HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-12-03, Page 4BRODHAQEN air and 51.1.'S,1, 9oherlaith o Detroit spout a feu slays with Der parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. I3e11- nowies• and •other. relatlyes,. 9Lrs, Milieu I iel(liteit, ,Roger and Gary and leer Parente of De - troll apeut the weekend with Mr. and '33rd G. k ieltlneir, Mr, and firs. . Rose of Sarnia WW1 'lir. and Mrs. 011ris W, Leon- llardt, Mr. and 1h's. John littollel and Ruth Aune of Hamilton with her mother, :ills. A. I-iil1ebreeht. Mr. and Mos. A, Sntith, San- dra told Arthur of Blenheim with his father 1711 Salida and Mr. and Ails. Ken Snaith, lir, and Mrs, L. Wolfe In Kitch- ener for the weekend with rela- tives. Rev. Eberhardt of Miivertoa was in charge of the service at St. Petei•'e Lutheran Charon on Sunday and Rev, E, J. Tischer NNW in charge of the service at Milverton, Mr. ancllLrs. Reuben Buitck vis- ited their son, .M1'. and Mrs, Mar- tin Buuck in Milverton, Sunday. The 'Community Forum former- ly Farm Forum, sponsored pro- gressive euchre in the community shall here on. Monday evening with 17 tables playing. Prizes were loon by ladies High, Mrs. 'Win. Diegel; men's high, ,Martin Diegel; ladies low, Mrs. John C Diegel; men's Sow, Chris W. Leonlltardt, Lunch .was supplied and served by For- unl members. There is to be an- other progressive euchre some- time in January, Proceeds for hall furnishings, Mrs. Dalton Hinz has been at theh f M d Mrs Glenn canvass and. Miss Betts 7?131allau, Ciolinty dime 11 eenelltilst told of the fine support given by the Fed- eration i ed_ elution to the 411 preleots 111' Un- remIii', Bob Cturbert, forInenl3' of CI'IN1l.. Faris department and now direotol' of information and assistant secretary to the C.P.A..040 guest Weaker, He explained how the fanner is represented its this body. There is no direct vot- ing paver tor the individual any more than there is in the house of 0011110011S iu Ottawa, Rather you are represented by 'the dele- gates that you elect by voting hyour various organiza- tions just 09 you :are represented by Y0111' local member of parlia- ment, This is the 'only way by whiolf all farmers elm be fairly re- presented since •direct anomber- ship voting would mean that the National Organization oowld very easily be dominated by the ,farm- ers in close proximity to the place of animal meeting. Lost year it was in Saskatoon; this year it will be in Toronto. 3113. •Carbert oleo outlined some of the many questions on which Government asked the O.F.A. to prepare statements of ,opinion. Freight rate, the small farm, in- flatlon, credit administration. crop insurance, rabies •losses, and per- haps the most important of - all was the establishment of a world food bank. Several resolutions were passed and I will try to give these to you later. TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersnlith Ladies' Club home c> r, an, held their November meeting at Diego], Stratford, since the birth the hone of Mrs, E. O'Brien with of their daughter. 14 members and two visitors pre- atrs. Mickey cMleOloy, Stratford, sent. The Roll Call was answered Mrs, John Hinz Sr., Sebringgville, `viol 31•1400tious 1'or winter acti- with 311', and Mrs. L. Wolfe. vdties for the club. The sewing SIG'. and Mrs. Ford •Dickison committee reported the year's and Glendon, Mt. and alas, Lav-; project .almost completed, a box cru Wolfe with Mr. and Mrs, Dou 1 of clothing for children of ten Wolfe, 1LLtohell, j year's and under which will be Logan Township Council were donated to the Children's Aid So - hosts to 106 members of the llun-ciety of Huron County. A Olulst- icilral Council of Perth County at i mos exchange of 71c gifts will be the Brodhagen District Comnnur-' held at the Dec. meeting. A read- ity Hall last Wednesday and 'en -1 ing was given by :Mrs. L. Lawson. 'Lunch was served by group 2. Luted a banquet at St. Peter's The club held a turkey supper Lutheran Church served by the ' .for club members and their fain - TheLutheran Church women, flies, •ln the basement of Turner's The B1•odhagen and District Church, on Nov. 10th after which lIr. E. Anderson provided a very pleasant evening by showing col- ored slides of Greenland and Den- mark. Chamber of Commerce sponsored a bingo, dance and draw on 25 turkeys at the community hall on Friday evening. The hall was filled to capacity and the follow- ing won on Turkeys on the draw: Dale Artweil, Seaforth; Rudy Marquette of 'Mitchell; Mrs. Hen- ry Weitersou, R,R. 4, Mitchell; O. M. Nichol, Listowel; Carl Zorn of Seaforth; Billy Henderson of Seaforth; Norman Ronson, Sea - forth; •1Ierton Hackwell, Walton; Henry Teusch, Mitchell; Gerald Stock, Sebringville; Mary MerrY- field, Monkton; Bert Sperling of St. Marys; Mrs. •Chris Leonhaldt, Mitchel; Ralph Frets, R.R. 4,'Mit- cheil, Adf Reunecker, RR. 5, Stratford; Geo. Ford, 05 Charles St., Stratford; Mrs. Norman Beu- ernlanu, McKillop; Roy Poole of Poole; Willard Gingerioh, Baden.; Allan Siemon, R R 4, Mitchell Fred Eckert RR. 4, Mitchell; Pres Mrs. L. Lawson, Pres., ahs. D, 'Murray, Walton; ILrs C, Mas J Turner; 1st Vice Pres., Ahrens, Brodhagen Elliott Haack- 1lrvs D Whitmore, 2nd 'Vice Pres - well, Walton; R. E. Scheuke, of 3litchell. Bingo winners: $10 prizes — Ken Murray, Frank Buuck, Mrs, hen Sienion, Mrs. •lir Dalton, Mrs. G. Leoihardt, Mrs. W. Austin, G. Diegel, N. Bennewies, Harvey El - Nott, Mrs. Ken Smith. Split 4 ways on 510., Mrs. Geo. Beuermaun, Mrs, H. Meagher, lira. S. Johns; Parsonage 0011101., Mrs. L. Boyce, .firs. Gordon Kist- firs. E. Whitmore. Mrs. 1I. Fei- ner, firs. Idora Diegel, Mrs. Nor- couer: Visiting Comm., Mrs. G. man Ahrens, Harry Proctor, Irvin McGregor, Mrs. M. Falconer; Hillebrecht. Split two ways on 510., Ronald Hinz, Audrey Godkin, Mrs. Clar- ence Regele, Gerald Stock. 'Mrs. Mabel Higgerson, Mrs. Ivan Eick- uli 81 0Comm., Mrs. E. Townsend, Mrs. $5A0 Slrecial�llls. W.Kraus- hope. E Crioh, Mos. L. Lawson, Mrs. E. Wm, Rogerson. Split four ways en 550. Allan 'Whitmore, airs. 51. Falconer, Mrs. Sienion, ;airs, F. Eickme1r, .lira, L. Boyce, Norman Rock.. 5100 Special—Mrs. Geo. Sailing, Seaforth. Dancing followed with music by Clare French anti his Rythnt Rangers. Turner's Church W. A. met in the church basement at 2.30 p.m. Nov. 18011 with 11 members and two visitors present. The roll call was answered with "Steps To- ward Peace". The soripture was read by Mrs. E. Townsend, the prayer by Mrs. E. Whitmore, de- votions by Mrs. Wml. Rogerson. The topic "Blessed are the Peace- makers" by hl1s. II. Johns, A White Gift and candle light ser- vice is planned for Sunday, Dec. 13th at 8.30 p.m. Hostesses were MIrs. Greg .MacGregor and Mrs. M. Falconer. The following officers have been. appointed for 1910-61: Hon- orary Pres., :1Lrs. G. Mills; Past ident, airs, E. Crleh; Sec., Mas. F. Falconer; Treas., Mrs. G. Mc- Gregor; Assist, Sec.-Treas., Mrs. 1I. Falconer; Pianist, Mrs. E. Crich, Assist., Mr•s, Wm, Roger- son: Program Com., Mrs. W. P. Roberts, Mrs, L. Lawson, Mrs. W. Rogerson, Mrs. J. Turner; Press Reporter, Mrs. H. Johns, Assist., pupils made Elie preSenlation of a coffee table, gold cuff links pa- per: mato pelf sets, etc, Alfred ROSS Sr, read the Yellowing ad• dress: Dear Harold, Mary, 13011' 0111, Joan, John wild Allen: Iio- eatlse the bright lights of town nave beckoned you from Dur midst we have asked you here this evening to bid you well 111 your new surroundings. A few weeks ago we saw Margaret. 4 happy bride, leave for her new home. To you Donald, we wish 5110cees 111 y0111' chosen fields Of work. To Joan, John and Allen as you .lake friends in your new school, we hope you wi11 not for- get your former school matesat No. 4. Mary and Harold, as yeti go to your nett home, we would send with you our very best wish- es for yo111' happiness, good health and prosperity, As a tangy ible expression of our sentiments we ask you to accept these small tokens, Signed en behalf of your friends and neighbors; Buying Com., Mrs. G. McGregor, 11rs. Wm. Rogerson, Mrs, E. Townsend; Cleaning Churoh, Mrs. F. Falconer, Mrs. J. Turner; Flowers and Cards, ,Mrs. Ed Layton, Mrs, S. Johns; Lunch FEDERATION NEWS 13y J. C. Heuuningway Huron County Federation of Agriculture held their annual sleeting on Thursday, Nov. 27011. in tate Londesboo hall with about 200 present. We could have ae commodated another 50 and while there was a fair representation from the ladies section they could very well have made up the extra numbers. STAFFA Presentation to the Harold Colemans The residents of concession 8 and 9 of Hibbert and Tucker - smith townships met for a social evening of progressive euchre on Friday in the school house of SS 4 Hibbert, west of Staffa, to honor Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coleman and family who have recently, moved from their farm to live in the town of Seaforth. Before lunch Alfred Ross Jr., William Butson and some school 'Officers elected from the floor annmimaneurnovvinauwww were Warren Zurbrigg, Clifford, 'P105.; CUOrdon Greig, Wroxeter, 1st. Vice Pres„ and Frank Yeo of Clinton, 2nd Vice. Pres. The President, Winston Shap - ton reviewed the activities of the organization oven the past year and noted that there is need for improvement in the financial po- sitron. This is caused not by a re- duction in the income but rather by the ever increasing call for as- sistance in solving •farm problems that is being nade to the county organization. Interest is ritnning High among tine farmers and while only some 200 attended the county annual Well over 100 Dave been attending the township annuals and over the year well over 2000 farmers will be elSt to meetings to hear what is being done on their behalf end to offer their suggestions. Mrs. Vera Orelg, Chairman of Ontario Perm Forum, spoke brief- ly on the need for the results of these groups. This program is put on far the purpose of placing the problems of Agriculture be fore you so that your opinions can be discovered and a good do - claim arrived at, Doug Miles, Agr. Rep. expressed appreciation for the assistance gi- ven to the Dept, in the Brucellosis DORIS Beauty Salon Main St., Seaforth Phone 373 GROUP 9 of W.A. The Decenuber meeting of Group 3 of the W.A. of Northside United Church was held at the home of Mrs, E. O. •Chamberlain, Mies Ail- bie Seip opened the meeting With a poem "There'll always be Christ- mas". A hymn was sung and the Lord's ,Prayer repeated. 'hate busi- ness rues conducted by the 'Presi- dent, Mrs, W Bradshaw, She ask- ed •loo a good turnout to the Gen- eral W. A 011 Dec. 9, labs. G. Stef- fen rea'cl the report of ,elle Heal Eating connnittee, Tho travelling a110013 was brought in and a nice 611113 was realized from beneath its patches. Mrs, 3. C. Coolu'ane 11a(1 charge et the devotional part of the meeting and read a poem "I Still Believe In Salute Olaus", A Christmas Carol was sung follow- ed by prayer. The scripture was taken by Mrs. Steffen, A beauti- ful .cruet was sung by 3D's. M. Ber- ger and MDs. F. Hoegy, Sirs. Ooo11- rane gave a Christmas reading Christmas at Grandmatls", Airs. E. Fisher played a piano solo of Christmas •eanols. Silent Night was sung and the benedic- tion closed the meeting. tales. Cochrane expressed appreciation to Mrs. Chamberlain and all tak- ing part. An exchange of gifts was followed by a most ,delicious lunch. RECEPTION In Orange Hall' For Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Grum:nett (Coby Snyder) Wednesday, Dec. 9 HARBIIRN'S ORCHESTRA HENSAL,L Bride -Blest Honored Mrs: Harold Caldwell and Miss Bonnie Kyle were hostesses on, Monday evening at. the formers. home, when a numberof friends gathered to Dotter'Mae Margaret Moir, bride'Oleet. The evening was spent in games and contests, after which Mrs, John :Baker read the address and the bride elect WAS predated with miscellaneous gifts. Refreshments. were served by the hostess.. The Hensen Senior Citizens Club wore pleasantly entertained, by the Exeter Senior Citizens club on Tuesday evening. M1•. and Mrs. Gilbert johns and soars of Elinlvills visited vacantly with Mrs, Johns' parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wes 'Veneer. Mr. and Mrs, Dalton Skinner have moved into the apartment In Mrs. Aldo,Sitnruon's dwelling. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pepper have .loved into the upper apartmentin Mrs, Stepllan's house. p. W. L. The December meeting of the O,W. L, was held in the school ;roam. Fr. Sullivan, spiritual dir- ector '04•5 Present andopened 613.8Meeting with prayer. 1Mls. Gord- on Reynolds gave an interesting' report ou the deanery meetingth held In Stratford during e to month. Plans were made give t treats to the children at Christ- mas, plant to the shatins of the parish and gifts rte Westminster Hospital. Me annual Christmas party will be held •at the Dome of Mrs. Gordon Reynolds, Monday, Dec, 7. Father Sullivan read the Ohr%st- nuts story from. the bible, Mrs. R, !Pringle read a short story .called the "Christmas Plower". Themystery prize was won by Mrs, • Fleming. The meeting adjourned with player led by the president, Airs. Jahn Maloney. Lunch was served by O'Irs. M. Ettaand Mrs. J. Flannery. - WALTON A benefit dance will be held for Mr: John Maier who lost his home and entire contents in a firs last Tuesday night 1v111 be held Friday evening, Dec. 4, its the Walton Community Hall. Dona- tions of all kinds will be grateful- ly accepted including cash. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lamont and family of London were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter. Mr. M. Fraser visited with Mr. and Mrs, Glen Fraser, Stratford, and M•1'.. and Mrs. 3, Livingstone, Preston. Miss Jean Mills of ' London spent the week end with her father Mr. Bari Mills. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where better 'Bulls are used" WANTED ore Cs>>ws t be mated to our Better Bulls THROUGH OUR ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION SERVICE This will mean Extra Profits for you with the resulting Better Cattle for Better Living Breeds and bulls to fit your choice We are a non-profit farmer owned and controlled service organization through which the members are providing this better service for themselves For service or more information call - - Clinton. HU 2-3441 - or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 between 7.30 and 10.00 a.ni. week days and 6.00 and 8.00 p.m, Saturday evenings BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING .,,,Il,1i1I11111I1111111,IIIhlllnl1111 lllll1l„IUU11,11100010,, First Presbyterian Church 01110, O. 013)01110 91.1141 Minister 10 ani, 01(11(011 10110000400 ANA 7001111�0LLOwSlif 11, A.M. "JESUS CALLING" Mettle, Senior Choir, Anthem, "Tate Lord is My Light." Soloists, Mrs, 'Frank Kling, Ma Dave Stewart 7 P.M. "A Short and ,Sufficient Creed" 'VItiate Members of Jr, Choir "Beautiful Saviour" Tues„ Deo, S — A meeting of "Presbyterian Men" in the elnu'e11 hall at 8.30 p.m. All men of the congregation are invited 0,lullll 010111, lllllllll ll III lllllI11",ul it alum ll1e Nortlhside United Cfler•ch Worship 17. a.m., (Jr. Congrega- tion and Nnlrse)y attendants at each service) 7 Pan., Bible study in the Boolc of Aots. • 'Ohnroli So11oo1 10 am. (White Gift Sunday Dec. 13111, Special Service), Young People's Pel-lovship post- poned lentil after •the exam period. EgslottdvbIle United Clliioclu Dr. J, Semple, Minister Lyle B.asminlond, Organist-Chola• Leader. Seconal Sunday In Advent 11. a.m., \Morning; Annual White Gift Service. Special offering for MOM ViCIREMICMCOMMUMMtmcalatiglumoo --TO WESTERN CANADA W t OPS: CARS SLIDE TOO! Remember to be extra careful when driving in winter— ,.. SLOW DOWN speed limits were set For good driving condi ions FOLLOW AT A SAFE DISTANCE with plenty of room to stop ICEEP WINDSHIELD CLEAR danger must be seen to be avoided .. TEST BRAKES AT INTERVALS to get the feel of the road ...PUMP BRAKES jamming on brakes locks wheels and causes skids USE GOOD TIRES OR CHAINS making stops easier on slippery surfaces CO.OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Offices ins Toronto, London, Ottawa, Owen Sound, Windsor, Hamilton, Guelph, Sarnia, Sault Ste. Marie, Belleville, Port Arthur "t' .?o Insurance For CGrefeI Drivers" Tli1d. SG4F013TII MOWS S Thursday, December 3, 1969 130211gee Fund, Lovely Calendar. 7,20 p.m., Evening; Congroga- tioual: Olnest1110s Traditions. Singln'g 0110ist111ns Ouzels, popple elro,o.eing; J0, Choir Rehearsal, P1111a'sd1a', 7 PM, Sunday So11oa1 will assemble at 10.30. To Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver otactyurnee' and nooi The tfliTT1/If/IT/11 Ask your CN ticket agent about the tremendous savings "Allcan make under our new Group Economy Travel and "All Inclusive" Western travel plans! Also Pay Later Plan available! T-9413 RECEPTION For Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Qncren- gessol' (.Evelyn Rivers) 13rodhagen C01n1n11111tY HallFriday, Decernber 11 Booth in the 'hail 'Nulls Orchestra. '0 Xmas Trees SCOTCH PINI, I3ALSAM, RED PINE. ORDER YOURS NOW. WE DELIVER Cut flowers and potted plants BAKER'S GREENHOUSE Your Garden CTantre PHONE 856 SEAFORTII 1 • THE "Fresh 11.r" VentIatn Fan Now is the time to instal one or more of these units to keep livestock healthy and protect buildings from the .damaging re- sult of condensation. We leave .been notified that there will be an increase in price but for a limited time only we can supply the following. bargains 18" Fan Assembly complete ... , 68.00 16" Fan Assembly complete 63.00 i4" Fan Assembly complete 60.00. 12" Fan Assembly complete 57.00 MILTON J. DIETZ Purina Chows Sanitation Supplies Poultry and Hog Equipment Phone 647 R 21 R R 3 Seaforth ,1,13.11.1/1111141t111.11111111111,11111.1111111111111111111111. lllllll 11/111111,11111111111111111111.1,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,, PROCLAMATION TOWN OF SEAFORTH • In accordance with a resolution passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Seaforth, I hereby proclaim that in view of the present rabies situation no dog shall be allowed to run at large in the Town of Seaforth until further notice from this date, November 12, 1958. B. F. Christie Mayor God Save the Queen rA IIIMMOOMEs Town of Seaforth Re Dog Proclamation In view of the disregard by the general public of the recent proclamation issued by the Town Council re the confinement of dogs, and the fact that they are not to run at large at any time, the Council feels that charges must be laid under this By-law, Any owner or harborer of a dog who allows it to run at large can be sum- moned into court. The fine in a case of this kind could be $50,00 and costs. The Council and myself would ask all citizens concerned to comply with the laws and avoid the consequences. a. F. Christie Mayor