HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-02-11, Page 8TAKE YOUR PICK � 47 FALL and WINTER DRESSES PLUS A FEW LAST SEASON'S SUMMER DRESSES Every One Worth 13.95 to 18.95 In One Great CLEARANCE AT Choose from wool fabrics, chan- tungs, tweed effects, slubs, crepes, glazed cottons and cords, All regu- lar $13.95 to $18.95 dressesin one "whale of a sale" to clear the whole lot. Choose from plains, floral prints, checks and stripes in cap sleeve, short sleeve and long sleeve styles. You can't afford to miss this great sale at this unheard'of price. Sizes 11 to 20. To clear $5.00 NEW SPRING, NO a IRON Dan River Gingharns Start your spring sewing now, and start with these fresh, new, soft pastel DAN RIVER GING- HAMS. See them today -you'll love them. TEWA 36" WIDTH, 1.19 YD. 45" WIDTH 1.50 YD. T BROS. "XFS;: NORTH McKILLOP The Bethel WITS and W.A. held their Feb. meeting on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. 1loNichol. Hymn 325 was sung. The Theme of the meeting was "The Lord's Prayer". The devo- tional exercises were conducted by the president, and Mrs. Alex Dennis, Mrs. E. Beuerman and Mrs. Ross Leeming. A poem was react by Tennie Dennis. Mrs. L. Leeming •had a reading on Chris- tian Stewardship. She also had the chapter from the Study Book on Africa which was on Commun- ications, MTs, Ross Leeming assis- ted with the story. Miss Louise Scott, R. N. in Tudors, India, is 'our new missionary for prayer. The Presbyterials allocation for ).960 is $22,500, Bethel's share is $120.00, Mrs, Wm, Dennis offered her home for the next meeting on March 2nd. Note the change of date owing to the World's Day of Prayer at Bethel on Friday at 3 p.m. Mrs. Wm. Dennis presided for the W. A. meeting which follow- ed. Hymn 500 was sung and the minutes of last meeting read and the roll call taken showing 19 members present. The captains of the copper contest chose their sides. The waist measurement was taken. There is to be a crok- inole party in No. 9 school on Feb. 19th. There is to be a height measurement at the March meet- ing. The meeting closed with prayer by the president. KIPPEN EAST Kippen East WI will meetat the home of 4lrs, Stewart. Pepper on Wed., Feb. 17th at 2 o'clock. The co -hostess is Hrs. E. White- house. Roll call, If I were a shut- in, how would I like to be rem- embered, Mrs. Edison McLean is the speaker. The motto by Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, A poem Over Fif- ty. Health quiz by Mrs. Arthur Finlayson. Current events by Mrs. J. Lostell. Lunch committee, Mrs. Campbell Eyre, NITS, Betty Whitehouse, Ma's, Wm. Kyle, Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot. Euchre - Dance Hensall Community Centre . Friday, Feb. 12th .Music by "The Key Notes" from Clinton. Euchre starts 8.30. Ladies please (bring lunch Auspices KIPPen past W. Z. Admission 750. Lucky lunch prize BRUCEFIELD The February meeting of the W. A. was held in the school- room of the church on Tuesday afternoon with an attendance of 32. The meeting opened with singing hymn 20. birs. Lindsay Eyre and Mrs. G. Richardson taking the devotional period. The topic "The fear of Man" was giv- en by Mrs. Lindsay Eyre and read the scripture from Collossiane 1- 14. Mrs. Richardson gave a de- scription of an outstanding art- ist's portrait painted in 1852. The W. A, Creed was repeated 10 unison closing this part of the meeting. The president, Mrs, W. Broad - foot then took the chair. Mrs. H. Treibner gave sec, report and 121x. H. Taylor reported for the treasurer, Mrs, Berry read thank You notes frail Mrs. N. •Sillery, Mrs. Agnes Baird and family. Mrs. Wilson reported tor the manse in theabsenceof Mrs. N. Baird, reporting that the remodel- ing of the manse was progressing favorably. The Church committee to look into the purchasing of new tables. Group 3 had charge o4 the lunch and .program. Mrs. Triebner read a poem "House Cleaning". Mrs. A. McBeath con- tributed a poem "Valentine". A dainty lunch was served. The March meeting will be in charge of Group 4. HULLETT The Quigley Bridge, located three and throe -quarter miles east of Clinton of Highway 4 and the same distance north of High- way 8, in Willett Township, is the next structure to he re -built by the roads department of Iiullett, Council reached agreement of this at their February meeting in the Londesboro Community Hall Reeve Leiper presided for the meeting. Estimated cost is $50,- 000. Plane will be requested from Robert Dawson, Stratford, engin. eer, and it is expected that the structure will be of concrete and reinforced .steel, -with two main spans of 50 feet each, with a cen- tre pies', Depending on the soil test for the abutments and walls and the tendered price, Hallett Council gave $25 to the Huron ,County Soil and Crop Im- provement Association in support of the Seed Fair in March, Also they authorized allowance of $35 for officials wishing to attend either the good roads, or rural municipalities conventions. The Clerk will advertise for ap- plications for spraying the cattle in the Township at a price per head per spray, the sprayer to comply with the Warble Fly Act; also for tender's for 100 lbs of Warble 0. 1y Spray Po de1, 650 lha in l5 -ib .bags awl 50 lbs In 1-1h flags, and for apfllleations for a Warble Ely Inspector et the rate of 900 per hour, and 50 1)82 i' m le, While on own 1' > n ' esa i sl b l l s n. t peat ons A l l to bei the hands krpu h 1 Of the Clerk by Feb, 29, 1990. The'Road' Superintendent will advertise for the crushing of 12,- 000 cubic yards more or less' of gravel, Material to go through a %-inoh screen and to be hauled anti delivered on the roads, at ao slugh per cubic yard, The tender to be in by the 5th day of March and narked cheque of $200,00 with tender. FEDERATION 1\TI]WS By J. C. ,Hemingway By the time this appears in the press some farmers will already, have learned the answer but many will still be wondering why hogs started off at 321,50 Feb. 1, rose to 325,00 Tues. Feb, 2nd, and then dropped to 322,00 Wed. Feb.' 3rd. Perhaps some 'figures would help. The week ending Jan. 9th. hog marketings dor-Canada were. 261,600; week ending ,Jan, 16th. 156,760; week ending Jan. 23rd. 127,039. I haven't received the fi- gures ifor the week ending Jan, 30.th, but since the Ontario Hog Producers had received' an tin. crease of 8,100 flogs Wed. Feb. 3 over the previous week we can as- sume that the .marketings of the week of ,Jan, 30 were also light. Under these oireu'mstaneea your Marketing Board was able to raise the price to $85. at the first of the week on Tues, and Wed. It is all the more interesting when we learn that hogs sold at Winni- peg for $19.25 on Tues. and $19,- 75 on Wednesday. BORN Duffy -At Scott Memorial Hospital on Feb. 0th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Duffy„ RRt Dublin, a daughter Balsillie - At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on Feb. 10th, to. Mr. and .Mrs. Ray- mond J. Balsillie, Seaforth, a son Mr. and Mrs. James G. Carnoch- an leave Thursday for Loa Ang- eles, Calif„ to visit for several weeks with the former's sisters, Mrs, Ella Kirkby and Miss Ann Carnochan, First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Leslie Elder Minister 10 am, Church 'School and Youth Fellowship Class 11 A, M. "THE MASSAGE 02' NOAH, FOR THIS' MODERN SCIENTIFIC WORLD" Senior Choir, anthem, "0 Lord Thou Art My God"._. 4.30 P. M. VESPER SERVICE "The Sword and The Telescope" Solo: Beside Still Waters Guest Soloist, Mrs. Sydney Jones, Listowel. 1 e e Free to All Farmers and their ,Faxnil><es. ohn Deere Day Seaforth Community Centre Two Shows -- 2 p.m. and 8 P,m. THURSDAY, FEB. 18th "Let's Go Places" WITH WALTER. KRONKITE ODDITIES IN FARMING, featuring The Gordon Family.. WHAT'S NEW IN FARM IMPLEMENTS BEHIND THE SCENES A PLYING VISIT TO JOHN DEERE PLOUGH WORKS TO SEE THE WONDERS OF MODERN PRODUCTION A SERIES OF COLORFUL ENTERTAINMENT PLUS FILMS OF COMEDY • MUSIC AND DANCING You will receive your Free Tickets in the mail, or at the door LIGHT LUNCH WILL BE SERVED JOHNNIE BLUE, Dealer THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE 2 oz. 39c BRIGHT'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE. 20 oz 2 for 23c MONARCH LEMON SPONGE PUDDING 19c ALLEN'S APPLE PIE FILLER 17c GOOD LUCK -MARGARINE 2 for 55c JEWEL SHORTENING 3 ifib can. 99c 1 ib. FREE 15 oz KOUNTY KIST PEAS 2 for 27c 15"oz KOUNTY KIST KERNEL CORN 2/27c 15 oz LIBBY'S CREAM CORN 2 for 27c McGonigle's Grocery 1 r PAINT REDUCED Reduced 20% Special Low Prices on Clearance Lines Cookware, Stainless Steel, Pyrex, Aluminum, Enamelware Reduced 20% Sleighs, Toboggans, Skates Hockey Sticks, Toys, Archery Sets Reduced 20% Supreme Aluminum Saucepans, 1 at. Ree. $2.15 SALE 98c Round Plastic Dishpans.. Reg. $1.49 SALE 89c NEEDLE THREADERS. Reg. $1.00 Special 69c Special Threaders for Sewing Machines Reg. $2.00 Special $1.49 Lawn Organic Fertilizer 50 lb. bag $1.65 Storewide Discount 10% Flying Saucers for the children Half Price SPECIAL TABLES loaded with Clearance Values 2 -CELL FLASHLIGHTS 49c Each GALVANIZED CALF PAILS 75c Each Premier Lifetime Scissors. 8" inch Best Quality. Reg. $4.25 Special $2.98 Premier Razor Steel Paring Knives Special Buy 89c General Electric Bulb Special - - 60 watt 4 for 79c Te • . BUYS • r . 21" MOTOROLA Lowboy, reg'. 399.95 .. Sale 298.75 21" Rogers Majestic Deluxe Console .,,,., Sale 349,25 ,REG. 429.95 21" Rogers Majestic Table Model Sale 239.75 REG. 294.50 SALE STARTS FRIDAY, FEB, 12 Crown Hardware PHONE 797 SEAFORTH CARTS Olt' THANKS I would Ilko to sincerely thank the many friends, rlelghbolw and relatives for cards, .treats and flowers while 1 was a patient in Seaforth and London hospitals, --• Alt= T%NVAI,l, GUARD OF THANKS I woud like to sincerely thankark many kind friends, neighbors and rglutivss. who remembered me with treats, visits and tante while a patient in hospltal and since my return home. Also a sin- cere thanks to those who helped at lame in. any way daring my absence.. -• G2ORG11 McAR'2I1U10 CARD OF THANKS May T take this opportunity of thank- ing' my kind friends and relatives who remembered mo with curds, letters and treats, while 11vas a patient in the hos- pital at London. - NOi002A LEIIMXNG. WANTED Single man for general farm work for summer months or 750r. Phone 067 R41 Seaforth COMING EVENT A ouehreaponsored by Edelweiss Tie diekoh Ledge In IOOF Hall, Feb. 22 5,10 P.M 1969 Pontiiac OR SALE sedan, radio, heater, .green in color. Priced for quick ea1e. Phone Clinton HU 2-8471 FOR SALE Two story tiler frame building 28 x60 feet, 15" grinder, 3 grain elevators, 1 ton scales, % lip. motor totally en- closed; 2 hp. gasoline engine;: 2 press- ure tanks, 250 Ills cariaeity air com- pressor, water pump, Miss Mary O'Con- nell, Dublin. Phone 51 Dublin:: FOR SALE Shordora & Polled Shorthorn bulls, 16 months of age and younger at com- mercial cattleman's prices, Wm. Pepper & Son, RTt 3 Seaforth. Phone Clinton Hinter 2-7634 FOR SALE Two burner heavy duty electric stove. Price 910, Phone 064r14 Soafortii LOST A young blue Budgie Bird, with red leg band, eaaworing .to' rune of Bud". Write P,O, Box 436 and receive reward FOR SALE Repossessed - Zig-zag Sewing Mach.: ine. Take over payment of 9.80 per month, or 68.80. Write Box S, The Sea - Orbit News Guaranteed RMidi°iC& TV repairs. Small electrical appliances repaired. Fast service. Scott Radio & TV, E. Wil- liam et., Seaforth. Phone 260. 49 Ohevro eetRf i dor sedan in' ex. cellent condition.. Adrian De Visser, 'phone 145 R Seaforth NOTICE Taulies made -to -measure House of Stone suits at a epeeist discount for a limited time -'only. Priced from 542 to 062 Mr. and Mrs, J. Hoelscher, agents, Phone 367w ; residence one block east of Library NOTICE Tlho Valentine Dance that was supposed to be held Saturday night is postponed to Feb. 20th. There will be a Skating Party from 0 to 10.30 Saturday night for Teen -Town members and their friends The regular- Dance will be held upstairs: at the same time Young ma A wants part time wort[ on farm. Phone 665r3 Sea - forth. Tom McGowan ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE ishereby given that the An- nual Meeting of .the members of The Mo- Klllop Mutual Fire Insurance Company, will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, Ont on Friday, February 12, 1990, at 2 o'clock p•m., for general business, adop- tion of reports and the election of three directors. All. members 0,re invited to be present. The retiring directors are Robert Archi- bald, Allister Broadfoot, 3.B. Pepper. W. E. SOUTHGATE Secretary -Treasurer Notice of Application The Liquor Licence Act, 1950 • Licensing District Number {2 Take Notice that The Canadian Legion British Empire Service League Branch No. 156 nt the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, of the Town of Sesiforth in the County of Huron will make application at a Special MYIeeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the Canadian Legion Hall, 48 Ontario Street, in the Otty of I0iI1D093JSNER in the County of Waterloo on "Friday the 4th day of MARCH 1960 at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon for the .issuance of a "OLUB LICENCE'". (Restricted) for the sale and consumption of beer and wine. ,with 'meals and beer without meals in an estab- lishment classified as a club." for the following premises: The Canadian Legion British I)mg>'ire Service League Branch No. 156 premises at Main Street, in the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron Any person resident in the lic- ensing district may object to the application, and the grounds of abjection 511 writing shall be filed With .Mrc. R. B. Trott, Q.C. the de- -putyregistrar of the licensing dis- trict, whose address le Dunker Building,Suite 402, 251 King Street West, RITC � ' R, Ont. at leapt ten days before the meet- ing at which the application is to be heard. DATED at .Seaforth this 27th day of January 1960. The Canadian Legion British Empire Service League Branch No. 156 Seaforth, Ontario. Applicant 'Main Street, .Seaforth, Ontario. Address NOTICE Township of Tuekersmith Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Township of Tnckeremith are requested by the council, to not park cars ell township roads and streets during the wintermenths in order to facilitate snowplow' Ing operations, Council will not be responsible for damages to any vehicles park-, ed on roads or streets, Cora Chesney, Acting Clerk 1RAD,SIDE NURSING HOMhI Licensed for convalescent and elderly people. Call 395 -Mitchell. 'PI319, s lAFORTH N21WS (Mono (Pio 84) Thursday, February 11, 1960 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bod Flower's for all oceaslone Phones; Day 43 Night 595W' MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A, 0ORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W SeaforW SEAFORTH'CLINIC 8, A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P, L, Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours,' 1 p,m, to 6 p.m.,, daily. except Wednesday and Sunday Tlveningsi Tuesday, Thursday and Saft.. onlay MAY 7.9 p.m. Appointments madein advance. desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J, O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., VS W. R. ERYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. DRENNA'N. D.V.M.,V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometil, Godepich St. W., .Seaforth Phone 791 Hours-Seaforth daily except Mop., fi to, 5.110; Wed. 9 AM to 12.90 PM. Thur. ova, by appointment only, Clinton HU -2.7010.. above Hawkins' Hdwe, Min. 0 to 6.80t INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 'bine coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE ANpD FURNACE PhoneAS7OIL 53or332-RY AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Res, .266'1 We write all lines of INSURANCFire Auto 'WinE Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD.. Phone 47 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEA.FORTH, ONT. Officers -President, Robert Archibald, Seaforth ; Vice Pres., Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Sec.-Treae., W. E. Southgate.. Seaforth. Directors -E. J. Trewartha, Clinton J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth;; John H. Malwing, Blyth Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton •, Harvey Puller, Godorich; J. E. Pepper, Brceerleld; Allister Broad -- foot,. Seaforth. Agents- William Leiper, Jr., Londes- boro; J. P. Procter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clin- ton ; James Keys, Seaforth. NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ- ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefleld. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Better Bulls Are Used Artificial Insemination Service for all Breeds of Cattle Farmer owned and controlled Call us between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. week days and 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings at Clinton HU 2-3441 or for long, distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 BURNS CLEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING OIL WALDEN & BROADFOOT. Phone 686 w Seaforth