HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-10-08, Page 4/.A1,111111111111p1IIIIIIAnlllimal,l111IIIU,II,1111111,411M 1111W 111; 40111( 1.111; MUM I IIIU11111A111 1AI41ll II11...0 ,,n rtf(ffi(finin(Iinll;nOfnUn Families cheer our fine, thrifty e i dry cl axi ng Your family's good groom- ing is our business, and we take it seriously. Thorough cleaning with careful pressing keeps all clothes ready for busy fanc- ily schedules Finest work always FLANNERY CLEANERS phone 87 vitt ii1111U1 owiii11„111l1,111111111111111,1,111111IIa11111111111111111111111111111naps1111,111111plII"a1111.,111,1411,1111 CONSSTANCE Airs. Lorne Lawson returned home Thursday "last, "atter" spend- ing the past three weeks at the West Coast and while there vis- ited with \Tr, and.. ,:l'ir'a, Allen Johns of T1'08( Vancouver, She al- so visited the Butehart Gardens at Victoria, returning 1sosue by way of the United States; 1''rteucts or Mr, Wm, Britton are sorry to learn that he is a patient in Scott Memorial hospital. We hope he soon returnsto usual health. Mr, and Mrs, Wilbur Jewitt took his mother, Mrs. M. 3ewitt, to ;Halton: airport last Thursday, where elle flew to Regina,and'will visit with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Ellwood Spice:'. Mir, and Airs, Roht, Helmick and fancily of Chatham visited with his parents, ;lir. and Mrs. Basil Iloruiok. Mrs. Robt, Johnson of Grand. Look ahead buy new • • • CANADA SAVINGS BONDS at THE � Ye TORONTO.DONIINION THE BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD BANK JA -0455 W. C. MOORE, Manager Seaforth Branch -FI SO 0'. D Riitthjoi \railoy )'isited a day recently with i1' herieddparents,. Mr. and i'irs.:TOMOS Bins; David Wright of Arizona and Airs, Welland, Detroit, spent the week end with firs, D. Mill - son and family. - Mr, and Mrs. Ken Reid and sons of London spent the week end with I11r, and Mrs, Luther San- ders, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Buchanan, Mr, and Mrs, Jerry Cook and in- mily. Ml'. and MTs, Fi+ecl Buchan- an and boys and Mr. and Mrs, Donald Buchanan and family were guests at the home of Mr. anal Mrs, Wilfred Bgohanau and fancily of Niiestown where a fa- mily ,dinner a-mily•dinner was held in kronor •of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Buchanan before their departure for British Columbia. Several members or Constance C)Iend Ladies' Court Constant- ine attended the COP parade ou Sunday in the United Church, at Wingham and are also sorry to learn that Rev, Hussier of Wing - ham 'USC, who is. Grand Chaplain •of COP, had taken a heart attack on Saturday and 'was in Wingham hospital. Rev, Herd of •Gerrie, re- tiredminister, delivered a very. inspiring ,address, The members of the Wingham Court served lunch to all in the Orange Hall, Mr, and Mrs. Howard johns of Tuckersmith,apont Tuesday night with .Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. The members ,of the Constance WA will please remember the bake sale to be held in .Seaforth Oct. 1.0 at 2.30, All items to be in before the time announced. Mrs, Wnr. Dale, ,Mrs, Stewart Dale and Harvey were at Preston and Galt last Wednesday. Mrs, T. McMichael and Evelyn of Goderich visited Mr. and Mrs, Wui, Dale on .Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Dale and family attended Kirkton fall fair on Friday where Miss Laurel Dale's school won first for school exhibit, banner and drill, 2nd on marching. Mr. and Mrs, .Wm. Dale attend- ed Howick fair on Saturday. Bill was judging horses and Mrs. Dale judged floats. BRUCEFIELD Tile October meeting of the Woman's Association was held on Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 0th. The meeting opened with. a re- peating of the creed and the sing- ing of hymn 330. The scripture was read from Eph. 3, 7-21 by Mrs: G. Graham. The topic, Pow- er and Depth, was given by Mrs. John Aikenhead, This part of the meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Graham, and hymn 90. The chair was then, taken by Mrs. W.. Broadfoot. The 'minutes .of the last meeting were read by Mrs. L. Wilson, in the absence of Mrs. R. Triebner who is ill. The roll call was answered by telling what you aro thankful for. Thank—you notes were read by Mrs. Berry from Mrs. B. Baud, Mr, and Mrs. John R. Murdoch and George Mc- Cartney. We were reminded to keep our papers and magazines for the young people's society who will put on a drive in the near future. It was moved by Mrs. John Broadfoot and Mrs. Ross Scott that the W.A. donate 3100 towards the anniversary fund, and $10 to the fund for the LLOYD WRIGHT WAKE-UP TIME TO 10 A.M. A balanced blend of pleasantly popular music and all the helpful services a family needs to start the day—time, weather, complete area news coverage. That's why most homes in Western Ontario enjoy a refreshing start each day the LLOYD WRIGHT wayl C F P L RAD 1 D More Power to serve you better blind, It will decided to pat a new storm door on the manse. All in- vitation was received by the W. M.S and W,A. to atteud a meet- ing at :Oonstanee en, Oct. 31. at 2.30 p,m. The program and lunch was in charge of group 3, Mrs, George Clifton gave two very interesting readings, A. very dainty 11111011 was served, Plans for the bazaar on Sat., Nov, 14, were made. Tho follow- ing committees were arranged: Aprons—Mrs, Berry, Mrs, Hell - Or, Ml's, V. Hargreaves. Touch and take—Mrs. L. Wilson; Mrs. -Geo, Armstrong, Mrs, W, Scott, Lunch --Miss M, Swan, Mrs, Fred McGregor, Mrs. Hann. Candy — Mrs. Fotheringham, Mrs. Cai Hor- ton: Baking --Mrs, Geo. Clifton, Mrs, C. Elliott, Mrs, John,Broad- Pet, Ml's. John Aikenhead, Mrs. L. Eyre, Mrs, R, Scott, Parcel Post—Mrs. A. Moffat, Mrs. Walt- ers..Produce—Mrs. S. ltoss, Mrs. N. Baird, Mrs, John McGregor, Miss 145, McDonald. Fancywork Mrs. Edgar Allen, M rs. George Henderson. . White Elephant — Mrs. Grahain, Mrs. Richardson, Christmas cards, Mrs. Harvey Taylor, HENSALL Mr. Archie MacGregor left thls week from Marton for Goose Bay, Lalbrador, where he will spend several months on construction work. Mrs,Ray Ingram who under- went an operation .in Clinton hos- pital last week is recovering and expects 'to return to her home this week. Miss Etta Jarrett of Stratford -was "a recent visitor wibh Mrs. Kate MacGregor. Mr. and MTs. Ellis of Clinton were recent visitors with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Chapman, LONDESBORO Mrs, Margaret lAlannin'g• , Lan- desboro's oldest resident, celebra- ted her 92nd birthday at her home where she has lived alone for the' past 35 years. The day was spent within her comfortable pottage in the village where mem- bers of the Grandmothers Cheer- io Club, which she organized 15 years ago, met to join in the ob- servance. Living alone, for Mrs. Manning, .means managing her own home, planting and caring for a vegetable and flower gard- en , caring for fires, quilting, hooking mats, orooheting bed- spreads and tablecloths. Although the telephone is a means of keep- ing in close contact with a wide host of friends, Mrs. Manning is well able to get about the village and each Sunday she regularly attends services at Londes'boro United Church, where she is an active member of the Woman's Missionary Society. Up until 12 years ago she was a weekly newspaper' correspondent. Born on the 10th concession of Hallett township in a log cabin, she was one of the seven children born to William. Morris and his wife, the former Ann JaneMorrison, early pioneers. In 1894 she married Joseph E. NLanning and they farmed on the' same concession, a mile and a half from where ehe was born. After Mr, Manning's death in 1921 she moved to Londesboro.. Mrs. Manning has two sons, Joseph Percy Manning, London; William Edmund Manning, on the homestead; two daughters, Mrs Bert (Ruby) Honking. 13th con. Hallett, west, and ,(Mrs. Frank (Elva) Tamblyn, 13th con. east, 1Hullett. There are 10, grandchil- dren and 10 great grandchildren. COMING DATES Oct, 9—Dungannon fall fair. Oct. 13-16—International Plow- ing Match, Peter's Corners. Oct. 14—Huron County Hols- tein Club Sale, Clinton. Oct. 21—Huron County Hol- stein Club banquet, Blyth. Oct. 30—Perth-Huron ,Short- horn Club consignment sale, at Lucknow. Nov. 9—Huron County Hols- tein Club annual meeting, Clin- ton, 12.30. Nov. 13 to 21—Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. Nov, 26—Huron County Here- ford Breeders fall sale. Dec. 1—Huron County Here- ford Breeders annual meeting and banquet. Dec. 3 — Perth -Huron Short- horn banquet, Egmondville. CROP REPORT Sugar beet harvest is •taking place with fairly good -yields re- ported. Some corn picking has taken place with a fairly low moisture content reported. Re- cent rain is going to help fall plowing. There is an active move- ment of cattle both in and out of the County—fat cattle being sold and•stockers' coming in. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News, October, 1934 William Keeler, Hibbert town- ship, brought to The News office a potato weighing two pounds and Harold Penhale, ,Stanley, has some that weigh even more. Mr. and 'Mrs, A, D. Armstrong will spend the winter at Hensall with Mr. Nathan Peck. Mr. and Mrs Archie Lamont of McKillop spent the week end in Toronto. Champions at the high school CO-OP INSURANCE • , Automobile • Truck and Cargo Insurance • Farm Liability and Tractor Ins, • Fire Insurance and Contents Insurance • Accident & Sickness ART WRIGHT Phone 187J John Street SEAFORTH Insure the Co-op way and you insure the Wright way THE SD/WORTH NEWS—Thursday, October 8, 1950 sport clay worse T1'. bays, S. Gea- 4es; soisiol• boys, `1', Sills; inter. boys, R. Stewart; junior girls, jean McDonald; senior girls, I. Aberhart; inter. girls, Leola Nett: WWIam Berry, Brneefield,was killed. when This ear etruok the cement bridge on the Mill road, 31 a 11105 east of Brimfield, William Strong, Tuoltersmith, D rought a blood beat to The 'News office weighing eight pounds. Mies MarY °tighten of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jelin Sclater. B2isses Grace Krauter and La- belle Hawkins visited in Chicago, Mr, and Mrs.. Ritchie Drager and Charles •of Galt visited his mother, Mrs, C. •Dragetr, Walton, INir. and Mrs. Wm, Butt spent a couple of weeks with their son, Jahn, at Flint, Mioh. Mr. and :ins. Michael Doyle have moved into Dublin, Gordon Rennie is teaching at Winthrop school, FORTY YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News, Dr. Margaret Patterson, of To- ronto, took theservice in Orem- arty Presbyterian iChureh, Mrs, James Mowbray and tour sons of Windsor are visiting her father, Mr. Alex. Gardiner, .at Walton. Charles ]McDaid has ,purchased a house and five acres of land at D:ub1in. Rev. D. Carswell, of Winthrop Presbyterian 'Church, has resign- ed and intends to reside in Tor- onto. Miss Mary A. Hogganth and Miss Esther Moore of .Oronion'ty are moving to Hensali to reside, Miss Thelma Pethiok has gone to London to train for a nurse. Mr. and IMrs, W. G. W. Pee are nsoving into the residence on AT - • street recently purchased from Mr. T. Daly. St. Thomas' Anglican March Sunday School 10 am.; Morn- ing Prayer 11 a.m.; Evensong 7 p.m. Holy Communion first Sun- -day morning of m01th and third Sunday At 0 a,ul, Rey, TL Aon. aldson, Rentor, Epalaonctvlt1e United Church Dr, T. Semple, aninlster; Lyle IIa- mmontt, •organist, choir leader, "Let Us Como Before His Pre- sence with Thanksgiving'." 11. can, Dr, Semple, Subject, "Phe Most Popular Sin la the World." Mule: The Lord Is Great in Zion;' Unusual deool'a- tions, thanksgiving hymns. Thurs., Oet, 15, WIVES thankoff- ering. Guest speaker, KM Sibyl Curtis, OIs,nroll School 10 a,an. livery family represented at the thanksgiving service. YPtI Yak rally, Northside Unit- ed Church, Tuesday 1311}. Supper 6.45 p.m, iiii i IIi i iiiiiiiea11tits; natem; uuu11l,4 First Presbyterian Church 3 REV, D. LESLIE ELDER Minister 10 A.K. OHUROH SOHOOL AND YOUTH F]1t,LOWSHII (LASS 11 A,M. Harvest Thanksgiving Services • "Human Lives and Their Harvests" Music—Anthem Praise the Lord, 0 Jerusalem (Maunder) NURSERY SOHOOL Facilities in the Church &ohool 7 P.M. "White Unto Harvest" Rev, D. L. Elder and Miss Mary MacEachern, Deaconess School, Toronto Solo: God speaks to me • Guest Soloist—itlrs. Sydney Jones, Listowel Memhere and friends arc asked to note the resumption of the evening service Friday, get. 0. 'Tire on the Heath- er'", The Billy Graham film. 8 p.m. You will he made welcome at all these services 1958 VAUXHALL SEDAN 1957 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 1956 DODGE SEDAN 1955 MONARCH SEDAN, radio 1955 METEOR SEDAN 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1950 AUSTIN SEDAN 1955 Chevrolet Pickup NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED SeaforthMotors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile MITCHELL Phone G. Fawn 186 Sales & Service SEAFORTH Phone 541 S, PROCLAMATION TOWN OF SEAFORTH • In accordance with a resolution passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Seaforth, I hereby proclaim that in view of the present rabies situation no dog shall be allowed to run at large in the Town of Seaforth until further notice from this date, November 12, 1958. B. F. Christie Mayor God Save the Queen Town of Seaforth Re Dog Proclamation In view of the disregard by the general public of the recent proclamation issued by the Town Council re the confinement of dogs, and the fact that they are not to run at large- at any time, the Council feels that charges. must be laid under this By-law. Any owner or harborer of a dog who allows it to run at large can be sum- moned into court. The fine in a case of this kind could be $50.00 and costs. The Council and myself would ask all citizens concerned to comply with- the laws and avoid the consequences. B. F. Christie Mayor