HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-01-14, Page 8DON'T MISS THESE 010 SUPER BARGAINS ON THE LAST THREE DAYS OF OUR RIG 28 SUITS SQM17IWITET•I 2 PANTS Sale 39.50 to 55.00 28 SUITS FOR TALL MEN Sale 39.50 to 55.00 SOME WITH 2 PANTS. 57 SUITS, FOR REGULAR HEIGHTSale 39.50 to 55.00 39 TOPCOATS a� a j� 49.50 Sale 21.95 to 39.50 16 BOYS SUITS REGULAR TO 22.50 Sale 12.00 BOYS TWEED 36 SPORTS COATS /0i SeMM.I=MOM. MEN'S 35 SPORTS SHIRTS REGULAR TO 16,95 Sale 9.95 VALUES TO 4.95 Sale 2.89 MEN'S 39 SPORT SHIRTS VALUES TO 5.95 Sale 3.89 MEN'S KROY WOOL 60 PR ARGYLE SOX 1.95 VALUE Sale 1.39 WOMEN'S 36 WINTER COATS 39.95 TO 89.50 Sale 29.00 to 54.00 30 FALL DRESSES 30 FALL DRESSES 24 FALL DRESSES 15.95 VALUES 22.60 VALUES REG. TO 29.50 ALL WOOL AUTHENTIC TARTAN 12 only PLEATED SKIRTS 19.95 VALUE TERRY 60 °n'Y FACE CLOTHS A SUPER VALUE CANNON LARGE 36 only BATH TOWELS LRGE SIZEEC 721YACHK DISH CLOTHS Sale 5.00 Sale $10 Sale Sale 14$.9165 Sale 15 C Sale 1.00 sale 16c TABLE OF DRAPERY SPECIAL - VALUES TO 3.95 sale 79c MING DRAPERY Sale $2.00 yard SALE CASH ONLY TEWART BROS. CLOSING SATURDAY AT 6 P.M. AllessenummuL Sisters, Brother Have A Happy Reunion Mrs. Ivan Carter .of Egmond- vilie had a happy reunion with other members of her family on Crhistmas ancl New Years. Mrs. Caster, who was raised in. Hay township, came to Egmondville in November 1958 following her mar- riage •to Mr. Carter who `]las al- ways lived here. The fallowing story of the reun- ion is from the Exeter Times -Ad- vacate: A young housewife's discovery of her sister and brother provided an exciting holiday season for thel three of them recently. The revelation solved a long- standing mystery for them all and touched off a family reunion which, despite the fears of •compal- cation from adoption, made every- one happy. The three principals are Mas. Ivan Carter, Egmondville, the far- mer Ruth Kleinfeit of IIay twp.; Mrs, Andy Anderson, Dashwood, and Thomas Cole, Toronto. They were separated when bars. Canter was two years old, was ad- opted by Mr. and lube, Norman ,...leinfelt, -con. 12, IIay. The older sister and brother were placed in foster homes by the Children's Aid Society. Although she was never told, Since adoption binds all the par- ents to secrecy. Mrs. Canter always believed she had a brother and ,gaster. Her belief etrengthened through chance remarks In recent years and she became determined to lean their identity. The other two always knew there was another girl in the fam- ilyn 1 longed d adtLey ongdtoRnd her. Several years ago they attempted to learn who she was but they were diecouraged by the Child- ren's Aid Society who warned them of the •obvious complications which might result. -' This November, filet before her 21st birthday Mr, and Mrs, Klein - felt agreed to tell ,Mrs. Carter the names of her brother and sister. They revealed that her original nave was Rosemary Cole. Soon after Mrs. Carter broke the newe to Me. Anderson, the former Gladys Cole, "Be prepared for shook," said ,the younger girl ao she entered the Anderson home in Dashwood, "I'an your sis- ter." By coincidence the sisters had met each other a short time •pre. vious at an Exeter restaurant. They were introduced by Alice McLean, a anutual friend but nei- ther was aware of their relation- ship at the time. Mr, and Mrs. Kleinfelt shared the joys of the girls' reunion and have welcomed ,the Andersons in- to their home as members of the family. The sisters and their fam- ilies shared Ohristmas at the Kleinfelt home. For New Year's the Kieinfelts kept the Anderson children while the sisters and their husbands held another reunion at Egm'iond- ville, Thomas joined in the cele- bration during ,the holidays too. The sisters and their brother find it hard to express in words the 8eelings and' emotions they've experienced since their reunion. But they all agree "It's been won- derful." DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown, Palau- erston, with 'Mr. Herb Brown, Miss Loreeu Looby, London, with Mrs. A. M. Looby. Miss Phyllis and Glenn Butters of London with .Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butters. Mr. and MTS. Leonard Nagle, Bobbie and Linda of Stratford, with Mr. and M'r•s, ,Mike Nagle. Mr. Patrick Maloney Sr. in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, in a critical condition when he swal- lowed Gillett's lye in place of ep- som salts, Miss Cecelia Feeney, Mary Mor- rison, Margaret Flanagan of Kit- chener at their .homes. Mrs, Louis Dillon and Dorothy in St. Thomas with Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Dillon, Mrs. D, P, Monaghan, Kitchen- er, with Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Me- Cartby. Death claimed one of Shelby's most beloved citizens on alonday evening at 7:30, Dee 21st with the passing of Joe Shea at 75. A shadow of mourning touched all the o i t where he was w s held in esteem and affection by all who knew him. A reeidont of Shelby, Montana, since 1924 Joe had countless friends in the commun- ity who deeply .mourn his pass- ing. A sadden heart attack was the cause of death, Patrick Joseph Shea was horn at Dublin, Ontario, the son of the late Michael and Mary Shea, on •September 25th, 11384. Tte attended the Dublin Schools. At the age of 20 he mov- ed West, first to 'Saskatchewan and than to Alberta working at his trade of Stationary Engineer, in both provinces, On Dec 28. 1922 he was married to Elizabeth Faulkner at Drumheller, Alberta, Ho came to Shelby, 'Montana, in 1924 and purchased the Shelby Steam Laundry. TIe sold the laun- dry in 1945 and built Shea's Mo- tel which he and his wife operat- ed until selling the business in Oct. bf this year. He was a anem- ber of St. William's Raman Cath- olic Church, Knights of Colum- bus, B. P. 0. Elks, Shelby, and the Chamber of Comanerce. He greatly enjoyed bowling and golf and only in recent years gave up tennis. Survivors include his wid- ow Elizabeth, a son Donald of Shelby, two daughters, Patty Joe at home and Mrs, Betty Lou Seri- ven of Greenville, 1'liss. Seven grandohildren and a sister Mrs. Basil Byrne of Dearborn, Mich, A brother and sister preceded him in death. Funeral services were held Thursday, Dec, 24 at St. William's Catholic Church with Rev. Father James R. Wagner of- ficiating. Burial took place in :Mountain View Cemetery. Pallbearers were Joe .Maughan, Lethbridge, tlberta; Carroll Ka- vanogli, Elmer Bonathan, Bruce McNamee', Bob MoC'ornisb and .Jim Lennon. Honorary Pallbeaa. ers were Ray Klinger, Earl Addy, Donald` Hellinger, Ted Jones, V. R. Monson, and C. H. Stansberry. BLAKE Mr. and Mas. Pat Oesch and Linda were visitors with 'Mrs. Lizzie Oesch. Mr. Hughie McBride of London spent the weekend with leis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'McBride and family. Mrs, Ardliie Mustard spent a day with Mrs. Newell Geiger. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Oesoh and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mustard and family. Miss Elizabeth Finlay visited with Mae. Lizzie Oesch and Mrs. A. Mustard. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Guenther of Dashwood visited with Mrs. New- ell Geiger. Mr. TIap'old Finlay and family were Sunday evening guests with Mr, and 'Mrs. Roy McBride. HENSALL Miss Marian Pepper of Clinton spent two weeks w kg recently with diet^. parents, My. and Mrs, ,7. Pepper. Sytnpethy is extended from the neighbors and friends of Miss Margaret MacKay, Messrs Oliver and Charles and to the wife and badly of the late Ross ilJaeKe,y of 'tlillsburgh, ' Mr. N. Di.ckert and his daugh- ter Mrs. Ken McLellan spent Mon- day afternoon in London. 81, S,. The ,January •meeting of the WMS was head in the schoolroom on Thursday Jan. 7th. Ms's, Verne Alderdlee in charge of the wor- 81114) ,period. Tlynnn 504 was sung followed by the scripture oeacling Psalm 19. Hymn 684 closed with prayer, The new 'president, Mrs, John Anderson 'presided for the remainder of the meeting. A New Year's poem was given by Mrs, A. Parsons and the minutes of the last meeting read and adopted.... members answered the roll call with 'Spayeirent of Mees". The Sun- shine repiol+t was given by Mrs: E. Jarrett who seam several "thank you" cards. A report on supply work was mead by Mrs. E. Kyle who reported a bale of 120 Obs had been sent to Fred Victor Mis- sion in December. It was deoided to have a pot luck dinner and quilt two Quito :instead of the us- ual Feb. meeting. The supply com- mittee are in change of the quilt tops. The study from the study book on Mirka was taken by Mrs. W. Jones. The collection was tea - en by the hostesses, Mrs. Edgar McBride and Mrs, J. A. Cooper. Visitors' report by Mira H. Cald- well reported nine calls to shutins by Mrs. Workman. Visitors for January, liars. aloes Broadifoot and Mrs. A. Binuend;yke. The meeting closed with hymn 571 and the Benediction. Atter a short W. A. meeting a munch was served by Male 1 which had charge of the meeting. KIPPEN EAST Kippen East Institute will Bold their Jan. meeting on San. Nth at 2 O'olo•ek. Hostess, Mrs. E. White- house, co -hostess, Mas Stewart Pepper. This will be the Canadian Industry meeting. Roll call, a.fab- ric and its meet adaptable use. Motto: Manulaoturing of Nylon by 'Mrs. H. Finkbeiner; Demonstra- tion, Mrs. J. Sinclair; Poem, MTs, Jas. Drummond; .Music. Mrs. R. Kinsman; Contest, Mrs. E. White- house; Current Events, Mrs. Wm. Bell; Lunoh, Mrs. R. Kinsman, Mrs. W. Workman, ,Mrs. TI. Cald- well, Mas...A. McGregor. , CON.STANCE - Visitors with Ma. and Mrs, Ken Preszcator last Friday evening were Mr. and 'Mrs. Russell King and family, of Exeter; Mr. and alas. Wilmer Preszcator and fam- ily, Exeter; Mr. Herb Beaver, of Exeter, and -Mr, and Mrs. Reg. El- liott and Julie Anne of Staffa. Last Friday evening at amides - bore community hall were 40 Russett tovvnehdp counei1lors, both past and present; official and em- ployees and their wives gathered to honer Warden and Mrs.' W. R. Jewitt prior to the ending od ser- vices rendered throughout the Net years .in Huliett township. The evening was spent in playing cards. During the evening an ad- dress was read by Mr, Wm. J. Dale and Messrs, John Armstrong. and Tom Leiper presented a salt- ably ultably engraved writing desk and lamp to Mr. and Mrs, Jewitt. The recipients replied and thanked those present for their gifts and Wonderful social evening, after whtole a delicious lunch was serv- ed. Mr, Jewitt :has. com,pietecl 11 years as oouneiilor and five years as Reeve of I•Iullett and was the 1959 warden of Huron county. Mr. Sohn Mandel of Okotoks, Al. berta, is epending a week visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Thompson. a,,,,11111111,;1111,1111",11nun11111nu0170MM10,11041111111,,,,1,,11nw11,11+"1010„nu,11u11e111111110MMM MPill NOW !. NEW LOW PRICES ON ALL MEN'S Remington ROLL-A'MATIC PHILISHAVE SUNBEAM ELECTRIC RAZORS AT. SAV.AUGE'S ,"n111111n11n",1111n1111,. kfli a11m11t1110uN1111,11u1111a,ue11,..... . .. 0111111.1tlimill4p,',111,1111111111111iiii4. FOR SALE CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs, E. C. Boswell and MI's, Elizabeth Jackson deeply appreciate the many ]rind acts, flowers and cards sent them in their recent sad bereavement CARD OF THANKS I wish to thankall those who remembered me in my recent Melees. HERBERT STEPH3ENSON CARD OF THANKS Thank you- d'wish to thank my friends for the many earls and letters sent to me, also the aots of kindness to me during any stay in the hospital. Everything was greatly appreeiated. -Mrs. Ohes. Eggert THANK YOU We thank our friends and nei- ghbors, also First • Church, for their cards and kind words of sympathy expressed during our sad bereavement. It was much; appreciated. Chas. MacKay and family 1952 Pontiac sedan and. 1949 Ohev l ton trunk. Both in good shape,. Francis Hicknell, phone 64r11 Dublin FOR SALE Party inch MoLary Electric range, four burner top, grill and oven, two utensil drawere. Orig- inally I$185, First person with $55 gets it. H. G. Meir NOTICE Guaranteed Radio and TV re -pairs, East , & TV, E. William cSt.,Seafe. Scott orthrth Phone 250 CROMARTY Mr, and M1ts. Otto walker were guests at the fortytifth wedding anniversary dinner of Mrs. Walk- er's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Jars, Garnet Cockwell of Dash- wood on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Wan. Riley, 'Mfrs, E. Brooks and George of Staffa visited on Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. Wallace. Mr. Nile Shantz and 'Mr. Mac Murray of Platteville visited on: Wednesday evening with Mr. and M'rs. K. '1VfoKel4ar. Ronald, Gale and Sharon Ag- ar of Sheila are spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wallace while their parents are holidaying in Florida. ,Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker visit- ed their daughter, 'Mrs, Jack Mc- Ghee, who is a patient in Viotoria Hospital, London; -and also with their daughter, 'Mrs. H. R. Carrie at Dorchester 010 Sunday, Mr, and 'Mrs. T. Laing visited on .Saturday with her sister bars. Albert Dickert who is a patient in South -Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ken Hogg of Thorndale and Mrs. Ruby .Routly of 94 'Marys were Sunday guests at the ,home of 'Mr. and Mors, K. MoKellar. Seven young people from Crom- arty Y.P.S. attended a Leadership Training course in Knox Presby- terian Church, Mitchell on Sun- day, Jan. 10.th.The .meeting Con sisted of six half 'hour classes un- der the headings of Fellowship Missions, Evangelism and Stew- ardebip, Publicity, Editorials and Worship. Those attending from Cromarty were Alice Walker, Margaret Ann Wallace, Arlene I-Ioggarth, Margart Jean Russell, Mildred Howe, Hugh Scott and David Scott. Mr. Ernest Templeman is a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, where he is under observa- tion. We hope' he will return home much improved in health, The Januaey meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Sadie ,Scott with a good at- tendance. The president, Mre, T. Laing was in charge and opened the meeting with a New Year's thought, followed with a hymn, and scripture reading. Mrs. W. Harper read the Glad Tidings Prayer. The Study Book, "The Way to Africa", was introduced/ by Mrs. Calder 'MOKaig with Miss. Hanger assisting. After the offer- ing was received Mrs. F. Allen led in the dedicatory prayer. alas. Grace .Scott read an article deal- ing with the duties of WMS mem- bers, Miss Olive Speare gave a splendid topic "The Gate of the Year". Current events which had been prepared by 'Mrs. L. SOTS - dell were read by Mrs, T. L. Scott. The meeting closed with the January 20th. Lord's Prayerin unison. Lunch For further information, con - was served by the hostess. and tact the Secretary, the committee in oharge. Ken Smith, RR 1 Bornholm COMING EVENT Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge plan to hold a euchre Monday evening, Jana 25, at 8,30 FOR SALE 10 chunks and 25 weaners. Ken Beattie, phone 884r6 FOR SALE A young York Landrace hog, Michael McLaughlin, phone 83r2.. Dublin FOR SALE Eight piece dining room suite.: Mrs. Ray Townsend, phone 691W FEMALE HELP WANTED Occasional o pip cot unity for, teacher or intelligent housewife, to interview on Gallup Pell and public opinion surveys. 'Use of car desirable. Some evening work required. Write ,Canadian Facts Limited, 49 Wellington St. W., Toa'onto 1. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY' Large United States and Cana. diem Company is expanding in this area. Require representative 'for Mo&ialop, Huliett, & Tucker - smith townships. Product is sold directly to farm. No investment required. This- sales position can be •handled along With your pre- sent laming operation. Repeat business. Automobile necessary. Agrjcuituaal or farming back- ground essential. Applidantehould be, well known 4n the area and have a desire to better himself. Sales training given. Reply in cm/ - Menne to: Box 84, London, Ont. BRABSIDB N•1IRSING HOW) Licensed for convalescent and elderly people. Call 395 -Mitchell. NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Township of Tuckersmith are requested by the council, to not park cars on township roads -and streets during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. Council will not be responsible for damages to any vehicles park• ed on .roads or .streets. Cora Chesney, Acting Clerk TENDER A tender for organist for St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brod- hagen. Duties to commence beginning of February, 1960. The tender to be in the hands of the Secretary no later than McKILLOP The Bethel W1IS and W. A. held their meetings on Thursday aft- ernoon at the home of Mrs. E. Regele. Tennie Dennis presided. Hymn 396 was sung, Mrs. Roy Wildfong read the sor•ipture les- son and Mrs. L. Leeming led in prayer. The meditations were read by Tennis Dennis. A Ohristian liitizenship reading on "Safe Driving and -Corinthians" was gi- ✓ en by :Mrs, Wm. Roe. Ethel.Den- nis read a story entitled Miss .Tillman's Dilemma, telling about the troubles of a nominating committee for .the ,8n'MS. The top - lc from the 6th ,ohapter of the study book on Africa was taken by Mrs. Stanley Haien. It hold of the effect of the New Western Ec- onomy on the African people. The World Day of Prayer dor the charge is to be held at Bethel Church on March 4th. Mrs. Glen ,MIeNiehol Mitered her home for the Feb, meeting. Hymn 873 was sung and the meeting closed with 'prayer. Yer. Mrs, Wan. Dennis presided for the W. A. and opened the meeting with hymh 390. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and .the roll call was an- swered by 17 members and the 'payment of fees, Euchre Dance Friday, Jan. 22 In Seaforth Community Centre Sponsored by the Seaforth Women's Institute Norris orchestra, Lunch provided Euchre to begin at 8.80 P.M. Admission 7'5o Everyone viweleoln e r3' e WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Better Bulls Are Used Artificial Insemination Service for all Breeds of Cattle Farmer owned and controlled Call us between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. week days and 6.00 and 8,00 p.m. Saturday evenings at Clinton HU 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 BURNS CLEANER NO SMOKE; NO ODOUR HEATING OIL WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 w Seaforth TIM S1> 013TH N10 WS " (Phone 84) Pllildsdity, January 14. 1060 ,BOX Funeral Seryiee AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hoopital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 48 Night 695W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL,'B,A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Sealer* SEAFORTH CLINIC A. A. McAlester, H.A., M.D., 1nteruiM P. L. Brady, M,D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m, to 6 p.m., daily axeeptWednesday and Sunday Evenings; Tuesday, Thursday and S t' arilay only 7-8 '.p.m. APpolntmonta made in advance are desirable TURNBULL & B'RYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R, BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. DRENNA'N. D.V.M.,V.S. Phone 105 I Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF • Optomalsia Godentoli St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hour.-Seaforth daily except Man., 0 to 5.80; Wed, 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. esg by appointment only. Clinton H:U-2-7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 5.50 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • . AeeidenZ o Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 884 Res. 640 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE 01L DUNDAS & LONNEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 286 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers -President, Robert Archibald, Seaforth ; .Vice Pres., Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth ;. Sec.-Treas., W. E. Southgate, Seaforth. Directors -E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J L. Malone, Seaforth ; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. MoEwing, Blyth ; Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton ; Harvey Fuller, Goderich ; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth. Agents- William Leiper, Jr., Londes- boro ; J. P'. Prueter, Brodhagen Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clin- ton ; James /Keys, Seaforth. NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth; Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ- ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines achines Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefield. FOR SALE Located in Seaforth, close to Main 1St., modern house, bath. This an exceptional buy, $5,000. Terms. Lovely 3' bedroom home, hydro, water, with8, acres of choice garden soil, barn 32x48, garage, henhouse. Full price $4700, mort- gage available. Fully equipped barber shop and beauty parlor with 6 ,room insui brick home, 3 bedrooms and bath. All this for only $3800, terms. We have a nice listing of farms in Huron county. For buying and selling, contact JOHN HOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley St., Godgricb. Salesman; jos. McConnell phone 266 Seaforth rwwwwwwwwwwanowi granif BUTTERMILK BIbCUITB 4WE MAKE 'EM- YOU BAKE 'ENV' Cls rv's IGA Seaforth sAennensMewinhownomminne