HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-11-05, Page 1The Seaforth News
51,60 a Year
Authorized us $iscond plttnwa ail,:
Post Milo Peet,
Snowdon taws. Publishers
Secretary Post For
Cardiff Hinted
According to a newspaper Ire^
Port from Ottawa, Elston Cardiff,
Conservative MIP 'for Huron, may
be appointed 'parliamentary secre•
Mary to Prime 'Minister Diefen-
Mr, Ca/strife told The Seaforth
News on TuesdaY that rte hard no
word about it and knew nothing
except wheat he had read hi tile
Although Prime Ministe Diet -
=baker has+ not lied a perliemen
terry assistant, a Sovin r• Prime
Minister, the late Mlaokenzie
King, bad 'appointed his LI'berai
Whip to that 'position,
Ma, 'Cardiff :served for two
years as :government Whip under
Mr. Diefenbalcer. The position of
'Parliatnent'ary Assistant cameos a
salary of $4,000 a year.
At the annual meeting of Dis-
trict 8 .of the Ontario Association
of Agricultural Societies, at Mil-
verton, last week, Robert Camp-
bell oC Seaton'th, was named assoc.
tate director. Nims. :reseal' ,Grum-
mett of Seafortb, -is. ,diaseotor • of
the women's ,division.
• The regular meeting; of the
Red Cross Society will be held in
the library 1•oonie on 11i'iday, Nov.
6t11, at 3 pm.
November Meeting Tentative Schedule
Tuckersrnith Council For 'C' Hockey
Tackeremith 'municipal council
mat in the town hall, Searortit, Tentative schedule:
on Nov, 3rd at 12,30 pin, All ar em- NYStratEprd at Seaforth,
bets were present with the -Reeve 10
Minutes of the prevl- 12—Preston se. Elmira
our regular and of epeo8wl meet- 14—Sepjomth et Stratford
Mg, Oct. 20th, were react and ad. 14•-'131mita art (Preston
,opted on enation of Councillors 17—Pa'eaton at SDAPORTH
Varley and Falooner, 1$—New Hamburg at Elmira
The engineer's report en the 20—SI7AFORrj''H at New hamburg
Williams tnuuieap'al Brain Was 21 --Preston at Stratford
read and provisionally adopted. 25—Stiatforcl at New 'Hamburg
Bylaw 9, 1950, -on the Stewart 26-1931mira, at Sl?rtiFOP!DFI
chain was finally passed, 'sigeed 28-9 9AP'ORTII at Preston
and sealed. In accordance with a 28—New Hamburg sit Stmarttora
request front 88r. A. M. Harper, Dec. •
OA, the audit fee for 1959 was In- 1—New serumenre at sgeearalem
creased to $600,00, to be apPor- 2—E1mhira at New Iiainibarg
tinned as follows; Township, $360, 3—SEAFORTII'et Elmira
Telephone System $125; • School 5—Stratford et Preston
Area• $100; SS No. 3, 515. The 9—Preston at New Hamburg
clerk was inetruoted to reply to 10—+Strabfonxl at Elmira
the Township of Crowlaud advas- 12—Elanita st$tratfomd •
jug them .that they eonour in the 12—New Tlaniburg at Preston
resolution to ,have the Provincial 15—Stratford .at SEAFORfr,1-I
government take over complete 17—New easmeeee at D1•mipa
palyment and administration of ' 18—SEAFO'RTH at N. Hamburg
Public welfare in the Province 'of 19 --,Preston at ,Stralt4ord (4 pts.)
Ontario. 22—N. Ifiamburg at SEAFORTH
There were no ,app:eal's to the 26 -=Elmira at N. Hamburg (2,30)
Court .of Revision on the assess- 26—Stratford at Preston (4 pts,)
anent roll :for 1960 taxation. 28--SDA'FORTH at Threaten
The Township of Tuclrersmith 29—peestan at SDAFORTH
will be hosts to the Huron' County Jan.
Municipal Officers Association. at 1—,Stratford et N, Httanbueg
their spring :meeting in 1960. Th'e 2_ara •at ,Pa•aatau
clerk was insitruotee to pay assts- 2--il'ew seamerte et Stiaeford
canoe on the Williams Municipal g
eet•a at S77�AFCRTH
Drain.•Aecounts passed included: 6eeprs
Two. of Illy, Deters and Soidan aseton at New Hamburg
Drains assessment, $442 fire pro-
ro- 7—Slmatfomd at Elmira
GORDONKENNEDY tecttotn $16; dump $22.50; Adams 9—N, Hamburg at Preston
Yellow and bronze mums form- Drain 550; supplies $36:06; pas- 9—S77AFOR'1tH at Slttatford
ed the setting' in Atwood Presby- tage $10; snupp. t1low., $25; cler 13—SEAFOSRTH at N. Hamburg
,feriae Church on Seem -day, Ode- ical assistance $17 :drains 5326.- 14—Stratford at SEATO-RTH
ter 17th at 3• o'elock, for tete Maar 75; livestock protection $254; 14—Preston at Elmira
riage of Doris• Isabelle KennedY, nursing home caro '$916—SrePORT'I-0 at Preston
Town 16—New Hamburg at eston£ord
Seaforth, tleughter 02 Mr. and :of .Seaforth, high :school debs., e
19 Preston et SEAFORT2i
Mass. William Kennedy, Listowel., $3,061.13; petty casdt •$25• roads,
to 'Donald Seri Gordon, sou of $2,524,79;, Receiver -General $7.1'6, 22--Stratfartl at New Hamburg
Mr,' and Mrs. A. H. Gordon, At- salary and allow. 5241.63, Council 2S—Eltasira at StratE'ord
wood. Rev. Douglas Black, minis" adjourned to meet Dec. 1 at 1 pm. -23-New Hamlbaatg at Preston
ter of the' church, performed tate 6 N. Hamburg at SDAFOILTH
27—Preston I Hamburg
cerem ehhMasa.cngus Bride -To -Be AFORTiZ
was paYl y
organist of the church. The ,bride 1S Honored 30—SDA101RTH at Stratford
chose a traditional gown of white
Miss Mae Coleman.was guest of New Ha.mbe g mane e will be a eat 8 o'cloeting at tct
slipper satin featuring a full
e honor at a ehower Wednesday ev- on Thursday evening, Nov. 5, to
skirt. The jetted bodice was
eddwith shoat sleeves and sabrinana ening, Oot. 28th,. at the home et finalize this sohedule and make
neckline, and the waistline ex -';Mrs. Lorne Lawson, with Mies any necessary •ehawges.
tended to a _deep V at jhe front Helen Wilson and Me. Jack.11iecld
with a bow trim at the back. Icer co -hostesses, Contests and .games MOLATIG•FILIN - DI17C•7JIL
was were played, winners being Mae
shoulder length illusion veil
held by a head dress studded with Coleman, Joyce Jewitt and Mrs. The ,marriage was 5o1emn3zed
seed pearls and she carried a Ross Merrill, Miss ,Joyce Jewitt .at St. Peter's Lutheran ;Church,
white satin covered Bible crested gave a reading, "Harvey at the Riodhagon, on Friday, Oct. 30th,
with sweetheart rosebuds and Bridge." Mae was then asked to at 3 .o'clock :of Marleen Dose:the
white'streamems. Mrs, Jack Scholl sit in a nicely decorated chair, Diegel, RN„ daughter of Mr. and
et Atwood, sister .of the bride- Mrs. Jack Medd read the address Mrs, William Diegel, Brodlhagen,
.room, was maid -of honor wear- and relies Itelen :Wilson and Mrs. and DoealdO John McLaughlin,
ing a ted velvet dress and car- Loam Lawson Presented Mae son ot Mr. Melville McLaughlin
reed a bouquet of white carnations with the lovely gifts. Mae thank of Kincardine, and the late Mrs.
end Ted sweetheart roses. Keith edthe ladies. A delicious lunch McLaughlin. Rev. Calvin Diegel,
,Kennedy of Listowel, brother of was served by Mrs, Jack Medd brother of the bride, of Gerald -
the bride, was best met. Helen Wilson, -.Wes, Geo. H.oggart ten,' and. Rev. E. 6. Fiedler o2640-
.4. reception was held at 5,30 at and Mrs. L. Lawson, fated. 'White nouns and aandlee
the Coronation hotel, Iiarristou, r� the the altar. The bride was
where the bride's mother received No Rural Deliver given away by her father. The or-
the guests tveamang a royal blue nth ' ga'nist was Miss Ruth Clexlce, RN,
Drape dress with pinto and black On Nov. th Stratford, playing traditional we•
tiding music and the soloist was
accessories and pink rose pars- jirednesday, November 11th, R•e• Miss Patricia Suohring, cousin of
age. She was assisted by the membrance Day, being a statutory the bride, of Sebringville, sing -
bridegroom's mother wearing a holiday, the .main doors of the :ing Wedding Prayer and 0 Por -
witI Frenchembroidered crape post office w
ill be open. ttom 7 am feet Love. Bride's costume was of
with black accessories and Pink ,to 6 pm. The wickets• will be open, white velvet floor length ,chapel
rose corsage. For a tvedciing. trip from 12 noon to 1 pm only, when train and square collar, long lily
to the USA, the bride nocl a all )bases of business will Ise point sleeves. 'Phis was •made by
brown wool crape dressmaker transacted. All incoming and out- the bride's 90-year..old grandnto-
suit, beige feather hat with .going mails will be sorted and tther, Mas, .Ida Brunner, Sebrin
brown accessories and yellow despatched as usual. Rural pat- ville. A fingertip veil hung from
mum corsage. The couple will Tons :are reminded' there win be a pillbox hat crocheted by ,her
reside at Seaforth, no ,clelivory 011 this clate. mother, Site carried a cascade
Pa'eparstions are now being bouquet of reel roses. The maid of
TEEN TOWN NEWS macre tor the annual 'Christmas honor, Mfrs. Duncan McFayden,
(11, Got will) rush. Suggested postal deadline RN, ofKincaa^cliae. The brides -
The witches and goblins 'turned dates to ensure .Christmas deliv- maids, Joan Brake, RN, of Stant-
out in a large attendance for our ery are published on the post off- ford; Mary Fyfe, cousin of the
Ieallowe'eu dance Saturday night ice bulletin bond. Mall early and groom, Sebringville. The cost -
at the arena. Music was supplied avoid disappointment. Your coin- -tunes of maid of honor and bride -
by Stewart Baird and his orches- Prete postal address 5110088 ap- smeids were identical of red vel-
tra, who were suitably dressed to Pear on all outgoing and incoming vet, red feather ]tats and shoes
fit the occasion. There were about mail ante white gloves and all carried
225 present at this dance. We cascade bouquets .of white mums,
would like to thank the Chinese MRS. SECO:RD MCBRIFIN The 'flower girl was Brenda Mc-
eonPle anct our little g'r'ammar There passed away in Scott Lean, cousin of the bride, St-rart-
sohool girl (better known to ev- Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on force, in shoatt red velvet stress,
erybody as Mas. 1'tePhail, Mrs, Set., Oct. 31, Grace Manson Land- red shoes and white gloves (tnd
Hutehlson and Mrs. McDowell) sborough, beloved wife et Second .carried a basket of white baby
for helping to serve the lunch at McBrien. A daughter. of the late mums. The rtngbeerer was Brad -
intermission. The lunch was the Wm, and Annie Manson Lands- ley McLean, cousin of the bride,
usual apple eider and doughnutsborough, (Mrs. McBrien was born of Stratford. The best men were
which is eerved every hallowe'en,- in Tuckersmith towltshlp 57 years Ian McKay and Gordo- Harris of
Prizes were won by Pearn ;Mc- ago: Since her .marriage 32 years
Lean and Dorothy Boyer, who
I am sure had most :of us baffled
ago she had resided an con. 4,
Hallett township.
all evening as to who they were. Besides her husband she is sur -
I mast say gals must be the first "ived by one .claughter, Maxine,
bine either one of them has said Mrs. Glen Gaacey, Vancouver, BC„
so few words in an 070111118. We one sister Elsie, Mrs. Walker .Cat• -
must congratulate them on their life, Honsall, two brothers, James
ability to keep ,their identities to and William of Tuokersmith. She
themselves. Other prizes were wen was .predeceased by a son, David,
• by Gail Finlayson and Emily E1- in 1942.
liott. Rnhi]y was the witch from, The funeral was held on Men-
the moon and Gail was her escort•
for the evening.
We of the exeoutive would like
to congratulate those who put on
a costume of some sort and came
out to help make the evening a
success, even though they didn't
get a prize for their efforts. Bets
for luck newt year, kids! •
We had visitors at the :dance
'from •Clinton, Goderaolt and Stret-
A couple .of week ago Jaok
Webb came up to our .meoting to
ask the members of Teen Town
to help euppPort the hockey team.
IIe asked each member to cell one
booster ticket anal also t0 try to
.come out .and cheer ter our play-
ers at their league games.
A car striven by John Varley,
17, of Tueket•smibli, wont out of
control an Main street S•ttoday
night about 13.,80 and collided
head on with an un:oceurpie8 oar
parked 111 trout ot the Conenor-
eiel hotel, ,owned by 'Donald Mit-
thews, 17, at Joint St, Both store
were badly damaged. leo one was
injured. Conetrubtes Bates and
Calder ,investigated.
70th Anniversary To Hold Baseball
of St. Thomas W.A. Night Friday
Phe Woman's Auxiliary as St. Friday evening of this walk
Thomas' Anglican Ohuroh. coleb- will be Baseball 'Night when a
rated 'their 70th birthday on Tue- get-together will be held at the
stew, Nov, Srd. Tee ladies of the public school for the three Sea-
cllstriob churches were theirforth teems, the Juveniles, Ban -
guests, A celebration 'of Holy tame and Peewees.. While none
Communion 1705 hold In tete of the teams won any ehampf0U—
churelt 'during winch 'Mi•e, Oleeve ships, nevertheless they all made
.Coombs sang a solo. Igetem. Mrs. a good showing, all three Shaving
G. Iv2eGavin, president, welcomed reached their group finals.
,tile ladies to 'a sac/option .in the ere film on NHL hockey will be
Pariglt: h'a11, Miss' Cheryl Meer* shown, pictures will be taken and
sang a beautiful eat!,etas, Hunt three awards will be made, to fire
of Godeeiolt brought ongratelte boy voted the most valuable play-
times Yrem the fleenery, Mns, ,Do- er on each team, There will be
na'ldson inteoduceci the special sandwiches and coke: All Inter-
g'uesb speaker, Mrs. Luella, of ested in baiteball are invited to
Kitchener, Diocesan social service 'attend,
secretary, Mrs, Semple, of. Eg-
monclville, thanked -the WA ladies
on behalf of the visitors,
The ,tea table was centered with Mr, and Mrs, Bill Evans and
a bowl of golden mums flanked children, Chippewa, with Mr. and
by gold and white .candles. A Mrs. Frani_ Evans,
three=ti'er 'decorated birthday cake Mrs. Margaret D411, Basil Byrne,
was cut by :the ]resident, 'MTs. Detroit, Wm. Byrne, Trenton,
MCGavin. M1oh„ and Robert Byrne, Hamil-
Pouaing tea were life members; 'ton, with Miss :Monica Byrne, All
Mrs, Wm. Southgate, Mrs, Wm, attended the funeral of Mrs. Mary
Oldfield, +line•. A. Bethune and Mrs, McGrath.
E, 0
: Casa. Neil Stapleton, OAC, Guelph, at
his home,
86132. JOHN E. HARRIS Mes. Louis Dillon anti Miss Do-
wse. St. Tlrouias with iI . and
IMt's, Margaret An'n Harris, for- Mrs, IMinut'ice Dillon.
mealy of Hibbert, flied at the ease Marie Terauskopt, Ilantil-
Muir nursing home on 'Oct. 29th. ton, with hem mother, Mrs. Cath -
She had been in failing health erine Krauskopt•
for several years. •She was been Mr, anti Mi^s, Hubert O'Reilly
in Halbert, a daughter of the late ,have moved to London.
Michael and Ellen Jamieson Mil- laiss Lorraine Looby, Sit, jos-
ea April 28, 1871. On Dec. 25, epic's hoepdtal, Lonclou, whet iter
1901, she pnarried John Edward mother, Mrs, A. M. Looby
Harris, with died 37 (years ago. • Miss Anne Kohne, Mise Des -
She was the last surviving mem- ohene, Mr. Coale and Mr. Des -
bee of a family ,at ten. She lived chane, Wimds'or, with MT. and
in Hibbert until moving to Sea- Mrs, Tom Coyne.
forth several years ago to melte air. and Mrs, William Garter,
her hoarse with hey daughter, Mrs, Niagara Falls, with 1111. and Mrs.
.L (Velma) 'Kelland, She was a Walter Carpenter,
member of the United Church. Woad was received: here of the
Surviving are a son Nelson Ham- death of a former resident of
Tis, Hibbert; two daughters, Mrs. Dublin, Arthur Forster, who died
Kenneth (Beulah) Rice, Hibbert; at Port Albert this week follow -
and Mrs. Reiland; also seven ing a lingering illnss.s. Mm. an:d
,grandchildren and six great !Mrs. Forster operated a bakery
grandsons. The funeral service business mere for several years be -
was held at Mitchell on Sat.. fore moving to Pont Albert, Mr.
nrclay afternoon, oonductecl by Forster ie survived by leis wife
Rev. J. C. Britton ,of Noi'tihside and two daughters, Mrs. Francis
United Church, Seaforth, Burial Glossop, London, and Mrs. Wnu.
was in Bethel cemetery, ,Munro,' Durst, Markdale. The funeral ser-
vice was held at Port Albert on
MRS. CHARLES E. PAULI Wednesday with burial at Mark-
Mirs, Elizabeth Ann Pauli, 61, .dale.
lhe October meeting of the
of 148 Avon St., Stratford, widow Dublin's ober m I ingtuto the
of Charles 'Henry Paula died sed- ,held at the home of Mrs. Douglas
,denly :on Monday in Stratford
General Hospital. She was born Racho with 22 members and five
in MoIdi,ilop, near Seaforth. on visitors present. A pot luck sup"
Dec. 17, 1895, 'a 'daughter of the per was enjoyed before the meet -
late ,David M. and :Isabella Ross. ing, Lucky chair and cup prizes
Atter her maeriage to Mr. Pauli were won by Mrs. E. Dean anal
in 1.922 she moved to Stratford bIrs. 'II. Pabhicl.. Mrs. E. Jordison
where she had sine= been 'a "rad- gave the motto with hints' on.eatr-
dent. She was a member, o't Zion ring, MTS. Herb Britton was a de -
Evangelical Lutheran Chureh and legate to the 45th annual-conven-
the United Lutheran Women's 'tion and banquet of the London
ganization. Surviving are two area. A tap dance was given by
claughters, Mrs. Lance (Davis) Al- Brenda iftaoho and Sharron Klein-
er 2 St. Pauls; 'Mrs. Nenfeld:t rendered tour piano num.
(Lois) Moore, Kitchener; two bets. A sale of jams and jellies
sons, Kenneth Pauli, Toronto; was auctioned. by Mrs, Tom But-
Keith Pauli, Seuneterre, Que. 2 ters. Mr's. E. Dean gave courtesy
Mothers, Charles A. Ross, Los rem'ae'ka. Fami1i' night will be
Angeles, Calif.; Malcolm F. Ross, held at elms. Herb Ba'uttan's• house
Rochester, Mich,; three sisters, far the November meeting.
Bile. J. Melvin Keys, London;The members of Dublin WI
Mrs. Sake Broome, Seaforth; Mrs, were invited ter attend the meet -
John Byermann, Seaforth; and 10 Mg et Statfe WI at Stella town-
grandchildren. The body nested ship hall on Wednesday evening.
at the ,Heinbuck funeral home, Groupe of representatives from
where a emeriti service conduct. Bornholm and Kippen were also
eel by Rev. Walter Ohrt of Zion present. The president, Miss Vera
17vangelical. Lutheran - Church, Tdambly, graciously welcomed the
will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. visitors, The guest speaker was
Burial will be in Avondale cemet- tee district RTI irresident, Mrs.
ery. Boyce of Stratford, who described
the flourishing progress of the
QUIET fT<iLLOWTJ'DN Women's Institute _luring the
' Police said on Mon•clay that 'Hal- gra 60 llowe aAn interesting' committee
lowe'en had ,passed off very quiet• slam followed and the onlnch,
members served a deliaiotts lunch.
ly in Seaforth. Outside of window
soaping there had only been a
few incidents reported The Dub- BRUCEIELD
lin Highway sign was found be- We are Pleased that Miss Jean
side the roadway 'at the park on MoGlinchee is improving in CIin-
the east side of town. ton hospital atter her serious ac-
Bmucofieid and community ex-
tend their sympathy to• the fam-
amily -of the lame Mrs, Mary Talbot
who massed away on Saturclay.
The funeral ,took place in Bruce -
field United Church on Tuesday,
00frs, Thos, Baird Sr. Is a patient
in Clinton hospital. We wish her.
a epeecly recovery.
Feagusov is the only slaughter of Miss Marie Elliott. and her
aunt, Mrs. Brace Menary, Bay-
field, are visiting in Detroit,
'Mr, and Mrs. Don McKenzie
and family :spent last Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. S. IYI.aKenzie.
Group 4 of the W . held a quil-
ting bee at the home of Mrs, Wm,
Douglas on Monday.
Miss Gail Eveiene Ferguson, a
1959 graduate of Civic ':Eloepital
Kincardine. Ushers, Arthur Dieg School of Nursing, and Stuart
el, Brocthagen, brother of bride, Toronto, haver
and Ian MOLaughlin, brother of announced their engagemeut and
Wilber Keyes of
the ,groom, of Kincardine. The 'thein P']ans to be married in Meek
bride's mother wore a two piece Street United Clu rch, Peterbor-
dress of :royal blue tweed, coral ough, on Saturday, Nov. 28. Miss
hat and gloves and white mum MT and Mrs. Carlyle Ferguson o£
corsage. The bridegroom's aunt, Peterborough and her fiance is the
Mae. Ted Fyfe of ,Hanover, ware
a grey 8111c dress and gree hat eon of Mr..and Mrs. Wilber Keyes
with bronze mum corsage. The of Seaforth•
wedding dinner ,took place in St.
.day, Nov. 2nd, Brom the ,Box fun- Peter's Lutheran Church base- WI, NOTES
erne home with Rev. el. Donald- meat, United Lutheran Church 'Mr, L. C. Searles, zone forester,
sort of St. Thomas' Anglican wonnen t;rutering. Red and white Dept. of ,Agnlcitltere, Stratford,
Murals officiating. Burial was in streamersand bells decorated the will be guest speaker at the Nov -
Clinton oemetery.•Tihe pallbearers basement. Honeymoon is beam.ember meeting of Seafoitth WaneHULLETT
were Robert McMillan, Walter spent in Niagara Palls and points en's Institute an Tuesday even- 0n Nov. 2, 17 members of Fire
Scott, Laverne .Huge 1, Sem Mc- east, 1101 travelling costume be- Ing, Nost. 10th, in: Seaforth distract side Farm Forum met at the
Clare, Win. S. Storey and Oliver ing green wool dress with mink high school. Roll call to he an- home of Mr. sect MTS. Robert
Wright. The flower bearers were trim, fur jacket, brown. assessor- swered by "A Product .ot 'Canad- Jamieson to listen to the broad -
Stewart Doimage, KenThompson, les and res] rose corsage. A recap• tan Indust -ties Milt I am ,Wear- cast .au.:the Smaller Farm, This
John Thompson .and Walter Mc- tion was ,held in the evening in ing. Motto: Ind -natal' keeps the broadcast was extra long but in-
.Clure, the Broditagen and tlistidct epee body healthy, mince clear, the teresting and the quartet much
munity hall, .Guests were ,present heart whole and the ,purse full. enjoyed,
PRDEBYTERI-r1N F. P. 17.• goal. fi',inoatdine, Loudon, Luck- Will each member please bring In answer' to the question, there
The :meeting was' opened 15y now, Chesley; 'Otvbn Sound, Ilan- sandwiches uniees otherwise 0011- has been practically no change
the Dull ,to worship followed by over, Windsor, Guelph, Stratford, tasted. Relishes, Mrs. 7. McLean in the eine of farms In ,our area
hymn 399. Marlene Carter read Milverton, Seaforth, ,Sebringville, and Mrs, Einer Cameron. Mem- during the last 50 years. This may
the prayer, Seelptare was .read Saxnia; Ger•alclton, Toronto, Mit- :bars of 1Sippen East WI and their bo •partly clue :to the high cost ot,
by :John Paterson, Offering a• e11e1l, Bxodliagen and district. Piemds will be the guests, farms around here, Some term:
mounted. to 51.08. The mime topic The fall executive meotiug of ars have acquired extra grass
for this meeting was "A Night the South Huron District will be lane for beef cattle, Foal. games
with the:Hymn :Waiters," intro- EARL Jl , PLEASE held in Hansell town hall, Mon- of progressive euchre were play.
aimed 'by the worship convener flay, Nov, 9 at 2,30 limn. Any in- ed. Most games, Mas, Tos, Bab -
and taking part wero Nora Gor- As next Wednesday, Nov. 11, stitute member will be welcome, cook and Mrs. Bob alley; lone
en -
Will, Horothy Roes, Ron Moln-tyre, , hands, Mrs. Bob Dalton, Eric Ari•
Jahn Patterson and Eleanor 1s Remembrance Day and a BEAT WINGHAM demon; sons., Mrs. Jim Howatt,
Reyes. Meta Reeves favoured lie public holiday, all news and Wlltghain met defeat on their 011ver Anderson, efh's, Babcock
with 0 solo "Ninety and Nine," home held for the diet time to invited us for next wbelc,
Ma. Elder led in prayer, The YPS
advertising iiltelltlecl for n X{ five years W11011 SeaCortlt was on
is ordering a book •Erom Chicago issue of The Seaforth Netvs the winning bled of a 15.13 sena. . HENSALL
tor tite candle light 5017100, Ther 'Po-alutlowns wbro made by Bob Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Chapman,
meeting was adjourned and Mr.sh011ld reach this office one Binnerndyk and Bob mica, TergI Jerry,• Craig and Rod wore re -
Elder closed with .the Lard's mar- day earlier than 81581a1 Kelly got 1 convert and 2 rouges, cent visitors with 1.ir, and Mrs.
er and benediction, The Saute was played Friday, Clayton Ellis et Clinton.
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Canadian Girl
Charm and sophist
cellen In a hleh
fo shtonbracelet •
watch, 17 jewels
with lifetime anbreak
le m,inspring•
$49.50 ,
,x::,Bulova 23
• �: of .)..f �.� , l� :The most advanced
Bulova Diamond ,i 1,. ' r features in fine
a els, er cis_ e, adjust La Petits Y- � �sre^ vs cls, ,sredsmn adjure
't'eprk fashion aristocrat, d#1ia ,y' ' ad, self•wlndina
;sparkling diamonds waterproof., shoe
Y23 ewers recision . th .
resistant, with fife
fewer!, P jr time unbreaicabt 11
stad oriel, lifetime : maim a $
.. 1 .; p e. 5
....... •, 9.50 s:•
.,unbreakable main -I £ '£,', „'.•a ;:`<i aeaseettat .•,lessail
spring, With matching
..../expansion bracelet, Come in and see that 51)1011A difference
Other smart Bhiovat aS loll as
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BRODHAGEN "What Happens to Quitters.” 16
members answered roll call. Ohri-
Rev, and 17rs. Calvin Diegel of rheas cards and religious calen-
Geralcitan attended the marriage tears are to be sold. Dart baseball
of his sister, Marleen Dorothy was played.
Diegel, RN, to Donald John Me- Coming Event—A shower for
Laughlin, S�ineardine and ed Mr, and Mas. Donald McLaughlin
his Parents, Mr, and Mrs,
visitWm. (M:arleen Diegel RN) will be held
Diegel. Rev. Diegel took Part in in Brodhageu anct District com-
the ceremony. munity hall on Friday evening,
Mrs. Howard Goodrich, Linda Nov. 13th, Ncalunch. Everybody
and 'Robert, anti Mrs. (Maxwell welcome.
Denise, all of Gcderich, visited
Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Hinz recent- CI�OMARTY
Mrs. Leslie Wietersen ot 3301.11. Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Storey of
holm spent a few days with her Dorchester visited on Wednesday
mother, Mrs. Aug. Iiiliebrecht. with .lir, and Mrs. Donald Scott.
Mrs. Idera Diegel of Mitchell is Mr. and Itrs, Frank Cadick,
spending this week with her NA- Sharon and Donald of Sarnia
ter -in -late, Mes, W. L. Qnerenges- spent t:he weekend with 111.. and
501'. lirs. Jahn Vradlaee,
Mrs. E. 6. Fischer has returned Dr. Alex. Mahaffy of Victoria,
tome after several weeks in Luse B.C., etas been visiting with his yl
ieh at the home of her son, Rev, brother, air. Herb \tahaffy and w
Paul Fischer. The infant Baugh- his sister, Mrs. R. Hognarth of
ter of Rev. and Mrs. Pawl Fischer Mitchell and other relatives.
accompanied her here while the 311. and firs. Laverne Wallace
mother ,is a Patient in a London eaniatdi PMaime.elAaleaxcconpuieodf bESxefier. 4
Misses Phyllis Hinz and Bever- visited on Sunday with \Ir, and �1
ley Sholdire took part in a Hal-
lfr8. Hal^ry Elliott of 1Vindsar.
lowe'en stela]. on 'Friday evening firs. W. N. Binning, Robert. anct
at :Dennis' school, McKillop, doing Jane and Mrs. Howard Quereu-
tap dance numbers. gesser and Beth of Mitchell visit -
The first snow storm of this fall eel on Thursday with Mrs K. Mc -
teas on November 1st and 2nd. Kellar. �I
The executive of llitchel•l Fig -
Bonnie Myrtle li'Phail,
ore Slanting Club held a meeting daughter of Matied .firs. Ross
et the hams of the presiclenh, McPhail returned bonne on Friday
Russell Sholclice on Sunday after -
South Huron Hospital where
noon malting Plans for :the .open- she had beeu a patient for several
ing on Monday evening, Nov. 16 days,
with a new professional instruct- Weekend visitors at the hs:me
or, Me. Rae Warden of Guelph, o1! Mr. and Mrs„ Otto Walker
Me. and .Mrs. Lorne Wolfe and were Miss Sandy Bailey, Mitchell,
bays and 'Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz
Miss Marten Donnell. TiirIctou
and Johnny of Kitchener, Mr. and and Me Alvin Cornish, Exeter.
Mrs. Don Wolfe, Mitchell, with Miss\taagaret Ann 'WallaceMr. .and Vers._ Lavern Wolfe on spent the weekend with her
Sunsioy mend, ilIiss Maty Parkinson,
Russell Sholdice was winner of :lfitehell.
a Kroehler ul)holste^ed swivel We extent our sympathy to the
Chaim in the draw haul by the
et the late eh•, Bert Riley
Eastern Star at Mitchell Saler- whose death occurred suddenly at
y. his have on Friday.
-Two beautiful bouquets of Mr. Lloyd Riley of Red Lake
_white ureas adorned the altos' of
attended the funeral of his fatlt-
St. Peter's Lutheran Church on er, lir, Bert Riley on Motulasy,
Suuday from the wedding on Fre
Mr. Earl Kinsman received
day of Merleen Diegel to Donald word of the death of his brother,
MstLaughian. Mr. each Kinsman •of MacRorie,
Mae.Iiosine Miller visited Mrs. Sask. Mr, Jack Kinsman Jr. lett
Alma P:uschelberg at Lietowei 110, by place for Saskatoon au iron-
sPital recently. day to attend his uncle's funeral
The United Lutheran Church181-. Howard Kerr of Toronto
Women here enjoyed •n Hallowe'en conducted. ,the church service en
social at First Lutheran Church, Sunday in the absence o£ his
Logan, guests .of the Ladies' Aid father, Rev. S. Derr.
last Tuesday evening. Communion. service will be oh -
A Hallowe'en party was held at served at the service next Sutt-
the school on.Z Tilly aftemoan• day. Preparatory service will be
Mn'. and • Mrs. Wm. Diegel and held an Thursday evening.
Arthur vatted With 114x', and Mrs.The annual bazaar and tea
Wilfred 'Suehring, Sebringville, which is sponsored by the Ladies'
an Suuday. Aid anti Marian Ritchie Auxiliary
Mrs. Edward Scherbarth, he, will lie held in the basement of
bas been teaching at our e•aItopl the church on P,riclay afternoon,
hese this week in the absence of Mr. and Mss. T. L. Scott and
the teaches', Mr.Don Wolfe, who sons, Hugh, David, John and
is sick: Alex spent the weekend at Lind -
Mt', and :Mrs. Manuel Beuernrau say with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh
spent Sunday with Mm, and Mrs. Moore and family.
at -
Alvin Pryoe at I itcheuel:, Ladies from Cromarty who at -
Mr, awl Nbe. John G. Mine of tended the seetbonal meeting held
Guelph visited her sisters, Nies,at Motherwell-Avonbanlc • church
Chas, Aht+ens lett lire, Ernest El -
Tuesday were Mas. 1', L. Scott,
lig'sen on Sunday: Mrs. Sadie Scott, 'Mrs, M. Iough-
Mr. b Miller, a former to ton, Mrs, T. Laing, Ma's, K. Sora
Rey rn et sol of
thee. Mrs. Calder eicKai ' d
'teacher here, now of Oakville, and g and
teaching in Toronto, elated on Ma's. Gerald Carey.
iMes. Chas. Ahrene recently.
Mr, cat:1 E111gsen, •Tenet and EGMONDVILLE
Carol of Trtrindsor, with itis Matti" The 'MU of 'Egmcndviile Piet-
er, Mrs, Ernest Eliigson and oth- ed Chtrt'h _net Nov. 1, with the
er n'eletives, president Bruce Coleman preside
81r, and Mrs. Stanley Martin of ing, Ca.ro1S'n-llammoltd
Granite Bend with Il:i', and :Vers, charge of the meeting. Dorothy
11x-186 Tait 011 Sunday: Jackson road tho scripture. Car -
Mr. .and Mrs, Rudy 'Ii
ehn and odyn Hammond led in prayer and
Pertyy of Rostock with lVtra. R. took the tapir "The 'Most \vntidem
Millet' on her League
too Mole" A sing song was er-
The Lather :l eague met Sunday by Nancy Pepper, Reenreation was r;
evening,, ICenn:eth, Adapts read the taken by Margaret Wood. A pres-
Sertieu'e leseou followed b•3- pray- enation was trade by Eric Me-
er by Roger Sholtliee, The topic tntosh to tho newlyweds, 3/tr, and
Was given' in the form of a piny, Mrs. Bt'ttre Coleman.