HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-12-24, Page 7Bitten ay Monkey With A Hangover Many and various were the pets .which 1 kept during my stay in Paraguay, As F do not like birds or animals in stages, they always had the run of the house and garden. My favourite was a shall grey monkey which I bought from my washerwoman, Carmen, dur- ing nay first year in Paraguay, when I had yet to acquire the knack of handling wild animals. The monkey Carmen offered nae Was strangely quiet and did not bite me when 1 took it in my „ arms. I put Dodo, as 1 had decided' to call my new pet, into a box, and went about my chores. Re- turning an hour later, I picked him up and was badly bitten for my pains, My indignant cries brought ' my husband to the scene, "Now." he said, "you can -see' how tame your dear little monkey really is," I•Ie then told me about a dodge the natives have when they want to sella wild animal . to a foreigner. They give it cane, a potent rum made from sugar cane, and It stays. doped • for art hour or so. Paten. which the ani- mal -suffering from a hangover - reverts to its wild state, only 'moreso t "You'd better get rid of it," he told me. His suggestion merely made me more determined than ever to keep the little monkey. It took a long time and much pa- tience to train it, but after some weeks Dodo could not hear me' out of his sight, end would con- stantly ride on my . shoulder; with his arm round my neck. He was always "up to some mis- chief, and one of his pranks al- most. cost him his life. He got into our medicine cup- board , and although unable to uncork any of the bottles, man- aged to open a tube of laxa- tives and eat about half of the contents. That night he was a very miserable monkey, and nearly passed .out t But he had learned his lesson and never went near ' the medicine eup• board again. We lost Dodo when we lett him in Paraguay while on holt- day in' England. The natives in- formed us that Dodo went into the forest one . day and did not return. 1 very. much suspected he was resold, as a tame monkey with such amusing tricks fetch- ed' a good price in the capital, writes Joan Bottrell in "Tit - Bits." Another pet was a baby os- trich. There was no . small object that he would • not swallow' - thimbles, spools of thread,.money, paper, nails and soap, were some of the things he seemed to thrive on. But when my husband caught him in the act • of swal- lowing his favourite' pen -knife, I knew that was the end of that pet. As the ostriches on our land were not allowed to be chased or killed, they. were quite 'tame an d would come' within fifty yards of the house. When next, they appeared, 1 took mine out and introduced it to its re- lations. -After a preliminary in- spection they all went. off to- gether, so I did ,not feel that parting' too much. The only' pet.1 had to keep in a cage was a long-legged fox. ^ This is a queer animal, and somewhat rare. It has the head and body of a fox, a mane like a lion and a tufted tail. It has ' long legslike a foal. It .is seldom seen during the day -time, as it travels by night, LIKE A BIRD - Mrs. Annie Jen- kins, 24, resolutely keeps her place' on. a utility pole in down- town Los .Angeles. She climbed the pole during an argument with her. husband. It tooka power company crew with a mobile elevator to get her down. Shewas taken to a hos- pital for mental examination. covering great distances. A pair•. have only two cubs •at a litter and the parents have been seen each carrying a baby in their mouths. I should never, have: chosen to. have one of these animals as a pet as they are very savage, but the boys ,had found it in a cave and thought I would like to have. it. If I had not' accepted, I' knew its life would be more miserable -if possible -with .them than with me. I could not set; pit free, as the boys had broken, its leg. when capturing it. I made them put a splint on the broken :.limas and hoped it would heal so that. I might give, it its freedom. But ,it only lived for about ten days longer. Of 'the many pet birds. I .had, a large white owl with big, ears wag my favourite. 'My son' found a nest with the mother owl sitting on some eggs and brought one home. As luck would have it; I had a hen sitting at 'the, time, and I gave her the awl's egg to hatch. I took the fledgeling away as soon as it was hatched as I felt it was too much to expect" the, hen to bring up so 'queer a chick. I managed to rear 'the baby owl, and when it could fly I ' had a box'; made and placed in a tree near, the house.- This was always open' and the owl stayedin it all day, but at sun- --down It would. fly into the house to eat• a huge meal of raw meat. Then it would set about look- ing for tit -bits' . such as 'insects. I t s particular favourites were cockroaches and horned. beetles. Unfortunately" my owl .disap- CHINESE JUNK ON FLIGHT DECK - The aircraft currier Lexing- ton docked at ' Alameda, Calif. with. an unusual item on her flight deck - a Chinese junk. The Lexington was returning from a seven-month cruise in Far Eastern waters. The Chinese" junk is owned by Commander C, D Curtis, thecurrier's nervi- garor, who pions to sail it near his home. peered one night during mating time. Another feathered • friend was a perincho. This is about the size of a thrush, striped fawn and black, with a tuft of fea- thers on its head and a rasping cry . , , pe-ri-ri, pe-ri-ri. It was given to me as a fledgeling and, was easy to tame, For the first few days it ven- tured only round the' house and thgarden, but soon was flying far- er and farther away, only cow,: ing home at sundown for a meal. One 'evening .it -did not return, and I thought that was the last I would see of Peri. But a' few days later, back it came greet- ing me with its familiar 'cry. Be- lieve it ornot, it came and went in that manner for nearly . a Year, sometimes staying away 'for a week or more,' Then the sad day came or, I heard its friendly oryno more. I always hoped 'it might' return bringing a family to visit me,' One of my pets was a toucan. ' The boys had wounded it in the wing with, a ,'catapult, Luckily, the bone was not ; broken•' and as soon; as it could fly again, I let it, go. Toucans are -decorative. birds • with wide, hooked orange beaks, which they put to a:, rather - doubtful use, A.great ,number of. birds in South' America build • their nests in holes in the trunks of trees and as the toucan's` fa- vourite meal is eggs. andfledgel- ings, it finds this beak very use;• fur for robbing nests. I have'. seen a toucan clean up a dozen or so at a time with • the frantic parent birds peck- • ing and .scratching. at it; but the toucan • took absolutely no notice and 'calmly continued its meal. Can't. Swat A fly So`- Hundreds Die' Operations' are now under, Way to- build a 150 -mile road' link- ing India with Thimbu, the pew capital ., of. Bhutan. When . corn- plete this modern jungle -pierc- ing'' highway will cut travelling time' from seven 'days 'to'.two, so 'vastly improving . communica- tions 'between India and this 'small,;• independent state, east of Nepal, with its' population of 700,000 spread over 18,000 square miles. Strange gods are worshipped in the valleys, where' most Rhuta- nese''communities 'thrive. Some valleys are 9,000 or" more feet high, set. amid' the mighty snow - clad Himalayas. In each there are, one or more "traditional dzongs; " pagoda -like buildings, with gold roofs and dragon -style decorations. These temples serve both as'centres•of religious rites and of local . ad- ministration. When a priest. or lama•is':in residence, no woman rnay'sleep dna dzong. Even Mu- ,tan's hu-,tan's dusky queen must obey. ,this rule. These,people, originating from Mongol 'and . Nepalese ,races, and' now menaced by, China, ' also' show a great reverence for.. life. They will not kill a fly for their religion,. a mixture of Buddhism, Phon and Hinduism, forbids it, so flies flourish, •:'spreading disease and pestilence, Dysentery, the country's No. 1 killer,` claims hundreds of 'vic- tims yearly, yet the people dare not risk 'offending their deities, 'by launchinganti-fly campaigns. The one 'sacrifice they allow themselves to make annually is a yak, which, they say, the gods. needin .order to be appeased. Navy Nicknames, Have you noticed that sailors of to -day are hardly ever called "Jack Tars as they were up to the beginning of the first World War? Nicknames die hard in the Navy, but it's easy to see why "Jack Tar" is seldom heard to- day. It dates back to the seven- teenth century, the "Tar" in those clays signifying the ordin- ary sailor's job. Tar was one of the most important things in any sailing ship. It often covered a sailor's hands and clothes all the time he was on duty. It usedto be said that sailors had a nickname for everything. Some nicknames are still widely used lir the Navy. They include "The Owner," "The Bloke" and "Jimmy -the -One" - the sailor's' names for the captain,cominan- der and first lieutenant of his ship. 'Gunnery -Jack" was '.once common for the gunnery lieuten- ant. Chaplains were called "Devil Dodgers." Navigating officers were "Navvies," Naval ships are often given nicknames, especially when their proper names are difficult to pronounce. Bellerophon, for in- stance, became "Billy . Ruffian" and Psyche was "Fish." Ate party one night a woman Was admonishing her husband. "Henry, that's the fourth time you've gone back fel more food. Doesn't it embarrass you?" "No," replied the husband' "l tell them I'M getting it for you.' • + : * CLASSIFIED :ADVERTISING:+ • AGIINTA WANT6q EARN Caeh in your Spare 'I1me, dust. show your friends our Chrlstmee and An -Occasion .Greeting Cards. (including Re!lglquel StattonerY, Gifts. Write for eamptes. Colonlel Card Ltd, 11e9 -B Queen East, 'rorontc 2• $ABYCHICKS BRAY has Amex in -Cross ready -to -lay pullets available, Request list, Day - olds end 'sterted to order, Leghorn and dual. purpose ehleke to order, January.: February broilers 'should be booked now. e 'local nttvan,H}cY John Werth, Hamilton, Ont, __ BUILDING MATERIALS FABRICATED STEEL FOR BUILDING 200' x 70' • NO CENTRE POSTS THIS steel was never erected, Price $15,000 f.o.b Grimsby Terms can be arranged. 'ROY C00KE A SON LTD.; Box 3T2 ORMMSBY BEACH, WH' 8„5643 EVGS., WH, 5.2709. auSINESS. OPPORTUNITIES ' MAKE' Extra Money Selling Nylon .hosiery eOd' Gift Items, Send for Free Sales Kit, To:'S.. M. Davenport, 610 E, 99th, Inglewood, -California, BE YOUR OWN BOSSI OWN AND OPERATE A Coin -Metered Unattended Westinghouse Laundromat', Equipped` Laundry Store. Net $4;090.$8 000 Annually. WRITE . or phone today for full infer. motion about unattended ,coin-operated Westinghouse ,Laundromat equipped laundry store opportunities In your community. You, manage in your spare time' - while ,netting high,. Income, We finance 80% •of your total purchase . offer you longest financing .period at loWest' monthly Installments. You receive •training' and advice from a na- Uonal orgonizatton ,that has helped over 8500 men and women Like you go Into •'business for themselves. No experience necessary. Modest Invest- ment This proven new profitable, makingtl opportunity oto'anyone owho wants to own his own business. Com, pare our scomplete program. ALD CANADA LTD. 54 Advance Road Toronto 18 ,ROger 6-7255 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FREE NEW 96 -PAGE • NAME BRAND' CATALOG WITH coded wholesale' prices ' shown , for premiums; prizes and gifts, Full Or Dart. Time Seilina CAMERAS, HI -PIIS, RADIOS, AP- PLIANCES HOUSEWARES, GIFT WARES, AP- PLIANCES, TOOLS, LUG. GAGE, BINOCULARS, SPORTING GOODS, TOYS, ETC. ORDERS shipped completely in 24 hours from our`giganttc inventory. CONTINUOUS supply, lower wholesale prices. • free'atalogue showrooms or send SUPERIOR MERCHANDISE CATALOGUE' 274 CHURCH ST., TORONTO, EM.341241 How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I make easier the job of reopening a, used jar or can of glue? A. To avoid future trouble, throw away the present -cap of your glue container and, instead, seal the container with some strips. of cellulose tape. This will be easily • removable ' the next time you use your glue. Q. When the soles of some overshoes have lost their tread, how canthey be made' nonskid ,again? A. Bythe application of a thick layer of rubber cement to the soles and then covering this with some fine sand. Q. How can I make a better and more legible job of address -l' ' ing my • packages for Christmas mailing? A. Try using e. regular wood - kitchen match stick, dipped in India ink, instead of a pen. Your Printing will be much heavier, and: muchmore easily read by the postal clerks. Q. How can I improvise a good movie screen' for some home movies? A. A card table will make a very fine screen. Open up just twa legs of the table, and use these to hold the table on edge on top of another table. Then, if the card table is dark -colored, you can cover it with some white paper or sheeting. Q. How can I enhance the flavor of my sploecakes? A. The addition of a pinch of pepper will bring out the full flavor of the spices in your cake. What •You Don't See Want your beer to be fizzier, your cake to cut without cruln- tiling? TV advertisers do, and last month "Advertising Age” ticked off some of the tricks they use to get the right ef- fects in .television commercials. Among them: •. Slicing cakes in advance, theft gluing them together, for easy cutting. • Dropping Alka-Seltzer into a glass of beer to make it fizz more: et ,Rubbing oil over roast beef to give it a juicy effect, • in shampoo commercials, shooting the"after" shot first - when the model arrives froth the beauty parlor, Then, mussing her hair for the "before" shot. ISSUE fit - 1050 BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR REHT COMPLETE serviceefaclllttes, e station, for earoo farm implement agency, Located No,'4 Highway, Wtn$harn, Write Oenadian 011 Companies Ltd, M S. Sutherland, Bos 543, Goderich, BUSINESS PROPERTIES. FOR SALE TWO Storey Business Block now sec- ond hand store plus four apartments. Choice business location. Ezoefent in. vestment, GRfford Weeks Realtor, Sault Ste: Marie, Ontario. Grimsby Marine FOR SALE OR LEASE WILL accommodate 200.300boats, spa• dolts grounds, also offices; showroom, and repair shop. House on property. $90,000,. $10,000 will handle purchase. ROY COOKE AND SON LTD, SOX 372, GRIMSBY, ONT. WH. 5-5643 - SVGS., WH. 5.2709 • CATALOGUES .' JUS'' OFF THE PRESS( E.P.'e Big, New catalogue of Christian Books and Supplies, FREE: 92 Illustrated Pages of all that's best in Christian Books, plaques, records and other supplies - for all ages - for all purposes. Make your Christmas shop. ping easy) Send Nosy for your Free copy! EVANGELICAL BOOK. SHOP Dept. W, 241 Yonge Sty Toronto 1, Ont. EMPLOYMENT'OPPORTUNITIES LEARN about jobs on U,S. FOREIGN Ships, Beginners, $100 weekly, no ex. pQ�e�rlence necessary. Details, • Capt. Wohlenherg,- Box 192-C Bowling Green Station, New York 4, New York, FARMS FOR SALE '120 ACRES cultivated on 144 'acre Stock Farm. 9 room, brick house with fur- nace, hydro; 3- pe. bath. Barn 44 x 100 and 30 x 50. Spring fed creels on Prop. , arty. Reason for sale: -111, Health. All enquiries should be addressed to: - Mr. Roy Tamblyn, R•R, No. 2, SUNDER- LAND, Ont, This advertisement is published 'free as one of the. many benefits of:- THE ALLIED SERVICES - (CANADA) 1028 DUNDAS STREET EAST, LONDON, ONTARIO. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE NEW Haylinec Balers.'Twoprice 11655.000 'December only $1299.00. You save ••9356.00• John A. B -„Wilson, R.R. 5, Co- bourg. FOR SALE- MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS Cards, Doctors appointment cards. $3.80 per 1000, postage included. Customs, tax, If any, extra. Nadeau k Strong, P.O. 11122, . Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A. RONSON windllte lighters, guaran- teed, $2.50' retractable ball point pens, 12 for $1.00; KB. pencils, rubber tip. ped, 36 for $1.00; Borealis jewelery, •necklace and earring velvet boxed $2,50; tie bar and cufflink sets, boxed musical lighters, . gale. Dealer enquiries 'invited. Estoke'a 1148 College St., Toronto, Ont. HANDWRITING ANALYSIS AMAZING Handwriting Analysts! Tells character, traits and talents. Learn :about yourself and others. Send hand• writing and 500 for each analysis to: Scottie, Box 732, Brockton. Mass, Money, Back Guarantee. HELP WANTED FEMALE ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT exchanged for spare time housework. Other' sal- aried work In office, artist's studio restaurant, or store guaranteed. Suit girl or mother and child. Box 199, 123- 18th Street, Toronto 14, -Ont. BAldwin 1• 1703 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED FOR various territories aggressive deal. ers to se1L assemble and install the famous Excel -Hastings Aluminum Awn- ing now' manufactured. by HOSKINS 8 U P'PL Y COMPANY (CHATHAM) LIMITED. Awning firms preferred but not maces. Bary For full Barttoulars write to HOSKINS SUPPLY COMPANY (CHATHAM)LIMIha INSTRUCTION EARN more! Bookkeeping, ,Salesman. ship alesman- sbip, Shorthand, Typewriting; etc, Lem sons 500. Ask for free circular No. 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1390 Bay' Street, Toronto. LIVESTOCK FOR sale Registered Galloway Cattle, 8 months to 2,years. Foundation stock Imported from Scotland. Price range $225.00 to $500.00. George Makinson fakinsons, Newfoundland. MACHINERY FOR BA1E FOR SALE, rebuilt Model 14 Buckeye trencher, hydraulic controls, good con- dition, $1,800, George Thompson 3199 N. Grove Standish, Michigan. Thompson, Viking 6.3641. _T MAGAZINES MERCHANTS, Importers resalers, aggents. ]h EuropBcl' Magazine, sard� 37 01E,emRD,oTorontorftD• Bras - MEDICAL DIXON'S REMEDY - FOR NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAINS. THOUSANDS SATISFIED. MUNRO'S DRUG. STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. itching scaling and burning ooze. •'ma, sono, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond .readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem, Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St, Clair Avenue East ,TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN 9E A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages, Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free ' MARVEL Write RRESS or NG SCHOO1 358 Eloor St. W., roronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamliton 72 Rideau- street, Ottawa PERSONAL ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goode. 80 assortment for 82.00, Finest qudllty, tested, guaranteed. Milled In plain Sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies, Western hetrlb foorro, ROX 24TO •PET STOCK . F0 R $ALE FOR sale. Border FancyCanaries. Guar. anteed singers. Mrs, onald Mclntyre, Ashburn, Ontario. PEDIGREED Persian kittens, most colors, deposit holds until prostyles, Carolyn Thomas, Gravel road, St. Thomas. PHOTOGRAPHY WAN') stades of your 35mm .black -whit. negatives? 150 per slide. Send cheque R KR. money Part Order to; Ont rriormeersch, SAVE SAVE SAVE 1 Films developed and 8 magna prints in 'album 404 12 magas prints in. album 600 Reprints each KODACOLOR Developing roll $1.0054 (not including Prints) Color prints SSE each extra. An5co and Ektachrpme 35 mm. 20 ex- posures mounted in slides $125• Color prints £rpm slides 350. each, Money refunded In full for unprinted nega- lives, FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOJ( 31, GALT ONT, PROPERTIES FOR SALE RETITLE IN THE LAND 0' LAKES, Farnt 300 acres mostly bush, soon wiiths bathroom, $8900 00. 18Farmo 130 acres, also bush, good. house, and barn. Both on highway 41. FDX' more infer- matlon on these, village houses and lots, summer cottages, resorts and Lakeshore write: Jahn J. SavlgnY, Broker, Northbrook. RABBITS RABBIT - BUSINESS WILL net usnesformal)nvestmet - $950.00 full. price. Takes only 2, hours. s day to'manage. Don't g mole on a business where you only think 'there will be A profit. We have arrangements with many large companies to dispose of $100,000 rabbits and. furs this coming year contract and guarantee give you full years. Limited supply, of Imported stock For appointment only Phone or write J. Howe, ME, 3.4127, 78 Dresden Road, Downsview, Ont, Book on successful rabbit raising $1,00 per copy postpaid. SWINE "ATTENTION, commercial hogmen — Landrace gilts, bred sows, top govern- ment premium boars from Advanced Registry ;sows with outstanding scores. Three months old, either sex, 4 for $100 delivered, without papers. Come or write. -David Wagler,-'Route.4, Ayl- mer, Ont': e • REGSSTEREP-Tamwcrthe, 3 months old 823.00 edam, 8 months ' old $43.00. Choice breeding stock Veterinary in- spected, Gerald Kenehan, Joycevlile, Ontario. TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER' wanted for SS No, 6 East Flamboro. Duties to commence Jan, 1, 1960, STATE qualifications and name of last school inspector.Vernon Hall, KR. 2, SUBURBAN MONTREAL CATHOLIC teacher 'required Immedi. ately. Lady to teach Pitman short. hand and bookkeeping ln,high school; also Catholic S hoolelBoardto Saint LourenE 1870 RueDecelies'St„ Montreal. JUNIOR ROOM TEACHER S.S. No. 6. SouthWold, (Talbotvllle). Duties to commence Jan. 1, Apply stating sal- ary, etc., to J. Burtwistle, Sec. Trees., R.R. 7, St. Thomas. GUELPH SEPARATE. SCHOOL BOARD TEACHERS FOR GRADES 1 TO 3 ALSO: TEACHERS FOR OPPORTUNITY CLASS SALARY - Minimum $2,000 for quali- fied teachers. Allowance $100 per year for experience to a maximum of 0 years; also for additional qualifications. ANNUAL increment' $200. Other' bene- fits under consideration. APPLY stating qualifications, experi- ence, age, marital status, references and name of last inspector to: J. F.. GRUZLESKL 66DNORFOLK 5TR GUELPH, ONT. VACATION RESORTS ALGIERS Motel directly on the Gulf. Friendly resort for a happy carefree vacation. Rooms and bedroom apart- ments accommodate 1.6, Central heat, free apart- ments, maid service, shuffleboard patios, parking. Canadian owned ant operated Hugh and Ethel Bowfin. 11600 Gulf Blvd„ Treasure island, Florida ORMOND Beach, Ola Ocean -front ,tit• ohenette apartments, $20 weekly $70 a,o hly.va olyllla Court. 1275 Breen Sh 5T. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA BEDINGTON Shores on Gulf, threb modern apartments, electric heat in ceiling, two efficiencies sleeps two and one, two bedroom sleeps four or more. 010 to $75 per Week or $155 to $225 per month. Further information write Mrs. A. 1 Bain, P.O. Box 5327, Tampa. 4, Florida. IT PAYS TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS MERRY MENAGERIE If fish is such good brain food, how .conte we're *111 stupid?” You Can Depend On When kidneys fail to rombve excess acids and wastes, backache, tired feeling, dinturbod rest often follow, .Dodd'', kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel best¢'» -sleep bet- tor. work better, You eaa depend on Dodd'e, Get Dodd', ataay drug etorw