HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-09-10, Page 4BRQO.HAO .N
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seller.
bar -WI of Detroit with Mr. 00(1
Mrs. 1 cI. Scherbai•tli• and other
Mr, and Ales. Kelly I-taupt and
family of Toronto with ,.lir. and
Mrs Lavern Wolfe.
Mr, inlcl Mrs. Wni Sholdice,
Keith and Brian Wilbee of Wal,
ton with lir. and Mrs, R, Shol-
YLr. and Mrs, Fi•etl Scherbarth,
Mr, and Ma's. Ernie llai'tji, De-
troit, Jit, Glen 13ennew.les of
'Windeor and Mr. Kenneth Schen'•
berth and boys oG Detroit with
Mr. and A'ir's, John L. Beane
Miss Diane Beneriilan incl
Niaster I,ar'ry Beuerman have re-
turned to their home in Seaforth
after spending the holidays with
their grandmother; 'Mrs, L. Hille-
Carl Buuck and Warren Shol-
dice spent the week end In Tor-
onto, attending the Termite Ex-
hibitionon Monday, MISS Jo-
atlne .13oti8rntanii accompanied
them -to 'teaoli in ' ine:tnto.
Aire. L. 1-1, Beunowies hast the
misfortune to .'all at her liome
fink break her leg; she is eon-
llued to Victoria Hospital, Lou.
'Master Richard Leonhard't, son
of Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Leon
hark, was operated on for ap•
pendte-itis at Seaforth Hospital
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks, Ab
vin, Sherry and lir, and Mie.
Edgar E111geon, Joanne, Maga-
et and John spent the holiday
week end at Port Elgin,
Mr, and 'Airs. John Mueller. and
Ruth Ann •of Hamilton with her
mother, Mrs, Aug. Hillobreelit
for the week end,
Rev. and Mrs, Robert Rook,
Rebeccaand Robert rettu'ued to
their home at Dartmouth, Nova
Scotia, after visiting his parents,
Now ... you can color -
scheme ca room to
Carpets, Drapery
Fabrics -even Pictures!
..with Pittsburgh's
exciting, new
Maestro Colors
Hundreds of today's most -wanted hues in
three great Pittsburgh Paints including
rubberized and alkyd type finishes.
Pittsburgh's glorious new MAESTRO Cotons are the
answers to all your decorating schemes and dreams.
With hundreds of modern, fashion -wise tints and
shades to choose from you can harmonize wall and
trim colors more interestingly with carpets, drapery
and upholstery fabrics—even with the pictures on
your walls.
All MAESTRO COLORS are available in Pittsburgh's
rich, velvet-like rubberized and in soft, matte -like
alkyd -type Flat WALLHIDE Wall paints and in low -
lustre SATINHIDE Enamel for woodwork and trim.
Our handy Color Selector makes it easy for you to
do your planning. We'll custom -mix your colors for
you in minutes,
Phone 585 Seaforth
'iPLY!SeURGH:PAINTS—keep` that"'
o o tt, atir
• n
Why not empty your clothes closets of your used clothing and
turn it into cash ? We will pay cash for men'swomen's,
boys', girls,' and babies' used clothing. Any description and
in any wearable condition. '
We require the following: trousers, suits, dresses, skirts, coats
jackets. slacks, windbreakers, sweaters, bathrobes, shirts,
ties, purses, blouses, shoee, pyjamas, gloves,snow suits, etc„
etc, We pay premium prices for men's suits and trousers.
(No long type adult overcoats.)
1. Put all you clothes in carton, cartons, or parcel and tie
2. For remittance purposes, put your name and address on a
slip of paper and insert in parcel, and if possible, pin
sizes to garments, or make list of sizes.
3. Write our name and address on the outside of the parcel.
Please ship at once as we cannot accept clothing 30 days
after the date of this publication,
4, When your parcels are ready, phone the Canadian Nat
tional or Canadian Pacific Express Company, who will
pick up the parcels at your home, Or you could take the
parcels to the express company personally. Ship all par-
cels collect. We will pay the shipping charges when the
parcels reach us. We do not accept phone calls, Please
write if you wish to contact us to the attention of Mr,
Fred Johnson, Why not send a trial shipment large or
small and get an idea of the prices we pay.
A cheque will be forwarded to yell within 10 days, If the
remuneration received by you does not meet with your ap-
proval, the clothing will be returned express collect plus any
charges Incurred,
iii', and Airs. Etiwhn Rook. Bir.
anti Mrs; ''Dong, Altcheson re-
turited to Niagara Falls after vie,
ttiug at tike satire Beni° with her
Miss Jane )tech has been holi-
daying with her sister, 31r. and
la'b's, Doug. A1tolieeon, Niagara
Mr, and Mrs, :Boss Leonliay`dt
spent a few days In Detroit re,
Mr. and Mrs, Russell Shold•iee,
Roger and Beverley,. lire, W. L.
Querengesser, lire. Albert Quer-
engessor and Joyce with Rev.
and 'Mrs, John Arbuckle, Walker-
ton en. Sunday. Mr, and kers,
Cliff Woodward and ,girls of Tor-
onto, '.lir, and Mre, Don Stanek
and family, Kitobeaer and Mr.
and Mrs, Howard Querengesser
aiid family, Mitchell, at the same
George Diegel went 'by
bus and attended .the Toronto Ex-
hibition on Saturday,
Mr, and Mrs, Win. Diegel at,
tended the SOth birthday cele-
bration of her mother, Mrs, • Ida
Brunner at Sebringville recently.
Miss Grace Fischer returned
to her teaching duties at Cottrt-
land School, Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey" An
thur and Doris of Kirkton, and
Wayne Beuerman, London, with
Mr, and Mrs, - Manuel Beuerman
on Sunday.
Airs. Toledo Beuermann who
has been teaohing piano for
many years at her home in Mc
Killop, is giving up teaching to
move to Kitchener and her .pupils
and mothers of the pupils pleas-
antly surprised her at her home
on Tuesday afternoon. Many • of
the pupils were from the village
here. .A. social time was spent
on the lawn and many of the
Moils played piano selections.
An address was read by Mise
Barbara Dietz and the presenta-
tion of a wrist watch, nylons and
handkerchief was made by Miss
Joanne Elligsen and Mies Joyce
Rook, A lunch was served by the
Scheel, Opening
Mr. Donald Wolfe of Mitchell
and formerly of Brodhagen Is the
new teacher at the Brodhagen
School with 41 pupils attending.
The beginners are Donna Leon-
hardt, Kim Leonhardt, Douglas
Vock, Wayne Ahrens, Larry
Puschelberg, .Karen Leonhardt.
The following pupils from the
village are attending Mitchell
and District High Sohool: Arth-
ur Diegel, Clayton . and Robert
and Kenneth Ahrens, Warren
and Roger Sholdice, Gary and
Paul Priestap, Jane Rock, Rose
Ilya Hulick, Richard Leonhardt,
Elaine Bennewies.
The United Lutheran Church
Women held their meeting with
27 ladies present. The devotion
was in charge of Mrs, Harry
Tait and Mrs. Toledo Beuermann
and the topic was Money—We
ean'•t take it with us. Thankyou
letters were read by the secre-
tary and an invitation to Tavis-
tock for Wednesday evening.
Birthdays were reported by Mrs.
Harold Rock and Mrs. Edwin
Two showers were held in the
Brodhagen and District Commun-
ity- Hall for newlyweds recently.
On Wednesday evening lin. and
Airs. Keith Rock (Marjory Riau)
were presented with a purse of
money. Presentation was made
by Ervin Seherbarth and Erlyn
Osborne read -a suitable address.
On Friday evening a very large'
crowd gathered for a shower for
'lir. and .firs. Donald Wolfe
(Beth Cole) and they also 're-
ceived motley presented by Gary
Sholdice with Clare French read-
ing the address which was writ-
ten by Mrs. Fred Herbert. Glare
French's Orchestra played for
dancing at both showers and
lunch was served.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Lew Hicks with
Air. and AIrs. Kenneth Newton.
Toronto for the week end.
'Miss Glenda Miller- is attend.
ing Teachers' College, Stratford.
IAirs, W. L. Quereugesser and
Mrs. Russell Sholdice attended a
shower for Miss Donna Feltz at
her home, RR 5, Stratford, Mon-
day evening,
Mr, Ir, and Airs. Kenneth Hinz, of
,St. Catharines, are holidaying
with his parents, IMr, and Airs.
Dalton Hinz, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ahrens with
IMr. and Mrs. John Dietz. MoKil-
lop, on Sunday,
Mr. and Airs, Ed Thomas and
Linda, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Greer
and Michael and Donald Ahrens,
Hamilton, with Mrs. Ghas. Ah-
Mr John Hinz Sr, and Mr.
and Airs, Michael Connolly and
Ruth Ann, Sebningville, with
Mr, and Aire, Laverne Wolfe,
9u•, 1101^71' Jnteobi returned to
his home from a ten day vacation
in Quebec, Prince Edward Island
and Nova Statin,
Mr, and 17.1^s, Alex, Melleath,
11r, alxl Mrs,. Allan Jobneou of
Kip.pen, Air. ants Mrs, A, Hann,
liton of Exeter have returned
Ikons froiu a. motor trip. by wry
et Algonquian Park, Ottawa and
the St, Lawrence Seaway,
Flight Lieutenant A. T, Math-
et- and Ma's, Mather, Mary Jane
and Jelin of Trenton spent the
holiday week end with lir, and
Mrs. Aubrey Feneinhar and fam-
ily. Sunday guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Snell and Darlene
aL' Exeter, Mr'., and lii•s, Russell
Snell and family of Exeter, !Mr,
and Mrs. Eugene Beaver and fa-
mily of Exeter, Mr. and Mr's. Har-
old Skinner and family, Exeter,
and Mr. and Mrs, Harry Snell of
Master 'Bobby Gridzak who has
been employed for three weeks
on the ,farm of Mr, Austin Wher-
lor at l'Ionkton returned home
on Saturday,,
`Mr. and -Mrs. Eldon Jarrett re-
cently visited Mrs. Jessie Win-
- der and Mrs, Crystal Anderson at
Grand Bend,
Mrs. 'Arthus' Anderson is visit-
ing relatives in Michigan,
Mr, and Mrs, John Doig of
Grand Rapids, 'Mich., visited Mrs,
Lydia Doig and Janet dining the
. week end,
Mr, Robert Cooper who has
been. with . his daughter, Mrs.
Robert Dalrymple of Br'ucefield
during his illness is et his own
home a :few -days and 10 reported
as feeling some better. A speedy
recovery -is wished - him by
friends and neighbors.
The Misses Shirley and Sand-
ra Reid who have spent the sum-
mer at Bigwin Inn on Lake of
Bays returned Home Sunday.
Their parents motored to Mus-
koka 'Sunday and their daught-
ers returned 'home with. them.
Mr. W. L. 'Meths visited in St.
Thomas over the holiday week
end the guest of hie brother -in -
Saw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Hutchison.
Mr. and Mss. Joe McLellan of
Bengal and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Forsyth spent the week end .in
Toronto, attending the CNE
while there.
Mr. and Bias, T. W. Bears and
family returned from a week's
vacation visiting Mr. and Mrs.
John 'Deda and Mr. and Mrs,
Jack McCaig of Toronto.
Mr. and Airs, Lennie 'Siemon of
Kitchener were week end guests
of the iatter'stbrother and sister -
in -lave, Mr. and 'fir's. Robert Mc-
Mr, and kits, A, McDougall
and family, London, with 11r,
and Mrs, Joseph Jordan,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepherd
and family of Toronto visited ov-
er the week end with her moth-
er, firs. J. Sainte.
'Miss Afarguerite MacDonald of
London was a week end visitor
with Ma's, Pearl Passmore and
Miss Norma Passmore.
Air. and Airs. Murray Venner
of Grand Bend visited this week
with his parents, _Air. and Mrs.
Wesley Venner.
Miss Sharon MacArthur of Ex-
eter visited last week with 1417.
and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer and family.
iir. and 'Mrs. C. Christie
and Catharine Ann moved this
week to the residence they re-
cently purchased from Mr. and
-Mrs. Chester Lee,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Avery of
Sarnia visited over the week end
with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Flynn and Joyce. Ir
MT. and :Airs. Smith of Guelph
were week end visitors with the
latter'sparents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Jarrett.
Mrs. Pearl Caae of London was
a visitor with Mrs. Male Case,
was recd roses and_ stephanotis.
The bridesriiaid, Mies 'Margaret'
lioir sister et -tlie bride, ware a
dress of 'turquoise blue 11110n .ov-
er net and taffeta with cummer-
bund and featuring a large bow
at the tacit, liar flowers were
white inures and pink gladioli,
lir. Beverly Skinner of Exeter
was his brother's best man. Fon'
a i'ooekition at Ar'nistrollg's rest-
aurant, Exeter, the belle's moth.
or received wearing a dusty rose
rayon and nylon over taffeta
dress, white accessories and ea -
sage of white mules and blue
carnations. The groom's another
received wearing a sheath dress
of white daeron lace over tur-
quoise Chinese silk with plain
jacket. and pink necessoriee and
corsage of pink roses, For a wed-
ding trip to points east the bride
wore a -patvder blue jacket dress
-of embossed cotton and rayon
bengaline, blue feather•hat and
black access -or -les and corsage of
pink roses. They will reside in
Hensen, ,
Mr. and .Mrs. Lorne Chapman,
Craig and Roddie motored to Al-
bany, N.Y., to visit lir. and Mrs.
Harry Connors and son,
By J, Carl Hemingway
Last weep I was haply to at-
tend a meeting of the Huron
County Chapter of the Credit
Union, The ,group met at Wing -
ham and came out to the home
of Air, George Michie, president,
for the business and social part
of the program,
-Credit Unions are not nearly
so widespread in rural areas as
they are in the cities but in Hur-
on they are progressing nicely in
Goderich, Clinton, Exeter and
This is perhaps another line
that farmers should be taking a
look at. We have gone a long way
in supplying -our needs through
,co-ops and marketing 'organize
tions but so far have overlooked
what we need most—money.
In many oases we have run to
the government for assistance,
just as we acre now seeking in-
creased credit only to find that
the "pot -of gold" at the end of
the rainbow disappeared as we
The money from the sale of
hogs is providing the organiza-
tion with considerable assistance
in financing just while it 4a sit-
ting in the bank waiting for 'the
farmers to cash their cheques.
The same ,thing is happening
in a much smaller scale with in-
dividual businesses. When a far-
mer sells cattle or pigs he usual-
ly cashes his cheque promptly.
He takes some cash for immed-
iate purchases and leaves the
rest in his account to cover a
cheque which 'he will probably
write shortly to cover some lar-
ger purchase. This is the money
some other farmer borrows.
The average farmer will have
an average of $100,00 in the bank
each week of the year. True one
farmermight sell some cattle for
$5200 and only have it in the
bauk a week till he buys some
more but it is still an average of
$100. per week..Spread this over a large num-
ber of say a thousand farmers
and there is a total of half a mil-
lion available credit in the com-
munity at all times. If you do
this through your Credit Union
the earnings of this money will
return to the members.
Then too, sine your Credit
Union is controlled by a local
board of directors you needn't
worry about word suddenly •ar-
ivin•g from a head office miles
away stating that there is no
money available for loans today.
This apparently happened re-
cently with at least one of our
Yes. Perhaps we should con -
Miss Bernice Dilling, who has
spent several weeks holidaying
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. f
Wilbert Dilling, left on. Monday
aider -our own financing instead
of depending on our government
or support only to find the sup-
port isn't there when we need it,
to resume her duties as home ec-
onomics teacher In Sarnia.
Sicilnner - DIotr—"
A pretty ,double ring ceremony
was perforated by Rev. R. G.
MacMillan of Goderich. in Carmel
Presbyterian Church on Sat:;
Sept. 5th at 2 o'clock when Miss
Gladys Isabelle Mar, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. George Moir, Hen -
sal, became the bride of Dalton
Maxwell Skinner, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Franklin Skinner, Exeter.
The bride was charming in a
ballerina length wedding gown
of chantilly lace over silk taffeta.
The long fitted bodice was fash-
loned with a jewelled and se-
quinned sabrina neckline and
long lily point sleeves, The full
skirt had a front panel of lace
with peplum trimmed back over
1}i'enclt tulle illusion ruffles, The
shoulder length veil of French il-
lusion was held by a tiara of seed
pearls and sequins, Iter bouquet
One of the most persistent
noxious weeds growing through
Ontario is Wild Carrot, or as it
is also called, Queen Annie's
Lace or Bird's Nest, reports the
Field Crops 'Bra'n'ch of the Ont-
ario Department of Agriculture.
Wild Carrot is -a biennial wibh
a deep, strong tap root, a brist-
ly stem, fine, lacy reeves siinsilar
to those of the cultivated carrot
and large clusters of ,white flow-
ers which .go to seed in the ant
umn, break ofd and scatter their
seeds as they are blown about.
by bhe wind. The Weed not only
robs 'crops of plant nutrients and
moisture, but it plays host to
theCarrot Rust Fay which at-
tacks cultivated carrots, pan
snips, celery and paredsy.
;Wild 'Carrot can be controlled
by 'cultivation and short crop
rotations if no seed is permitted
to develop in the sod crop,
Where control consists of snow.
ing, persistence is necessary as
regrowbh will occur right tip un
TI -Ill S1i1AFOWJ.'J-1 NEWS--ThersclaY, Sopteniber104950
til the first frost. Shgraeeped arthe liceown:
fol in'checltiii& the i;•rz:ow' as
they will keein it ,d*
close to the ground, preventing
it fromflowering and produoinf
Control 01 Wild Carrot with
chemical weed killer's hes met
with varying 5000055 'tad in
same areas the weed has become
resistant to 2, 4-D sprays, The
:latest experimental work indi
nates that the 'brush killing corn
pound known as 2, 4, 6-T os
mixtures. eontaining 50 per cent
2, 4, 5-T and 50 per tent 2 , 4.'D
are mere effective than 2, 4.0
alone, It has 'been fount! that
8 08, of 2, 4, 5-T active ingrecl•
fent or 16 oz, of a 50:50 unix
bore of 2, 4, 5-T and 2. 4-D se.-
tive ingredient .per acre hal+
more eoffeot than 82 oz. of 2,
4-D per acre alone, Tho ehemi
eels should be applied in suffi-
cient water to soak all parts of
the plant bhoreughly. The 'vete?
required to do this will vara•
from 50 to 1.50 gallons per acre
weed and grass growth. It is also
necessary to use heavier a'p'pli'
cations of water when the weeds
have passed the active growing
stage or when drought condi-
tions prevail..
For best results on roadsides
spraying should be dome earlY
in the grooving season; prefer
ably about two weeks after the
seedlings emerge. Late fall is a
cause the grass is usually short
at this bit with the result bhat
the 'small 'Wild„'Carrot seedlings
will be exposed to the slpray,
Sheep Champions
Ephraim Snell, Clinton, show-
ed the grand champion ram and
reserve grand champion, the
grand champion ewe and reserve
grand champion, in Leleoster
sheep classes at ICaluicllan Nation•
al 17xliibttiou, Toronto. In Dorset
Horned class, grand ohtittl)iicu
rain aiid reserve grand champion,
and grand champion ewe were
exhibited 'by P. I9, Dearing and
,Ficin, Exeter,
Sept, 16 lielgrave school fair,
Sept, 17—MoKiliop eeliool fair,
Sept. 23—Blyth 1 11 fair.
Sept. 24 -Exeter and Lucknow
fall fair's,,
Sept. 25^Seaforth lall fair,
Sept. 20—Bayfield fall fall',
Sept. 23—lurioli fall fair,
Sept. 30 -Huron County J'uu-
lor lrarnner meeting, board room,
Dept. of Agriculture, Clinton.
'Oct, 2—Brussels fall fair.
oat. 3»Howidc Sall fair, Ger-
rie. '
Oct, 4 -Huron County junior
farmer's annual cltut'ch service.
Oct. 7—Teeswater fall fair.
Oct, 9—Dungannon fall fair.
Oct. 13.16—International Plow-
ing Match, Peter's Corners.
Oot, 14—Huron County Hols•
tern Club Sale, Clinton,
Oct. 21—Huron County Hol-
stein Club banquet, Blyth.
Oot, • 30—Perth-Huron .Short-
horn Club consignment sale, at
Nov. 9—Huron County Hols-
tein Club annual meeting, Clin-
ton, 12,30,
Nov, 13' to 21—Royal Winter
Fair, Toronto,
Nov. 26—Huron County Here.
ford Breeders fall sale.
Dec, 1—Huron County Here-
ford Breeders annual meeting
and banquet,
Dec. 3 = Perth -Huron Short-
horn banquet, Egmondville.
Off To a Fresh School Start
With Clean Clothes
Glowing with that spic-and-span
look, your scholars go to school
nicely neat and trine.
Our scientific cleaning perks up
colors, restores shape and beauty
to children's garments and assures
complete satisfaction.
Finest work always
phone 87
1958 DODGE "8” SEDAN
Seaforth M otors
Chevrolet - Oldsmobile
- Phone G. Pawn 186
Sales & Service
Phone 541
In accordance with a resolution passed by
the Municipal Council of the Town of Seaforth,
I hereby proclaim that in view of the present
rabies situation no clog shall be allowed to run.
at large in the Town of Seaforth until further'
notice from this date, November 12, 1958,
B. F. Christie
God Save the Queen
,6."la,,,n„aaliii iiiii 1,,,,,iii i•,,,,,,1,",,,,,a,,,,,,i„aiiinin,a,alaiuun,iiii ,uranbus. i iii,,niiiaii ll RI