HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-10-22, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. '81
11.60 a Year
Authorized az Second tJlwa marl.
Post thrice Peet„ Ottawa
Snowdon Brea„ Peblieher,
The wedding took place on Sat.,
Oct, 14tth at the drome et the
brides parents,.of Alice Margaret
Caldwell, daughter .of ,Ma, and
Mrs. William Ca8dwel5, Brucefeid,
and Frederick Albert :Deiehert,, of
Zurich. The ceremony was per-
formed at 3 pin. by Rev. S. Davi-
ton. Given in marriage by her fa-
ther the bride wore a floor length
wedding gown of white satin with
fullskirt, featuring a sweetheart
neckline, 'trimmed all around with
re -embroidered lace and a panel
of re -embroidered to the hemline
down the trout of 'the gown, and.
long lily boint sleeves. Shoulder
length veil of flue shin illusion
fell ; from a crown made in tarn -
]cants, She carried a white Bible
crested with red rosea and steph-
anotis. Maid of honor was Miae
Virginia Deiohert of :Waterloo,
sister of the groom, in a street
length dress of aqua brocaded
satin styled with a portrait neck-
line coming to a bow in front and
featuring a fitted bodice going
into a lull skirt with a dropped
waiatiine, A'matching head dress
of mohair entwined with pearls
and rhinestones, and a cascade of
pink carnations. Mr, Robert Ciald-
well, of Bnueefleld, brother of the
bride, was best man. Traditional
wedding music was played, be
the organist, MTs, Laverne Scott
of Seaforth, cousin of the bride,
The wedding reception was held
at •Armstrong's, Exeter, After-
wards Mr. and 'Mrs, Deiohert :left
for a honeymoon at Ottawa and
Eastern -points, the bride travel-
ing in a royal blue imported wool
•suit with fine check tweed with,
beige and brown accessories and
a corsage of tawny, gold roses.
Upon their return they will re-
side at Clinton. Guests were pre-
sent from Zurich, Cromarty, Tor-
onto, Kitchener, Waterloo, NeW
Hamburg, Stratford, *Seaforth,
Port ';Elgin, Clinton and Goderich,
.The Presbyterian PEPS met on
Oot, 18th. Worship service was
conducted by Marlene Carter: El-
len Gorwill read the :ml'ntites. Mr.
Elder conducted the election of
officers: President, Tom, Dick;
vice president, John Patterson.;
secretary, Evelyn Dick; treasurer,
NQora Gorwiil; worship convener,
Marlene Carter; social convener,'
Peter Kelly; pianist, Elizabeth'
Stewart. The new members were
welcomed to the society.
Officers of the APPA' were in-
.---t:tailed at the morning service of
St. Thomas' 'Anglican Church by
the rector, Rev. H. Donaldson.
President is ,Fred Fiewwitt, Vice
.Pres., Douglas Roweliffe, Treasur-
er, Ray Scans., Secretary, Janet
Ice was put do the -Seaforth
arena over the week end, and the
first hockey practice was held on
Monday evening. Tuesday even-
ing there was ;public ice skating
as well as hockey practice,
Mr. and Mee. Hank van Rootjen
*and family are now settled • in
thein' new home in the .former Z.
alcS:padden farm at Roxboro.
1lheir phone number is •now 836
Top price at Shorthorn "off the
grass" sale at Singhampton, $410,
went to Thomas Webster, Aub-
urn, for a beautiful two-year-old
heifer with her 10 -day-old calf.
Other Huron County consigners
were: A. C. Gaunt, Lueknow; Mc-
Kinley Farm & Hatchery, Zurich;
Roy Pepper, Seaforth, and -Harold
Pepper, Seaforth.
Murray Taylor, 'Clinton, was
winner of $1,000 In a draw held
by .Seaforth Canadian Legion on
Friday, The draw was made at
a harvest get-together in Seaforth
Communiby Centre. Mr. Taylor
was present at the time of the
draw. President Harry Nesbitt
made the presentation, Oleve
Coombs was ticket ehairdnan.
Proceeds of .the dance and draw
are for :the new Legion Hall
building fund.
- A. 14 -year-old colored boy who
-had lett his fester'hame near Tav-
istook, was found by a loom Citi-
'zen wandering on the street in
Seaforth Tuesday evening.
'boy was endeavoring to find his
way to 'hie former home in Wind-
sor. Poluce from Sebringville and
ti Woodstock . aided . in .returning
l'; hint to Tavistock.
A social evening was enjoyed
recently when neighbours gather-
ed at the home of Mrs. Aubrey
Farquhar in. •honour of .Mee. Fred
R•athweli who has sold ,her farm
home and le moving away .from
the community. Mrs. J. R. Mae -
deal read a'farewell address and
stilts,. Rathwell received gifts and
good wishes from her many
friends. She .expressed' :her sin-
cere thanks to ail.
Mrs. H. F. 'Berry entertained at
a Thanksgiving dinner ' in honour
of 'Miss Mary Gibson and Mss,
Fred Rothwell. Ma's. George
Henderson was hostess at a hin-
dmost when .Mrs. Rothwell and
Miss Gibson were presented wiblt.
farewell .stints,
Anniversary Service will be
held in tate Brucefleld United
Church on Sunday, Ott. 25th, A.
group of young ladies will come
from Sarnia to assist the choir,
Fire Destroys
Powell Barns
The barns on the farm of
George Powell, lot 35, concession
2, McKillop, were completely des-
troyed by fire Saturday night.
Lose was estimated at $16,000 by
Fire Chief John P. Scott of Sea -
forth. Included in the loss were
600 bales of this year's hay stor-
ed in the barns by Oliver Wright
anti 1,100 bales 'belonging to Jaen
A side rake, bean puller and
snuffler owned by another neigh-
bor, were also lost. These imple-
ments had been stored by 'Mr,
Hugili on Saturday, who has been
doing the fall plowing on the
Seaforth rural fire department
answered the call about 9.30 pod,
but found both' 'barna burning.
The house, west of lite barna, wee
not in serious danger.
NIr. Powell has :been living in
Seaforth since' the first of -Sept-
ember, where he is employed with
Ball -Macaulay Ltd. The land
was rented this summer to Glen
MONichol for flax.
. The loss is partially •covered by
The farm is .the original Black
homestead and the barns were
built by William Black, 'father of
the late William D. Black a
Tuckeramith. It was dater owned
by James McGill before being
4.>urc'hased many years ago .by
the late Jean Powell.
There was another fire alarm
about 1.30 am. Monday when the
fire brigade was called oat by po-
lice to search for man who bad
wandered away from :the hospital
in :his night attire. He was loc-
ated in about 16 ,minutes at a for-
mer boarding house .in the north
end of town.
Among those attending the
-Shaw-Shuttleworth .wedding in
Bishop Croaya Memorial Ohurch,
London, en Saturday were Mr.
and IMrs. R. J. Boussey, Mr. and
Mrs. R. S. Box, Mr. and Mrs.. Don
•Brightrall, Mr. and Mrs. C. Row -
entre, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Reith
and Mr. and aka. Harvey Travis.
Tanet ,Patricia •Shuttleworth,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 79.
Shuttleworth, Springbank Drive,
Loudon, andi .George Shaw, sox of
Mrs. Shaw and the late W. R.
Shaw, London, were united • in
'marria'ge by Rev. Dr. Burton
Thofnas, assisted by the groom's
cousin, Rev. Jahn Langford. Mrs.
Boussey was one of five attend-
ants of the •bride and Mr. Bussey
was an Whey. The - bride Is a
graduate`af Victoria hospital. The
groom will graduate in Toronto'
on Friday of this week as a
Certified Chartered Accountant.
There was a good attendance
at the Thankoffering meeting of
the McKillop WMS of First Pres-
byterian Ohuroh which was held
in the March 'Hall on Thursday
afternoon.' Guests were present
from the 'Missionary Societies of
Constance and Northside -United
Churches, Melville Presbyterian
'Church, Brussels, and :the Senior
and Barbara Kirkman Auxiliar-
ies of our church. The president,
Mrs. Helen McMillan welcomed
all ;present in a few well ,chosen
words, then opened the meeting
with a poem. 'Mrs. Francis Cole-
man read the scripture Lesson and
gave the Meditation on it: The
prayer was given by Mrs. Rudasi•1
Dorrance. Rev. J. H. and Mrs.
Greene, Brussels, sang a lovely
duet, 'The Raven Ile Feedeth."
A splendid missionary address
which gave 'those present much
food for thought was :given, by
Rev. Mr. Greene. Mrs. James F.
Scott graciously expressed the
appreciation of the . meeting to
Rev. and Mrs. 'Greene. The •offer-
ing was received by Mrs. Harold
Agar and Mrs. N. Ft. Dorrance.
The October 'meeting of the
Seaforth Home and School: Asso-
elation was 'held in the school
auditorium on :Oct. 20th with
Mrs. W.:Hodgert, the 'President in
charge. The meeting opened with
singing O Canada and repeating
the Lords 'Prayer in unison. My.
and M'r's, E. Williams favored
with two lovely duets accompan-
ied by Mrs. Cardno at the 'piano,
Miss Elder's class won .the grade
attendance award. The members
were reminded of ,the Area Con-
ference for Home and School be-
ing held in London. on Thursday,
Oct. 22, 1959. A film entitled
"Are :manners important?" was
shaven atter which a discussion
period followed. The meeting
closed with singing "God Save
The Queen".
The October meeting of the
Seaforth Institute was held on
Thursday, Oot. 15th at the home
of Mrs.. John 3 illebreeht with a
good attendance. The roll call,
What I left ,undone to .attend this
meeting proved very ,interesting.
11Ite training school for .the short
course 'New lampa for old"' will
'be /held on Oct. 28th and 29,th in
Clinton. at was decided to enter-
tain members from other insti-
tutes at the November meeting.
Launch Appeals in
Insurance Case
Two eppeale are being launched
against a Supreme Court ruling
in London which decided an auto-
mobile insurance ,policy expired
with the death of the insured per-
The decision, ha Mr. Justice
W, P. Spence has caused '•wide
spread interest and the All Oan-
ads Inettrance Federation has
moved to plug the ioopdioie in
auto insurance policies.
Mr. Justice Silence's 'ruling in
effect said 'if the insured person
died and the executor or anbt'her
person' was involved is an aeeid'
ent with the Gar, th'e i
company, was not liable...
The original sults arose from
•an accident early in 1958 when a
ear belonging to the estate of
;Mrs. Sthetaa Martha Campbell and.
driven by Ivan Layng of Poplar
Hill was in collision with another
ear driven by 'Baroid Finlay.
Subsequent judgment found
Layne 90 per cent responsible Mr
the accident, Damages of ,$33,940
were awarded Finlay.
Finlay .in tarn sued Global In-
surance Company Poo' the amount.
Layne sued the company for
breach of contract and claimed.
payment of $3,392 for legal serv-
ices which the 'maintained should
have been made •available under
the terms of the policy.
The insurance company won
both eases. It claimed the auto
policy terminated Jan. 10 on the
death of Mae. Campbell. Both Fin-
lay and Layne are appealing the
Justice Spence referred to Sec-
tion 207 of the Insurance Act
which provides, in pant:
",Every owner's policy shall in-
eure the pavan named therein,
and every other person who, with
his consent, personally drives an
automobile, specifieally described
in the policy, against the liability
imposed by law, upon the insured
named therein or upon any such
other person for loss or damage
" In auto 'insurance it is•
.the person who is insured, not the
vehicle. If a person is killed in an
accident while operating his car
the insurance company is liable.
The judge agreed with the com-
pany that insurance lapsed with
the death of the ageured person.
"So •far es I have been able to
ascertain." said Justice Spence,
"No insurance company has tak-
en the position until now that a
policy .for third person liability
lapsed :upon the death of the
named assured"
Evidence was .that Margaret
Jean Campbell, executrix of the
estate did not want the car as
personal property and permitted
her .cousin, Layng, to have pos-
session in an attempt to sell it.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray were
weekend ',deltas with their son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Gray, London.
1MT. and Mrs. Ein ere :Stephen-
son, Grace and Paul, accompan-
ied by Mrs. Hugh McLachlan
spent Sunday with Rev. and Ma's.
Andrew H. ;McKenzie and family
at Acton.
Mrs. J. S. Watson has returned
home from a visit with her son-
in-law and .daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert •Olarrk and family, Muir.
Mrs. Angus Brown celebrated
,her 93rd birthday on Oct. 17th at
the home of her song Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. 'Brown, Among those who
called on her was her pastor, Dr,
J. Semple, with whom she con-
versed freely about the early days
and her interest in the work of
the church, ,She is wonderfully
clear and bright 'mentally.
MTs, David Stephenson visited
with her grandson, Mr. and Mrs.
John eleConnell, Goderich, on
Sunday and attended the baptism
service of her great grandson,
'Martin James 'McConnell, at Knox
Presbyterian Church.
Sunday was Layman's Sunday.
Mr. J. A. Snider of Goderich was
the preacher. Dr. J. Semple was
Exhaust Fans ,Made
at Brodhag'en
Mr. Ford Dleklson was at the
International 'Plowing Match at
Peter's. Corners - in Wentworth
County all last week and .at many
fall fain- throughopt the district
displaying the Exhaust 'Fane of
his own manufacture which be
started about two, years ago.
When Mervin Dietz built his large'
broiler ,pens he annealed Ford
Diekigon if he could make an ex-
haunt fan ,for his ,b • ildings for a
competitive price. ..A. great deal.
of thought was put into titin,
many days and nights were spent
in desigeing a ,fan that Wontld be
„unable .for his job
Ford Diokisen •found that ,id
'theto manufacture Ude fan at
the right price,' materials had to
be 'brought in large 4uantttiee. To
do this there also' had to be a
laa+ger field for ventilation than
just .poultry, .houses and upon
looking into this .he found very
few farm buildings that didn't
leave a ventilation ,problem. There-
fore he installed machinery and•
materials to manafaobure +these
fans. There are .now four sizes
Wing made by Mr. Dickson in
'his. workshop here 'and all 'can be
installed in swivel frames' that
allow the fan to be 'revolved to
blow inwards or outwards.
These fans have all been tested
and approved by ;the Canadian
Testing Laboratories under the
name "The Fresh Air Ventilating
With his present set up he can
make about 100 tans a week and
are ;being distrfbitted by dealers
throughout Ontario.
Mr. Irvin Leon'hardt itas .been
erecting a wood working shop et
the rear of his home and has.in-
stalled the machinery _ that 'he
used in his .former workshop, phe
building which has new been pur-
chased by Ford •Diekison.
Mr. and Mrs. John ' L. Benne-
wies accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Bennewies of :Mdboliell
to Windsor and Detroit for the
week end visiting their family.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice
and Beverley and Mrs. Elizabeth
Querengesser attended, Main St.
United Church, .Mitchell anudvere
sary service on Sunday and were
guests of Mr. and Mas. Harold
Riegel. •
lie'. and Mrs- N. L. Morton er
Thornhill and Mr. Arthus' ''Morton
of Calgary, Alberta, with Mr. and
Mrs. Lew Melte on Saturday:
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Burnett,
Oherul, Edward and Michelle ,of
Detroit with 'Mr. and Mrs. Roes
Leonhardt .for the week end:
Mr. and (Mr's. Lavern Wolfe and
Mrs. Chas. Ahrens with Mn and
Mrs. Levi Rands, Mitchell' en Sun-
arr. and, Mrs. Li'SEhaueman of
Lansing, Mich., with his sialter,
•Mics. Geo. P. K•ueller and Mr.
Mueller recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rock, Kit-
chener, with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs.' Henry 'Rock recently.
Miss Marlene Diegel, Reg.. N.,
Stratford, with 'hex parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Wan. Didgel. She has
resigned from Stratford I3ospital
because of 'her forthcoming mar-
Kenneth George Rose, infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard' Rose
was baptised during the Sunday
morning service at St. Peter's
Lutheran Church. The sponsors
along with the parents were Mr.
and Mss. Mervin Wurdal., E Miss
Carole Rose and William Boltz.
A 'large crowd attended the
shower for Mr. and Mrs•. Irwin
Johnston at the Brodhagen and
District Community Hall on Fri -
dew evening. They were present-
ed with money. Mr. George
Wheatley read the address and
Mr. Louis Bolton made the pres-
entation. Music for dancing was
supplied by Ciao French, Enlyn
Osborne, Gary Jesting and Gary
Siholdice. Lunch was served.
On Saturday evening relatives
and friends of .11fe. and Mrs. aim
Lloyd (Edna Bennewies) of West-
on gathered at tate hall to cele-
brate their 26th wedding an.
anniversary :preacher at Brussels niversary, The evening was spent
United Church on Sunday, in playing cards, prizes going to
Ms's. Ronald Hans, Carl Voek, Mra,
MCKZLLOP BUSY BEAVERS Lorne Mueller and Reuben Rap -
The first meeting of the me_ len. Most done hands was Mrs.
Killob Busy Beavers was ,held at Chris Leonhardt and Harvey Dol -
the ,h'om'e of Mrs. Pappie and Lia- mage. Dancing followed tvit'i mus-
cle. The ,meeting was opened with, 1'c supplied by Mrs. Lorne Mueller.
the Institute Ode and followed :by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd were present_
theLord's Prayer arae 4.1.1 pledge. ed with an electric fry ,pan, tele -
The election of :officers for the vision lamp, telephone table and
new club "Olothes Closets Tip Pe narrate The address was read
Date" resulted as follows; Pres„ by Russell Sholdice, A delicious.
Elsie Doig; Vice Pres., Marian lunch was served by the Immed-
Hunt; secretary, Dena Gordon; .tate family of Mrs. Lloyd. At this
treasurer, Fay Little; press sec., oeleboation Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd
Joan Coyne. presented her mother and Mrs.
All the .members voted to keep Lena Bennewies and sisters, Mrs.
the same name "McKill.op Busy 'Hilda Vock, IMrs.:Gee' Rock and
.Beavers" ,Por the olub, Next meet- > s, David Davis with a gift a
ing will- be ,held at the home of jewellerry and brother, William
Mrs. Scott and Margnerne. Mrs. Bennewles with •a cigarette light.
Papple then gave us a nate on er,
the requirements of each. chub Mr. Harold Elligsen injured
member, The girls whiten divided his foot when a plank fell on It.
into two groups. Mrs, Scott He was treated at Stratford hos-
showed us how to make 'a hat Tatal and it was placed in a walk -
standard and Mrs. Papple showed ing cast,
us ,how to make a ,bias binding. The regular meeting of the Lu-
B,all call for next week is My PPrre. 'her League. opened by singing .0
sent Type .of Clothes Stora e: The Worship .the Xing, The scripture
Iloilo assignment Is 'int make as'Was rea$ by armee Rohrer, b-
snrveyof your own storage droll. na Soherbarth discussed how to
ities, plan the colour scheme of encourage more young people to
come to the meetings,- -:A: prayer
was thea given by Wayne Jar-
ni:ubh. , Each ,member briefly out.
lined flow they spent the day,
for the roll call. Invitations were
received to a Hallowe'en panty, a
hayr4de and a skating party in
the near future. Gaines weo'o
played. The meeting closed with
the singing of "Now bite day is
oven'" and -prayer.
PONS on the 'London. Convention
held last week, Luncit was served
by Mrs. Earl Papple, Mrs. Graham
Kerr and MTS. Howard Wilson.
your closet. Get materials for
our hat standard and 'hat box,
heck first column of check
hest lin member's pamphlet,
egln record book. ,Army ,Stewart
nd Eleanor Keyes will demon.
rate 'how to •make a hat stand -
and at •'the next meeting, June
Smith and josh Pryce will dem-
otistt'ate itow to make a bias bind-
The 'motto "Don':' try to keep 113 y
with the Joneses, until you are C
sure where they are going` was 's
taken by Mb's. R. M. Scott. Ml's. B
Gordon McKenzie, Mrs. J. McLean a
and 'Nies. J. Grummett gave re- st
14404-17 SUBLINSer
St Patrick's Roman Catholic)
Church was the scene of a wed.
ding Saturday, Oct. 10, at 10 a.m.,
when Bernadina Visser, daughter
Of Mr, and Mae, Ted Visser; r.r. 1,
Dublin; became the bride of An-
thonY Koot, London, sen of Mr,
and Mrs. William Koot, r,r. 2,
Forest, e•v, 3r. Durand officiat.
ed at the ceremony. White ehre-
sanbhem'ums decorated the chug.
'ch. Mrs, William Lane was or..
ganisb and the Dublin School
choir sang the Nuptial Mass.
Given in matelege by her father,
the bride wore a gown of chantil-
ly lace, pacer silk. styled with fit-
ted ibolicei lily -point sleeves• and
Sabrina neckline, iridescent sea.
ulna and pearls, A tiara of
peiiads ':held iter fingertip veil and
she carried g bouquet of nosegay
Ted .rosea. Miss Antonia Visser,
sister of the bride was matron of
honour, :Site wore a deep sea -
green cocktail dress with a mat -
chine 'headdress. Her bouquet
consisted of red roses and bronze
chrysanthemums, Peter Poet,
brother-in-law of the groom was
best elan. Jos. Visser, brother of
the bride, and Harry Deere, :bra-
ther-in-law of the groom ushered.
For an extensive trip throughout
Ontario, :the bride chose a navy
blue dress with beige accessories
and a corsage of red roses. On re-
turn from their 'honeymoon 'the
couple will reside in London.
Guests attended the wedding from
Stratford, Mitchell, Monkton, St.
Paul's, London, Mt. Brydges, Ar-
kona, Forest, Aylmer, Dublin and
surrounding district.
Dr. E. A. McMaster of Seaforth
was guest speaker on Tuesday
evening when the Catholic Wom•
en's League of Dublin met at the
Continuation School. Dr, Mc -
Muter ,gave a very informative
talk on his trip to Japan and the
Orient which took in a medical
convention, describing the Indus-
tries and life of :the :people and
different cities 'which he visited.
Afterwards be showed slides of
the places, which was ,much en-
joyed. A vote of thanks was giv
en Dr. McMaster by Mrs. Joseph
Shea. The secretary read the
minutes of the previous meeting
and the treasurer's ,report was gi-
ven showing a substantial bal.
once after the penny sale and so-
cial evening held in September.
An invitation .to attend Autumn
Fair under the auspicesof the
House of ,Providence Guild, Lon-
don, to be ;held on October 15 was
received; also ,to a Deanery meet-
ing to be' held in S•teenfeed in No-
vember. A donation wily 'be sent
to Our Ladies* Missionaires and
the Provincial Bursary, Discus-
sion was held on the 'turkey bin-
go which will take 'place In No-
vember. A reading on St. Ther-
esa was given by Ms's. Clayton
Looby. A prize donated by firs.
Frank Kintner was won by Mrs.
Lou BTuxer. The next 'meeting
will' be held in the Church' hall
and euchre will be played. Meet-
ing was adjourned with the re-
gulation prayer by the president
and the singing of 0 Canada and
God Save Our Queen.
Many friends and relatives at-
tended' the funeral of the late
Joseph Stapleton who •died sud-
denly on Tuesday at his home in
Dublin. The body rested at his
late sesidenee until Friday morn-
ing when Requiem High Mass
was sung at St. Patrick's Church,
Dublin, by Rev. •R. Durand; Rev.
Dr. J. B. Ffonikes was in the
Sanctuary. ' Mrs, William Lane
:presided .at the organ and was
assisted by the school -choir. The
Pallbearers were ,James O'C'oainor,
Martin Klinkhamer, Joseph Dor-
sey, Louis Bruxer, T. Simonsen
and Edward* Byers. Burial took
place in the ,parish cemetery.
Attending the funeral of the
late Joseph Stapleton were Mrs,
Rita Stapleton, Collingwood; •Mr.
and Mrs. George McCann, Mas. T.
Stapleton, Toledo, Ohio; Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Mathews, Mrs. Basil
Byrne, Detroit; air. and Mrs.
D. R. ,Williams, Jacksonville,
3lori:da; 'Mrs. 51, Campbell and
son, 14Lrs, Beebaat and daughter,
Mrs. Bert Phillips and Samily,
London; Mr. and Mrs, Leonard
Nagle and Robert and Linda, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Nagle, Stratford,
Mrs. Florence McNeil, Mr. Allan
McNeil, Strathroy; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Allan; Mr. and ales. Tom
A11'an, Mr, andoMr's. Clifford 0`•
Gray, Londn.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dillon
and children, St. Thomas, arr. and,
Mrs. Sylvester Ryan: an•d child-
ren, Sobringeille; .Mr, and Mrs.
Wilfred Duffy :and children,
Woodstock; Mr. and Mr's. James
Kelly and daughter, Seaforth,
with Mrs. Louis Dillon and Dor-
Mrs. Frank Fitzgibbons, Hain-
-with Mr. and Mrs. Terry
Mr. and IMss. len MacRae and
daughter at Parkhill.
A bazaar and name baking
sale will be held by .St. Marys
Guild at the tome of ,Mrs..Ohanles
Friendn Saturday o abu day at 2 p.m.
Mr. Paul Holland, London, with
Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Holland,
''Ba J. Coyne
With the date for Christmas ex-
aminations having been, set to
staa't on November 21 everyone id
really getting down to business,
Grades eleven and twelve are
busy getting ,the chemistry lab in
ander with th.e help of nine and
Field meet is to be :held on
Wednesday of this Week. Hot
dogs, soft cia'3nks and Dandy will
be served to refresh everyone
after their hard work, The two
Pattern for Dining
Dinnerware by Wedgwood ... the delicate tracery
of soft grey leaves gracefully wedded with the cool
beauty of turquoise. Enough formality for the most
meticulous hostess , . yet offering the subdued
warmth so necessary for intimate dining. In lustrous
'fine English bone china.
teams this year are grades eleven
and twelve against nine and ten.
We all want grades eleven and
twelve to win and we don't want
grades nine and ten to lease. •So
best of luck to both teams, and
may the best team win.
This week grade nine received
new desks for their classroom,
Last week we had the honour
of having ,Miss .Muetard come to
our school to check the library,
Comment: Diane that sure is a
beautiful silver ring.
Question of the week:Why has
Cathy decided to do her home.
work on Friday nights.
The October meeting of the
WMS and WA was held with 21
members and 2 visitors present.
Mrs. A. Parsons and Mrs', Ross
Love mere hostesses. Mrs. E. And-
erson conducted the worship ser-
vice and her theme was Truth &
Freedom. She was assisted by
Mrs, Winston Workman, Mrs. A,
itaMurtrie and Mrs. John Ander-
son alto read Scripture .passages
and each led in prayer. Mrs. Ross
Love read a paper on Christian
Stewardship and :Mrs. H. Cald-
well gave, the study book on
Melee. Midi Sharon McBride fa-
vored with a piano solo. firs. W.
Worieman reported that -she -and
Mr's. Ken McKay had made seven
calls on shut-ins and Mrs. Ross
Love and Mrs, A. Parsons offered
to visit for the month of October.
Mrs. E. Jarrett gave the Sunshine
report. It was decided to pack a
bale for the Fred Victor mission,
Toronto in December. The Pres-
byterial at Elimville on Oct. 22
was discussed. It was decided to
accept an invitation to Northside
WMS, Seaforth, on Oct, 27. The
birthday party will be held on
Wed., Nov. 4th, when ladies from
•Cltisellan'st, Varna and diensall
Presbyterian Church will be spe-
olal guests. A nominating and
program committee were appoin-
ted for the coating year.
Anniversary sorvices Sunday in
St. Andrew's United •Church were
well attended both morning and
evening. Rev. Conner, a former
pastor, 26 years ago, and who is
at present in Walkerton, was the
guest speaker. The choir under
Miss J. Ivison's direction, render-
ed special music. During . the
morning service the Misses Kath
erine Anderson and Marie Sin-
clair sang two duets, "A Mansion
Over the Hill Tops," and "Some
One Elise Needs Him Too." At the
evening service Hank Binnendyk
favored with two pleasing soloe,
"My Task" and "Great Is Thy
Faithfulness." Hank, who has
been a faithful member of the
choir was presented with a blan-
ket by the choir members at the
Mose of the service. Saturday* is
Hank's wedding .day' and he le
wished ,the best of everything.
The ONE station at Kippen has
been sold and the building is be-
ing wrecked.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Wier -
en attended the Ren Rema -Line -
tea wedding .Saturday in the Hol-
land church at Exeter.
'Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Kyle and
Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Call.
well and Jamie of Hensall visited
recently with relatives :in Dear-
bol'n. and Detroit.
Mr. and Moe, E. J, Roberts and
family visited Sunday with M•r.
and Mrs, Gordon Couto), and Pa-
rity .of Kert'wood.
Mr. an•d Mrs, Wm. Haney; Ex-
etei', were Sultday Meets of Mr,
and Mrs, Herb Jones.
:Mur, and Mrs. J. Upshail and
baby spent the week end with Mr,
and Mrs, Iiayter of London,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van tier
afoien of Guelph spent the week
end with her :parents, Mr, and
Mrs. W, L. Whyte.
Visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Geo,
Leitch on Sunday were Mrs. Ag-
nes Dale, Bob •and Marion and
Charles Johnson all of Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson at-
tended Turner's anniversary on
Sunday and also visited with Mr.
and Mrs. ,Stanley Johns.
Several tram Constance congre-
gation attended anniversary serv-
ices Sunday at Londesboro.
A goodly number of -members
of Court Constantine and Court
Constance of the 007* participat-
ed .in the church parade at the
Benmlller United Church Sunday
Mr. and Mrs, Marshall Stone-
house of Belgr'ave visited Tuesday
with Me. and Mrs, George Leitch.
The WA and WbiS members
met Oct. 14th. Ms's. Lorne Law-
son presided over the WA. Letters
of 'thanks were read. $10 was vot-
ed to send to "The Ohurchmen."
Mrs. Frank Riley and Mrs, Geo.
Hoggart were •named to bring .in
the slate of officers for the WA.
Mrs. Borden Brown presided over
the WMS. Mrs. Verne Dale read
Psalm 107. -Letter of appreciation
was read from Mrs. Rev, T. White
of Springfield. Delegates to sec-
tional meeting at our church Oct,
21 were ,Mrs. Verne Dale and Mrs.
Earl Lawson. Mrs, Wm, Dale and
Mr's. George Leitch were ,to bring
in the slate of officers -for WMS.
Thankoffering meeting to be held.
Nov, 4 at the home of Mrs. W. L.
Whyte with Mrs. Scott as special
speaker and eaoh member to in-
vite a visitor. Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt
gave a conclusion on Hawaii and
the complete study book,
Miss Yvette Van Poucke was
guest of honor at a shower on
Monday evening at the home of
Mrs. Clarence Martin when
friends and neighbors gathered to
;honor her prior .to her .marriage
on Saturday next. A short prog-
rosram consisted of solo Linda Bay -
ens, reading, Mrs. J. Smith. A
discussion on the meaning of ma-
trimeny by Mrs, C. Martin; Mae.
Torrance Dundas addressed the
bride-to-be, wlto was seated in a
.decorated chair, Iles' mother, „
Mrs. A. Van Poucke and the
groom-to-be's another, Mrs. A.
Binnendyk were guests. The gifts
were brought in by Linda and
Barbara Bryans with •Mrs. Marcel
Van Po -wire aasisting in opening
the 'presents, Miss Van awoke
thanked .the ladies for the many
beautiful gifts and invited them
to her home on Wednesday atter-
noon..C'ontests were conducted by
Mrs. Don Fraser, A delicious
lunch was served by tate neigh-
Family Night will be held in
the community hall Tburaday ev-
ening when W.I. members will
bring theirhusbands and famil-
ies, A ,po:t hock stopper will be
served at 7 pm.
A number of ladies from here
attended the thankaffering ser-
vice at 'Al:onctlef United Church
last Friday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bn'oadfoot
spent .a few day's with Me. and
Air's, Jahn .Henderson,
lair. M. Fraser visited with his
daughter, Mr. and Mss. J, Living-
stone at Preston one day last
Mrs. Ruby 12mtslee and datiglt.
ters Eleanor, Carolyn and Joyce
of Glencoe were week end visitor's
witb 17r .and'113ts. George Dundee,
Miss Verde, Watson of Toronto
spent the week end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mt'e. David Watson.
'Hallowe'en .is elating early in
this district with numerous tvin-
.dows and •cat's receiving the
treatment ,this week in totem. On
Tuesday evening provincial police
investigated a report bhet "boys„
(not so young) ih acad' had re-
moved a farm tractor and p'iaced
it along a country road.