HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-08-27, Page 8kinviedOi78 lie tinesrs, This is the paint especially good for your house if you live in a damp climate, Pittsburgh SUN - PROOF Mildew and Fume -Re- sistant Outside White frees your home from mildew damage .. . keeps it whiter and brighter, longer. 1 H'S SALES and SERVICE Phone 585 Seaforth P.1.T T$ pU,R U,H'iP, ereNTS„•' Mite lPAINTED `1 P"thd'.' `JUST PA"14•k Iltllv;. NEW HIGHER INTEREST! ; ON DEBENTURES dal+q��Vu Plan every step with Huron & Erie - Canada Trast Head Office London, Ontario • District Representatives F. G. Bonthron, Hensall John A. Cardno, Seaforth Town of Seaforth Re Dog Proclamation In view of the disregard by the general public of the recent proclamation issued by the Town Council re the confinement of dogs, and the fact that they are not to run at large at any time, the Council feels that charges must be laid under this By-law. Any owner or harborer of a dog who allows it to run at large can be sum- moned into court. The fine in a case of this kind could be $00.00 and costs. The Council and myself would ask all citizens concerned to comply with the laws and avoid the consequences. B. F. Christie Mayor HIEi$E T Thomas Weldon l?o11ey died in the Stratford General Hospital ole Wednesday evening, Aug. 19,, et the 'age of 80 years, He wae. born la 'Hibbert township, son of the late Mr, and 'MTS. Henry Ro- ney, April 15, 1870, -After spend- ing We ea'1'1y years in Hibbert township lie calve to Mitchell where Ise was a blacksmith, He retired about 40 years ago, In 1952, Mr. and Mrs. Roney celeb- rated .thein' 50th wedding await- eieai'y, His wife, the former' Lou- isa EtGir of Fullerton township, <lied three years ago. He served on the Mitchell town council for a number of years. He was •a member of Trinity Anglican Church and of the Canadian Oa' - der of . Foresters. He de survived by one brother, Albert Roney of Hibbert township and by a num- ber of nephews and nieces, The funeral was field on Sunday af- ternoon, Rev, Frank Tomkinson of Trinity Anglican Church offic- iated. Pallbearers were Nor'y'is Sillery, Erwin Si•11eey, Kingsley Robinean, Jam 3. Vesper, Wilbur Aiinis and Henry Fawcett., Bur- ial was made in Woodland eem- etery, :Ylitchell, Friends and eel- atives attended from Detroit, Seaforth, Listowel, Stratford, Hibbert, Logan and Fullarton townships and Mitchell. JIBS, DAVID PORTER Mrs. Margaret Allan Porter, widow of David Porter, died at the Alexandra Marine and Gener- al Hospital on Friday after a long ,illness. She was in her 85th year, She was born at Bayfield, the former Margaret Alice Sootehmer. She was a resident of Goderich for over 50 years, and was a member of Knox Presby- terian ,Church. Surviving- are lour brothers, John Scotehmer, Goderich; Alfred Sco.tchmier, of Hayfield; Fred Sootohmer, Rich- mond Biel; William Seotclwner, legmendville; one sister, Mrs. M. J. Butler, Baylield; live •grand- childeen, and 15 great grand children. One son, IOard, and a daughter, lIrs, Ernest. Taylor, both of Goderich, died some time ago. Tho funeral was held on Monday afternoon at Goderich. Rev, R. G. .liaoMlldan officiated. Burial was in Maitland cemetery. GEORGE EDIGHOFFDR The death occurred in Strat ford General Hospital of George Bclighoffer, Toronto St., Mitchell, aged 86. He had been ill for the past month and in hospital for over two weeks. IIe was born et Blake, July 10,1873, son •of the late Adam Ddighoffer and IVIary lCeinhart Edigho'if er. 1=Ie rear - meet Laura Holtz who .died in 1938. As a young pian he went to Dashwood and 35 years ago to Mitchell. Ho retired in 1948' from the family business, a Mit- chell department store. He was a member of the board •01 stew- ards of • .Thin Street United Church, of Tudor 'Ledge No, 141 AF and AM, an honorary mem- ber of Mitchell Lions Club, a member of the •Chamber of Com- merce, and served as town coun- cillor. He is survived by one son • Lloyd; a daughter, Mrs. Os- car (Blanche) Rogers; a foster daughter, .17rs. Luella Kallsas, Sarnia; three brothers, Edwin and Arthur, Zurich, and Edgar, Pigeon, Mich,; two sisters, iSIrs. Katherine Yule, Fullerton; and Mrs. Fred C. (Viola) Walker, Mitchell; by four grandchildren, seven great grandchildren. A private funeral was hell at the Lockhart funeral home, Mitchell, on Saturday afternoon with Rev, HughHunter in charge. Burial was in Woodland cemetery. HENSALL Following are the results of the races at the annual congre- gational picnic of •Carmel Presby- terian Church: Girls 6 and un- der, Marjorie Schwalm; boys, Bil- lie Hoy; 'girls 6 to 10, Christine Cameron, Betty Cameron; boys, Randy Johnston, Charles Sch- walm; gide 10.13, Dianme Bevan, boys, Daniry Cameron, Barry Mousseau; plate on head race, Mrs, Gordon Schwalm; wheelbar- row race, Esrey Mousseau and Danny Cameron, Michael Hoy & Charles . Schwalm; kick the slip- per, ladies, Mss. Glenn Bell; men, Mr. Skea; race with glass of wa- ter on head, Lloyd Mouesean; \grapefruit relay, Mrs. George 'air's team; 3 -legged race, Mr and Jli's. Glenn Koehler; guess contents ee can, Mee. Eleanor McKenzie; eat biscuit and whis- tle, Barcy Mousseau; youngest present, Betty Lynn Koehler; open mystery parcel, Mrs. Elea- nor McKenzie; shoe scramble, Danny Cameron, PORTY YEARS det0 Prom The Seaforth News, Aug. 1917 A. A. Naylor, who Iias been prilicipal. of •Seaforth g,ublie school for seven years, has ac- cepted a position at Chatham. Geo, A. Sills is erecting a new house at the corner of John and High street. W. J. Duncan has purchased Mr. Sills present resi- dence near Victoria park. .Miss Mabel Turnbull will teach at Huntsville, The barn of John Leary, near Cromarty, was burned by light- ning, Samuel Dietz has the contract for a large cement sited at Bruce - field Presbyterian Church, Hallett tow•naitip cinema the ciistinotion of being the first community in Huron county to erect a memorial Bail to comme- ntorate the valiant deeds of the soldiers, 1Xr. Loblaw, general manager of the United Farmers' CaOper- ative, in a recent speech des tribes how the store at Seaforth was started to try out a retail plan instead of bringing goods in by special order trona head taffies. During the filet four weeks of its existence the store did 22,509 worth of bustles,compared to only 510o a month done by the stab pa'exiotlsl>'. Since theft sev- eral stores have been started in other 1)15000. Tile slain of $3,032,12 wee net- ted ifroru the Veteran'sDay rat 'Seaforth, sponsored by, the GV'iVA, A vollurtgs'y subscription pis 50- offered st Bayii.eld to pay the fine of Dr. Metcalf for su1'gerY, Sympathy was expressed by McKillop township to the fancily ofthe lata Solomon Shannon who had been le township official for 49 years, Mr, ,Fames Shea,: Dublin, is busy shipping liege and cattle. Hoge ale now selling for the very handsome vrice of 523.50 per cwt. 50 medals will be :presented to Soldiers .of centre and south Hib- bert et Staffs, tawnelaw hall, The guest speakers will be Thome McMillan, focal ministers : and others. Mr. and Mrs, R, T. Cooper, of Iiippen, now boast a nicely ben ancecl family of fora' boys and the same number of girls. Mr. 3, McMillan of Seaforth has been appointed manager of the Bank of Commerce at Wal- ton. TWENTY -FIFE 71141, AGO August 1934 Threshing operatious have had some excitement, with an at- tempt to set fire to a threshing machine and barn at Constance, and a 'dynamite .threat on the Leadbmy eine, A meeting of the guarantors of Avoir Chests ftamz was held. Thomas Stephens Jr. of the Queen's hotel, passed away. De. Ann I -laugh McIntosh ad- dressed a :mother and (laughter banquet at Hgm.ondvelate United Church. Walton won the Stephenson Cup in the Huron League. Huron County Magistrates 3- C. Greig of Sea1onth and C. A, Reid of Goderich have been dis- missed by the Hepburn govern- inent in a re -organization of the magisterial system. Hensall won the baseball group by defeating .Stratford 1-0. Hen- sall team: Foster, J'oynt, G. Ren- nie, Hawkins, Kerslake, Welsh, Tiernan, Gasclro, S. Rennie. Ed. MOBi'ide of Klppen, who operates a :steam thresher, hall his hand cut .off at the wrist. while adjusting the straw cutter. An article by John MeeTavish describes the "mountain" bet- ween Stafia and Cromarty as he knew it in boyhood clays, He says that no stork hovered over neigh- borhood homes. The honor of bringing the baby was always the daotork. ,He usually got it, the children were told, at (lead of Bight, back at the mountain. •Miss Margaret Erratt of Stan- ey has been appointed Superin- endent of the Mount Elgin resid- ential School at rluncey. Among those from Seaforth who attended the funeral of the ate Mrs. Wm. Neal at Walton w':ere the Misses Ferguson, Mr.. n<t Mrs. James Herr, Dr. H. H. Ross, Dr. F. J. Burrows, Dr. C. cicay and Mayer Sutherland. Mr. Joseph Shea, who went o the west 26 years ago, spent a week with his sister, Mrs. John anagan, Dublin. Duncan Johnston has porches - d the resd.denee of the late Mrs. eal at Walton. Local hotel men are consider - ng applying for licenses to test heir status as vendors of beer in eaforth. An opinion from the Uncles Secretary of State was ubtished stating that the courts netdecide avhether the suspen sign of the Canada Temperance Act on Nov. 1215, 1920, is still in effect. Attending the 100th annivers- ary of St. George's Church, Gode- Tieh, from here were Mrs. Thorne, Miss C. Pinkney, Miss J. Edge, F. Bartlett, Thomas Jack - Son, chuechwarclen, and Canon l7. Appleywrd. Mr. and Mrs. B. Long and son and (laughter of Santa Monica, Cal., are visiting his sister, Mrs. Roy Bennett, Walton. They made the 2,900 mile trip by auto in 4% days. D, Ennis has opened a new .ge- neral store at Walton. About 250 friends -of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock, newlyweds, gathered in their honor at Bay- field town ball. Geo. Dinedale, member of .the Manitoba legislature, from Bran- don, and his wife are visiting an the Hensall area. Mm. J. Oliver, lee and Mrs. Ie. Johnston and boys oe•Kenora'are visiting Mx. and :Virg. Archie Mil- ler of Staffa. The p•ine swamp in Meltillop is again on fire which will make it easier to harvest pine stumps. M2. Hanley of Toronto has ta- ken over the Dublin business of Ed. Tyers who Is going to Toron- to, - t la a t Fl e N t .S p m COMING DATES Aug. 27-41I Homemaking Gar- den Club achievement day, Sea - forth high school. Sept. 14 to 19 -Western Fair, London, Sept. 16—I3elgrave school lair, Belgrave. Sept. 17--MOIeiilop school fain Sept, 23—Blyth fan fair. dept. 24—Exeter and Lucltilew fall fairs, Sept, 25—Seaforth fall fait Sept. 26—Bayfield fall fair. Sept, 28—Zurich fall fair, Sept. 30—Huron County -jun- lot Farmer meeting, .board room,; Dept. of Agriculture, Clinton. Oet, 2-13-russels fall fair. Oet, 3—Hewiek fall fair, Ger- rie. Oct, 4—Huron County junior farinere an,alial church service. Oct. 7W'i'eeswater fall fair, Oct, 9 -Dungannon fall fair. Oct. 13.1.6—International Plow- ing Match, Peter's Cornet's. Oct, 14 -Huron County Hols- tein Club Sale, Clinton, CARD OF TT -TANKS !Tile family Of the late Ml's, Harry Norris of Cromarty wish to extend their sincere .thanks andappreciation to tltemany friends and )ielghhors for the beautiful goral tributes, eerds, 'expressions of sympathy extend- ed to thein in the loss of a ileal' wife and mother, Special thanks to i;ev, p. 1), Henderson, Dr, Oar - will, Dr, Brach'', nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, Mr, Whitney and the Whitney Fune- ral Houle, and all who helped in, any way 111 our sad bereavenle1lt, Auction Sale of Household effects in the town of Seaforth, North Main St., (former McNab residence) on Saturday, SePt 5th, at one o'clock 1,111. Telephone- desk and seat, tri. lamp, table lamp, end table, small centre table, solid walnitt. Hall rack with bevelled mirror 29x173/4; kitchen table and chairs, chest of drawers witb.bevelled mirror, solid walnut, plastic fold - Mg doer '(beige); pair white dot- ted muslin curtains, Presto cook- er; electric iron, 2 pair drapes, bedding, sheets, .pillow. oases, 3 bed spreads, quilts and blankets, White enamel annex Treater, lawn chairs, cooking utensils, pots and pans, dishes, antique silver, laun- dry tubs aun-dry'tubs and other articles,, m(rill, Pi'oprletressTer,s Mrs . Cartwright Hawley, Auctioneer, Harold Jaelt- son. Clerk, E,; P. Chesney DRAINAGE TENDERS Township -.-of McKillop Foe the construction and re- pair of Bolton No. 2 Drains ac- cording to Engineer's specifica- tions will be received until Sep- tember 711. 6812 lineal feet open drain ex- eayating• and levelling material on new and old spoil banks, 13055 lineal feet of 14, 12, 10, 8, 6 Ouch tile and pipeto dig, lay and . backflll, also 8 catch basins and field stone protections, 1 junction . box. • Township to supply tile and pipe Within approximately one mile of work, Contractor to have Wo1'kmen'6 Compensation Insur- ance. A marked cheque for ten per cent with a minimum of 5100 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed, Teutler to state when work wilt be acme. Plan, profile and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. J. M. Eckert, Clerk McKillop Twp., Seaforth R 1, Ont. • FOR SALE 40 pigs ready to wean and 25 chunks. Apply Ken Beattie, phone 834x6 Seaforth Preen- garcci nSpi duce. Bring containers. Ambrose Addley, third• house east of Milburn, south side FOR SALE Kelvinator refr'igerator, 9 cu. ft. Electric stove, heavy duty, both in good shape. Apply to James Kelly, North George St. Seaforth HELP WANTED (FEMALE) Housekeeper for elderly man in good health and living in a small village. Apply to Box 127, The Seaforth News, stating wages• HONEY FOR SALE Now pouring September honey with all the fall vitamins, at 200 1b, in your own containers, Wal- lace Ross, Seaforth FOR SALE 15 acres second cut alfalfa. We can bale and load on wagons. Janes Carnochan, 665r32 Second cutalfalfaEor sale by the bale. Orville Storey,. phone 856r11. Seaforth About 225 Ba c ckBessie pul- lets, starting to lay. Leslie Pryee, phone 850r14 Seaforth FARMS FOR SALE 100 acre farm two. of McKillop on county road; close to village, 2 storey brick house, large bank been, clay loans laud. Immediate possession, • 120 acre clay loam farm twp of Tuckersmith 5 miles south of Sea - forth, close to school, large bank barn, drive sired, 12/4 storey frame house. Immediate posses- cion. Apply to Harold Jackson, Sea - forth, box 461. Phone 474 NOTICE Custom pulling and combining of Beans. Phone Lyle Montgom- ery, 850r31 Seaforth — TO RENT A four room first floor apart- ment on North Main se Inrinedi- ate possession. Phone 62w. Carl Dalton - FOR SALE 26 pigs about 100 lbs. Charles Lane, RR 3 Seaforth. A two-yaFOR d 8 foot spring tooth. Massey Harris cultivator. Apply to S. Devries, RR 4 Sea - forth. Phone 654r21 Sanitary Sewage Disposal Septic . Tanks, 'Cesspools, -etc. Pumped and cleaned, Modern egUipment, Louis Blake, RR 2 Brussels. Phone 42r0 Brussels.. All work guaranteed • • Custom combining.OTICE Price reasonable. Phone. LyleMRent. gomery, 859r81 Seaforth Oct. 21 --Huron County Hol- stein Club banquet, Blyth. Oct. 30—'Perth-Huron Short- horn (Nub consignment sale, at Lueknow, Nov, 9—Huron County Hole- tein Club annual meeting, Clin- ton, 12,3.0. Nov. 13 to 21—Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, Nov. 26Huron Comity Here- ford Breeders fall sale, Dec, 1—Huron County Hea'e- ford Breeders annual meeting and hangttet. Dec, 3 -- Perth-Huroli Slsort- hei'n hanquet, Egnicndville, BARGAINS IN BT,7IIaDING SUITLIES, A quantity of used lnnib01' A 1211521ber of panel doors, various styles from 52,00 and other material Apply to SCOTT M 1VIORIAL HOSPITAL Auction Sale Of miscellaneous articles spoil- sored by the-Londesboro United Church will be held on the Lon, de5boro ball cli'amond ou.Weclnes- day evening, Sept, 2 at 7 o'cloolc, A booth will be on the grounds, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer FOR SALE BY TENDER The following lands 005 offered for sale by Tender, naively: In the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron and being com- posed of Lot 220, Brock "D" 113 Jarvis Survey of part of the said Town of Seaforth. Tenders must be in the hands of the undersigned on 00 before. the 5th day of September, 1089, and be accompanied by a marked cheque for 10% of the amount thereof. The balance shall be pay- able in cash on closing. On the said lands there is said to be erected a. small frame cot- tage. These lands are offered for sale to close the estate of Marshall 11. Smith, The highest or any Ten- der not necessarily accepted. McConnell & Stewart Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administr'atr'ix NEW SPEEDIER Watch Repair Service at Savauges Fred H. Savauge CERTIFIED WATCHMAKERS SEAFORTH CO-OP INSURANCE • .Automobile • Truck and Cargo' Insurance � Farna Liability and Tractor Ins, • Fire Insurance and Contents Insurance • Accident & Sickness ART WRIGHT Phone 187 J John Street ' SEA,FORTH Insure the Co-op way and you insure the Wright way USBORNE & HIBl3ERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Read Office, Exeter, Ontario President Alex J. Rohde, RR3 Mitchell Vice -President Milton McCurdy, RR1 Mitten • Directors E. Clayton Colquhoun, RR1 Science Hill - Martin 'Feeney, RR2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner,1/1 Cromarty Timothy B. Toohey, RR3 Lucan Agents Harry Coates, RR1 Centralia Clayton Ramis, Mitchell Stanley Hocking, Mitchell Solicitor W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretary -Treasurer Wklef BUTTERMILK BISCUITS it WEE MAKE `EM- YbU BAKE 'ENV' QOM.. Clearv's IG A Seaforth WWWIAnginnovvineuvinolAnnui Huron County- Council September Session .The I-Iuron Cottuty Conn- ell will convene in the Cotlrt House, Goderich, ,on Tues- day, September 8, 1959, at 10.0 .0 A.M. D.S,T. -for the September • session (one tray)_' Bill communications and accounts to be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Friday, August 28th, 1959. Jolie G. Berry Clerk•Treestu•er County of Huron Goderich, Ontario TF1/0 SIOAFORTII '1VI0�VS Thursday, August 27, '5050 pox Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Rod Flowers for ell oecaetons Phones: Day 43 Night 695W MARTIN W. STAPL,ETON Physician and Surgeon Phone' 90 , Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon !'hone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC AA. McMaster, B.A., 3.I£, Iatereli0 P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Otfice Flours, 1 P.m. to 5 p.m„ da117 except Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings: Tuesday; Thursday And Sat. arday only 7-9 p.m. ' Appointments made to advance aro desirable TURNBULL`& BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J, O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. DRENNAN, D.V.M„ V,S. Phone 195 Seaforth JOHN e. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 701. Main St„ Seaforth Hou5.90; Wed. 0 016 aforth daily 0 PM. Tt hur. ors by appointment only. Clinton HD -2-7010. above awl; no Fldtye, Mon. 9 to 6,80 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • AceidezaZ • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res, 540 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS eHAIifeION sewn AND PURNAUB DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone '784 - Res. 286 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARONO Successor to . WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers. Life Insurance The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD' OPFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, Robert. Archibald, Seaforth; Vice Pres„ Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth; Sec Treas„ W. E. Southgate, Seaforth. Directors —E, J. Trewartha, Clinton ; .1. L. Malone, Seaforth • Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; - John H. Meowing, Myth; Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich; T. E. Pepper,Brumfield; Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth. Agents— William Leiper, Jr., Londes- horro; J. P. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels ; Harold Squires, Clin- ton ; James Keys, Seaforth. JACK THOMPSON'S Footwear Service, Seafort'b. Shoes repaired. For Sale — Men's & Boys & children's footwear. It Is our business to give comfort and save you money WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOGLSTION "Where Better Bulk Are Used" Artificial Breeding Service. Goat low. Eaiciency high Disease controlrea, Safety. All Breeds of Cattle: use of the best of bulls. Mem- ber owned and controlled. For service or more information phone Winton HU 2-8441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 0-6660 between; 7.30 and 9,89 A.M. week days; 6 and 8 P.M. Sat- urday evenings. Calls received on Saturday evening will be serviced on Sunday morning. For. cowsin heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning. Better Cattle For Better Living NOTICE Tuekertmith Township Municipal damp will be opened from 1 P,m, to 6 -p.m, on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons un- til further .notice. E. P. Chesney Clerk. NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ- ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefield. -TEXACO PRODUCTS We specialize in Diesel Fuel. and Farm Lubricants Phone 686w Phone 190 Seaforth Goderich Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 IMWWWWWwwwwyweANUINti DORIS "4 Beauty Salon Main St:, Seaforth Phone 373