HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-02-25, Page 1Seaforth
WHOLL>' SERIES, VOL. 82 Phone 84
aim a rcur
Purchase Site for New
Scott • Memorial Hospital
A-nnouncement was made this
week of the ; purchase by Scott
Memorial Hospital Board of. the
85 -acre !farm of Albert Horner,.
lot 24, con. 1, MaItiHop, bordering
Following statement was is-
sued by the Board of Scott Mem-
orial Hospital poncerning the
question or it site tor the future
The board' of : Scott Memorial
Hospital has been concerned fox'.
come time, as a result er •inability
to provide proper accommodation
in the present hospital building
for the increasing number of ,pat-
ients who are seeking admission.
Per more than two years, discus-
sions have been going on with
the Ontario Hospital Services
Commission, the Ontario Depart-
ment of health and the board's
architects, in- an effort to solve•
the problem,*
During that period proposals to
carry out alterations• to provide
additional beds In the existing,
building haye. been explored, but
on the insistence of the Depart-
ment have been abandoned. It was
necessary, as well, to abandon a
proposal to provide additional ac-
commodation by the erection et a
new wing and the replacement of
the existing building on the •gree-
ent site because of site limita-
The entire problem„was review-
ed on January 21 last, when Dr.
John B. .Neilsen; a member of the
Ontario Hospital Services Com-
mission, met the board. Dr. Neil-
son reported to the commission,
and in a letter of February, 10,
commission stated that: "Review-
ing all these-aspeets, the Commis-
sion felt that the most suitable
anewer to the 'problem was to de-
velop an entirely new hospital on
a different site.",
As part of its study, and in an
effort to determine on a long-,
range programthe .board, some
months ago had;instructed its
architects to carry out a eurvey'
of available sites in the Seaforth
area, including" the site of the
present hospital. with a view to.
'determining- suitability for a
long-range projeot.
It became apparent as a result
of the Contmission's letter et Feb-
ruary 10 that improved and en-
larged hospital accommodatien in
Seaforth was to be dependent on
a new building to be located on a
new site. So that active work of
planning.could be proceeded with,
the board accordingly has pureh-
ased the property owned"by Al-
bert Horner, on No. 8 Highway,
at the easterly' limits of the town.
It was this property whiclihad
been recommended by the archi-
tects as being the most suitable
In the area.
Acquisition of a site for a new
hospital le but the first'Step and
permits plans to be prepared and
financing to be studied. It is em-
phasized that some years •; inay
elapse before it can be expected
new facilities will be available.
Commencement of construction
must depend on necessary "finances
being accumulated.
To carry the hospital project
which is contemplated to a suc-
cessful conclusion will renuirethe
support of all citizens in. the area
which the hospital serves.: The
board, in making this announce
meet, seeks this'co-operation; and
assures the public that theprob
lem of providing adequate "hos.pl
tal accommodation is being given
very active consideration:'
Mr. Horner. plans td vacate the
property by October 1st. • This
'farm was formerly known as: the
George Lowery farm.
18 tables were in play at a eu-
chre in the IGO.F Hall Monday
evening, the following were win-
ners: Most games, Mrs. Glen Ole -
vin and Norman Ocains; lone
hands, Mrs. Leslie McClure and.
Norman Riehl; con., Mrs, A. Har-
rison and 3lohn Tsenleer; birth
day, Mrs. Alex Bethune.
Mrs. J. Hhllebreolit ,and her ao-
cial committee served a ,•tasty
Ankle Shattered In
Collision in Storm;
.Hubert Bernier, dield man of
Kimber 'Farms, Freemont, Cali-
fornia, whoo ara'Ived on Friday to
spend a couple of days with Mr.
J; M, Scott of Scott Poultry
Farms, is a patient in St, Joseph's
Hospital London, with a shat•
tered ankle following a collision
during a snowstorm on Saturday
morning West of Hensall. Dr, J.
Harvey of Topnotch ,Feeds, also a
passenger in the -Scott car, receiv-
ed minor knee and facial injuries.
Arthur Kimber arrived;- from
California at London on Wednes-
day and will continue Ma.Burt-
ner's solieduled,arip to Quebec,
the Maritimes and New England
The other car was driven by
Glen Koehler, Hensall R.R. 2. -The
damage totalled around 31,800,
Two .•other accidents • occurred
at the weekend, and were investi-
gated by Prov, Constable John
McDowell of Seaforth.
On Feb, 20th Saturday at 1.30,
5 miles east et Winthrop, a car
driven by Donald Watson of Olin -
ton, was in collision with back
end of a snowplow operated by
Manuel Beuerman of Ba'odhagen.
No one was hurt, no damage to
snowplow; to ear about $700.00
On Friday night on `Iiinbui'n
road, a •light .pickup truck driven
by David Crich of R.R. 4, Clinton
was stuck hi driftwhen another
car driven by Glenn Montgomery
of RR 1, Clinton, struck Its
ti;uck in the rear, •A third car
came along driven by
Dale struck the rear of the Mont
gomery carr which was damaged
to the•extent of $700. Dale ear
was damaged to extent of 4350.00.
This year the theme for the
special World Day of Prayer ser-
vice on, March 4th ie Labourer's
together with God' , The ;program
was prepared by a group of our
own Canadian women, The ser-
vice will be held in St. Thomas'
Anglican Church, ,Friday, March
4th at 3 .p.m. Mrs. Ed Boyes will
give the address. It is hoped thet-
as many as possible, of the wo-
men of the community will attend
this service,
Mrs. Ford was hostess Monday
evening to the meinbers of the
Lawn Bowling' Bridge' and • Eu
chre Club when -there were seven
tables at play. Prizes donated by
1NIisa F, Laidlaw and .Mrs. 17. Dins-
more, were won by Mrs. Alice
Stiles and Mrs ""Brad "Smith,' A
lunch was served by Mrs. E. C.
Chamberlain, Mrs. R. Doig, Mrs.
J, Muir, fIlhs. E. H. •Close - •
•:The,president, Mrs. Christte,
convened `,the plans for ';the
March bridge ',and ' :euchre, ,and
thanked tlieahostesea:' and : those
'assisting:for a pleasant evening. •
William Jahn (Oldfield; .'81.-R. 4,
Seaforth, died ,huddenly Friday at
his home in his 688h; ,'eax..Born
in Tuckersmith township, he was
a son of the late Mx; ` and -;Mrs,,
John Oldfield. He; was educated,
in Tnckersmibh scheole and farina
ed there all his life. Member of St.
Thomas' Anglican :Church, men-
tion was made on Sunday by the
Rev. H. Donaldson, that -five gen-
erations , of the Oldfield • family
have -worshipped in,:this church.
I3e;;waa also -a' member; of tiro
IAL 79,3,and the 331aclt:,Knigbts.:
In 1922 'he married Annie. Kruse
of Egnaondville,' who survives.
Also surviving are one. daughter,;
Mare. W4lliam. (Shirley), O'Shea,
Seaforth; one son John; .g'ucker.
smith, and sister, Mrs„ Sohn (Max;
garet) Pethiol[• of Winthrop. The
remains rested at`the Box funer-
al Marne WWI 11 a ol ,, Monday
when: removal to St, : Thomas'
Anglican Ohuroh was made : for
servile at 2 -:p.m with' -Rev. 31.
Donaldson officiating. 'Berle]: was
in-Maitlandbeink cemetery.
The pallbearers were: Michael'
Williams, James Brown, Alex 140 -
Donald, Warden Haney,. , `Lloyd
Haney, Victor Lee. 'Phe flower -
bevel"! •were Everett '• Robinson,
Leopard Strong, George Pethick,
Russell Miller, Arnold Westeott, . s
Paul Doig. s
Urge Phone Cable
North of Winthrop
14><cT1;311o12.Township Telelrl►ene
•System' held their annpa'1 meeting
in'the Carnegie. Hall here 'on
Tuesday afternoon, 'Harry Snel,
chairman, presided, and Walter
Scott, ' a former ' commissioner,
acted es secretary .for the Meet-
The meeting etrongdy xeoem
mended abet .the .cable should be
extended from Winthrop for 14
miles north to the 10th concession.
Dial phones for the Seatorth part
of the system, will eome in':1063,.
it was stated.
The treasurer, 3, M. lOckert,
read the year's financial state-
ment -and auditor's a'eport. In an-.
ewer to questions Mr. Eckert said
that renters' had :]le signed • con-
tract, non aubeeribefs, Or there•
may be -stores. tin Walton or Lon-
-desbero that had Molfillop phones'
outside the syetem'd3 boundaries.
Also in answer to a query, he
said rentals for the phone at
Maitlandbank cemetery had been
unpaid but the affairs would be
styaightened out 3n a few menthe,
IVIr, Snell. in his address as .the
ohairuran said over 9000 feet of
cable (134 miles) had been laid
frbin Winthrop. Five cirmiits
come ''Into Winthi^opc A ' chain
saw had been bought and we get
along fine with the lineman. •
George Campbell, oommissioner,.
said the value of the system had
increased nearly $5000 to $55,000
during the year. A' lot of work
had- been done during the sum•
allr: Campbell said question was
whether to split the line at Win=
throp•or put In a cable going
north, and whether the cable
should be overhead or under-
ground. The cable would carry 18
lines. Mr, • Eckert said we can't
sell our debentures. this year,
will have to wait until next year.
The drain at Winthrop might
be moved to the north side of the
side road, also there was talk of
rebuilding the North road in' a
few years. These .things- would
have to: be considered. If the cable
were underground it would have
to go under the drain in black
1h'. Eckert said there was no
doubt' we had had good service
this year from .the underground
cable running from. Seaforth to
Winthrop, Without It there would
have been no service since Jan_
Mr. Campbell led a discussion
whether underground cable would
cost more than overhead cable if
the Cost of the poles were counted.
The -meeting urged that under-
'ground'oable should be installed,
It was suggested if splitting the
phone lines were left over to next
year and the work on the cable
clone in the fall, the money would
b8 'availabl'e.
Before the meeting adjourned
a resolution was drawn up sup-
porting the installation of an un-
derground cable front Winthrop
to:1'l4 miles north.
It :was announced that Commis -
s oner Allan Campbell was unable
to attend as he was in Toronto.
,14r. Eckert' told the meeting
Dublin phone was getting 32800
in .cbinmissions fromtoll charges.
They are en independent com-
pany doing their own switching.
We get nothing and have to pay
the charges every month. It
would cost Gc apiece to send out
statements, about 3600 to $700.
Mr, -Campbell complained that
at present we got no itemized bill;
In answer to a question Mr.
Eckert• -;said a private line cost
$85 far- a single line or about
$e8 ferattivo phones cm a line.
There. Was a complaint about
the ' cradle phone. The phone
would get -off the cradle and the
line" was -inoperative for as long
as 86 azure. at should be looked
after very carefully.
The ' commissioners were re-
turned by acclamation; Harry
Snell (Hallett), 3 years; George
Campbell, 2 years .and Allan
Campbell one year.
The system's lineman, George
Hibbert, who lives east of Wal-
ton told' the meeting he was very •
pleased with the Pioneer power.
ea* "400 -which weighs 25 pounds.
It coat- '$175 and atpresent it is
in Peterboro for a tune-up.
The craws are back, several re -
idents having reported -seeing
everal during the week.
J. C. Stevens To
Head Fund Drive
Red.. Cl oss comruittee in charge;
of tile 'blita t4 be bell on the ey
ening:: of -March 0th are: John Q,
Stevens, chairman; Tom Waive,
secretary Neil Bell, treasurer.
' ,A: display' "of 'ilrtieles' made by
tho'Red Cross le In Box Furniture
Store window:. '
• at is hoped to have a blood clin-
ic at Seaforth in the near future.
Blood is now 'supplied free to
hospitale,by the Red Grose.. •
1959 Finanolal Statement of the
Seaforth'Branch '04 the Comedian
Red Gross Society. •
Cash on on hand or depoert •
.. San. 1, 1959.,, $-149,22.
Campaign Receipts .. , 1271.85
;General, Donations 6.05
Custom Quilting , , , 8.00
Bank .Interest 6,73
Cash received to -ward
Civilian Emergency Aid 45,00
Expenses -
Amount remitted to On-.
taro Division. in 1959 :3•,800.00
Civilian Emergency Aid &6.79
Health Work 14.00.
Loan Cupboards 8.98
Water' Safety -Services 8,90
Workroom Supplies , , , ,. 169.64.
Administration Expenses 8.76
Campaign Expenses . '1,25
General Publicity .50
Funeral ,Flowers 10.00
Cash on hand and deposit
Dec. 31, '1959 - .388.03
Mrs: Ivy -M. Butt, Tweets.
During 1959, 366 pieces etisew-
ing, 135 pairs of knitted socks
and six.large quilts were sent to
Parente Headquarters and 25 in-
dividuals made use of- our loan
cupboard equipment. c - •
J. C. .Stevens will be_chairman
of the Red Cross campaign. this
The Seaforth ladies had asuc-
cessful day on Wednesday, Feb. 17
when they entertained at their
fifth annual ladles bonspiel. Out-
of-town ,rinks participating were
from Kitchener, Drayton, Strat-
ford Walkerton, Strathroy. Lon-
don, St, Thomas, Galt, Wingham,,
Clinton, Exeter and Centralia,
.The winners for the 9 a.m, draw
were rinks skipped by:. lst, Mrs.
Marty !Dempsey, Stratford; 2. Mrs.
Kathleen Naftel, .Walkerton; 3.
Mrs. E. Clibbern, St. Thomas;
cons., Mrs, Helen Barton, Cent-
11 a,m. draw: 1. Mrs. Dorothy
Baechler, • Itttelrener; 2. Miss A,
Sehr ieber, Galt; ' 3. Mrs. Marg.
Bell, Listowel; cons„ Mrs. El.
Selgman; Drayton,
Miss Elizabeth -Matilda Roselle
Fowler died at Braeside Rest
Hosie, Mitchell Sunday evening
where she had been a patient for
10 , days following a stroke. She
was born in . Hullett Township
about 85 years ago. She was a
daughter of the late John ,Fowler
and the former Elizabeth Van Eg-
mond. She had been a - school
teacher in the Seaforth district
for 25 years before retiring .to
Mitchell. She was a noted artist
and had received a bachelor of
arts degree. She is survived by
one, brother, Foster Fowler of
Mitchell, and several nieces and
nephews. Her brother Frederick
died' eight days ago and her bro-
ther Dr. Howard Fowler of Clin-
ton, and Dr. Wilfred Fowler - of
Guelph died some years ago. The
body was resting at the Heath:
Leslie funeral home, Mitchell,
where the funeral service was
held Wednesday, Feb. 24 conduct-
ed by Rev. George M. Lamont of
Knox Presbyterian Church. Tem
porary entombment will be in
Woodland Cemetery, OMitehell,
Burial will be in Maitlandbank
Cemetery, Seaforth.
Boy's Ankle Broken
In Machine Belt
Anaccident-occurred on Satur-
day when Ray, ten ;year-old sou of
Mr. and Mrs. Art Devereaux got
his Coot in the belt that drives the
Hammermil'l. Attended. by Dr. M.
W. Stapleton it was discovered he
hada bone in his ankle broken.
Though still in hospital he will
be soon able to be home and
around with the aid of 'crutches
Ili ii
SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL,,-,Plans•to build a new Scott
Memorial, Hospital on a new site at the east side of. Seaforth,
are announced., The present hospital, above, was established'
over 80 years age, The inain building was built as a residence
• by the, late D, D. Wilson, and was purchased by the ;htispita•l
. beard' in 1927 and opened as a hospital In October 19'29,, The -
nddition at the left was built ubont 12 years ago.
Midwestern Group
Elects Officers
The 'annual meeting of the
Mitt-Westsrai Ontario Development
AMocietien was held at the Vict-
orian Inn, 'Stratford on Wednes-
clay, Feb, 17th, Speakers included
Mr. A. V. Crate, of Toronto. wino
Beads Ontario's Trade and Indus.
-try Department, and at% John
Edwards of Toronto and Mr,
Browne of Kitchener, both of the
Dept. of Travel and Publicity,
Mid.Western Ontario Develop-
ment Aseoeiation consists of .Mun-
icipal and Chamber of Commerce
representative$ of the four coun-
ties of Huron, Perth, Wellington
and Waterloo. The board of direc-
tors is made up .et -three members
from each county, one member of
the Dept, at Trade and Industry,
and the General Manager,• elected
by the Board. Mr. E. W. Goebel
is Gener'a'l I aiiager and the office
is at' 268 atatio - St., Stratford,,
The Provincial Government makes
a grant equal to that made up by
the municipalitie r ;While the prob-
lem of n` rthe
area is brithe mgingaihabjeetivedusty cefinto.,the
Association, all' matters that
would help' the improvement of
this area...of the province receive
As representatiyes of Huron on
the Board of Directors of btO.D.A.
Wm. StacKenzle of Exeter and
Ross Savattge of. Seaforth were
re-elected together with one new
member, L. G. 'Veanter, of •Clinton.
Each of the foul' Counties elects
its own officers; the new slate
elected for Huron included Mur-
ray Greene, Exeter, Chairman;
Mel Crich, Clinton, vice-chair-
man and"aMayor' B. F. Christie,
Seaforth. SeeietarY. ,
Sale of .Licences
Reported Slow Here
..,J. A. Westcort, local issuer of
motor vehicle licenses received
-word 'ori Wednesday that no ex-
tension. of time will be granted
beyond Maroh.16th,
With only 18 days, left, a com=
parison sheave that over 100 few-
er Mendes have-lieen issued here
up to the same time last year. In
1059, licences- of all types were,
685, this :year..576. 1959 driver's
licences to this date were 1,006;
in 1960, 891.
!Jr.. Westcett stresses the im•
i ortance of bringing the liabiliy
insurance certificate when apply-
ing for licence.
Winthrop Warriors:.
Win, Playoff 'Opener
WinthropWarriors defeated At-
wood 7-2 the first game of the
Intermediate D semi-final play-
offs at Seaforth on Monday night.
Winthrop opened the scoring in
the first , period but Atwood
counted goals before the period
ended to take a '2.1 lead at the
end of the first period. Winthrop
rapped in three unanswered goals
in the 2nd period and added three
more in the 3rd to take a 7-2 vic-
tory. Geo. Love and Ken :McClure
led the Winthrop attack with
tivo goals each. Singleswere
counted by Ton, Love, Bill Kerr
and Harvey Dale. Atwood goals
were seared by W. Thompson .and
C. Matheson,
The third game of the series.
has been changed to Saturday
night Feb. 27th in the Seaforth
Arena, It is the best three out of
five series.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor or
Stratford were Sunday guests of
Miss Mabelle Whiteman.
Mr, Wm. Brock of near Kirk_
ton visited a few weeks with his
son and daughter in-law Mr. and
'Mrs. Russell Brock.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stokes and
Larry of London visited Sunday
with the latter's father, Mr. Rob-
ert. Thomson,
Group 3 of the W. A, of St. An-
drew's United Ohureh of which
Mrs. Sinclair is leader, held a
very successful bake sale Satur-
day afternoon in Daysdale's store,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Willem of
Zurich visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Jones and family.
Mr, and Mrs, Van Wierran,and
family have taken residence in
Mr. Sam ,Cudmore's house on No.
4 Highway.'
The three group leaders, •Mars.
Alderdlce, Mrs, Sinclair and 'Mrs.
H. Caldwell intend holding a
joint -meeting of all members,
their husbands .and families at
the church Monday evening Feb.
29th when Mr. Fred Peel will
give a resume and show pictures
taken 011 his recent trip to Rus-
Mr. aucl Mrs. Edgar Markle
have peirohased Mr. Robert Coop-
er's house oil the London Road
and hope to move in the begin -
Mug 'of April.
11'Ir. mid Mrs. Norman Dicicert
Spent Sunday visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Ea Wahl of Listowel,
Mrs. Emerson Kyle entertained
ladies of group 2 of St. Andrew's
'United W.A. to a pot luck weiner
and quilting Bee en Tuesday of
last week, •
Miss alabelle Whiteman visited
during !eat week with Mr. 'and
Mrs. Duncan'Aikenhead of Sea -
The many friends and neigh -
10 of Mrs. A. Parsons are pleas-
ecl'•to learn she is itnproving.tially
since being a patient recently in
Scott Memorial Hospital.
authorized au Sawn$eleeo mail,
eOlt Ofliee Mat, (mzwo
Snowdon ergs., PeMal erp
11n""11q11,,,,,11W„eq,,,,,,ppm..,,,,,,1h4,,,,,Uu,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,U„rn„tl,i1,! ,,,,,,,111111,,,1,
New Low Prices
Reg. New Low
Price Price
REMINGTON . 31.50 26.95
R.I MINGTON AUTO -HOME . , , 35,95 28.95
29,95 23.95
RONSON "CFL" 21.95 17.50
SCHICK 3 -SPEED 31.50 26.95
LADY'S SCHICK 18.95 16.95
LADY'S SCHICK ' 17.50 14.95
LADY'S SCHICK, special at10.95
RE'MINGTON "PRINCESS" . , 18.95 ' 15.95
New Electric Razor Service
We are now in a position to offer 1 -day service
most electric razor repairs and adjustments.
est,s afnd 81Mr. sa, WmMr, Ce.heGs. seLliainengfamlle of Mitchell were Sunday
Miss Jane• Dub -rich of Kenni-
cott 'spent • the weekend with
Miss Margaret- Ann Wallace.
Miss Alice Soredahl and friend
of London spent the weekend
with her parents, Mrs. and Mrs,
Lloyd Sersdahl, -
Miss Sandy Bailey of Mitchell
was a guest of Misses Marlene
and Joyce Dow over the weekend.
ivlr. and Mrs: John Wallace and
Debbie visited in Sarnia on Sun-
day, with . Mr. and ItIrs. Frank
Mr. Will Hamilton, stirs, R. D.
Sadler,• Mrs, Jessie Ilamilton and
Mr. and Mrs. K. ' McKellar at-
tended the funeral of Aire. Wm,
Moodie whioh'took place in,Ex-
eta- on Monday,
Congratulations to Mr. and Mli's.
Duncan - Scott on the birth of a
son in Seaforth Hospital on Fri-
day, and to Mr. ,and Mrs. Ernie
Harburn on the arrival of a little
daughter at the same hospital.
The Marian Ritchie Evening
Auxiliary held their Feb. meeting
in the form of a quilting at the
home of Mrs. S. McGmudy. Mrs,
Carter Kerslake presided and led
in prayer. The scripture lesson
was read by Mrs. James Miller.
The roll call , "A woman in the
Bible", was answered by 10 mem-
bers. There were two visitors pre-
sent. Reports were given by the
secretary and the treasurer. Dar-
ing the business period it was de -
Meted that the proceeds from the
Home Bake Sale be handed to the
church' treasurer to be remitted
for the building of the Deaconess
Training Horne. A further dona-
tion of $40 from the Auxiliary
was given towards the fund, Mrs,
Frank Hamilton had charge of
the study book using the second
program entitled "African Cul-
ture and Christianity". She was
assisted by Mrs, Gordon Laing
and M1•g. Larne Elliott, The topic
was given by Miss Olive Speare.
The meeting closed with the
Lord's Prayer. _
The February meeting of Roy's
Church "MKS and W.A.. was held
at the home of Mrs, Sterling
Grahm with Mrs, Norman. Dow in
charge. The meeting opened with
a hymn which was ;followed with
the worship service, the theme be -
ng "The Lord's Prayer". Mrs, A.
Christie read the scripture les-
son and those taking parts were
Mrs• I3, Pridham, ab -s. M. Chris-
tie, Mrs. C. Christie, Mirs. R. Mc
Phati, Mks. G. Park,-, Ma's. F.
Johns, Mrs. ,El. Dow and Mrs. G.
Neil, Mrs. 'N. Dow led in prayer.
Ms's, H. Pridhanr offered her home
for the next meeting with Mrs. C.
Dow and Mas. A.'Christie as pro
grain coins tttee. Mrs. al, Christie.
and Mrs. 0. Cluietde were ap-
pointed to make arrangements
for World Day'•ef Prayer which
will be • held at Mt, Pleasant
Church, Delegates were appointed
to attend .the annual meeting of
Perth Presbyterial in St. Mary's
on Feb. 26th. Current events were
given by Mrs. N. Dow, Miss: Doris
Johns favored with a solo and ac_
conipaniecl by Tier mother Mrs, i';•
Johns. Mns, :J, Hocking reviewed
a chapter of She steely book with
Mrs, R. McPhail, Mr's. E. Dow
and Mrs. la Johns assisting. The
meeting closed with 'prayer by
Mrs N. Dow.
Mrs. Simon McKenzie, while
visiting with her son in St. Thom-
as, has beenIIIand at present is
in-tha Hospital in St. Thomas.
Mr. and'1GTi's; -ileo, .Cimiffltli "aitd
family, Stratford, Mr. 'arid Mrs:.
A, D, SniIth oaf Bluevale spent Sirn-
tlay with Nh•, and Mrs, G, Elliott,
The many friends of Mr. Mar-
va!' Tyndall are sorry to know he
is confined to his hone through
Mrs, L. 'Simpson, Hensall,
spent Sunday with her sister,
Mrs. M. •Vain•. '
Mrs. Bruce Iltenarey; Bayfield,
visited with:friends in the village
and attended the funeral of Mrs.
A, McNaughton, London. Mrs.
McNaughton was a former resi-
dent of this community and was
burled at Baird's Cemetery on
Mrs. Agnes Baird received be-
lated congratulations of her 100th
Birthday. The following: .Con-
gr'atulations • from Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth, Rt. Hon John
Diefenbaker, Ottawa, Hon. Lester
B, Pearson, Ottawa, Mr. Chas. -
MrNaughton, M.P.P.
Mrs. _ Harold King, Sarnia is
visiting Mr. and Drs. E. A, Fea.-
ther'ston. -
Miss Kate Cook, London, spent
the weekend .at the 'home of Mrs.
Fired Weston.
Misses Jackie• .fluff, London,
and Vickie Oluff, Londesboro,
spent the .weekend at their home.
Mrs. IIelen Cobb left last week
to spend two months at Clearwat-
er, Florida..
blas. Clayton Guest, Toronto, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Malcom
Toms. -
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker
and family, London, spent the
weekend with lLr. and :Mins, Wm,.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brisson, De-
troit, are spending a few days at.
their cottage.
Rev. J. W. Patrick returned'
home on Saturday after spending:
two weeks at Galt,
Mr. and Nies. Ken Mackie and
baby, 'London, spent the weekend
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Makins.
Mr. aucl Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon re-
turned home on Saturday after
spending two weeks with their
daughter, Mrs. D. Bisback, Clin-
Mi'. and Mrs, Fred ,Fraser re-
turned home on Friday after
spending two weeks at Windsor.
Mr's, E. W. Oddleifson was call-
ed to her -home at London on Sat-
urday owing to the sudden ill-
ness of her husband,
Mrs. T. Poetans entered Clinton
Public FIospital on Sunday to un-
dergo surgical ,treatment. - Her
many friends wish her a speedy
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Flowers
and granddaughter Debbie Flow-
ers are spending a couple of days
at Toronto.
A very .impressive church ser-
vice was held in Trinity Church
on Sunday to .honour the Girl
Guides, Brownies and Boy Scouts.
Rev. 17, J. Harrison, the redo -1'
was in charge of the service.
-This eervdce was•in observance of
the -anniversary of their founder,
Lord Baden-Powell.
alias Berthena Sturgeon spent
Sunday at Clinton.
,Mrs. Hazel Murray, who has
been visiting her claughter, Mrs.
T. W. Castle, returned to her
home iu Toronto:
..MasaKeith Sharp, N. G. presid-
ed_,over Monday evening's meet-
ing of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge,
A donation was grade to the Navy
League oC Canada. Several clans,
tions were received tor the 10037
Home at Barrie. An, invitation
was accepted •to attend the birth-
day meeting of Monkton Star Re-
belcalr Lodge en March lith and
perforin the opening - eeremoniea.
Prize winners at the .Jelin -
Deere Day here last week were:
,Afternoon prize to Mrs,' Alfred
Buchanan, Clinton, R,'R, 1, elec-,
tric tea kettlea- evening prize,
Brian Godkin, son of Mr, and
Mre, Laverne Gedlcin, -Walton, el< -
ectric tea kettle,