HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-10-08, Page 8Luxurious, Glamorous for fall Lovely untrimmed coats by Lomb, Wilson and Joshar in wool boucle, soft mar - voila, and smooth Veltura cloths, fully lined and in- terlined in the newest and best styles. Feature colors are Royal,• Black, Brown, Beige, Olive, Grey and Red • Exciting new fur -trimmed COATS Deluxe coats, trimriled with neat collars of perslan Iamb, seal and plink in popular blues, browns, blacks and tweeds. You'll want One of these better dress coats for sure 69.95 to 99.50 Fashion wise FALL DRESSES Choose from new velvets, wool jerseys, wool crepes, washable arnel, taffetas, laces and brocades in the latest sheath. tailored, and dressy styles for every occasion 15.95 to 19.95 SPECIAL RACK. FALL DRESSES Clearing lot of dresses that are worth twice this low price ®95 High Styled, Flattering FALL HATS 1,,,‘ '' Complete your fall wardrobe 4 with a smart felt or velour hat from Stewarts. We ahvays sell millinery dollars less than city N. stores. Come in and find out for yourself 4.95 to 9.95 STEWART BROS. ovvvetenermenAstmArtArm Mitchell Cider & Applebutter Mill Will operate every day except Mondays starting Oct. 6 until Nov. 20 Terms strictly cash FRED HENNICK & SON Proprietors KIPPEN Miss Y. Nakana of Vancouver, who has spent the past week with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M. iMotomura, returned home by plane on Monday. At the recent meeting of the Kippen East WI it was decided to hold card parties and dances the second Friday evening in Dee., Jan., Feb. and March an Hensall community centre starting off with their silver anniversary dance on Dec. 11011. •Mr. and Mrs. Sparks, Mrs. Alice Keene and MTs. Cellia Ewassack of Stratford were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dow - son. „n„",„""11e1111",,,,,.,,11,",,,11,11,11",„11,,,,11„11,,.nnn,mnnn1.1111/111111111/11111.111111/111111111,.. lllllll nh BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN LIMITED CLINTON, ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County SPECIAL NOTICE ... TO OUR PATRONS THANK YOU for your patronage and attendance at our nightly features PLEASE NOTE: !'here will'be no shows from Oct. 6 to Oct. 8 - COMMENCING with the weekend of October 9th, we will play on WEEKENDS ONLY For your weekend entertainment, we present; FRIDAY -- SATURDAY - Oct. 9.10 DOUBLE BILL "THE YOUNG LAND” (Color) Pat Wayne -- Yvonne Craig "HEY BOY, HEY GIRL" Louis Prima -- Keely Smith (One Cartoon) 2 Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear Box Office opens at 7,20 p.m, First Show at 8 o'clock Children under 12 in Cars Free Nemo, llllllllllllllll lllll lllll 'Hueneme, llll lllll lll 'n.1t,n nmemaaimm innat,,,,9,,,,m,b HENSALi_ Presentatton - A very enjoyable evening was spout at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Grant Donuey, Wednesday, when 'they were host and hostess ,for the staff of the Dank of Montreal in honor of Don 'Macla6'ell who has been transferred to the Tng- ersoll branch, The everting twos anent in 'pdieying crckinole and •monopoly after whio1 1 n deliolous buffet luncheon was served. Dur- ing the social h'ou'r Don was pre- sented with a travel alarm clock an behalf of the staff. The evening concert 'held. 111 the town hall leriday evening in eon - Junction with the Hensall school fail' ,was a great success and lam- ely artteuded. School children from Hensall and area .school eo•nupeted in recitations, ;pubic speaking, vocal solo, .duets, 'unison choruses, piano solos, climaxed wi'tll a spelling match. Chairman for the evening' was Ms'. A. Idle, principal of 'Exeter public school. winners were: Recitations, 2nd grade and under, Carolyn Coale, Linda Ludwig, Henna P:S.; Tim. Kyle, 2 Tuoltersnrith; recitations, 3rd and 4th grades, Cheryl Little, Hensall; Joan 'Sinclair, Karen Littleton, -2 Tuckeramith; Grade 6 and under, public speaking, Ann Miokle, Lois Sinlmone, :T•Iensall; Patricia Harris 7, Hibbert; pub- lic speaking, Grade 7-8, Joan Spearman, Hensall; vocal solo, girls under 10, Kathie Henderson, Sharon Lavery, 'Brenda Noakes. Hensall; 10 and over, Susanne Rannie, Hensall; Patricia Hands, Hilbert; Heather Reid, Hensadl, Vocal solo, boys under 10, Mich- ael Hoy, Bill Taylor, Michael Da- vis, Mansell, boys 10 and over, Grant Jones, '•Iensall; Bill McNi- chol, 2 Duc1aersmrith; Reginald Dick, 7 Hibbert. Unison chorus, Grade 7-8, Hensall; Grade 7, H'Ob- bert; Grade 3-4, Howell; chorus, 2 Tuakersmith, Piano solo, under 10, Carolyn Cook, Ken Jones, Hen- sail, Piano solo 10, and over, Ann Mickle, Joyce Flynn, Verilyn M41- ier, 'Ilensall. Piano duet, 10 and over, Dianna Forrest, Jim T4'a- quai.r, 1 (Duokersmi-th. 'Spelling matoh, Teddy 'Stoneman 7 Hen- sel!, Fred Ludwig, Teddy Mock, Slensall. Judges were '11L'. Stur- gis, Exeter; R. 'Shippey, Centr- alia; Mr. King, principal sof ,ROAR` public school, Centralia. Mrs. Edna Corbett spent the week end with her son -in -lane and daughter, M9'. and Mrs. Harold Parker and familiy at Ohiselliurst. 'Mrs. Wm. 'Henry de visiting at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Don Herne in 'St. Catharines while Itir. and Mrs. Herne are in Ber- muda. Don MaoLaren commenced his duties on Monday at the Ingersoll branch of .the Bank of Montreal to which he has been transferred. F)iWERATZON NEWS By J. Carl Hemingway The following appeared in the Alberta Wheat Pool Budget. "Te U.S. Department of :Agriculture says that last year Americans spent $57.7 billion for hone grown food. The farmer received $20.8 billion or only 36% of the total while marketing costs ac- counted for $36,9 billion or 64% of the food 'bill. Marketing costs were divided as follows: labor $17.5 billprion (47x/) ; ,profits $2,1 billion (6%) ; transportation $4. billion (11%), and other costs and non -corpor- ate profits $13.3 billion (36%), "A similar breakdown would no doubt apply to Canada." Is the great controversos and publicity, being given to support prices and deficienoy gayenents, simply a series of "red herrings" being drawn adeptly across the trail to the real source of the far- mers' difficulty? It seems reasonable to think that the producer should only av- erage a little over 1/3 of the oon- sumer price. Farmers leave shown their ability to do a good job of marketing the saw product as proven by the White Bean Board, the Tobacco Board, the Cheese Marketing Board. bile Hog Produ- cers Board. • In fertilizer production and in the manufacture of feeds they have proven that they can reduce the cost of processing and turn out a top quality ,product. Why not further advancement in the field of processing of their own produce It would seem that there is a definite opportunity that is receiving serious study is the ,processing of meats. If the farmers controlled their own processing plants on a co- operative basis the $2.1 billion (6%) could go to the farmer in patronage dividends. This 670 pro- fit may seem small but 4f a farm- er produces an article for 94c and it sells for $1,00 his income is 6c per unit. If he also had the Gc profit his income (net) would be 'doubled. I't would also seem that a good portion of ,the .$13.3 billion might be non -corporate • profit that through •a co-op would find its way back to the producer. We need to remember at all times that after the "break even point" any gain is totally added to net income, therefore while the actual saving in operating costs might be quite small as compared to the gross income of a farmer at could make a vast difference in his net income, BLAKE (Mr, and Mrs. Earl Oesoh and family spent Sunday with, tile'. and Mrs. Stanley Sander and fa- mily of Exeter. Ml', Archie Mustard of Sarnda spent the week end with his wife and family. Mrs. Mary Manson spent San - day with Mrs, Nancy. Koehler of Zurich. Mrs. Leon Jeffery has returned home after spending a few weeks in 'Windsor with 'her,daughter and son-in4tuw, Mr. and Mrs, Edmund Erb vie- ited with Mr, and Mrs. Newell Geiger and biro. Mary ,Manson. Clearing. ° Auction Sale Aa otion Sale f Farm d as r S1 22, 1 mS,Strd M. chlnvey at Lot Con, 10, Stanley tn., Goshen line, s miles weft of Varna, way., 00r, 21st, at 1 pan, Cattle -2 Holstein eowf, Milking And rebred; 1 Durham cow freshened , i4 weeks and rebred; 1 '13olotein pow, 4 /Tare old, milking and rebre4t; 1 Holstein cow freshened 4weeks; 1 Durkum COW, 5 years old, milking; 1 holstein cow, 6 years old and rebred; Jersey cern, 3 years old to.. freshen about Deo. let; six head young cattle 1 year old and over, Doriton's sired by Hereford;. 5 calves aired by lierefortl. Implements -6 ft. Deering binder; MoCormipk Peering hay loader; 10 6t. MtCormiolt Deering side rake with fod- der;Dearborn double disk for Ford tractor with hydrnulie lift; 3 drum laud roller; Cocicshutt fertilizer drill: 11 hoe tractor hitch; Massey Harris team man- ure spreader with tractor hitch ; rubber tired wagon and flat rack, 15 ft. ; No, 80 Leta .grinder, 10 inch plates with 2 holders fine and coarse; 40 bus. field hilt; fanning mill with motor, feed boxes; .Musser IIarris beat. harvester attach- ment with knives and heavy board. 210 galvanized cable 3/3" with pillion to fit heavy duty 1/4 h.p. motor; 000 barn scales; extension ladder, 28 fb„ electric brooder; National milking me, chino, portable; 1 milk strainer, calla, milk - cart, water tank, water trough, block and tackle, fatteningcrate with trough; quantity year olddry cob corm; quantity yearold oats. ' Household Effects—Large =cob of drawers: enamel idtehen range, coal or wood'; Quebec heater. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terme cash. Prep, 'Arm. a. CLARK. And. Harold Jackson. Clerk, George Powell. FOR SALE Small white enamel range, Roy Law- son, Ord house wost. of United Church. Phone 210 J 100 Red Rock FOR cress -ti •ed pullets, otatt- ing 10 lay, Wm, Livingstone "TRADE-IN" Your old suite of furniture on new, at the Mildmay Furniture Showrooms. Show Chesterfield- cushion, diningroom ohtlr, dresser drawer, from your old suite to Schuett's salesmen for trade-in evaluation on new 'i{roehler" and other furniture.. tree delivery. G, D. Sennett, Mildmay Ont. NOTICE Following is a list of official expenses for 0, S. Mi rNaughton, M.P.P., successful candidate for the riding of Huron in the Provincial election held June 11, 1969. Advertising—Radio, T.V. and News- paper $ 2,688.87 Postage 118.94 Hydro and Telephone 57.69 Candidate Expenses 250.00 Official Committee Rooms — Exeter, Seaforth, Goderich, Clinton — Rent, Supplies etc. 882.00 $ 3,477.50 D. H. BEAVER, Official Agent for 0. S. MaeNaughton CARD OF TIUNK$ I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors, the doctors et the Cling, the 0111Ses lit the hospital and Father Me- Conve)1 for their; cards and treats and those who helmal d�luring my accident JO,SDPII DC1f.DWYr CARD OF T TANKS I would like toexpress my sineero thanks to all Nebo remembered me whit cards, fruit and flowers and gifts. Spec- ial, thanks to Rev.,Inder et Clinton, Dr, Gorwill and nuroes while I was alzat- ient in the hospital MRS, 'TED BROWN CARD OF THANKS I with to ONtend mY appreciation and thanks.to everyone who remembered me With visits, cards and treats vrhlle I was in St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to the Sisters of 60. Joseph and nursing staff, Father Petapieco, Father McDowell, Drs, Maikus, Brady and Hal- lett. LOUIS O'R+DILLY. FOR SALE. Wrought iron and pink arborit° kitch- en tableandfour chairs; 1 child's rock- er. Clarence Malone. FOR SALE Potted-Plants—You canbesuro of a ready supply from now on through the winter.. We grow them for you, Baker's' Greenhouse, Your Garden Centre. Phone 356. FOR SALE A girl's winter outfit, size 88 Phone 763. FOR SALE Some purebred Landrace =we ready for breeding; also purebred. Landrace hog, six • months old, Apply to Fred Buchanan, phone. 860x4. Seaforth, FOR SALE 500 Red Rock pullets, laying. Mike Boohan, phone 461.16, Lendosboro. FOR SALE A bunch of good strong York chunks.. A, R. Dodds, phone 881x14 FOR SALE A modern home in the village of Eg- mondville, suitable for couple, close to store, 1,4 block from paved street. Very low price for quick sale. JOHN BOSVELD• Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley St.. Godorich Salesman, Joe, McConnell phone 266 Seaforth FOR SALE 60 one year old hens; 75 Red Sussex pullets, starting to lay. 'Wm. James Storey, phone 867112, Seaforth. FOR SALE Brown furnacette coal heater. in good condition, Phone 062. FOR, SALE A number of buttermilk barrels $2 each. Andrew's Poultry Farm, r.r. 3. Seaforth. FOR SALE Green corn, melons, squash, good hard winter cabbage and other produce. Bring containers. Ambrose Addley, third house east of Kinburn, south side. SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB Annual Fall PAPER DRIVE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28th PAPER - MAGAZINES - RAGS OLD MATTRESSES For the convenience of those in the surrounding district who wish to\ co-operate, collection depots have been established as follows: DUBLIN William. Stapleton CONSTANCE Borden Brown Store WINTHROP McCluskie's Store CROIVIARTY Walker's Store CROMARTY S'orsdahl's Store - STAFFA Sadler's Store BRUCEFIELD Ross Scott KIPPEN W. Mellis • Proceeds from the drive are used for the Lions Club Conuuunity and Welfare work. Prepare your bundles now and be ready for the Lions Annual Paper Drive Remember the Date: Wednesday, October 28th — Auspices — SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB _ PREVENTION WEEK The time to STOP fires is before they TART! Check your home and habits for fire hazards that eau prove disastrous. JOHN F. SCOTT, Fire Chief Town of Seaforth CO �NQ EVENT Darear, C, t, Celuaoban, atter: noon Wedtivs ay, 0010bor 21, Bingo in, COMING'EVEPIf Chwkvin. flarbequo with dense to foll- ow, sponsored by 0,0,1, Court Constant, ire at Constance, 0n Prlday (let• 23rt1, Supper 6.8. Adm, adnlis $140. children 6-12 --•• 70e FOR SALE 0erman ahvpher4 anti border Collie' pressed pups. Aiao a live month-eld ¢cit,. Arthur MCOiure, RR 1 Blyth TEACHER WANTED Teacher wanted forSeaforth Separate School, State salary expected: To start Btmoxmetlia186,tely.S:eaforth Loon Bannon, Secretary, O White faced IlerLeforSdT heifer about 600 700 lbs., strayed from pasture farm in Tuokersmith last week, Phone T1172-7548 Clinton. Harold Ilugiil, 101; 2 Seaforth SPRAYED APPLES POR SALE Spy, Zing, Mao's, Tolman Sweets, Delicious, Russet,Macintosh, Greening, Snows, etc, free delivery in Seaforth, Phone HU 2-8214, Pred McClymont & E Sons, Varna . Green corn,Fmelonee,,Asquash, good hard winter cabbage and other produce. Bring containers. Ambrose Addley, third house east of Kinburn, south side FOR SALE Imported Bulbs, Tulips in five colors, Hyacinthe in three colors, and Noroissus, Baker's "Greenhouse, your garden centre,.. Seafprth FOR SALE Coleman oil heater ]ileo new, used only one winter. Phone 566W. John Byerman. LE 200 New Hampshire pullets pulpho Bt 81 to ley. Per'g Kelly, Dublin, phone 835x12.2. BANKRUPT Auction Sale , ••- awkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 6,811 T>112, $BAPORmi$ NEWS 1'1ou'sday, October 8, 1959 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Sod Flowers for all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. c3ORWILL, B.A,, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC B. A. McMaster, B,A., M•D., Interalat P. L. Brady, 55,0„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily - accept Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat.. 4rday only 7.0 p.m. Appointments made. In advance are desirable e! TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC S, 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. DRBNNAiN, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 • Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 791, Main St„ Seaforth 5.80; WeHours—Seaforth AMto daily2. 0c PM. t Thur. e s by appointment only, Clinton HU -2-7010. Of properties, livestock, machinery and poultry equipment, will be held at let 26, concession 14, the township of McKillop, one half mile south of Welton on county road, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 at the p.m, LIVESTOCK Cattle --Three Holstein cows recently fresh ; 1 jersey cow, practically fresh ; three Holstein cows, milking well and .ebted, one dairy heifer rising two-year. old; 3 Holstein spring cal/ s,. MACHINERY La Rol tractor, 1040, with hydraulic plow; rubber tired wagon with flat rack, one 42 -foot grain auger, one cis cuter saw, large grindstone; a quantity of lumber, 1"; square timbers and 2" by 4" scantling. POULTRY EQUIPMENT Approximately 25 automatic waterers; 50 50 -Ib feeders. PROPERTY: Parcel one: 891,4 acres in the town- ship of Mclfillop in the county of Hur- on, being composed of the south half of the North half of lot 25, in tho 14th concession of the township of MoKillop. There le said to be on this property a bank barn with accommodation for ap- proximately 8,000 broilers, 11A; storey brick house withbathroom and furnace, Clay loam land, well drained. All workable land. Parcel two: In the township of Grey in the county of Huron, being com- posed of part of lot 1, in the 18th con. - cession of the said township, containing three acres. There is on this property a frame barnwith accommodation for 6,- 000 broilers, TERMS: CHATTELS CASH.. Propel ty offered subject to reserve bid, 10% clown, balance 30 days. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CONTACT: HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. Seaforth, Ont. or F. 0. RIME AND COMPANY Trustee, London, Ont. Auction Sale Auction Sale of Household Effects in the Village of Brucefield on WED. OCT. 14th at 1 p.m. Cherry oval extension table, sideboards, studio couch (like new), number of small tables, occasional chairs, rocking chairs, writing desk, card table, Heintz - man piano, antique 6 piece walnut par- lor anfor suite, walnut antique occasional chair, end tables, foot stool, 6 cane -bot- tom chairs and rocker, walnut what -not (antique), glass cupboard, 2 drop leaf tables, kitchen chairs, °look, pictures, curtains, jardiniere, scatter mats, toilet sets, wardrobe, sewing machine, mirrors, floor covering, hooked and braided scat- ter mats, beds, springs, mattresses, dres- teras chest of drawers, quilts, wool blankets, bed linen, table linen, antique dishes, RCA Victor 21" television, Ches- terfield suite, large chesterfield, din: ins room suite, 1 single bed, desk, kitchen cabinet, apartment size Astral refrigerator, hot plate, toaster, electrolux vacuum cleaner, floor waxer. crocks, sealers, large granite preserving kettle, kitchen utensils, garden tools, carpenter tools. Other articles too num- erous to mention. Terms cash. Prop. MISS MARY GIB'SON, Anat., Harold Jackson. Clerk, George Powell .(Blyth), FOR SALE 150 acre farm in township of Tucker - smith, good buildings, well drained 120 acre farm, township of Tucker - smith, well drained with good buildings. 100 acre farm in McKl;lop, near school and village, good builbings. 50 acres, brick house, banlc barn in YloKlllop, near village. 40 acres near village in McKillop, good buildings. 60 -acre farm, frame house, bank barn. 1 mile from Seaforth on county road, clay loam. HAROLD JACKSON, Realtor Phone Seafort11474 BUTTERMILK BISCUITS 1 ' *WE MAKE'EM- YbU BAKE <EM" - 10904 Clea�rv's IG A eaforth towtsenouwennowwwwwwwwi USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Alex J. Rohde, RIt3 Mitchell . Vice President Milton McCurdy, RR1 Kirlcton Directors D. Clayton Colquhoun, RR1 Science Hill Martin Feeney, RR2 Dublin Robert S. Gardiner, R1 ()remedy Timothy B, Toohey, 11R3 Luoan Agents Harry Coates, RR1 CentraHa Clayton Harris, Mitchell Stanley Hocking, Mitchell Solicitor W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretary -Treasurer INSURANCE • Fife • Auto • AccideW • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 534 Res. 540 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION • STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 882-R AND . FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 Res. 286 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFPIC,)—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, Robert Archibald, Seaforth; Vice Pres., Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Sec.-Treas., W. E. Southgate. Seaforth. Directors —E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; 3. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert. Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McEwin , Blyth; Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton ; Harvey Fuller. Goderlch ; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth. Agents— William Leiper, Jr., Londes- bore ; .7. P. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Balser, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clin- ton ; James Keys, Seaforth. JACK THOMPSON'S Footwear Service, Seaforth. Shoes repaired. For Sale — Men's & Boys & children's footwear, It is our business to give comfort and save you money NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and. Clinton for Viking Cream Separ- ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefield, Sanitary Sewage Dreposal Septic Tanks, Cesspools, etc. Pumped and cleaned. Modern equipment. Louis Blake, RR 2 Brussels. Phone 42r6 Brussels: A11 work guaranteed Pot flowers FOR SALE etc. Bradshaw's Greenhouse, 50W, Seaforth. NOTICTuckersmith Township Municipal dump will bo opened from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday and. Saturdayafternoonsun. til further notice. WATERLOO' CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Breeding Service.'Cost tow. Efficiency High Disease controller, Safety. All Breeds of Cattle: use of the best of bulls. Mem- ber owned and controlled. For service ormore information phone 0linton HU 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith. 9.5660 between: 7.80 and 0.80 A.M. week days; 6 and 8 P.M. Sat- urday evenings. Calls received on Saturday evening will be serviced on Sunday morning. For cows in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning. Better Cattle For Better Living TEXACO PRODUCTS We specialize in Diesel Fuel and Farm Lubricants Phone 686W Phone 190 Seaforth Goderieh Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47