HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-10-15, Page 8CHOOSE FROM OUR WIDE RANGE OF NewC air Coats BUDGET PRICED AT 10.95 to 29.95 Choose from our brand new selection of high styled car coats in a wide range of sturdy, warm. fabrics that include tweeds, Fepporelle• cords, flue Chinos, waffle cloths and novelty cords 0 Styled in single or double breazt- ecd models with warm Borg or quilted linings. These coats come in a wide range of colors including beige, black, red, brown, royal, sated, lime and powder Misses and Women's Sizes from 8 to 42 10.95 to 29.95 NEW, STRETCH NYLON LEOTARDS These full-fashioned, custom ft - your -figure stretch nylon Leotards are just the ticket for lounging, sports, or skating. Come in popular red, black and 2.95 royal GIRLS SIZES 2.50 STEWART BROS. CROMARTY Mr. and 1firs. Wm, liciiaig and family of Suclbnry spent Thanks- giving weekend with Mr. and _firs, Calder McKaig and Mr, An- gus McKaig. Mr, and airs. Ii, Moore and fa - roily of Lindsay spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, T. L. Scott and family. Weekend visitors with Mr. and airs. Gerald Carey were Mr. and Mrs. L Hagan and family, Tor- onto and Mr. M. Cubhs of Niagara Falls. uluunnnu,uuuunw,uuuumnuunuunuuuun,nu,,,,a,Wuouu000uun,uuu,nuuuuaununnn„ll REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENT MR. HAROLD JACKSON Seaforth REAL ESTATE BROKER Announces The Appointment of JOHN A. CARDNO as Registered Real Estate Salesman WE SPECIALIZE IN FAR1VIS, DWELLINGS, AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR INFORMATION CONTACT Harold Jackson or John A. Cardno Insurance Office PHONE 214 SEAFORTH Phone 474 SEAFORTH Ytnat t„nt a t„na„a I, lull1111„en,tt t tt tn„u, e111 nt tttlliaula,t t nt t III la,nuut„t„n,it tt„n t1110011111111, llllllll BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN LIMITED �,/ gyp, �p \7��d ��•�_` BerlgjG! CLINTON, ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County FRIDAY -- SATURDAY - OCT 16-17 Real Family Entertainment DOUBLE BILL IT HAPPENED TO JANE" (Color) Doris Day -- Jack Lemon -- Ernie Kovacs "THE TALL T" (Colo') Randolph Scott -- Moreen O'Sullivan (One Cartoon.) 2 Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear Bose Office opens at 7.30 p.m. First Show at 8 o'clock Children under 12 in Cars Free Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kay of Lon- don visited during the weekend with Mr, and Dias. Sam McCurdy and Mr, W. McCurdy and Mise Nettie McCurdy. Mrs. Frank Speare and son of Toronto -Visited with Miss Olive Speare. Ma's. Calvin Hulley and daught- er Beth of Aberfoyle spent the weekend with lir. and Mrs. Alex. Ramsey. Mr. and airs. Ed 'Brooks and George of Staffs visited with Mr. and Mrs, George Wallace on Thanksgiving ,day. Mr. and Mrs, T. Laing and Mr. and firs, Gordon Laing were guests at the Deiehent-Caldwell wedding at Brucefield Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ramsay and children spent the week end with her parents at Georgetown. Mrs. John Wallace and .Debbie visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick, Sarnia, and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Elliott, of Windsor. Mr. William Harper is a pat- ient in .Stratford hospital having undergone surgery last week. His daughter, Miss Wilma Harper is also a patient in the same hospi- tal, Mrs. T. Macintosh is visiting with her sister, Mrs. L. Bennie at Acton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moggarth and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Rog- garth were guests at the wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gilmour (nee Margaret Bray) at Thames Road Church Saturday. Mr. Frank Allen received word of the death of his brother, sir. Ivy Allen which occurred at Mt. Pleasant near Brantford Satur- day, Mrs. Grace Scott and Mr. And- rew McLachlan visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Russell and Margaret Jean. Owing to the anniversary ser- vices in Cavan Presbyterian Church, Exeter on Sunday, the 'Sunday School and church ser- vice in Cromarty church will be withdrawn, CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt ret- urned home 'Saturday evening af- ter attending the Canadian Good Roads convention at Hotel Van- couver, Vancouver, B.C. While at the coast and on their return home visited friends and relatives at Victoria and spent a week with This brother, Lloyd Jewitt at Bea- ver Lodge, Alberta, also visited his skater, Mr. and Mss. Spicer in Regina and with his mother who had flown recently to be with Mr. and Mrs. Spicer, They also spent a few days in Edmonton. Mfrs, Avt. Bromley of Kitchener spent Thanksgiving with her parr- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Dale. ''' Miss Muriel Dale, Brampton, spent the holiday week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Verne Dale, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Woods and Debbie of Ajax spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley, Mrs, D:olIlinore of Toronto is spending a few weeks with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Don Buchanan and family._ Mr, and Mrs, Jim Attwood and family of Windsor spent 1301i44y with. Mr. and Mhos, R, Gpintoldby Mr, and 'Airs,. Ola'renee Mona goRterY and Glen left last Thurs. day 77jght for Tehkumah Mani- toulin Island, Where they attend- ed the wedding of their soli, Lyle to Mise ,Shirley Little on Sat. Mr. and Mrs. E, F. Warren, Lynda and Helen of London spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson, Mr; and Mrs. B, Brown and girls spent Sunday and Monday with relatives in HanaYel' and distriot. Visitors with Ma'. and Mrs, Wm, Dale for Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday were Mr. and Mr . Robert MOMiohael 1111.11 Audrey, of Wal- ton, Wayne M bIV1ichael, 'Windsor, Ma's. T. 14loMichael and I9velyn of Goderich and Don. Glousher, of Blymh, Mr, and 'Mrs. Wilmer Giauslher and Stewart visited Sunday with Cvh°, and Mrs. Ward IJogdson and Shirley, Owen Sound. Mn, and Mrs, Jack Dodds, Lon- -den. visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harvey 'Taylor and Mr, and Mrs. Verne Dale. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pr'esxcator and family on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Russell King of Exeter. "' Mr. Wan, Dale was judging at Rockton fair on Monday KIPPEN EAST Kippen East Women's Institute will meet at SS .No. 2, Tucker- smith, on Wednesday, Oct. Mat, at 8.30, The hostess is Mrs, How- ard Finkbein'er with Mrs. Edison MacLean. Roll Call, bring a friend and introduce her. The motto, the family is still the icen- tral and most important ,part of society, by Mrs. Charles Eyre. A contest, Mrs. Robert Gemmell; poem, Mrs. Robert Upehall, The speaker, Miss Rena Fennell. Lunch 'committee. 'Mrs. James MoNaughton, Mrs. Roes Broad - foot, Mrs. Arthur Varley, M's. Russell (Brock, Mrs. Verne Alder - dice, Mrs. Robert tipshall and Mrs. Robert Gemmell and Mrs, Joseph Lostell. This meeting is citizensihip and education. GROUP ONE, W.A. ,Mare, Evelyn Mills opened her home for the October meeting of Group 1, WA, Northside United Church. Mrs. Close opened the de- votions -votions with a hymn and a praY- er, The ,Scrlpbure reading was ta- ken by 'Mrs. W. Cuthill, Psalm 8. Mrs. Williams read a poem, "Re- cipe for Living." Twenty-three members and five visitors ans- wered the roll call. The ,president Mrs. D. Lemon then took the chair for the business of .the ev- ening. 1Niss Taylor was our guest speaker and showed slides on as- tronomy which was enjoyed by all. Sharon Strong sang a lovely solo, "The Bible Tells fine So," ac- companied by Julene Elliott on her accordion. Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Ivy Johnston assisted the hostess with lunch and a social hour was spent, Mrs. Ellis thank- ed those taking part and the hostess, PLAN CAMPAIGN The oouuty organization sup- porting retention of the Canada Temperance Act will campaign under the name of Huron C.T.A. Committee. This was decided at a meeting in Wesley Willis church, Olintan, when prelimin- ary steps were taken to set up an organization throughout the county. J. K. Hunter, Goderich, who is returning officer for the federal riding ,of Huron, which 'is not co -terminus with the county, will likely be appointed a special returning officer for the CTA vote and he has asked the pro - OTA group to nominate .deputy returning officers for even -num- bered polls, clerks for odd -num- bered polis and an enumerator for each even -number poll. The or- ganization --seeking repeal of the Act will nominate the 'others. One scrutineer (unpaid) is allowed for each poll, to check the count. Members wino were on a dele- gation to Ottawa some months ago expressed confidence that the Government will introduce In the .Commons certain amendnients to correct shortcomings in the CTA, which have been evident since by Act of the Ontario Legislature the Liquor Control Act provis- ions ceased to apply in OTA areas, Frank Donnelly, K.C. Goder- ich, who had consented to advise the committee in legal •matters, has been appointed to the Su- preme Court of Ontario, and the Committee was able to obtain in- stead the services of James Don- nelly, of the same law firm. The 'Clinton meeting inetrueted the secretary to forward to Mr. Justice Donnelly congratulations ' upon his elevation to the Benclt. Frank R. 'Howson, Winghe,m, is chairman of the organization; El- gin McKinley, Zurich, secretary. Fon SALE 100 R,l,h u Susrx 0 motaths Old, $1.16 cacti, and 175 slane kind 4 months old 51.50 each. Thos. Westlake, Phone 00Th 21 Barfield FOR SALE Red nylon snow suit size 8, it goose condition, Mrs Perot Dnuloi,, phone 7188 TO RENT 2 two-bedroom apartments, to rota Dr, R. A, McMaster FOR SALE Modern 100 tore Paint 0i Mullett Twp. near county road, $2,000 down, owner will carry mortgage for balance. Pos- seselon Nov. 1st. A modern home in the village of Eg- mondville, suitable for couple, close to store, % block from paved street. Very low price for quick sale. JOHN BOSYELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley St., Goderloh. Salesman, Joe, McOonnell phone 266 Seaforth FOR SALE $ steers, 16 heifers, from 000.800 lbs. Harvey Taylor, RR 1 landeaboro, Phone Setiforth 767J1 FOR SALE Choice American bred Guernsey heif- ers, pure breci, vaccinated and '1'13 test- ed, due early in Dec, Jan. Feb, Also two young milking, cows. Wm- 1. Dale, 860 1021 Seaforth FOR SALE 17 pigs 10 weeks old, Ken Beattie, phone 834th Seaforth, Bazaar, O,W.L, t, nm tn, alter- noon Wednesday, October 21. Bingo in evening FOR SALE 000 Red amok pullets, laylns, Miko $oohnn, phone 4600, R'rodosboro,. salaam APPLLS F010 SA1,B Spy. Etna. Maa'a, Tolman -Sweats, Delicious Russet, Macintosh, Greening,. Snows o :vJ,1tf,i ivory in Seaforth, Phone H 4..el I'5l0Clymont .0 Sena Vtno ;t„ -i?1bN5 t w:i3i4LE Coleman oil heater like new, used only one. winter. Phone 506W. John $yerman, FOR SALE 260 New Hampshire pullets starting to lay, Feng Kelly, Dublin, Phone .80r12. FOR SALE Green cern, melons, squash, good hard winter cabbage and other produce. Bring containers. Ambrose ?Willey, third house east of Kinburn, mouth side FOR SALE Imported Bulbs, 'tulips an five colors, Hyacinths in three colors, and Narcissus. Baker's Greenhouse, your garden centre, Seaforth "TRADE-IN" Your old suite of furniture on new, at the Mildmay Furniture Showrooms. Show Chesterfleld cushion, diningraom chair, dresser drawer, from your old suite to Sohuett's salesmen for trade-,, evaluation on new "Kroehler" and other furniture. Free delivery. G. B. Schuett, Mildmay, COMING EVENT The 0,F. & T; Committee of the Odd Fellows and Rebekah Lodges are holding a Paper Drive on Saturday, Oct. nut pR ALE 12 pigs 8 we lis oOccl. sack Mayer, St, Columban HELP WANTED (FEMALE) Girls .wanted for Kitchen work and Dining Room work, Apply to Brescia I•Ldl, London, Ontario DRAINAGE TENDERS • Township of ,McKillop For construction and Repair of John- son -Irvine Drain, according to Engin- eer's specifiaatione will be received until October 51st, 86667 lineal feet, open drain, excavat, ins and levelling material, also filling in abandoned ditch, 1918 lineal feet of 14, 8, 6 inch tile and pipe, to dig, lay and backfill, also 4 catch basins, Township to supply tile and pipe within approximately ane mile of work. Contractor- to have Workmen's Compensation Insurance. A marked cheque for 10 percent with a minimum of $100.00 to accompany Tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Contractor to state when work will be done in 1960. Plan, profile and specifi- cations may be seen at the Clerk's office. M,. ECKERT Clerk, Me1011on Twp. 1081 .1, Seaforth, Ont,. TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Court of Revision The Council of the Township of I•Iul- lett will hold a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for 1960. The Court of Revision will hold its First Sitting on November 2nd, 1069, at 10 o'clock in the Community Hall, Londesboro. All Appeals should be in the Clerk's Office Ten Days prior ,to the First Sit- ting of the Com't, so that they may he considered, HARRYTEBBUTT (Olm'k#t RRl) LonF,, deoboia Ontario FOR SALE 160 acre farm in township of Tucker smith, good buildings, well drained 120 acrefarm, township of Tucker. smith, welt drained with good buildings. 100 acre farm in McKillop, near school and village, good buildings, 60 acres, brick house, bank barn in McKillop, near village. 40 acres near village in McKillop, good buildings. 60 -acre farm, frame house. bank barn, 1 mile from Seaforth on 'county road, clay loam. HAROLD JACKSON, Realtor Phone Seaforth474 FEDERATION NEWS (My J. Carl Hemingway) The semi annual meeting of Ontario Farm "Forums was held in London on Oct. 6t . A brief his- tory of farm forum was given by Mo. Storr, sec. manager. I41 1941.42 season there were 430 forums, 1950.51 seaeon 875 dol'- ums and this year we will start with 276 forums. .Much effort is being put into the program to in- crease the numbers but so far has been unsuccessful. Many reasons could be advanced but I am won- dering if the real reason is the 'fact that many forums have ful- filled their need locally and there. fore have lost interest. Many forums lhave successfully organ- ized their Co;Op..or built a com- munity centre or some obiter local prosect and have felt that there was nothing more to be .accomp- lished. They have felt too small to matter in larger fields, This is unfortunate since they have from the smallest of beginnings achiev- ed great results, Co -Operators Insm'ance Assoc. is one outstand- ing benefit to the people of Ontar- io. IRis was the result of farm forum. At the moment farmers aa'e having a difficult time. The gov- ernment gave some assistance through support prices but ac - 'cording to government statement this was costing too much money, This in spite of the fact that they have set aside 250 million dollars to help the farmer. Only a very small percentage of this was ever used but because even 11111s was too much they have turned to de- ficiency payments to reduce the amount given to agriculture. Had the .government sincerely wanted to help the average former they would have paid deficiency pay - melte on the limited quantity of eggs for example on a support Price heads of possibly 60c per dozen A Targe egge, Certainly de- ficiency payments on a support price basis of 814 isn't going to provide any significant income to the small producer, Similarly if we a'1'e to have deficiency paty menta on hogs let it be on 100 hogs with a support price basis of $30. Again,'with a base price of $22.64 no important• income will be given the smaller farmer. This might well be a topic for ,cliscussion but I am convinced that any worthwhile help for fan' - niers from the government Is in the clam and distant future, I am also sure that there is an oppor- tunity for to very real i4hpmove- ment in •fanners net income through the marketing and hand- ling of their own pi'otluot. Farm forum provides .ns with the means of gathorlhbg icleas on this 'p rob. lem and by ,combining these the llrodeet will be a success. Farm forums that have accomplished their aims locally need only raise their eights to accomplish even greater .things on a much larger scale, FORTY YEARS AGO Mrs. Tales entertained at a farewell party for Mrs, Ci..S4nith and 'Vers. R. ,Goldhawk, who leave town soon to live at Toronto and Welland respectively. Miss Margaret Edge 'of Toron- to University visited her pat'ents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Edge. Mr. and Mrs, 'Whittaker have returned to Ottawa after visiting his mother here, Mrs, John Jay and Mrs, James 'Flay of Tucicersmith have return- ed eater spending several months in the West. Mr, Cyril Marvin of Toronto spent a few clays cit hie borne. Mr, Thomas Ferguson returned after spending a month in the West, A double wedding took place at Staffa when Mies Isabel May Smote and Ma-. W6n, It, .Stephen- son, and Miss Thiele Parsons and 0v01, Lloyd 'Colgitlnotm Were mar- ried by the Rev. A. J. Lave. Peter Dill has sold his 30 -acre farm in Dublin to James Nolan of McKillop. BANKRUPT Auction Sale or properties,'- livestock, tnachinaly' and poultry equipment, will be held at Moll bop, one half -miion le southe h of township on county .pond, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 10 at one Pan. - LIVESTOCK Cattle -Three Holstein -cove .recently fresh; 1 jersey cow. praotiaally fresh; three Holstein cows, milking well and rebred; one dairy heifer rising two-year. old; 8 Holstein spring calves, M,AQHINERY La Roi tractor, 1040, with hydraulic plow; rubber tired wagon with flat rack, one 42 -foot grain auger, one air. miler saw, large -grindstone; a quantity of lumber, 1" ; square timbers and 2" by 4" scantling. POULTRY EQUIPMENT Approximately 26 automatic waterers; 50 60-1b feeders. PROPERTY: Parcel one;. 200,4 acres in the town- ship of McKillop an the county of Hai an, being composed of the south half of the North half of lot 05, in the 14th concession of the township of McKillop. There is said to be on this property a bankbarn with accommodation for ap- proximately 8,000 broilers. 111, storey brick house with bathroom and furnace. Olay loam land, well drained. All - 'workable land. Parcel two: In the township of Grey in the county of Huron, being corn - Posed of mart of lot 1, in the 15th con- cession of the said township, containing three acres. There is on this property a flame barn with accommodation for 6,- 000 broilers. TERMS: CHATTELS CASH, Proper- ty offered subject to reserve bid, 10% down, balance 30 days. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CONTACT; HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer Seaforth, Ont, or • F. 0. IONE AND COMPANY Trustee, London, Ont. Clearing Auction Sale Auction Salo of Farm Stock and Me. chinery at Lot 22, Con, 10, Stanley tp., Goshen line, 8 miles west of Varna, WED., OCT. 2101, at 1 p,m. Cattle -2 Holstein cows, milking and rebred; 1 Durham cow freshened 8 weeks and retired; 1 Holstein cow, 4 Years old, milking and rebred; 1 Holstein cow freshened 4 weeks; 1 Durham cow, b years old, milking; 1 Holstein cow, 6 years old and rebred; Jersey cow, 8 years old to freshen about Dec, 1st; six head young cattle 1 year old and over, Durhama aired by Hereford; 5 calves sired by Hereford. Implements -6 4, Deering binder; McCormick Deering hay loader; 10 ft. MoCormiek Deering side rake with ted - der; Dearborn double disk for Ford tractor with hydraulic lift; 3 drum land roller; Cockshutt fertilizer drill; 11 hoe .tractor hitch; 'Massey Harris team man- ure spreader with tractor hitch; rubber tired wagon and flat rack, 16 ft.; No, 80 Letz grinder, 10 inch plates with 2 holders fine and coarse; 40 bus, field bin; funning mill- with motor, feed boxes; Massey Harris bean harvester attach- ment with knives land heavy board, 210 galvanized cable 8/8" with pulleys to fit heavy duty 1/4 h.p. motor; net barn scales; extension ladder, 28 ft.; electric brooder; National milking ma- chine. portable; 1 milk strainer, cans, milk cart, water tante, water trough, block and tackle, fattening crate with trough; quantity year old dry cob corn; quantity year old oats. Household Effects -Large chest of drawers; enamel kitchen range, coal or wood Quebec heater. Other articles too numerous to mention. Tents cash, Prop. WM. J. CLARE Auct, Harold Jackson. Clerk, George Powell. Guns --1 :antique, 200 years old; one 12 -gauge single barrel, offered at sale ' Livestock Auction Sale Hereford & Durham Cattle Friday, October 16th 1.30 P.M. SHARP Selling for NIR, GORDON COLEMAN At his farm located at lot 28, Con. 0, Hay Two., 8%miles west of Kippen, then. ed. mile south. 21 head of I•Iereford & Durham cows, fresh milkers and most- ly calves by side. 26 Hereford & Durban; stockers. 2 year old Hereford Herd sire. 6 pure Angus cows with calves by side, 1 6 -year-old pony, very quiet, Terms Cash day of sale The above cattle acre a good type and must be seen to be appreciated MILTON E, BROCK ,& SON Aunts, London GL 1-2820 HELP WANTED, MALF, OR 111150111,[8 How would you like to earn front eight to twelve .Dollars for 8 or 4 hrs. per day. Choose your own hours, Gar esauntial, If interested apply to Kra. Ellen Carson, 648 7th Oh A. East, Owen Sound, Ont., Mitchell Cider & Applebutter Mill Will operate every day except Mondays starting Oct, 6 until Nov. 20 Terms strictly cash FRED HENNICK & SON Proprietors IMANIMANININIONARAMAI TlIi6> SEAFORTH NEWS Tilursdoy, October 15, 1050 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers, for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W, STAFLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 80 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M;D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC l9. A. MoMaster, B.A., M.D., internlel P. L. Brady, M.D,, Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p,m. to 6 p,in., daily ascent Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. erday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments- made In advance as deeirnble TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D,V'.M., V.S. W. G. DRENNA'N. D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 701. Main St„ Seaforth Rouro-Seaforth daily except Mon., 0 to 5.80; Wed. 8 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. es. by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010,. above Hawkins' Mare, Mon. 9 to 8.00 INSURANCE • F''re • Auto • Accidenv; • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue . coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVV L AND FUBNBAC DUNDAS & LONEY Phone '673 or 832-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART - Office Phone 784 - Res. 286 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers -President, Robert Archibald, Seaforth; Vice Pres., Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Sec.-Treas., W. E. Southgate, Seaforth. Directors - E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris Leonherdt. Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McBwint, Blyth; Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton ; Harvey Puller, Goderich; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Allister Broad. foot, Seaforth. Agents- William Leiner, Jr., Londes- boro; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clin- ton; James lieys, Seaforth. JACK THOMPSON'S Footwear Service, Seaforth. Shoes repaired, For Sale - Men's. & Boys & children's footwear. It is our business to give comfort and save you money NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ- ators and Viking Milking. Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefield. Sanitary Sewage Disposal Septic Tanks, Cesspools, etc. Pumped and cleaned. Modern equipment. Louis Blake, RR 2 Brussels. Phone 421.6 Brussels, All work guaranteed Pot towers fO R SALE etc. Bradshaw's Greenhouse, or gifts, )Phonep50W, Seaforth. Tuckeromith owOna11 Municipal dump will be opened from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons ue. til further notice. WATERLOA8O CATTLE BIIEEDIN "Where Better Bulb er BulION la Are Used" Artifitda) BErsedingffservihce Coet loW. iciency Hig Disease eonttelfea, safety. All Breeds of Cattle: use of the best of bulla. Mem- ber owned and controlled. For service or more information phone Clinton J1112-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 0-6660 between: 7.80 and 0,30 A.M. week clays; 6 and 8 P.M. Sat. urday evenings. Calls received on Saturday evening will be serviced on Sunday morning. For cows in heat on Sunday morning, da not call until Monday morning, Better Cattle For Better Living TEXACO PRODUCTS We specialize in Diesel Fuel and farm Lubricants Phone 686w Phone 190 Seaforth Goderich Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 w b, F a 0 w da C •P1 ar b jia 7e Se bo so i w I W bit re ecl pa 12a •1t0 • th do' g'. fri ser a of i Fr Ile oho Mi far lhel Chi gro froi Mr