HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-02-11, Page 4Ladies' II spitat Auxiliary GINGHAM DANCE! To be held at Community Centre, Seaforth FRIDAY, FEB. .12011 Music by Ian Wilbee and His Melody Makers Dancing from 10 to 1 Admission. $2.00 per couple. Students 75c Lunch included 11111611a1111161in EOREEMBES116611n=1116W • KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Wright a Lorne Park and Airs. IVielVinrdo Of 011011M spent the Weekend with the tela mother and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Wright A few eases of Chicken Pox are reported in the area,, M. and Mie. Elston Dowson spent Wednesday with their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and MI% EldonKerr of Winthrop. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Brock and Mr. Tom Brock ef Chiselhurst Were reeent visitors of Mr, and Mrs, Morley Sr. of Whalen. Deepest sympathy is extended the 'family of the late Robert J. Coopef in the sudden passing whieh marred Sunday in 'Cairo, Mich. Mr, Lloyd Dawson of Seaforth visited an afternoon with his bro. titer and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs, Elston Dowson. . - The WKS heti a Pot Melt din- ner and quilting on Thursday In the schoolroom of the ,ehurch. The roll call was answered by 22 mem- bers, A short business meeting was held by the WIVIS and W. A. it was decided the March meeting would be held on March 10.'Group 3 made plans for a bake sale to be 'held at Drysdale's store in Hansen on Feb, 20th. Robert J. Cooper Passes Robert J; Cooper, 78, Kippen, passed away in •Cairo, Mioh., Sun- day morning at Cairo Community Hospital, having suffered a se- vere stroke, Survitors are; sons Duncan, Morley and John, ail of LIVI - fANNOWN.§?:PAPEP.R ..x.,ANNOMP.:,:a;;SSM,1*..::BOAtt e-iveft"11.00:X§Vi Your electric dryer, your vacuum cleaner and your electric range provide speedy and efficient service. These are just some of the many benefits you enjoy when you put electricity to work in your home. :More and more people every day discover the value of electricity's low-cost versatility. In the past few decades it has helped us take charge of our chores ... reduced housework to something that's almost enjoyable and helped raise our living standards to a new high. In the 60's electricity will do even more to help fill our working days with pleasure and help turn spare hours to leisure. SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION FRANK KLING Chairman D'ORLEAN SILLS B. F. CHRISTIE Commissioner Mayor National Electrical Week Feb. 7th -13th R. J. BOUSSEY Manager ELECTRICITY Kippint; (4watt:cm krs, 114 (erase) McBride, ,Nippen, 'Ars. Robert (Pentrice) DairYmPleA of %%Wield Mrs, Stewart Bard) Brimeilield; Mrs, Grant (Olire) Love, Cairo, Mieh,; sisters 1Kra. Angus Brown, Seaforth; Mrs, KiPPen; Mrs, Nellie'Deyell, Toronto; 13 grandchildren and great grandchildren, Tnetuneral was hold on Wednesday' trom t. Andrew's 'United Church with 121. torment in Heiman Union Come- tery, !The Willing Workers had a box social at S. a No. 2, Tuekersinith, Friday evening AFeb. OUi, Mrs, Ross McNichol, Mrs. 10, MoLean, Mrs. M C;:looper and Mrs. 3. Lost, ell in •.elrarge, Wieners of genies were Mrs. J. Consitt, Nil's. W. Cole- man; Kit, L. Lovell, Mr. Wm, 0Oleman and Wit L: Lovell, Mrs, Halyard Finkbeiner stumped the panel with her secret,. 011.80 was realized: Mr. and Mrs, Stewart -.Winer° of London visited Sunday with friends in the village. 24 members of the W. A. Friend- ship Group met at the home of Mr. and MTB. Vern Alderdiee on Tuesday evening of last week. Games and "I've got a 'Secret" programule were carried out. Win- ners of the games were Mr, 411.d Mrs, W. L 8'Bell, Mrs, a Pepper and Mr. Alf Moffatt Robert Mc- Gregor stumped the panel with his secret but Mrs. Wm. Caldwell and Mrs, W, L,. Meths did not. A delicious lunch brought theeven- ing to a close. The silver c011ect- Ion amounted to $11,80. Those at- tending and donating were Mr. and MTS. AN Meitfat, Mr. and MTS. W. L. 'Malls, Kr, and Mrs. Jam - mere= Anderson, Mr, and Mrs. W, 3, F. Bell, Mr. and Mrs, Robt, McGregor, Mr. and Mrs, Robt, D. ldlgie, Mr, and Mrs, Wni. Caldwell, Mr, and Mrs, Ken McLellan, Mr. and MTS. L. Finlayson, Mr. mid Mrs. a. Pepper, Mr, and Mrs. N. Long, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wren. Mr. and Niro. A. Bennindyk were un- able to attend. Feb. 01:11 with president Lute Co - vier in Charge. 19 members were present Doreen Riley rend the athletes and treasurer's report was read by Linda Rtley. Sor10- turo by Jane Albas, Prayer by Pl- ane Roe. Mrs, Cordon McGregor i'eagt d sung a. 7.;Pyle,Janeteehirtlia y soinl was Gordon RileY and jOYOB Roe who Presented their pennies into the gift box, Karen Menwing took 00 the (*Beaton, followed by a hymn and benedietion by June Govier. Games were supervised by Mrs, ile.r?P'e°hr: On• a8th sixteen members Of the Fireside Farm Forum met at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Boo Dalton, The diseusSion, was on fa- mily farming, can it surviVo. The first question was poorly worded. .tarma regardless of size mast have a large input of money, tile and labor andmust produce or the owner will be soon bankrupt. A family farm is owned, occupied and operated by the .farmer and his family. (2) Should Tun,l'urb- an migration be eneouraged or discouraged. One group said no, because there is BO 'AMU unem- ployment in towns and 'cities. The other .group differed. Sinee'mech- anization 15 becoming common, one man can do the work former- ly done by several, Conditions force many to leave the farm, In OUT group there are many small children. In a few years the farm cannot support all and several must go elsewhere to make a liv- ing, Parents should help their children gat an education, prepar- ing them for an occupation, whe- ther on farm or in town. (3) We blien evemory farmers are resour- oenough to plan and change BRODHAGEN Miss Vicki Bennea'eIs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bari Bennewies returned home atter being con- fined to Stratford Hospital with Pneumonia. Mrs. Ivan Eickmeir and baby son returned home from Stratford Hospital. Mrs. IAoyd Pushelburg and baby son returned home ;from the Seaforth Hospital. Mrs. Fred Scherbarth of Detro- it, Mrs. Dlwooil Smart of Windsor with their mother, Mrs. John L. Bennewies during the past week. Mrs: Ernie Earth of Detroit, spent the weekend at the same home. Mrs. Bennewies returned with them on ,Slinday. Flowers adorned the altar and chancel of St Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday from the fun- eral of John L. Bennewies. Mr. Reuben Hulick, caretaker of the church. has made ice in the church sheds, and the children have been enjoying skating dur- ing the past week, Mr. Ralph Stemon, son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Siemon, met with an accident with his car, and is in Listowel Hospital with a dislocated hip. . After a disastrous fire which gutted the interior•of the home of Mr, and Mrs. Rueben Buuck, they and their daughter Rose Dye are staying at the home of Airs. W. L. Querengesser and ,Carl has been staying with Mr, and Mrs. -Man- uel Bet:email and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diegel. They have been guests of friends and neighbors ,for meals. Many people have been helping with the cleaning up and repairing of their home. _ Members of the Luther League enjoyed bowling at Stratford on Saturday evening. Miss Audrey Maine Priestap ot Mitchell has taken the position of Organist at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Aitche- son of Niagara 'Palls spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock. The Luther League were guests of Grace Lutheran Church, Wal- ther League, IVIitchell, for a skat- ing party on Sunday evening at Mitchell Arena with lunch after- wards at the Church. Mr. Wayne Beuerman has tak- en a job dn. London. Relatives from here received 'word of the death of Andrew 'Schmidt, Kitchener, husband at the former Adeline Diegel and son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Diegel former residents of this district. Mr. and 1VIrs. Henry B. Diegel, Henry C. Diegel, Mrs. N. Ahrens, and Mrs. Norval Elliott attended the .funeral in Kitchener last Monday. The program committee of the Chamber of Commerce have been busy having Bingos and Dances in the Community Hail and they have decorated the hall .beauti- fully with hearts, cupids and streamers for the Valentine sea- son, The Luther Lemma meeting was held Sunday evening. "Praise to the Lord' was sung. Donna Scherbarth read scripture lesson. Arthur Diegel took the offering, and offered a mayor. Pastor Fis- cher showed a film strip entitled, "Ws your League". Sharon Prue - ter, Donna Scherbarth and Clay- ton Ahrens were the narrators. A. skating party is planned for Sunday, Feb. 14, in the ,ohurch shed, A committee was elected to provide soup afterward. The 1,oll call was taken repeat- ing a Confirmation verse. The business closed by singing "Thy .Lite was given for Me". Ilveryone joined in playing a few games, which included FrUit Basket Upset and Dragon, A sing- song was enjoyed with Donna Scherbarth aceempanying. The mooting closed with the Lord's Prayer. HULLETT The Willing Helpers Mission Band met in Burns Church on Lugo - Dance Brodhagen Community Centre Friday, Feb. 12 at 8.30 PM. 15 regular games - 810.00 each 2 special games - 50.00 each 1 special game - 100.00 Special Door Prizes Admission 1.00'includes dance Dance only 50c. Music Norris omit Valentine Box Social Tuesday, Feb. 16, Adm.: gents 01. Ladies bring a box Dancing to music by Clarettes Dance Fri., Feb. 19th. Music . by Ken Wilbee THE SEAVORTII NEWS (Phone 84) Illursday, February 11, 1.100 their systems 10 raako or themselves and family, We 'must study markets, forecasts and out- look in 203,11)' linos and be willing to clemge plans to meet market needs. Dirs..1-lugh Flynn invited the group 'tor next meeting. Most games, Mrs. Bob' Riley, MI.B. liUgh Flynn; lone hands, Krs, Don Liu - (Malian. George Carter; cons., 'Mrs. G. Carter, James Jamieson. gylan'730D7 wnroosn° Euchre - Dance FRIDAY, FE,113. 19th .Ini.sertterib cemmunity centre Sponsored by sQarorth. Musk by the Plaza Valley Boys. EnChre starts at 8.30 pm, AdMission 75e, Lunch provided ifel611111ffiniiMPARSIDERSDBRIMIESSII"RISESIIMIERMIN CARPI, LYN SHOP All Prices Drastically Reduced A FEW OF OUR SPECIALS GIRLS DRESSES 7 to 12 RED VELVET, reg. 11.95 CORDUROY, reg. 8.95 PLAIDS, reg, 7.95 NOW 7.95 NOW 6.29 NOW 5.49 CORD JUMPERS 3.59 and 4.99 CHILDREN'S LINED JEANS Boys & Girls. Sizes 4 to GX 1.49 and 1.99 Children's Winter Caps, Mitts and Scarfs • Special Prices Dr. Denton Sleepers - 2.49. Pajamas - 1.69 Special Group of Dresses 7 to 201/2-3.89 7 to 221/2-4.98 12 to 201/2-7.95 RACK OF SKIRTS 3.89 Sizes 10 to 20 RACK OF BLOUSES 1.89 Swiss Embroidered Hankies 5 for $1.00 3 for 59c 25c each CAROL LYN SHOP 1111116111...11111.1311111MIIMMIEFAZIIIIMP SHUR•GAIN SELECTED - GRANULATED RTILIZERS for:60 are 'way ahea HERE'S WHY... PRODUCED IN MODERN PLANTS with the finest automated equipment to assure adequate SHUR-GAIN supply. CONTINUOUS,,,,,RIGID QUALITY CONTROLS every 3 minutes a sample of Salm-GAIN is drawn for laboratory analyses. ADVANCED RESEARCH is a continuing program in SHIM -GAIN "labs" and fields. OVER 50 YEARS OF KNOW HOW SHUR-GAIN is backed by experience, unmatched by any other Canadian fertilizer )nanufacturer. CASH DISCOUNTS hroughout February, $1.50 per ton early delivery discounts are yours for the taking ... with additional discounts for prompt payment ... discounts can total as high as $5.50 per ton on some analyses. 1 : When you take advantage of early delivery SHUR-GAXN dispearitS, there's • no need to worry about caking or hardening in storag. SHUR-GAIN .3 ' Selected -Granulated Fertilizer with its controlled low -moisture content, i and granuled texture retains smooth flowing consistency through prolonged storage. SHUR-GAIN guarantees perfect drillability, greater availability of phosphorus and almost complete freedom from dust. i • SHUR-GAIN proven for Canadian conditions The Finest Fertilizers For Your Good Earth CANADA PACKERS LIMITED • WELLAND • TORONTO • CHATHAM