HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-10-08, Page 1The Seaforth S WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 81 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, TIHURSDAT, OCTOBER 8, 1959 SI.6e a Year Authorized ay. Second C.Inae mall, Post piano Dolt.,. Ottawa Snowdon Bros,. eteeiehere Discuss 3 -'4 -Room Addition to 1-1. S, Ah the October meeting of Sea. forthDistrict High. School Board ' on Tuesday night initial discus- sions• with the inspector took place regarding steps to be taken in ,planning an addition to the school. Another survey -will be made by the principal to deter- mine how many Pupils are now in elementary schools iii the area who will be entering high sehoal in September, After this infor- mation is forwarded to the De- partment and other formalities completed, the boardmust obtain approval of 'municipalities eon - Gomel, an'd further approval :of the Muted:pal Board must be re - candid, Discussions at prevent are for a three or four .room Addition. The school is now operating at slightly over its rated capacity of 370 pupils. According to a sur- vey made earlier this year 'by Principal L. P. PIumsteel, about 180 new !pupils will enter high school next September, an in- crease of nearly 75. SMITH - RILEY The Rev. J. A. Palmer officiated at a wedding ceremony iu St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Strat- ford, when Marjory Jean Miley, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Riley of 'Seaforth, exohan ged 'marriage vows with John Harold Beverly Smith. The groom is the eon of Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Smith, Listowel, The bride was given in mar- riage by her giandlather, James Fulton, Mitchell. She 'wore a floor -length gown of chantilly lace with a bouffant skirt' styled with a scalloped dace hemline. The fitted bodice was fashioned with lilypoint sleeves and a sab- rine. neckline. I-Ier veil embroid- ered with mother of pearl sequins was held by a cap of lace and pearls, and she carried a white Bible crested with sweetheart roses. Miss Arlene Dasher, Stratford, in goldenrod yellow, was maid of honor and Miss Mary ,Ann 'SY- mons, as ;bridesmaid, wee aster mauve. Their gowns were styled alike in silk organza. A. yellow nylon frock was worn by the flower :girl, Deborah Hamilton, of 'Sarnia. Groomsman was Donald Me - Nally, Listowel, and ushers were Ronald :Oampbell, Kitchener, and Ralph Hamilton, Sarnia. For a wedding trip to the Un- ited States the bride otiose a —...:dress of sheer silk with a matoh- ing duster featuring blue flowers on a white background with blue feathered hat and matching ac- cessories. The couple will reside in Pembroke. ENGAGEMENT • Mr, and :Mrs. Adolf Van Poueke of Blyth rr 2, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Yvette Rose, to Mr. Henry B•inn- endyk, son of Mr- and Mrs. Arie Binneudyk of Kipped, The wed- ding to take place on October 24 at Duff's United °harsh, Walton. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Jeanette Praiser wishes to announce the engagement of her daughter, Dorothy May Devitt -oto John Joseph O'Donnell of Sarnia, Ont., and Perth, Scotland. The marriage to take place the end of October. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The members of the Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary will meet at the nurses' residence at 8 o'clock on Tuesday, Oct. 13th for the regular monthly meeting. WILL MEET TUESDAY Seaforth- town :counoil have scheduled their regular monthly meeting for Tuesday evening; October 13th, instead of (Mandel, which is a :holiday. TWO FIRE ALARMS When a primary electric line broke about 10 o'clock Monday morning on Goderich street east opposite the separate school, a fire alarm was sent In and the town fire truck answered the :call. The wire fell In the yard near the apartment occupied by Gar Baker :and commenced arcing until the power was shut off. Cause of the break in the wire could not be determined immed- iately. Ai noon :a second alarm sound- ed but this greyed to be a false alarm from a short do a phone / line. GROUT THREE Airs. 3. C. Coohaane was hostess for the October meeting of Group 8 of the WA of Northside United .Ohuroh, Ab'bie Seip open- ed the Meeting with a ,poem, The Value of a Smile, Hymn 445 was sung and the Lord's Prayer re- peated in unison, Business was conducted by the president, Mrs. W. Bradshaw, The d3akeless Bake :Sale proved quite success, tul. v9rs. Hoegy 'conducted the remainder of the meeting and Teed a poem, Giving and Receiv- ing, followed with prayer. 1-Symn 368 was Sung. ' Ahbie Sete read psalm 63 for the scripture lesson, A piano solo by Mrs. E. Fischer was enjoyed by all. A very inter - eking leading was given by Mrs' Hoegy. :kI6••mn 386 enol the Miss palt beneddobion olosed the meet- ing, A vote of titmice was ex- pressed to the hostess and all tak- ing part in the meeting. Lunch was served by the socias oommit- tee. Tuckersmith Sets Rate at 9 Mills Tuekersmitdi nounicipal council met io the town hall, Seaforth 'on Tuesday, Oct, 6 at 8 p.m. All mem- bers were present and the reeve presided. Bylaw No. 0, v1959, appointing Mors. 'Cora Chesney as acting clerk treasurer, tax collector and relief administrator, was given its re- quired readings and passed, as ~vera Bylaws Nos. 12, 13 idoeusing trailers used as homes and trailer camps. All such persons are now required to obtain a license from the Clerk of the municipality. The 'rates for individuals ds 36.00 per month and trailer 'camps at the rate of $4.00 per 'month per trailer. It was decided to hire Wilson Allan and Ed Boyce to snowplow roods for 1959-60 at the same rate and under the same agreement as 1958-59. 'Council acknowledged re- turn of the assessment roll for 1960 taxation showing a total as- sessment in the township of 33,- 095,821, 3;095,8'21, and assessment commis- sioner Roberts was geld balance of hie salary and expense allow- ance, Court of Revision en roll was set for Nov. 3, 1959 at 3 pm, The rates o t. of taxation r 1959 0 were set at 9 mills for farm and residential 'properties and 11.3 mills for commarcia1properties. It was decided to increase the penalty from I% to 4% on all taxes unpaid after Dec. 15th, in accordance with Sec. 113, Assess- ment Act. The road stmt. was instructed to erect additional 30 MPH signs •on the road adjoining the south boundary of the RCAF Station as requested by the station. Wreaths will 'be provided for .Hansal; and Seaforth branches of the ,Canadian Legion for Remem- brance Day. The clerk was instructed to pay the balance of accounts on the Nott municipal drains, call for payment by Nov. 10th from inter- ested parties and apply to ,the Dept. of Pibido Works for . Prov- incial Aid to drainage on same; to for -ward progress 'certificate from J. W. Britnell, county engin- eer, '0overt ng :payment to Levis Contracting Co. re reconstruction of RCAF Station, entrance road, to the audit dept. of Dept. of Na- tional Defense and request pay- ment from the Department; to ap- ply to the Dept. of National De- fence for grant in lieu of taxes on RCAF :Station Clinton; tore- quest payment of $20 per road crossing In accordance with ag- reement with the Union Gas Co. Accounts passed included: Ea mondville water debentures $722.- 18; 722:18; Frank Kling, Egmon. water. 312.50; sheep killed, $28.00; tile, Nott drain, 32,893; labor, RCAF road $229; dump, 322.50; Supp. allowance- $25; salaries and 'al- lowances $741.63; Ree. -General, $16.25; bylaws, Nott :drain, $120; Ontario Hydro, 317.62; fire prot- ection. iCldnton, 175; contract pay- ments, Nott drain, 33,958.50; Fed- eration of Agri., grant, 3700; CNB, grant, $50; Thames nurs- ing home, $8$.25; Village of Hen - sell, retaining fire brigade, $125; Ohas. Byre, weed inspector, 344.- 50; 44:50; roads, 33,528.01. ,Council ad- journed to meet Nov. 3rd at .1 pm. ST. THOMAS' W.A. The regular meeting • of St. Thomas' WA was held' Tuesday evening in the parish hall. Mrs. MOGavin, our president, .opened the .meeting with a Bible reading, The members united in Litany, Load's Prayer and members' prayer. Roll call was answered by paying talent money. Corres- pondence included a letter of thanks 'from Mrs. E., Brown, in- vitation to Woodstock on Oct. 23 to attend the semi-annual meet- ing in New St . Paul's Church; one from the WYVSS of Northside Church to attend their thank offering -one Tues., Oct. 27, at 8 p.m,, and one from Bayfield to the Fall Deanery on Thurs., Oct. 29, at 2.30 pen. ]Miss Dorothy Parke gave the treasurer's report and the minutes were read by Mrs. 'Raymond Nott. It was de- ckled to have the J.A. sell our church calendars this 'year under the guidance of ?their new deader, Mrs. Cleave Coombs. The WA will cater for an AYPA banquet in the vanish hall .on Friday. Oot. 16, at .6.30 'pant. Plans were made for our 70th anniversary meeting to be held on Tues., Nov. 3, at 2.30 p.m. Invitations will be sent to neighboring women mis- sionary groups. Mrs. Donaldson was the special speaker for the evening. iSbe told .of her work as a missionary in Chile. Her ad- dress was elluminated by enap- shots and coloured Slides of the country. A costume worn by the women of Chile was modelled by Mrs. John Oldfield. The offering was received and dedicated and Mrs. MoGavin closed the meeting. • TEEN TOWN NEWS There were 225 parents and teen awns present at the dance Saturday night. Music for Par- ents' Night was supplied by Stew- art Baird'S orchestra. T11r.. Teen Town trades this week is going to take the form of a hard time dance and Glancing will be to recor'd's, We would like to thank Mrs. Bates and Mrs, Hutchison for helping in the booth on both Saturday nights. Varna Church Marks Diamond Jubilee The congregation of the United Church commemorated- the 60tH anniversary .of the :opening and ,dedication of their -church on Sun- day, September 27, The weather was line and large crowds gather- ed for warship. Long before the time for 'morning 'service the ehurcb was filled with worship- pers .and an overflow 'congrega- tion assembled in the basement of the church where a - nubile speaking system h'ad been set 001) so that 'ail present were able to. participate in the service. Guest, minister for the day was the Pre- sident of Loudon Conference, the Rev. Duncan Guest. He conveyed greetings from the Conference. and expressed Brie delight at being present. His morning subject was `]Worship" and dealt with the 'value of corporate worship. His evening subject was " A Word from the Chess" and 'spoke of that wend as one•of love, power and peace. The closing hymn was When I Survey the Wond- rous Oi'oss. The musd,cai arrange, melts were in keeping with the occasion. At the morning service the guest :organist was Mrs. A. Willis, The choir very beautifully sang the anthemKin, The •g of Shepherd Is,Mr. Don- ald 'M Sit Love ra y p 1 the old MoD nal: of Walton was 0 guest soloist and sang two num- well received. .bons, They wereed. v At the evening service the pastor of the church, Rev. T. J. Pitt. assisted with the service. The choir under the leadership of the church organist, Ma's, Robert Stir- ling, sang the anthem, Seek Ye the Lord and a male quartet from the .Seaforth Presbyterian Church contributed several num- bers, In thanking them the pas- tor hoped that they would come again. A social :tour was held in the basement following the service. Visitors attending the services were from Hamilton, London, Sarnia and various towns in the county. The men of the congregation have Improved the grounds sur- rounding the church. The 'old tombstones have been placed to- gether on aeonorete base on the north side and a new memorial stone has been put on the 'centre of the south dawn in memory of the 'pioneers wlio have been buried there. The .church 'church was built in 1899 and the mindater was ties...Rev. T. Davidson. In 1925 the congrega- tion united with Methodists and formed the United Church. On Tuesday the ladies of the congregation served a ham and turkey supper to a large orowd in the basement of the church. The ladies of the W.MS of the United :Church are entertaining the Brucefleld and Bayfield •ladies on Thursday afternoon of this week and :the guest speaker Is Miss Sybil Courtice of Clinton. MTS. D. 'Stephenson of Egmend- viile is visiting with relatives here. The Varna and Goshen YP'U are busy preparing for the Min- strel Show on Wed., Oot. 21, to be held in the town hall. Plan to Enter Junior C Hockey .Seaforth will have a hockey team this winter,-. according to prediction made this week fallow- ing several conferences of inter- ested groups. It is proposed to enter a Junior C team in the CHA in a schedule bo include Milverton, Elmira, New Hamblirg and Preston. junior C includes players up to 20 years of age, and there are enough good 'p'lay'ers in town to form the backbone of a team. One additional player is under consid- eration, and with possible two or three more. the town should have an -effective team. A committee of Thorpe Rivers, Lorne Dale, Jack Webb and Chas. Geddes is in charge, with Ron Broome as coach. Ice is expected around October: 20th. It is stated that some equip- ment is available and there aro two sets .of sweaters. A proposal has been made to have the first damn a 'booster night with a $1.00 admission. The regular admission will be 50c. Players available • who have been mentioned include Harvey Dale,, Ray Scoine, Don Mc4011n'ch- ey, Toni Dick, Bob Beuttenmdller, John Varley, Bob Elliott, Doug Rowciiffe, Larry Dale may be available also. Bill Gallow, who played Junior B for Goderioh last season is here this year. REAL ESTATE CHANGE So -sea. McConnell reports the sale by M. J. Butler of residence In Eguvondville to Mr. and Mrs. J. Verbakel with immediate .pos- sesion, RED CROSS NOTES The Seaforth Blanch' of the Red Cross Society has accepted a neW quota, of sewing and Icndtting for 1969.60. A request from the Ontario Division Headquarters to 'assist in the .making of dressings for the Red ,Gloss Blood Trans- fusion .program was also accepted. As this work 1s urgent the Sea- forth Branch hope church groups and other organizations Will help, The Ontario Division of the Red Cross 'Society hope to bring com- plete coverage of t'h'e blood: don - t orhsis serviceyear. to the whole province Lady Bowlers Elect. Officrs MrS, 8. F. Christie succeeds Mho Dorothy Parke as president of the Seaforth' Ladies' Lawn Bowling Olub. The annual meet- ing was held in the club :house when reports ehovYed an interest- ing and successful; year. Slate of 'officers 'ter 1960: Past pies., Miss Dorothy Parke; pres- ident, Mrs, B. F,• Christie; vice pres., Mrs. Harold Connell; see.- treas., Mrs, •11 H, Close; auditors, Miss Janet Chuff; •Mrs. Alice Stiles; tournament convener.•, Miss Reid; committee, Mrs. Earl -Dinsmore; Mrs. Harold Connell, Mrs. Tony Phillips, -Ms's, Sack Muir, Mrs. .Bob -Doig; house com- mittee. Mrs. H, Connell, Mrs, A. Sillery, Mrs, Norman Schneider; supplies and buying committee, Mrs. Tony Phillips, Firs, L. F. Ford, Mrs.' E. Dinsmore; social oommitttee, Mrs..Scott Habkirk, Mrs. 'Clarence Walden, Miss Dor- othy Parke. A pot luck suwppei' 4s .planned for 'October 24th at the home of Miss ]Dorothy. Parke to be ,fallow - ed by br'id'ge 'and euchre. M'ts. Christie expressed the thanks ,af the members for our retiring president's capable lead- ership. arto Full n Man n I-€urt While MovingLogs Norman Jefferson Fullerton received serious head injuries while skidding logs in the Mac- Lean bush in Tuckers.mith on Friday. He was removed by am- bulance to Scott IMemordal hosp- ital and latei• taken to hospital in London. The man had regain- ed consciousness 'before being taken from the bush. 14Ir. Jeffer- son was working with .MT. Par- sons of Staffa, getting loge for the Thomas Young sawmill at Staffa. W.I. TO MEET The October meeting of the Sea- foi'tli Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. John H'iilebrecht on Thursday after- noon, Oct, 1'5th at 2 pm. Roll call, What 'I Have Left Undone to At- tend This Meeting."'' Mrs. R. M. Scott will comment on the motto, Don't try to keep up with the Joneses until you are sure where they are going. Reports will ;be given from the London conven- tion. Lunch cam., Mrs. E. Papule, Mrs. W. Collins. Mrs. J. F. Scott and Mrs. A. Crozier. Please note change of date. . ORANGE EUCHRE TheOrange hall property com- mittee ;held a su:ceessful euchre on Friday with. prizes going to the following: Ladies' high, Miss 'Sinclair; lone, Miss Amy Mich- ael; 'cons., Miss Elaine Brown; men's high, Harvey Moore; lone, John Tremeer, and cons., Harold Maloney. Draw on three articles. let, Wm. Blair; 2nd, John Trem- eer; 3rd, 41Irs. Tom Kay. OGIT MEETS The initiation meeting of First Church CG+IT was held in the church basement on Monday, Oct. 5th. Mrs. McDowell, our new leader was there to take over for MTS. Sharp. The scripture was read by Anne Sharp. Rev. Mr. Elder spoke. The new members were initiated and a social hour was spent concluding with 'lunch. WINGHAIlf' WINS After a good start in the. foot- ball season, Seaforth slipped last Thursday. Wingham winning 31- 7. Bill Campbell scored the touchdown for Seaforth, with Ferg Kelly making the convert. KIPPEN The flowers .in the church on :Sunday were lamed by the_fam- ily of the late Mrs. R. Dinsdale and by Mrs. Harry Faber of Hen- sall in memory of 'her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cald- well and a brother, the late Harry Oaldwell. Week encs guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair included Mies Martie Sinclair, nurse in training at Stratford hospital, and Mr. and •Mrs. Wm. Riley and Sharon. of London. IMr Ivan Wren of Hanover vis- ited Sunday with his parents, Mr, and Mks. Gordon Wien. Mr. W. R. Cooper narrowly es- caped being drawn into his com- bine last 'week. The clothes: he was wearing were torn away and he suffered a out leg a bruised and cut forehead. Mw, and Mrs. Clarence Hutchi- son of St. Thomas and Miss Elsie, Haney et Wingham were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Mel - lis, Mrs, Mousseau of Zurich visit - ,ed Sunday with her 'son and .daughter-in-law, 'Mr. and Mrs, Elzar Mousseau. Mr, Bob Lovo ie attending rho University of Western Ontario, completing his master's degree in Business Administration. iSLrs. Russell Brock spent a couple of days last week in Hazel Park, Mich„ with her brother and sister -in -lata, Ms•. and Miss. How- ard Morley and family. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Diekert and Mm. and Mrs. I8en McLellan attended the Wahl Blad n:ore wedding in Toronto on Saturday. MTS. Ross Lovo retuned home since spendi'n'g a few 'days in. To• ionto recently, ,]Messrs, Norman Long and Ro- bert Thomson visited Sunday af- ternoon 'with. Mr. E. Allan of liirkton, WALTON MIr, Jerry Dressel of Hamilton !client the ,week end at his home here. Miss Joyce Hamilton of Lon- don spent the week and with her mother, Airs. Mark :Hamilton and family. !Mies Audrey lIaclewell of Strat- ford Teachers' College visited at her home over the 'week ants. .Moses•Catharine Buchanan and Norm& Hoegy, student nurses at St, ]Mary's hospital, Kitchener, spent the week end at their hones. I'Ii', and .sirs, Thomas Watson have returned to London after visiting with relatives here, Mrs.John .Shannon spent a few days in Toronto last weelc and while there attoucdecl the funeral of the slate Thomas Reid, Air. Donald Wilson of London spent Monday with friends in the village, ' Iain. John Bruce is a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, London, where he underwent an operation a fele weeks ago. The Walton Women's Institute won first prize for their group display of gifts for needy ehiidren at Brussels fall fair last Friday. WMS Wall' WA. The October meeting •e the WA was held last Thursday in the church i basementeu h . w Rev. W. M.T o h m as dedicated the new desk ellair to the Glory of God and to the services of all who use it. Mrs. Ken McDonald d •J•esldeeDon I i a presided with 16 ladies present: Mrs. D. Watson was accompanist at the piano. Mrs. N. Reid read the scrip- ture. The secretary's report, read by Mrs. R. 'Bennett, was approv- ed, also a letter from ;Moneilef inviting the WA ladies of Walton to their bazaar on Nov. 6tdi at 5.30 pm, Mrs. N. Reid is to be re- sponsible for a number, A dona- tion of $50.00 is to be sent to CKNX television for storytime and singtime. $25.00 to be sent now and the rest at the end of the year. The treasurer's report, giv- en by Mrs. A. Coutts, showed a 'balance on 'hand of 3367.24. The fowl supper to be held Nov. 4th will have the regular prices tor tickets of 41.50 and 75c. The fol- lowing are to act as doorkeepers's: Bill Bennett, Jack Hislop, Herb Travis and Barry Marshall. Call- ing numbers jack Bryans and Bert Johnston; .collecting tickets, Mrs. Ken McDonald and Mrs, Maud Leeming. Mrs. R. Bennett and Mrs. N. Reid were appointed to look after the baking after the fowl supper. Mrs. Reid will con- tact :Hayfield on prices of tables, also Jack McDonald and commit- tee were left to purchase what they thought ;best. Mrs. E. Mitchell ,presided for the WMS meeting. The scripture was read by Mrs. J. McDonald, and comment an same and prayer were given by the president. Roll call was answered by naming a man of the Bible and the minutes were read by Mrs. R. McMichael. Mrs. H. Craig gave the financial statement. We are invited to the Blyth United Church Nov. 10th at 7.30 pm. to hear Miss Weldridge of the London Conference speak- ing and ehowing•'slides on Africa. It was decided to have au open meeting on Sunday evening, Nov. 15th for our thankoffering show- ing the film en Africa, "I'll Sing and Not Ory." An invitation was read from hlonoclef to attend their autumn thankoffering, Oct. 16th at 3.30 p.m. Delegates to the sectional meeting at Cons- tance on .Oot. 21 are Mrs. C. Rit- chie and ]Airs. Jim Clark. The first chapter of the study book, "Africa Disturbed," was given by Mrs •C. Ritchie and the second chapter by Mrs. H. Craig. Due to reports from WMS and WA sec- tional meeting there will be no topic for next meeting. CROMARTY Mrs. E. Moore returned home on Saturday from a visit with her son at Lindsay. Her sister, Mas. A. Bernell of Cameron re- turned with her and will remain tor a week's visit. Mrs, Donald Scott attended the funeral of a great aunt at Kitch- ener en .Saturday. Mrs. Jessie Hamilton spent the week end with Mrs. Christens McKellar- of Mitchell. Mr. Jas. Miller of Staffa east received news of the death of a brother -in -sew, Mr. E. II. Payne, which occurred in SSIcosejaw, Sask., last week. II'is wife is the former Sarah Agnes Miller and is a sister of Mr. Jas. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eggert 'of Rostock are visiting theirdaugh- ter and son-in-law,, 11r. and Mrs. Alex. Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Weitzman of Niagara Falls, N.Y., visited last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Wallace and with many oth- er relatives here. Mw. and Mrs, Wesley Russell enjoyed a motor trip to Sault :Ste. Marie and visited Ili, and Mrs, Bruce Balfour recently, Debbie and John Russell of Stratford, children of Mr. and MrS. Lawrence Russell spent the week end with Mr. and Ma's. Wes- ley Russell and (Margaret Jean. A miscellaneous shower in hon- or of Wilma Jean James, whose marriage takes glace in Cromarty church on Saturday, was held in the churclt basement On Friday evening, '']Ute programs consisted 0'f singing, instrumentals and group singing, the highlight be- ing a film of their trip to the octet coast shown by Mrs. W. Har- per with Ma's. 0 Carey as narra- tor. A11,address Was read by Mrs. Carter Kerslake and the bride - 111111111111111111111111111/111 a11a1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111„1111111III 11111.,].1,1,,,11111„1,1, slush: Sterling is for now and for you ! GRANDE BAROQUE 9H GRAND COLONIAL 1 REIGNING BEAUTY N t \f, a � — YOUNG LOVE PRELUDE 1 It's an Eternal Romance .... and Sterling is so easy to own Buy sterling in your choice of 16 beautiful patterns on our easy -to -pay plan to suit your budget Drop in and see this lovely silverware 4 -piece Place Settings as low as 22.75 SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CHINA Seaforth r, elect was presented with man3' Feltz) at Circle B on Friday ev- beautiful gifts in a decorated bas- ening. ket carried by Bonnie Jean Mil- The Luther League meeting ler and Brenda- Kerslake, Mrs, was held Sunday day evening at St. Duncan Scott and Airs. C. Kers- Peter's Lutheran Church. Hugh lake assisted in opening the gifts. Dietz led in Psalm 146, a prayer Wilma Jean made a suitable re- was given by Ray Rock. Pastor ply and invited all to visit her in E. J. Fischer gave the topic, "So - her new home in the West. ciodogy." We found that sociology The thanksgiving meeting of is the science of society or people the WMS was held in the SS room diving, working. playing and wor- of the church with .Mrs. T. Laing shipping together. We then die, presiding. :Mfrs. Nind of Atwood cussed socialism under the head - was guest speaker and the topic was given by Mrs. T. L. Scott. She. M..Lamond was appointed to arrange for a guest speaker for the thankoffering uteeting. Mrs. Grace Scott read the Glad Tidings prayer. Mrs. 'Ca'lder bleKaig had charge of the study book. BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Hope Pauli of De- troit visited Mrs. Elizabeth Rock. Mr. Robert Harloff is in Toron- to taking a course in plumbing. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Aitche- soll of Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mr's. Bill Broughton and family of Atwood with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Rock. iAirs. Icbora Diegel, Mitchell, with Mrs, Elizabeth Querengesser. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eickmeir in Detroit for the week end. Mrs. Elizabeth Rock visited her daughter, Mrs. 'Harold Grove and 'Mr. Grove, Detroit. Mr. and Airs. Ed Prueter visit- ing their daughter, Mrs. Norman Rode and Mr. Rode 1ti Detroit. A'Im. and 'firs. Don Wolfe, Mit- rdtell, Miss Linda Flack and Mr, John 'Hinz. Sebringvidle, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe and boys, of Kitchener, with Mr. and 411rs. La- verne Wolfe on Sunday. Donald Ahrens. Hamilton, with Mrs. Ohas. Ahrens. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice and 'Beverley and Crary and Miss Barbara Claris with Mr. and MTs. Russell Knight near Cranbrook on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. John Mueller and Ruth Ann of Hamilton with Mrs. Aug. Hdllebrecht, !Master Ralph Puechelberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Puschel- berg, is a patient at Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth with an infection on his leg. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wirth:ad of Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens on Sunday, Airs. Margaret McLeod and boYs and Mrs. Frank Christie, London, Mr. Alvin 'Snheates of Woodstock with Mrs. Chas. Ahrens Sunday. Mrs, Chas, Ahrens is visiting her sister, Mrs. Barbara Mcleod in Mitchell at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,Sohn Claris. Mr. and Mrs• Lew Hicks visit- ed Mr. and, sorts. Andrew Hick's, Centralia, on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Curry of London visited Mr, and Airs. Lew Hicks. The funeral of George Sdamon Sr. was held at St. Peter's Luth- eran Church here on Tuesday, 'IIe was a former resident here and 'lately had been residing at hurt fell, Pupils of our school received 3rd prize for costume and 3rd prize for banner in the parade at Mitchell fall •Pair. The teacher Is Donald Wolfe, Quito a number from here' at- tended the shower for Mr. and Airs, Russell Diegel (Donna Ings,- family, church, education and recreation. Each member gave a name of a book of the Bible for roll call. It was decided to start meetings at 8 o'clock ev- ery first and third Sunday in the month instead of 5.30. BRUCEFIELD Airs. Fred Rathwell had a very successful farm] sale last week. Mrs. John AieBeath, Hensall, spent the week encs at the home of her son,;Mr. Alex. MoBeath and Mrs. McBeath, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott have returned hone from a trip as far west as Victoria, B.C. The Buren blowing match will be held at the farm of Mr. Wilson McCartney on Sat., Oct. 10th. An accident occurred at the in- tersection at Brucefield on Sun- day when a car driven by two young men collided with Mr. Wm. Holland's car from CI'intou. The cars were damaged but no one was hurt. !Mrs. Wm. Smith. Exeter, was a recent visitor with her sister, Mrs, A. Hohner. Miss M. Swan and Mrs. C. Ilam are visiting with Airs. Ham's son, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ham, Chat- ham. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson :spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Bain and attended the bap- tism of their granddaughter Mary Christine Bain. Mr, and Airs. W. D. Wilson and son Brian spent the weekend with !Mr. Wilson's sister, Mrs. Ray Mason and 311'. Mason of Wind- sor, Mr, and Mrs. John Rathwell, Lindsay, spent a few days with his mother and assisted with the auction sale. EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray at- tended the Monks-vv'ide commun- ion service at Knox Church, Strat- ford, on Sunday where AIr. Gray is an eider. The members of the i session later made ]rima Presen- tation as he has left to reside in Egntondville. Mr, and Sirs, Norman McLean and family spetft Sunday with her brothel Mi'. and Mrs. Jack Close and family of Kitchener. Mr. ancd Mrs, W. E. Haney and family accompanied shy Mrs ,1. S. Watson were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs, Albert Clark and fancily of Muirkirk. Mrs. Watson remained to visit with the Clark's for two weeks. Visitors with mi.. and Mrs. Har - 1 ry Weiland this week were Mr. and Mrs, Joliii ;Milligan of Mano- i tick, Mr. and Ctrs, Lenard Jill and Air. and Airs. Ilarold Simkins of Toronto, Mrs. Nicholas Foster, suffering from n ht a, tato Scoit Memearorialttack:hospite,twas, Weken hope for a speedy recovery.