The Seaforth News, 1959-12-10, Page 4News of Borns.. Church, l-lullett On Dee, 411t the Willing Work- ers •ol' -Burns Church met in .one or the glass rooms of the ohureh, trimmed the Christmas true tor. 26 children under the leadership of A4i's. Joe Babeook attended. The children cut decorations and the white gift service on Suadaa. It looked quite attractive *with• ate tinsel and blue decorations and blue electrto light*. The meeting was raided to order with the president, Miss Linda'R.i- ley in the ehair. ,All repeated tile Mission Band Puritose and hymn 47 was sung, The scripture story was read by June Govierand Jean 1Moozi, The secretary, Dianne Shepherd rend the minutes of the last meeting, The treasurer's report was given by Doreen Riley,. •Hymn "Away in a Manger" was sung, The Lord's prayer was re - Christmas Concert at SS 4 McKillop Wednesday, Dec. 16 at 8 o'clock Be sure to Have your tickets for the draw peated hi unison, 1h>rothi. and. Doreen.. Riley sang -.duet, "0 Lit- tle 'lawn' of liethielteln"s• The story, book was read 'by Jean A:lb- tas,"Diiuioo Roe, Juno Govier, I)orot11y. Riley and A7:rs. Gee, Gar- ter. Mrs.' Babcock•asked tiuostiiene 011 each section after it Was read, Barbara Shepherd took up the -collection and old sting the offer - big brayer: "Father 'bless the gifts we bring Thee,. Give tltemn something hind to do, May 'troy help someone to love Thee; Father may wo love Thee too," Hymn 66 MIA sung and,Doreen Riley read a prayer. The president read the benediction: Father of all little children everywhere, peep us now, and keep us ever in Thy ogre. On Sunday, the pastor, Rev, "lunge held a White Gift . service with appropriate 'poems, story and message. The Sunday Sehool Pupils placed their white gifts tinder •the tree and later received their diplomas, seals, books and pens fox attendance during the Sunday Scheel term. Several received diplomas for having completed a nursein memory treasure. Because or lack of space for class rooms and lack of 'heating raeilities during winter months, our young peoples' class was dis- solved a year ago to accommodate the small children, Sunday School will again be held from the last Sunday in April to the end of Cetober. Mr. Jack NB:Ewing is Su- petintendent, and Mrs. H. Teb- VISITING OVER THE HOLIDAYS?, Go CNR—the sure, the comfortable way. Snow -filled skies or icy roads will make no difference—you'll get where you want to go, and you'll enjoy every relaxi ng minute of your trip. And especially now with CN's new Group Economy Travel Plan you maketremendous savings when you travel.in a group of two dr more. For instance, for fair people going to Montreal from Tordrito, the fare is only $15 each, return!' The CN's new' Group Economy Travel and the "All Inclusive" 'Western Travel plans cost so little—why drive! For tickets and information, contact your , local -Canadian National ticket office. This year, more and more people who are going home for the Christmas season, will gre",jr IAN NATIONAL T-9-77 butt is Sec:Precis. During two Smitl.ay:•a •'ill. Jitile special centennial services.- were 1101(1 ill the . church. Centenlnial. books containing many 1>ietures and the story of the Ohltralt.1.141 were presented to 30 pnplls xvlho had perkeet attendance, and z1ine who missed only one day at Sun- day School during the term. P,apils aged 10-15 yrs, in 'Die class or •Mr's. E. Bell and Mios Gladys Leper, who had per e t attendance were—Jean Addison, Dianne Roo, Marsha Tebbutt, Ger• ry Addison, Brian Bell, Torn Ri- .E ley, Alec �M1a.Uw ing, and Dorothy Riley. Absent one Sunday 7iliel- ma Riley, Doaglas Bell, Pupils aged 8-10 years in tale class of Mrs, Geo. Carter and Mrs. Joe Babcock with •parfeot-'attencl- anee were; Kenneth Odeon, Dor- een Riley', Joyce Roe, •Connie Itlowatt, Karen Addison, Candice Bell. Absent one Sunder June Gooier, Sharon Riley, Linda Rt. world," ley, Joyce Riley, This olass.'hacl I Royal Winter Fair 4 -Ii +rani- 870 memory verses during the. .pions from Huron County includ- ed; 1959 Queen's Guineas champ - toe. Shorthorn'steer •and reserve grand •ohairtl ion, owned by Ken •Blaclk, Belgrave (0 member ot'the Blyth-Belgrave 441 . Beef Calf Club); Rom Smith, Brussels, won the III. A. • Summers Memorial tr00 Ph+S',as high. contestant of .the in- tercou'oty livestock Judging cent. -petition. Awarded the ,distinction of Huron •C ointy's "alda'ound" 4-11 club member 'was Don Lobb', R;R, 2, Clinton, ' Don, the 20 -year-old eon of Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Lobb, R,R. 2, Clinton, is a eebond-year student 'roux SDAII'ClITII NEWS—Tlturaday, Deeetnbor 10, 1059 riot .High Sexual • Board, The guest speaker was T, 11, lIi'llidt+d, director• 9f extension, Ontario Department: •of' Agrtoul' tura. 1.11 preoentatton'• of Special and cash awards Was•oaadehy•tbe num who directed the ,entire 4.1.1 Club program, 1), G, Grieve, a5S0- elate agrieullu't'al representative far Huron •County., D, H. Miles, agrientlD'al repre- sentative for Huron County, spoaldng 'briefly, said that "In 4-H everyone is a winner, a win - net beyond the 'prize money re- ceived at Aohlevotueli't Night. As a 'result .of year club methods; you are richer for your assooia- ;tions with your other Club mem- bers; are ,aware that personal ef- forts bring rewards, ,are a better sneaker, an educated individu- al and a bettor 'citizen to take your place in this everohanging tel Pupils G •years and under :3n of Mrs, Jim Howatt and Mies Dor- ethy Riley xvlso had perfect at- tendance were: Donald McGregor, Raymond Riley, Donna Riley, Brenda l:Iesselwood, Colleen Berl, Joan Hewett, Betty .Jean Me - Gregor,. Absent one Sunday,:. Ver- na Hesselwoocl, Glen Riley, P.npi's 6 years and under . in. the plass of Mrs. John Riley and Miss 'Beth Molfwing with.'.perfect .attendance were: Karen McEw ing, Kathleen NlcEtving, Terry Flynn, Peggy Govier, Gerald Ri- ley, Mary Lou McGregor,' JudY Howatt, Janette Riley, Gordon RI- at Western rten Ontario in veterinary Aricultural Jey, Absent one Sunday: Kenny Irleseelwootl.: science, Just one week ago at Ridge - town, he also received three top awards,—a, prize for high student 111 veterinary science, a 'prize for the best school ,citizen, and a Sr. Farmer Association of Ontario Scholarship awarded to a second - year student, • The 'warden's novice trophy went to Sandra Finnigan, Dun-' gatmon,... The champion swine trophy was Presented to Kenneth Papule, R, R. 5, Seaforth. . Donald, lONSKercher of R.R. 1, Dublin, reoeive(1 the: •'williani A; i Scheid Lueknow ,trojtiliy • Jack Broadloot of, •.oBrucefield' Was 'awarded . the Mervin Howe tr61111Y• •' I Showman's trophy went to Bill Strong, of R.R. 2, Dublin. 'Gloria' Boyd of 11.R. .2, Wanton, had the highest score an the 4-1-1 Dairy Calf •Chubs. For five years' voluntary serv- ice, 4-11 , Club Leaders'•; awards, were presented. to Earl '1rlcSpatld- den, R.R. 1, Seaforth, Me1illop Grain Club; John Strang. Gorrie, 1owick Dairy " Calf - Club; T -ed. Dunn, R R' 3, Bayfield, Bayfield. Dairy Calx •Club; Ross Marshall; HURON COUNTY ACHIEVEMENT- NIGHT The 13th annual Huron County Achievement Night was held at Wingliam District High School on Friday as a climax to junior farm work in the county, It'was attend- ed by parents and friends•o8 fixe, 366 members of 26 4-11 clubs in the county this year with 89.9 per cent completion of olub projects. Cash " awards ,totaling $2,400 given to the members, as well as crests, trophies, wrist watches, pen and pencil sets, show blankets and leather halters. - The Chairman was Ron''Mc- Michael, Wroxeter, president, :of the 5-11 Olub Leaders' Association, who in congratulating the Club members on eoml7leting their .pro- jects, .made. special mention of "those members alto' .made such an excellent ,showing at the Royal Agricultural_ Winter Fair at Tor- onto this . year. These achieve- ments at' the Royal are a big boon to oitr' 4-11 program .,in : • 1dµron county." ' He thanked the Ontario De- 1>artment •of Agriculture .for its loyal support and help in 'the past year, adding that it is only through this department drat the club leaders can be so well exper- ienced as to lead .such a large group. A %releoone was extended to the large crowd ,by R. 5, Cousins Chairman of the Wingham Disk• - • 4a COMPP.PJY COMING.:. HAVE PLENTY OF COKE! 2M{cyY .0 TRADE -MARK REG. O' aMM a - vc 3 SONO TAP �� ✓urSWOP She achievements and the prob- blems `arc titre faced during the Year; Phone has been a greater de- 1315.1id '011. 't110 hart o'f dairies tor Irigll stent »i3)lk became+ or the in torest' In the.tqultlie for a lower tat intik and as .chance for the dairies to supply +yearn to ' the trade at a greeter yield than ,tire 3.5 •dlffereutiel. The beef cattle fours.is' a' .question mai'ic in the t+ t t of minds ok 0.101 of 1e There re was en excellent oholco of quality of .Cattle"for the +individual needs this fall ata ttsee nuh less than n most people expected to pay. 'lire greatest interest :this ,year may be in the short peep •eattleandalot of feeders are looking towards an early anarket to make same mon- ey, Pw'o feeder can •clubs are sup- plying quite,s, bit of information to the beef producers of the •ooun- ty as to, eooniomieal feeding of beef cattle, Leht year ,the Rau. clubs experimented with sttlbe'st- rol and this year all animals will be treated with ditltyl stbbbestrol, The expel h1iei is for ,this year's calf •Club are 'Co -Rat tixe new. sys- temic insecticide for .the control of warble grubs and lice and ,the use of Cobalt bullets to improve appetites and feed intake. Huron and Bruce Counties were •oh'osen this Miall •by the Department •of. Ag - ,t icultu:re to 'hest the effectiveness of OpRal as a: control of the war- ble out,..- This :insectiokle kills" the grab before it reaches the back ,of tl;me animal, The manufPac- tuner indicates greater gains will result from the control of these grubs and lice. Six hundred cat- tle 'haave been treated 4n the two counties and a. like number are ,being used en checks, If HAS in- secticide Proves, effective, the present Warble lily Control Act may have to be s'evtsed. Milking • dairy cattle and animals intended for . slaughter wit hin60 clay's shoufld not be treated. The hog situation has not .+hanged very much, there are still a dot of bogs, in •the County. Poultry situation is about. the same as last year with the turkey producers joining.I the broiler :men, working on a very alien margin. The egg market is not settled: Sheep continue one of the bright spots to Nee live- stock field, with probably • the gr+afeat;.retitrai for money invest- ed ,.Two iiew diseases we .will by concerned with in the coming year will lie Leptospirosis and Jolxne's Disease, GREY TOWNSHIP • George , Hutchinson,' 1059' reeve of, Grey_ ito}vnshtp„ was defeated Monday by .011fford Dunbar. Ma- jority' for Dunbar was 1,3 votes: 1Membet's of the.1$59 -council were returned. For " Reeire Clifford , Dunbar 396; George S-Intohinson '293 Pot .Council-,ArcJ1ie'Mann. 443; Glen "Blether 466; Lawson' Ward 11.11, 1, Ki"rkton, Exeter Dairy' 3913 T�enneth'Bray 390; Harry Calf Olub; • Howard Pym, R.R. 1, Bolger 287. HDN7EiLL Reeve .Jahn Henderson was re= Lucknow, Lucknow Calf Club. turned 'fora second year at Jvton- Tuckersmitlt 4-11 Corn Club, day's election' in Hensall when he sponsored by the Tuckersmith ,dofeated Gordon H. Schwalm by Federation ,of Agriculture, Jack ,a majority of 173 votes, All mem- Broadfoot, R.R. 1. Brucefield, bets of the 1959 council were re - 958; RLobert,,5otheringhsm, R. R. ',turned to office. - 3, Seaforth, 664; Donald IMeKerolt-1 For Reeve — John I-Ienderson, er, R.R. 1, Dublin, 951. 253; Gordon Schwalm 80. Seaforth' 4-11 Swine Club, anon- . For Councii—Lorne E. Iiay276; sored lby Seaforth Jr, Farmers, : John Baker 250; firs. 'Minnie No= Jack Broadfoot; 926; Ken ,Popple, akes 240; John Lavender 200; R.R. 5, Seaforth, 909 Barbara James' Sangster 99. Turnbull, R. R. 2, Brussels, 908; I LOGAN TOWNSHIP Seaforth 4-1-I .Beet Calf Club, Reeve Wilfred Krausleo3 f was sponsored by tate Seaforth Agri. returned in Monday's election by Society, William Strong, R. R. 2,' a majority of 73 votes over Ru - Dublin, 954; Charles MacGregor, dolph Bauer, unsuccessful candi- R.R. 2, Seaforth, 948; Margaret date. il'aoGregor, R.R. 2, Seaforth, 915. GFODERIOH TOWNSHIP Seafonth 4-11 Dairy Calf Club, sponsored 'by the Seaforth Agri., Society, Gloria Boyd. R.R. 2, Wal- ton, 944; 'w,ilaua Dale; R. R. 1, Clinton,. 935; Laurel Dale, R. R. 1, Clinton, 927, McKillop 4-I3 Grain ,Olnlf,-spon- sored by the McKillop Federation of Agri., Don 'MnKerolher, 932; Robert Fatheringham,.925; Jack Broadfoot; 922. , Centralia,, Exeter Dairy Calf R.R. Tom Todd,2 Club; and Po, AG. REP.'S REPORT TO ` COUNTY COUNCIL. May I,take this opportunity of saying thank you .for the privil- ege of •apopearing before Huron County Council to outline the ag- h ricudtural activity within the 11 ,, county during the past year. Hu- ron is a rich county 4n both peo- ple and agricultural valuation. a r; The Minister of Agriculture, the 2 Hon. W. A. 'Goodfellow, in his re- marks at the ' 'opening of Sea, x forbh's Agricultural. Societies Olass B Fair said :that Huron was the .largest and mast active Agri- cultural County. left in the. Prey - ince of Ontario with over 4,000 actual farmers .making a diving on the farm. It is a great privilege yt but at the same time-'rc big chal- lenge to head the staff that holds the responsibility tor „the agricul- tural extension in this fine coun- ty. I am pleased to have associated with me in sharing these respon- sibities, Dr. Don Grieve, B,S.A,, y M,S.A., who is in charge of the 4.1-1 Agricultural Program and the Junior +Farmers activities, 'Miss Bette Tillman, B.H. Sc„ Home Beonalnist in charge .of 4-11 Home- making •Clubs and Senior Ladies Extension Work, Mr, Dan Erose who .is now in ,his Senior Year at C.A.C. gave us a :great dean of help during the summer months. Our office and clerical work was well .looked after by i1'Ia's. Mae Saheb() and Miss Helen Wilson. These two people are very valu- able assets to our extension pro- gramme as they keep things or- ganized in .the office. it is a plea- sure for all .of us to receive the warm, friendliness and oo;opera- tion'from all levels of government in the county. We certainly ap- preciate the help we receive from the various Township Officials, the Agriculture Committee of the .County Council, your Warden, your County Clerk, John Berry and his assistant, Bill Hanly. I would like at this time to re- view the agricultural situation in the county and :outline soma .of SAY "COKE" OR "COGA•COLA"-ROTN TRAOE•MARKS MEAN THE PRODUCT 0r COCA•COLA LTD. -1115 WORLD'S DEBT-.OVEO SPARKLIIIG DRINK BE R EA L L,.1 REFRESHED! There's a friendly fire and warm h� ospitality waiting at home ... and people waiting for Coke! Coca-Cola ... with that cold crisp taste that's bright and bracing as the winter air. Ride through the Holidays refreshed and relaxed .. . welcome your friends with the real refreshment . . plenty of ice-cold Coca-Cola. Authorized bottler of CocaCola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. ESEECO Ll ITED STRATFORD, ONTARIO W. J. Forbes was returned as reeve of Goderich twp., .defeating John Deeves. For Reeve—W. J. Forbes 358; John Deeves 175. . WEST WAWANOSH - School Board (three elected)„ Wallace Wilson 134; Edwin Mills 114; James Curran 114; Arnold Stothers 94. ' YAIiLAJY-1fOIPT, Margaret' Ruth Moir, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Moir; Hen- sall, became the bride of ,Frank- lyn Geo, Vanley, son of .Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo, • Varley, Kippen, in . a. ceremony performed by the Rev. R. G. MacMillan of :Goderick, in. Carmel Presbyterian Church,. Hensali, Sat. Dec. 5 at 2 p.m. The bride given in marriage by her father chose an imported .or- ganza waltz -length ,gown, moulded bodice, scalloped neckline, . trim- med with seed 'pearls and twink- ling sequins, lily 'point sleeves. She carried a bouquet of red ro- ses and white mune. Miss Bonnie Kyle, Kippen was bridesmaid wearing a Sapphire blue velvet street -length dress with a fitted bodice, scoop neck- line and three -quarter -length sleeves and carrying a bouquetof white and ,blue 'mumps. The groom was attended by Mr'. James Bar- ham, Guelph. A reception was held at the New Commercial Hotel, Hensall. The 'bride's mother received the guests wearing a frock of Royal blue nylon sheer over taffeta with. white and black accessories. She was assisted by the 'groom's mother 'weaning a :mauve rayon jersey, sheath frock with white and black accessories. For a wedding trip to the States the bride alonn.ed a black anci white knitted •suit with red and black accessories and grey persien coat. 'They will reside 10 Hensall.. Mr. and 'Mrs. Chas. Westawal' and 'Mary of Hani1ton were re- cent visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Chapman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clement and family were recent, visitors with relatives at Kitchener. TO ATTEND CONVENTION 'Phe Seaforth congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses .have been Invited to attend a three-da"y con- vention to be held in the Coder- iclt District Collegiate, Dec. 11 to 13411. • BICYCLE Anyone who makes.2.00 . o a or over purchase �of • TOYS • SMALL APPLIANCES. . • CORNING OR PYREX WARE • LITHOGRAPHED TIN OR PLASTIC WARE • CHROME WARE • TOOLS ' is entitled to •a ticket on a Bicycle to be drawn on Dec.' 24th at 8 P.M. COME ONE -- COME ALL — AND TRY . YOUR LUCK 1 mos .'Tree$ SCOTCH PINE, BALSAM, RED PINP ORDER YOURS NOW. WE DELIVER • • CO: flowers and potted plants BAKER'S GREENHOUSE - ' Your Garden Centre PHONE'355' ' ' SEAFORTH TOWN OF SEAFOIITH NOMINATIONS A meetingof the electors -of. the Town of. Seaforth will be held in the TmWn Hall, Seaforth • TUESDAY, .DEC. 15 1959' From 7.30 to 8.30 P.M. TO nominate one. Councillor If'a poll benecessary, the same will be held at the following p1aLcs on. MONDAY, DEC. 21, 1959 from 9 a.m. to 6'p.m. Polling Sub -Division No.. 1 and •2 at Teall's Garage • . Polling Sub -Division No. 3 and 4 at Public Library ' ' ' Polling Sub -Division No. 5 and 6 at M., E. Clarke Garage Seaforth, December 8, 1959 D. H. Wilson, Town Clerk 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA HARDTOP 1958 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON 1956 FORD SEDAN 1955 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 1955 MONARCH SEDAN, radio 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1955 Chevrolet Pickup NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL • SEAFORTH Phone G. Fawm 186 Phone 541 :an..ins.a.nnln... ..n..,.bnni,n"nnnn..... W.Oimn..YnnlulOn..,ti.Din...aii,l,,,n.n..n....n.iunnn.iYll