HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-11-05, Page 7Swimm ng For Life He Studied Fish On the morning of September 19th,' 1840, the Philadelphia pa- pers carried a brief announce- ment that Constantaine Samuel Rafinesque-Schamaltz had died on the previous afternoon. Titus ended, almost unnoticed, the life of one of the strangest personal. ities of all time, A man with an incredibly fer. tile brain, he had. -during his life- time launched scheme after scheme in all kinds of fields. If he is to be labelled at all, he must be called a naturalist, for his studies of plants and animals, Born in Constantinople in 17.83, of a French father and a . Ger. man mother, Rafinesque became passionately interested in natural history almost before he was in his teens, though other studies wore not neglected, By the age of twelve he could speak Greek, Italian, French and English, and had already read more than a thousand 'books. His chance to go abroad came when he was nineteen, His bro- ther went to live in America, and Rafinesque went with him. Al- ready one of his major eccen- tricities was well developed. He had a consuming ambition to. find new species of plants and animals, During his life he named and described morenew species than any other man before or since his' time, Some of his new species were genuine, but the v,ast maj- ority of his -,so -palled discoveries were, in fact, specimens which differed but slightlyfrom the average of the known species to which they belonged. On landing in America, he immediately "discovered" what he declared to be a new species of plant and invented a name for it. Subsequently he complained that "the American botanists would not believe me." In 1805 he returned to Europe and lived for ten years in Sicily before settling permanently in America. In Sicily he setup a flourishing export business in medicinal plants, the money from which enabled him to spend most of his time studying the animal and plant life of the is- land and the surrounding seas, He collected fish by the hun- dred, and gave a new name to almost all of them. He then pickled them and sent them to the great French zoologist, Bar- on Cuvier, who became exasper- ated at receiving so many wrong- ly named specimens. When he criticized Rafinesquie's naming mania, the young naturalist be- came angry and promptly col- lected and named another hun- dred species all incorrectly! It was during his stay in Sicily that Rafinesque tried hisfirst; and not very successful, experi- ment in marriage. The start was certainly not encouraging. Just before the marriage ceremony he caught yet another "new" fish to send to Baron Cuvier, and insisted on taking it to bed with him for safety on his wedding night! In 1815, he set sail for America for the second time, taking with him an enormous collection of books, preserved animals and plants, including half a million shells! Nearing the American coast the ship was wrecked, and Rafinesque lost the whole of his possessions. Even as he swam for his life, however, he found time fe notice "many new species of animals and plants" in the water. Obliged to begin again from scratch he managed to get a job teaching botany, but he regard- ed this merely as an incidental occupation, and did not allow it to interfere with his ambitious plans, Some of the work he did during his second sojourn in America was of considerable value. He made a detailed study of all the fish of the Ohio river, and published his results in a book which justly gained him recognition as a leading author- ity on American fish. Had he stuck to this kind of work, for which he had un- doubted ability, he might have gone down in history as one of America's greatest naturalists, but unfortunately his temperament was against him, and before long all his energies were being di. vented' to one of his impossible schemes, He invented a system which, he claimed, would revolutionize the world's financial methods! Such was his confidence -in the scheme that he journeyed.toWashington to explain it personally to John Quincy Adams, the President, and became furious when the old man would have nothing to do with it. Nothing discouraged him •for long, however. At one time he was developing'a cure for tuber-. mitosis and peddling the medi- eines that he had invented. Other inventions included a steam plough, a fireproof house a'nd an aquatic railroad, And all the time Rafinesque was writing. Over one thousand books and pamphlets flowed from • his pen, but few people bought thetn. One result ot this is that the few copies of his .va- rious works existing to -day have become value b 1 e. Fabulous prices have been paid for copies Of his rarer books. STOP ON SIGNAL - Some 1,271 persons were killed at railway -highway crossings last year, reports the U.S. Interstate Commerce Commission. There Were a total of 3,099 accidents, involving pedestrians as well as motor vehicles and trains. The figure was below that for 1957 (see chart) a.nd continued a ten-year downward trend. Enough • Wine To Float A Navy! When a busy official of the world-famous Port' of London' Authority - known everywhere as the P.L.A. - was asked for facts and Hgures about the vast amount of commodities in the warehouses of the Port of Lon- don, he said; "There's more than enough timber to make a path of planks all around the world. There's enough tea to make a cup for every man, woman and child in Europe. There's enough tobacco to give everybody in Britain three packets of cigarettes each. And there's as many carcases of chilled or frozen meat there as would stretch to .New Zealand and back, not to mention enough wine and spirits to float, allthe ships in the. British Navy." These men of P.L.A., who have been celebrating their jubi- lee, are a body' with enormous responsibilities at the most im- portant port in the world, which. has often been called the front door to Britain's larder, One of them, Sir Ian H. Henn, has the prouddistinction of the board of the P.L.A. since' it first met in 1909, when the Thames had already been a centre of trade for more than 2,000 years. It's estimated that he has attend- ed 500 meetings - all voluntary work =- to discuss Port of Lon- don business. And what a business it is! "It. represents," wrote ,one P.L.A. historian, "one of the command- ing successes 'of this century. In- heriting a watery estate nearly six times the area of the City of LondOn, the members of the Au- thority, without reward, in hours borrowed from private occupa- tions and personal interests, have turned their stewardship to triumph." The P.L.A. celebrated their -fiftieth anniversary last March but few Londoners hurrying over the Thames bridges- gave more than a passing thought to the forty-five miles of quays that come within its members' con- trol. With its great docks, wharves and warehouses, :the port is the most important in the world to -day. As long ago as Roman times London (then called Londinium), was recorded as a port with a substantial trade. To -day the P.L.A. is a body representing many interests including the port workers, the Admiralty, the Ministry of Transport and Trin- ity House. One of the P.L,A.'s many tasks is the dredging of the harbour. During its first twenty ' years, dredging operations cost two mil. lion pounds and involved the re- moval of forty-seven millions tons of material ' from the Thames, An unofficial "museum" to house some of the • curiosities that constantly turn up in the course of the P.L.A's wont' was started by some officials a few years ago. Strange objects found in bales of cargo, picked up on the docks and excavated from the river mud were included in the "exhibits." There were a jumble of bones a large scorpion from the Dutch ` East Indies, part of an ancient cannon, an old door with a rusty lion's head knocker, a fireman's rattle dating back many years, and a native chopper, How Can 1? Q. .Row can, 1 mix a geed, tough liquid for blowing soap • "bubbles? A, Try. the following solution: Two parts of dry. Castile soap, thirty parts of glycerin, forty parts of water. Q. Flew can 1 prevent Lite sewing Machine ' Needle [rain ,ctittiilg • linen materials? A. Rub' the seamh to be stitch- ed with hard, white soap, se CLASSIFIED AGENTS WANTED FARM MACHINERY. EARN Cash In your Spare rime duet show year, friends our Chris moa and A11-Occastee Greeting Cards including • Religions) Stationery, Gifts. rite for samples, Colonial Card L . 489-0 Queen East. Toronto 2 BABY CHICKS REQUEST Bray net Ames In•Cross pul. lets, ready -to -lay, strated and dayolds. Dual purpose and Leghorn chicks, day old and started, Fa11-Winter delivery. best broiler verities, ahould be order• ed now See' your local agentor write bray Hatchery, 120 John ,North, Hamil- ton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MAKE $5,000 - $20,000 Yearly{ Es. perienoe unnecessary! No public cow tact, Work home sparettmel Free' expert,guidance. Details. $1.00. Satis- faction, or refund Guaranteed, Handl- ton's Hatch, New Mexico. HERE is the opportunity to develop and operate a clean' simple, .profitable . manufacturing business front your home. Formula available at reasonable • cost plus . all necessary information: PHIPPS. 06 Knightswood, Guelph . Ont, BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE MACHINE Shop for Sale. Lease. Main Street location. Price $5500.00, Cantelon- Taylor Machine Shop, Collingwood Ont. LUMBER • and builders' supplies busi- ness located in 'Southern Ontario (to- bacco. belt). Established 1948 Tereus. Box 198, 123 -18th Street, New Toronto, Ontario, ` PORT ELGIN TOBACCO FARM SACRIFICE 172 acres total. 621/2 acres rights, equip. ped, producing, o free. Owner ospital,, Will submitany offer. Amster McDonald Lamont, Broker, Port Elgin, Ont, Restaurant GRAY COACH. AGENCY STRATEGIC location in a fast-growing community just minutes north of Met- ro. Seats 40 with room, for _expansion, shows excellent return,. 5 -room apart- ment in rear. Full price including property, business and equipment only $45,000 with excellent terms. •W R. CASE REALTOR, AURORA DIAL DIRECT, Elft. 4-2975 DEER HUNTING ATTENTION deer hunters! - Excellent food, guides • dogs, accommodation. Phone LE. .{-9676 or write Sherratt, Emadale, Ont. DOGS LABRADOR retriever pups from cham- pionship field and bench atoek. BRI. Emmett, 81 1st Ave. St, Thomas, Ont. Phone ME. 1-9505, after6 p,m. FARMS. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL rolling stook farm. Mod- ern, Paved°.highwayy. $15,000, half down. Elba Farm, Route 4, Orangeville, Ont. "GREY COUNTY: Farm, Grist Mill & Saw Mlll all included in this bargain - sale, of 170 acres. Good soil, ' 130 acres workable, 20 acres bush, spring creek, with dam gives ample water ,supply and power. 8 room brick house, 4 pco,. bath, furnace hot air, .second house, frame 5 rooms. Good barn, 20 staunch - ions water. in barn, hydro, litter car- riermilk house. ,Mill Includes allequipment, turbine water power. Lo. Bated closeto schools and shopping. Excellent income. Price 935,000.00 half cash, balance arranged" HALTON COUNTY: Exceptional scenic property, . Milton -Hamilton area; 100 acres on 2 roads, 80 acres workable,' light gravel loam garden soil, 20'aores flat laud with ' TROUT stream . full, length of property- 10 room, • brick house 2 storey, hot water heated, 2 bathrooms, hydro. Good 'barn and out- buildings. Price to close -estate $35,000. Exclusive. • • JOHN E. BELYEA,BROKER 'Oakville Ont, -Phone VI. 5.0531. Collect. 99 acres Grey County; clay loam well and 2 springs; 6 -room frame house bank barn and school on farm.' A -real buy at $6,500 with terms. 100 acres, 50 workable; 2 .spring creeks and pond; 6 -room insul-brick house, bank barn. School 1 mile. Only $3.000 down. 100 acres, 8 -roomed house, bank barn, water in, new 'stabling. School on farm. $6,500 down. ALSO 100 acres, 6 -room house bank barn, level land, weeds sprayed every year. $7,000 down. ABOVE two 100 -acre farms can be bought together or separate. MANY other, choice propertles. WILFRED McINTEE, REALTOR DURHAM. ONT.-PHONE 5 OR REP,, TORONTO, CI:. 5.1442 MERRY 'MENAGERIE 'He followed Mary to school one day -under the impression she went to REFORM school!" NrlEllIdeaurO. one row, new Corn Piokere 1107aonb.00 and up. New two row Plcker $1800.00, laister 'Tractor Harvester Co.. 302 11UC300YE TRENCHERT Conveyor type Backfiller. T,D.9 Bulldozer. Win. F, ,Cla4rk Merrill, Mioh„ U.S.A. Ohone MI.9.779; LONG WHEEL BASE 3 -FON SPECIAL DODGE truck with or without 14 ft,, stake rack; 10 ft platform and stake rank' 'Fortson Major•,.'M,M. Waterloo and 'ockshutt,30 tractors with L,P,T,O,1 fertilizer disc seed drill. Irving, Keys, Glammis. Telephone Paisley 114.-4.. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ELECTRIC DRILL SALE. SALE special Black and Decker i/" elec- tric drill with geared chuck key. Power- ful universal motor 2,000 R.P.M., Fully guaranteed by the manufacturer. Note this is a genuine Black and Decker drill, nationally advertised, regularly selling for much more. Bargain while they last 916.90 postpaid, For prompt delivery send check or money order to: S, & A. Distributors, 190 Hrookelde Ave„ Toronto 9, Ontario. NEW CHAiN SAWS SAVE • $100.00 BRAND New Remington Sliver Log. piasters. 5 H.P. class, 18" out, only 125.00, Shipped Prepaid anywhere In anada. BERGER EQUIPMENT, ARNSTEIN, ONTARIO FINANCIAL 6°4 Interest Paid On GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES ANY TERM, 1.5 YEARS THE Sterling Trusts Corp., 972 Bay St., EM. 4-.7495 HELP WANTED FEMALE NURSES AIDES REQUIRED for the Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, A six week course will comp menu on Wednesday. October 16. Minimum age 17 years, Educational ,requirements grade 10. Salary - paid during training course $25.00 per week. Minimum Salary at ter training course - $140.00 per month, Applicants are required to re. main on staff one year. Information may be obtained from the Director of .Nurses, Kitchener -Waterloo hospital. Kitchener, Ontarlo PHYSIOTHERAPIST TO HEAD DEPARTMENT FOR Bayerest, hospital and the Jewish Home for the Aged. Salary open, de- pendent upon previous experience. CALL or write Mr. Sam 'Ruth, admin- istrator, 3560 Bathurst St, RU, 1.3501. FOR RENT HUNTING camp, for rent. Good terri- tory, Deer plentiful this season. Guide and dogs aVailayle, 5. R. Talt,L'Amable P.O. Ont. HUNTING HUNTING: Deer, duck, partridge, 4 memberships open starting this sea- son in established hunt club. Write J. R. Tait, L'Amable P.O., Ont. HORSES • PALOMINO colored quarter horse, 15 hands high, five-year-old, $250.00. Ronald Ireland, 1226 Murphy Rd., Sarnia Ont. Phone Digby 4.9391. SHETLAND, top quality -American blood tines, Cash or terms. Registered mares and fillies. popular sizes, colors. Owen McCrohan, Oshawa, Ont, KITTENS BEAUTIFUL purebred Siamese Kit- tens; breeding .stock available.. James Harrison, 851 Garth St., Hamilton Ont,. LIVESTOCK ' AYRSHIRES offering young bulls of serviceable age, bred heifers. and foundation stock of all ages. Alex Wallace. Smiths Falls, Ont. REGISTERED ngusT owsDwith calf Dort caliAberdeen.0 each. Rod Green, 5th Concession, Lon• don, near Fonshaw, Phone GENERAL 4.8557. INSTRUCTION EARN more:. Bourdtoepmg, Salesman. snip Shorthand, Typewriting. etc, Les• sons 502. Ask fm free circular Nu 93. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street Toronto. MEDICAL _ FRU1T JUICES: THE PRINCIPAL INGREDIENTS IN DIXON'S REMEDY • FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS, NEUR1115, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1,22 Express Collett POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching scaling and burningecze• ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema trill respond readily to the stainless .odorless ointment regardless of howv,stubborn of hopeless they seem. Sent .Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 03.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 5t Clair Avenue East TORONTO AOV RTI$ • NURSES WANTED N Head Nurse for Delivery Room and General Duty Nurses FOR DELIVERY Room .for active 193 bed maternity floor (including nurseryi. MODERN hospital beautifully located on Lake Ramsay OPERATED by The Sisters of St, Joseph. APPLY DIRECTOR. OF NURSING. SUbB1lRY GENERAL HOSPITAL OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY, SUDBURY' ONTARIO. OPPORTUNITIES RAGS INTO RUGS 32" BURLAP 54 yd„ 88" - 65¢ yd. Rug Hook 35¢. Booklet • of designs 104 (free with Order),. BLUENOSE New Glasgow, 14.5. OPPORTUNITIES FOR. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED. Young men train. for Teleg, rapher with $76 machine we loan you. Advance to Agent more salary Express Comm'ns & Free house. SPEEDHAND trains in 10 weeks home, study for Stenographer. Free book either Course. Cassan Systems, 10 East- bourne, Toronto 14. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages Marvel Graduasuccessful America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bioor St, W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau street. Ottawa PERSONAL SEND For Free Story! Gathered "In- dian Herbs', cured myself, In ten days, of Arthritis, Rheumatism. Clyde C. Crodle, 820.141 Street, S.E., Puyallup, Washington. Prophet Elijah COMING BEFORE CHRIST CONVINCING Bible evidence. Free Book. Write: Megiddo Mission, Dept. 80, .Rochester 19, New York. GREY HAIR! WHY? WITH Grey -No Hair Color Restorer you can restore grey - hair back to its orig- inal color and beauty. This is a tested and approved product, sold at all leading drug and department stores. Trade mark in Canada and U.S. 92,69 ARNer OoLabora Laboratory In., order95 00 Sala- berryC.O.D. a a berry St., Montreal 12, Que. Sold on a Money Back Guarantee. ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods, 80 assortment for $2.00. Finest quality, tested, guaranteed. Malted In plain Sealed package plus tree Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies. • Western Distributors, BOX 24TP Regina, Sask, PET STOCK SIAMESE KITTENS DACHSHUND ealAND nedSKRegisered,, halt guaranteed. evU• eek, -jJerseyville. Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE I SAVE I SAVE I Films developed and 8 magna prints in album 409 12 magna prints In album 004 Reprints 54 each KODACOLOR Developing roll $1.00 (not Including Tints) Color prints 354 each extra, prints) and Ektachrome 95 mm. 20 ex• posures mounted in slides $1.25 Color prints from slides- 354 each. Money refunded In full for unprinted nega- Eves. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31 GALT. ONT. POULTRY FARM FOR SALE "MODERN thriving poultry ranch. 5500 capacity. Automatic equipment. 50 acres. Good water, soil. Retail market, Good weekly net. $6500 down. A Tlchy. Angus Ont. Alliston, 11E-5.7502." PROPERTIES FOR SALE DAIRY BUSINESS: Brick building 25 x 68 with living quar- ters and snack bar. Equipment 1st class condition. Located In a small town. No opposition. Showing good profit. $20; 000.00 down, balance terms. TOBACCO FARM: 150 Acres, 90 acres workable, sandy loam, creek and pond. Barn 1s 30 x 60•• Green house 150 x 24, 5 Kilns, oil fired irrigation system. Complete line of machinery and equipment, 8 room 2 storey house. Located 15 miles front Cobourg Ontario, Price $70,000.00. Only $25,000.00 Down. 150 ACRE FARM: In excellent coiiditiun, 120 acres work- able, 5 arses hardwood bush, flowing creek, 8 room house with bath, large barn 70 x 55, straw. shed 28 x 64, ce- ment stables, drilled well, school on farm, close to town, all buildings aro in A-1 repair. Owner retiring. Priced to sell at only $18,000.00. Easy. terms. STORE: Solid brick 22 x 60 with 6 rooms apart. meat above with hath, furnace heavy wiring, suitable for Restaurant or General Store. Located in the Village of Atwood on Highway No. 23. Immo. :late possession. $5,000.00 down, bah ante terms. DUDLEY E. HOLMES Insurance & Realestate Listowel, Ontario. Bus. Phone 470. ISSUE 44 - 1959 PROPERTIES FOR SALE RICE Luke; 900•acre, dry, weli•wooded secluded peninsula with over 1 mica of water frontage. About 200 oeree cleared, provides safe sheltered dock, ing for many boats. Excellent fiahinlgl munch/ bass and pickerel, Loeete(1 about .100 miles from Toronto. this Ip an idealsite for resort, camp or large cottage subdtvlalon. Reasonable down payment and terms. Write 0,0, Bola 222, Coburg, Ont•, or phone FR, 2.9484. BARRIE district, stock and dairy, FARMS, vacant land, country homes, ELLWOOD Black Farm Broker, SHANTY Bay, Phone Barrie 503.0.9, TORONTO, eYgs•, BE. 2.2402. RESORTS PHEASANT HUNTING OPENING date Sept. lst. No bag Unfit. Guides and dogs supplied Pheasants in natural cover, Original game farm t hunting. nting rBoungalowsewithhlic privateebath, excellent meals, For details write Go den Pheasant Lodge and Game Farm, Huntsville, .Ontario. SITUATION WANTED HEAD Gardner or Nursery Foreman, experlonoed all branches, Including greenhouses, experinced With staff, re- quires responsible part, Replies to: Smith, 1828, Manitoba Ave. Winnipeg, 4. STAMPS • WE PAY MORE NOW! LARGE 12 page ooin catalogue, pleturi Ing and pricing all Canadian, New. listing unPrism $1,00 lnunillustrated U.S. PBilacoin,. Regina, Sask. SWINE WILLOWDALE Farm Yorkshire Herd has sixsows with scores of 91 and bet. ter. Also two boars whose dans have scores of 96 and 97 respectfully. Young stock for sale. Edgar Dennis. Aurora, Ontario. FOR SALE Lacombe boars from Elite Registered stook. Ages 2 months to 7 months. A1s0 75% Lacombe -Yorkshire cross -bred gilts by the same Elite boar. H. B. Riese, R.B. 3, Selkirk, Man. Phone Lockport 214. VACATION RESORTS FLORIDA vacations. Reasonable rater Efficiency apartments, week or season. Central to Clearwater. St Petersburg Tampa. Bayfront Private fishing deak, Write Davis. 2 Wilson St. Dunedin, Clearwater, Florida WINTER RESORT APARTMENTS for the winter season. Attractive rates for full season. Every thing furnished including heat, elec- tric, linens. Send for brochure, RIVERSIDE APARTMENTS 1501 BLVD. NORTH NEW PORT. RICHEY, FLA. ROSY - LaQuita Beardin car. ries a basket of Garden Party roses the official flower of the 22nd annual Texas Rose Festi- val which is being held in Ty- ler. It marks the beginning of the rose harvest in the South. west. LaQuita is one of 40 ladies-in-wating' for the event, Gt 1tarCG - since 181-0•' Traa•!,spovtarion Plus -ultra 1S 8 a S'.1 See Your Local Agent- ,ted No One Can Serve You Keifer 'l.Peagi �i 0 C U N AR 0 ` Carnet Bay A Wellington Ste, u, Toronto, Ont. Offices at: Montreal • Halifax • Saint John Tel: EMpire 2.2911 Quebec • Toronto • Winnipeg • Edmonton • Vancouver 0 ,'w.','fi•lt,? 5 ?' fOnf •5'a1s%cr777 •217445.7 VV • S'J71oO45Yd i✓,i'rl'd3t7 • 61.1Kddijs )Ji/-fi77)y2 . Ori/Vtf • 5r73144 27507r+j•li)/ .S??•A0A"A '• vacation. • 275 Pounds free ba99et.9e aLfoWCUICe - S rab.Uizcrs_ ti T}kEUR gett.ti e is erw Yr The whole way is a holiday, with spacious aoconunodation, menus to tempt all tastes; 1110V108, rismcing, parties; stul ilizors to ensure smoothsailing; and ample free baggage allowance to take caro 01 your business of vacationttardrube. r tw ST, LAWRENCE SAILINGS - From Montreal & Quebec IVERNIA OCTOBER 30TH SYLVANIA NOVEMBER 6TH SAXONIA NOVEMBER 6TH CARINTHIA NOVEMBER 13TH SYLVANIA NOVEMBER 27TH SAXONIA NOVEMBER 28TH HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON GREENOCK, LIVERPOOL HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON GREENOCK, LIVERPOOL HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON ALSO FAST, FREQUENT SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK 0 F•