HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-10-15, Page 1The Seaforth News WHOLE SERIES, VOL, • 81. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAX, OCTOBER 15, 1959 $1.60 a Year Authorized os Steed Ansa man, Past Ogee Pepe, gttawe snowlien tiros., Potterhera WATER RATES TO BE RAISED • P. U. C. INFORMS COUNCIL At the openirug of the regular October meeting 'of Seaforth town council on Monday night Mayor Christie made dedicatory remarks in appreciation of the handsome new 'council table donated bY the firm of John Boehart Ltd. The table is mahogany in a traditional period design. Messrs. Dobson and Nesbitt, on behalf of the Seaforth branch of the Legion, asked for special assessment ,or tax consideration fpr the new Legion 'hall. They, said it tvouid not likely be ready for opening until next year. The Dtunieipai Act permits' exemption from all taxes except school taxes, The hatter will be taken np with tine county faseessor. Council 'decided to proclaim Wed„ Nov. lith a Public holiday, Finance chiuirmau Brady '1'e - commended writing off certain business taxes, totalling about $700. This trill be done at court of revision. Approximately 820,- 000 20;000 land taxes will be eligible for the ,next tax sale. 'Streets chairman Habkirk re- ported numerous drain troubles, Wood from a maple tree out down at the BA station may be cut up for relief.. Council decided to put off till next year laying a new drain on Railway st., estimated cost $155 ger 700 feet. Street grading is ,helping relieve the trouble. Five tans of salt had been bought at :Goderich for the streets. Council advised court notion against owners of 22 un- licensed dogs in town. An inquiry about extending sewer to apart- ment building on W. William st. was left to the sewer committee. Assessor W. E. Southgate re- ported the roll completed. Net taxable assessment is $1;516,662, an increase .of $10,868 over 1958. Three new houses would add an- other $10,000 by the end of the year, •Seaforbh's population is 2,226, an increase of 24. Messrs. F. (Kling and D. Sills of the PUC. and R. J. Boussey were present. It was announced that Mr. Boussey had been ap- pointed manager of the PUC, suc- ceeding the late R. O. Holmes. Increased water rates were an- nounced. The new rates are to create a fund for upkeep and extension. A request from Highland •Shoes for more water pressure for the sprinkler system was discussed. The PUC suggested looping the 'West William st. and North Main et. six inch mains via an exten- sion of West William to Welsh st., or a new street through the farmer Meir property. Engineer- ing advice will be sought, also a test made with the fire truok to determine water pressure. Council passed a motion to re- peal the weigh scale bylaw and olose the town scales. No move to sell scales will be made for a year. One coal 'dealer has already arranged to weigh at Topnotch. A motion was passed to accept the offer of $1,000 for old water- works house and two lots, made by Carl Dalton. The money goes into surplus, Sewer committee ohah'man J. Turnbull reported no tubber word from the OWRC re sewers. He felt the council was not gett- •ing anywhere and it would' he bet- ter to sit baelc and wait till the OWRRC gets ready. A letter will be forwarded to OWRIC outlining the town's position, Councillor Brady said the hos- pital needs the sewer. They des- perately need 15 more .beds but cannot proceed without the sew- er. 1It was out of the question to build 'anywhere else. Council will advertise for a dog catcher, and eubject to regulations are prepared to pay $5.00 per dog caught. The rabies danger is still serious, Councillor Turnbull told council, and dogs are running loose despite warnings. Counoillor Rivers said the, ar- ena repairs are completed with sides drawn together several in- ches with steel rods. A. 41oot Pipe wrench was used. Nominatiosfday will be the last Monday in November and polling day the feet Monday ie. Deem- ber, as .council fpasisecl a bylaw to conform with the Act which per- mits a 7 -day period now. An order from the Board• of Transport will •change the cross- ing signal to a flashing light. The bell signal has existed since 1921. The Board will pay up to 80 per cent not fexceecling $600 of the cost. EASTERN STAR EUCHRE Winnere at the Eastern. Star euchre Oct. 8th: Ladies' first, Mrs, James Doig; lops hands, Ml's. Inez Cameron; oon., Mrs. Mary Felker. Men's first, J. A. West - Cott; lone Bends, (Harold Wilson; eon,, Aubert Backer. Mrs. Edith Daley won the draw for the cake. FIGURE SKATING .A. meeting. of 'Seaforth Figure Skating Club will bo held at Crich'% store on Friday, Oct. 23 at 8 pm. Anthtur Bounce bas been engaged as pro. again, Skating lessons will begin Nov, Ord, • SECTIONAL MEETING The fcentre section of Huron Presbyterial WMS will be held in Constance United Church on Wed. Oct, 21, at 2 •p,m, Afternoon speaker is Mrs. Iloliands of Ayl- mer and in the evening, Miss Christina Baxter of Indore, India. THE NEW WATER RATES •Flat rates: $7.00 for six months for all flat rate •cousunlers. (Old Tate '$7,20 per year). 'Meter rates: Over 1000 gal., 20c per M. gal: (Old rate 15c)• Ser. vice 'charge $2 per annum, cMini- ntunt bill $7 per dwelling or apt. where there Is •more than one served by meter, for six menthe, (Old rate was $4,80 for 0 mos.) Sapeeial rates; Arena $130, Ourl- ing Club $20; Bowling Club $20. Outside town: Double rates and double service charge. .(01(1 rate, double service charge only).. Fire 'hydrants: $45 per annum each, (Old a 'ate .$42). There are 56 fire hydrants, DNGLISFI — DEVPJRP)AUX A pretty wedding took place in Our Lady et Lourdes Roman Catholic Church, Oct, 10 at 11. a.m., when Rev. Fr. Maisano unit- ed Mary C. Devereaux, Toronto, daughter of Mrs, Jno. L. Dever- eaux and the late into, L. Dever- eaux of Seaforth to Seymour C. J. English, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gil- bert English, Milton. Ont. The bride given in marriage by her brother, Jame Devereaux, Seaforth, looked lovely in a waltz length dress of Queen Ann lace over champagne taffeta; her shoulder veil was held in place by a pearl tiara; slie carried a bouquet of talisman roses and bronze mums. The matron of honer, NMrs. Sem Faukes, Hamilton, 'sister of the bride, wore a waltz length dress of aqua blue nylon organza over taffeta with matching headdress, and carried a cascade of bronze mums and yellow Shasta daisies, George English, Milton, Ont., was best man and ushers were Sam Faukes, Hamilton, and Eric Hayhurst, Toronto. The wedding dinner was held at Frans Res- tauraut. Muter Mr. and Mrs. S. English leOt an a trip to Florida, the bride travelling in a rasp- berry wool dress with matohing hat and black accessories. Guests were .preeent from London, Ham- ilton, fSeaforth, Milton, Streets- ville and Toronto. VIIRIt0EVD - DUNGEY The ,marriage took place in St. Mary's Ohus eh, Tilleonbur'g, on •Saturdgzy, Oot. 10th at 11 o'clocic, of Sandra IAldeen Dungey, daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Dungey, and Hector Donald Verhoeve, son of Mr. and Mae. Maurice Verhoeve, Tilssonburg. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. H. O'Neil. Church decora- tions were white mums and carn- ations. The bride was given In marriage by her ;brother, Charles R. Dungey, and her wedding dress was of hand -clipped chantilly lace in white, with full length lily - point sleeves, elbow length veil and tiara of chantilly lace. Her flowers were beware troses, white feathered -mums. Miss Barbara A. Dungey, sister 'of the bride, wore a street length dress of bronze velvet with fitted bodice, and her bowers were a nosegay of bronze and yellow mums. The bridesmaids were Eleanor and Morale Verhoeve, of Tillsonburg, and junior bridesmaid was Lor- eeu Verhoeve, Tillsonburg, who wore street length dresses of green velvet with fitted bodice, and their flowers were nosegays of bronze and yellow musts. The flower girls were Heather Kruse of Seaforth, Patsy Plotteau, Del- hi, •ant] Linda Kasynski, Glen - (Meyer, wearing frocks of .green velvet with fitted bodice. blowers were a miniature nosegay of bronze and yellow mums. Best man was Pat Ethane, Tidlsonburg and the ushers were Roy DungeY, Bruce Austin, Paul Fish. Mrs. C. Moon of T1llsonbnrg was organ- ist and Mns. Paul Pattin, Ti111son- burg, soloist, sang "Ave Maria." The wedding breakfast took place at Mel Mar Manor, Tillson burg, decorabione being bronze and yellow mums, and the recep- tion was held there in the even- ing. The bridegroom's mother wore a toast brown paisley dress, with mink stole and chocolate brown accessories. For travelling the bride wore a champagne -beige •sant dress with coffee.brown accessories and a corsage of bronze and yellow mums. Upon their return they well reside in Tillsonbarg. Guests were present from Sea- earth, .Strabhroy, iOhatham, Mitoh- ell, Stratford, Kitohener, Delhi, Brantford, Windsor, Simcoe,, Guelph, Illinois and Wallaceburg. C.TV.L. MEETS The regular monthly meeting of the Catholic Womene' League was held in the school room, with Mrs. John Maloney presiding, The minutes of the last meeting were read avid the members of the ex- eoutive gave•their reports•. It was decided to held the annual ba- zaar December SIli. The members were urged to have more card parties• in their (homes. The Cath- olic "'Romans' &League will be guests on M',Lady program on OKNX Wingham on Oct. 27th. New members were' welcomed bY the president, Mrs. John Mahaney. Roll call was answered by Yotu' Favourite Eiaoule+tton, Barbara Box, Patricia Ptue and Susan Leonhar.dt entertained with tap 'lancing, Meeting adjourned with prayer and a hymn to "Our Lady of Good •Counsel" Luneh was ser- ved by Mrs, Russell Pringle and Mrs. Joseph Devereaux. (Mystery prize was won by Miss Marguer- ite Dunn. Sports Winners at Public School Kindergarten— Peanut Race: Girls -Leanne Melanson, Monica Markus, Anne Noble. Boyce—Tony Akker, Peter DeGroot, Kevan Broome, 25 yd, clash—Girls, Joan Hopper, Vicki Miller, Monied Ma"lkus; boys, John Moore, Randy Wood, Cam- eron Holland, Primary Division — Standing Jump: Girls; Nancy Hulley, Bar- bara BoxMary Ann. McLean; boys: Baily Boussey, Bruce Mal colni, Danny Cornish, Throwing the ball; Girls—Nancy Hulley, Barbara Box, Ruth Ann Wilson' boys: Paul MoKellar, David Broome, John Gorwill. Running Race — Girls: Arlene Williams; Margaret Knetsch, Barbara Box; boys: Bruce Willies, Paul McKel- lar, Bob Wallace. Sack Race— Girls: 'Nancy Hulley, Mary Elliott, Mary Ann McLean; boys, Paul Muir, David Longstaff, Larry Park. Girls champion: Nancy Hulley 9 pts.; runner up, Barbara Box. Boys champion, Paul McKellar 5 pts.; runner up, Bill Boussey and Bruce Wiibee, tied, 3 pts. Junior Division -50 yard dash: Girls: Debbie Miller, Janie Bosh - art, Sheila Flood; boys, Stephen Brady, John McLean, Gary Nich- olson, Sack Race; Girls; Jane Boshart, Janet Beattie, Penny Moore; boys softball throw, Brian Fischer (90'6"), Alan McLean, John McLean. Standing Broad Jump: Girls, Penny Moore (5'3") Debbie Miller and Jane Boshart (tie), Vida Malleus; boys, Alan McLean (5'7"), Jimmie Rowan, Jimmie Dalrymple. • Running Broad: Girls, Jane Boshart (6'8") Muriel Wilson, Glenda Matheson; boys, Alan McLean (8'), Brian Fischer, Gary Nicholson. Iliglt jump—Girls: Jane Boshart (2'914.) Vida Malkin; boys, Alan McLean (3'2") Gunter Wipperfurth, Jim- mie Rowat. Intermediates — 75 yard clash, girls, Christie Dobson, Darlene Sills, Lynn Nixon; boys 100 yard dash, George Reeves, Fred Knet- sch, Ronnie Hildebrand. Runn- ing Broad — Girls, Pamela Pow- ell (5'7"), Christie Dobson, Helen Elliott; boys, Douglas Dalrymple (6'7"), Donald Hulley, Fred Knet- sch, Hop, Step, Jump: Girls, Pa- mela Powell (23'2") Christie Dob- son, Darlene Sills; boys, Bobby Watson (24'8") Douglas Dalrym- ple, Fred Knetsch. High Jump: Girls, Sheila Rowan, Marie Elliott, Pamela Powell; boys, David Brit- ton (3'8"), 'Fred Knetsch, Bryan Stewart. Softball Throw: Girls:. Helen Elliott (77'8") Wendy Moore, Lynn Nixon. Boys Soccer Kick, Gary Gray (75'6"), Ronnie Hildebrand, David Britton. Seniors — 100 yards dash— Girls: Dianne Byerman, Mary Jean McLean, Katie Scott; boys, Bill Rowat, Allan Patterson, Burt Christensen; 75 yard dash, girls, Joan Teall, Elizabeth Sholdice, Dianne Byerman;' boys 220 yard clash, Bill Rowan, Allan Patter- son, Ron McIntyre, Running Br, Jump, girls, Dianne Byerman (11') Linda MacDonald, Joan Teall; boys, Peter Sillery (1210") Allan Patterson, Kurt Christensen; hop, step, jump, girls, Elizabeth Skold- ice (24'7"), Mary Jenn 'McLean, Joan Teall; boys, Bill Ramat (25'7"), Kurt .Christensen, Allan Patterson; high jump, girls, Joan Teals, Mary ,Tenn McLean, Ruth Powell; boys, Peter Sillery (3' 113"), Bill Rowat, Allan Pat- terson. Softball throw, girls: Brenda Ross (124'), Leta Carter, Joan Teall, Shot put, boys, Pet- er Sillery (23"7"), Kurt Christ- ensen, Ron McIntyre. Championships 1959: Jr. girls, Jane Boshart 13 eta., 2nd Debbie Miller 6. Jr. boys, Al- lan McLean 11, Brian Fischer 5. Intermediate girls, Christie Dob- son and Pamela Powell, tied, 7; runner up Helen Elliott 4. Inter- mediate boys, Fred hnetseh 6, Douglas Dalrymple 5. Senior girls Joan Teall 9, Dianne Byerman 7. Senior boys, Bill Rowat 11, Peter Sillery 9, • Horse May Be Back Truck unsatisfactory Last spring the Seaforth town • horse gave way to the march of progress and was sold at public auction. Now the horse may score a comeback and once more a horse may be apart of Seaforth's equipment. • Anyway, .council decided the truck is unsatisfactory, and with finances the way they • are, the best thing 'seems to be to buy or rent a horse to draw the town wagon. The truck has been get- ting stuck and causing complaints. of tearing ap lawns. A tractor was considered But' you can't beat a horse •for the job, council con- cluded. Cost of putting together a tank truck with pump and hose would be upwards of $600. A tractor would Dost $550. 1f cornice repealed the sixty year old bylaw for cleaning cess- pools and outhouses and went out :of the .business, it was understood a local man would equip to do I;he work at about $10 a load, If council clecicles to continue they will raise the Present charge of $1,25. ALEXANDER MCCRAPJ Alexander McCrae; lightning rocl salesman, who had ben a re- sident o•f Seaforth for nearly 3 years, was buried at Teeswater Friday. :[Ie dried Wednesday at his 'boarding bowie. and is suaviv- ed by two sisters, (Mrs, Grant, of Teeswater, and Mrs, Fordan, 0f Beaohville. 25th Anniversary of the Raymond Notts Mr, and fMan. Raymond Matt of Egmondvilie celebrated their 25th. wedding anpiversarY on Thurso Qat. Sbls. On Friday evening they were guests of 'honor at a recep• tion and presentation in the Or- ange hall. Dancing was enjoyed during the evening to the music of Ilarbur'n's •orchestra. Prior to the lunch, Victor Lee read th'e following address and John Oldfield, Mike Williams. and Harry Chesney presented •them with a beautiful coral .colored swi- vel rocking oha,it' and a silver bread tray, • "Dear Winnie arid Ray: Your friends and neighbors have gabih- erect here tonight to pay tribute and honor to you on your 25th wedding anniversary. It is a priv- ilege to fact as spaleesman on be - halt of this group. liar. and 'Mrs. Nott were married on Thddksgiv- ing Day, Oet. 8th, 1934, at the parsonage at Lake Scuggg, Ont. The late Rey, James Elford, uncle of the groom, was the Minister. Following their wedding, they re- sided for a short time in Egmond- ville •and (then tool( up .farming on the second concession of TIM. ersniibh until six lyeara ago. They moved to Egmondvilie where they now reside. They have two daugh- ters, Nancy, a librarian at Kitch- ener, and Sally, nurse -in -training in London and we are very pleas- ed that they are able to be here tonight. "Because of what it stands tor, the joy it started ,too, and all the Teal contentment, lit brought to both of you, this date is pretty special, anus so congratulations, May every coming wear exceed your fondest expectations. "We asic you to accept these gifts en behalf of your friends and neighbors." Mr. and .Mrs. Nott thanked ev- eryone present• On Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Nott were hosts to 25 guests at a family dinner et the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Dave McLean, Mr. Glenn ;Elford, Sarnia, son of the officiating minister at the wedding, gave the Pre -dinner blessing, and Keith :Webster, of Blyth, brother-in-law 'of the host, proposed the toast, replied to by the groom. A. three-tier cake, made and decorated by the bride, centred the head table. Guests were present from Sarnia, Bay City, Mich., London, Kitohener, Blyth, Brimfield and Seaforth. Mr. and Yen. Nott received many beautiful gilts, cards and telegrams. Included in the gifts were a chesterfield, matching 'chair anti end tables from their daughters; a trilite from the bride's family and silver tray, ,sa- lad set 'and .hanging .plate from the groom's Family. WONTGOMERY - LITTLE The United Church in Tehkum- all, Manitoulin Island, was the scene of a pd'etty autumn wedding when Shirley :Ann Little became the bride of Lyle Wesley Mont- gomery in a double ring cerem- •eny performed by Rev. Vickers. The bride is the •daughter of Mr. and Mrs, prank Little, of Tehk- nmah, Ont., and the groom is the son .of Mr. and Mes. Clarence Montgomery, RR 1, Clinton. The bride was given in marriage by her father, and she wore a short length gown of white nylon net annd lace over taffeta with long sleeve bolero of lace. Her finger tip veil of silk illusion was held by a ]talo- of sequins and pearle. She carried a white Bible crested with mauve ,orchids. Mies Mari- lyn Russell of Toronto was btide- enuaid, dressed in sapphire blue velvet. Kabher'ine Little, .niece of the bride, was flower girl dressed in blue. The groom was attended by his brother, Glenn Montgom- ery, and ushers were Hugh Little, brother of the ln•ide, and Charles Love, nephew of the bride. Miss Elaine Ward sang "A Wedding Prayer" during the signing of the register. Organist was Mrs. Geo. Ward of South Baymouth. 350 at- tended a reception in the evening in the Tehlcumah Orange hall. For travelling the bride wore a teal blue suit with pink accessories. PERCY t'MITH The death occurred in Scott Memorial hospital on Tuesday, Oct. 13th, of Percy Smith in his 85th year. He had been in tailing hearth for several years. A native of England Mr. Smith had lived in this country since 1884, receiv- ing his education in McKillop township where he farmed until retiring to Seaforth in 1944. He was married to Margaret Lavelle Kerr at Duff's manse, McKillop, by Rev. Musgrove in 1906. His wife predeceased him in 1958. Surviving are two daughters and three sons, Jeanette, Mas. Carl Dalton, Seaforth; Mary, Mrs. Wy- man Grif03u Albany. N.Y.; W. L. 'Smith, Toronto; Alex, and Arclt- tbald, of McKillop. Also four sis- ters, Mrs. Aratle Kerr, McKillop; Mrs. Wm. MoIntosh, and Mrs, Al- bert Brown, Regina; Mrs, Charles iDiokson, Oltilliwack, B.O. Ile was a member of Duff's .United "Church in McKillop. The funeral will take place on Friday, Oot, 16th at 2 pm, from the Box funeral .home with Rev. W. H, S•nmmereil officiating, In- terment will be in Maitlandbank cemetery. REAL ESTATE CHANGE Residence of Me. Harold Mal- oney, George St., has been sold to Nes, Thomas Storey, of McKillop, Joseph McConnell reports. Posses. sion Nov, lath. Plebiscite To Be Held On Nov . 30. ,Asa result of a petition pree- ented some time ago ler repeal of the Canada Temperance Act in hereon, the 'federal authorities have announced a vote on Nov, 30. The territory comprises the fed- eral riding, less J:Cibbert, and Plus Wingham, Howlett and Turn- Derry from Wellington - J•1utee. Perth county will vote oil the same day. The vote will be conducted un- der the Canada Elections Act, yir- anally on the same basis as a fed- eral by-election, Robert Marshall of St. Marys is returning office' for Perth and James K. Hunter, of Goder'ich has been named re- turning officer for Huron. Enumeration of voters will start October 26th. Eligible to cast bal- lots will be all those over 21, re- sident in Canada a year, and a re- sident of their particular county en October 7th. The form of the ballot will be in this fashion: For the revoca- tion; Against the revocation. Vo- ters will place their X alongside whichever is thee ohoice, Only a simple -majority will be required to decide the issue. Shower Held for Bride Elect A shower was held at the home of Mee. Art 'Devereaux wben 40 ladies ' gathered to honor Miss Dara Van Den Hengel whose mar- riage takes place this month. An- gela Devereaux played "The Shep- herdess," "Shepherd's Song" on the piano and Dora and An•toin- •ette Van Den Hengel sang beau- tifully two Dutch songs. Ken De- vereaux played the guitar and sang "Fraulein" and "Just Mar- ried," alter which there was a contest won by Joan Lane and some games of bingo. (tiro. Frank Reynolds gave the following ad- dress: "Dear Dora—All of us are here because we know you so well and like you so much. Many of us are indebted to you. We have gone away on trips or into hospi- tal and you have most capably looked after our homes while we were away. None of us will forget you and we hope these fgitts will remind you of us as you go about your duties in your new home. So now, Dora, we all sincerely wish you and Jahn good health and much ihappiness," Jean and Tommy. Devereaux, dressed as bride and groom, brought in many useful and love- ly gifts in a decorated stroller. Dora expreseed her thanks and invited all to come to the church and see them on their• wedding •day. Mrs. T. Govenloek led in singing "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow" and lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. C. Eckert, Mrs. ,Tim Devereaux and Mrs. Bob Bowie. SDDLEY—CAL •DDR A quiet wedding took place on Saturday afternoon at 2.30 at the home of the bride's parents when Ellen Calder was married to Ronald •Sedley. Rev. D. Leslie Elder officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Calder of Seaforth and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, John Sedley of Mlitchell. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. ;hurray Pridham of St. Marys. The bride wore a suit for the occasion. A. reception was held afterwards and a buffet dinner was served. The happy couple left on a short trip, and will reside in St. Marys. Guests were present from Mitchell, St. Marys, !Midland and Termite, COLEMAN - SMITH A wedding was solemnized at the home of :1Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smith on Saturday afternoon, Oc- tober 10th, when their daughter, Marjorie Elizabeth, exchanged marriage vows in a double ring ceremony with Bruce Douglas Coleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil• fred Coleman, of RR 4• Seaforth. Rev. W. H. Summerell officiated and the wedding music was play- ed by Miss Jean Hillen, The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore an imported gown of French lace over taffeta, fashioned with fitted bodice, long sleeves and a scoop neckline embroidered with pearls. Her shoulder length; veil fell from a tiara of sequins and pearls, and she carried a cascade bouquet of Teti roses. The brides sister, .bliss June Smith, was maid of honor, wearing a waltz length dress of white nylon with blue appliques and a white satin cum- merbund. She wore a flower head- dress and carried a cascade bou- quet of ,pink chrysanthemums and roses. Kenneth Coleman, brothel' of the bridegroom, was best man, Assisting in serving at the wed- ding dinner were Mrs David Muir. of Walton, Misses Jean and Mar- guerito'Scott, RR 1, Seaforth, and Miss -Emma bfoCowan, Rle 3, Sea - teeth. The bride's mother receiv- ed the guests wearing a dress of bine figured nylon jersey and a .corsage of pipit chrysanthemums, She teas assisted by the bride- groom's mother, wearing a bronze figured sheath dress with black accessories and a corsage of yel- Iow chrysanthemums. For a wedding trip to the Unit- ed States the bride chose a red wool jersey ci•ross with matching aeceseoeles and a white ebryean- themitni eomsage, On their return they will. reside at R.R. 4 Sea- forth, Guests were present from Windsor Toren to, South Mona- ghan. Atwood, Brodhagen, Sea. ,1 11111,. i I ii1,14111411,11 1111,Illll O/MA/14.114!IIAAIIII I 1 ,,,1,. „1„111,11111111111111141114„1,l 111111111111 I,Ill,lll4 it in PATTERN NEWEST "Taper". , , new and lovely stainless pattern in Oneidacraft Deluxe,. Here is beauty that's really carefree ... beauty you'll be proud to show on your table at any occasion,. And remember . , . like all Oneidacraft Deluxe patterns, "Taper" is made in Canada. You can add to your service at any time. Available in Open Stock and in complete services for 6 and 8. 16-Piece Service for 4 Only 91 495 • 4 Teaspoons • 4 Hollow Handle Knives • 4 Forks • 4 Soup Spoons TEASPOONS 50c EACH See our complete selection of Stainless Patterns SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CHINA Seaforth forth and district. Prior to her marriage, the bride was feted on several occa- sions. A. shower was held. le her honor fart the home of Miss Lynda Savauge when her former class- mates met and presented her with many beautiful gifts. On Oct. 2, Mrs. R. al. Scott and Mrs Gordon ,Papple were hostess- es at a shower held in the base- ment of Duff's Chtuch, 1McKillop, where neighbors and friends ga- thered to honor the bride. She re- ceived an array of beautiful gifts ENGAGEMENT 1VIr. and Mrs. William Diegel, Brodhagen, announce the engage- ment of their only daughter Mar - leen Dorothy to Mr, Donald John McLaughlin, son of Mr. M. Mc- Laughlin, Kincardine. The wed- ding to take place at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, on Friday, October 30th, at three o'clock. DUBLIN Mrs, Beulah 'McGovern and Mi- chael, 'Montreal, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mayman and two daughters of Deep River with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. Kenneth Stapleton, Ryerson Institute, Toronto; Bobbie Staple- ton, St..Ierome's high school, Kit- chener, at their home. ]Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Burns and Jerry, Parry Sound, with a Me. and Mr's. Frank Evans. Mr, and Mrs. Vincent Morrison of Kitchener, ales. James 'Morri- son spent the week end in Wind- sor and Detroit. (Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gooder and children with Tom and Mr. Mrs. Jos. Dorsey. Mrs. Louis Dillon and -Hiss Do- rothy Dillon in Woodstock with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Duffy, Attending the nth wedding an- niversary of air. and Mrs. Nichol- as Krauskopf Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kraus -kept Port Hope; Philip Krauskopf, Cobourg, Staff Sergt. Jos. and Mrs. Kraus- kopf and family, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. John Krauskopf and children, Alvinston, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Horan, Al- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doherty. Caledon; Mr. and Mrs• Robert Price, River Drive Park; \Mt'. and Mrs. Ewart Wilson, Miss ,M:ary Margaret Ryan, Misses. Theresa and Alice Ryan, London, with Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Ryan Mr. and abs. Fergus Reynolds, Detroit; Mrs. Joseph Carpenter, Mr, R. F, 'Byrne, Hamilton with •Monica Byrne. bit-. and Mrs, Toon Butters and family in Niagara palls, Miss Loreen Looby, London, Mr. C, Curran, Montreal, with 'Mrs, A, M, Leahy. Mr, and ;kits. Edward Hollaf cl and David, Toronto, with hie, and Mrs. George holland. Mr. and Mrs. William Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs, Fergus Horan in Detroit with Mrs. Vera .McKay, Mr. and bit's. Chas. •Friend and family at Lions Head, Mr, and Mins. Bill O'Rourke and two •sanghtet•s in Dundas with Mr, and Mrs. John Robine•on, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kelly lit Kitchener. Miss Ruth Ackroyd, Toronto, With Mrs. Mary O'Rourke, Twenty persons enrolled for the course in First Aid conducted by the St. John's Ambulance. In- etructors are birs. Sinclair and tales. Cook, Stratford, and will continue for the next six weeks each Thursday evening in the continuation school sponsored by the officers of the OWL. • BRUCEFIELD Mr. Morley Taylor. Toronto. spent Thanksgiving with his Par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Taylor. Miss Janet Watson spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and ;Mrs. Robert Watson. Me. and Ma's. M. Squires, Sar- nia, were guests of her parents, Mr. and _Mrs. Robt. Allan Sr. Guests with Rev. and Ma's. S. Davison were their daughter, Dr. and Mrs. John MacGregor, Owas- so. Mich. Mr. and Mrs, G. Griffith, Stash - ford and Mr. and Mrs, A. Smith, Bluevale, spent Thanksgiving with Mee H. Berry. Mr. and bit's, Jas. Alcan. Mr. and ales. Robt, Allan, Hamilton, were week end guests of Mr. and bits• Edgar Allan and Mary. Mrs. Alex. Patterson spent a few days in Toronto. A family dinner was held at the ]tome of Mrs. W. Stackhouse on Oct. 11 ie honor of her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Zir, anti firs. Stanley Neale, London, on the oc- casion of their 25th wedding an- niversary. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stackhouse and family, Wilton Grove: Me. and Mrs. V. Munro and son Michael, London; Ron Neale, London; Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay, London; .M1'. and Mrs. Ivan Wightman, grave, and and Mr. and .mrs. Mae Wil- son, Brucefield. EGMONDVILLE Mrs. Gordon Churehwarcl and family of Toronto spent the holi- day weekend with her father, Mr. Ivy Henderson. Me. and Mrs. Ernie Coolc and family of Kingston visited with Mrs. Cook's .parents, bir. and antes, Barry Weiland. Mr, and Mrs, Lester Nicolle and son of Palmerston spent Thanks- giving Day with firs. Nicolle's parents, .1•Ir. and Mrs. Johnnie Blue. Mr. anti Mts. Lyle Hammond, Carolyn and Donna spent the ,holi- day in Landon. Mr. and bits. Reg. Allis were Sunday visitors with Mr. and tali's, Andrew Houston. Thanksgiving Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray were their family: Their son Bob of Toronto; Mr. end Mrs, Don Gray and family of Landon and lir. and Mrs. Burt. Waters and family of Ajax• Members of 8.11', Nicolas Fest, er's family spent Thanksgiving Day with itim at his house ]zero. Ch's. Foster, who is in Scott Me- morial Hospital is improved in health and we hope will soon be home again, Mm, and Mrs, Cyrus E, Picker- ing of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. TIarry Weiland. Mrs, R. .Dalrymple attended the Week -James wedding on Satur- day Oct. 10, at Cromarty Church, 1 Mr, and !Mrs, Aubrey Dick- nteyer are becoming Settled in their new home which they moat-. ed from Mrs. Simpson,