HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-10-15, Page 5Ara+l alut.w V a -a:, lvVaVI' --a•llursclay, UeiOI)$' 15, 1666 1,11U1111a1in,1 11 Il,liil,llll AIII,U,a.���„ �1��1111,1,111„Imallnln411L1a1,1,I,I,IIIIIAl11111111111, 1111111.11l1i1� WEEK END FOOD ;rdil'>bLS SPECIALS QUICK QUAKER OATS . 51b. bags 51 C LIPTON'S CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP MIX 2 pkg k .. .. CATELLI SPAGHETTI ., 2 , 16 -oz pkg. 31 c SUCCESS HEAVY DUTY PASTE WAX 1b. tin 59c 1 CHEERY MORN INSTANT COFFEE 6 oz Jar , 5 c MONARCH FAMILY ' CAKE MIXES .. white or choc. 31 c LENNOX FANCY APPLESAUCE 2 15,0z 27 c Smith's Superior Food Market PHONE 12 WE DELIVER ?,nnu,u,moo,uununauuanmu",uuu,.nouuuummumunnnuoinamau.uuiuuu"uuuu,u"uu.•, BORN McClure --At Scott Memorial Hospital on Oot. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter .McClure, RR 2 See.forth, a eon McClure -At Scott Memorial Hospital .on Oct. Dth. to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mc- Clure, RR 1 Seaford', a son McCallum -At Scott Memorlal Hospi- tal on Oct. 10th, to Mr. and Mm. Harold McCollum, 8111 Watton, a daughter .Schenck -At Scott Memorial Hospital .on Oct. 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. David Schenck, Seaforth, a son Adair -At Scott Memorial Hospital on Oct. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Adair, Seaford', a son Loomans-At Scott Memorial hospital .on Oct. 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Loomans, Dublin, a son Fry -At Scott Memorial Hospital on October 19, to Mr. and Mas. Donald Fry,Seaford', a son chicken barbeyue WITH DANCE TO FOLLOW Sponsored by C.O.V. Court Constantine at Constance Friday, October 23 Supper 6-8. Adm. adults $1.50 Children 6-12 - 75c Please get advance tickets from members WINTHROP The helping Hand Mission Band will meet on Saturday af- ternoon, Oct. 17th, at 2 p.m„ iu the church. BAZAAR Booths, Baking Chances, Tea Room WED., OCT. 21 2.30 P.M. followed by BINGO DOOR PRIZES 9 P.M. ST. COLUMBAN PARISH HALL TOWN TOPICS Mr, and .Mrs, A, 3, Scott and 4 datrgllters, of Pointe- Claire, Que., spent Thanksgiving' at the home of 111', and '4i's. James T. Scott, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Addison, ac- companied by Mr, and Mrs, Ken Hulley of Constance attended the Tebbutt•Dean wedding at Guelph last •Saturday. Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Adams and Miss Oneida Adams were guests on •Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Lawson, Constance, Mr, and Mrs, Earl Hawley of Winthrop attended the funeral of the late Mrs. W. 12cGuffin in Lon- don last week. Mrs. McGufiin was the beloved niece of Rev. and Mrs. Livingstone. Mr. and :Mss, Jos, Williams and daughter Debora of Whitby and Mr, Rou. Williams of Kitchener spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Michael l`rilliams, Mrs, Elliott Walters has been visiting in Pointe Claire with her daughter and soap-in,law, Mr, and Mrs, A. J. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton 4uletly celebrated their 53rd wed- ding anniversary on Saturday, Cet, 10. Their slaughter and son- 111.law, Mr. and Mrs, Foster Ben- nett were 30 years married _ on the same day. Dr. and Mrs, H. Bowers of Stratford entertained Menke - giving Day at Drunholm, their summer cottage near Port Albert as guests Mrs. G. B, Dormice, Mrs, Ila Dorl'ance Mr, Stanley Dorrance, ?Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Adams and Miss Donelcla Adams, Ray Hutchison and boa's, of Woodstock, spent the weekend with Mrs. Ellen Hannon. Mr. and Mrs. James Hogg and Mr, Bob Spooner of Collingwood spent the weekend with Mt•, and Mrs. Bedford Dnngey and 'family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bingham, Hamilton, were weekend guests of Mrs, Ross Sproat, Mr. and Mrs. Neville McMillan and family of Pickering were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 9H, McMillan. Mr. Andrew O'Leary, Toronto, visited relatives over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Ford and fa- mily- spent Thanksgiving with his parents in Belleville. Mrs. ,Earle Bell has returned to Toronto after spending the sum- mer at her home here. Master John McConnell has been a patient in the hospital. Mr. Thomas Gemmell, RCAF. Chatham, N.B. Is holidaying with relatives. Mr, and Mrs. J F. Eckert of Sdmcoe spent the week end at the home of (Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert. Mr. and Mrs. Len Gillespie and Laurie, Toronto visited Mrs. Ca- milla Ryan. Misses Mary Lou Sills and Ruth Silas, London, visited at their home here. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Williams, and Debbie, Whitby, visited Mr, and MTS. M. Williams. Mr. and Mrs, E. 5. Coffin, Tor. onto, and Mr, and. MIS, 71 0, Mor- ris acid family, Tillscnbur'g, viait- etl over the weelt end with Mr. Peter McIver, Mr. Paul 1.lattome, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with Mr, and Mrs. j. DeGroot, Mr. and sirs. A, G. McCourt, Michael and Diane spent the weekend in North Bay, Mr, and Mrs. 0, King, Sarnia, were weelceud visitors of Xr. and Mrs, John Ruston, Mr. and Mrs, J. Eckert and family, Ridgetown, spent • the weekend with lir,- and 'Ml's. J. Eckert. Mr, and Mrs. R. S. Box and Barbara spent the weekend In Detroit, GROUP TWO The October meeting was held at the home of Mrs, J. at, Scott with an attendance of 26. Mrs. Savauge opened the meeting -by reading a resume of . the lite of the writer of hymn 589, which was then sung. lirs. Bryans read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Rowel lett in pra,yer. Roll call was answered by giving a favorite recipe. it was decided to hold a bake sale at the November meet- ing. Mrs, Michels gave a very in- formative and entertaining talk on her trip to Canada in 1951 and her return trill in 1956. She also spoke on conditions and customs lis Germany where she grew up. A tasty lunch was served by hiss 0. Thompson and -11's, Parke, S.11iLFOITH WINS On, Oct: Btli Seaforth won from Goderich by 22 to 0 in a thigh school football match at Goderich, Touchdowns were scored by Bert Dennis, Bob Buettenmiller, Bob Govenloek and Bob Elliott. Ferg Kelly got two converts. There was one safety touch. EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Verbakel and fam- ily moved into the house which they purchased last week from Mr. Buhler of Bayfield. _lir. and Mrs, Johnnie Blue and family re- cently vacated these premises when they moved into the home recently purchased from Mrs. Watson KIPPEN Visitors with Miss Mabelle Whiteman on Thanksgiving were Mrs. Amelia Whiteman and dau- ghter. Mrs Casey Richards of Birmingham Mich. Anniversary services at St. An- drew's United Church will be held Sunday, Oct. 18 at 11 am and 7.30 pm. standard time. Guest epeak- er will be Rev. R. Connor of Wal- kerton. Mrs. Jean Kyle, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Don Kyle and Deborah Jane, Zurich, Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer McClinchey and Ruth, Varna, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Jones and For any school grade-- an rade--an unforgettable CNR "educational tour"! Modern history, geography, civics come thrillingly alive for students and teachers when they take a planned CNR train tour to places such as Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Quebec or Niagara Falls. Teachers share the enjoyment with their students. There are so many things 'to see. -- so many places to visit in each of these cities -that a tour can be tailored to. the needs of each class. A short listing of some of the available tours is noted below -there are dozens of others. For the lower grades -from kindergarten up -there is a CNR "train trip treat." Perhaps as simple as a ride on a train for a few miles into the country, a classroom -in -the -open with a picnic lunch, then the trip back to school. Teachers and principals find it easy and pleasant to plan a CNR "educational tour." For full information, apply to your local Canadian National ticket agent. OTTAWA: Parliament Buildings, Royal Mint, National Archives, National Museum . , . MONTREAL: Mount Royal Park, Notre Dame Cathedral, McGill University, St, Joseph's Oratory .. QUEBEC: The Citadel, St.. Anne de Beaupre, Parliament Buildings, Plains of "Abi'dham, Wolfe's`Cove .. . TORONTO: Parliament Buildings, University of Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum, Casa Loma... NIAGARA FALLS: Whirlpool Rapids, Hydro Plant, Aerial Car ,QueenslonHeights .,, HY TRAIN DIAN NATIONAL T.9.51 bays, accompanied by Mr's. Pearl Love and Wayne, Val'Ila, were 1 Stlllday guests of Mr, and .sirs, Gordon Westlake and Mr, and .firs. Thomas Westlake, Bayfield. Mrs, 'V. L. Meths. accohnpalried. by her mother, Mrs. 11. Gibson, and a brother-in-law, Ml'. Thomas Bourke of Wroxeter spent a, few days in Grand Rapids, Mich., at the home of a brother, air, 5, H, Gibson. Mr. and Mr's, Joe Le Gard, So- san and Billy of Downsview spent tale week end with her aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, N. Long. On Oot. 12th Mrs. Harold Jones entertained 25 relatives and friends to a miscellaneous shower In 1101101' 01 Marjorie Saral'ae, a bride -elect of next Saturday. The llouso was appropriately decorat- ed with autnlnll Rowers, The gifts were carried in by Elizabeth Dol, chert, Kenneth and Urals Jones. '1'lle address was react by Sharon McBride. VARNA The 'Varna -Goshen YPIT are presorting a minstrel show 011 Oct. 21 in the township hall, Holiday visitors: Floyd M5As11, Hamilton; Mr, and Mir. Douglas Robinson, Toronto; Xr, and Mrs. ]''rank Hill, St. Catherines, A group of 30 boy scouts from London camped west of Varna over the weekend, On Sund&7 they attended the United Clhuroh, Next Sunday the United Church will observe Layman's Sundaywhen Robert o )et t Elliott of Clinton will be guest speaker. Turkey Supper At Duff's Church„ McKillop WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28 Admission $1.60, Children, 12 and under, 75c Tickets available from member's The only "Ye®r- 'roundr' Tore with NATO>a:L RUBBER TREAD Get TRACTION this Winter - Get QUIET RIDING next Summer SUPER - LASTIC HIWAY- BYWAY Engineered for Canadian roads, temperatures and driving conditions . --with 50 % heavier TYREX Viscose Cord than "New -Car" equipment`. Ride Hiway -Byway every day in the year for safer travel whether the roads are glare or bare, snow- loaded or ankle-deep in mud. The power -grip of natural tree rubber tread gives greater G -O and more positive S -T -O -PI Super-Lastic Hiway -Byway is rated top choice for bad weather driving, with the Natural Rubber Tread for all your driving, 12 months in the year. Originally developed as a super -traction snow -mud tire, the engineers built in longer mileage and removed that last trace of annoying whine you heard from other snow tires. Save safely! ROAD HAZARD INSJRED-PLus 5 -YEAR GUARANTEE vivo SIZE 550-590/15 600/16 650/16 670/15 710/15 750/14 760/15 800-820/15 800/14 850/14 900/14 Regular List Price 21.55 24.85 31.65 25.15 28.65 25.15 31.30 33.55 28,65 31,30 33.55 Discount Price with Class "A" Trade-in 16.95 18.95. 16.95 17.95 19.95 18.95 22.95 25.95 20.95 22,95 25.95 Similar Savings on Tubeless and Whitewalls. Add 50c for nstallation Bargain in Waster Driving Safety! SNOvY a,L� This winter ride worry -free at the lowest pos- sible cost - Canadian Tire's Wholesale Dis- count savings remove the price barrier to safe driving. "Snow -Travel" with its deep -biting, self-cleaning traction treads of rugged Polymer Cold Rubber and durable Courtaulds Tenasco Cord body will pull you through deep snow, slush and sticky mud. Be safety -set all Winter long with a set of Snow Travel on your rear wheels - Priced away below the market. 670 15 1 With Class "A" Trade-in SAVE ON OTHER SIZES .. With Class "A" Trade-in 600/16 10.95 710/15 13.45 750/14 12.95 800/14 1 a?Js Dolt NOTE: Add 50 to above prices for installation, FREE HAZOARD INSURANCE. A SUPER-LASTIC EXCLUSIVE - Super-Lastic Passenger Tires are Road Hazard Insured against blow -outs, accidents, glass cuts, stone cuts or other normal hazards which make a tire unfit for further service. Customer pays only for ser- vice rendered. 5 -year Guarantee - Against defects in work- manship and materials CAADIAD TIRE 0, S. anti W. V. Smith A A 1.11:111.AAAA 1AAA♦