smyth and Mrs, 3. Diekison were 111 charge of the devotional period. The roll can wee answered by your birthstone, During the past month •a large bale of used clothing was packed, also new layettes were made by the women and sent to the Men- nonite centre at Kitchener. The next meeting is to be 11010 at the church March 10 at 8 pm. with th families and friends invited. Special films are to be shown by Rev. John Huetton of Listowel. The ladies will supply lunch. An invitation was accepted to attend the World Day of .mayor at St. Peter's Church, Brodhagen, Mar, 4th at 2.30 p.m. MT. and Mrs. Norman Eggert and girls with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sayaras, m Mr. AarCroon Wearty,ber. of Port main and Mir. W, Rook and Jean of Lo. on gatSw1111 undayMr, , and Mrs, Irvin Rock Rev, E. Hallman of Kitchener was guest minister at McKillop E.N•.IB, Church on Sunday and condi-toted a 'quarterly conference meeting alter the service. WALTON The February meeting of the Moliillop Group was held at the Home of Mrs. Nelson Reid with 17 ladies present. Mfrs. Russell Barrows pre,bided. Mrs. E. Mc- Creath was pianist. The leader of- fered prayer and Mrs. Gordon MoGavin react the Scripture and meditation' on. God's Geography: Reports were Beard and business conducted. The Schneider :supper was discussed, The topic 1'Dry a Little Leaven” was given by Mrs. Campbell 1Wey. A reading on Val- entine was given by Mrs. Bar- rows. Lunch was served by the. ladies of 12th concession west. The .president, M1's. Wm. Tham- er presided over the February meeting of the Walton group on Wednesday evening In the school .room of the church. A. hymn was sung with Miss Beseie Davidson at the piano. The Scripture was read by Mrs, Gordon Murray. 'foI- lowed with prayer by Mrs. Frank Walters. Comments were given by the leader. The topic was giv- en by Mrs. Ant McCall, Mrs. Tha- mer gave a meditation on An Old Fashioned Mother. Roll call was answered with a book from the New Testament. Minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Herb, 0 We're moving 1st onto the Texaco Service Station & Garage HIGHWAY 8, GODERICH. i3 WEST WILLIAM STREETS A COMPLETE LINE OF SERVICE -Major and Minor Repairs Washing, and Lubrication t , - Foreign Cars A Specialty Your Morris Dealer •Mercedes-Benz Austin TAXI.. SERVICE PHONE 149 TEXACO 'SKY CHIEF' f3'FIRE .CHIEF' r Canada's 'Chief Caseliues' Hwy 8, corner of Goderich & W. William sts. Seaforth 953.2(3 and tllan15you 6artls were read, A remnant bundle from Ea - tons wets banded out for process- tug for the bazaar, The WA areas- user, We, i2on Sennett and WMS treasurer Mrs. Earl Watson gave the financial reports, The Semler der supper to be held in Mardi was discussed •also the World Day of Prayer, I-lostesses Tor the even. ing were Miss Bessie Davidsou, Mrs. Renard Bennett and .Mfrs. R, Travis, A Bible contest on the Book of Matthew was conduoted by Mfrs, Gordon Murray. The contest for March will be taken from the Book of Mark and will be 'con. duoted by Mrs. Fern Patterson and Ml's, Luella Marshall Kr, and Mrs. Gordon McGavin spent a few days in Toronto this week. The Euchre and Lost I-Ieir panty sponsored by the Hall Board was cancelled last Friday night 'ow- ing to weather conditions, BLAKE Mr. and Mrs, Alvlrr Rader of Dashwood spent Sunday with Air. and Mrs. David 003011. Mfrs, Bert ,Faber of ICippen, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Ga.sch0 and Mr. Mento Oesch of Zurich and lire. Gordon Johustan of New Lek - ear(' visited on Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Rudy Oesch, Mr. lilphriam Giiigerich event a few days in New York. Mr. and Ma's, Jack McOlinchey and 'Mrs, Newell Geiger visited with Mr. Newell Geiger at Lon- don on Sunday, Mr. Harold Finlay and family were Sunday guests at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Stokes of Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Mary Hey is spending a Sew days in London, Mrs. Gordon Johnston of New Liskeard is visiting with her bro- ther, 1Vlh: Harold Finlay and fanc- ily and friends. Mr, Grant Mc'Bain of Aniberley and Mr. Hughie McBride of Lon- don .spent Sunday with Mr, end Mrs, Roy MoBrjde. Mr, and 3Pre. Earl Gesell and family spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Zeilr of Zurich. PEDEIWrION NEWS Predicts 5,000- Head Cattle Feeding Station in Huron By J. 0, Hemingway The marketing of farm .products is the popul'ai' topic for discussion and It is important that farmers know not only the fact but.also the implications. . I was very interested' in a quo- tation given from one of our cur- rent Ancient history books by Mr. Jas. Haggerty at the Elms twp. Fed, at Agri. meeting Feb, 18th, 1It Is only when forces are equal that the question of rights arises. When forces are unequal the strong does what he can and the weals suffers what he 'must,” Could this apply to Hog Market- ing. In 'former years the strong packing corporation did what he could, namely gained control of the hogs by bonusing the weaker trucker and the trucker, stronger than the individual and protected by P.V.C. licensing, gathered up the hogs from the weaker indi- vival farmer who suffered what ha must. There was no question of rights. This was just accepted as the way things were done. Now that the Ontario Hog Pro- ducers has become strong bar- gaining force iu the sale of hogs the question of rights becomes a vital issue. In this case the point of contention is who shall have the right to allocate the supply of hogs. The ,opposition has been imply ing that the Hog Producer's mark- eting Board .has the sole power to allocate hogs to the various pack- ers. This Is not true. Since the Marketing Board must always sell in the best interests of the producer any packing plant can take over the right to allocate the desired number of hogs to itself simply by bidding the higher Price. It is only in the case of identical bids that the Board has any power of allocation. In this case the Board is obligated to sell the hogs on some other oonsidera- tion, in the best interests of the producer. The packer who can process quickest, who is closest to the point of assembly, or who consistently .returns favourably dressing percentage, or who will sell immediately into the trade rather than the one who is storing pork win get the hogs, The fact that the matter of right has came up would seem to prove that farmers now have eq- ual strength in the market place as far as hogs are concerned. Marketing of beef was also dis- ussed and while the past doesn't eem too bad there was ,definite ear expressed for the future. It s rumoured that one of the weal - Most financiers in Canada is about to set up a 5000 head tattle feeding station in Huron County. He has refuse .from another enter - rise that will supply hint with cheap fattening ration, he has ehares in the packing industry, nd controls a large retail chain. With a good market for the .re- fuse and a good profit on process - ng and retailing he doesn't Have o worry about a profit on his eeding, The only answer for the sumer is Co -Op Marketing, pro - seeing and retailing. Epinonaville United-Cliscrc)1 Da'..1. Semple, Minister, Lyle Hammond, Organist -Choir leader. 11 a.m., What will they see when they come? 8 p.m„ Meeting of the Official Board, Claes Church .membership at , close of anorning service. Minist. er's. Vestry. (12-10.) March 4111. Woman's World Day of Prayer, March 2nd, WMS and W.A. meeting. PIAOSSIV] EUCHRE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2,G at '8.30 pan, ST. JAMES' SMOCK, IIALL SBAFORTl S'poneare0 113 Moly Nance SOc1stir Admission 50 canto Public Meeting In ASrlc. Board Rooms, Clinton 101111, 20 — 8.30 P.M. Rudy Usiek, guest spealcet', Presi-. dent of Manitoba Farmer's Union.. Ladies bring lunch, 13veryone welcome Also County Quarterly Meeting, MARCH San RD — 8.60 P.M. 12011(7 Noakes, guest speaker Ladies bring 11111011 1141,IA1111,11111111411111111111,111111111.1111111141114111114411111411A„11114111111111111111111/1111111111111111111111111111111,1 The Sterling Trusts Corporation, Toronto CONTINUE TO PAY On Guaranteed Trust Certificates Option -- 1 to 5 years District Representative JOHN A. CA RDNO INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 214 Main. St. Seaforth 11111111,11 11141414,4,114111444411,,,,11,1141,441,14,14414,11111„1111111,111,11114,111414411414441, 441 CAROL LYN SHOP Sale Continues OUR ENTIRE STOCK HAS BEEN GREATLY REDUCED VALUES THAT WILL SWEEP U OFF YOUR FEET BOYS DRESS PANTS 4 to 11 years ... 3.19 and 4.69 PLAID REVERSIBLE SKIRTS i/2 PRICE BLOUSES, reg. it to 425 .... 1.89 Special Tables 50c 99c Good Selection of Sleepwear Babies - Children's - Ladies DRASTIC REDUCTIONS Carob Lyn Sho ciAlifVUTTANtriliAlesamoinevisristAITIAA Savings, too, have a way of growing And just like her Junior Depositor's Account, your Savings Account will grow with regular deposits. THE CANADIAN. ANK OF OMMERC MORE THAN 600 BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA Seaforth Branch; L. F. Ford, Manager Dublin Branch: E. J. Dean, Manager