The Seaforth News, 1960-01-14, Page 1e Seaforth Ne WHOLE SERIES, VOL.. 81 T'llOdle 84 SJDAFORTI3, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1060 $1.60 n Yoxr Ulllr,l'IY.,•r, k++l'. •+lie t Innd' AiABi1r. Port Office Oettt.,. ihrnwa Soowflo,l nros., Pul,Llnl.ry. Modthed Sewer Bylaw Gets First Readings by Council Seaforth town eounoil Monday night gave the first two readings to a new sewerage bylaw, the Pro- ject to cost $105,000 for the.nrodi- fled scheme as proposed by the Ontario Water Resources 'Commi- ssion. ssion. Town solicitor P. D, McConnell, Q.O.; presented the data and ,paint- ed out that the bylaw covers ex- aOtlY the sameagreement as ent- ered into Mat Year, but on a smal- ler basis. The project last year had :been rejected by the MMiunici- pal Board due to the town's finan- cial position, T1leire was .good reason to expect approval of the present ,bylaw. Approval was also given by the council to Seaforth District High School Board for a new addition to cost $85,000, Seaforth's share is 18,3 per cent, around $16,000. Steps will be taken to form a cemetery board. Council decided to .repair the Pollee ear imenediatel•Y, rather than trade it on a new car, It was damaged to the extent at over $600 cast week In an accident. Atter appointing an town ofYic ials at same salaries as last year, council decided to ask school boards to also hold the line on salaries. All members of council were present except Reeve Wm. Ball. Mayor B. 8'. Ohristie presided. In explaining the sewer bylaw; Mr. McConnell said the OWRO wanted it pointed out that (louse connections will be paid entirely by property owners. This ds the same as before, property owners pay to the street line. Councillor Brady thought the Tates on the old sewer should be raised in line with the new. He was told this would require chan- ging the bylaw and Municipal Board approval. :The sewer rates will be the same ,as in the bylaw last year, the balance to be collected on the general rate. No deals on tax arrear pay- ments, council declared, after dis- cussing an offer to pay the princi- pal if Council would forego inter- est. It would set a bad precedent, councillors said. Chairman F. C. J. Sills, secret_ a1•y W. E. Southgate and board members Gordon IM•cGavin and Jahn Cardno, appeared before, council asking for approval of the high school :addition, and also that council write the Municipal Board as soon as all councils had approved, seeking assurance of tentative appreval of a debenture issue by the town. Because the school is located In Seaforth It is customary for the municipality to issue the debentures, recoverable from the other anunicipalitiesin the school area. Mr. Sills said the board hopes to have tihe addition ready by September, ,but speed is necessary. There are 16 steps to be taken to get the (building started. The addition will consist of three classrooms and an agricul- tural room, to be one storey, con- structed so a second storey can be added. Because of overcrowding the old agricultural Toom in the basement is used for classes but is .ineligible for a grant. The library room up- stairs has also been (pressed into service. The Department hadk signified they might approve a cost of 525,- 000 per room if just :causecould be shown, and the board intends to present their case at Toronto. They :feel the extra $5,000 cost justified because the addition dn- valves changing the offices to create an entry, extra Bost for roof capable at taking a later se- cond storey, moving sewerage dis- posal, oil' tanks, etc. The grants are based on the cost approved by the department. Council was surprised to learn ,tram Councilor Brady that the bank had called his attention to the tact that the town is exceed- ing ite:annual borrowing powers. The bylaw sets forth a maximum of $130,000, and town officials .had. been careful to never exceed that. amount, as they borrowed and re- paidthroughout the year. The bank ruled that the , aggregate borrowing •for the year must not, exceed $130,000, whereas the town has been borrowing around $175,- 000 all told. When passing the annual bylaw council raised .the figure to $146,- 000 which is the maximum, being 70% of last year'e budget, C'ounoillor Brady said the bank had also reviewed the town's fin- ancial position for 1959, pointing out that the bank debt at the end of 1958 was $24,000; end of 1959, $45,000. Also the town tad not lived within its budget even :though they :budgettecl for a $3,- 000 dation, On the ,brighter 'side, Councillor Brady said $20,000 was for the old shoe factory plus $6000 paid to F. Kling ae sewer and re- coverable from OWRC. Tax ar- rears are around $24,000. As soon as the trustees of the Mattlandlbank cemetery are able to present a financial statement, Councillor Brady said the forma- tion of a cemetery board tan be proceeded with. The property committee report was given by councillor Thorpe Rivers who presented a letter from Topnotch Feeds offering the use of their 60,000 db, scales if council .decides to close the town scales. Councillors said if the dea- ders are agreeable to paying $700 a year, about what weighing cost them .in 1958, :the town could af- ford to maintain the town scales, Dealers would provide weigh mas- ter. Property committee will con- sult with the dealers. Councillor E. Dalry said the town 'might do well to close the scales, thus giving an alternate exit for the fire trucks behind the town tali. Councillor Rivers, streets'ohairp man, reported that limbs had been cleared away after the sleet storm, four dead trees removed on High strreet, a drain on West William street repaired. A tractor had been used on sewage work. A report was read from Chief of Police Hutchinson, showing the police budget for 1959 of 512,434.- 67 12,434:67 of which 510,000 was for salar- ies, An estimate on repairing the, pollee car was 5605, covered by insurance with 5100 deductible. The 'chief has been using his own car in the ,meantime. Council de- cided to get the car repaired, 9i:g- uring there is another 18 months life in it. • Counoilior Cardno reported no result from. recent offering of the old slice factory for sale. Cocnoillor Turnbul1•.in the sew- erage comandttee Teliort, said the electric Beater at disposal plant will be repaired as it would cost $500 to install a suitable wall type gas unit. Council authorized final pay- ment on the Kling sewer account, $1,485. The annual grant of $50 to the Salvation Army Home at London was not made. There was a diff- erence orf opinion in council, but members went along with Coun- cillor Brady's idea that 'it should be by private donation. The ,peddler's license of 11 J. Sofia: was renewed for diresh'cod. fish,. A motion was'passed to pay off the balance of $1500 arena floor debt, to release private notes. L. F. Ford and C. Roweliffe were re -appointed to the Commun- ity omnsunity Centre committee. - Amotion wag passed re con- struction. and maintenance on the town.h:igh'ways;. grants (being :pay able only on maintenance.. A +motion set the salary for A. Pryce at $2470, and hourly rate for town employees at 51.00. Mayor ,Christie- said he would like •to see the liability insurance taken away 6rom :the present com- pany which had flatly refused ,payanent on an accident where a lady had met ,wilth a fracture over a' year, ago from slipping on ice, because notification was not made within ten days. Councillor Daly wondered what good is liability insurance ,if they can get away with it. Counoi'llor Rivers said he had seen the acci- dent happen and there were other witnesses. Councillor Brady sug- gested the lady bring sunt against the town. Duet before the meeting adjour Location of Sewer Project On William Street West—From Goderich St. to 2,080 ft. north to Shoe Factory.. On James Street—from William St, to Wilson St. On Wilson Street—From James. St., to Center Street. On Center Street --From William St. to 200' east of Ann Street On West Street—From 100 ft north of James St., to Center St. Oii Church Street—From 230' feet. north of Jarrres'St., to 280 feet north of Center Street. 01i Goderich Street—From Louisa Street toWjIliam St. West. Capital Cost of Sewer Including excavations, sewer material and labor 74,200 Private sewer connections .......... , 13,000 Damping Station (corner of Goderich and. West William) 1.5,000 Farce` Main . .. .... , .. , . 3,000 Total cost, including, engineering and contingencies 5105,200 .Annual Cost of Sewer lJstinlated annual charges on total estimated capital cost 5105,200. interest on capital (present estimate 5.75%) .... ... • $6,050 Operating cost (estimate) y years) ........:. , 2,100 Debt re_tlrenrent (This .te) 2,600 Reserve 1,100 - Total annual ehargos payable by town $11,760 Payments will he for thirty year's, to become due quarterly. Reserve fund for renewals, replacements and contiegenies not to exceed 11, 04 in any one year of total cost of project, Plan Work Shop For February The McKillop Federation of Ag- riculture held their first meeting of the year at the. home of Ken Stewart on Jan. 7th with 11 dir- ectors present. Alvin Dodds was appointed See. Treas, for 1960, Final plans were mane for the public speaking contest for Grades 6-7.8, resident pupils of McKillop. 'Mr• Bert DaYnard' of Staffa was present and outlined the set-up for workshop to be sponsored by the federation ands held in Brodhagen and Seaforth on Feb. 8.9.10 do the afternoon from 2 to 4 and entertainment the rhinal evening. Topics to he lis-• ,cussed with informative speakers. are Deficiency Payments, Mark- eting Boards, (Milk Foaling, .0o - Operatives and Credit Unions, A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these aneetngs and join in the discussions. Meeting was adjourned, lunch served and a social half hour apent. Ice Holds, Saves Car from Plunge in Pool A lean going east on highway 8 skidded out of control about 7.15 Tuesday evening during the rain, on the steep grade beside the old swimming pool east of Seaforth, It slid down the icy bank which is unprotected by guard cables, struck a tree, overturned and bounced on to the ice on the pool. Fortunately the ice at that point was strong enough to sus- tain the car and it did not break' through into the water. The °coupante of the car, Mrs. Norma Boyce, driver, and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Johnston, all of Bruce - field RR 1, were thrown out of the car. Mr. Johnston was taken to the clinic for a `check up. The other two appeared uninjured. The car, a 1957 Chev, had an estimated $500 'damage. Provincial Constable J. McDow- ell investigated. Tuckersmith Starts Tax Prepayments Tuckersmith Municipal Co,upofl met in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Monday, Jan. 11th at 11 p.m. for their inaugural meeting. The Council consisting of Reeve, Ivan Forsyth, andCouncillors, Frank Falconer, Viotor Lee, Elgin .lthoan- pson and Artliur.Varley, subscrib- ed to the Oath of Office before Acting Clerk (Mrs. Chesney. Dr. James Semple of Egmondville United Church .conducted a short devotional period. Seaforth Town Council attended in a,body and greetings were ex- changed. between the two councils with the (hope that the same oor- d'Sal' relations would- be maintain- ed as had been in the past. The' minutes of the :previous meeting were adopted as read. The Road ,Sunt. was instructed to arrange for :the removal of cer- tain trees on township roads which were oonaddered a menace to traffic. Mrs. Cora rChesneY was appointed clerk treae., tax collect- or and relief administrator for the township at the same rate of nay and was instructed to have the existing bylaw amended. The meeting then adjourned :to recon- vene at 1.15 pan. Grants 'were .made to the .Salva- tion Army, 525.00; St. John Am- bulance, 410.00; Scott Memorial Hospital, 525.00; Brumfield Fire Dept, ,$200.00; and requests from the .Canadian Mental Health As- sociation and Can. American Com- mittee on Water Pollution (for a grant were. shelved. The clerk was instructed to sug- scribe for eight copies of the Municipal World 'for use of the council and .officials; and join the Ontario Good Roads Associa- tion and the Association of Ont- ario Rural Municipalities and pay the Membership fees; pay account of. J. 'V. Britnell, Engineer, fees re RCAF Road Reconstruotion; :to notify ratepayers in arrears of taxes that eligible (properties will be listed for tax sale unless such arrears are :paid promptly; to ,posy eligible parties subsidy on all, drain :debentures to Dec. 31,'1959; to apply to the Dept. of Highways for the 'balance of Road 'Subsidy on 1959 road expenditures, and the •transfer of ,funic .from Con- struction to Maintenance for 1959. Court of Revision on the 1959 fax Rall authorized rebate of 'taxes to Wan. Collins; J. Verlinde and A. Nicholson. The council decided to issue Prepayment Tax Certificates in •the denominations of .$10, $20 and $50, with &sealant allowed at the rate. of 4 per cent per annum, such certificates ,being dated ,the 15th of the month from June to October, Sueh certificates will be Issued by the Clerk -Treasurer. The council have had numerous a•e- quests from taxpayers for such a plan and it is hoped that this will assist in the collection of current taxes. The Reeve and Treasurer were appointed signing officers tom the township for 1960. The Clerk wasinstrueted to pee- p/tit a by-law authorizing borrow lig from the. Can, Bank of COM - Continued on Page Five:' ned at midnight e building, com mittee was named, Councillors Cardnct Rivers and Daly. Possib- ility of naming. Fire Chief Jack Scott as building Inapeotor was mentioned. He would be paid the license fees for salary, 'Mayor Ohristie said the present bylaw was adequate if properly enforced, Seven Scholarships To H.S. Grads 1131izabeth Scott Estate Scholar- ships of 5100,00 each have been awarded to the following gradu- ates of Seaforth District High School; Norma Hoegy r. r. 1, Walton; Bernice Glanville, r. r. 2, Walton; Catherine Buchanan, r. 1•. 3, Wal- ton;; Marjorie PPpp1e, r. r, 4, Sea - tenth; Roy Dmngey, :Seaforth; Douglas Jamieson, r. r. 4, Clinton; Keith t'etltick, Seaforth. Teen Town Has First Anniversary By Ellen Gorwll ' One year ago this week the Seaforth Teen Town had its first meeting and dance. Under the friendly and competent leadership of Chief Constable Eimer Hutch- inson the organization has con- tinued to grow and it has held a weekly dance evbry Saturday ev- ening since at this first meeting a. president was'. elected along with the rest ofhis executive. This past week the executive for 1960 was drawn up. President Dennis Jowitt was re-elected for his second terns. During the yeas the Teen Town has continued to grow rapidly until in the latter part of Decem- ber there were nearly 300 mem- bers. The first Teen Sown dance' and meeting was held' in the town hall but due to the increasing mem- bership it was necessary to seek a larger recreation center. This is . when we moved to the arena and have been there ever since. Although sometimes I •feel even the `arena is too ;small for the crowd. The 1960 membership cards are now available and can be purch- ased at every Teen Town dance. There were 181 membership cards for 1960 sold the first night they were available. With this number in mind I feel , certain that the Teen Town membership lists will come close to or exceed the re- cord number attained last year. At the Teen Town dance Janu- ary 9th, there were 275 on hand to dance to the music of the "Six Teens" from. Goderich. The mem- bers of the executive would like to thank the chaperones for this dance, Mr.' and Mrs. Godin and Mr. and Mrs. Meeuweesee. Would any persons who would be willing to chaperone one of our dances please get in contact with Phyllis Bryans or Anne Troutheck as soon as possible. You don't have to be a parent of one of the mem- bers. Friends are luso welcome to chaperone, At an executivb meeting held this week it was decided to have a special record. Prance to celeb- rate the First Anniversary of the Seaforth Teen Town organization, The executive have set aside next Saturday night, January 16th as the night for this dance. This will be a Free dance for all mem- bers of the ,Seaforth organization only. Teen Town members from oth- er centres will have to pay the regular admission to get in. A11 Seaforth members must present their 1960 cards for this free ad- mission. Also at this meeting held at the apartment of Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson the president Dennis Jewitt was re -installed into office. The new executive are as fol- lows: Vice president, Phyllis Bry- ans; secretary, Dorothy . Boyes; Vice Secretary, Pam Stapleton; Treasurer, Janet Rowcliffe• en- tertainment chairman, Bill Bates; representative from public school, Gail Ford; representative from Separate School, "Star" Jessome; vice treasurer, Emily. Elliott; entertainment committee, Gary Williams, Terry Ford; chaperone committee, Anne Troutheck, P1lyllis Bryans. Mrs: Hutchinson served a lunch of hot chocolate and cookies to the executive before they ad- journed for the week. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Jahn Broadfoot, r. r, 1, Brucefield announce the engagement of their daughter. 'Mary Edythe to Glenn Arthur Adair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adair, Seaforth. The wedding will take place at the end of January. W. I. NEWS The W. I. Committees . for the euchre to be held in the Seaforth centre on Jan. 22: Tables, ,Mrs. G. Diliott and Mare.. ,Rosa Gordon. Punchers, ,MDs. H. I3ugill, Mrs. E. Kerr, Mrs. John Kerr, Mrs. Les. Pryce. Prizes and tables, Mrs. R. Doig. Lunch, Mrs. G. Papple, Mrs. I. Scott, Silks. Jas. Keyes. Dish- washers, Mrs. G. Kerr, and Mrs. G. McKenzie Eaoh .member is ask- ed to bring a cake. .Seaforth W. I. are sponsoring a leathercraft oaurse on Jan. 10,, 20, 21, Course will 'be held In .the Seaforth Library, commencing at 1 .pan. on .Tan. 194h and from 10 a.m. to 4 pan. on 20t11 and 21st. Anyone (wishing to take this course may contact. Mrs. Gordon Popple, r. a-. 6, Seaforth, ORANGE EUCHRE The Orange Iiall laroparty Com m'ittee (held' a successful euchre on Jan. .8 with prizes going to: Ladies, Mrs. Kinsman, Mrs. Alex McMichael; Mrs. Alex Muir; Men's, Ephraim Clarke, Albert 0' - Reilly, Alex 'McMichael. (OED CROSS The Red cross Society will be quilting in the Library rooms on Thursday and Friday, Ian, 14 and 15. Anyone who 18 able to 11015 with this work is asked to do so. Town Council Inaugural Meeting Seaforth town eounoil held their inaugural nesting ;Monday morning at 11 o'clock, in the couneli chamber at the' town hall. All members were present with the exception of Councillor Dr, Brady. Mayor Ohnistie who presided, told council he hoped Goderich street would be paved this year once the tamer was laid, which was another important project for 1960, and ,could be worked in at the same time. Mayor Christie ;called on Rev. D. Leslie Elder who was present, .for a few words of inspiration and prayer. Mr. Eider extended congratul- ations and best wishes to 0000- e11, who understood the real task before them. The mayor and counoil had the confidence of the people. Seaforth was a lovely small town with crowds et .peo- ple who enjoyed prosperity. The stick and the aged had been re- membered. Mr. Elder said council had made efforts to enlarge the town. We must not stand on what had been done, but anust reach out and onward to greater things. .As the Apostle Paul said, the present is ours and the future is what we make it. A short prayer closed his address., 'Conned sent felicitations 'to Tuckersmith Counoll meeting I1,p- stairs at the same time. Council adjourned to meet again not 8 p.m. Twa new anembers, Jahn Flan- nery and Edmund Daly, signed the oath of office as councillors for 1960, as well as six members of last year's council Mayor B. F. Christie, Reeve William Ball, Councillors John Turnbull, Thorpe Rivers, Paul Brady and Nelson Cardno. Municipal Appointments: Town Clerk, D. H. Willson, $1850; Town Treasurer, D. H. 'Wil- son, $1250; assess, W, E. South- gate, $900; Fire Brigade Chief, J. F. Scott, $300; Weed Control In- spector, H. Maloney, $7 a month; Road Foreman, H. Maloney, 578.- 78; 78:78; Caretaker and Street Supt, H. Maloney, 5157.55 a month; Town Solicitors, McConnell and Stewart, 5150; Town Auditors, Davis, Dunn and lirougllton, $750; Tax Collector, H. Maloney.; Fence Viewers, Jas. Henderson, Wm. 'Hoegy, Jas. Aitaheson; Library Board, W. M. Hart; Community (,entree Board, B. F. Christie, N. C. Cardio; Scott :Memorial Has- pital Board, K. B. MacMillan. ROBERT ADAMS Robert Thomas Adams, 74, of Seaforth, died 'Monday in Scott Memorial hospital, Seaforth. Mr. Adains bad been in failing health for the past 18 months, He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Adams and was raised and educated in ,McKillop tw•p. He farmed in Hay twp., ratiring to Seaforth in 1967: He attended Northside United Church, Sea - forth. In 1918 he married Ellen Baker .at Stratford, Mr. Adams is survived by his wife, two sons, James of Holland Centre, and John of Seaforth, three daughters Mrs. Garnet (Agnes) Me0linchey of Seaforth; Mrs. William (Bea- trice) Forrester of Zurich; and Mrs. Henry (Edna) Phillips c•f Belle Gardens, 'Calif., and a sister Mrs. John Dale of Hullett twe. The body is resting at the Box funeral -110010, Seaforth, where a funeral service will be held on Thursday at 2 :p.m. with Rev. J. C. Britton officiating Burial will be in Maitlandbank Cemetery WINTHROP The Helping Hand Mission Band will meet in the church on .Saturday, Jan. 16411 at 2 .p.mi. { "1111111111111111111.11""u"1011,"1111"ni,U;uiuu,;unulnu11"".n""",""n,"w6" I."m:euu"1111"n"ng; '/2 PRICE SALE patterns SAVE %2ON 32 -pc. service for 8 8 5 O'Clock Teas 8 Forks 8 Teaspoons 8 Knives 8 Dessert Spoons 8 Salad Forks 2 Tablespoons 1 Butler Knife 1 Sugar Spoon Stile $ P,/ce - 980 SILVERWARE ONLY 4411 open stock plee.s % Pelee Reg. price Reg. SALE Teaspoons $1.00 .50 Coffee spoons $1.00 .50 Dessert Spoons 2.00 1.00 Table Spoons 2.25 1.12 Dessert Forks 2.00 1.00 Salad Forks 2.00 1.00 Knives - 3.20 1.60 Reg. SALE Sugar Spoon 2.75 1.37 Butter Knife 2.75 1,37 Gravy Ladle 3.50 1.75 Cold meat fork 3.50 1.75 Berry Spoon 4.00 ' 2.00 Pierced Pastry Server 5.00 2.50 3 -pc carving set 20.00 10.00 'LIMITED TIME OFFER SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY GIFTS FINE CHINA Seaforth 7.11,11111111,.11",1....,,....1...... 111111............. .111..... ,, I.I II..111....,I I.,,,, I,„,..,..1,.,,111,1..........,1,1 Friends Honor the Bill Kerr, Ray Powell and Win- ston Powell in that order. Frank Hunts Friends and neighbor's met for a social evening of progressive euchre on Saturday, Jan. 9th to honor Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunt and family who recently moved from their farm on the 4th con. of M,eKillop to their farm adjoin- ing Seaforth, at the tome of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Harrison. Before lunch an address was read by Mrs. Arnold Scott and a step -table and table lamp were presented by Ar- thur Anderson and harry Palin. Frank Hunt expressed apprecia- tion and thanks, Prizes for eu- olu'e were won by ladies most games, Mrs. Walter McClure; lone hands, .Mrs. F. Hunt; eon., Miss Marion Hunt. Men's most genies, Bert McClure, lone hands, Arnold Scott, con., James Palin. Winthrop Wins- Two ins Two Games Winthrop Warriors -remained undefeated es they won 2 games in the past week. On Friday bight they trounced Teeswater 12-4 In Teeswater, Ray Powell lead the scoring with 4 goals. Winston Powell ,getting 3, Geo. Love and Harvey Dale scored 2 each with singles going to Jack Crozier and Ron isLOClure. On Monday night , Winthrop trimmest. Seaforth 6.2. Seaforth led 2.0 at the end of the first period on goals by Ron Dale and Jim Watson. Winthrop carried the play from the second period on and scored six unanswered .goals before the game ended. The War - riot's' goals were scored by Geo. Love, Toni (Love, Wayne Doimage, STATION WAGONS COLLIDFI Two station wagons going west on Goderich street 'collided just before 1 o'clock Monday noon. Clayton Dennis in a Dodge slid into the rear of Joseph Hugill's Ohev. The Dennis machine suf- fered $500 damage and will be out of operation for repairs. The Hu - gill car had $150 damage but was etill in operation. Chief of Police Hutchinson investigated. McKILLOP \Tr.- Geo Byers celebrated his 91st birthday Jan. Sth. He is en- joying fairly good (health and oc-• easionaily 'makes his - Saturday visit to Brodhagen. `,Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Franks of” Preston with Mr. and Mrs _Wm.. Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chapple and' ,Tuiie of Kippen with Mr, and Mrs. I. Rock Mr. and 'Mrs. Norman Eggert and girls with MT. and MTs. Wil- fred Trenleer in Tuckersmith, Miss Libbie Smith of Kitchener with Mr and Mrs. Lavern IlOegy for the weekend. Those who returned home re- cently from Seaforth Hospital are Mrs. Chas. Eggert, Mrs. Christina Kleber and Mrs. Lavern Hoegy. Mrs. Joe Eckert is a patient at Seaforth Hospital suffering front pneumonia Billy Beuermann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Beuermann, re- cently had his tonsils removed at Seaforth Hospital, 1960 SDAFORTH TOWN COUNCIL; photographed by Frank Phillips at the i%Ionday night meeting. Left to right; seated Councillor John Turnbull, Ma- yor B. F. Christie, ' TOWA Clerk - D H. Wilson, Standing, Councillors, P. L. Brady, N. C. Garin, John Flannery, Dd. Daly, Thorpe Rivers, Reeve Ball was not present.