HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-01-28, Page 8You'll want a smart, new CHARCOAL SUIT C SU T for the Higlh School FORMAL Come in to -day and pick out your dressy charcoal suit for the big dance. Suits sold up to Friday at 3 p,ni. will be finished in time to wear to the dance ! BLACK CHARCOAL 2 or 3 Button Style All wool worsted with 2 pants DE LUXE TOWNE HALL Black Charcoal One Pant Suit 49.50 65.00 Clearance, Men's Car Coats Wools, Nylons Cords and Chinos All are quilt or borg lined Regular Regular to 27.50 to 19.50 To clear To clear 14.00 10000 Clearance, Boys Car Coats Choose from many styles in wools, Cords, Nylons and Chinos Sizes 6 to 18 yrs. Regular Regular to 17,95 to 13.95 To clear To clear 9.00 7.00 STEWART BROS. Truscott Boy Begins Sentence at Guelph Steven Truscott, 15 -year-old convicted murderer, will be mov- Tuckersmith Federation of Agriculture ANNUAL MEETING AND BANQUET Egmondviile United Church Tuesday, Feb. 9 AT 7 P.M. Tickets at 1.50, may be secured from any of the directors Wm. Rogerson, Pres, John Broadfoot, Sec.-Treas.' ed early next week from Goderich jail to the Ontario Training School at Guelph to begin serving his life sentence. How long he will be in custody for the rape -slaying last June of 12 -year-old Lynn harper near the Clinton RCAF base was uncer- tain. But with good behavior it may be as little as 10 years. Solicitor - General Balcer an- nounced in tate Commons that cabinet had commuted the boy's death sentence to life imprison- ment. Justice Minister Fulton said in an interview Friday night that Steven will be held in pro- vincial rather than 'federal cus- tody. This means he will start his sentence i.n a training school with other youngsters rather than in a federal penitentiary with adults. The custody decision was reach- ed late Friday at a meeting of Mr. Fulton and Ontario Reforms Min- ister Wardrope. Depending upon behavior and rehabilitation out- ,,,,,,I,Il,ll, cote ,lm em smuts IIs Mamma fluvial, am m, l„ammm mI IIMlatem m moistness., Properties For Sale Large dwelling, James St., including extra lot. New oil fur- nace. Modern kitchen and bath. A real buy for cash One & half storey brick dwelling in Dublin. Modern conveni- ences. Three bedrooms, A real family home OTHER SEAFORTH DWELLINGS LISTED We also have a number of good Huron County farms for. sale. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT Harold Jackson Phone 474 SEAFORTH BROKER or John A. Cardno Insurance Office PHONE 214 SEA.FORTH SALESMAN 1 Farmers Get -Together A meeting of all interested in the new method of harvesting grain with a Hay Baler will be held at McGAVIN'S FARM EQUIPMENT, WALTON Wednesday, February 10th starting at 2 P.M. This is an open meeting and its purpose is to bring together farmers who use their balers for baling grain and those who intend to, Mr. Ford Dickenson of Brodhagen who has con- verted more than fifty balers to handle grain will he present, as well as representatives of several ^q to discuss the possibilities of this method 'rse of hay balers. e look, the boy MEW remain ill pro- vinoial :care even after he is 16. The boy's father, RCAF WO Daniel 'isr'uscott,• says he can't be- lieve his son is guilty. "III never believe it unless, be tells me so hilnsebf," he told reporters. The night of the Slaying, ,Steven had come home with "no change in his expression or bearing. "He was the same old Steven, I can't see a kid comi1vg home and doting like that if he'd been guilty. " '390 Truscott was transferred from Clinton to Ottawa shortly after the slaying. Mis family ,carne with him. The family had resided in Seaforth at one time. County Road Committee Report The following is the report o the County road committee (1959 to the county council Januar meeting. Document from the Townshd of 1-lowiek, requesting cautio lights at the -Intersection of King Highway 87 nvibh County Rod 28 and 30. Province of Ontari statutes require that these instal atiens',be approved by the depart meitt of highways. Accordingl we requested permission to erec caution lights at these locations A lengthy report was received r cently which included a tra-ffi and accident incidence studry. Th final recommendation was that "Caution lights are not warranted at these locations." Your Commit toe had no choice but to concur with this decision. The Department of Highways has .put into effect a plan which will involve far more pre -engine- ering work than we normally car- ry out. They require that we sub- mit a detailed plan and profile, for approval, of all road work to be carried out under supplement- ary by-law. At the same time they reduced our Construction allot- ment on our regular by-law, forc- ing us to carry out most of our new road and bridge construction under a "Supplementary" By-law, and thereby requiring the County to submit detailed plans on near- ly all work. In order to comply with this requirement most coun- ties in Ontario will be forced to employ additional engineering help or engage the services of a consulting engineer, We are pleas- ed to report that for the time be- ing at least our present staff will be able to carry out this new work, Mr. John More was hired last year to assist on the extra work involved on the development road and has done an excellent job in this respect. Now, as the work on this Development Road project nears completion he will be able to assist greatly in. carrying out this new requirement. This new requirement will, incidentally, more than triple the amount of survey and drafting done last year and in previous years. You will notice that by-law 4 shows a total regular by-law tot- al of $500,000.00. This is a reduc- tion of $100,000.00 from our 1959 by-law of $600,000.00. This was done on instruction of our dist- rict municipal engineer and the whole reduction is in .Construc- tion for reasons explained above. We hope to carry out approxi- mately the same volume of work as last year ($860,000.00), the bal- ance being made up on a Supple- mentary By-Law.You will find listed below a summary of expenditures for the year 1959. We would like to point out a few highlights. Total value of work on. Huron County Roads $1,224,084.67; Tot- al value of work on Development Road $269,501,75; Total value of work submitted for subsidy 9850,- 999.95. f y P n s Road 0 1- y e - c A by-law has been drawn up to expropriate certain land on coun- ty road 5 in the township of Ste, pion, We Tecom7nel1d that thisi by-law be passed. Two by-laws have been prepared in -order to relocate the tri -county bridge located on the boundaries of Huron, Middlesex and Land/ - ton: thee ifirst, expropriating the land required for the new bridge approaches, and the second, to adtl this section of road to the County 2toad System, We recom- mend that these bylaws' be pea sed, For your information we are pleased to report that our winter control costs for the month of December alone are down $22,000. over the same period of 1958. Seminary of Road Expenditure Construction: Roads— Varna-Bayfield paving $ 26,074.75 Bbyth4Walton 'p'aving , 80.504.67 Zurich South paving , 30,978.00 Brussels' Streets , 890.63 Walton West 12,081.65 Porter's .Hill .. , 5,154.07 Brussels 7.00 Zurloh 309.77 Sarepta North 20,123,91 Kirkton Construction 361.45 Varna South Oon'tlon 76,059.15 Centralia Street , 2,539,31 Road 28. Howick Two, 1,701,34 Road 16— 2,255.00 Bruce B'dary Con'tion 22,251.81 Total 276,282,41 Bridges and Culverts— B-67, Hensall 3,287.78 Tri -County Bridge ,,, 1,097.67 B.60, Mount ,Carmel . , 34,233.56 Benntiller Bridge 12,903.95 B-43, Summerhill 5,355,83 B-4, West Wawanosh . 20,841.85 Road 4 Culvert 20.65 Fordwich Culvert , , - 6,879.63 Hullett Cul',t 1, K'burn 7,906,56 Hallett Cult 2, L'boro 5,830.19 Sarepta North Cul'ts . 978.30 Grey C'l't (.McNaught) 6,998,89 Zurich Culverts 1,702.98 MoKillop Culvert . , , , 4,236.08 Rd. 31 C'l't, Hillsgreen 268.45 West Wawanosh Cul't 5,818.28 Total 118,360.65 Maintenance: Roads— Calcium Chloride 25,938.58 Ditching 217.88 Dragging 37,484.66 Drains • 2,147.60 Grading 14;846.54 Gravelling 54,542,63 Guide Rail 2,196.94 Cold Mix Patching 14;910.15 Spray Patching 10,434.55 Surface Treatment 1,80.5.60 Signs 6,772.33 Brush Cutting 1,337.93 Weed Cutting 13,970.09 Weed Spraying 513.80 Salting & Sanding 33,452.25 Snow Fence 7,207.08 Snow Plowing 87,541.40 Boundary ilaintenance— Other counties 5,963.27 Own work 6,908.33 General Maintenance , 4,491.87 Total 332,683,48 Bridges And Culverts: Bridges 4,167,13 Culverts 9,695.52 Total 13,862.65 Drainage Assessments 2,103.68 County rebates 46,110.36 Overhead 51,809.43 Total Submitted for subsidy 859,999.95 Respectfully submitted Harvey Coleman, Chairman, WINTHROP The WMS and W.A. of Cavan, Winthrop, will meet on Wednes- day, Feb. 3rd, at 2 p.m. Circle 4 will look after the program, and Circle 3 the lunch. ,FOR9'% Y 97 t20S ,11(70 Proal Tile Seaforth News January 1990 The 1Ciinton to London train waited seven home at the Olande- boye station on . Tuesday when the locomotive couldn't get up enough steam to .00mplete the trip to the city, Some fifty pas. sengers were without ifood and water, ltey. Father Weber of St, - Pet- er's Seminary, PLondon, will be Ordained in may and is the first Dublin boy to receive this honor. Mr. Gormley is giving up under- taking here and, moving to Dub' lin. August Hemmle has rented his farm at 'Manley and intends to move to Hamilton where he will manufacture his root seeders and weed destroyers. Miss Taggart of the collegiate staff was a Toronto visitor. Mr, and Mrs, Duncan Johnston of Walton will visit the British Isles and Europe. Mrs. J. M. Ewart of Winnipeg visited her sister, Mrs, B. Hunt. Miss. Marion Scarlett of Win- throp visited relatives at Brock- ville. Geo. Hawkins has sold his 100 acre farm on the east aide of the London, road, Hensall, to And- rew MoDougall 'for $8,000. Winners at the masquerade carnival at Hensall included Miss Graham, Miss Hattie Whitesides; Harry Price, Carl Passmore, Wm. Bell, Gladys Petty, Earl McEwen. and W. Van Horne. Mrs. Munro has returned to Watrous, Seek, after visiting her father, Mr. T. E. Hays. .Mrs. Fergusson of Bayfield visit- ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Govenlock. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News January 1935 .Euchre games at 'Beechwood broke into the paper in verse, fea- turing Mattie Joe's rooster. Rev. H. C. Feast was inducted to the pastorate of First Presby- terian Church, Wedding: Miss Edna Storey and Cecil W. Co'lclongh. ,lames Rae of Walton has be- •c"ome manager of .the Queen's Ho- tel at Seaforth. Harold C. White, Supertest Su- pervisor, has moved to Kitchener and is succeeded here by Mr. Mel- lon. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Edge of Toronto spent the weekend in town. '.Phe Misses McOloy visited their aunt at London. Miss Wilson, superintendent of Scott Memorial Hospital, is holi- daying In Bermuda. Mr, Alfred E. Ross of Tucker- Hsmitibbh ert, has purchased a farm in J. 13. McLean who has been su- perintendent of Kippen Sunday School for 32 years was absent last Sunday from illness. It is the fourth time in all this period of service that he has missed. A no- table record, Robert McDougall of Cairn, Sask., is visiting Kippen friends. Miss Margaret 1Broadfoot of Ilamilton Normal School spent the weekend with her father, A. Broadfoot. Rev. E. F. Chandler of Kippen and Rev. W. Young of Hensall were guest speakers at the annual Burns' Night at the Lions Club. O.P.P. REPORT December report for OPP Dis- trict No. 6. Motor vehicle accidents 250, fa- tal accidents 3. persons killed 3, injured 68, vehicles checked 2336, warnings 1378, charges laid 339, most charges, rate of speed 97, rules of road 94. Uniforpt strength 139, civilian strength 11. WHY MAKE A NAIL IN CANADA ... . Or a radio, or a stove, or a car, or any of the thousands of products manufactured by Canadian workmen ? By making these things ourselves, we have earned a standard of living admired throughout the world. Nearly half of all employed Canadians work in manufacturing. Without our factories we would be principally employed in producing raw materials for other nations to process. We enjoy our present way of life because we work not only on the land but also in modern factories. One way to maintain this is to buy Canadian -made goods. THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO Canadian -made steel from Canadian -owned plants BORN Nrasor Mr, and Mrs, John, 7 Balmoral Drive, Kitchener, at l W Iospital, Jan. 9, 1960, a Son,. John Cameron Van Dyke.= At Scott Menorial Hospital, on Tam 23, to Ted Van Dyke, Seaforth #i3 a sort Roney — At Scott Memorial Hospital, qn Jan. 24, to Mr, and Mrs, Frank Roney, Dublin #3, a daughter Feeney — At Scott Memorial Hospital on Jan. 26th, to Mr. and Mrs, Fergus Feeney, Dublin # 2, a sen •t CARD OF THANKS .; I The family of the late Rae 1VIc- Arthur wish to express their sin- cere thanks for -the sympathy and kindness shown to them during. their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev, Currie Winlaw, the Bonthron Funeral Home, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Allen and Dr. Brady CARD OF THANKS Many thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kindness and for all the baking we received during my illness —Mrs. Laverne Hoegy CARD OF THANKS The family of the late James T. Scott wish to thank their many relatives, friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and floral tributes received during their re- cent sad bereavement, Special thanks to Dr. P, L. Brady, Rev. D. Leslie Elder, Box Funeral Chapel, Seaforth Branch of the Canadian Legion; RCAF Station, Clinton, Sea2orh Highlanders Band also those who acted as pall bearers, honorary pall bear- ers and flower bearers. CARD OF THANKS We Would like to express our appreciation to everyone who re- membered us in our sad bereave- ment. ereavement. Special thanks to the Revs. Mr. Brown, Mr. Campbell and Mr. Elder and D. A. Rann Fune- ral Home of Brussels. —The families of Gwen McCutcheon IN MEMORIAM Watson—In loving memory of our dear mother Annie Watson, who passed. away Jan. 27, 1948 The depth of sorrow we cannot tell of one we lost and loved so well, and while she sleeps a peaceful sleep memories we will always keep. The Family Auction Sale Of Holstein Heifers at lot 5, con. 3, Stanley Twp. 114 north and 11/4 miles west of Kippen on Tuesday, Feb. 9th, at 1.30 p.m. 35 First calf Holstein heifers, due time of sale, and remainder in Feb. This is an exceptionally well bred lot of heifers. All vac- cinated and sale will be held under cover. Terris cash. Prop., Alex McBeath Aust., Harold Jackson FOR SALE Eight pigs, 10 weeks old. J. E. MacLean, #3 Seaforth 665r21 WANTED Young man wants part time work on farm. Phone 665r3 Sea - forth. Tom McCowan COMING EVENT Seaforth`Farmers will be hold- ing their annual banquet Tues- day, Feb. 2 at 7 p.nt. in Orange Hall. F. R. Peel will show his col- ored slides on Russia. Tickets 1.50. Everybody welcome NOTICE Will plow snow—drive ways, lane ways or around gas sta- tions. Phone 695 J before 9 a.m. or at noon hour, J. R, Burns APARTMENTS TO RENT 6 room .apartment and bath; self contained; and private drive way, heated. Immediate posses- sion. H. McLlwain, phone 112 FOR SALE Hereford bull Ringwood Zento Domino, 5 years old. Sam Mc- Clure, phone 844-13 Seaforth FOR SALE Brown male terrier - chihuahua crossed pups 8 weeks old, Phone 84r23 Dublin FOR SALE 20 York chunks of pigs. W. J. Leeming phone 8311'21 Seaforth WANTED Boarders wanted, male or fe- male, in modern home, Mrs. Jim Wallace, phone 241 J Seaforth_ HONEY FOR SALE Clover — 8 lib. pails $2.25. Wallace Ross Apiaries NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for. Viking Cream Sepal,, ators and Viking 'Milking Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefteld. ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Us - borne & Hibbert Mutual Fire In- surance Coinpany will be held in Farquhar Hall, Farquhar, on Monday, February 1, 1960, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Directors and Auditors for the past year, for the election of two Directors for a three-year term, election of Auditors, and any other business that may be in the interests of the Company. The Directors whose term of office- expires are Martin Feeney and Timothy B. Toohey, both'. of whom are eligible for re-election. Alex J. Rohde, President' Arthur Fraser, Sec,-Treas. NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Township of Tuckersmith are requested by the council, to not park cars‘ou township roads and streets during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. Council will not be responsible fOr damages to any vehicles park- ed on roads or streets, Cora Chesney, Acting Clerk THE SEAFORTH NEWS (Phone 84) Thul'sdaY, January 28, 1960 BOX Funeral, Service: AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention. Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth J©;I1N A. GORWILL, B.A., M.P. Physloien and Surgeon Phone 5,W Seatorbii SEA FOR.TH CLINIC 01. A. McMaster, B.A., M,D., Internist. P, L. Brady, 18.0., Surgeon Office Flours, `1 p.m. to 4 p.m., daily v:cept- Wedne.dey and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thueoday and Sa►:^, ardsy only 7-9 p,m. de Appointments made In advance ars' TURNBULL & BRYANS VEt'ERINARY CLINIC J.0, TURNBULL, D,V.M„ V.S. W. 11. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S, W. G. DRENNAN, D.V.M,, V.B. Phone 105 Seaforth_ JOHN. E. LONGSTAFF - Optemstrif Goderlch St. W,,. ,Seaforth Piton• 791 Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon.. 5 to. 0.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12.90 PM. Thur. e, abovappointment Hawkins' oMdw , Clinton on.9Uto 75110 INSURANCE. • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Cgverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res, 540 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & Lp EY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 2SO We .write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seafortk Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD.. Phone 47 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, Robert Archibald. Seaforth; Vice Pres., Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Sec.-Treas., W. E. Southgate. Seaforth. Directors — E. J. Trewartha, Clinton ; J. L. Malone, Seaforth ; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. MCEwing, Blyth; Wm, S. Alex- ander, Walton ; Harvey Fuller, Goderich ; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth. Agents— William Leiner, Jr., tondes- boro ; J. F. Praetor, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clin- ton ; James Keys, Seaforth. BRALSIDE NURSING HOME Licensed for convalescent and elderly.people. Call 395—Mitchell. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Better Bulls Are Used Artificial Insemination Service for all Breeds of Cattle Farmer owned and controlled Call us between 7.30 and 10.00 dui. week days and 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings at Clinton HU 2.3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 BURNS CLEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING OIL WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 w Seaforth