HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-01-21, Page 5TH12 SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, January 21; 1960 ,011,II11111111111.111111111111101111111111111lll1/1111111111,110 A llJllll I111111111AIIAll111L11111141/IAIl I1lIIIII,I11111 AU I1U1�11� Smith's Superior erior Food Market JAM 21-22-23 ROBIN HOOD FLOUR . 71b.. bag 55 c CHASE & SANBORN INSTANT COFFEE , 6 oz jar 85 c DOMESTIC SHORTENING 1 lb. pkg. 29c YORK,, CREAM CORN 2., 20 -oz tins 37 c KOUNTY KIST KERNEL CORN .. 3 14 -oz tins 39c GARDEN PATCH PEAS 2 15 -oz tins 29 c AYLMER_ FRUIT COCKTAIL 15ortin 253 Smith's Superior Food Market PHONE 12 WE DELIVER BLAKE :Mrs. Nancy Koehler of Zurich, Mrs. Newell Geiger and Johnny DANCE The popular and western music of the Rhythmaires of Goderich, at the new Community Hall, Brodhagei Friday, January 22 Admission 75c and Mme, Mary Manson were Sun- day guests with Mr, and Mrs. E, Erb and family, • Mr. and Mrs, Curtis .Gingerich and .gamily spent Sunday at Nairn with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Gingerich. Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Gingerich were Sunday guests with .Mr, and MTS. Earl Oesch and family. Mrs, Mary Manson has returned home after spending a few weeks in Toronto. Mrs. Marty Hey has .returned home after spend'inlg a few weeks in London. Mr. Hughie .McBride of London and Mr, Johnny MOBride visited with Mr. Harold Finlay. Smoother' Sledding! We find it easier sledding in our family. That is because a good bank balance through regular saving has given us security and peace" of mind. We're all steady savers at THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE MONEY IN THE BANK MEANS PEACE OF MIND Seaforth Branch: L. F. Ford, Manager Dublin Branch: E. J. Dean, Manager NOTICE Town of Seaforth PARKING To facilitate snow plowing and snow removal operations, parking on the streets of this Municipality is prohibit- ed between the hours of 2 a.m. and S a.m. This order will be strictly enforced in accordance 'with the Highway Traffic Act, Section 43, Subsection 9 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow plowing or snow removal operations TOINIV TOPICS Mir. Floyd260 13ee wilo is at- tending Presbyterian College , ir[ Montreal sperm the weekend w1i1i Mr. and Mrs, Plank Sma1e and took part in the service at'.hlrst Church Sunday morning, Floyd also called on many old friends while h1 town, Dick Kirk, formerly with Bo331c arts, 1gas taken a position in tllo Toronto-Doininion Bank, Mt, and Mrs, Jack Eisler Jr„ STr, and Mrs. Bedford D.ungey and Mr. Geo, Earle attended Final - ante Mart in 'Porofto o11 Satur- day, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Grun nett are on a motor trip to Florida with Mr. and. Mrs. D. Grummett and family, .Wingham. WIRED YEAR OLD 'TUMBLES IN BARN FRACTURES THIGH Three yelp• old Edward Mc- Clure, Solt of Ma. and Mrs.. Harvey McClure, RR 1, Walton, is a pat- ient id, Olinton ;public' hospital,. suffering a fracture of the right thigh. The =lid fell from the -se- cond • story- of his parents barn through the hay chute. He will' be !hospitalized for some time. Oiinton News Record, NORTHSIDE W. A.. The W. A. of Northside United Church held.its first meeting for the year 1960 on Wednesday; Jan. lath. Following opening remarks by the Pe•esidenit, Miss G1adYs Thompson, the !minutes of the last meeting were read. Then the re- ports were given and a discussion of the various items of ,business followed, It was decided to hold the Valentine supper Thursday, Feb. 11th Since Mrs. ,Struthers of Wing - ham, who was to have been the speaker, was unable to attend be- cause of the weather, Mrs. Brit- ton very ably filled in with an address "The Open Door". Mrs, Neil Bell, accompanied by Mrs. J. A. Stewart rendered a delight- ful solo• Then .followed the instal- lation of officers, conducted by Mrs. (Britton, and the !meeting closed with the hymn "0 God Our Help 'in Ages Past", GROUP TWO NORTHSIDE W. A. The January meeting was held at the home of Mrs. R. Savauge with an attendance of 21. The theme of the •meeting was the "New Year". New Year's verses and .poems were given by several of the members. After the routine business it was decided to contin- ue with the "penny a day" bags, and plans were macre :for a tea to be held May 4th. Mrs. Britton gave a splendid talk on "Opening Mur doors in the New Year", A so- cial hour followed the meeting. Several contests wel'e engaged in and lunch followed, HANNAH H. AND S. The regular meeting of the Hannah Honie and School Associ- ation was held in the schoolroom, After the business and discussion two films were shown and were en3oyed by all. .A. euchre is being planned. A 'tasty Lunch was serv- ed by the ladies. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans in London with Mr. and ,Mrs. John Cleary, Mr. Jim Newcombe, R. M. 001 - lege, Kingston, with Mm. and Mrs. William Stapleton. :Mr, Kenneth Stapleton, Fred Mitchell, Toronto, with Mir. and Mrs. F. Simpleton. Mees Rose Marie Feeney and Kenneth, Kitchener, with Mrs. C. Feeney, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas MoGi1- very, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Grosech, London, .Gordon Costello, Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. ,Mrs. Many Feeney has returned to her home from the Seaforth Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Louis. Looby and Mrs. A. M. Looby are spending a month in Florida. Mr, and Mrs. Mae Robertson of Guelph 'called on friends Satur- day In the village. 'Mk. at :Maloney Sr., condition much improved and is expected home from' St. Joseph's Hospital, London, the end of this- week. EGMONDVILLE ,The regular meeting of the W. A. and. •`W1 MS of Egmondviile Unit- ed Church was held In the Sun- day School room of the church on Jan. 6 with a good attendance. Mrs. E, Cameron opened -the .meet- ing by use of hymn 571. Minutes of last meeting were read and ad- opted followed by the correspond- ease, The .meeting ,was then open- ed for business. It was decided to leave the printing of the programs to the Program Convenor. Dhe _agricultural banquet for Jan 21 was •disoussed. A donation was asked for sing -time. It was moved by :Mete. E. Stephenson, seconded by Miss Rena McKenzie that we leave it till atter the annual meeting. The treasurer's report was given lay Mass Mae Smith. Re- ceipts showed $2593.20 leaving a balance in the bank of $464,82. The westing was then taken over by the Walla :President, Mies F. Houston, She opened the aneeting by all •repeating the 90th Psalm in unison. Miss Ilouston then gave a reading "A Gift for the New Yeas", :followed by prayer, The minutes of last meeting were read and adogited, The Autumn Rally was discussed and when we would 11130 the moetings held, the majority was for morning and af- terlaoen, The following 0Oer'etal'lee gave tllolr reports; , Literature, Mrs: L, Strong; Associate Mein - hers, Mr's, 14, Step1 enan31: 'Mission. Band Supt., M1'5, N, MoLean; Re. cording See., Mrs. marl Papple, The Tr'easurer's report was read. by 1336113, Ray "MeGo111gle allowing a substantial sum and had raised Choir allocation. ROY. Dr. Semple then conducted the inatallaltioll of oft'ieel's for the W,A, and WMS. He 111011 gave a talk and welcomed all new menthe's after which tire. meeting closed with hymn 671 last verse. Rev. Semple Hien dos. ed with prayer, alter wilieh a de ltcious lanai was served, BAYFIELD Ruth and Frank Patrick, Galt, agent the weekend with their fa- ther, Rev, J. W. Patrick, Tom Beaver, Waterloo, silent the weekend in the village. Mrs. Eddie Florian, -Clinton, spent Sunday with 'Mise Berthena Sturgeon. George Telford, Stratford,apentr the weekend with his parents, Mx. and Abs. T. 3. Telford. Mr, and :Mrs. J. M, Stewart left on Monday to spend two months at St Petersburg, Florida. Mr, and Mrs. Ken McRae, Lon- don, silent Sunday with theta grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Won. Johnston. Mrs, Warner Payne and two ohildren are visiting her sister Mrs, Gordon Heard at London, Death of Gordon Matthew Marks Mr, and Moos. Wen, Parker Ir. and baby, London, spent the week- end with Mr, and :MI's, J. Fraser, Relatives in the district were shocked on Saturday to learn et the death of Gordon Matthew Marks at 100 Mile House, B. C., on Friday, Jan. 15, 1860. He was the third son of the late Mr, and Mrs. lames Marks, Toronto. On August 27, 1923, he was married in Cook's Presbyterian Ohwrolt, Toronto, to Miss Emily Elizabeth Connell, only daughter of 'Mrs, Connell, Seaborth, and the late George 'Connell, Parr Line, Stan- ley twp, They resided in Toronto until 1948 when they moved to 100 Mile House, B.C. Surviving are his widow, a son Ross, and a daughter, Mrs: D. (Carolyn) Oaah- enak, and five grandchildren, 100 Mile House, HC.: three brothers, Samuel, James and Russell, Tor- onto; and a sister, iMme. Will (Lil- lian) Francis, Royal Oak, Mich. His mother predeceased him about three months ago at the age of 98. VARNA Stanley District L.O.L. held its annual meeting in the Orange Hall last Thursday evening and elected the follow-ing officers for 1960. W. M., Lloyd Keys, D. M., D. Treibner, Chap., Carl Diehl, Rec. Sec., Russel Brintnell, Fin Sec., John Aldington, Treas., Or- rin D.owson, Marshall, Wilbert billing, lst Lect„ John Webster, and Lect„ Chas. Pilgrim. 'Mr, Wan. Dews= Sr., who has been a !patient in the Clinton Hospital returned :home last week. The local skating rink opened last Saturday evening to a -full house and :there will now be skat- ing on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. The quarterly Official Board of the United Church will meet in the Goshen Ohuroh on Friday ev- ening of this week. - Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Clarke of Aram visited with the' former's parents on Sunday. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Bert Walters .had the mis- fortune to Rall on the ice at home and fractured a bone in her arm. Mrs. G. Elliott and Master Lau- rance spent a few daye last week with her slater, Mrs. Geo. Grif- fith, Stratford. :Miss Elizabeth Scott, of Lon- don spent the weekend with Miss' Mayme Swan. About 75 ladies attended a mis- cellaneous :shower in honor of Miss 'Mw gory Mustard whose wedding will take place in. the Brucefield United Church on Jan, 30, Miss Mustard received many lovely and useful gifts. The annual meeting of Biuce- fleld United Church ,will be held on Tuesday evening, Jan. 26th. A congregational pat luck supper will be served at 7 o'clock, All the families of the church are in- vited, .Dressed -pork will be pro- vided by the Woman's Association, .This is a get together for the con- gregation. Kindly attend, :Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Henderson aida.re spending the winter In Flor- Mm. and :Mrs, Donald McKenzie of. St. Thomas, visited with; hie mother, Mfrs, Simon McKenzie on Sunday. HULLETT On jun. 18th 21 adults of the Fireside ,Forum of Mullett met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Bu- chanan, The subiect for discus sion was "Addustment through farm credit", Answers to the three questions 6 We believe that th new farm . main act should be bellafielal and meet the needs o many fanners at t11e present dine but it is not available to a large percentage of farmers because of age and lack of money for down Payment. 2. if the farm =move meat loan re111ai115 013311able it will fill a great need. 8, We esti- mate that _about 50 per eent of the farmers ,in oto• group would not qualify, foil the new farm credit aot because" of over age or lack of down paYailent, Mrs, Jerry Coolr invited the group for next week. Euolire most games, Mrs, Eric Anderson and Mrs. Jim Howatt; lone hands, Mr$, 'Bob Dalton and Jtni Taon•1e. son. Con., Mks, H. Taylor and Geo. Carter, e Arnold 'Circle Evening Auxiliary was held in Cannel Presbyterlan f 0lrurp3 S. S. room on Monday evening with the Vice Pros„ Mrs. 1301. Beaton Presiding In the ab- sence of Mr . l tl Fins, who is 111. 'P110 worship was taken by Mrs, - John Balser and 161.33. G. Ball, on Chap. 1 of the study book, "T110 Way in Africa", entitled "Look at Africa", The chapter was most in- teresting and was, illustrated with the neap of Africa in teehnioolor, 'P110 roll call was answered by the payment of nlenlborellip fees, An invitation was accepted Brom St. Peter's. Lutheran 011urc11, Zurich, to be their guests on Feb, 16th, Therefore the Feb, meeting will be held on 'February 8th in the Church selroolo•oom. The hostesses are Mrs, Robt. Blundell and Mae, Wm, Brown; Worship, Mrs. H. HoY and Mrs, Bey, Beaton. The March hostesses will be Miss H. Murray and Mrs. G. Schwalm, and the Worship Colivenore are hIrs A. Orr and Mrs, J, Shea. An Inv'. tation was received front the Can- cer Committee to attend a meet- ing in South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter, on Jan. 25t11 at 8,15 when films will he shown. 19 visits were reported. Reports were given from the various secretaries. The Treasurer's report by Mrs. Gerald Bell, Mrs. Harry Hcy reported for supplies, Mrs, Wm, Fink gave the Secretary's report, Mrs. Gordon Schwalm gave interesting reports from the Literature, Glad Tidings and Mission Band, Miss Hannah Percy Gibbings Again Sec.-Treas. for Hallett Twp Fed. of Agrlc. Hallett Twp. Fed. of Agri. held their first directors meeting of the New Tear in the Londeaboro Hall on Jan, 14 with 25 •directors present. Mr. Harry Lear, the new President spoke a few words and said he was pleased to see so many out and hoped to have a good year., and asked for their• swB- polt. The minutes of the last Dir- ectors' meeting were read and adopted. The following •clireotors were appointed; Mr, Lloyd Stew- art to the Hog Producers; Mr, Arnold Jamieson altenative; Geo, Garter, beef producer; Doug Snell Poultry, Producer; Archie Young Cream Producer; :Mrs. Lloyd Stew- art, lady director. Mrs. G. Me - Gregor and Mrs, Wm, Jewitt the lunch -committee. Percy Gibbings was appointed Sec. Treas. again for another year, $10 was donated to the Crop Imp1'ovement Seed Fair. It was decided to hold their meetings every second Thursday of each .month in the Londesboro Hall, aneetings to start at 4 p.m. They also decider' to hold card parties on the last Friday -of each 'month tar the winter months, Tu the Londesboro Hall. McKILLOP The annual meeting of Zion E, U. B. Church was held in the Church en Thursday evening, Very good reports were given by the secretaries, All 'officers were returned. The S. S. donated $100 to the Woodrow Macke Missions and to .Miss Jean Kellerman, Missionary in -China. The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Orville Beuerman, Mrs. A. Beuerman and Mrs, W. Koehler were in charge of the meeting.' The roll call was answered to a good deed we intend to do in the New Year. About $75 worth of new and used clothing have been collected to be sent to the Men- nonite Centre and more material has been ordered to be sewn for layettes, and children's :clothing. The next meeting is to be Held at the home of Ma. Elmer Koeh- ler with Mrs. Smyth and Mrs. Dickinson in charge. The syanpatlly of the commun- ity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. W1n, Koehler in the death of her sister, Mrs. Purves at Regina, Sa- saatchewan. HENSALL ivicoi( Circle Meets The January meeting of the L. 0. L. EUCHRE In Orange Hall Wed., Jan. 27 Admission 40c Lunch served Everybody Welcome Murray reported for the card ,sec- 1'etarY. M1'3, A, Orr gave all inter• esttn3 'detailed report of the Enr- on Presbyterial held in Clinton, Jan, 12th. The members were asked to send a •sllewer of cards to Mrs. 141( !lair, ;President, and to Mr, Geo. Vats w110 is in Mon 11aal General hospital, Refresh. meats were' served at the close., EUCHRE Auspices Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge in the 1001+' Hall Monday, Jan. 25 AT 8,80 P.M, Longo meets at 7.30 Asa, Lunch and Prizes Euchre • Dance Friday, Jan. 22 In Seaforth Community Centre Sponsored by tate Seaforth Women's Instituto Norris orchestra. Lunch provided. Euchre to begin at 8,30 P.M. Admission 75c Everyone welcome January 1 Clean UpSale Continues Visit our RECORD BAR See our complete line of Valentines LARONE'S SEAFORTR 5c g,ra $Ila®® STORE STATIONERY - GIFTS Dry Cleaning SALE 20% off JAN. 16 TO 30 BUCHANAN CLEANERS ONCE A YEAR SALE Our Famous Revitalized Process restores New Life into your garments and removes more ground in soil, more stubborn spots and stains Colors are brighter. Clothes stay clean longer and wear longer too Send your Drapes, Chair Covers, Rugs, Dresses, Suits, etc. They'll look beautiful when Revitalized and cleaned by us AGENTS Our reputation is your guarantee of satisfaction DUBLIN: DAN COSTELLO BARBER SHOP ST. COLUMBAN: HOLLAND GENERAL STORE BRODHAGEN: SHOLDICE GENERAL STORE WINTHROP: McCLUSKIE GENERAL STORE Itt corse and celebrate our Twentieth Anniversary of Selling & Servicing GM Products W. T. TEALL PROP. 1959 IMPALA 4 DOOR HARDTOP Power steering, power brakes and radio. $1000 off list price 1959 BEL AIR 4 DOOR HARDTOP Power brakes and radio. $1000 off list price 1957.OLDS SEDAN, A.T. 1957 FORD STATION WAGON 1956 -FORD SEDAN 1954 DODGE REGENT SEDAN 1955 DODGE SEDAN, A.T. 1955 PON'TIAC SEDAN 1955 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 1955 MONARCH SEDAN, radio 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 CHEVROLET COACH 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1950 CHEVROLET COACH 1955 Chevrolet. Pickup Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmbbile MITCHELL Phone G. Fawm 186 Sales & Service SEAFORTH Phone 541