HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-12-24, Page 8May this Yuletide hold everything that's wonderful and dear 1 The warmth and cheer of your own ,hearthside . the fun f trimming the tree . the joy .of.I etn,g surrounded by your family .. the true Christmas spirit of friends coming to call to extend their best wishes 1 KIPPEN iVir, and Mrs. Elden Jarrett vis- ited Sunday with an aunt and un- cle Mr. and Mrs, John Mason, also an aunt, Mrs, Jennie Winder, all of London. Messrs Norman Dickert, Ken McLellan spent Monday in Lon- don. The Thriftp Kippenettes The third meetiug of the Thrif- ty Kippenottes which was held at the home off Mrs. R. Chapman op- ened with the 4-H pledge. The roll call was answered by 13 •members and the minutes of the last meet- ing were read and adopted. The leaders demonstrated how to cut out a garment cover and how to cover a hanger. The roil call and home assignments were given out. The 4th meeting began with the 4-11 pledge. The 5th meeting was decided to be held at the home of Mrs. A. McGregor an Dec. 16th. The years go on and our celebrations may change with time . . . but the wishes are always the same BOX FURNITURE 8,��, ��P4��n SEAFORTH yyk1 r � Announcement I wish to announce that RAYMOND J. MALONEY is now associated with my Insurance Office • • The Whole Milk Producers Group Insurance will be open in January. Make sure you contact us during that month for the best group insurance coverage ever offered. MAY WE TAKE THIS OPPORUNITY TO WISH YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS HOLLAND'S Insurance Agency DUBLIN Gerald K. Holland Raymond J, Maloney J Mrs. Chapman gave some sugges- tions on aohievement day. :Miss Tillman, home economist, is to speak at the 7th meeting. The meeting closed with "The Queen". The winners an a draw for a Christmas :Dake in Dickert's store were: Mrs. G. Hubbard of Harris - ton, Mr. Grant Plumb and Mrs. Wm. Coleman. Mrs. Allan Johnston, who has been a patient in Clinton Hospit- al, is expected home Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs, C. ,Priestap of Mdtoheld were Sunday guests of the hatter's father, Mr, Robert Thomson. Mr. and -Mrs. N. Dickert, Mr. and 'Airs• Ken McLellan and lila visited with Mr,. and Mrs. Jack Dickert of Harriston on. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Faber and Mr. and Mrs. Dlzar Mousseau ;spent Monday in London, CONSTANCE A packed School, Friday even- ing heard a very interesting school Christanas ,program 'con- sisting off recitations. All .Sohool Chorus, 'Plays, Sword Dance by both seniors and juniors, drills and Carol singing, w'hioh showed the work of their teacher, Mrs. Lyon and their music teacher, Miss Wright,A ,program 'put on by the young people of the Constance United Church consisted of a re- citation by David Medd, and mus- ical nu'm'bers by Mrs. Robt. Grim- oldby and Misses Glenne Jewitt and Joyce Brown followed by a Play, "Calling All Cars" directed by Mrs, F. Riley. Santa •Claus came to distribute the gifts and Mr. Walter Scott was ohadrman for the evening. Hors. ,Teones •McC'oo1 of Lonales- boro and wile has been in London Ilospitai for sometime is now re- cuperating at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Burr. Mr. Wilbur Jeivitt is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. We hope for him a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Mr. and .Mrs. John Burr •on the arrival of their baby son. At time of writing' we are sorry to learn that Mrs, Ken Thompson is a patient in ,the 'Scott Memor- ial Hospital, Several from Constance United Church attended the candlelight service do the Londesbor'o United Church Sunday evening. The OGTT Girls attended in full uni- form.. The churcwas beautifully h eautifu ly decorated with about 80 candles brightly burning. Music from both senior and junior choirs was greatly enjoyed. Rev. Sweeney of Auburn U. C. who 'performed the duties of baptizing the baby daughter of Rev, and Mrs. H. ,Punge, Rev. Sweeney also gave a very delightful violin solo. 'Rev. Funge brought out the meaning of Christmas 'throu'gh poems which were followed with appro- ln'iate music by the choir. HENSALL Mr, and Mrs. Grant Donneyand family are holidaying with rela- tives at Kingsville. Christmas service was Held on Sunday at 11 a,m. in Carmel Pres- byterian Church conducted by Mr. G. 0, Vats, who delivered an inspiring message. His subject; was "There Is a song in the Air".' The Choir pr'esen'ted the anthem, "The Lord is ,Come l•and "Tidings of Great Joy" under tate leader- ship .of MTS. M. Dougall at the or- gan, The choreal was ,beautifully decorated for the service by mem- hers of the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary, The Week of Prayer services will be held on Jan, 4th at 8 pus lit Carmel 'Presbyterian Ohuroh Rev B. De Vries conducting the sci' vics. Jan, 6th at 8 ult. in St. 1 Paul's Anglican Church concluct• ed hY Rey, C. Winlaw, and Jan, 8 at 8 p,m, service in the United 'Orwell conducted by Mr, G, C. 'Naas, Reeve John Henderson drew the lucky ticket on the TV ohair a the IOOJ' hall on Saturdouy night The winner was Leslie Riley. o Cromarty, The sale of tickets was conducted by: the ehairanan of the CPA,. committee, .Il0irs, C, HOY Proceed:4 of the sale were very gratifYillg, Baskets were packed for shutln members by the cont nnittee and delivergd for Christ Mr. and Mae. Jqe DeLodge of Sarnia visited ,this 'week with the llatter's Parents,' Mr, and Mrs. L Chapman and family. Mr. A'rehie MacGregor returned to his Thome here Wednesday after ,spending the past three months at Goose Bay. Labrador, where he was employed. Mrs, Pearsy Graham deft on Monday : for Orlando, Merida, wihere she will spend the winter .with. relatives, Aneber Lodge Meets Mrs. Glenn. Bell N. G. presided for ,the regular meeting of Am her Rebekah Lodge 349 on Wed. neaday evening. Lodge opened in regular 8form. Miss M. Whiteman reported for tine "Finance Comm, and Mrs, E. Ohi'pohase reported for the Vielting Comb., Mrs. E. Shaddiok reported the stole of tickets on the chair for the CPT' fund comma., and thanked the members who ,assisted in the sale of tickets, Thank you notes were - received from •Mrs. Geo. Moir and Mrs. T. Kyle. A letter requesting 'donations of home-made articles from the members, was reed, from the chairman of .the OPT Oomm., Mr. •Ohas. Hay. Baskets are being ;packed for members of .the IOOF and Rebekah Lodges. Christmas cards were received- from the D.D.P. 'Mrs. Dorothy Parker, also Goderich, Clinton, Exeter, Sea - forth and Brussels Lodges. N. G. Mrs. Glenn Bell requested a ,prac- kiss of ,the degree team the first meeting of the New Year. Lodge oleeed in regular form. Ervin J. Wiliert, 71, retired Hay twp. -farmer passed away suddenly at his :home here Thurs- day- Mr. Wilbert served 13 years on the Hay Council, and was a member of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich. Surviving is his wife, the former Luella Wainer, one son Harold, R.R. 2, Hensel', two daughters, Mrs. Pearl Koeh- ler, Hensald and Mrs. Ross (Beat- rice) Richardson, R.R. 2, Zurich. Sisters, ;Mrs. L. Restemayer, of Dashwood; Mrs. T. Hayes, Tecum- seh; Mrs. E. Kraft, Dashwood; Mrs. Laving Miller, Zurich; Mrs, Gus Geaneaus, of Bisnningham, Mich.; Mrs. R. Phoeler, Fort In- dianna; a stepmother, Mrs. Freu Willert, Fort Wayne. The funeral service was held on Sunday from St. Peter's Lutheran Church. MRS. MARY STONEMAN Mrs. Mary Stoneman died Wed- nesday, at the Ruston nursing home, Mitchell, aged 101. Mrs. Stoneman was the former Mary Hotham, born 3n •Hibbert twp. Feb. 18, 1868. She was the daughter of:the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hotham, who came ...to Canada 'from Newcastle, England, and farmed near Staffa. She was married in 1880, to William Henry Stoneman, end they farmed on the 12bh con. of Hibbert, near Cromarty. Her son and -grandson in turn, have oper- ated the same farm. Mrs. Stone - man's husband died in 1914. Mrs. Stoneman was for many years organist at Trinity Angli- can Church, Mitchell, and also was a music teacher with many pupils in the Mitchell area. For some years she made her home with her son, 'Carl Stone- man, at Cromarty, and later with a daughter, 'Mrs, W. V. Dinnin, at Brucefield. She had been a resi- dent of the Ruston Nursing Home since 1952, Until she was more than 100 years old, she was a con- stant reader of the bible, and of newspapers and magazines, and constantly used the dictionary to increase her understanding •ot words. Until recently she was able to keep up a regular correspond- ence with members of her family. Surviving are ane son, Carl, of Cromarty; two daughters, Mrs. William (Lila) " Dinnin; Bruce - field, Mrs. E. M. (Edith) Barnes, Galt. The body was at the Bon- thron funeral home, Hensel", where funeral service was con - .ducted Friday at 2 pm. by Rev. Currie Wdnlaw, minister of Hen- sail ensail United Church, Burial was in. Staffa Cemetery, FEDERATION NEWS By J. C Hemiiugway The Directors of Huron County Farm Forum met last Friday in the Agricultural•Board Rooms and I am sorry to say that there could. have teen a better attendance: The theme of thisns ear'p pro- grams as "Adjustment", Key to the 'farming future. One adjust- ment that farmers seem to have made is to become so busy with production :that there is little or no time t6 attend meetings such as Farm Forum to consider whe- ther or not their efforts are going to bring' the results they want. Perhaps we ,in Ontario are too fortunate and as yet haven't felt the squeeze sufficiently to cause us to react. Farm Forum was born in the latter days of the -de- pression of the ,thirties and can be given a great deal of the •credit for the ,advancements that have taken place in farm living and or, ga•nization, . ,. Over the prosperous post war' years Farm Forum interest and activity declinedsharply but ap- parently difficulties have arisen in all parts of Canada except in Ontario to arouse the people to again participate In the diecus- sion with the view to improving their condition. And, believe me, there la room for improvement. A aural school teacher's salary in the early thirties would Knell t the 'price of an average standard .cal', today, .it still does. Other salaries would bear about the • IN 1VIEMORIAIVI WAY -In loving rnenlbry of a deal' Mother who passed away en Deo. 22, 1940, and dear Father on Jan, 7, 1947, and a dear brother, Casai'. Pee; 25, 1947: Somewhere beyond .the sunset, Where 'skies are always of blue, God has a special garden for :mothers, Fathers, brothers, such as you. And there amid .the roses, Our Father said "Well done", The Heavenly gates were opened wide, He whispered softly "Caine"; Now in God's lovely ,garden, All 'pain and sorrow past, Somewhere beyond •the sunset, You sleep in 'peace at hast. 'fiver remembered by the Way !family. IN MEMORIAM -McNAIJGHTON In loving memory of John A. McNaughton who passed away Dec. 15, 1956. God saw you were getting weary, And did what He know best, He put' His arms around. you And whispered "Come and rest". -Ever remembered by his wife, fondly and sisters. same relationships. In the 'forties a farmer could Purchase a -tractor for $1000 and payfor it with 500 oats but today a similar :tractor will Dost $3000 and he will still have to pay for it with '500 oats. At present prices it would take about 100 cases of eggs to pay mY taxes, This is 'getting 'close to :the Limits of the deficiency payment quota. Perhaps we may be thankful for our increased efficiency for enabling us to manage to survive even for a limited time .under these circumstances but on second thought perhaps .it is ,our effici- ency that has 'Placed us in'this un- enviable nenviable position. This is a prob- lem that Faxon Forum might well solve for us. But you must be in- terested. ,Plans were laid at the Direct- ors meeting to Bold the County Farm Forum Annual 'the second week of January, in the after- noon. It will be open to all Forum members and to any other inter- ested persons. We hope you will be watobdng.Por the announcement of.the .details. In closing get ane wish all of you a very :Merry Christmas. Let us count our blessings for ;the pre- sent and ,leave our dnoubles for the new year. NAME OFFICERS Mrs W. A. Wright presided for the December meeting of the Bar- bara Kirhoman Auxiliary which was held in •the church hall Wed- nesday ,evening. ,Mrs. Wright op- ened the :meeting with a Christ- mas poem and fallowing the sing- ing of a carol led in prayer. • A moment's silent prayer was ob- served for the bate .Mrs, Agnes Scott who had been a member of the auxiliary for many years. During :the business 'period re- ports from the secretary, treasur- er and department secretaries were heard. Offering was received= by Mrs. H. Leslie and MTs. S. Pullman, Mrs.' H. Whyte read the scripture lesson and offered pray- er. A solo by Mrs. J. Cairns was much enjoyed. Mrs. J. D. Patter- son brought a timely message in a Christmas story. Mrs. ,S. Pull- man presented the report of the nominating committee and Rev. D. L. Elder installed the officers for 1960, as 'follows: Pres., Mrs. W. A. Wright; Vice Pres„ Mrs. R. Kerslake; Sec., Mrs. E. Rivers; Treasurer, ?Miss Janet OLuff; Wel- come and Welfare, Mrs. E. And- rews and Ma's. S. Pullman; Liter- ature and .Library, Ma's: D. Nixon; Supply, 'Mrs. C. Reith; Glad Tid Ings, Mrs. R. Kerslake; Life Mem- bership, Mrs. R. McFarlane and Ma's. W. Ross; Press, Mrs, R. 'Mc- Farlane; 'Social Conveners, MTs, D. Nixon and Mrs. T. Fox, MRSA GEORGE REANEY 'Funeral service for the late Mrs, George Ramey was:held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock ,in Trinity' Anglican Church, Mitchell. Rev. Frank Tomkinson, rector of the Church, offiolaated. The pallbear- ers were Lorne Lemmons, •Mitch- ell; Louis Johnson and John Dunn, London; Charles Dungey, Seaforth; Charles Tubb and Doug- las Machan, ,Mitchell. The flower- bearers were Robt. Burohfi11, Ken- neth J. Reaney, Wm. Borah,: Wm, Winteringham, Wesley Wintering - ham and Carl Dunn. Intermrent was made in Trinity Anglican Cemetery. Friends and relatives attended from London, Preston, Galt Elora Guelph, Toronto, l T r o Sea - forth, Hensali Exeter, lVLiltchell JAMES W. BUTTERS. James Wesley Butters, Jones St, W., St. Marys, died suddenly at the St, Marys Memorial Hos- pital,Monday. He was in his 51st Y year, Surviving are his mother, Mrs. James Butters, St. Marys; his wife, the former Marjorie Long, one son, William, Brant- ford; one brother, Tom, Dublin; and one sister, Mrs. William (Mary) Hall, 58 :Norfolk St., Stratford. The remains are rest- ing at the L. A. Bail funeral home, St. •Malys, where the funeral will be held Thursday at 2 p,7n. Bur- ial will the in St .Marys Cemetery. BORN Bum's -At Scott Memorial Hos- pital on Dec. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Buurs, rr 2 Seaforth, a son "Freriks - At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Dec. 18th, to Mi'. and Mrs, Henry Frerilts, Dublin, a son • Allen -At Scott Memorial Hos- pital on Deo. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Allen, Chalk street, Seaforth, a son Grobbecker-At Scott Memorial Hospital on Dec, 21st, to Mr, and Mrs. Hans Grobbecker, rr 4 Sea - forth, a son Trava lione- g At Scott Memor- ial Hospital, on Dec. 22nd, to Mr, and Mrs. Giovanna Travaglione, Seaforth, a son CARD OF THANK$ l wish to express MY sincere thanks for kindness during mY stay in the hospital. Special thanks to those who visited nit, sent dowers, gifts and treats, ileo to Dr, 'Stapleton and the nursing staff, it was: all deeply appreciat• ed. -Mrs, Hobert J. Elgie CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank any friends who visited me, sent earxhs and treats while I was confined to the hos- 'Alai. Special thanks to the Ush- ers Club, Holy Name Society, The Knights of Columbus, Dr. Goywi'li and the nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital. -Leo ''lagan.. NOMINATION Township of Tuckersmith' A meeting of the electors of the Township of Tuckersmith will be held, in the Town Hall, Seaforth, an "Monday, Dec. 28, for the purpose of nominating candi- dates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors for 1960, and School Trustees (2 to be elected) for the years' 1960 and 1961, Nomin- ations will be 'received from the hour of 1 o'clock to 2 o'clock in the afternoon. In the •event• of, more 'being nominated than are required to fill the positions an election will be held on Monday, Jan. 4th, 1960. Polis will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the fol- lowing places;, PSD 1, Frank Nigh's house, Egmondville; DRO, Audrey Cameron; PC, Alice Boy - •:es. • PSD 2, S.S. 8=DRO, Roy Mc-. Geoch; PC, Mrs. Edith Russell., PSD 3, S.S. 4 -DRO, Geo, Turn- er; PC, Howard Johns. PSD 4, SVS. 8 -DRO, Norris Sillery; PC, John Broadfoot. PSD 5, S. S. 1--1350, Melville Traquair; PC, Glenn Bell. PSD 6, S.S. 9 -DRO, Sohn, Woods; PC, Edna Tremeer. Mrs. Cora. Chesney, Ret. Officer. NOMINATION Township of McKillop A meeting of the electors of the Township of McKillop will be held at Winthrop on Monday, Dec. 28, 1959, for the purpose of nominating a Reeve and four Councillors. Nominations will be received from the hour of 1 o'- clock to 2 o'clock in the after- noon. In theevent of more per- sons being nominated than are required to 1111 the office an elec- tion will be held on Monday, Jana 4, 1960. Polls will be open from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the follow- ing ollowing places: No. 1, John Flynn's house, lot 10, con. 5; Clement Krauskopf DR0, Wilfred Malon- ey, PC; No. 2, Wilmer Scott's house, lot 25, con. 4; James B. Hogg DRO, Alex Kerr PC. No. 3, Geo. H. Leonhardt's house, lot 10, S.13 con; Wm. Dennis DRO, Stephen Murray, PC. No. 4 SS #7, -con. 12, lot 26; Allan Camp- bell DRO, Ross Driscoll PC. J. M. Eckert, Ret. Officer FOR SALE Rocket Filtered Fuel Oil ... cleaner burning ... more heat per gallon. Enjoy comfort and save money. William M. Hart, phone 784 FOR SALE Sprayed apples - Spy, King, Delicious, Tatman Sweets, Snows, Russet, Greening, etc. Phone col- lect HU 2.3214. Fred Moolymont & Sons, Varna WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Better stats Are 'Used Artificial Insemination Service for all Breeds of Cattle Farrier owned and controlled Call us between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. week days and 500 and 8.00 p,m. Saturday - evenings at Clinton HU 2-3441 or for long - distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650. • SALESMAN WANTED By large expanding Company to cover Clinton, Bayfield, Dash- wood, Goderich, Wingham, Sea - forth and surroundings. Sales ex- perience xperience and car a definite asset. Attractive offer to the right man with our high commission and monthly bonus. FAMILEX C.P. 58, Dept R. Station C. Montreal. VENTILATING FANS For all fa'r'm buildings. Prices from $63. Complete installation available. For estimates call or write Sharp's Maintenance Serv- ice, 851-5 Seaforth BURNS- CLEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING OIL WALDEN & BROADFOOTI Phone 686 w Seaforth THE $WORTH NEWS Thursday, December 24, 1959 (Phone 84) BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt anti Careful Attention Hospital Bod Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 590W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Phyelclan and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Bearerlh SEAFQRTH CLINIC D. A. McMaster, B,A,, M.D., Interatat P. L. Brady. M.D., Buratto Office 'fours, 1 P.M. to 6 p.m„ daily except Wednesday and Sunda. Evenings; 'Tuesday. Thursday and Sat. entity only 7-9 p,m. ,., A Dpf in advance an I. dedrablentinenta made TURNBULL & BRVANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. DRDNNAN, D.V.M V,S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF = Optometrist Phone 79L Main Sh.. Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., a to 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12,80 PM. Thur. en by appointment only. Clinton HU -24010. above . Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 6.80. INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Acciden4 • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE DUNDAS &LOpNNEY Phone 578 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 2$6 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. READ OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers -President, Robert Archibald,. Seaforth ; Vice Pres., Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth ; .Sec.-Treas., W. E. Southgate,. Seaforth. Directors -E, J. Trewartlra, Clinton; J.'L. Malone, Seaforth ; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth;; John H. McEwing, Blyth ; Wm. S. Alex- . ander, Walton; Harvey Puller, Goderich; J. E. Pepper, Brueelield; Allister Broad-. foot, Seaforth. Agents- William Leiper, Jr., Londes- boro; J. F. Prueter; Brodhngen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels;Harold Squires, Clin- ton; James. Keys, Seaforth. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Alex J. Rohde, RR3 Mitchell Vice President Milton McCurdy, RR1 Kirbeton Directors E. Clayton Colquhoun, RR1 Science Hill . Martin Feeney, RR2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner, R1 Cromarty Timothy Toohey, Toohe. RR3 Lucan Agents Harry Coates, RR1 Centralia Clayton Harris, Mitchell Stanley Hocking, Mitchell Solicitor W. G. Cochrane, Exeter BLACKSMITHING Open all day Thursday. Forge work, sharpen . harrows, plow shares, anything in line of blaek- emithing. Work guaranteed. Phone 97w Brussels morning or evening. Fred Sieling, Brussels NOTICE Township of Tulekeramith Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Township of Tuckersmith are requested by the council, to not park ears on township roads and streets during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- 1,gg operations Connell gill iiot•Ue responsible .for dangagee Ititainy• vehicles park - fail reads .or .streets. ' 'Cot's Chesney, Acting Cleric For Sale FORMER SEAFORTH SHOE PROPERTY MAIN ST. SOUTH Apply: D. H. Wilson, Town Clerk