HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-12-03, Page 3ugingor" Won The English Derby A horse entered for the Derby is "kidnapped" and its place M the race taken by an older and More experienced horse of sim- ilar appearance. The substitute duly wins the race, but the gang involved An the plot are unmask- ed before they can collect the huge sums they had expected to win, That sounds like the theme of blood-and-thrinder racing noV- el of the: kind which everyone knows cannot happen in real life. But it did! True, it was more than 100 years ago, when the regulations were more lax than they are now, But to this day "Running Rein's Derby" provides one of the most fantastic stories sport has to offer. The fact that a Mur -year-old won the 1844 Derby is fairly well known to racing fans. What is not so well known is that the gang had already got away with exactly the same trick with the same masquerading horse a few weeks previously, Some sportsmen who suspect- ed trickery warned, the author - Hies then, but were not believed because they were unable to fur- nish proof. Not until the Derby had been won in similar circum- stances was their evidence in- vestigated and finally accepted, The plot had been carefully laid, It had started three years earlier when, in 1841, a race. horse owner named Goodman told his trainer, Stebbiftgs, to buy a colt foal or two "if you can pick them up cheap." Steb- bings bought for £28 a colt de- scribled as "a bay with some white hairs on the forehead." The_colt, which was named Run- ning Rein, was taken to Good - man's stables M London and then turned out into the pad- docks of a farmer named Bear at Finchley. In due course he was entered for the Derby of 1844. Not, long after Running Rein's arrival at Finchley, Goodman went to Doncaster Sales with a, farmer named Higgins, and there bought a yearling named Macca- beus-a bay with a few white hairs on the forehead. It is un. certain whether this was a coin- cidence that gave Goodman an idea or whether he had already formed his plan, but his inten- tions soon became clear. IVIaceabeus was taken to Hig- gins' farm near Northampton and put out to grass. A few months later he, too, was sent to Goodman's Londo n stables, where he remained for some time before being removed. The next development, in Sep- tember,1842, was the arrival at the Epsom' stables of a trainer named Smith of a bay colt that had some white hairs on its fore- head. The horse was described rue Running Rein. Nine months later came the first rehearsal for the grand coup. Smith ran at the Epsom meeting a horse named Mecca - hens. The stand-in was getting experience. The two animals were so alike that Only by seeing them togeth- er could a stranger tell which was which, and Goodman and his confederatea naturally did not go out`of 'Weir way to ensure that there was no confusion. Possibly both horses made a nutnber of journeys between the paddock, at Finchley, and •the training quarters at Epsom, but there are strong grounds for be- lieving that Running Rein never left Finchley from the time he arrived there. If the principals could have kept their actions to themselves their plot might never have been discovered. But employees had the actual handling of Running Rein, or Maccabeus (or both!), and eventually rumours began to leak out. The story readied the ears of Lord George Bentinck, one of the leading sportsmen of the,day, and when Running ReM was re- turned as the winner of a race at Newmarket a few weeks be- fore the Derby, Lord George raised an objection on t h e grounds that the horse was not, in Tact, Running Rein but some other. Now things began to warm up. The horse known as Running Rein found a new owner, an Epsom corn merchant, named Wood. Smith, who continued to train it, told him the sale was to MERRY MENAGERIE 'Oh, the teleph011e-1500th erase s silly- but remember the yewe they were swallowing wet" BUDDIES - Enormous, a racing greyhound, wei ghing 92 pounds, stands next to a Shet- land pony. The dog ts reputedly the world's Ice gest of his spe- des. wipe out Goodinan's unpaid training bills. Meanwhile, Lord George Ben- tinek and his friends continued investigating the history of Run- ning Rein. In doing so they dis- covered that another gang were working exactly similar lines with another horse, entered in the Derby as Leander. The anxious race stewards im- mediately called for the identity certificates of the two horses, but the switches were so clever they were still not convinced of fraud, and announced that both should be allowed to run, with the proviso that if either won the stakes were to be withheld nail a full inquiry had. been held. Leander, however, c a used them no trouble. He led the field of twenty-ninefor half a mile and then. Running Rein took overelet4elead. In passing, he kicked'Legider's offside hind leg arid smashed the bone. That was the end of Leander, leaving Run- ning Rein two lengths clear of the field. His jockey held him in then, and eventually he won by three- quarters of a length from Orlan- do, with Ionian two lengths away third. The stewards, anticipat- ing an objection, officially placed a fourth horse, Bay Momus. The objection to Running ReM was lodged,. the stakes, were with- held, and. it was decided to settle the case in the courts. This took the form of an ac- tion."to decide whether a certain colt called Running Rein which ran in a certain race foaled in 1841 whose sire was The Sad- dler and dam Mab," The plain- tiff, Alexander Wood, the owner, said it was; the defendant, Col. Peel, owner of both. Orlando and Ionian, said it was not. The case did not last long. Col. Peel produced the man who had • looked after Maccabeus at Nor- • thampton,and who swore this was the horse now called RUH- ring Rein. The judge ordered Wood, as owner of the horse, to make it available for in s p e ction at Smith's.•thaining quarters. When the experts arrived there Smith refused to allow them to see the animal unless Wood was also present. Smith had good reason for his refusal. Though he did not say so, the horse was no longer in his stalsles. It had been removed without the owners knowledge. Next morning Wood told the judge he had been grossly de- ceived by his associates and did not wish to proceed with the case. So, a month later after the race, the Derby of 1844 was of. ficially awarded to Orlando. Goodman, Bear, Higgins, and Smith were all warned off the Turf for life, and a group of admirers presented Lord George Bentinck with a piece ofplate worth :9300 for his work-in ex- posing the fraud. How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. Dow can 1 test the accuracy of my bathroom scales? A. Merely by weighing a eve or ten -pound bog of flour or sugar on it. Q. Stow eau 1 remedy a .,dtitl can opener? A, You can often restore a sharp edge to the opener just by boil- ing it in water for several min- utes. Q. HOW Can 1 Olean copper, brass, and pewter? A. Apply a paste made with equal parts of flour, vinegar, and salt. Let this paste remain on the metal for about an hour, then rub it off, ,and' wash the metal with warm water before, polieh- ing. Stole A House -Brick By Brick! Sunning himself in the park on his . afternoon off, the twenty- three -year-old Italian bachelor yawned at the mere thought of the strenuous work he would have to return to on a local hous- ing estate next day. A. builder's labourer, he was very strong and athletic, but he had alwrsys disliked hard work of any kind. That was one rea- son his girl friend had thrown him over a fortnight earlier. His reverie was interrupted by the appearance ref a pretty brunette, a nursemaid of about twenty, who came in sight push- ing a.pram. So gracefully did he walk by that he gazed admiringly and Was delighted to see her sit down on a seat near -by. She took out a book and be- gan to read but soon became aware of his persistent stare. lancing quickly at, his suntan- ned, handsome face, she decided that she liked the look of him. He began. the flirtation by walking to her seat and asking the time, Soon he was' seated be- side her, saying extravagant things about her fine eyes and lustrous hair. Theirs was a whirlwind court- ship. At the end of a month he proposed to her, concealing the fact that his savings were meagre, so completely did her beauty dazzle him, "I'll quit my job and marry you only on condition you build me the kind of little dream home in the country ; I've always longed for," she announced. "You'll have to do it in your spare time, but ru wait. The hard work will help cure your tendency to be lazy," she added slyly. "I love you, but I don't want a lazy husband." About a year later he told her their tiny but well-nigh perfect home.was finished, He had built it all himself, using the finest materials.. She was enraptured when she saw it. But soon afterwards, on the very eve of their wedding day, her husband -to -be was arrested and jailed. The police had caught up with him. For months he had been systematically stealing bricks, roof tiles, windows, doors, plumbing - everything but the foundations - from his employ- • ers' building itea, selecting al- ways the best. He had virtually stolen a whole house. He was sentenced to hard la- bour of another kind - twelve months - and the girl broke off their engagement. It's alinost itt- eredible what some folk will steal. Crooks in the United Stated once removed 150 miles of cop- per wire from the Michigan elec- tricity system, though a current of 200,000 volts was passing through at the time! Yet not one of the thieves was killed and no one was arrested. Only a crazy thief, surely would steal a fire engine. Yet someone broke into a village fire station i n Worcestershire at dead of night, some time ago, and drove away the .fire engine, complete with pump and ladders. Neither he nor the engine was ever traced, A .complete mile of railway track was removed from a Penn- sylvania branch line. The ripp- ed -up rails were cut up into small lengths and sold as junk. The thieves ,were also "cut up" when police tracked them down and arrested them as they were planning another raid on similar lines. Thieves at Miami stole a ten - ton steamroller. A burglar enter- ed a house et Charleston, Vir- ginia, and cut off Mrs. B. N. Hen- nigan's plaits while she slept. The reason for this astonishing theft has never been discovered, For Golfers - A Solid -Gold Putter! "Tiffany's Fourteen Kar a t Gold Putter," read an ad by New York's Fif t h Avenue jewelers recently. It offered golfers a club with a price tag -$1,475-as unwieldy as its 15 - ounce, solid gold head. But the small print carried a reserva- tion: "This advertisement ap- pears for the record only, as the entire stock has been sold," • In fact, Tiffany's "entire stock" had consisted of a single putter made to order fox a customer who wanted it for a gift. But Tiffany admen ran the ad in The Wall Street Journal anyway as a "spoof" to boost Tiffany's luxury -first reputation - and they sthuck publicity pay -dirt, Among the results: (1) News- men badgered the firm for de- tails, ran one story quoting Tif- fany as saying the putter could be Melted down and sold by goiters who fell on hard times; (2) U.S, Treasury officials call- ecl up to point out that melting down the putter would be ille- gal, end to ask if its percentage of gold content was withni the allowable limit of 90 per cent for art objects (it is); (8) "ear - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING el se $ AGENTS WANTE,D BARN Cash In votti Spare rime Jut show your friends ottr Christmas and AltOceaston Greeting (lards (including Religismal Stationerv, Gifts write for pimples cc:towel care Ltd 409-8 Queen east. Toronto 2 ARTICLES FOR SALE Snowshoes, All sixes and styles. Betel? Humane Snowshoe Harness (Pat). No ' Mere blistered' toes, rower. "snow. shoeing In Comfort." Bates' Snowshoes, Petit, W, Metagama, Ont. BLANKETS ' 100% PURE Virgin Wool, Double Bed . Sise. Write for pamphlet. S. W Sating Co.,. Box 190 Strathroy, (int, BABY CHICKS BRAY has ready-to-laii Ames IreCross Pullets, also started. Dayolds to order. Book your December -January broilers now. Dual purpose and Leghorn ehleks, to order See local agent or write Broil - Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont, BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT COMPLETE service station, showroom, Parts and service facilities, for car or farm implement agency. Located No. 4 Highway, Wingham. Write Canadian 011 Companies Ltd- M. S. Sutherland, Box 543, Goderieli BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE FROZEN food locker and grocery -meat business. Farming town. Clifford Weeks, Realtor, Sault Ste. Mode. 'GOLDEN opportunity. for right per- son, Self serve Grocieteria, Butcher & Cold Storage Looker Business. Brick building x 80' including all equip- ment as a going concern, for the low figure of 400,002.00, Situated in a grew - Ing community, Western Ontario, Gross turnover about $70,000.00. Locker rents ids about $1,800.00 (2100 population). Contact Box No. 200, 123 -18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. Grimsby Marine FOR SALE OR LEASE WILL accommodate 200-300 boats, spa. Nous grounds, also offices, showroom, and repair shop. House on property, $90,000, $10,000 will handle purchase. ROY COOKE AND SON LTD. BOX 372, GRIMSBY, ONT. Wit 5-5643 EVGS., WH. 5-2701 SAWMILL and grist mill working. One large shed, one other building . with or without house, good stand for selling feed. Lots of storage space, hydro with- in 200 -feet. Season for sale, ill health. Wilbert Maellow, Cataraqui, Ont. • BUILDING MATERIALS FABRICATED STEEL FOR BUILDING 200' x 70' NO CENTRE POSTS THIS steel was never erected. Price $15,000 4,o$. Grimsby. Terms can be arranged. ROY COOKE & SON LTD., BOX 372 • GRIMSBY BEACH., W14, 6-5643 EVGS., WH. 5-2700. EDUCATION EARN College degrees .in Psychology with Hypnotist -it major (or other sub- jects) by correspondence. study. $195.. terms. Isinity College, 325 Bankers Trust Bldg., Indianapolis 4, Indiana, FARMS FOR SALE 25 ACRES good clay Loam. Remodelled 7 room house, small barn, W. Realer, R.R. No 3, Dashwood, Ont. HANDWRITING ANALYSIS, AMAZING Handwriting Analysis! Tells 'character, traits and talents. Learn • about yourself and others. Send hand- writing and 500 for each analysis to: Soottie, Box 732, Brockton, Mass. Motley Back Guarantee. HELP WANTED FEMALE ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT exchanged for spare time housework. Other sal- - arled work in office, artist's studio, restaurant, or store guaranteed. Suit girl or mother and child. Box 199, 121. 18th Street, Toronto 14, Ont. BAldwin 8. • 1793. HELP WANTED MALE LINOTYPE OPERATOR EXPERIENCED on floor for progres- sive lob printing plant, -would con- sider two-thirder with aptitude, full scale, fringe benefits. Apply Phlbbs Printing Ltd. St. Thomas, Ont. - WANTED FOR various territories aggressive deal- ers to . sell, assemble and install the famous Excel -Hastings Aluminum Awn- ing now manufactured by HOSKINS 5 U.P P 1.. Y COMPANY (CHATHAM) LIklITED. Awning firms preferred but not nixes. sary. For full particulars write to HOSKINS SUPPLY COMPANY (CHATHAM) LIMITED, Chatham, Ont. - INSTRUCTION BARN moral Bookkeeping, Salesman, ship. Shorthand, Typewriting, etc, Les- sons 500. Ash fin free divider No 83. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1509 Bay Street Toronto LIVESTOCK REGISTERED Shorthorn cows heifers, polled bulls. Accredited. J. A Ann. strong & Sons. tt 1, Union, Ont. CARLOAD lots of Western Herford calves. Present prices. Heifers 214 Ib.. steers 230 lb. Write to George 00c - Sherry, Sidney, Manitoba. Buy nualltS cattle direct from our ranch. FOR sale. Registered Galloway Cattle, 8 moritits to 2 years. Foundation stock imported from Scotland. PrIce range $225,00 to $500.00. George Makinson, Slakinsons, Newfoundland, MAGAZINES MERCHANTS, iniporters, readers. • 920,00 year sOrnlile gniPotr!a0nrt• sard, 137 ...SWARD, Toronto 0 MEDICAL . _ . HIGHLY RECOMMENDED — EVERY - SUFFERER 09 RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1,25 Express Collect eral dozen" peoplecalled to say they might be interested in buy- ing a gold putter. Tiffany planned to order /m- other putter for display pur- poses, but later scrapped the idea on government advice, Rea. son: To keep the putters from falling into the hands. of heard ars. me POSTS ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eesenall rashes and weeping skin troubles Mee Sesame Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling and burning 0009. ma, tione, ringworm,. eiroelee and foot eczema resnona readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless Of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Fres en Receipt of Price PR7CI $2.90 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2$65 St. Moir Aveeue East TORONTO NURSES WANTED IMMEDIATE VACANCIES FOR GENERAL DUTY NURSES FOR an active medical -surgical unit. Accommodation semilable In modern nurses' residence, FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY TO DIRECTOR OP NURSING IODE Memorial Hospital Windsor, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER Join CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages Thousands of sucressful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 350 B1001. St W„ Toronto Brunches: 44 King St, W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street Ottawa PERSONAL ADULTSI Personal Rubber Goods, 88 assortment for $2.00 Finest eilaiitS, tested. guaranteed. Mailed in plain (waled package plus free Birth .anrol booklet and eataiogoe of supplies Western Distributers, BOX 24TP Regina, Sask. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE SAVE! SAVE! Films developed and 6 magna prints in album Ole 12 tnagna prints In album We Reprints 54 each KODACOLOR Developing roll $1.00 (not including prints) Color prints 83C each extra. Anse.) and Ektachrome 35 mm. 20 ex- posures mounted in slides $1.25 Color Prints from slides 350 each, Money refunded in MB for imprinted Ingle tives. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31 GALT.'ONT. PHOTOGRAPHY WANT elide/. of your 35min Week -white negative:4 154 per slide. Send abwill Or money order to: IL vanderrneersote R.R. 1, Port BurWell, Onterio, POULTRY EXHIBITION Bantams, 13armed ROOkth, Reds, Cockerels 92 00. Standards Bred. to -lay Rocks, Pullets 92.25. Cockerele $4.00 F. 1lYan, Fenwick, Ont. PROPERTIES FOR SALE WINTER PARK, FLORIDA DommertioN Estates. Beautiful new 3 bedreom, bath, colonial home. Central heating and air.conditIoning; fire. piece; fully equipped kitchen with dish- washer; 2 oar garage; landscaped lot, $20,509. Phone MI 4-7202 or write P.O. Box 930 Meitiont rioriee. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Grocery Store Grossing $200,000, ...... 410,000.00 down Butcher Shop $ 5,000,00 down Dry Cleaning Plant . 510,500.00 down 183 acres, house, two barns-.... ........ . $ 5,000.00 down 13arber Shop 5 2,500.00 Car Lot „... ................ $ 7,900-00 John Burke, Reallor—Phone 863 Exeter STAMPS IITHLII UP A FABULOUS STAMP COT. LECTION FOR ONLY 91,00 A WEEK. Upon receipt of your dollar we will send you a selection of all different stamps from a country. Your first selection will include a complete list and quantity of the stamps shipped each week starting with Albania FIRE ISLANP STAMP CO. BOX 37, U.S.A., WEST ISLIP, N.V, SWINE REGISTERED Tamworths, 3 months old $23,00 Boars, 8 months old $43.00. Choice breeding stock Veterinary in- spected. Gerald Kenehan, Joycerine, Ontario. _— TEACHERS WANTED SUBURBAN MONTREAL CATHOLIC teacher required immedi- ately. Lady to teach Pitman short- hand and boolckeeping in high school; also lady for elementary grades. The Catholic School Board of Saint Laurent, 1870 Rue Decelles St., Montreal. VACATION RESORTS 000000422 Beach, Via. Cieean-front chenette apartments, $20 weekly, 470 monthly. Volvilla Court, 1275 Ocean Shore Blvd. GATEWAY AREA FURNISHED 1 -bedroom apartments, TV, heat, air conditioning, everything furnished. $1,200 up to 8 -month season. Also weekly and monthly rates. Carioca Court 817 N.H.. 18t1, Ave.. Ft. Lauder- dale, Florida. ISSUE 48 - 1959 ship shapes-- Ever wonder what's in back of those pictures of pretty girls who put their heads through ship portholes to accommodate photographers? Covering the story in depth, the lensman not only snapped pretties Mary Jo Jones, ieft, and Sheila Finn in the photo above peering through the side of the french liner Liberte, He also got a behind -tile -scenes shot, below, of the 19 -year-old models who were returning to New York City from a four-month tour of Europe.