HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-12-31, Page 1The Seaforth News WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 81 Pblolle 84 SDAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMMI13DR 81, 1959 P.50 a Year Aatberized as Second Qlana mail, Root, OPke Dept., Ottawa Snowdon Ilr'os., Publisher* Acclamations Return Councils in McKillop and T uckersrith Reeve, Council and Trustees Acclaimed. In Tuckersmith Tucltersmrth reeve and counoii were re-eleoted by aeolamation for 1.960 at the nomination meeting held 1n Seaforth town halal Mon- day afternoon. Mrs, Cora Ches- ney, presided. School trustees were also eleoted by acclamation. W, P. 'Roberts was chairman of the ratepayers meeting, and paid tribute ,to the 'late Edwin Chesney, .clerk and treasurer, as did also many of the speaker's, The audi- ence :stood for a moment. of sil- ence to his memory. Rev, Dr, Semple gave a grayer of guidance. Reeve Ivan ;Forsyth thanked the ratepayers for an aoolaenation for, himself and the 'council. He noted that Roy Bell, a foamier council- tor, had passed on 'during the year. He said Mrs. Chesney had consented to carry on ;her ;hus- band's duties. The township bus- iness had steadily increased until $395,000 now was handled in a year. This was 'big business. Reeve Forsyth said $182,000 bad been collected in taxation, About $22,000 in 1959 taxes were still unpaid and with $15,000 :in •taxes prior to 1659, made a total of $37,- 000 unpaid, If these overdue taxes had been paid it would pay off the loan of $34,000 now parried by the bank, the reeve said. The gas pipeline put through She township last year had yield- ed about $2,600 in added revenue. The system of paying school taxes had been changed this year. Instead :of the township ,making a general payment :of $600 to each school, the area .school rate had been raised to cover this. This year it would slightly reduce the total school rate. . The reeve :said Clinton high school was building an addition and Seaforth was 'planning for one. The reeve said the road leading to the married quarters at RCAF Station, 'Clinton, had broken up and needed rebuilding. The town- ship hail received full co-opera- tion. The new road had 30 inches of fill and would be black topped in the spring. Reeve Forsyth said he had ac- companied a delegation to Toron- to to discuss with She Dept. of Education the allowance to be made for :school additions. The ad- dition to Egmondvu.11e school built in 1957 :had been pard for dm two. years the reeve said. The reeve explained about the warble fly spraying .contract going to the high tender. Trailers and trailer 'camps now ;paid a monthly fee. There had been a lot :of drainage work, She largest expending into three town- ships, ownships, costing $23,000. Two brid- ges might have to be replaced ow- ing to ,heavy vehicle traffic, or put on a load limit: No weed spraying had been done this year on :account of the heavy snow Plowing expense :last winter. Reeve, Forsyth suggested that ratepayer's .consider prepayment .of taxes. It would be easier to pay some o1 the taxes 3n June 'instead' of all right near Christmas. The reeve gave's, broad review of county couuoi:1's activities dmr- Mg the year. A development road from Klppen to Wroxeter was un- der negotiation now by the county and Ontario Dept. of Highways. The county intends to build a. 180 bed addition ah She eonnty home at Clinton. County will plant 92,000 trees in reforeetation work this spring, Ma. Forsyth said. :Councillor Frank Falconer said he had acted as .chairman of coun- cil on a number •of occasions. He reported that the Farmers' Union and the Federation had been giv- en grants instead :of the levy. Councillor Victor Lee said the railway :crossing at Harpurhey had been improved. The railway had loaded the :material and the township had hauled it :away. ICounoil:lor Elgin Thompson gave an interesting account of de- velopment ,by the Ausable River Authority, Tuckersmith is levied about $122 a year towards this extensive work. Councillor Arthur Valley repor- ted that 4,500 cattle had been (gi- ven ,two warble fly sprays. He :complained about farmters plow- •ing too ,close to the road and trail- ing anud over .rt, Mr. Varley ex- plained -about ,paying telephone rates :during the year•. •Told char- ges now amounted to $2;500 a month in the 'summer and the commission needed the, 'funic to ,pay it. Ross 'Forrest, chairman of the school area board, had a :good re- port. In two seh:oals, Nos. 2 and 5, new washrooms and measure sys-' terns ,had boon instabled, and the *Id portion of No, 8 had a new roof •esid ,chimney Plans weio made for redecorating Nos. 7 and 10.anal !perhaps new plaster, Ole said people asked shout ,consoli- dated schools, We !have buildings that were well built and have been kept up, and they would do for a number of years yet. Glair Haney, .roan Patrick and Robert Gemmell spoke br•iefiy. James Melntosh, township rep- resentative on. She Sealonth high echoed board, event over the ex - paged. attendance for -coming years, George Falconer, :towns'hi:p rep. ' McKillop Reeve and Council Returned. By Acclamation 04 Tuesday evening at 9 o'olook J. M. Eckert, returning officer, an- nounced that the 1959 MoKillop Reeve .and Oouncillors had been returned by aaalaanation. The 1960 .counoid will be: Reeve Dan Betuermrann; Goun�oiilors, Jer- ry Doerr, Sam McClure, Wi'lliam A. Ryan, Herbert Williamson. There was a ,good attendance at the nomination aneettng for arc - township in Winthrop hall on Monday afternoon. For Reeve— Dan Beuenmann, by William L. Boyd and Ed. Smith. W. Earl Mills, by Torrance Dun- das and Ernest Stevens. Wilson Little, by Harry John- ston and Oliver Pryoe. For Council-- Jerry Doerr, by Fergus Horan and Wan. Koehler. Williams A. Ryan, by Ferg Kelly and Louis O'Reilly, Herbert Williamson, by Harvey Craig and John R. Leeming. Sam McClure, by 'Orville Storey and John E. Henderson. George Rock, by Gordan Popple and William Boyd. Township Clerk John M. Eclt- ert was named chairman for the ratepayers' meeting following the nominations. Ile called on Reeve Dan Beuermann, who spoke of the blessings of our community in which we live. He :then gave a comprehensive outline of county :council reports. He called atten- tion to the road report which .mentioned the 'possibility of the road from Kipipen to Wroxeter be- coming a development road. This would include eleven mules in Mc- Killop from 'Seaforth to Walton. In closing he said he had served twelve years as Reeve and still bad lots of spunk. He would tell them at the end of the meeting what he would .do. Earl Mills, nominated for reeve, said he did not Intend to crib:cite what sauna had done, but there were questions many ratepayers would like to hear answered about township matters. Taxes were up three mills this year although the township had had a cushion of $24,000 at the start of the year. What was the :cost of the new grader, he .asked, Is the machine paid for and ,what is the whole financial set um. Turning to snow- plowing, he asked why Radford "had got ,the ax." Hallett town- ship had held their tax rate to 6 mills and Tuckersanith 9 mills. Whether it is good business to ,hold .the line Is up to the ratepay- ers to deoide, 1f there was an el- ection tor council there will be one for reeve, .Mr. Milds said, but it 'would not be a three way fight. He Spoke highly of the successful efforts of the Federation and Un- ion in securing compensation for rabies losses. Over $400,000 had been received by farmers as a result. Fie had been well satisfied with $675 he got as •oomponsation. Replying to Mr. Mills, Mr. Eck- ert said five or six tenders had been received on the grader. The Champion had been the lowest at 422,668, but Logan had bought one which :had not been altogether satisfactory. However ,the Depart- ment ,payssubsidy only en the ;lowest tender amount. He -felt the township had got good value with the machine ,purchased. Wilson Little was next called upon to speak, but someone said he was away at Toronto. Councillor Jerry Doerr said the grader was bought and paid for. 'Council :did not put on graveland chloride this year and the roads were ,good. He criticized the neg- lect of the county road at the east end. Something should be done, he said. We bought a new grader. Taxes are up, ,but: the township rate has not gone v:p much,' it is the eottn.ty rate lvhtch went up. Snow removal had coat $13,652 obeys work done by township •equilunent but last winter was bad for snow. The new grader had :coat $27,52:2. Council had ,looked at many rnaohines and he felt they had got She best for the job. .Councillor William A. Ryan. said ,he intended to stand. IIe ex- plained about the snowplowing, that the roads were plowed early for the :high school"' busses and it was reit that al'1 roads should be opened at the same time as it was not fair to plow for the bus- ses and let :the west go. Counoillor• Herbert Williamson said three new bridges :had cost altotal of $9,425, being the McKay, the Duffy and the Ges teoh bridges. He thought there had been too .much dragging and not enough grading .of roads. .Councillor Sam McClure said the grader had not been received as soon as expected, He had fav- ored buying the big grader and resenitattve of Clinton High school, said high schools were big busi- nese too, hand:itag ever $200,000 in one year. There were a lot of snags in building far schools. The principal of Clinton high school had taken 111, they have a temp- orary principal this year, end a permanent appointment would be made next year, Attendance ;tad climbed from 200 :to the present 500 and in two years was expect ed to be 600, Ice Storm Brings Sleet and Wind The ice storm which swept over Ontario en Monday brought a coating of sleet and Ice to this district, but there was Little dam- age 'compared to other places. The PUC reported 12 breaks in; their electrical lines mostly cants•- ed 'by" falling limbs. The longest' interraption late in blie afternoon was from trouble :outside of town. Sparking wires at the corner of Churoh and Centre streets :gave the firemen a run .about 10 o'clock Monday .morning, Numerous minor:motor vehicle mishaps oocurued, but roads were fairly 'free of slippery lee 'during the day. About five o'clock two earn ,met at the .corner of Main and Market streets. One of the 'cars, a new mac, was pushed into the fire ,hydrant at the corner and required a wrecker truck to take it in for trent end repairs. Numerous telephones were tem- orarily out of order, especially, mural lines, some of which were reported Wednesday still out. TUCKERSM'ITH NOMINATIONS For Reeve—Ivan Forsyth, by Chas, Eyre and Robt. Gernanellr For Council— Elgin Thompson, by R. Dallas and Gordon Elliott. Victor Lee, by Clair Haney and W. E. Haney. Arthur Varley, by Wilmer Broadfoat and Robt. Gemmell. Frank Falconer, by Wm. Pepper and Ervine Ooioh, For school trustees :for school area: Clair Haney, by Viotor Lee and. Wilmer Broadfoot. John Patrick, by Mervyn Fal- coner and Ross Forrest. All erected by aoolamation. • PAMPERED? Gordon AiloGavin of Walton, member of Seaforth District High School Board, told a story at Mc- K11lop nominaltion meeting about a man watching a school bus drive by and r'emar'king on bow easy life ,is tor the tam bays and girls who attend high .school now. "The bus picks thein up at their gate and they ride all the way to the school door," the :ran had said. "Then they require half an .hour of PT to wake them 01)." figured it was worth R. The road account was $20,000 more than other years which accounts for the higher tax rate. George Rock, nominated for council, said if there 18 no election for reeve he would drop out. J. M. Eckert, answering ques- tions, said the grader had cost $27,437 and snowplowing $12,120 over the previous year. These two items totalled $40,000, equal to 12 mills. The mill rate had only gone up' three mills. Ile didn't know how many people would want to go back to the unplowed roads of ,ten or :more years ago. Snowplowing had cost a total of $19,000 last winter, including the township grader. In reply to a question by Russ- ell Bolton, Mr. Eckert said the grader was paid for, using $9,500 borrowed money. This can be re- duced by $4,300 when anoney ow- ing by the county is paid over. Gordon MoGavin, member of Seaforth District High School Board, reported ,that a new addi- tion de in the offing, to cost au •estimated $2.5,000. It costs $225,- 000 a year to operate the high school. He had just learned from the secretary that a letter had been received from the teachers for a CCu'tiler increase of salaries. The Board has a $14,000 surplus but that will be gone before the end of January. There was a de- mand to pick all pupils up at the gate instead of nearest corner, but .this would double the present assessment. IIe explained about tuition to other schools being paid only for courses not available in the :local school. Seaforth has kept the .mill rate Sower than ether district high schools. The new addition ;viii require more teachers. He pointed out that rugby can't beheld on Saturdays or 1t Would out out farm smalls, Do they have to have it at all, he asked, mentioning the many 50? - bus accidents to players. The county had ,given up the $2,000 grant for agriculture because It was going into ,the general fund and being ,used for other things. He spoke highly of the work of George Hildebrand as bandmaster and said :he was proud of the band at the plowing :match, where they stole the show. They raise their own revenue mostly, but of course lose time at school. Russell Bolton, Mao a member of the board, said he believed the present treating system was ade- quate for the addition. Cost of the recent addition at Winghatm 'high school had been $15,00 per square foot. Replying to a question about Walton school, Mr. Eckert saM it appeared that school areas, with one central school fora township were shaping up. He believed it it was ,the ratepayers wish they would likely have a vote. But lyhat good is a $5,000 grant if you have to pay $26,000 to :operate a school bus for a central school, he said. Reeve Beuernrann announced he was definitely in the race, Ole had given 12 years of honest govern- ment and 110 favors. Nearly 60 township bridges had been built in that time, he said. If we don't build the bridges we lose insutr- anus he said, Celebrate Geldot Wedding 0III!1,11,,,1„...00.11011101,1i„,, 11 ,,,nl,,,",1,1,1;,,,,11111,111 ! I!11,1,1!1111„1a1,11n111"11„!1"1,I,IIIIn I!!!!!I 25% DISCOUNT STERLING SILVER 17 ,BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS On Tuesday afternoon and ev- ening, December 29th, a happy event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Sparks, Louisa street, when " 100 •friends, neighbors and relatives came .to offer their congratulations and best w:is:hes on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. Mr. Bert W. Dunn, foster son of Mr. ,and Mrs. Sparks, with Mrs. Dunn and sons Jack and Douglas, of the Bronson line, Stanley town. ship were present. :Mrs. Russell Grainger also assisted in the ar- rangements. They were assisted in the kitchen during the after- noon by 'Mics. 'Ray McBride of Zur- doh. Mrs. ICleve Cochrane of Sea - forth and Mrs. Peter Gingerich ob Zurich greeted the :guests at the door and Miss Belle Campbell, of Seaforth, and the Misses 'Mlarjerle and Helen Smith of ,St. Thomas, served. In the evening, Miss Oampbell, Mrs, McBride 'and Mrs. James Ai'tcheson served. Congratulatory messages were received from as far away as Van- couver. There was a telephone call on 'Sunday Pram Ottawa from Mrs. Sparks' nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hodgson and family. • Senator Williams H. Gol- ding of Seaforth was among the guests, and many ware present from the surrounding .country and Mitchell, Bayfield, Clinton, Zurich and Varna. MRS. CRAWFORD SIMPSON Anne Ellen Doig, widow :of the late Crawford Simpson, died Mon- day 'in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, in her -78th year. She was a daughter of the late John Doig and Ellen Stuart McKay of Tn:akersmith. In 1904 she was .married at Hensall to Mr. Simp- son, who predeceased ter last March: She was a member of Fia'st Presbyterian ,Church. Surviving are one daughter, Mas, Rena Cala.- well, Iaippen; and two brothers, Wi1•lla:m Doig, of Tuckeremith and Alex. M. Doig of .St. Petersburg, Florida. There are also three grand children and tour great grand ;children: The remains are resting at the Box funeral isome, High. street, where a service will be held on Thursday at 2 p.m. Rev. D. Leslie Elder will officiate and burial will be in Egmondville cemetery. WILLING WORKERS The fifth meeting of ,Seaforth ;milling Workers 4H 011113 was held at the home of Mrs, G. Mac - Kende, Del. 23. As the members came in they were put to work on their laundry bags. 'Meeting was opened by president Emily Elliott and it was decided next meeting to be at her home Dec. 29th. Mrs. G. Elliott talked ,of shoe pockets and their location, shoe packs, which we are to make next meet - Ing. ' The fourth meeting 01 Seaforth Willing Workers 4H Club was on Dec. 12 at the home of Lois Scott. Miss Tillman, home •eoonomist for Harron, presided at the meeting. Miss Tillman suggested ideas for a future skit .or demonstration on achievement, day, such as color ailed harmony in clothes closets. Mas. Gordon Maclienaie, leader, talked of the laundry bag and also ourtains far clothes closet door. Mrs. Gordon Elliott, also leader, demonstrated makinga hanger cover. DRAW WINNERS Winner of the :draw for the bi- cycle at Sills hardware on Christ- mas eve was Mr's, Milton Dietz, .Seaforth rr• 3, The draw was made by Chamber of Commerce Presi- dent Bill .Smith. Mike Ivlc'Laugh- din won the tricycle in the Willis draw which was made by Mayor Ohryetfe. AONES SCOTT A Tribute Her 'life an inspiration rare, A Life of service and of prayer, Each, day so full of kindly deeds, Happy fulfilling others needs, So oft she trudged the second mile Always found time to chat a while Her voice, her smile, now both are pone, Thank God her influence lingers on, She saariftcect, she pave her best, How peacefully she looked at rest. Her woraa on earth was done, well (lone, Wo are her debtors, every one. The ohiidren's Mend 2n very truth,. A pattern and a pitide for youth, Those busy ;hands, a cultured mind, A heart of gold and so refined. I wish that I coaitd put do1l•m. here A word that somehow would bring cheer, To those her own Who stow bereft Will find life strange' 01800e mother left. —'John Beattie Eigrnondville Ladies Choose, Officers The December meeting of the WA and WM. S of Eganondville Un- ited Chug^ah was held in the school room of the church on Dec. 9th with Mrs, Elmer Cam• exon in the chair. Meeting opened with the call to worship followed by prayer. Roll call was answered •wOth a good attendance followed by minutes of last meeting read by Mrs. Jim McIntosh in the ab- sence of the secretary. Correspondence was read. It was moved by Mrs. Ceoil Pullman, seconded by A'ir's. Ivan Forsyth, that we donate :$5 to the War Me- morial fund. Treasurer's report was given. It was :decided to hand $1,000 over to the church. ;hiss Frances Houston took .over for the 0101S, starting the meeting with a poem, Two Royal Cradles. A Christmas story was given by Mrs. Ed Bbyes, A duet was sung by Mrs. E. Stephenson and Mrs. E. Durst which was enjoyed by all. Roll call was answered and minutes of last meeting were read anti adopted. It was :moved by Mrs. Semple and seconded by firs, Watson that we subscribe for the World Friends for the Mission Band. The secretaries then read their reports: Christian Steward- ship, .f'ir's. M. Haney; Community Frieuclsbip• Ma's. J. McLachlan; Supply, Mrs, A. Routledge; Baby Band Sept., Mrs, 1'. Dallas; CGIT, Mrs. E. Boyer. The offering was taken up by 'Mrs. E. .Stephenson and Mrs. P. Dallas. A special .ole feting was taken up for the sup- ply fund. Slate of officers was brought in :by Mrs. Tvan Forsyth for the WIVIS and read by Mrs. Semple: Past Pros., Mrs. A. Pepper; Pres., Miss Frances IIouston; 1st vice mates., Mrs, Ed Bayes; 2nd vice. Miss Rena MacKenzie; 3rc1 vice, Mrs. Leonard Strong; treasurer, Mrs. Roy McGonigle; res. sec., Mrs. E, People; corresponding sec„ Mrs. W. Haney; Christian Citizenship, Mrs. W. Forrest; Christian Stewardship, Mrs. at. Haney; Community lerieoclahip, Mr's. Harold Jackson; Mrs. D. Stephenson, Mrs. Andrew IFouston Assooiate Members; Mrs. E. Ste- phenson; .supply roe, :Mrs. A. Rout- ledge; Literature sec., Mr's. L. Strong; 'Missionary Monthly, Mrs. M. Nott; Baby Band suet., Ma's. P. •Dallas; Mission Band supe., Mrs. Norman •VAcLean; pianist, Mrs. Elmer Cameron. The WA officers were then read by Mrs, Semple: Pres., Mrs. E. Cameron; 1st vice, Mrs, Alex. Ohesnea; 2nd vice, Mas. Doug Wallace; res, sec., Mrs, 13. McGregor; tree„ Mies Mae Smith; corn. see., Ma's. Allister Br'oadfoot; Red Cross'convener, MTS. Harold Jackson; group leaders, 'Mrs. A. Forbes, Group 1; iVlrs, H. leVeiland, Group 2; Ws. S, Aikenhead, 3rd; Mrs, S. Jackson 4911. Manse tom- mittee, Mrs, W, Tremeer, Mrs. A, Houston, Mars M, Haney. The :Christmas story was :given by'Mrs, Semple, written by Rev. Demes Logaatie, "No Room." At the close a. social half hour was spent with lunch. CONSTANCE Warden William Jewitt aid Mrs. Jewitt attended the staff party of the court house last Wed- nestlay at Goder•ich. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Scott on the arrival of a baby son in Uinta)) public hospi- tal, Young people enjoying Christ- mas holidays at ,their ,parental NAPSODY a�s.4 J �'.;0 ' •\`'ACL; d\ ”' \ SILVER SWIRL}C DAMASK ROSE CS+ LASTING SPRING 4 PIECE PLACE SETTINGS as low as $17.43 (Reg. $23.25) 0871 LOVE SMALL TEASPOONS as low as $2.25 (Reg. $3.00) 3 DAYS ONLY Jan. 4th Jan. 5th Jan. 6th (Orders accepted up to Friday, Jan. 8th) Buy your sterling NOW, in your choice of 17 beautiful patterns, at 25% DISCOUNT Crafted by the International Silver Co. of Canada, Ltd., Heirloom Sterling and Wallace Silversmiths (Canada) Ltd. ANOTHER SPECIAL ! Christmas Cards & Wrappings at Half Price while they last SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY GIFTS FINE CHINA Seaforth matam,,"a",1,,1,"IO"1"n”„1,II1111"1,,,""",,,,,„,,,,,,,i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,”„„111,1,"11,",""""11, family were: Thursday—Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cutm'ingham of Auburn; Christmas tray — .lir. and Mrs. John Jewitt, Londesboro; Mr. and .firs. C. Dexter of the village and :lir. Bill Dawson of Varna. Sat. evening—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ri1- ey and Dong and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley, and on Monday Mr. and l'Irs. Jewitt and .Miss Janice and .lis', and Mrs. Charles Dexter vis- ited with lir. and Mrs.- Austin Dexter of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Bordeu Brown, Joyce and Elaine, spent Christmas dinner with the former's mother, Mrs. Sarah Drown and with the latter's sister, lir. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell, all of I3anover. Mr: and Mrs. Lori Lawson spent Sunday with lir. and Mrs. E. F. Warren and girls ,of London At time of writing Mrs. Ken Thompson, who is a patient do the Scott Memorial Hospital, is some- what improving. Owing to . weather conditions .and hydro interruptions, the soc- ial planned for Monday evening in the Cenatance CC:basement for Mission Band and CGIT had to be 'postponed. Mr. and M'r's. H. Preszcator and family spent :Christmas day with Mr, anti Mrs. Parker of Exeter. Mrs Ohaa•lotte Lindsay of Sea - forth was a recent visitor at the Millson home. homes are: Miss Muriel Dale of Brampton with i'Ir. and Mrs. Verne Dale; Miss Marilyn Taylor of Clinton with Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Taylor; .Hiss Janet YlacGregor of Fordwich with Mr, and lits. Ross MacGregor; ..Miss Laurel Dale of Kirktou with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale. ' Olnistmas Day visitors with Mr. and Mr's. Alt Buchanan were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Buchanan of Bryanston, Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Buchanan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cook and family, Mr. -and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and sons, :all of this community. Mr. and Mrs. George McIllwain and 'family spent Christmas day with 1515. and Mrs. H. Kingswell of Clinton. On .Ohristtuas Slay Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson entertained Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Taylor, Miss Marilyn Taylor and .lir. Lawrence Taylor, Mr. and :firs, Verne Dale, Miss Muriel Dale Mr. Murray Dale and !Miss Muriel Gowdy of Winglram i and Mr'. and Mrs. Jack Dodds of London. Mr. and Mrs. Root. Grimoldhy spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Theron Bettles of Winthrop, Mrs. D Mi:llson, Ross and BOIL, and lairs Pollard spent Christmas day with Mrs Glazier and other friends at Hensail. Ma. and Mrs. Robert Woods and Debbie of Ajax spent Christmas week end with the hatter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Miss Debbie' remained with her grandmother while lir. and Mrs, Woods are holidaying in Chicago, Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Lawson were Mr. and Mrs. E. Clarke of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs, Ellwood Clarke and Mark of London, Mr. and Airs. Harvey Coleman of Varna. and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Dolmage and family of near Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and fa- mily entertained Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. James Medd, and Mr, and Mas. R. Finch and family of near Clinton. Mr. and Mrs, L. Hill, Crecltten, spent Christmas day with their slaughter and son-in•daw, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and Saturday Mr, and Mr's, ,Preszoator client the day with Mr. ane; Mrs. Hill, Master Daviel remaining for holi- days and ''Miss Linda remaining for the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Webb of Dashwood, Mr, and Mrs, Luther Sanders spent Christmas Slay with Mr, and Mrs, Walter Scott. Mr. John Ferguson of Clifford spent Clu'istrnas clay with Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacGregor and family. Mr. and Mas. Joe Riley, Mr, mut hiss, Irani :Riley a3tdwbaug- las and Mr, and Mrs, Root, Woods and Debbie of Max spent Christ- mas day with Mr, and Mrs, Tom Riley of Clinton, Mr. .and Mrs, Flare Lawson and Rog and Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Law- son spent Saturday with firs. Alice Lawson a.ncl Bob, Tucker., smith. Christmas visitors at the home of Mr, and Was. Wan. 5ewitt and EGMONDVILLE Ma. and Mrs, Ronald Melntosh and Elizabeth, Listowel, visited for a few days with his grandmo- ther, Mrs. Richardson. The Eg:mondville Y. P. U. held their regular meeting on Sunday, Dec. 27th. Bruce Coleman, presi- dent, presided. Nancy Pepper read the scripture. BM Strong took the .prayer. Ron Eyre showed a filar. Dr. Semple spoke en "How to prepare ourselves for Bible Study". Recreation followed. WINTHROP The WIAS and WA of Cavan, Winthrop, will meet on Wednes- day, Jan. 6. Roll call will be :the payment of .membership fees. Double Fracture From Fall on Ice Mrs, Roy Rau of Egmondville is in Scott Memorial Hospital with a double 0i'actm•ed right 'leg as a result of a fall on the ice in the backyard early Tuesday mor- ning, Ono fracture is just above the. ankle,, and the other belew the knee. Mrs, Rau had got 111) about 6 am. to do her washing and ha.d gone out to the yard to get waster. linable to attract at- tention, she managed to drag herself elf into the haute and tvalzen. the family, and medical aid was summoned. Mr, lr.ncl Mrs. Rau have a fam- ily of four: Joseph, of London,' Margaret Ann (who had her ton- sils out on Monday), Rosemary anti , ohtt, It is expected Mrs. Rau will be in a east for six months