HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-02-18, Page 1The
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WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 82 Plloile 8d
31.60 s Year
IL Glenn Hays Takes Office
As Huron County Magistrate
Crown Attorney ,Glenn Hays,
Q0, of Goderich, follows in his New Magistrate
great grandfather's steps with his
appointment as .magistrate of Hu; Here uesday
ron County announced at Queen's
Park Friday,
The late Robert [lays was one
of: HIuron County's first magis-
trates, during a pioneer ora: Mr.'
Hays, 45, took office onTuesday.
It is expected the new ma'gis-
trate will, be appointed judge of
the juvenile court in the county
within a week or ten days. He
succeeds the late Magistrate Dud-
ley Holmes,
A son of the late Mr. and firs.
Tames Hays, he was born and ed-
uceted at •Seaforth. The magis-
trate was member of the law firm
of MoConnell :and Ham from the
time he was called to 'the bar in
1938, .until shortly after appoint-
ment as crown attorney, in 1948.
I -Ie served in' the Royal Canadian
Naval Volunteer Reserve, enlist -
Mg in 1942, and came up through
the ranks to a commission, In
1945 he was appointed to the joint
Naval -Civil Service post of re-
presentative on the Dependents
Allowance Board.
He is a former president of the
Huron. County Tuberculosis Asso-
ciation, and of the Goderich Hor-
ticultural Society. He is a member
of the boort{ of Knox Presbyterian
Church in Goderich.
He married the former Roberta
Johnston, and has two children,
eight-year-old Sarah, and three-
year-old Roberta.
H. Glenn Hays, QC, was sworn
in Monday at Goderich as a pro-
vincial magistrate in an impres-
sive ceremony before members of
the Huron Bar Association, coun-
ty officials and provincial and.
municipal police.
Frank Fingland, Huron County
judge administered the oath of of -
Magistrate H. Glenn Flays pre-
sided at court in Seaforth Tues•
dr v afternoon. This was his sec-
oi, d sitting since his appointment
as county magistrate, having been
at Clinton earlier in the after-
noon. He was welcoiiied by P. D.
McConnell, QC., and W. E. South-
gate, Clerk of the Peace. No one
was present as crown attorney,
the case being presented by Pro-
vincial Officer J. McDowell assist-
ed by Chief of Police Hutchinson.
Henry Clark Home
From Hospital
Henry Clark, 16, of Mitchell,
son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert H.
Pica in his chambers. W,
formerly of Goderich St.
W., Seaforth, was driver of a car.
An hour earlier at the open.
Mg of a Supreme Court sitting, in a head-on collision near Fuller -
Mr. 'Hays, as crown attorney, in-
formed Mr. .Justice R. W. Treleav-
en there were no criminal cases
on the docket. The traditional
white gloves were presented to
His Lordship to mark the "non
criminal" docket.
ton village on Saturday night
during a snow storm, Henry was
able to return home fioni 'Strat-
ford Hospital on Tuesday evening.
He received lacerations requiring
17 stitches. His two companions,
Jack Cook 15, and Kenneth War -
Mr, Justice Treleaven congratu• ren 15, are still in Stratford Hos-
Mr. Hays on his new office i>ital with fractured skulls, both
during a.,brief address. boys having been thrown through
The new magistrate acted for the windshield.
the first time at Clinton Tuesday, O.F.U. MEETING
Judge Fingland, C. V. Laugh-
ton, Exeter lawyer, Goderich
Chief Constable Fred Minshall,
Mayor E. C. Fisher and Rev. R.
G. MacMillan. also spoke briefly.
Frederick William Torrence
Fowler of Huron St. W., Mitchell,
died early Saturday morning in.
his 90th year. A son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. John Fowler .(Elizabeth
Van Egmond), he was a native of
Hullett township. For many years
he taught in S.S. 1 and 5.0. 3,
Livingston's and Constance
Schools in Hulled, before retiring
to Mitchell about 20 years ago.
Mr. Fowler collected old fash-
ioned clocks as a hobby and he
and his sister at one time had the
largest collection of cactus 3iiants
in the 'province consisting of 400
plants of 200 different varieties.
He is survived by one brother,
Foster, and one sister, Miss Matil-
da Fowler, both of Mitchell. Re-
mains rested at the Heath -Leslie
funeral home.
Funeral service was held at the
Heath -Leslie funeral home, Mon-
day at 2,80 p.m. Rev. Geo. M. La-
mont of Knox Presbyterian
Church, Mitchell,was assisted by
Rev. J. C. Britton of Seaforth Un-
ited .Church, a former pupil of
Mr. Fowler. The ,pallbearers were
nephews, Jack Fowler, Dalton
Fowler, Fred Fowler, of Mitchell;
Bud Beharrell, London; Frank
Fowler, :Clinton and Fred Fowler,
Londesboro, Temporary entomb-
ment was made in the Woodland
Mausoleum, Mitchell, with burial
later in •Maitlandbank Cemetery,
'Seaforth. Friends and relatives at-
tended from Clinton, Seaforth,
Londesboro, London, Mitchell and
surrounding district.
Funeral service was held at the
Tasker funeral home, Blyth, at 2 . Addresses Institute
pm. Monday 'for Thomas Granby,
a resident of the 'Blyth area for
many years who died Friday at
his home in Winthrop, He -had
been ill about live years. Mr.
Grasby was born in Durham die
triet 68 years ago, son of John
and Mary (Bridges) Grasby,and
until six years ago, farmed on the
8th eon. of 'Morrie twp. before
retiring to Winthrop. Besides his
wife, he is survived by four sist-
ers,,Mrs. May Bradshaw, Mrs. J,
(Annie) Riley, Mrs, Chas( Myrtle)
Nicholson, all of Grey twp. and
'Mrs. Clarence .(Marjorie) John-
ston, Blyth. Burial Was In Emu -
don cemetery, Belgrave,
Work started on Monday morn-
ing to install a modern eteel.,lined
, vault in the Learn Building in
preparation tar occupancy by the
Toronto -Dominion Bank .during
8 or 9 months while their new
building is under' construction. J.
A, McDowell of (Centralia has the
contract for installing the Vault.
Monthly meeting of Farmers'
Union was held in Town Hall.
Previous minutes were adopted
as read. President stated a meet-
ing was. called Saturday night in
Clinton agricultural board rooms
by executive board to plan tor a
meeting to be held in agricultural
board 'roonte with Rudy Usick,
President of Manitoba Farmers'.
Union as guest speaker. Topic,
buyers' strike, and buy only arti-
cles and machinery sold through
t,aOD. Feb. 26th the annual llOUC
brief will lie presented to cabin-
et and other parties Feb. 17, 18,
19, in Ottawa. 'Phe Provincial
'brief will be presented to Frost
Cabinet and -of Feb. in Toronto.
The hog vote was discussed and
Union, believes there is no bar-
gaining power in assembly yards
and would like hogs sold from the
• farmers' barns, and also have .Mc_
Innis and. Boyton removed from
the marketing board as they are
dictators to the producer, and not
producer influenced, and that the
hog marketing board are trying
to lead farmers in believing .if the
hog vote is -lost so will all other
marketing board pians. Locals
are to supply 4 -numbers for a
-variety show. Mr, Gordon Hill,
'O•F.U. Preeident has been asked
by Channel 11, Hamilton, to help
make a film on Ontario today, and
small farm Problems and will be
shown Feb. 26 at 9.30 p.m.
Next quarterly ,county meeting
will be March 3rd ,with Henry
Noakes as speaker. Any member
is to bring his resolution to next
meeting March 8th and have
them drafted for hand book. Next
'meeting in March will be the an-
nual meeting, all members are
asked to attend.
Rev. H. Donaldson
Mrs. Jas. F. 'Scott was hostess
for the February meeting of the
Seaforth W. I. last Tuesday aft-
ernoon. The 'president, Mrs. Har-
old Hugill presided for the meet-
ing. The roll„call "What dish you
leave for your husband whenyou
go away", proved very interest-
ing. The minutes and correspond-
ence were read by the secretary,
Mrs. Gordon Fewppple. A letter of
appreciation Was received frena
'Miss Helen McKercher for her
father, and ML's, G. Dale express-
ed a personal thanks for kinclnee's
shown her. A visit to the Coun-
ty Home near Clinton is ,being
planned .for on March' 16th. Plans
were made for the next euchre
and dance to be held in Seaforth
Community Centre on 'Friday' ey-
ening, Feb. 19th.
Mrs, J. Grummett introduced
the speaker for the afternoon, the
dtey. Harry Donaldson, rector of
the Anglican Church, Seaforth,
MeV. Donaldson gave an interest-
ing talk on hie work es a iris.
sionary among the Tndiand in
Southern Chile, describing their
L,O.B d. EUlfIJRN • ponies, customs and superstitions.
The LOBA. held. a successful Mrs., las, Bayes -expressed thanks
euchre on Menday'eveniiig, Win- to, -611e speaker and 'the •:meeting'
ners: Ladies, i12ro,:1 J iCoutts, closed by • singing "God save the
lone heeds, Mrs, Hon-Swann"con.; Qiieeii ,'•:44 delic,iotls:. knelt' was
Mrs, Addicott; 'gets, most''games, served' by Mrs, A•; Crozier,"'Mrs,
Albert O'Reilly, lone hands, Dave W. Collins, Mrs. G. Herr and Mrs.
Dapple, con., Wni, Blair, 1-I, I3ugi11,
T. L. Malone Heads
McKillop Mutual
At the annual meeting of the
McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance
Company on Friday, the following
officers were re-elected;
Pres John L. Malone, of Sea -
forth vice-president, John Me -
Ewing, •Blyth, sec,-treas., W. D.
Southgate, ,Seaforth; past-presi.
dent. 'Hobert Archibald, Seaforth;
directors, William Alexander, of
Walton; Norman Trew.artha,. of
'Clinton; C. Leonhardt, Bornholm
Harvey Fuller, Goderioh,• J. E;.
Pepper, Brucefield; A. Broadfoot,
To Start WOAA
Semi -Finals Monday
Atwood and Winthrop Warriors
hook up in a best 3 out of 5 ser-
ies with the first game in the Sea -
forth Arena on Monday night,
Feb. 22nd, the 2nd game do Monk -
ton on Wed. Feb, 24, 3rd game 4•n
Seaforth, Monday Feb. 29th. 4th
game if necessary in Monkton on
Wed. March 2nd and ,the 5th if
necessary in Seaiforth, Monday,
:March 7th. Winners will ,play the
winners' of the Monkton and 51.
Columban series,
Goderich Minister
New C.A.S.•.Director
At the annual meeting of the
Children's Aid Society of Huron
County, Mrs. Mary iOha4fee re-
signed as Director of the Society,
having reached retirement age.
Mrs. Chaffee has completed 40
years of social work, 20 of which
have been .spent in •Huron, coming
here in June 1940 as the first soc-
ial worker. She has been able to
see the whole .picture of social
work unfold and has helped de-
velop the Huron County Societyto
the scope it has reached today.
The 'Board of Directors consid-
ers it very fortunate in being able
to announce the appointment of
Rev, Robert G. MacMillan as the
new Director to take effect Octo-
ber, 1960, Mr, 1VIaoMlillan has been
president of the board for the
past 8 years, He has become
very interested in the problems
of the youth of today and is at a
personal sacrifice accepting this
challenge -which has been offered
to him.
For the past 12 years he has
been minister of Knox Presbyter-
ian Church during 'which time the
congregation has increased to al-
most 1000 members and a new
building erected and paid for.
Mr. MacMillan has always
shown a keen interest in the wel-
fare of the County and he comes
to this position well qualified to
undertake the important work
carried on by the Children's Aid
Society of Huron County.
The Red Cross Society will 'be
quilting In the library rooms on
Thursday and Friday afternoons
of this week.
Among the student nurses who
received their caps in a ceremony
Friday afternoon at Stratford
;General Hospital were Vernice
Glanville, Walton; Marie Sinclair,
Kippen, and Gloria 'Carter, Sea -
3. H. Bushfield, Wingham law-
yer, has been appointed acting
crown attorney for Huron Coun-
ty, it was announced at Toronto
on Tuesday by Charles Macislaugh-
ton, MPP.
Mr. Bushfield said he agreed to
take over the duties of crown at-
torney temporarily until a perm-
anent crown attorney bas been
Final winners of the Monday
and Tuesday night playoffs will
be declared this' week between
rinks of Geo. Robertson (Centra-
lia) and 'Ken Whetham. Play -
downs were held Monday night
and the winners played the fol-
lowing night with Geo. Robert-
son vs Dr. Stapleton; Andy Whet -
ham vs Wm. Moore; Wm, Camp-
bell vs Scott Habkirk; Ken Whet:
ham vs James Slattery es the
first draw. Winning rinks play-
ing in the next draw were George b
Robertson vs Andy Whetham;
Ken Whetham vs Wm. Campbell. B
A ladies open bonspiel was held B
at Seaforth Curling Club on Wed-
nesday of this week.
A rink skipped by E. C. Bos- (
well with E. Durst, Mel. Clarke r
and J. A. Westcott went to Wing- e
ham on Wednesday.
Western Ontario employees of D
the Toronto -Dominion Bank will e
hold a bonspiel for the Toronto r
Dominion SMii
Contest Winners
Speak at H. and S.
The Febr'uary meeting of the
S'eaforih idoine and School Aero.
elation was held in the eohool
auditorium on - Feb. 16 with Mrs.
Hodgert presiding, The boys'
choir of the Seaforth Public
School made their first appear.
anee under the supervision of
'Miss Mabel Turnbull and enter-
tained with several numbers, the
solo parts being taken by Fred
Mr. Talbot introduced the first
and second winner's of the Public
Speaking Contest. •Fixst winner of
the Juniors was John McLean,
who spoke on "My 'First Aero-
plane ride". The runner-up was
1Vlarielle Wilson whq spoke on
"The Legend of the Dandelion".
,the winner of the Intermediate
group was Jane Bosliart who
spoke on "Casa, Lomat", The sec-
ond prize winner was Wendy Flry
who spoke on "My Trip to the
Detroit Zoo",'
The winners of the Senior spea-
kers was Mary Jenn McLean
whose topic was ",Medical Discov-
eries", The second prize winner
was Kenneth Cardno wlio spoke
on "The Hawaiian Islands" and
showed slides to illustrate his
'Mr. Talbot called on Mrs, Hod-
gert to present the gifts to the
Julene Elliott and Helen Elliott
favored with two a000rdion selec-
tions. The attendance award was
won by Mre. Boussey's class.
Mr. Talbot announced that a
concert would be held in iMlarch.
He asked for volunteers with the
costumes for this concert, Ile
thanked all those who had matte
bean bags especially Mrs. Eldon
Hulley and her CGIT group who
had made 14 bags.
1VIxs, John Sinclair who is in
charge of .group 0, W. A. of St.
Andrew's Church entertained sev-
eral ladies recently at a quilting
Bee and on Friday of the past
week Mr, and Mrs, Sinclair and
Joan attended the •capping cere-
monies of their daughter Marie,
in Stratford General Hospital.
Mrs. Elzar Mouaseau visited on
Friday with her parents, Mr', and
'Mrs. Dean Brown of Greenaway.
Messrs Sam and Dave Tremeer
of London and Toronto spent the
weekend with their parents, Mr.
and fors, Wilfred Tremeer,
M. and Mrs. Elston Dowson
visited an .'afternoon last week
with the Ietter's sister, Mrs, J.
Winder of Parkwood Hospital, at
Mr. Ken Aiderdice and Mies
Nancy Wells of Toronto were
weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Vern Alderdice and fancily.
We are sorry to hear Mrs. W.
R. Cooper is not enjoying the
best of health and is with her
slaughter, Mrs, Jim Campbell in
The 4-11 Homemaking . Club
"Clothes Closets" up-to-date held
their Achievement Day Saturday
in Legion Hall, Clinton. 14 girls
from Kippenettes attended, Miss
Phyllis Lostell 'completing 12
clubs received her provincial
honors and two girls, Jean Mc-
Naughton and Susie. Mae Lostell
completed 6 clubs receiving Coun-
ty !Honors, several receiving 4
club certificates. This completed
the "Clothes .Closets Up-to-date".
"Beef in the Menu" club starts
next week, anyone 12 years or ov-
er who may be interetsed will be
most welcome, and may get in
touch with Mrs. A. (McGregor. or
Mrs, Rena Caldwell.
Robert James Cooper, 78, Kip -
pen died in Community Hospital,
Caro, 'Mich., on Sunday, Feb. 7th.
Mrs. Cooper, the former Grace
McGregor predeceased him in
.March, 1924, also a son Lloyd in
July, 1928. Mr. Cooper was barn
at Kippen, his parents were Mas-
garet and James Cooper, He was
a member of Kippen United
Church also of Huronic Masonic
Funeral services were conduct-
ed at St. Andrew's United Church
by Rev. D. A. 'McMillan on Wed.
Feb. 10 at 2 p.m. Interment was in
Hensall Union Cemetery.
Six grandsons, John Cooper,
Lloyd Cooper, David Cooper,
Douglas Cooper, Orrina Baird and
Wayne McBride acted as pall-
earers. The flowerbearers were
Bonnie Dalrymple, Sharon 'Mc -
ride, Robert Cooper and .Gerald
Surviving are four daughters
Mrs, G. (Olive) Love, Mrs. E.
Grace) 'McBride, 'Mfrs. R. (Beat -
ice) Dalrymple, Mrs. S. (Dor-
en) Baird. Three sons, Morley,
uncan and John. Three sisters.
Mrs. Angus Brown, Mrs. A. Bell
nd MTs F. Deyall, 13 grandchild -
en and six great grandchildren.
old at Seaforth on
Saturday, Feb. 20.
A rink skipped by Wm. Camp.
bell will.go to the Hanover mixed
bonspiel, Saturday,. Feb, 27th.
OKOO TV anniversary bonspiel
is on' Saturday, February 27th at
the Kitchener Granite Olub. 22
Central and western Ontario com-
munities have entered this event.
Representing Seaforth ,Ctn•ling
Club will be a rims of James Slat-
tery, R. Whitely, V. ,Cosford and
A,- Dobson•.
or, Mrs. Harry Weiland.
Norman McLean, James Brown,
Ross Alexander, Elmer .Stephen -
eon, made a weekend fishing trip
to Lake Simcoe, They brought
home a good catch of .W'hitefish.
A slumber from Egmondville
congregation were at Wingham
Sunday afternoon taking part in
the TV sing time.
Miss ,Marion Weiland, Toronto,
spent the weekend with her moth-
Mr. and Mrs. E. :Chipchase and
Mr, and Mrs. Sam Rennie were in
Seaforth on Saturday, curling.
M. .and Mas, G. V'ais returned
home/min Montreal where Mr.
Vale underwent surgery three
weeps ago,
The w0MS and W.A. of ,Cavan
Conclude Successful
Workshop Meetings
'"M'oKillop Federation of Agri-
culture concluded a successful
workshop meeting at 'Brodhagen,
Wed. Feb. 19th,
The last meeting was a panel
.disouasion on marketing. Follow-
ing 'made up the panel: Russell
Bolton, director of the Wheat Pro-
ducers' Association; Clayton Fry,
1st Vice Pres, of Ont. Hog Produ•
cels; Win, Hagerty, ' of Logan
Twp., presented the government
viewpoint; Geo, McCague, chair-
man of Ont. Farm Products Mar-
keting Board.
Chairman was Rev. Bert May-
nard, of Staffs, member Board of
Governors, red. of Agriculture,
Jaen Stewart welcomed all pres-
ent at the evening program, The
,Jr. Farmers' Male Quartette, Lar-
ry Wheatley, Wm. Campbell, Ken
Campbell and Geo. Turner sang
"Power in the Blood", '"Till we
meet Again", An accordion num-
ber by Helen l]1.liott; four girls
from S,S. 4, MoKillop, Roba Doig,
Amy Stewart, Shirley Henderson,
Donna Gordon, presented two in-
teresting glances. James Keyes in-
troduced the guest tor the even-
ing, Mr, Fred Peel, Seaforth, He
showed his trip to Russia, and
gave a very interesting talk on
the same, Oliver Piyce thanked
Mr. Peel, The quartette sang "My
Grandfather's Clock" and "The
Animals are .Coining", God save
the Queen was sung and lunch
was served. All enjoyed dancing
to the strains of the Norris Or-
A public speaking contest will
be held in the basement of Win-
throp Church on Wed. Feb. 24th
at 8.30 p,m.
The W. A. and WMS of Con-
stance held their regular meeting
in the basement of the Church on
Wednesday afternoon Feb. 10th.
Mrs, Lorne Lawson presided ov-
er the W. A. and opened with
hymn No. 380 followed by Lor
Prayer. Minutes were read
roll .call was taken and busiue
transacted. Roll call for March
a miscellaneous article for the b
zaar, Collection was taken a
the meeting was turned over
the WIVIS.
The W1VLS was presided over by
lirs. B, Brown and called the
Worship following the theme,—
"The Lord's Prayer". Hymn 325
was sung and Mrs, Ken Preszcat-
or read the scripture from Luke
11: 7-13, Mrs. MacGregor and MTS.
McIllwain took part in the ser-
vice of worship. In the absence of
the Secretary, Mrs. Ken Hulley
read the minutes of last meeting.
Business letters were read and
dealt with. Our new allocation is
$150.00 -this year and eur new
Missionary of Prayer for 1960.61
4s Rev. E. Marguerite Coma of 25
Nishikusabuka Oho, Shizuoka Ci-
ty, Japan.
The World's Day of Prayer will
be held on Friday, Marclt 4 at 3
o'clock and our regular meetin
will take place at 1,30 o'clock o
the sante date. Everyone remem
ber this date. A committee was ap-
pointed to arrange for a speaker
for our Easter -meeting. It was de-
cided to use the Birthday Tin this
year for expense fund. Roll call
for March will be the length of
your shoe in inches, a penny per
inch, proceeds for the expense
fund, The collection was taken
and dedicated by Airs. Molllwain,
Hymn 679 was sung.
Program: Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt
gave the Study Book on Africa.
"0n a Bridge" from old to new,
The Church doing a lot for the
people of Africa in helping sick,
poor, hungry, The Church is hone
to many to teach as well as to
preach, but religion is seriously
questioned. Africans are going to
other parts to learn new things.
Things are happening' in Africa,
Mrs. Wm. Jewitt gave a Temper-
ance paper, "Empty Lives". Mrs,
Brown read a •Stewardship paper.
Hymn. 148 was sung. Mrs, Wm.
Jewitt was pianist. Mizpah Bene-
diction closed the meeting.
Mr. and tki:ts, Robt. Woods and
Debbie of Ajax spent the weekend
with the latter'a parents, Mr. and
Mrs.. Frank Riley.
'Mr. and Mrs. F. Van der Molen
of Guelph spent the weekend with
the ]otter's parents, Mr. and Mra.
W. L. `Whyte.
4 -FI Homemaking Club, "Clothes
Closets up-to-date" was well dis-
played Saturday- at the Legion
Hall, Clinton. Miss Jane Mac-
Gregor received her Provincial
Honors of 12 clubs and Miss Doris
Walker received her County Hon-
ors of 6. clubs from the Merry
Maiden Club.
Misses Mary and Margaret Mac-
Gregor gave a very impressive 10_
minute demonstration on "Clothes
Storage out of Season".
The next club will be "Meat
on the Menu" and the training
School for Leaders will be Feb.
25 and 26 at Hensall and any giri
wishing to take this Club is to let
their leaders, Mrs, W. L. Whyte
or Mr's. Broadfoot know by ,Feb.
Mrs. Ross ]MacGregor, Mrs, 3,
arter, Mrs, Don Buchanan, Mrs,
Taylor, Mrs, Wm, Jewitt and
Irs, Wilbur Jewitt attended the
oinoon program of the above
13 Club held at Clinton on Sat
,Sevoral tram the Constance U
0. congregation attended the Val.
tine social in connection with
e Londesboro and Burns' Chur-
es in the Community Hall, on
iday evening. Good entertain-
ent for young and .old was en•
yed under' the leadership of
v. Fnnge. Lunch was served.
i utburind 00 S ,,ncl laude melt,
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Friday evening the C01' spon-
sorled .'another enehre .combined
with a box social. Progressive eu-
chre was played and prizes went
to ladies high, Pauline Dolmage;
lone, Mrs. R. Dalton; low, Mrs. L.
Pryce. Men's high, H. Dolmage;
the lone, Les Dolmange; .low, 0. And-
d's arson. A social time was spent ov-
era $ the Valentine Boxes.
We are pleased to report that
Miss Kathy Dale, who has benn a
patient in the Scott Memorial
Hospital was able to come home
on Sunday. We hope she will gain
back her good health soon.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Glousher
and Stewart visited with Ni'.and
Mrs. Harold McClinchey of Au-
burn on Sunday.
Mr .and Mrs, Orval Shilbe of
Clinton visited Saturday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. L. Lawson.
Mrs. Guy Cunningham and
daughter, Mrs. Carman Gross of
Auburn visited Tuesday with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Dexter.
Miss Janet MacGregor of Ford-
wich and Mr, Chas. MacGregor of
Guelph O.A.C. were weekend visit -
cm with their parents, lir. and
Mrs. Ross MacGregor.
Zion W. A. completed a quilt
when they Piet at the home of
n firs, Lloyd Barker for their regu-
- lar session, the hostess and her
assistants serving lunch in con-
clusion. Prior to the quilting MTs.
Earl Barker conducted the meet-
ing, scripture followed by Mrs.
Morley Lannin and.prayer by
Mrs, C. Roney. Thankyou notes
were received in appreciation Of
plants and gifts for Christmas.
Readings were given by Mrs. D.
Malcolm, Mrs. L, Aikens. "For the
Beauty of the Earth” was sung
and the meeting was closed,
A very successful euchre spon-
sored by the students of the Dub-
lin Continuation School was held
on Thursday evening at 8.30 in
St. Patrick's hall at Dublin, 40
tables played euchre. The ladies'
prize won by Mrs. Ken IVIaORae
and the men's by Joe Eckert. Tic-
kets were sold on a cake and won
by Geo. Ducharme, Lunch was
served by the students.
At the annual meeting of the
Canadian Dual Purpose Shorthorn
Society held at Guelph, Fergus
Lannin of R. R. 2, Dublin was el-
ected as director .for the next two
Mr. Joe Looby attended the fun-
eral of a cousin, 'Mi•. Ed Looby in
Saginaw, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stapleton
spent the weekend in Detroit with
Mr. and IMrs, E. Sanderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Eckert of
Goderich with Mr. and Mrs. John
Miss Phyllis Butters, London,
with Mr. and •Mrs. Tom Butters.
Mr. and Mre, Geo. Coyne attend-
ed the Coyne-Douavon wedding at
Port Dover on Saturday.
Mrs. Gooder and boys of Lon-
don with Mr. and 'Mfrs. Joe Dor-
sey and Tem.
• The death occurred in St. Jo-
seph's Hospital, Hamilton, of
T. Flannery on Saturday, Feb. 13.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Flannery were
spending the winter months in
Hamilton with ulA•s. Flannery's
son-in-law and daughter Mr. and
Mfrs. Fitzgibbons, Mrs. Flannery
had suffered a heart seizure and
had been in .the hospital for two
weeks. The funeral was 'held in
Hamilton on Tuesday morning.
In (J. Coyne)
spite •of the ,bad weather
week, we had our Valentine euchre.
party, The hall' was ,beautifully de-
cOrated with a picture of Saint
Valentine gracing the middle of
the stage, and Our Lady of
Lourdes guarding the entrance,
Streamers, hearts, cupids and cou-
ples added much to the rest to
snake the trail attractive. Over 40
tables wore prepared with a table
centre showing the number. Dr.
Ffoulkes told us it was the biggest
Winthrop, will be held on Wed., ch
Feb. 24 at 2 •p.m, Circle One will 'r
will 1001t after the program, and Y
Circle 4 the lunch. Please note 1o
the change of date, Re
crowd he had seen at a card Par-
ty in Dublin Hall in 10 years.
Tliat really was a 11ft! Mrs. Ken
'MacRae won the ladies' prize, a
bone china cup and saucer border-
ed in gold design, while Tom Eck-
ert won the men's prize, lour roy-
al china hand -painted ash trays,
and Mr, Geo, Ducharme was the
winner of the delicious chocolate
cake, decorated in Valentine
We are deeply grateful to the
Reverend Fathers for giving us
the church hall in which to have
our euchre party, to the chaper-
ons, and OWL who loaned its the
lunch equipment, to the ladies
who gave us a helping hand, to
our parents who supplied our
needs and to all who came to
make our evening such a happy
and wonderfully successful one.
It was nice to have a get-together
iu a student body with our par_
ents and friends. Thank you all
for doming and supporting us.
Two weeks ago we had the plea-
sure of listening to Michael Hure-
ly talk to us abut Y.C.S. It was
very interesting and enjoyable.
Question of the Week: Why
does Pauline like their long lane?
Fred Charles Realer, 64, of Zur-
ich, died in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, of injuries received three
weeks ago when part of a tree fell
on him,
Mr. Regier, a retired Hay Town-
ship fanner, was helping his sons
cut wood in the bush near Zurich
when the tree tell and he was
struck by a falling branch. He
was taken to Exeter and then to
London for hospital treatment for'
a :broken back, broken ribs and
internal injuries.
Mr. Regier had lived in Zurich
for 10 years and was a resident of
the area all his life.
He is survived by his wife. the
former Idella Denomme; sons
Gerald and Alvin of Hay twp.
Godfrey and Lorne of Windsor
and Warren of Zurich; daughters,
Airs. 'Maxine (Marcella) Over-
holt, of London, and Mrs. Ferdin-
and (Vivian) Popier, Mrs. Leon-
ard (Rosalie) ,Jennings and Mrs.
Wayne (Winnifred) Quinn, all of
Windsor; brothers, John of Sea -
forth, Anthony of Detroit, and
George, Edwin, Lawrence, all of
Hay twy.; sisters, ,Mrs. Louise
Miller, London, 'Mrs. Irene Du-
charme of Windsor and Mr's. Ted
Denomme of Stephen twp.
Requiem high mass was cele-
brated at 10 a.m. Saturday at St.
Boniface Roman Catholic Ohurch,,
Zurich, Burial was in the church
Hibbert Pupils Win
In Public Speaking
At the public speaking contest
held at Staffa, Feb. 8th for I•Iib-
bert twp. Mary Lou Coyne and
Gordon Moylan were the winners
of the Canadian Legion public
speaking competition. Mary Lou,
daughter of MT, and Mrs, Lewis
Coyne was the senior winner,
speaking on the "Queen's Visit".
Gordon, son of Mr, and 'Mrs. John
•John'il0oylan was the high boy in
the junior section. Hlis topic was
"Our 'Flag".
They were also winners in
Mitchell, 1°eb. 10th where they
competed against winners of Lo-
gan and Fullerton •twp., Both are
pupils of Mrs. 7osoph •Melady,
teacher at 'S.S,S, 4, Hibbert. Com-
petition will continue in the zone
finale at Kitchener, Feb. 26th,
Chairman of the speaking coni
mittoe of 'Mitchell Legion Branch
was Mr, Mgt. Butson. Judges
were Mrs. A. B. Gardiner of the
Mitchell High School staff: Mrs.
Pv, C. Harley formerly of the Mit-
chell. High School Staff and Mr.
Fred Cosford of the Seaforth
District High School,