HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-02-25, Page 4Discuss Function of Rural. Churches Delegates from the 32 pastoral charges of the Vatted Church of Canada, in Huron met last week (actual date was Thursday, Feb, 13) for the regular meeting of Huron Pl'es1YteI'y, The meeting was held at James St. United Church in Exeter, with the chair- man, Dr; Jas, Semple of Dgniond- ville prodding. Rev, T. J, Pitt of Varna opened the sessions with a period of worship, Notification was received of the applications of 13 ministers of either aenomin- ations .Seeking admission to the ordained 'Ministry of. the United Olhurclh of Canada. The 41)01 - cants lnoluded minister's from the Methodist • Church' in. the in England, in Ireland, in Aust- ralist and in Australasia, the Ol iridr of Scotland, the Cougr'ega, tional 'Union of. Englund and Wales, Tile Chul'oll of Christ. (Di- Ludes, seiples) and the Mennonite Church of Noi'tlh Ameriea. Rey, Darold M. 13aileY, super - Intendant of Mtssiona for South- ern Ontario outlined the propos- als of the pamphlet 'New Pros. Poets for the Rural Church". The function of the oliurclh in society needs to be reconsidered and elar- ified, Said Mr. Bailey, so that the true purpose of the ehlth'elh Ina/ be fulfilled in the rural areas; The clithreb. ought not to be Iuo4t- ing aiilustmenta lust to "held on', he declared, but might to be bold- ly preparing and Planning With lnlaghratien and creative atti- 1957 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1957 OLDS SEDAN, A.T. 1957 FORD STATION WAGON 1956 PONTIAC COACH 1956 FORD SEDAN 1955 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 1955 MONARCH SEDAN, radio 1955 Chevrolet Pickup NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seafort/i .7;) otors Chevrolet.- Oldsmobile MITCHELL Phone G. Fawm 186 Sales & Service SEAFORTH Phone 541 FITS YOUR PRESENT OR FUTURE HOME because (, S is MODERN DEPENDABLE AUTOMATIC FAST, CLEAN SAFE and SILENT —.and you get any degree of heat control INCIN RATOS, SUMAC S AIR.CONDITIONERS YES, gives you MORE MORE FREE TIME because now GAS is more automatic and dependable. New dream gas ranges watch the clock and turn gas on and off while you're away. MORE SPACE FOR LIVING with compact gas water heaters or heating units. More comfort from the new air conditioners! MORE ECONOMY, TOOT Heat Water, dry clothes, or install a gas incinerator, you enjoy low initial cost, lower operating costs, more comfort and con- venience , .. with GAS. MORE- SELECTION —Ranges, Refrigerators, Furnaces, Clothes Dryers, Air Conditioners, Water Heaters and Incinerators. .001'155 001505 �• •u,OMATIC +•ft HEA11115 [.,UNION SCOMPANY OF CANADA,LIMITED Your first step to better living le Natural Gas 0003 GINGERICH'S SALES - SERVICE PHONE: SEAFORTH 585 ZURICH 34 :..; EO. A. SILLS & SONS Plumbing and Heating PHONE 56 SEAFORTH FRANK KLING Plumbing - Electrical - Heating PHONE 19 SEAFORTH BO DOIG Plumbing and Heating PHONE 668 r 13 SEAFORTH '�• mono Plumbing and Heating PHONE 23 SEAFORTH Mrs. Allen MsTaggar't of Mon- crieft president of the Huron PresbYtory Woman's Association, outlined the activities and work of the women of tile ohureh; W. A groups in the Presbytery raised $53,321 in 1959 for such purposes as parsonage upkeep, youth work, Overseas relief, and Sp0ns0ring television ,programs, Mrs. 'Virtu, McVtttie, Blyth, president of :the Huron Presbyterial of the WKS reported $24,999 raised by Auxil- iaries and groups in the Presby tory. Materials sent to the Ov01 seas Relief depot in Toronto in eluded, 9,810 pounds of clothing 75 quilts and 36 complete lay ettes, In addition 26 bales of cloth- ing were sent to Indian Resident- ial Schools. In speaking of the prove to create one organization 'for church women, Mfrs. MoVittie remarked, 'tour women will re-, main loyal and true to our Aim and Objeot. We will study, pray, $ work and give for the growth of our Ohurcli .in Canada and throughout the world." Rev. A, E. Holley of Grand BendBenoutlined the material of th hook "Life and Death" recently published by the Committee on the Christian Faith. As a resul of his discussion of this bool which has received a "best-seller' circulation, it was decided to have a special meeting of the Presby- tery when the proclamations of the book will be more fully dis- cussed, Statistics presented by the sec - i rotary, Rev. R. ,Evan MoLagan of Blyth, showed 652 members .re- ceivecl during the year dor a net gain in membership of 115. Money raised by the churches 'for all purposes showed an increase of almost 10% for a total of $513, 798. This includes $71,646 for the Mi se i o n a r y and Maintenance Fund, an increase of 2% over the previous year. 4. request from the 'Calvin - Brick congregation to sell the for- mer Brick ,Church to the Bast Wawanosh'Council' was given the consent of the Presbytery as was a request from the Union Congre- gation (Grey township) to adver- tise church shed for sale. A re- quest from the Kippers congrega- tion to sell land adjacent to the parsonage was also given favor- able support. A call from the Dungannon Charge to the Rev. T. R. Richards of Port Credit was ratified. Mr. Richards will arrive to serve the congregation of Dungannon, Nile, and Port Albert in April. Announcement was made of $2,- 847 received and disbursed by the Capital Funds Finance Commit- tee since its organization last No- vember. The projects supported by this Fund include the establish- ment of a Christian Centre near the campus of the University. of Western Ontario, the sponsoring of television pprograms, Singtime and Storytime, the expansion of •Goderioh 'Sumer Camp, the cre- ation of funds to subsidize hous- ing for retired ministers and grant bursaries to students torr the ministry. Mr. E. Livermore, Q.C. of Lon- don, chairman of the Board of Di- rectors of the University Christ- ian Centre spoke to the delegates concerning progress for the estab- lishment of this centre on the former Hunt Club property in north London. Possession of the property is expected later this year and already architects' plans 'for the remodelling of the club house are nearing completion, A bursary has been engaged and, said Mr. Livermore, "we hope for a Cull time chaplain whose parish will be the 1500 to 1800 students from United Church homes who are registered at the University." He suggested that present plans_ are to use the existing residence, McKinnon House, .for a `girls' re- sidence, Mr. Bob Southcott, chairman of the Men's Council of 'Huron an- nounced a School tor 'Elders and Stewards to be held in Clinton' on Tuesday, March 15. A Skillshop on the use of Audio -Visual aids in the Sunday Ohureh 'School was announced for Sunday,. Feb. 28 at Exeter.. A Workshop for Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary and. Jun- ior teachers is to be held in Clin- ton, March 2, and for leaders of boys and girls groups in Mitchell on March 27. Announcement was made of a rally of Sunday School teachers -interested in planninga training weekend at Five Oaks Christian Centre. This rally is to be held in Clinton on' Monday, Feb. 29. e t, ci pi DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Ryan, Sheila and Colleen, SebriugviIle, with Mrs. Louis Dillon and Dor- othy. Mh' and Mrs. Dan Costello and Jacky, Mr. 'Wilfred Feeney in London Mr. and itrs, Clayton Looby have returned from Florida. Mr. and Mrs, John Flannery at- tended the funeral 0f MTs. Terry Flannery at Hamilton. Mr, and Mrs. Louis Lane and Laurie Ann, London, with Mrs, Wrn. Lane, • Miss Cecilia Feeney, Kitchener, 10155 Mae Kelly, Tillsonburg With Mrs, Mary Feeney. Mr,, and Mrs, Tack Wells in Toronto for the weekend. Leo Bolger .of Wyndotte, Tdieh.,. died suddenly in Florida on Fri- day, . Feb, 12, ,born near Ottawa, Ontario, he has resided at Wyn- dotte for the past 26 years, Em- ployed in the summer months on a freighter on :tire Great Lakes, Mr. ahcl Mrs, Bolger and Iwo children Were spending two months in Florida. 'Married on Deeeiihbeh' 20th, 1934, to, Margaret Jordan at 'St, 1440101es 4huroh, Dublin. They celebrated their 25th Silver Wedding Anniversary the past December, Surviving are his wife, .f cur daughters, •2larY Anne of Detroit, Sue and Dorothy of California, ,Patricia :and .one son Rory at Marie. The Mali is being 'broiled bask to Wyndotte where faneral, services will take place lates'this weer., The February meeting of the Ladles' Guild of St. Mary's. Churph, Dublin was held; at the halite of MTS. Oharles Friend with a fair attendance, Mrs. Friend op- ened the meeting with •ps'ayer. and read the scripture lesson. Routine business was dealt with and it was deelded that each member would continue to do- nate a cent a day for the year to the Guild. Lenten boxes were 'dis- tributed for the Lenten season. Planawere. discussed on a bake, sale to be held in the near future, Ml's: Friend :then served tea, ladies of the village were invited in fora social hour, The Annual Meeting of the Mlo. KGIMP, Logan and Hibbert Tele- phone Company was held at Dub- lin on Wednesday. The sharehold- ers ,heard details of a successful year's operation, also a review of the operations during 1059 from officers of the .company. Almost 30 shareholders attended the meeting, The Company enjoyed a successful year, the net profit transferred to surplus ,account amounting to $9,037,45 the bal. ince sheet adopted by the meet- ing indicated, Nile compares with an amount of 18,214.32 in the pre- vious year. During the year under review the meeting was ,told that an extensive Program of rebuild- ing open wire had been carried out, Included -1n the construction program was the installation of 3% miles of underground cable north of Dublin, President Matt Murray paid tribute to the co- operation extended , by the staff of the company and emphasized the 'extent •to which their co-oper- ation had resulted in a successful yea+r's operation. Plans for the coming year provide for the in- stallation of approximately three miles, of underground cable to complete the line from Dublin to Staffa, The meeting re-elected the'boarebf directors, Matt Mur- ray, Albert, Stamen, Mrs. Gather-' ins M. Feeney, 'Clem Krauskopf, Herb 'Mahaffy, Lyle Worden, and Pat Jordan. At a subsequent meeting of the board Matt Mur- ray was re-elected President, Vice President, Albert Siemon, and Mrs, Catherine :NI. Feeney, Secretary -Treasurer. BRODHAGEN Mrs. Kate Rug observed her 90th birthday on Wednesday, Feb, 24th. She resides with hes' nep- hew J. P. Prueter. Miss June Hillebrecht, daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. Irvin Hillebrecht had her tonsils and adenoids re- moved at Seaforth Hospital re- cently. The sympathy of the communi- ty is extended to Mrs. Ed, Prue - ter and William Bennewies Sr. and other relatives in the death of their sister, Mrs. Louise Hille- brecht in Kitchener with burial in St. Peter's Liltheran Cemetery here. Flowers were 'in the chancel of St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday from the funeral of Mrs. Louise I3illebrecht whose funeral was held last Wednesday. Tile regular l>'i wleeltuy 'fiance had to be cancelled owing to the snow storm. An enjoyable time was held at the Box Social held in the Com- munity Hall here last Tuesday evening. Spot dances were won by Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Torrance and Mrs. Ross Leonhardt and Edgar Elligsen. Clarettes Orchestra pro- vided the 'music with Manuel Beuerman, calling:' ' A shower was held for Elaine Rock and Frank Van Revel, prior to their marriage; at the Commun- ity Hall here last ,Wednesday evening. The address was read by Sharon Prueter and the presenta- tion of a chesterfield and money was made by Carole Wardell. Sip- per's Orchestra provided music for dancing. Lunch was served. 'Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller and Ruth Ann of Hamilton with her mother, Mrs. Aug. Hillebrecht re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. I-Jerb Mogk of Boissevain, Manitoba, visited Mrs. F. Prueter and other relatives re- cently. Mfrs. Norman Rode of Detroit has been visiting her parents, Mr. and MTs. Ed Prueter, past week. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Swint of Milverton and Mr. and Mfrs. Don. MoLaughlin of Kincardine with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diego' on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock and Jane with Mir. and Mrs. Bill Broughton, Atwood, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben •Buuck with Mr. and Mrs. Rhine Kahle, Mitchell, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Russell Sholdice with Mir. and Mrs, John' Moore, Dublin. Miss Dorothy Marks of Kitch- ener with her sister Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer and i1Dr. Pfeifer on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rock, Detroit, with relatives here and attended the funeral of his aunt Mrs. Louise Hillebrecht, Mr. Edgar Hillebrecht was con- fined to Seaforth Hospital for several days. Work is 'progressing favourably in the kitchen in the basement of the Community'Hall. Mrs,. Geo, Mogk' le confined to Seaforth I•Iospital, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chambers, john and Debbie and Mrs, Toledo Beuerman of Preston; Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Miller and Linda, of Walton, with Ma's. Rosine Nutlet. Mrs. J. Dicklson and Mr. and Mrs. Ken MoKague, Ronald and Murray of Teeswater with Mr, and MIS, Vora Dioltison on Sun - clay, Mr, .and Mrs. Teen Illus of St.' Catharines with Mr, and Mrs. D111. ton Hinz on Sunday, Mr, Bine re. turning with ahem. Visitot's with Mrs. Lena 1001110 - sen on Snndaywere: Mr, and. Ml's, Elgin Fisher and Don and Mrs. 13i11 Johnson of Goderdoh, Ml's, Doris Bruder of Montreal spent a few days with her parents Mr, :and Ml's. Ed Rock last week. Progressive euchre was held at the Community Hall here ou Mon dayevening', the winners were: high. -Mrs, C. Regele and Wilfred.. Ahrens; low—Mrs, P. l3arloff and N. Kintner. I0Lr, and Mks, Reuben Ruuck donated the prizes, Duel) was served by Community Forum members, DISTRICT LOL s4'A1PIr Maw The annual meeting of District, Loyal Orange Lodge of Hullett was held in Seaforth Orange Hall with the district master, Ted Gower, Goderieh, in the chair. Past County 'limiter Kenneth Bet- ties took the chair for the elec Mon of officers;' Asa Deeves in- stalied them. District .officers for 1960 are: master, Borden Brown, :Seaforth; deputy master, Harry R. 'Crich, Olinton;; chaplain, Charles Stew- art, Clinton; recording secretary, Mr. Colelough, LOL 182; financial secretary, Lavern Hoegy, LOL 813; treas., Frank Falconer, 'Clin- ton; marshal, 'Mervyn 1Faiconer, Clinton; first lecturer, Alex Me - Michael, Clinton; second leoturer, John Oldfield, Seaforth. THE 11 FilEFTY MAN knows that a little set aside each day can pay rich di- vidends for his family in the event of his early death, or in his own retire- ment years, through the medium of life insurance — Sun Life insurance, of course. Arnold Stinnissen Phone 160R, Seaforth I represent the Sun Life As- surance Company of Canada. Our modern plans can be tailored to fit your own in- dividual needs. May I dis- cuss some of these plans with you? You will be under no obligation in any way. • SUN LIFE OF CANADA P14 p S1OAh'ORT1•T maws Thursday, February 25,'1000 I-IENSALL Mr, ltarl Bell 011; Toronto visit- ed with his parents, Ml', and Mrs, Glenn Bell over the weekend'. Mr, John Corbett, Councillor .of T3r1y Towlrslrip was: in Toronto this week on business, Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau, 'who has been a patient itt O linton Public hospital, returned to her home on Sunday, First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Leslie Bider Minister 10 a.ni, Church School and Youth Fellowship Class 11 A.M, "THISI CHIMING 'OF THE DEEPS" Anthem; '50o Not earn (Ziugarelli) Senior Choir 4.30 P.M. VESPER SERVICE Guest Minister Rev. H. Donaldson, S,Th. St. Thomas' Church Soloist; Miss Darlene Sills SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRI., SAT, 4.13.011:; PACK BALLET TOILET TISSUE, pit. 45o SCHNEIDER'S NEW VAC - PACKED BREAKFAST BACON, hall lb,..,, 35c MCCORM41CK'S GRAHAM WAFERS, lb. 33c HAYJIOE' ARROW I3LEND TEA, half lb. .... , , 390 HI-FLO BUTTERSCOTCH TOPPING 270 TEMPT •DOG FOOD 6-15 oz. tins . , 490 BROOMS—Reg. 1.35 99c GORDON MCGOMIGLE • "So we phoned the doctor . and...97 An accident...a sudden illness... One of the first things you do is summon medical help, by telephone. In an emergency your telephone gives you prompt and priceless aid. Just knowing it is there, ready to serve you day or night, is a comfort in itself. It's hard to put a value on these things. Yet your telephone provides them all—and more—at minimum cost. THE BELE. TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA • F.TOTICE TO MOTQRISTS who have not obtained 7960 Licences Your 1959 driver's licence and vehicle' permit will expire at midnight, March 16th. After this date it will be illegal to drive with 1959 licences or plates. Licences have been on sale since January 4th. Get yours today from one of the 250 Agency Offices throughout the province. Avoid delay and inconvenience. DON'T WAIT 'TIL THE MARCH DEADLINE RENEW YOUR LICENCES NOW AN IMPORTANT REMINDER You must show proof of liability insurance when youapply tor plates, or pay an extra $5.00 fee. If you do not have a certificate for Bootee purposes,` dill Your insurance agent today. A POLICY FOR FIRE, THEFT AND LOLL! SION 18 NOT LIABILITY INSURANCE: S ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Hon. John Yaremko, Q.C., Minister D. J. Collins, Deputy Minister