HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-02-11, Page 1The Seaforth News
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Council Studies Request for
Liquor Lounge Vote Here
.Seaforth town council at its
monthly meeting on Monday even•
ing decided to hold over a requeet
from the •Ohamber at Commerce
fora.vote on liquor .lounges, and
suggested the proposal should be'.
accompanied by a petition,
' Also councillors learned that
the town had a "carryover" of
$48,000 from last year with the
town: bankers which would affect
the amount that could be borrow-
ed this year:
All members .were present, May-
or B. F. Christie presided,
Councillor Brady asked that all
estimates • by the committees
should be prepared at once so
the budget could be made up,
Councillor ICardno said Mr.
Ford of the Bank of Oommeree
explained to him the conditions
forthe town borrowing w ng dram the
bank. 'Phe town was not to bor-
row more than 70%' of the
amount collected in taxes during.
the year. With the town making
two tax collections in the year it
could easily occur that the town
would borrow more than was col-
lected Ln taxes. That was why the
total or "aggregate" amount of
the borrowings should be closely
watched by both the bank .and
the town.
Councillor •Cardno said Mr,
Ford recommended that every ef-
fort should be made to colleot the
$40,000 in outstanding taxes to
reduce the carry-over of ,$48.000
owing the bank.
It- was .explained that some of
the carry-over was dor work done
on the town hall.
Councillor Daly said the prop-
erty committee had received corn
=plaints about the misuse of the
town hall. A lock had been put on
the front door and it would be
locked every evening at 6 o'clock
and all day Sunday.
Those who had business in the
town hall should arrange before
hand to have the doors open or a
key could be obtained from the
police, Councillor Daly said. He
said the washrooms at the town
hall were for •customers and it
was only fair to lock It up atter
six p,m.
Councillor Daly said property
committee budget during the past
10 years had averaged $5000, suf-
ficient for this year.
Council will offer the town
scales to the coal dealers on - a
yearly rental basis, the drivers to
do their own weighing. Councillor
Daly said the subject was a "hot
Potato", and had found the deal-
ers rather unhappy about the
Councillors had criticism for
the work being done at the form-
er theatre building. The cantract-
or claimed no permit was neces•
sary as work was an "inside" job,
It was estimated the work cost
• over $15,000.
Councillor Rivers said street
committee hadn't cost of clearing
Main St. with a blower, but it
was less. Mayor Christie said he
got numerous calls about the plow
tilling in driveways. The police
had found a lot of cars parked
overnight on road.
Councillor Cardno said the fire
and water committee would have
a budget of $2500. They needed
hose and chemicals. The cost of
the rural truck would be extra.
•Councillors said they had an in-
quiry for the old shoe factory, but
nothing definite.
Mayor Christie read the police
report. The budget was 413,500
for the year, quite • an increase.
Councillor Flannery said there
was a request for a water tap at
the recreation grounds, also blea-
Building permits: Walter Mur-
ray, Franklin St„ $7,000.00; G. A.
Whitney, display, $700 to $800.001.
Smith's Grocery. food :front, $1900.
Council appointed Mayor Chris-
tie as town representative on the
Mid Western Development Associ-
T.he Chamber of :Commerce had
two suggestions for council for
liquor licenses:
1. Vote on dining lounge.
2. Vote on lounge.
Councillors said it would be
necessary to have 60% •mojority
to •carry. A petition should ac-
company the request. The cham-
ber was looking at it from a ,busi-
ness point of view. Council decid-
ed to leave the queetion over to
next .meeting.
Council made a grant of $100
to the chamber of commerce .
Councillor Flannery told council
of his meeting with liquor control
board officials in Toronto on Mon-
day. He had been sympathetically
received by the chairman. There,
had been discussion of a combined
warehouse and store. About 3000
sq. ft. would be needed for stor-
age. An outlet would not be placed
tooclose to the churches, he said.
Councillor Turnbull said there
were no new developments about,
the sewer.
A letter from the community
centre could be expected, Council-
lor •Cardno said, asking council
for $2000• Insurance was $1400
and the rest for repairs, Council-
lor •Rivers said steel stairs and
fire escapes were needed. There
should he an engineer With papers
to operate the ice machine.
Red Cross Society Will he; quilt-
ing quilts in the library rooni on
next Thursday and Friday, Feb,
18 and 19th,
Speaking Contest
Held in McKillop
McKillop Fed, of Agr. held a
very interesting publics speaking
contest for Gr. 6.7.8 pupils in the
basement of Cavan Ohuo'ch, Win-
throp o Feb. 3rd. Ken, Stewart
welcomed all present, A. Roods'
reviewed the topics and roles of
the contest, 17- contestants spoke
in the following order on their
choice of the seven topics. Amy
Stewart, Kaye McGowan, Shirley
Henderson, Joyce Harrison, Shar-
on Beuermann, Robert Pryce, Ei-
leen O'Rourke, Helen •Elliott,
Joyce Ryan, Marjorie Agar, Mar -
Vide Smith, James Rapson, Mur-
rayA Gayle ?A Clore , G y o Storey, Ifaren
Dolmas Peter Dowson, Audrey
Dolmage, wso
, A d
The judges were: John Talbot,
Mr, Pullen, Mrs, Ifrauslcopf.
The top six for January were;
Joyce Harrison, Amy Stewart,
James Rapson, Gayle Storey,
Joyce Ryan, Murray McOlure.
Gordon Elliott moved a vote of
thanks to the judges.
Rev, Mr. Summer'ell spoke
briefly on the value of Aublio
speaking, The second contest will
be held: on Feb. 24th, when anoth-
er top six .pupils will be chosen.
The finals will be held in March
when the 12 top contestants will
Harry Weiland, 65, of Egmond-
ville, died Thursday at Victoria
•Hospital, London, after two days
illness. He was born in Egmond-
ville, a son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Weiland. Mr. Weiland
spent most of his life in the mint-
ing trade. He lived in Toronto
since 1918 until retiring In 1956,
to Egmondv!lle, He was a member
of Sgmondville United Church.
On Dec. 8th, 1921, he married
Jean A. Ross who survives. Also •
surviving are two daughters, Mrs.
W. E. (Loft) !Cooke, Kingston.
and Marion of, Toronto; 4 grand-
children; 3 brothers, William and
Roy of Toronto, and Ralph Wei-
land of Boston. Funeral service
was held on Sunday, at the G. A.
Whitney funeral home, with Rev,
Dr. James Semple of Egmondville
United •t hur ch officiating. Burial
was made in Mattlandbank ceme-
tery. Pallbearers were Graham.
Kerr, Norman McLean, Elriter Ste.
Phenson, Louis Bolton, James F.
Scott and Bert Hemingway.
Major Fires. Send
1959 Losses Up
In the annual report to the pol-
icyholders of the MoKiliop Mutu-
al Vire Insurance Company, Pres-
ident Robert Archibald says in
"Cur losses this past year
jumped •from $43,000 to $60,000;
of this increase the direct losses
were up $11,000 and the re-insur,
ance losses were up $6,000, Gen-
erally speaking premiums are re-
gulated by the extent of the loss-
es incurred. Despite the Piet that
Insurance rates generally are be-
ing increased throughout the na-
tion it is the earnest hope of your
directors that through mutual co-
operation a sincere effort may be
put 'forth to keep the trend of in,
smarm() losses low.
"One of the rnajor changes that
the Company underwent was the
ap loin rnent of a no secreta -
pl t w ry
treasurer in the person of W. B.
•Southgate and the transfer of the
headCompanyof the fficeis
o to h
office on Main street, Seaforth.
The change has been made with
a very minimum of contusion.
"Tire new application and pol-
icy forms have worked out very
well and new forms for town
dwellings, cottages, churches and
schools are in the offing. The new
re -insurance plan, which was ad-
opted a year ago, and which the
majority of farm mutuals are us-
ing, saves a lot of work and elim-
inates the possibility of .error in
During the year •our 'Company
suffered a severe loss in the pass-
ing of Mr. E, 1. Trewartha, a di-
rector of this Oompany for many
years. Ile played an important
part in the advancement of our
Major 1959 fire losses Include:
John Carnoehan, Tuckersmith,
dwelling,: $7,000; John R. Makin.
Clinton, poultry house and live-
stock, $1,262.50; W. J. Chambers,
Millett, barn and contents, $7,-
884; . James Malone, Moliil'lop,-
driveshed, 51,000; S.S. No, 8, Go-
derich twp., school, $2,000; Thos.
O'Reilly, McKillop, barn, $3,800;
George Powell, McKillop, barn,
The death of Archibald Kerr,
retired MoKillop twp. farmer, oc-
curred Monday at the -home of
his slaughter, Mrs. 'James Mc-
Clure, R. R. 1, Seaforth. Air. Kerr
had been seriously ill for the past
two weeks. He was the son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Alex Herr,
and received his early education
at S.S. 4, McKillop andlaterSarm-
ed there until his retirement in
1950. He was a member et Duff's
United Church, and the Orange
Lodge •at Winthrop. In 1906 he
married Grace Anne Smith, who
survives. Also surviving are two
daughters, Mrs. James (Helen)
McClure, McKillop, and Mrs. Hen-
ry (Margaret) Michell, Markham;
a son, Alexander, and a brother,
William, both of McKillop. The
remains are at the Box funeral
home, Seaforth, where funeral
service will be held Thursday at
2 p.m. Rev. W. H. Sumrmerell of
Dutts Church will officiate, and
burial will be in Maitlandbank
The pallbearers will be: Don-
ald McClure, Ronald .McClure,
Olendon Kerr, Bill Kerr, Edward
Campbell, Kenneth McClure,
lnlowerbearers: Graham Kerr,
Tldin Herr, Archie Smith, Mac
GROUP 1 W. A. -
The February meeting of Group
1 W. A., Northside United Church
was held at the home of Mrs. F.
Roberton with an attendance of
20 members. The President, Mrs.
Outhill opened the meeting with
a reading "Drop ,Stitches".. The
business for the .month followed.
Plans were ,made for the Valen-
tine Supper to be held on Feb. 11.
Mrs. W. Ball .presided' over the
devotional'. period. Mrs. Walden
read a ,poem entitled "And then
the Heart", Mrs. Wood read the
scripture followed by prayer by
Mrs Evelyn Mille. •Mrs. 'Ball then
gave a talk on trees and birds
which was enjoyed by all. A love-
ly lunch was then served by Mrs.
Cuthill and Mrs. 'Wood. Mre. Ball
gave the courtesy remarks,
The February meeting was held
at the home of Mrs. H. Hunt with
24 present. NIrs. Leeming who had
charge of .the meeting opened it
with the reading of a poem after
which hymn 505 was sung, For
the scripture Mason Mrs, Addison
read !Psalm 1 and also a selection
from the "Upper Room" Follow-
ing this Mrs.; Addison Jed in
prayer and the Lord's ;Prayer was
repeated in unison.' Mrs. IIugill
took charge ,for the business meet
ing when plans were made' for
the Valentine supper. Mrs. Leem-•
Ing took' the topic ,"The Secret of
Happiness" and spoke iii ]ler us-
ual interesting manner. After the
singing of hymn 637, Mrs, Leetn',
Mg' closed the meeting with
prayer. A social hour ,followed
with lunch being supplied by
G, Thompson and Mrs, Parke,
l,published there will be a box left
on the table as you come into
'Peen Town, you can drop your
contribution to this column in
this box.
Winners At
St. James' Bingo
St. James Parish Bingo spon-
sored by the Holy= Name Society
on Feb. Ord, Winners of $5.00 bin-
gos: Jerry MaoKellar, Marg Kody,
Joe Krauskopf, Jim 'Barry, Bill
McCurdy, Mrs. Leo Fortune, Dor-
othy .Flynn, Aug, Ducharme, Al-
vin McKellar, Mrs. J. McIver, Pa-
tricia Stiles, one was shared by
Mrs. F, Maloney and Bili Brown.
Winners of the Speciale: •ribs.
Alice Stiles 57.00. Airs. D. Phillips
and Mrs. Carpenter shared 57.00,
Jim Kelley 58.00.
There was a very good turn out
for the dance Saturday night in.
spite of prevailing weather condi-
tions. Close to 200 -paid admission
for this dance. We.,,ivc"rld like to
thank the chaperons, Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Savauge, Miss Joan Tal-
bot and 'MT. Geo. McLlwain.'
A "Question of the Week" col-
umn is .going to be added to this
section in the near future. If any
of our members have any "choice"
questions they would like to have
C. W. L.
The regular monthly meeting
of the C. W. L. was held.. In the
schoolroom with a good •attend-
ance. The meeting opened with a
prayer led by the president, Mrs.
John Maloney. The treasurer re-
ported a substantial sum raised
by the annual bazaar held in De-
cember. The parish council ap•
proved the ,Per capita fees. Pins
were .ordered for the members
with the C. W. L. motif.
There will be a dance in the
community centre March 17, spon-
sored by the C. W. L. of .Seaforth
:Mrs, Joseph McConnell read an
article from the league magazine.
The guest speaker Miss Rena
Fennell introduced by Mrs. Art
Devereaux, gave a very interest-
ing description of her trip to Ja-
pan, Hawaii. Hong Kong and
showed slides of the various
countries. Mrs. James Slattery
thanked Miss Fennell on behalf
of the members. Lunch was serv-
ed py Mrs. John Meagher, Mrs. A.
Devereaux, •Mrs. C. Malone and
Mrs. C. Eckert. The mystery prize
was woe} by Miss Mae .Pargeter.
:Meeting was• adjourned and closed
with prayer.
Mrs. Keith Sharp, N. G. presid-
ed over Monday' night's meeting
of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge. A
euchre is planned to 'follow the
next meeting, Feb. 22 with the
Meeting to commence at 7.30 pan.
Activities planned for spring
are a dessert' euchre in Maroh
and a home -baking sale.
Mr, and Mrs.. Leslie Nicolle of
Palmerston visited with the Tat-
ter's parents, Mr, and ,Mrs: John
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Clarice and
family of Mulrkirk were recent
visitors with Mrs. .Clark's mother
Mrs, 1. F. Watson.
The sympathy of the commun
ity goes out to Mrs. H. Weiland
and family in the loss of a dear
husband and father,
World Day of Prayer Hold Successful
Workshop Meetings
A prediction that in a year
there would be "quite a, change'"
in the attitude of hog producer
toward the Federal Government's
deficiency payment plan, was
made Monday by Elston Cardiff,
MIP for Huron and parliamentary
secretary to Agricultural Minister
Air. Cardiff was one of the
speakers at the MoKiliop Town.
ship Federation of Aviculture's
opening session of a three-day
workshop devoted to farm prob-
He said many farmers were
originally opposed to the plan
"because they did not understand
it. We will have to have patience"
and see what things are like in
about a year.
He said he had noticed quite a
difference in the attitude of farm
audiences toward the plan sinced
mi •D
At Seaforth on Tuesday, Victor
NIrs. Gordon McKenzie, Mrs. G, Roy, manager of the Clinton Cre-
Karr; lunch, Mrs. R. J. Doig, Mrs. lit Union outlined the eight-year
E, Herr and Airs„T, Kerr; puuch- history inn Ontario. Union, one of the
March 4th
A meeting to arrange for the
World Day of Prayer on March 4
was held at the 'Anglican ,Church
rectory. Rev. Mrs Donaldson op-
ened the meeting with prayer.
Mrs. Ed Boyes will give the ad-
dress, the theme of which is, Lab-
orers together with Clod.
Representatives attended from
four churches.' The plans conclud-
ed, Mrs, Bider closed the meeting.
DIV GfAi DM,i7NT •
Mr. and Mrs, Blmer Townsend,
Seaforth, Ontario, announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Dorothea Elizabeth, to •Mr. Robt,
Charles Hanes, son of :Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Haves, Belton, Ont-
ario. The marriage to take place
on Maroh 5, 1960 •at 2.30 o'clockln
Turner's United Church,
,Committees for euchr o0 f Fri-
y, Feb,daallies
1 9: Prizes and t
Aire. Les •Pryce; tables and chairs,
ars, Mrs. G. Papple, •Mrs, Janies
Keyes, Mrs. R, M, Scott, Mrs. Wil-
fred !Coleman; dishwashers, Mr's.
G. Elliott, 7Irs, 1; Hillebrecht. The
members are reminded to bring
a cake for lunch.
' Prize winners for the euchre
sponsored last Friday by Seaforth
W. I,: Ladies first, Mrs• J. Coutts;
2nd, :Mrs. J. Cooper; con., Mrs, G.
Bell; men's first, :John Tremeer;
2nd, L. Stewart; con., Ken Stew-
; art,
Mr. and Mrs.. Lew Bgan of
A2ooseiaw, Saslc, visited on Wed-
nesday at the home of Mr. A. Mc-
Lachlan. Mrs. :Egan is the former
Harriet +MeLactililan, daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc-
Mr. and Mrs, T. L. Scott spent
Thursday in Toronto.
NIr. and Mrs. Stewart Knecktel.
of Rostock were Sunday •guests o8
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gardiner. -
Linda Ourrie of Dorchester
Spent the weekend with her
grandparents Air. and Mrs. Otto
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eggert of
Rostock are visiting at the home
of their daughter and son-in-law
Air-. and Mrs. A. Gardiner.
A successful bake sale, spon-
sored by the members of the La-
the's Aid and Marian Ritchie was
held in Mitchell on Saturday.
Several members of Cromarty
YPS attended a social evening
provided by the Y100 of Knox
Presbyterian Church, Mitchell, on
Saturday evening. Supper was
served with a skating party after-
Owing to the inclemency of the
weather on Sunday, the church
service was withdrawn.
The young people of Roy's and
Stella United Churches enjoyed
a sleigh ride party at Staffa on
Saturday night. They were after-
wards entertained at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dow.
Mrs. T. Laing was hostess for
the February meeting of the WAIS
which was held on ]Wednesday.
Mrs.•Grace Scott presided and op-
ened, the meeting with a hymn
which was followed with the
scripture lesson and prayer. Mrs.
Sadie Scott had charge of the
Study Book, using program two
which tells of Cultural Revolu-
tion and 'Christian Revolution in
Africa, with Mrs. F. Allan and
Mrs. Will :Miller assisting. The.
roll call "Facts. About 'Africa"
was answered by ten members,
also one visitor present. The pre-
sident. Mrs. T. Laing conducted
the ,business when it was decided
to use mite boxes in the WAIS, and
Home Helpers. The offering was
received and Mrs, K. McKellar
read the Glad Tidings prayer.
Mrs. Laing read. a letter from
Mrs. Dickson of Formosa and
Mrs. Kerr spoke :briefly of her
work there. The topic "Promise
of Peace" was given by Mrs. W.
Miller. The meeting closed with
prayer by Mrs. Calder MoKaig. A
lunch was served by the hostose
assisted by •Mrs. Grace Scott,
Mts. Sadie Scott and Mrs. W.
Trinity Club members held
their January meeting - at the
home of Mrs. R. Simons. Mrs. J.
:Muff read a prayer and 'Mrs. R.
Gairdner, the scripture. The min-
utes were read by Mrs. R. Simons
and the ,financial statement by
Miss B, Sturgeon. Bach member
chose a "touch and take" •gift.
The speaker, :Adrian •Scoffield, of
Goderich, gave an interesting
talk on Television and also show-
ed pictures of it ah Wingham.
Mrs. Wm. Parker conveyed the
club's thanks to Mr. Scoffieid for
his talk. Lunch was served by the
hostess assisted by Ma's. George
Bell ohamber.
Mr. and •Mrs, Fred Fraser left.
on Friday to spend two weeks at
Miss Debbie Flowers, Toronto,
is visiting her grandparents, Mr,
and Mr's. Adam Flowers.
Geo, Telford, London, •spent the
weekend with his ,parents Mr, and
Mrs. Fred Telford.
Mrs. Helen Cobb left on Mon-
day to spend two months at 01ear-
water, Florida.
Miss Lynn Flowers, Thamesford
is visiting her grandparents, Mr,
and Mrs, Adam •Flowers.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Payne and
family left last week to spend
two months at St. Petersburg,
Julian Smith, Toronto, director
of marketing for the United Go-
Operatives of Ontario, reviewed
the principles of the Co-operative
movement as developed by the
•iirot co-operative in 1844.
On Wednesday the final meet.
Ings are being held at Brodhagen.
N, 'G. Mrs. Glenn Bell presided
Wednesday evening at the meet-
ing of Amber Rebekah Lodge 347.
Lodge opened in regular form
with a large number present. Vice
Grand Mrs. D. Chipchase reported
visiting and sending cards. Cards
of thanks were received from
several members. D.D.P. Mrs. H.
Parker expressed thanks for
cards received during her recent
illness. A reply was received from
Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter, ac-
cepting the invitation, to the 11th
birthday celebration to be held
on Feb. 17th. Three new members
were received into the Lodge
namely: Mrs. 3. Sangster, Mrs. E.
Corbett and Mrs. J. 'Corbett. The
Degree was presented by the offi-
cers and members under the dir-
ection of the Degree •Captain,
Mrs, Leona Parke, with -Mrs. A.
MacGregor as Inside Guardian.
Miss Mettle Ellis acting N. G.
and Miss Maybelle Whiteman act-
ing Vice Grand. Bro. Lindsay
Eyreexpressed congratulations
to the Degree Captain and mem-
bers and welcomed the new mem-
bers, The N. G. Mrs. Bell thanked
all the members who assisted,
D.D.P. Mrs. Parker expressed sin-
cere thanks to Mrs. Leona Parke
for her co-operation with the De-
gree officer and congratulated
the N. G. Mrs. Bell. Mrs. Parke
Spoke briefly thanking all the of-
ficers and members for their sup -
Port. Mrs. A. MacGregor moved a
vote of thanks to the pianist, Mr -s.
Win. Fuss and the soloist, .firs.
Wm. Brown. Gifts were present-
ed to Airs, Parke and Mrs. Puss
Jr. P. N. G. Mrs. Inez McEwen
and Mrs. Won. Caldwell R,S.N.G.
Lodge closed in regular form af-
ter which a social hour was en-
joyed in the lower hall, when re-
freshments were served by Mrs.
E. .Shaddick, convenor, assisted
by Mrs. Joe Flynn, Mrs. W. Fuss.
Mrs. S. Blackwell
The Arnold 'Circle Evening
Auxiliary field their regular meet-
ing in the schoolroom of Carmel
Presbyterian Church on Monday
evening. Mrs. Harry IIoy presid-
ed over the worship period with
"Faith" as the theme. Mrs, Trey
Wilson gave the meditation wor-
ship. The study on "Culture, life
of the community and Spiritual
World", prepared by Mrs. Bev.
Beaton was presented by Mrs,
Harry goy. Mrs. Ed Fink, presi-
dent, presided for the business
which followed, Correspondence
was read and seven visits report-
ed. A committee comprising Mrs.
Harry Snell, Mrs, A. MacGregor
and Miss Ilannah Murray were
appointed to contact and invite
former members to the 30111 an-
niversary of the Auxiliary to be
held in June. Programs were ar-
ranged for the year, and Mrs.
Fink closed the meeting with a
prayer. Refreshments were serv-
ed by Mrs. Blundell and Mr's. Wm.
The South Huron 'Agnicultural
Society held their annual meet-
ing on 'Saturday, and set June 10
as the date for their spring sltow.
The group are studying the pos-
sibility of holding their show at
night instead of during the day.
Bari Dick, Hibbert, was re-elec-
ted to his third term as president,
Jim Doig, Seaforth and Otto Wil-
lert, Dashwood were named vice-
presidents. Sec., Jim McGregor
announced his resignation, and it
was decided to advertise for a
successor. Directors and Commit-
tees were appointed as follows:
Directors, Hay Township: Wil-
liam Decker, V. L. Becker, Tucic-
eremitlt—'Stan Jackson, Jim Doig.
Usberne—Sam Dougall, William
Lamport. Hibbert — Jack Kins-
man, Earl Dick. Stanley—Harvey
Taylor; Bert McBride
Mr, A. MacGregor left last week
for Baei Comeau, Quebec, where
he will be employed for several
Master Rielce3' Parker spent
the weekend with Iris cousin Mas-
ter Wayne Corbett,
Mr, and Mrs. George :Parker,
Mrs. Ed, Schroeder and Mrs, Ed-
na Corbett spent the weekend at
Oxford, Mich„ attending the fun-
•eral of Mr's. Corbett% niece, Mrs.
Alger Brown.
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Friday night saw another good
crowd assembled at :Constance C.
O. F. hall when pr'og'ressive euchre
was enjoyed. Prizes went to lad-
ies first, Mrs. MaOlusltie; ladies
lone hands, Mrs. H. Dolmage. la-
dies low, Blaine Brown. Men's lst
Mr. Russel Dolmage; lone hands,
Ward Knox. low. Harvey Hog -
garb. Lunch was served and danc-
ing was enjoyed to music supplied
I by the Glen Nott Orchestra.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley at-
tended the Parent Night held at
Stratford Teachers' College Fri-
day evening, at which their son
Mr. Douglas Riley is attending,
Owing to bad weather there
was no church service on Sunday
but all members are to remem-
ber the Valentine party held for
the 8 -point Charge at Londesboro,
Friday evening, Feb, 12th.
Air. and Mrs. Joe Youngblut and
-lir. and Mrs. H. Bunking' of Lon-
desboro.visited with Mr. and Mrs.
C. Dexter a day Last week.
4.1I Achievement Day on "Clo-
thes 'Closets up_to-date" will be
held in this area on Saturday,
Feb, 13 in the Clinton Legion Hall
and mothers and visitors are wel-
come to attend the afternoon
At time of writing Miss Kathy
Dale, daughter of Mr, and NIrs.
Wm. Dale, is still in hospital.
Mrs. Ken McDonald presided
over the W. A. meeting held in
the church basement last, Thurs-
day afternoon opening with hymn
434 "Saviour like a Shepherd
lead us" with Mrs. Martin Beau
at the piano. The scripture read
by Mrs. Wm. Thamer was taken
from Colossians 11 and com-
ments made on the passage by the
leader followed with prayer. The
minutes of last meeting' were read
by Mrs. Ron Beunett and Mrs. A.
Coutts gave the financial state-
ment. It was decided to have the
Schneider supper on March 14,
consisting of cold meat, scalloped
potatoes, vegetable salad and p-ia
The charge will be $1.50 per fam-
ily, Our project for the year is to
improve our lighting system in
the •basement of the church. The
committee consisting of Mrs. W.
C. Hackwell and Mrs. N. Reid
will meet with the Board of Man-
Mrs. Dave Watson opened the
WNLS meeting taking as her
theme "The Lord's Prayer". Hymn
325 "Blest are the, pure in heart"
was sung followed by prayer. The
secretary, Mrs. R. McMichael bad
the rail call and minutes of the
last meeting and Mrs. R. Craig, the
treas. gave her report. Resolution
Committee for Iluron Presbytery
for 1961 are Mrs. D. Watson, Mrs.
E. Mitchell, Mrs. G. •McGavin.
Mrs. John McDonald gave a very
interesting talk on "The meaning
of Stewardship" defining it a
Practise of our systematic and
proportionate giving of our tal-
ents, time, energies and posses-
sions. The missionary for prayer
this year is Miss Joy Vickery, of
San Fernando, Trinidad. The lit-
erature secretary, Mrs. J. McDon-
ald gave a list of interesting
books that can be gotten at any
time. The World Day of Prayer
will be held in Duff's Church on
March 4th commencing at 3 pan,
The Anglican ladies will be invit-
ed and a guest speaker will ad-
dress the ladies. The regular mon-
thly meeting will be held before
the Day of Prayer commencing
at 1,30 p,m. The seripturo passage
on the Lord's Prayer was taken
from St. Luke 11: 1-13 and the
following ladies read comments on
the different parts of the prayer.
Mrs, N. Reid, NIrs. T. Dundas,
Airs. A. Coutts, Mrs, R. McMichael,
Nils. 7, Clark, Mr's, C. Ritchie and
Airs. H.. Craig, The Lord's Prayer
was then repeated in unison, Mrs.
I1. Sinallclon sang a solo accomp-
anied by Mrs. M. Baan. •Siides
were shown on Christianity in.
Africa with Mrs, D. Buchanan
reading the script and Mrs. N,
Reid showing tete pictures, The
April meeting will also have a
film shown. The meeting closed
with the singing at hymn 48
"Breathe on me Breath of God",
and prayer.
Mrs. Bllen laorlett, Mrs. Jim
McDonald, Mrs. R, Bennett, Mrs.
A. Coutts and Mrs, H. Sinalldon
will be in charge of the progres-
sive euchre and Lost Heir party
to be held Friday evening Feb. 12
under the auspices of the W. I.
Mrs. Nlarlt Hamilton, Joyce and
Joan of London visited with
friends over the weekend.
Miss Norma Hoegy and Miss
Catharine Buchanan of St. Marys
Hospital, Kitchener, spent the
weekend at their homes.
Mrs. Margaret Humphries is
visiting wih Mr. and Mrs. Horace
Rutledge and family, London.
Mr. and AIrs. D. Hackwell of
St. Marys visited with Mr. and
Airs, W. C. Hackwell on Sunday.
Prize winners on Friday night
at the euchre and Lost heir Par-
ty were: Lost Heir: high, Jim
Smith, Graeme Craig; low, Alex
Gulutzeu and Jean. Walters. Eu-
chre: Ladies high, Mrs. A. Ale -
Donald; low. Mrs. Ken McDonald.
Gent's high, Les Oliver; low, Don
Ryan. Music for the dance was
supplied by the Clinton Hilltop-
Mi. Gar Smith has left for
Florida where he will spend the
next two months.
Mr. and Mr's. Tom Butters are
attending the Retail Hardware.
Convention at Toronto.
Mt'. and -firs. John Moddejouge
are attending a wedding at Ham-
Air. and Mrs. Pete Grosech and
children of London, Danny Cost-
ello, Ottawa, Gordon, Toronto,
with Air. and Mrs. Dan Costello.
001 and Mrs. John Lavoie at
Farnham, Quebec.
Nliss Rose Marie Flannery, of -
London, with Mr. and Mrs. John
Miss Beatrice Murray, Shirley
Horan, Brantford at their homes.
Miss Rose Marie .Feeney, and
Kenneth, Kitchener, with Mrs. Ca-
therine Feeney.
Miss Mary Morrison, Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Morrison, Kitchener,
with Air, and Mrs. Jas. Morrison.
Miss Bernadette Nagle fell on
the ice and broke her arm.
Mr. Pat Maloney is home from
Si. Joseph's Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Butters and
children, 5t. Thomas, with Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Butters.
Miss Margaret McCarthy, Nancy
Kelly, St. Mary's 'Hospital, Kitch-
ener at their homes.
Brucefield library board was
all re-elected at the annual meet-
ing held on Monday at the home
of Mr. W. Scott: members NI the
board are: A. Paterson, R. Wat-
son, T. 13. Baird, W. Caldwell, I.
Forsyth, H. Taylor, Mrs. J. K.
Cornish, Mrs. H. Taylor.
Officials are Alex Paterson,
President; J. K. Cornish, Secre-
tary-treas., and Mrs. W. Scott, li-
There was an increase in mem-
bership and an increase in circu-
lation of books during the past
year. During 1960 the library will
be open Thursday afternoons and
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of
Cairo, Mich., visited with Mrs.
Love's sisters, Mrs. R. Dalrymple
and Mrs, Stewart Baird last week.
Their father, My. Robert Cooper •
returned home with them, on his.
arrival ho suffered a severe stroke
and passed away Sunday morn-
ing, Brncefield and conimuuity
extend sympathy to the Cooper
On account of the severe storm
en Sunday ' morning and small
attendance the service of the Un-
ited Churchi was held in the
•Miss Kathleen Elliott and Mrs.
T. A, Darton left' on Monclay
morning for a vacation In Florida.
Mr. Eclgat' Allan left on Friday
to spend his holiday in Cali-