HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-12-31, Page 5s TII96 $86AFQIiTFI N WS ---•Thursday, December 31, 1969 First t� Presbyterian. Chyme h Rev. D. Leslie Elder Minister 10 10 nl. Church School and Fellowship Class NEW YJ AI 'S SERVICES 11 A,M, "TM) WAGES OF LIFFI" Music --- Senior Choir "Now 1st us all praise God" VESPER SERVC•E 4.80 P.M. o The Companionship of Jesus" Week of Prayer Services Jall'4fith, to 891i Each evening at 8 P;M. See .sfieoiat Notice - -""." Nortltskic 'United A1l'w'c1,. Iter, J. C; Britton, Minister `kworship-- li ani,, Sunday, Jan. 8r(i. Tile regular Quarterly Coni - =union service will be observed.. etre who have expressed a de- Biro to unite with'tlio •oixuuoll will be received. Ohurele school 10 air. Evening worship and study group 7 inn, We ars following a course of •stet - dr in the Book of Acts, Bring your Btblee with you. , X)gwonclviTle Tlnited O1wroie Dr, J, Semple, Minister, Lyle Harmmond, organist-eller• • leader, Begin .bhe New Year with God. Morning theme, "God W111 Be There'—Wil You?"7,80'. Speeiaui :monthly service, Subject, "Tihrow. Away Your Baggage,' (What we shall not need in the New Year). Church school 10 am. Wed. 2 pm., installation service WMS and WA. Y WEEK OF PRAYER!, Under auspices of the Seaforth and District Ministerial Association JAN. 5th TO JAN. 8th, 1960 TUESDAY, JAN. 5th Egmondville United Church Guest Minister, Rev H. Donaldson WEDNESDAY, JAN. 6th First Presbyterian Church Guest Minister, Rev. Cliff Britton THURSDAY, JAN. 7th St. Thomas Anglican Church . Guest Minister, Dr. Jas. Semple FRIDAY, JAN. 8th Northside United Church Guest Minister, Rev. Leslie Elder All services begin at 8.00 p.m. An offering will be received at each service on behalf of the Canadian Council of Churches s,` Join your friends in the atmosphere of Fine Christian Fellowship REV. D. LESLIE ELDER REV. J. CLIFF BRITTON Chairman Secretary ' r 41, 4.7 K640 Ill r'i is / i 1958 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN 1958.CHEVROLET STATION WAGON 1957 OLDS SEDAN, A.T. 1956 CHEVROLET COACH 1956 FORD SEDAN 1955 DODGE SEDAN, A.T. 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN 1955 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 1955 MONARCH SEDAN, radio 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1955 Chevrolet Pickup NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL SEAFORTH Phone G. Fawm 186 Phone 541 NOTICE Town of Seaforth PARKING To facilitate snow plowing and snow removal operations, parking on the i streets of this Municipality is prohibit- ' ed between the hours of 2 a.m. and i .04) . t . Ow' $ a.ni. This order will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act, Section 43, Subsection 9 t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Municipality a will not be responsible for any damages caused to e parked vehicles as the result of Snow plowing or snow removal operations TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs, Bedford Duegey, Brenda and Bonnie 'spent the Christmas 1io11daos with Mr, and 'visa. James Hogg, Collingivood. 81i^s. Brune ,Smith (cousin of Mr. Sparks), and two daughters,, Marjorie and Helen, of St. Phom- as, and Mr, and Mrs. J. Ross 'Tay. ler (stater .of the bride) of St., Marys, attended the golden wed- ding'of Mr, and Mrs. Win. Spar'ics 011 Tuesday, Mrs. Hubert Cooper of Exeter is a patient in Scott ,•Memorial Hospital with 'a back injury, fol+ loiving an accident 'late Monday after'noon when her 'car, was in collision with a truck. 'Ch'ristmas guests with Rey. and Mis. 1I. Donaldson at St. Thomas' rectory were Rev. and Mrs. Rafael De La Sote and baby son George, of Spain, who ,came to. Canada six .menthe ago. Rev. De La Soto le a student at Huron College, Lon- don. A 'Ohrtstmas gathering was held at the home .of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hulley •Sr„ with -.Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Mulley and daughter Beth of Walton, Mr. an'd Mrs, Frank Hulley, Keith and John; Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Halley and Janet, Bruce, .Tean and Doreen of Lendesibon o; Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hulley anti Bobby and Sandy 'of. Winthrop Mr, and Mrs, E C. Boswell were in Lambeth on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Walter E. Boswell and children of London spent SVat- ruday with Mr. and Mrs, 'E. C. Boswell. Mr and ;Mrs, Bruce Geloan and family, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Johnston .of Brampton were Christmas guests with 'Mrs. W. E. SoMuthissgaLteilli, ,Sanr, Faulkner spent Christmas do Detroit. Her niece, Miss Christine Farrah, returned ,with her .tor a few days. Olhristnvas visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Keyes, Teeckerseni:th, were Mgt end Mrs. Stuart Keyes, Richmond Hili, and Mr, and Mrs, Morris Carter and Linda, Woodstock. Rev. Father Thomas McQuaid of St. Marys .spout Christmas eve with his :sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Burke, St. Calumban. •89r. and Mrs. M. Clark and eon Brian .of Kitchener, and MT. and Mrs, Walter Robinson of London were guests :over Christmas week end with Misses Wilma and Abide Seip. Mrs. M. W. !Staplebon was in London last week owing to the death of her brother:indaw, Mr, Willis, Miss Gloria Carter, nurse in training at Stratford 'hospital, spent the holiday week at her home Here. Christmas guests at the Thome of MT. and Mrs. Lorne Garter: Mr. and 'Arra, Thomas Wii'liamson and Mr, and Mrs. Norman Will - Lamson. and family, and Mr. and, Mrs, Ilerbert Williamson and fa. m,ily of Walton, Mr. Ron Riley of Seaforth and Miss Gloria Carter of Stratford. Wilson Anmatnong and Mr. and Mrs. 1VPac Chesney and Barbara spent .Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Armstrong at Sar_ nia. Mr. and Mrs. 'Gairl'Dalton, Mr. and Mis. Robert Dalton and 'air. and Mrs. 'George Hogg -art left for Florida on Wednesday. .Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson are Florida visitors, 1Ioliclay visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Moss Sauvauge were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald .Sav- auge, Lorrie and Allan, of Toron- to, and Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Row- land and Lynda, .of London. Visitors at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. 0. Britton for Christmas were: Mr. and Mrs, (Arra) Ron Tryon :of Bancroft; Mr. and Mrs, (Kay) Ron Britton and family of Thamesville; Mrs. 'Mildred Reekie, Peg and Paul, MT. and Mrs. Jack Rendlo, all of Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoggarbh and family of Dorchester; Mr.' and Mrs. Rob- ert McMillan of McKillop. During the Christmas week Mr. and Mrs. George Wynne, Margaret and Mrs. Mina Wynne, of Forest, paid a call on Monday evening. On Thur. sday MT. and Mrs. Douglas' Ward and Larry of Kitchener stopped by to renew acquaintances. They were .on their way to spend'Christ- mas with Mrs. Ward's mother at. Clinton. Mary Jane Rau, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Rau had her tonsils out on Monday. BORN In Soott Memorial Hospitat, 3eaforth: Anderson—To Mr. and Mrs. Ro. art Anderson, Brucefield, on De - ember 24th, 1959, a •son. Lemon—To Mr. and Maes. Cecil anion, ,Seaforth, on Dec. 26, 1959, daughter. McOallnm—To Mr. and Mrs. ussell. MoOallum, Mitchell, on ea. 27.thh, 1959,. a daughter. Heard—To Mw, and Mrs. Gordon card, 1802 Royal Crescent, Lon - n, on Dec. 28, 1969, a daughter. Gray—Bo Mn. and :Mrs. Patrick fray, .Clinton, on Dec. 30, 1969, a augluter. WALTON Mr. Murray Kirkby spent Chris- rias with his parents, Mr. and las, George Kirkby, Burwash. Gerald Dresser of Hamilton is pending the holiday at his home tare. Miss Rosemarie Bolger of Mil - on is holidaying with her par-, Mt , MT. and Mrs. Harry Bol'gei'. Mr. end Mrs. H. Rutledge and amity ,of London with Mrs. Mar- ;aret JInmphries and :other mkt, ives. llliss Ruth Walters of London, pent Ghristmaas with ,her par - Ms, Mr, and Mrs. Prank Walters. Mr. and Ma's, David Haakwell f St. Marys visited with Mr. and its. Wan. Dennis' anil other l'ela- Ives, Miss Elisabeth 'McGavin of JCit- chimer is spending (lie-Clll'istmua vacation with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon McGavin. ,Firs. I3''iida Sellers of Kitchener visited' with her daughter, Mns. 11er1. Travis and 111.1•, 'Travis, Mr, Wayne McMichael of Wind. tor spent a few days with his gau,r- lents,cdlael'Mr,, end Mrs. Robert Me - Kr. Kenneth Murray of Toron- to visited with relatives aver .the Holiday, Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Wal. ter Broadfoot and :Mrs. Fern Pat- terson were Miss Amye Lore, To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cardiff, Potrrolia, Mr. and Mas. David Andrews and Miss A. Andrews, Toronto, were Christmas guests at the home of 'Isfr. and Mrs. George Dun - {las, .Isir, and Airs. F. Jenkins and fa. milt of Burford spent a •few clays with MT. and Mrs. C. Maartiu, MT. and Mrs, Thos. Williamson, sof Walton rr 1, celebrated ,their 49th wedding ;anniversary on Monday, Doe. 289h. KIPPEN SS 2, Tuckersmith held Its an- nual Christmas :concert on Deo, 21 under the direction of their teacher, Miss Turner, Mrs, Ross Broadfoot was pianist and Mr. Ross Forrest was chairman for the evening. The program consist- ed of the following: Christmas Welcome Song and recitation by Shirley Dayman; choruses, There Is Just One Santa .Claus, and Christmas Bells; action song by the Juniors, Bin a Little Teapot; solo, She's The Lass For Me, by Al Kyle; ,play, Wanted—+A House- keeper; solos, Rudolph, and Fros- ty the Snowman, 'by Bei avkaNioh- ol; Trimming .the Ohristmas Tree by the Juniors; duets, .Christmas, and 'Silent Night, by Mary 'Norris and Ruth An McNichol; Clas- sifying Christmas, 'piano selec- tions, Joan Sinclair' square Glance by the seniors; pantomime, Away in a 'Manger, by Shirley Dayman, Cathy Dayman; Lynda Workman and Karen Littleton; 'Ohrlstenas Pageant, Star of Bethlehem; sel- ections bo' the rhythms band; 0 Come All Ye Faithful, and Mar- ine's Hymn•; ,closing chorus, Fare- well, followed by a reottatl•on •bY Gary Dietz, The Norris orchestra favored with selectins through- out .the evening. Sante Claus ap- peared at the close of the program and distributed the gifts. Following .is the program of the Christmas concert at SS 14, Stanley, on Dec. 21st, ender the direoti'on of the teacher, Mrs. Carey: A ,Christmas Greeting, by Gayle Henderson; opening .ohor- us; Welcome One and All, Hard - rock, 'Coco and Joe, The Carol of the Drum, Silver Bells; a ,play, The Christmas Teddy Bear, with cast, Karen Talbot, Judy Gridzak, Dianne Faber, Lois weight, Wen- dy Jones, Bill loarquhar;- reoita- tion, (Curiosity Killed a Cat, by Bobby Maxwell; a singing stoat', Thorn Rosa, by the Juniors; cruet, The Teapot Song, by "Kathy and Karen Hendrick; recitation, A Bath for Santa, by Margaret Mac- Kenzie; play, Juntor's.'Ohristmas Dime, cast, Brian Teener, Doug McBeath, Dong Ilyde, Gwyn Jones, Marilyn Maxwell; recite - Mon, A Stocking for ;'a Puppy, John I3'oogenes; recitation, The Virtue of Tissue, Shirley Mac- Kenzie; A play, (We Want Apple Pie, cast, Russel Talbot, Gary Maxwell, Bobby Gridzak, Terry Johnson, Gwen Hendrick, Gert- rude Toonk; a :cruet Douglas Mc - Beath, Bill Farquhar; recitation, A Modest Request, Donna Clifton; drill, The Rhythm Band duds; reoit'ation, The Lucky Mouse, San- dra 'Maxwell play, Let's Have A Quet .Christmas, cast, Gertrude Toonk, Eleanor Wright, James Wright, John Robinson, Ann Clif- ton. HENSALL Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Pryce, Nancy and Keith, of Bloomington, Indiana, visited :this week with MTs. Pryce's brother and sister- in4aw Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chap- man and family. Mr, Merney Twitchell of Tor- onto spent the week end holiday at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tw•ttoheli. George Otterbein of Preston vi- sited over the holiday with his father William Otterbein. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Chapman, Craig and Roddle, visited recent- ly with their ;son-in-law and dau- ghter Mr. and Mrs. Joe De Lodge in .Sarnia, Mrs. :lama Harris of Detroit spent Christmas with her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Sash Rennie and family. Mr, and Mrs, Ken 101der and fa- mily flew to Arizona where they spent the holidays with relatives. Mr. and iVfxs. Ron Passmore of London visited over the week end with the foarmer's mother Mrs. Pearl Passmore and sister Mias Norms, .Passmore, also with the latter's parents Mr. and :Mrs, Har- old Bell and family. Miss Dorothy Farquhar of Toronto was a week -end visitor with 'her mother Mrs. Emma Par - Mr. and Mrs. Jack .Corbett and Al, Miss Connie Corbett, MT, and Mrs. Ross Corbett, Steven and Kim, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, H. Chapman in Lon.d:on. Mr, and Mrs, R. Y. MlacLaren are spending the holidays with their daughter 'Mrs. ,Margaret Evans and family at Waterloo, Miss Gwen Chapman of Lond- on- +Witted over the Christmas dnbliday -with her parents Mr -and Mrs, Lorne Chapman and family. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Dining visited over Christmas with Miss Bernice Dilling and .Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Dining and son in Sarnia. Don Maclaren of Ingersoll vis- ited 'over the holiday with Mr. and MTs. Arohle MacGregor, Miss Mary Anne Rannde :of Lon- don spent ,the holiday week end with. her parents 11VIr. and Mrs. Sa'in 1?ai11115 and 9aneily. Miss Connie Corbett of London 'visited over tate Christmas week end with tier narrents Mr, sod Mrs. Jack Corbett and Al. Mr. and Mrs, 17oir Avery of Sar - u6, 'vere weekend visitors with the tatter's parents MT. and Mrs. Joe Flynn and Joyce. and oleo with .Mr: and Mrs, Gerald Flynn. Ceoil Van, Moine of Lueao spent Christmas with his son•iu la»s and dau48liter MT. and .Mrs. Ger- ald :p`lynn. Miss Bernice Dining of Sarnia is 'holldaYing with her 'parents Mr. and :Mrs. Wilbert Dilling this week, Mise Catherine Ravelde and friend of. Toronto visited on Mon- day with. Mr, and Mrs, George Parker, RVolcy and Cindy. Mr, and Mrs, LeRoy Peters and baby of Pembroke visited over the Christmas.week end with the former's parents :1*. and Mrs. Fred Peters. Mr. and Mrs, Wen. Lee of Lon- don were recent visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs. lames Cleric and family, VIr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan of Toronto spent 'the holiday with the latter's .parents Mr, and Mrs. D. L. Micklo, Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Ohipohase and family visited with relatives in London during the holiday. Mr. anti Mrs. Grant Downey and family returned home after 'holidaying with relatives at ICingsvi'lle, Ted Normi,nton of Western University. London, and Mr, and Mrs. Art Traquair and eon of Woodstock spent Christmas with their parents Mr. and Mrs, Ed Noaminton, Miss Phyllis Dougall of Toren. to is spending the Christmas hol- idays with her parents. !Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Dougall, VARNA Mr. and Mrs. John. Dowaon ob- served their 50th wedding anni- versary on .Saturday, Dec. 12th, at the home of their oldest son, Harold, when twenty guests were present for a lovely turkey din- ner. On ‚Dec. 115th, 1909, Eliza Jane Stephenson, slaughter of the late'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephen- son, Goshen Line, and John Doiv- son, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dowson, Babylon Line, were united in marriage by Rev. MT. Berry of Seaforth. They have resided on' the Babylon Line for the past fifty ears. Their family is four sons, Harold, Cecil, Glen and George, all of Varna, also eight grandchildren. The dining roomy was decorated with yellow candles and a three story wed- ding cake which was .decorated with yellow roses •an'd gold 'orna- ments. It was baked by Mrs. Cec. it Dowson and iced and decorated by Mrs. Kenneth 'McLean, Hens- on. Their white 'carnati'on 'cor- sages were presented by the two youngest grandchildren. The ad- ah'ess was read by their .oldest granddaughter, Marion. The fam- ily and grandchildren presented them with a 21 inch TV. MT. and Mrs. Dowaon gave a fitting reply. Gifts and cards were received from friends ,and relatives. John Dowson and their sou George en- tertained with violin selections and the evening was happily spent playing progressive euchre. At- tending were guests from Sarnia, Clinton, Kinbm•n and Varna. They entertained neighbors and relatives who called on Tuesday, Dec. 15. The table was decorated with yellow roses .and guest book which was presented to diem by their son Glen. The evening was spent with music by John and George Dowaon and Pat Kennedy, 'Goderloh. Lunch was served in idle afternoon and evening by the daughtorsdnlaw and grand- daughters. 25: YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News Deoombor 1084 Deaths — Lieut -Col, R. S, Hays on Dec. 25th. Robert Covenlook, North road, on Dee. 26111 Wm, W. Hoy, Walton, Weddings: Hannah Olive Workman, llippen, and Herbert ,Tohn Britton, Hibbert; Margaret Jordan, Dublin, and Leo Bolger, Detroit; Wilihelmiira Margaret Chesney, Tuckers/4th, and Will- iam Kenneth Ament, Kitchener, An old + time blizzard made country roads impassable by Dar, Miss Thelma Johnstone left for England to be married to Dr. J, G. Dillane in January. Brussels is to have a new post office. Five efforts to reach the top of the court hawse flag pole, having failed, a contract has been let to lower the upper ]calf of the pole for painting, etc. THANKS The Patients and Staff wish to'. express 5111ae1e Thanks tor the parcels, gifts, flowers, and cards received during; the year. Best Malass for a Iiaisgi/ Now Tear. MUIR NURSING HOME Thanks TO T l:IF1 ELECTORS Op McICILLOP I wish to thank you for elect- ing' nie as Reeve by acclama- tion.. I will continue to work In the beat interests of all the rate- payers. Wishing you the compliments of the season Dan Beuermann New Year's Greetings Ring Out The Old .. Ring In The New To my 111any friends with whom I am not in direct contact: Please accept my sin- cere good wishes for prosperity, happiness and good health in 1960. Always At Your Service Your Federal Member; L. Elston Cardiff 9, Properties For Sale Large two storey dwelling East William st. Easily converted to apts. Close to Main st„ school and church. Priced right Compact cottage, Goderich st. west. Two blocks from Main st. All modern conveniences. An ideal family home. Priced for quick sale Large dwelling West William st., including extra lot. New oil furnace. Modern kitchen and bathroom. Recently decor- ated. A real bargain at $6000 cash 100 acre farm 13 nii. south of village of Dashwood on paved county road. All buildings including large bank barn and brick dwelling in first class condition. Full price $15,000. We have three choice Tuckersmith Township farms worth investigating Other Properties also listed FOR INFORMATION CONTACT Harold Jackson or John A. Cardno Phone 474 Insurance Office SEAFORTH PHONE 214 SEAFORTH BROKER SALESMAN PRICE r ,. G ON A JOB A MAN working for himself provides his own tools and machines. For example, a farmer buys the tractor, cultivator and other equipment for his farm. In industry, equipment is too expensive for one pian to buy, and plants and machines are bought with the invested savings of shareholders. At The Steel Company of Canada, Limited, the average investment per employee in plant and equipment is $21,700. Besides paying shareholders for the use of their savings, profits replace worn out equipment and provide for factory expansion. A 'company without a profit is a company without a future. THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO Canadian -made steel from Canadian -owned plants