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The Seaforth News, 1960-02-25, Page 3
Fcirrn'ing And "Book -Learning" The assertion is made that s young man, today, cannot expeet to be a successful farmer with- out a collegeeducation. This;.is interesting as we work tntpi;an. era when a farmer ean;li the. f. ford to send his boys tji'gollege any more, and suggests' `tough times ahead. Yet, how different from the old days when the farmer was one adjunct of so- ciety on which, an education was Wasted! : He was an unrecover- able hick, muddling along in his iggerant way only because he didn't have intelligence and knowledge enough to be any- thing else. 1 rememger a few old-time farmers who had an education -- although they were cultural -arts boys and in those days agronomy as such was •a neglected curricu- lum. One of these fellows was a Harvard man, which in Maine doesn't mean just what it means on State Street. Jim was tall, lanky, and gaunt, and in his be- draggled overalls would never. to tagged as Ivy league. His di- ploma hung on the grain -room wall of his henhouse, festooned with spicier webs and milling dust, and if you mentioned it Jim would say, "I went through Harvard to please' my pa, and 1 took up poultry to please my- self," Jim would come to toµtn with a wagon of crated eggs to put..gn the evening train, and .to look at him youwouldn't think he knew beans. But there was a quiet dignity to his speech, and he had an aplomb the other farmers lacked, One year, mov- ed by his interest in affairs, he arose in Town Meeting and made a speech. Town Meeting harangue is usually a homespun thing, not 'what you would call in The clas- sical style. But Jim started a speech that came sight out .of Demosthenes and Cicero. Point by point it developed into an articulate .unit of great art. He began long, involved, sentences that hung fire until he dropped in the key word; then he would shift to bright, staccato phrases that clipped the air off in sec- tions. His voice rose or fell as some ancient Harvard professor of rhetoric had inculcated. Arriving .at the conclusion, he summed up lucidly, and reached the final word with one -hand' held high, a single finger ere'f-- ed, and an appeal in his voice which would melt 'a stone. He sat down in a tumultuous silence, every man in the hall holding his mouth open in amazement. The effect was total. Jim car- ried his case without a dissent- ing murmur, and the town talk- ed about it for years. It was beautiful. That's how the town came to build a plank culvert on Middle Swamp Brook on the Maple Hill road. Another educated farmer I re- call went in more for playing the character. He didn't have his diploma hanging anywhere, lest. somebody see it. Once a year he would dress up and go to commencement, looking like a minority senator, making a call at the White House, but the rest of the time he lived in disrepu- table old farm clothes. One year he was gored badly by his bull. A monstrous great animal, the bull had everybody frightened, and nobody was surprised . when word, came out that Win had been second-best in a tussle. After . Win, gotback in action, he used to sit . around and' tell of this adventure, hanging on all the details with relish, and mak- ing all he could of it. One after- hoon he was telling the tale to ff summer -lady, and suitably ap- palled she said, "Why, Win, Whatever did you do with the Vicious beast?" Win straightened up, struck a pose of magnificent satisfaction, alP UNDAYSC OO1 JSSON By itev. R. llarelay Warren E.A,, i'ortrait of a Pastor Acts 20:18b-21, 28-$00 Memory Selection: The grace of God that bringeth salvation bath appeared to all men, teach- ing us that, denying ungodliness and worldly Lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and. godly, in this present world. Titus 2:11-12. Paul had spent three years as Pastor at Ephesus. In our lesson he is bidding his, last farewell to the elders of the church there. It is an intimate picture portray- ing the love which should al- ways exist between a pastor and his people, Let us examine the record of Paul's service to his people that formed the basis of such mu- tual love, Paul was, first of all, a servant of the Lord, He wasn't trying to win- friends to himself but to the Lord. He called for repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul was not guilty of that besetting sin of so many ministers, namely, that of with- holding a truth which he knows will be offensive to some mem- ber of his congregation, Paul could say, "I have not shunned to declare unto you all the coun- sel of God." Paul was tender-hearted. He said, "By the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears." In him the promise of Psalm 12G:6 was fulfilled. "He that goeth forth and weepeth, bear- ing precious seed, shall doubt- less come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him" Paul was self-sacrificing. He knew that bonds :and afflictions lay ahead, if he went to Jeru- salem, but he declared, "None of these things moveme, neither count I my life dear unto my- self." He wasn't In it for the money. The 'fact that he had helped to support himself by manual labour illustrated the truth of . his statement that. 'I have coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel." Every minister should read this lesson every three month. Here is a portrait of a true shepherd, a man with a pastor's heart. He was not content to preach and work in the church office. He taught from door to door. He loved his •people with a pure heart. He loved His Lord more. To win others to be fol- lowers of Jesus Christ was the dominating passion of his life. GIVE ME LAND, LOTS OF LAND -Just a step or so ahead of disaster, a Franciscan friar hurdles a wire fence to escape a charging bull at the. Mission San Antonio near Monterey, Calif. Friends gave the mission two full- grown buffaloes to supplement the livestock but the animals didn't co-operate with the Franciscans` plan to tame. them with kindness. and said with finality, "I et him!" But the story I like about Win, which shows the value of an education to a farmer, has to do with the time he "salvaged" a bus. Win's was a salt -water farm, so he knew the sea very Well, too, and one night about three a,m, a knock came at his door, It was a bus driver from - Boston with an odd tale. His bus = has been chartered to deliver a load of coastguardsmen to the station at Rocldand, and on the way through town he had mis- chanced and made a wrong turn. He had got off on the country road past Win's. In trying to reverse himself, he had got mired in the lane to Win's pas- ture, and there his bus sat, hub - deep in mud, He had come to inquire if Win might extricate him. Win pulled on his pants, startedup his heavy farm tractor, and. drove over in the dark to have a look. He attached a chain to the bus, drew the chain taut with his tractor, shut off the engine key, and dismounted. "Now," he said. "About my pay..," The bus driver said the com- pany would pay all right; there was no need to worry about that. "I ain't worrying, exactly," - said Win. "I 'just don't want t6 go through a lot of red tape and ;� folderol. Suppose you pay me- now." The bus driver said he didn't have any money with flim. "You. better get it," said Win. "I don't budge until you do." The bus driver asked how muck it would be, and Win said he figured it ought to be worth $5 a ton, So the bus driver said he guessed they'd better forget the whole thing,- Said he'll call the. Boston office and let them worry about it. "Just unhitch," he said. 'I'll make other arrange- ments." "Can't do it," said Win. "Laws of salvage. I got my line on her first. She's :my prize." "Gracious sakes," said the driver, or words to that effect. "This ain't no boat!" "Then why's .she., loaded with. sailors?" asked Win. So he stay- ed hitched, and he got paid, and that shows what an education can do. By John Gould in the Christian ,Science Monitor. One evening, during a parti- cularly noisy thunderstorm, lit- tle *Tommy ittle'*Tommy was being tucked' into bed. His mother was'•about to turn•' off the light when he - asked tremulously, "Mummy, ,will you sleep' ' with me tonight?" • "I can't do ,that, dear," she, ex- plained. "You see, 'I have to sleep with, Daddy." A shaken little voice replied, "The big sissy!" CROSSWORD PUZZLE 7. Anglo-Saxon 29. Doughnut ,. M� g 2t. Boastn.> 9. Article 83. Scarf 10. Officer of IL Corrupted lower: rank 88. Overcome 11. Back of the with gas 68. Ancient tcot 41. Hawaiian lava Persian 14. Fools . 43. Climbing 59. First (garden 10. Oriental Woody Perennial DOWN obeisance 44. Cereal grass 1. Title 20. Extreme fear 46. Close forcibly 2. Indian 22. Six 49. Anger 9 Ember '8. Expunges 23. Steals 51. Sooner than 12. Detail 4. Catkin 84. Instruments 52. Put on 118. Endure . 6. Out of for measuring b4. Symbol for 116. Partain a play (Pretax) air density nickel 117. Star to a 0. inn's name 25. Mute 6fr , ,iii, nus point southern eonk:oilation ACROSS 1. Baking neceeeity 6 Goddess of striae 28. Exist 19. Growing out 21. Competitor 23. Snakes of a ' certain kind 26. Lubricant 27. Seaweed 28. Painter 80 Symbol for terbium 82 Coverwith -eters 04. English surgeon 38. Thus 37. en character 29. Macaw 40. Chart 42. Causing mental irritation 44. Harvoste . :48, Drinking mtig 47. Pronoun Ancient Gr, cit 52, Squairee meters Oa. Roman 17. 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Of- ten comment is made on ` the speed with which the American experts move in with a new pro- duct and the delaying . tactics employed by Canadian scientists who proceed on the basis that they prefer to have all the an- swers. But, the fault, in either case, is not always with the sci- entists. The various industrial concerns .seeking new products and a bigger share of the market are not free of responsibility. They often move before all the end results are established. But of even greater import is • the established fact that many groom*- 'ers are careless in application of the variots products; that they fail to follow instructions and thus, build up for all, the trouble which leads to an em- bargo such as the U.S.A. cran- berry gr o w e r s experienced. There will always be thosewho refuse to wait for the final ap- proval on any. chemical. To such people the warning is 'clear and loud -follow the manufacturer's instructions. * Perhaps the most illuminating feature of the report of the Roy- al Commission on Price Spreads is to be found in the conclusion that whilst the price .index for food at retail level rose 20 per cent between 1949-1958 'and the food marketing costs between farmer and consuaner rose 84' per cent in the' same , period the ,level of farm prices in 1958 was -the -same as in 1949. There' are a lot of other conclusions to, be found in • the report but, • in . the estimation of The Grower, they are secondary to the ;above find- ings. Actually, the Commission was established to: proveor dis- prove the •contention of farm organizations that prices of .farm produce had. -lagged 'behind as costs of,, distribution spiralled. What will be done about the situation, now 'that an independ- ent body had ascertained the facts, is anybody's, guess. That something can be done is obvi- ous but it will take courage"to impose the controlswhich are essential if the balance is to be restored. In the meantime the free enterprisers will debate other phases of the report such as the yardstick 'to be used in measuring profits. Actually the uninhibited' free enterprisers were at it almost before the ink on the report was dry. These people aren;t interested in the plight of anybody - their only interest being complete freedom to exert the pressures which as- sure long profits - measured by any yardstick which some purveyors of foodstuffs are tak- ing. This limited'interest has but one result - the imposition of the very control and'. regulation ;. the free enterprises abhor. Per- haps the er-haps'the imposition' of these con- trols would do -away with -neces- sity for the cpstly price supports indulged in during the, past cou-' ple of years. The free -enterpris- ers conveniently overlook the reasons for the supports as they yearn and shout for freedom in the market place. * * * The Western Grocer, in a fit- ting mood, talks of things to come in 1960. Fancy free The Grocer calls for: -Free maps andcompasses to supermarket shoppers, to cut the .cost of sending •'out search parties for customers' overdue at the checkout, -Collision, personal and pro- perty damage insurance policies for shopping cart pilots, with understandably higher rates for those' who shop Thursday or Fri- day nights. -Drug stores that sell only drugs and prescriptions. --Formation of a -special branch, of the philatelists socie- ties to include savers of trading stamps. Members can trade trad- ing stamps if they should hap- pen to, have wandered into the wrong store by mistake. -A good five -cent cigar. -A Space Program for re- tailers. That is, 'a program de -- signed to show retailers : how to . get twice as many odd -shaped and sized packages into the existing space. -An electronic device on shopping carts that calculates how much money the customer has, then gently but firmly guides the cart to the checkout before the customer's last dollar is spent. NEW CRAZE/ - Students at Tufts University have 'thrown dawn'' the 'gauntlet. They think they .have. made the world'i 'longest icicle . - 41 feet. They created it by" slowly pouring - ',green -colored water from a. dor- ' mitory window. Forty Sh:ps Carrying Cedar "Bringing of forty ships filled with cedar logs." So wrote an ancient scribe in listing the ac- complishments of Pharaoh Sne- fru, ruler of Egypt about 2650 B.C. This handful of words brings one across the threshold into the period of history pro- per. The dim tracks et potsherds and other like objects are still important - giving them up is a luxury that the student of the history of shipping cannot af- ford at any stage in the ancient period - but now there exists, for the first time, the strong light of written words to serve as a guide. As in the case of many phases of civilization, the record begins in Egypt. Very little wood grows in the valley of the Nile. Cedar most certainly does •not, and to get it Sne'fru had to look over- seas. So he sent to Phoenicia where a famous stand grew on the mountain slopes of Lebanon. Snefru was blazing no trail, for Egypt had been in touch with this area even before his time. Archaelogists have found in the tombs of pharaohs and nobles in earlier dynasties jars and flasks and pitchers which were made in Palestine and Syria, and they have dug up in the latter countries objects that unquestionably came out of Egyptian workshops. Were these carried ,overland or by boat? Before the time of Snefru there is no way . of telling. But his words remove all doubt: some three thousand years before the birth of Christ a fleet of forty vessels slipped their moorings, 'sailed out of a Phoenician har- bor, and shaped a ,course for Egypt to bring there a shipment of Lebanese ce d a r. It is the world's first articulate record of large-scale overseas commerce. On the coast, hot far north of where. Beirut stands today, was the port of Bybius whose begin- nings go back beyond recorded memory. It was here that, among other things, the timber of Lebanon in Snefru's day and for centuries thereafter was brought to be loaded for ship- ment, and copper from the rich deposits in Cyprus was ferried in for trans -shipment. So con- stant was the trade between this city and Egypt thatfrom earli- est times seagoing merchantmen were called "Bybius-ships" whe- ther they. actually plied between there and Egypt or not, just . as in the last century "China clip- pers".and "East Indiamen were used on runs other than those they were named for. Hundreds of years later, when Egypt lost much of her power and could no longer maintain her overseas contacts, she felt the loss of the commerce keenly, "No one real- ly sails north to Byblus," wailed one sage some four or five hun- dred years after Snefru's time. -From "The Ancient Mariners," by Lionel Casson. Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking 00017200130 iD© EOM 0111D1019©00 120000 ©No© ©o' mom 000CE 000 B0000 00© 000 021U00U 00 E©©©Ek 001900 kU0 001A©©©OU MUM 019000 00 0m170 0©1200 0111©UIW00 ©©®0 ©©I7 '©UD© 000 9: ISSUE 8 -.1960 MAKING A PINCH - Practicing the' fine 'art of pig -pinching, policeman john 'Burkhantersubdues a 500 -pound porker. Tho pig wandered Into•.a residential section of Monroe, Wis. Burk, homer pinched its tail like a garden hose, slipped a noose over its head and ;led it back to its farm.