HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-11-05, Page 5l I'I1 St7A1! OIZTH N1rivS Thursday, Noveitlber O, 1959 LV'l1111A,lll,1111,Inb 111, biinl , 1��1„�li iiil� s e SPECIALS NOVEMBER ROBINHOOD QUICK OATS ,,,,,. ,.,.,.,,, „II I,li 111 lllln111111„1,11/,1,,,11,11,1,11",IAlll 5 lb 1 ,1111,1 nbl,1„ 5 - 6 - 7 QUAKER bag 51 ...:.. RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE .. ,... TEA BAGS ,........... pkg 60's 73c STOKELEY'S FINEST PUM•PK.IN ". 28 oz tin . 18 c DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION DOG FOOD 2 for 2 BILLY BEE CREAMED HONEY 2 lb ctn c SOLO MARGARINE ..., 1 Ib 26c TOP CROP POPPING CORN 16oz 15c ST. WILLIAMS CHERRY PIE READY 2 for 59c ` Smith's S.ri eri r F ;,,d Market PHONE 12 WE DELIVER mnunlubbmb,p,mnunnbun,,,,,ubuwumnnnnnnnnunbunubnnuw,,,,,,,muwumnubmuu,.. Open House Nov. 6, 7 and 8 till 9 p.m. We have made extensive alterations to our setup and this we want you to see Every adult visitor will receive'a Narcissus bulb free. You will also see hundreds, of Mums in bloom, feats, cactii, Philondendron, Cyclamen,Begonia, pot mums, and spring flowering bulbs • WE WILL BE HAPPY TO' GREET YOU BAKER'S GREENHOUSE Railway Street . Your Garden Centre. in Seaforth TOWN TOPICS Mr. autl Mrs. 1i'ailaae Ross and faAnily silent the week end with 11r, olid 'YRirs. Bait Anslieo of Sadbur y. lir. Carl Dalton attended the Farmers' Ufioit convention last week -at Guelph, Mr, and Mrs. Ron Sills and Ca- thy, Kitcltezler, Misses. Mary LOu Sills and Ruth Sills, Loudon, wore wSills,eelas.: end vieltors •of; Mt Mr. and 'Mrs. INIj•ehuel BechslY, Toronto, visited with Mrs, Bechely and Mr. Peter Molver ov- er tate week end. • ' Mr, and Mrs, lames T3ogg and Mr, Bob Spooner of i0ollingwood spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Bedford D•nugey and fsmilY, :firs, Peter Bannon is a patient in Scdtt Memorial hospital. Mr. Bill Step3ie'nsen, Toronto,. visited with his mother, Mrs. Leo Stephenson over the.. week end. Mr, and Mrs. John Nicholson, Heaton, visited Mrs; P. J; John- son last Tuesday, • Mrs. Donald Dale, public health nurse, was guest speaker at the meeting of the Catholic Women's League on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Cassicby and family anti Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Wadsworth, of Ingersoll, were Sunday visitors with .Mrs. N. V. Workman and Mrs. Alvin McDon- ald and family, Brussels, Mrs. H. V. Workman has re- tnrned to her home after'spenddng the .pass' .six weeks ,in Western Canada and the US. Miss Ruth Petrie, I3lghland Park, Detroit, 11Lioh„ returned hone after -spending the week end at the hoose of Mr. and MrB. Orval Greer, Seaforth. Mrs. Rena Glonka returned •to her home in Detroit, 'iVIich., after spending some weeks at the home of her cousin, Orval Greer, and family, Seaforth, and also visited fieherld,cousin, W. H. ;Johnston, Bay- EG3rONDVILLE WMS MEETS The autumn thank•offering meeting of the WITS was held at the church with a ,good attend- ance an Oct. 15th. The meeting opened with the WA president in the chair. •An invitation to a bazaar at Brucefield ou Nov. 14th was accepted. Group 1 .are in charge of flowers for church. The Shorthorn banquet will ibe held on . Dec. 3rd and the December meeting will be on Dec. 9th. The S�TMS president,' Miss Frances Houston took the chair. Hymn 289 was' sung after which. the meeting was •opened for business. It was moved, by MTS. E. Stephen - on and NIns. 3, Ailten'head that we •accept an invitation to St. Tlrontee Church (Anglicati)- on ATov. 3rd 70th birthday celebra- tion. Mts. A. Routledge brought Dur'attention to the bale that is being packed the last week in October. Hymn 15 was Bung fol- lowed by the Owll to Worship, "Think of these things," Leader, Mrs. It, McGonigle PraYe' in un- ison, scripture by Mrs. D, Steph- enson (Meditation by Mrs. Haiti- loond. The thankofTei'ing was received by Mrs,. C. Eyrie and Mrs. E. Boyer, lbllowed by missionary story, "Fite Empty Bowl" by Mas. Preston, Dallas. Guest speaker was Mies Sybil Courtiee, a retired W55S missionary, who now lives .in Clinton, Miss Cos -nice was alp.. Pointed as a niiesionaary. in 1910 and retired in 1950 . A great deal of her 'work was in Japan. - La a very interesting' way she spoke about the customs sof thank- fulness among the Japanese people. Are we thault5ti1 enough tier all our blessings here in Cam. ado? . Following up the thouight in the worship' eervice "Whatso ever badngs a !re lovely," think on •these things she challenged her listeners to work for them, Are we women .interested enough a- bout the vote regarding the Can- •wda Temperance Act in 1-Turon. Aro we thinking about it in the light of what Ss going to be best for our people. Mies ^Courtice spoke about the new •woman's or, ganikation that is to be formed' in the United Church.. She coin. pared it to an open gate or door, In closing she said that it would be a. larger field of work'. in the ohuarch. MTs, James McIntosh thanked Miss Courtice. The .meet- ing closed with singing hymn "Jesus Saves." followed by prayer by IMiss Houston. A social Half hour was spent with lunch by Group 4 with illus. C. Byre and Mrs, C. Pullman as hostesses. STAFFA The October meeting of Staffs ly,I. was held in Staffa hall when they entertained Bornholm, Kip - pen and Dublin Institutes. The meeting opened the usual way with Miss Vera Hantbley pre- siding. Stoll cull 'was answered by all the Institutes with A Food beginning with your initial and .how to cook ,or serve it. A visit to the county home in Stratford was •planned for .in Nogember. IlIrs. Dorothea- Agar commented on the motto "The road of friend- ship leads from airy door to my neighbor's." Household hints were given by Mfrs. R. Worden; read- ing by Mrs. Wolfe and a 'piano solo by Barbara Dello -of, Bons .holm; duet by Mrs. Friend and Mrs. Nagle .of Dublin; reading by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot of Kippen. Miss Hanubley 3ntroduoed the guest speaker, Mrs: Boyce of Av- onton, the 'distriot president for South Perth. Mrs. John Miller thanked the speaker and .present- ed her with a gift. Lunch was. TOMMY'S DOLLAR Tommy is saving up for a bike. Dollar by dollar, week by, week, his bank account is growing... bringing the Big Day nearer. But meanwhile, Tommy's dollars are serving a second useful purpose. Bank credit is based on the dollars Canadians keep in 11 million deposit accounts in the chartered banks -and Tommy's account is one of them. Bank loans are constantly being made to meet the needs of business and personal borrowers in all parts of Canada. So every time you make a deposit you are - like Tommy -building toward something worth- while for yourself, and at the same time keeping your dollars at work for the benefit of all. THE CHARTERED"BANKS SERVING. YOUR COMMUNITY • EUCHRE DANCE RECEPTION For Mr. and. • Mrs. Harold Dodds in Foresters Hall, Constance Friday, Nov. 6th Euchre at 8,30 Dancing to follow -- Pepper's Orchestra Ladles ,please bring lunch Everyone welcome served by the committee In charge, Mrs, Lloyd Miller, ' Mrs, John Drake, Mrs, Jelin Wallace and Mrs, John Templeman. FEDERATION NEWS . B'y J. Carl Hemingway Says the Bank of Commerce: "The 'achievement of a greater productivity rise in agriculture than in other industries is un- •questiaoliable," Increased productivity per wor- ker in a number of industries Yn the 1946-57 period is compared in 'the following table showing the increase 'percentage: Agriculture 51, mining 28, manufacturing 32, Construction -10, trausport#ttion 38, public utilities -16, trade 1, finance 37, service 24, fishing and owing -4r Average % of in- crease 32%. In 1946 27.6 of Canada's' emp- loyed labor force was ,in agricul- ture. By 1957 .this had dropped to It is disturbing, however, to note that even with the great in. crease in efficiency in the farm - log industry, the value of •the out - pat per worker in agriculture lags behind all other industries. The bank reports that dollar value of products produced per man-ltoiu• worked in agriculture is only 58c for 1957. Value man hour output of other industries •in 1957 is: mining $2.78, manufacturing '$1: 45, construction 81c, tranaponta •tion $1.62, public utilities $2.72, trade $1.26, finance $4.89,- services $1.89, transportation '$1.86, and fishing and trapping $1,95. • In ,the light of this report per- haps we shouldn't be too critical of the banks for being hesitant in `loaning money to farmers. If farmers continue in this manner for the next ten years what chance isthere that the batiks will recover the money loaned? Fanners, 2, think, are scraping the bottom •of the barrel as far as get- ting labor at cost 'from their wives and children and also div ling on, the depreciation of .their farms and buildings. Pt is time that farmers are call- ing a halt to increased production and directing that energy that they used to advance their effic- iency to the marketing ..of their product during the next' ten Years. NORTH McKILLOP ' \'It•. :and Mrs. •Charlie 'Glanville sof Crediton with Mr. ' and . Mrs. Fred Glanville on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Regale of Hespeler spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regale. Miss Norma Leeming spent the week end, with her. parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Leonard Leeming. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Dennis have returned to 'their home do North Bay after spending the . past two weeks with their aistere and brothers in McKillop Twp, POLICE REPORT Ontario •Provincial Police re- port for District No, 6, for Sept.: Motor vehicle acoidents 173, fatal accidents 4, persons killed 4, in- jured 93, vehicles checked 6,097, warnings issued 2,353, charges laid 606, •defeotive equipment 87, rate of speed 254, careless driv- ing 73, rules of the road 104,. op.. erator's licences 26. TURKEY DRAW AND BINGO In Brodhageh Community Centre Friday, Nov. 27 Dancing following Bingo Sponsored by the Brodbagen Chamber of Commerce . Everyone welcome EUCHRE In the Orange Hall • Seaforth Friday, Nov. 6 Auspices of Orange Hall Property Committee Lunch served Admission 40c Group One of Northside United Church W.A. BAZAAR THRIFT S730P, BAKE SALE AND TEA Saturday, Nov. 14 AT 3 P.M, Sunday School Room of the Church Inannomussoanarmeamaammotm EUCHRE Sponsored by Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge in IOOF Hall Monday, Nov 9 AT 8.30 P.M. Good Prises, Lunch ONTARIO CITIZENS TAKE 'SECOND LOOK' REJECT L.C.A. .OUTLETS 011 October 21, Burlington turned down a, liquor lounge and dining lounge, and its annexed area rejected a liquor store and brewers' warehouse as well as lounges. On the. same date, Dundas voted against lounges. Also on Oct. 21, Fleshertoll (Grey county) voted nearly 3 to 1 against men's and wo- men's beverage rooms. Other victories this year, as listed by the Ontario 'Temperance Federation: St. Thomas (lounges), Norwich' (store), Grimsby, Victoria Harbor, Erin Timmins (lounges), Gananoque, Kingsville, Wheat- ley,'Leamington (lounges), I owinanville and about nine townships. Twenty communities voted on 38 questions under the L.C.A., with the highest ratio of "lily" victories in a long time, • The city of Owen Sound, without licenses under local option, has successfully resisted five attempts at repeal, the latest in 1958, Commenting upon this showing, the Hamilton Spectator says; "People in various parts of Ontario are taking a second look at the desirability of liquor lounges and cocktail bars. , , It could be a trend is setting in against additional outlets for alcoholic beverages, The fact is, of course, that money spent on alcoholic beverages isn't available for spending on food, clothing or the other real needs for a good life. This is apart from the social effects. The pri- mary' purpose of additional liquor outlets is to sell more drinks to more people," Keep the Temperance Act in Huron labmwamasmumatieninemammormen FOR THE REVOCATION AGAINST THE REVOCATION Paablis)ed by Eitron. C.T.A. Committee NOTE CHANSSE OF DATE ' Turkey Bingo ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH HALL, DUBLIN DEC. 4TH at 9 P.M. 17 TURKEY PRIZES • Also 3 Cash specials and Door Prizes Admission $1.00 sv RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. John Van Herk (Dora Van Den Henget) and Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Hak (Catherine Van Den Hengel) Saturday, Nov, 14 Seaforth Community Centre ,'Ladies please bring lunch EVERYBODY WELCOME Properties For Sale • Cottage, Goderioh St. East.' Three, bedrooms, all conveni- ences. New garage. Close to church and Main street. Priced for quick sale. ' Income Property - North Main St. Good solid structure with self contained apartment. Modern in every respect. 50 acre Farm, McKillop Twp. Brick house, bank barn. All conveniences and plenty of -water..A. good buy. 150 acre Farm, Tuckersmith Twp. Excellent buildings, all modern conveniences. Close to school. Terms arranged • . 120 acre Farm, Tuckerstuith Two. Good location, first class buildings. Good clean farm in every respect Terms arranged. . Other Properties also listed POR INFORMATION CONTACT Harold Jackson Phone 474 SEAFORTH BROKER or John A. Cardno Insurance Office PHONE 214 SEAFORTH SALESMAN TOWN OF SEAFORTH REMEMBRANCE DAY On instructions from the Council, I hereby request the Citizens - and Business Men to • observe WED., NOVEMBER lith as Remembrance Day by closing their places of business all day to observe same B. F. Christie MAYOR "God Save the Queen" Work Parties FOR NEW LEGION BUILDING Saturdays from 7 a.m. 'til ? ? Every evening from 7 p.m. 'til ? ? Everyone welcome whether member or not. Come and help your local Legion Legion Building Committee ♦. a u iU1u1/1a♦ VA_AL11A1