HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-09-10, Page 8NEW FAIL SUITS WITH 2PANT$ at Three Low Prices 49.50 5'9.50 6'9.50 ALL WITH TWO TROUSERS • New Continental, Ivy or Natural stylings in the latest neat checks, fine stripes or plain shades, 0 Browns and greys predo n. inate this group Of fine Eng- lish all wool, ready -to -weal' fall suits, and each suit has extra pants for double wear, Models for talcs, regulars and shorts. Come in and try on a few— we know you'll be delighted with the style, quality and price 49,50 to 69.50 with two pants The new Fall Hats are here 6,50 to 8.95 Stewart Bros. LAUDENB9.0'H — MEDD Rev. L. E. Reed -Lewis officiat. ed at the wedding in 1St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton, on Saturday, Sept, 6th, at 11. 0'• clock, when Anna Marie Medd and Michael Louis Laudenbach were united in marriage . The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Medd, Olinton. and the groom is the son of Mr. and .Mrs, Louis Laudeubaoh of Sea - forth, Mauve and white gladioli were the church decorations, Civ en in marriage by her father the bride wore a floor length gown of white peau -de -sole, with chap- el train and long lily point sleeves, Italian neckline trimmed with French applique lace, and carried a bouquet of white stephanotis centred with a white orchid. Miss Margery Medd, of London, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and the brides- maid was Miss Patricia Medd of Clinton, sister of the bride. They wore identical white eyelet street length gowns with avocado green cummerbund and bouquets of white carnations with mauve ribbons. Mr. John Leadenbach of .Sarnia, brother of the groom, was groomsman. The ushers were Joseph Laudenbaoh of Don Mills, brother of the groom, and William Medd, of Whitby, broth- er of the bride. Soloist was Mr. Joseph Williams, Whitby, broth- er-in-law of the bride, Miss Flor- ence Evans, Clinton was organist. Following the ceremony the wedding dinner was served in the Legion hall, Clinton, and the reception was at the home of the bride's parents, The bride's mother received wearing a prin- I ted beige dress with brown ac- cessories and shrimp corsage, and was assisted by the bride- groom's mother in a beige dress with turquoise accessories and yellow corsage , For travelling the bride wore a brown wool dress with orange and brown ac- cessories. On their return from their honeymoon they will re- side in Toronto. Guests were present from London, Sarnia, Don Mills, Agincourt and Arva. HENSALL Banker Promoted Don Maclaren of the staff of the Bank of Montreal. has been promoted to the accountant's de- partment of the Bank of Mont- real, Ingersoll. The transfer will. be effective in October. Don start- ed in the local bank on October let, 1958. Mr. and Mrs, Ross MacMillan of Toronto were week end visit- ors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle, at &Schade View, where they have .been hol- idaying for the past three -weeks, IVIr. George Otterbein of Pres- ton was a week end visitor with his father, Mr. Wm. Otterbein. Mr, and Mrs. S. M Rennie and family spent the week end at Schade View, Lake Huron, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Monne and son of Dashwood were recent vi- sitors with Mr, and Mre, Jack Corbett and Al. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Jones and Town of Seaforth Re Dog Proclamatiou In view of the disregard by the general public of the recent proclamation issued by the Town Council re the confinement of dogs, and the fact that they are not to run at large at any time, the Council feels that charges must be laid under this By-law. Any owner or harborer of a dog who allows it to run at large can be sum- moned into court. The fine in a case of this kind could be $50.00 and costs. The Council and myself would ask all citizens concerned to comply with the laws and avoid the consequences. B. F. Christie Mayor IIMIIMMIESSEINISMORMOBIRRGIVIIIIII family flava returned home from a pioasapt motor trip to the East coast, Di', WIll. T, Joyllt of London was a week end viaiter with his mother, Mrs. Alice Joylrt, Mrs. IOmalie Parker is ho'iday Ong with relatives in mMitohell • Mr, and Eire. Austin Schwalm I and daughter of Stratford visited last week with the format's mo- ther. Mrs, VioletSchwalm and brother Ray. ST. COLUMBAN 1Ir.•anal Mrs. Jas. Kale, Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Jordan and Mrs, J. J, Holland attended the Smith Sloan wedding in Zurich oh Si4t- urdaY. GOLDEN WEDDING Highly respected residents Seaford" since their marriage years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Russ EI, Sproat celebrated their gold wedding anniversary at th home on High street, During tile day a steady etre of visitors called to extend co gratulations and wish them we They were the recipients of m carcls and gifts from friends. Mr, and Mrs. Sproat were mar- led at the home of the bride's parents, Rose Hill Villa, near Hensall, by Rev. Neil Shaw, of Eguroncivilie, and Rev. McLeod Smith of Hensall, in 1909, J. R. Sproat, now of North Bay, was groomsman. The maid of honor was Sadie Caldwell, a sis- ter of the bride, and the brides- maid was Ruby Horton, formerly Sp of Calgary. Mr.Sproat who had attended his brother 60 years ear- lier, was able to return for the celebration, but the maid of hon- or Miss Sadie Caldwell, now a resident of Vancouver, was u11- able to be present and forward- ed congratulations. Mr. Sproat was born in Tucker - smith at Sproat's Villa. a son of the late James Sproat and Marg- aret McGee. As a youth he ent- ered into merchandising business in Seaforth, and for more than 30 years conducted various business- es here. During the years in which he has been a resident of Seaforth, he recalled that there had been a great many changes in the town. Particularly inter- ested in municipal affairs, he de- voted much of his time to con- sideration of problems affecting the community , Interested and active in the support of athletics, he was a former member of the Seaforth football team. He has been a bowler andcurler. Mrs. Sproat was the former Ethel Caldwell, a daughter of John Caldwell and Mary Chamb- ers of Tuokersmith, near Hensall During the war years she acted as housemother ae an Ajax Pick- ering plant, and spent a year at Waterford and in Toronto. She has been active in various organ- izations of First Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Sproat are both in good health, and since his re- tirement five years ago they par- ticularly enjoy meeting their old friends. Thinking back to their wedding day, Mr. and Mrs. Sproat recall that the weather at that time was much like the weather this year. It was hot and sticky, "just a typi- cal summer day," Mr. Sproat said. During the anniversary occas- ion Miss Belle Campbell was in charge of the guest book in the afternoon and the guests were received by Mrs. R. J. Sproat. In the evening Mrs. Wallace Ross was in charge of the guest book and Mrs. E. Geddes received the guests. Aseisting in the evening were Miss Marjory Biekle of To- ronto and Mrs. George L. Smith of Hullett, Arrangements for the reception were in charge of Mr's. Rena Caldwell of Kippen, Mrs. 3, R. Sproat of North Bay, Mrs. R. J. Sproat, Seaforth andthey were assisted by Mrs. William Caldwellof Kippen, Mrs. Harry Faber of Hensall and Ml's, L. Gear, Fergus. A feature of the anniversary was a Caldwell family reunion arranged by Mrs, Rena Caldwell which was attended by about 30 at the Caldwell home. Among those from out of town who attended the wedding anni- versary were Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sproat, North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Ray McLeod and children of Lan- don; Mrs. Alice Joynt, Mr. Wil. liam Buchanan, Mr, and' Mrs. Geo. Armstrong; Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Dialing, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Laren, and Mr• and Mrs. Harry Faber of Hensall; Mr, and Mrs. William Caldwell of Brucefield, Mrs, Bert Morton, the former Babe Sproat, Calgary Mrs. Rena Caldwell of Kippen, Miss Dee Sproat, Mr. and Mrs, William Charlesworth and daughters, He- len, Kay and Dorothy, Miss Mar- jorie Bickle, Miss Ilma Freeman, of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Griffan, Stratford and Mr. anal. Mrs. L, Gear of Fergus.—(Contributed) Mr, and Mrs. Harold Cruton of J ort Dover visited Shasidiokthis. weeli, With Mr, Treated 'dr ROW Clel'eid 'Ooai'ing','am of Mr. and X% Preston Deering, Exeter, is ulpdepgoie4 'a course 04 Paeteur anti-rabies'inoeulatione after four sheep on 'the hearing i<arm, at the town outelc1atsr died of relelete Twenty Steens and a Reck of 45 purebredDo'rOOt cheep on the 'farm have been placed un- der three months quarantine.' TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO Froin Dhe Seaforth News, 'Sept. 1904 The end sof the north pier at Bayfield was torn orit by a recent *arm Old residents recall that some o1 •the epib work was built of ove7' 40 yews ago, 60 A bee was held cit leilesgreen 011 .cemetery and a new .fence erect. en ed.. air Mrs, Kueehtel and Memel' re- turned to Weyburn, Sask., after visiting her parents, .Nfr . and Mrs. Robert. Ferris, Hardook, John Kennedyhas opened a grocery store at Hensall, Mrs, James Medd and her mo- ther have returned from a motor trip to Kansas with Md'. and Mrs. Tony Lawson of Toronto, , A protest has been sent to the H4ghways Dept. against laying a 10 foot pavement on No. 4 High- way north of Menton.. The, nor sow pavement is considered very dangerous. 'Some bricks were knocked off the elevator tower 02 Scott Mem- orial Hospital by lightning, The old Dominion Hotel at Dublin has been partially torn down and the remaining portion will be used by the telephone company. The odd Huron hotel in Dublin, lately used as a store, has been purchased by Crawford & Smith of Guelph and is being fitted up for a hotel again. W. E. Hiuohley, Sohn street, Possesses one of the finest private museums in this part of the onntry. Among his (relics of ioneer days is a bear trap, forg- d by a McKillop blacksmith and sed in the McKillop swamp in arly days, E. C. Chamberlain has been named ,division court clerk, Nen Rutledge, Walton, le tale. ng a business course at Toronto, 'Weddings: Miss Iva Laurens Nott and Bert Russell Reyes; Peaa+l Mary Johnson and Michael Willdams, Thomas Dickson leased the our mild erom town council for Storing grain. At present he has 00 tons in storage there, The annual horticultural show was held at Brumfield. Mrs, R. Allan is president and Rev. W. A. iremner secretary. Dogs destroyed several geese t George Aberhart's farm at the mountain," ,Some time ago dogs ttacked a turkey at this farm nd were beaten off by a gobbler llnhich later died of wounds re- eived in his gallant fight, Milt Hoff announced the open - g of a .general garage at the ervice station on Main street. Rev. W. P. Lane of Seaforth as received a call to North St. United Church at Goderieh, aln n- 11. any HENSALL Leo McLaughlin of Toronto has been named chairman of concili- ation board to investigate a dis- pute between the General Coach Works at I-Iensall and the firm's employees. On the board will be Mr. Mc- Laughlin, appointed by the Pro. vineial Labor Department; com- pany representative 3, . W. lIen- ]ey, personnel manager of the Westinghouse plant in Hamilton; anti union appointee Robert Stew- art of London, international rep- resentative of the Chemical 'Workers Union, The board will hold its first meeting in London on Sept, 17. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Horton, 011ie ton, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Horton, Listowel, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Hor- ton, Hense.11, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Jack Faber, Mr, Robert Molisseau of St, Catharines visited over the week enol with Mr, and Mrs. Dick Tay. for Jr. 2"OJITY YEARS AGO From the Seaforth News, Sept. 1919 ,Charles Consigney Tr. ;has par - chased the Olympia restaurant from Poulos and Carambelas, Miss Ball of the Collegiate staff Spent the week end at Bay- field. Miss Norma Hartry has been engaged to teach lower school at the collegiate. The annual school fair at Wal- ton was a big success, Henry Edge has purchased the old Winthrop grist mill from Mr. Govenlock and has a gang of men tearing it clown, John ::McCallum has resold the Winthrop Methodist Church building to James Finlayson of Kippen, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hamilton •of Seattle visited Or'omarty rela- tives .and friends, Mr. Albert Coates of Idaho vis- ited his sister, Mire. W. Clarke at :Constance. - 'Seaforth's population for 1918 was 2,110, an Increase of 35 over the previous year. Town council authorized the purchase of the American fire truck for $2,600. A branch of the G,W.V.A. has been started in Seaforth with 47 members. President is Major R. S. Bays; secretary, •Raymond Car- penter, financial sec., Howard Hays. Mr. Moore has given up h#s position of caretaker of St, And- rew's Church, IRippen, after many Years of faithful service, Mr. T. George has sold his cot- tage in Egmondville to Mr. Mac. Laren of Idibbert•. Mr, Lockhart Johnston Iran ta- ken a position in the Bank of Commerce. Thomas MoIl oy and George McKee of Winthrop have had wells drilled by Mr. hopper of CARD OF TIIANK$ 1 leonitl like to extend my sin. core thanks to D1, Gor il 1 .and to all the nurses who treated me so kindly slid to all wild sent flow. ers, cards, lettere, gifts and Hospital• treats while a patient in Seaforth Mrs. Christina; glebes' CARD OF THANES The family of the late, Thomas Storey wish to express their sin- cere thanks for the many acts et kindness and 'thoughtfulness ex- tended to thein during their rec- ent bereavement CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors who kindly remem- bered our ' father in so many ways clu. hillness aild also fol' the minganyis acts of lsinclness and lovely floral tributes and messages of sympathy extended daring our recent sats bereave- ment: special thanks tit Rev. T. 3, Pitt. pianist and quartet, Bon- t con's funeral home, and those who assisted in any way, The Armstrong Family, Auction Sale Of Cattle and Grain. At Buck- lyvle Hall Farms, Lot 14, Con. 10, Mornington Twp„ 14 miles south- east of Listowel, 4 miles north of Millbank, and 6 miles west of Linwood, Friday, September 11, commencing at 1,30 P.M. ' Cattle: 6 Jersey heifers fresh time of sale, 5 Jersey heifers due in about 2 months, 3 Jersey cows fresh for a short time, Registered Ayrshire cow due shortly, Ayr- shire heifer, bred, 2 registered Holstein cows, milking, bred. 3 -Holstein cows, mincing, bred. 8 Holstein heifers, fresh, 11 beef type heifers, fresh. 10 Holstein heifers due shortly. 2 Holstein heifers due to freshen in winter. Holstein bull 18 months old, sired by Smithcroft Snowball Rocket. Holstein bull 15 months old, bred from Waterloo unit. Grain: 20 tons of mixed grain. 450 acres of choice land for Sale, Contact owner. Terms, cash on day of sale, - J. Scott Davidson, Owner, Ber- nie. A. B. Brubacher & Son, auct. FOR SALE 300 Red Sussex pullets, laying. HU 2-3301 Clinton. Fred McGreg- or, Brucefleld FOR SALE Year old Kimber hens. Apply to Ken Beattie, 834r6 Seaforth '375 Red & RRock ready to lay pullets. Gordon Wren, phone 674 r3 Hensall 17 pigs, Pa l Vog Is Dublin RR 2. 86111 Dublin central APARTMENT TO RENT' Heated apartment in Egmond- ville. Available Sept. 15th. Ivy Henderson, phone 668x2 Seaforth FOR SALE 250 year-old Kimber layers, Fergus Kelly, phone 831'12 Dublin FOR SALE 29 good pigs. Joseph Nolau, St. Colunrban, phone 841116 Dublin Two or threeNroom apartment for bachelor, furnished or unfurn- ished, wanted. G. J. IViontgomery, General Delivery, Seaforth Registered0 HerSeford bull 4 years old. David Watson phone 831r22 190 Sussex &ewE Hampshire Pullets. Ready to lay. Apply Nor- man Long, Kippen. Phone -Hen- sall 694.15 TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received for sale of parcel. of Iand west of Kippen United Church manse. Highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Tenders to be in by Sept. 22, 1959. For further particulars apply to W. J. F, Bell, Kippen, Secretary, Trustee Board FOR SALE 3000 Dekalb pullets, series 101, starting to lay. Vaccinated for Newcastle and bronehitis, Debeaked. Irmnediate delivery Moore Poultry Farm R#3 Seaforth, Ont. P11 647-31 CO-OP INSURANCE • .Automobile • Truck and Cargo Insurance • Farm•Liability and Tractor Ins. • Fire Insurance and Contents Insurance • Accident & Sickness ART WRIGHT Phone 187 J John Street SEAFORTH Insure the Co.op way and you insure the Wright way Belgrave. Chas. Dolmage has purchased the 'farm at Winthrop across the road from John Campbell. Two large burner tanks pass- ed through •Seaforth for the north of MoKltllop. They will be set up in the Canada Company land and used for the purpose of 'burning the pine stumps and ex. treating the turpentine and other substances from them. Masses Belle Cumming and Ma - 'ria" Sclater have returned to Regina. Mr. J. R. Archibald has Dumb. - and the Coleman residence front W. Govenlock, Mr. Con Eckert has sold Me 100 acre farm to James Rivers of Seaforth for $12,000, This is one of the finest farms an McKillop, Jack 'Walker received a brekeu wr'iet and facial bruises and James Hart had an arm, leg and wrist broken when a tree branch broke and they fell 20 feet to the ground while watching a ball game, ESTATE Auction Sale Clearing Auetion Sale of farm, pawn Stoelc, 111aoliinery cuts leasehold effects, At lot 20. con, 2, McKillop Twp., 114 miles oast of Winthrop, on County Road, on Tuesday,' Sept, 15th at 1 Cattle ---82 Durham Hereford cows due in , N, yearling HerefordOatand steer'sovanil14 heifers Horse -4 year old, brown snare "Good Ipliday C", sired by Johnny G, out, of "Lady invasion", Marlc as 3 yi', old 2.11; also harness and hobbies. Horse offered at 8 p,n1, Maohinery—Tractor Ooekshutt 70 (cab). 8 ft. Massey Harris Belt propelled combine. New Holland baler with motor. Case elevator., New Holland hammer mill, 8 -fur. row Oliver plow: Sti11' tooth culti- vator, Coekshtltt mower. Massey Ferguson spreader on rubber, 5 section harrows (new). Rubber tired wagon, 1 ton GMC trunk. 1949 sedan Chrysler car, M-11 cream separator. M -D milking machine, wheel barrow, 2000 lb scales, scuffles, power -emery, number pine plank 16 ft, long. Quantity lumber, rain shelters. Hay: 3000 bales mixed hay, Grain: Quantity nixed grain, Household effects — 3 piece Kroehler chesterfield suite. Anti- que dining room suite, china cab- inet. General Electric frig.Coffield electric washing machine, Elect- ric Clare Jewel combination stove (new). 3 bedroom suites, antique spool bed, sewing machine, odd tables, kitchen table and 6 chairs, bllectro-Lux vacuum cleaner. Farm -100 acre farm, 2 storey brick house, all modern conveni- .ences, large bank barn, good sta- bling, good water supply. All workable clay loam land well drained. Terms, farm, 10% down, balance 30' days, Offered subject to reserve bid. Chattels cash. Prop„ Estate of late Wilson 'Oampbell Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, Geo. Powell FOR SALE OR RENT Cottage, two bedroom, on Gode- rich street west, possession Oct. 1st. J. A. MacDonald, phone 254 COMING, EVENIES The monthly immunization clinic sponsored by the Health Unit will commence again on Thursday, September 10th, 1.30 3.30 p.m, at Northside United Church, Seaforth COMING EVENT Bake and Homemade Candy sale in the former Daly Garage on Sat., Sept, 19, at -3 o'clock, Sponsored by Group Four of Northside W.A. HONEY FOR SALE Now pouring Clover honey 25c lb, Sept. honey 20c lb. in your own containers. Comb honey 1 lb sections 50c. Wallace Ross Api- aries, Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE 125 acres of good workable land in the Twp of Stanley, four miles south of Varna on county road, or 3% miles west of Kippen, large bank barn, frame house with fur- nace and bathroom, hydro and pressure system throughout. Im- mediate possession. Mrs. Robert McAllister, Zurich. Phone Hensall 6951114 • WANTED Young girl or woman to look after children and housework. Modern conveniences. Mother con- valescing. Children welcome. Phone 463 Seaforth between 1 P.M. and 6 P.M. NOTICE Custom combining of Beans, Phone Lyle Montgomery. 859r81 Seaforth FARMS FOR SALE 100 acre farm twp. of McKillop on county road; close to village. 2 storey brick house, large bank barn, clay loam land. Immediate possession. - 120 acro clay loam farm twp of Tuokersmith 5 milessouth of Sea - forth, close to soliool, large bank barn, drive shed, 1i, storey frame house. Immediate posses- sion. Apply 'to Harold Jackso07 Sea. forth, box 461, Phone 474 Sanitary Sewage Disposal Septic Tanks, Cesspools, etc. Pumped and cleaned. Modern equipment. Louis Blake, RR 2 Brussels. Phone 42r6 Brussels. Ali work guaranteed USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE) INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Alex J. 'Rblide,. RR3 Mitchell Vice President' Milton McCurdy, RR1 Kirkton Directors E. Clayton Colquhoun, RBI - Science Hill Martin Feeney, RR2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner, 111 Cromarty Timothy 8. Toohey, 1113.3 Liman Agents Harry Coates, RR1 Centralia Clayton Harris, Mitchell Stanley Hooking, Mitchell Solicitor W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretary -Treasurer flowwwinetnnowwwwwwinn BUTTERMILK BISCUITS \ •WE MAKE 'EM YZ7u BAKE 'EM" Clearv's I G A Seaforth wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww T R' TEE SlliiAAk'HI NEWSO 7 Tltureday, Bepteanber 10, 1059' BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all oocasiona Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and. Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforp', SfAFORTH CLINIC P1 A, MoMgster, S.A., M.D., Internist P L. 'Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p,m. to 6 p.m., daily teoept Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. arday only 7-8 p.m. Appointments made In advance are deal ruble TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J, O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. I3RYANS, D,V M., V.S. W. G. DRENNA'N, D.V,M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth Wier JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seatenth. Hours--.Seaforth dully except Mon,. 9 to 6,80 ; Wed. 9 AM to 12.10 PM, Thur. eye by abovappointment only, Clinton7 Hawkins' Hdwe,,Mon. 9 to 5190moirsommiaiammiroon INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Acciders — • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 384 Res. 540 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE O DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-1/ AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - nes. 206 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. 110A11) cers-PresideniDRober-tt OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Seaforth ; Vice Pies., Allister Broad£oot, Seaforth ; Sec.-Treas., W. E. Southgate. Seaforth. Directors — E. ,T. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth ; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth;, John I3. Me -Ewing, Blyth • Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderieh;. J. E. Pepper, Brueefleld; Allister Broad foot, Seaforth. BoeborAgents— F. Procter, rdtnsn ; Selwyn. Baker, Brussels ; Harold Squires, Clin- ton ; James Heys, Seaforth.. JACK THOMPSON'S Footwear Service, Seaforth, Shoes repaired. rot Sale — Men's. & Boys & children's footwear. It is our business to give comfort and save you money WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION tifiiaBetter 8Are t. Artificial Breeding arvi CC elow. Efficiency High Diseaseech. of Cattle: uset eaof 1 the beat 0 buSafety. All b.. Mem- ber owned and controlled. For service or more information phone Clinton HU 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-6660 between: 7.80 and 9.80 A.M. week days; 6 and 8 P.M. Sat- urday evenings, Calle received on Saturday evening will be eervdeed on Sunday morning. For cows In heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning, _. Bolter Cattle For Better Living okeremlth NOTICE will be opened fromaI p.rnip uto�6 al dumpo pne nn - til further and Saturday afternoons na. til further notice. E. P. Chesney, Clock. NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ- ators and Viking Mincing Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith' and Welding Shop, Brucefield. TEXACO PRODUCTS We specialize in Diesel Fuel and Farm Lubricants Phone 686w Phone 190 Seaforth. Goderieh Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47. DORIS '4 Beauty Salon Main St., Seaforth Phone 373