HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-08-27, Page 7ALFRED SHRUBB, 79, who sailed from Montreal recently in the Ivernig is a former world cham- pion track star. Mr. Shrubb, who was bound for a vacation in his native England held the world's record for the one, two, three and four mile- distances early in the century. Other trophies of his include the British Cross -Country and the French, Belgian, Australian and New Zealand mile championships. He was British champion for the mile in 1902, and 1903. Mr. Shrubb, who lives in Bowmanville, Ont., was making his 16th crossing with C.unard•. France Has Its Teen-age Problem The French, while often criti- cal of teenage gang Violence in the U.S.,. and of the Teddy -boy outbreaks in London, have long felt that, the problems of their own juvenile delinquents were individual, and therefore less alarming. But when gang terror erupted last month. in Paris and in the Mediterranean resort of Bandol, the disillusioned editor of Le Parisien Libere wrote: "Now we know the truth: The street gangs are, organizing." At Bandol, 50 young "Blous- ons Noirs" (Black Jackets), fail- ing to find the gang with which they, had planned "un rumble," eut a swath through the town with their bicycle chains and brass knuckles. In the wake of their forays, they left shattered glass, smashed furniture, and at least eighteen injured. In Paris, as in America, ef- forts to assess the cause of the outbursts evoked some familiar sociological platitudes. Parisian authorities blamed sensational movies (the average Blouson Noir sees six a week), magazine andnewspaper articlesglorify- ing crime, and, finally, the breakdown of family; life. Whatever the reason, authori- ties, church, and press demand- ed action. One of the most en- gaging solutions was offered by Thierry Maulnier, columnist for, the .respected, conservative daily Le Figaro. Send the Blousons Noirs across the Mediterranean to help rebuild insurrection -torn Algeria, Maulnier. suggested. "There they'd learn to become what they think they are now: Men." Rescuing World's Oldest Ship On her maiden voyage, she was Europe's newest . and larg- est man-o'-war—a 64 -gun, oak- en three -master measuring 170 feet from her delicately carved figurehead to her high, proud stern — and she had all flags flying as she sailed slowly out of Stockholm one August day in 1628. Sweden's young King Gus- tavus Adolphus, who ruled what was then a first -ranking military power, had built the flagship Vasa as part Of his plan to in- vade Germany. But she had sail- ed less than a mile when a gust of wind caught and turned her over. The ill-construiited ship carried many of her complement of 470 down with• her, Gustavus Adolphus's navy made a dew ,attempts to salvage some of the Vasa's brass can- nons, but the ship eventually was abandoned, Then, three years ago, an amateur archeolo- gist named Anders Franzen came across records of the Vasa and deducted that she must, still be lying in the, North Stream near Stockholm. Soundings located her. Since then, navy divers have brought up some 600 relics, in- cluding handsome wooden stat- ues of mermaids, fauns, and dragons. Yet the recovery of the ship itself involved innum- erable problems: The vessel lies buried in 10 feet of mud and clay some 60 feet beneath the surface of the water. in Stock- holm's harbor. Work must stop every time a ship wants to enter the nearby Stockholm dockyard;. ice halts work on the project every winter. But in recent months suction pumps have slowly burrowed three tunnels under the Vasa, and divers have slipped 4,500 feet of steel, hawser through them. Last month the salvage team awaited only a favorable combination of weather and tides to launch the Vasa on its 'voyage back to the surface. The step- by-step surfacing will take an- other two years and cost $800,- 000 (raised by private subscrip- • tion), but success will enable Sweden to turn the Vasa into a unique naval museum — the oldest ship in the world. LAKES AND RIVERS, heavily banked with tree s, provide game fish with clean w a t e r, cool temperatures, proper food. When fire ravages a watershed, good fishing takes a long holiday. Please, be care- ful with all forms of fire. Pre- vent forest fires. SOLDIER OF FUTURE - Gen Lyman L. Lemnitzer, examines the uniform and gear of the "Soldier of the Future:" Gear includes infra -red devices •which enable• the soldier to see in the cldrk, a jump' belt which provides rocket power for leaps up to 30 feet, two-way radio helmet, and the new M-14 rifle. City That; Casts A Bright Ray It is- just possible that Flint, Mich., is one of the most remark- able cities inthe whole of Ame- rica. If you are discouraged about' the course of human effort on this planet and in this country, sick of reading of struggle, ten- sion, violence, economic dis- order, then let Flint cast a bright ray into the gray gloom. As reported recently by Ray Cromiey in a series for NEA. Service, Flint is engaged in an astonishing effective program of community and individual self- help that reaches into . almost every corner, of the city's ' life It is doing this without calling upon federal. 'and stte . govern- ments for money. Big money isn't the thing at all. " Scho./1 taxes have been edged up a little, and ,a wealthy man has tossed in a fair bundle, and that's it. The rest of the way it runs` On the citizens' own steam and imagination.; The place is fantastic. Kids go to school early, stay late, and love it. Parents swarm around 'the schools in,"off hours" in al. most as great numbers as the youngsters. There are athletic programs, meetings, dances, studying of many kinds. Hundreds of men serve as ' substitute fathers for fatherless boys. Organized block by block under community leadership, Flint; people repair and improve their own houses instead of lookingfor slum clearance funds, Courses train homeowners in the many 'house- hold repair and maintenance jobs. The school is the hub of the program, Flint's school buildings' are alive with activity from morning until late at night, all the year around. The .school board is the chief overseer of this sprawling effort. Automobile factories give the town a lopsided economy, and today one out of nine eligible, workers is without a job Flint has plunged in to help the job- less train for new types of work.' Citizens work to urge creditors to , carry the unemployed until pay checks start again. And they give them space . in schools to cook, wash, and iron and so on, when their electricity at home has been cut off for nonpayment of bills. Women learn to sew and cook better tO save money. In the schools themselves, alert new plans have been devised to flush out potential scientists from the crop of youngsters. Effort is spade to spot talent as early as the second grade, The details of this great com- munity enterprise are endlessly exciting: What is perhaps most impressive is that in an age when. we see so much negative head- shaking, the people 'of`Flint are cheerfully positive. They want to achieve, they believe they can, and when they do they':are proud of what they accomplish. Flint isa stirring example, a practical example, to every city in America' of what it means to be really free, self-reliant and ',assessedof human dignity. There ought to be a presidential medal for everybody in the town. - .Pueblo (Colo,) Star Journal Obey the traffic signs - they are placed there fOr it 0 it SAFST'S6, N CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 0490t1T4 WANTED EARN Cash In your Spare Time, Jut Shol1yy year friends' our`Chrlstmus and All•Occaslon Greeting Cards (including Religious) Stationery Gifts, Write for samples. Colonial Stationery, t,td 485.13 Queen East, Toronto 2 JOKE CARDS S)OND 250 in coin for your Package of 12 assorted cards Moore Printing.. 133 Mc• Intosh St : Toronto 13, Ont, EARN E X'r it A MONEY! AGENTS, clubs, etc, Sell Canada's finest Chrlet- nlas cards, novelties, ate., Over 200 items wowing deluxe, religious, vet, vet, chrome, everyday and ppersonal cards, Wraps, ribbons, toys, books, dells and Jewellery. Many gift Items..Prompt service, For colored eatalogUe and sans, Gp es on approval, write' W. V. Jeandro reeting Card Co'., 1269 King Street East, Hamilton, Ont, 8ABY'CHICKS.'~-m MCAT started' pullets prompt shipment. Ask for list on Ames. Time to order September -October broilers See your beat agent, or. write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. STARTED chick bargains while they last. Pullets, one week - Barred Rock, Columbia Rock, Rhode, Island Red Jet., sey White Giants, Light Sussex -$20,95 per hundred. Rhode Island Red X Bar- red Rook, Rhode Island Red X Light Sussex - $26.96 per hundred, Assorted Heavy Breeds $23.95 per hundred, ClloiagraX one California Gray RhodeiIsland - $29,99per hundred, Assorted Medium Breeds - $27.95 per hundred, Cocker- els - Barred Rock Rhode Island Red X Light Sussex, Rhode Island Red X Barred Rock ,- $6,96 per hundred, As- sorted Heavy Breads - $5.95 per hun- dred. For two weeks old, add $2,00 per hundred; three week old, add $4,00 per hendred,four week old, add 68,00 per hundred; five week old, add $8.00 per hundred; sit; weelt old.. add 510.00 per hundred, Kimber pullets, one week old, add 52.7.00 00 per hundred. three er hundred. For two Week old, add $0.00 per hundred. four week old, add 512.00 per hundred. five week old, add - $16.00 per hundred, Also Kimber pullets 16 weeks of age - $1.70 each Catalogue, TWEDDLE ICK HATCIIERIE$ LTD, FERGUS CHONTARIO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AGED couple selling Highway Village - General Store, .completely equipped, stock living apt., all for 321.000, good term s, turnover 63,003.00 monthly, Mostly cash, Prosperous farm area. Wm Pearce, Realtor, Exeter • RESTAURANT in Newcastle; 555,000 year takings. Beautiful apartment, fully equipped, seats 40. Owner has other interests: Apply Flying -Scotsman, New- castle 3136. How Can I ? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I loosen a nut which has become tightly rust- ed on a bolt? • A. Flush the nut and , bolt with some kerosene, and, after ,giving this a few minutes to work in, remove the nut with a close -fitting wrench, Q. How can I iron straight edges on long curtains? A. You'll find this rather dif- ficult job somewhat easier 1f .you iron the curtains slightly damp, and if you pin one end of the •curtain to the end of the ironing board and hold the other end with your hand, stretching it tight as you iron. First major league baseball team to use airplane transporta- tion was the Boston Red Sox. Its members flew from St. Louis to 'Chicago on July 30, 1936. MERRY MENAGERIE 5.8 6 'Dollars to doughnuts it was a wedding present!" a 51 CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR EAU AND RENTAL. 9NE minute to set up, ten ata, to pull,. eieeps five large luggage comport. ment, The Ideal camping unit, Remits Camping Trailers, A, C, Sales Rentals. 81 Highway. Strathroy, Phone 1117W HELP WANTED MALE GRADER operator. Must be expert,- eneed steady year round employmen if satisfactory. .Brennan Paying Co., Hamilton, Phone Liberty 4.3931, INSTRUCTION LEARN to weld. No time limit. Day or evening, A,R.C, School of Welding, John St, at Gore, Hamilton, Ont, JA. 9- 7427 - JA, 7.9681, EARN morel Bookkeeping, Salesman. ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, eta, Leo sons 500. Ask fqr free circular No, 83. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street. Toronto. MEDICAL GOOD RESOLUTION - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA 51.25 Express Collect. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you Itching sealing and burning eeze• me, acne, ringworm, pimples and toot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorles ointment regardless of how stuhhern or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO MISCELLANEOUS NEWEST Novelty! Your own Mono- gram to decorate your car, boat, mail- box, etc. $1.00 or 3 for $2.50 postpaid. Star Products 3701 Potomac Avenue, Los Angeles 16, California. NURSES WANTED THE GLENBORO MEDICAL NURSING Unit No. 16B, located 100 miles west of Winnipeg, and 50 miles east of Brandon on No. 2 Highway, requires the seri,- Ices of two R.N.I9. Starting salary $200,00 per month. Excellent living as commodatlone avallable. All types of recreational and social facilities avail- able. Write or telephone Mr. C. A, Hall, Sec,-Treas., Glenboro, Man. GRADUATE NURSES IMMEDIATELY NEW 58 bed hospital to be opened in September. Apply to: Superintendent, Prince Edward County Hospital, Picton, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN. CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL. Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Mustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 355 Moor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa PERSONAL ADULTS! Personal' Rubber -Goode. 80 assortment for 52.00. Finest quality, tested, guaranteed. Mailed in plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors, I1OX 241111 Regina, Sask. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVEI SAVEI SAVEI Minas developed and 12 magna prints In album 801 2 magna prints In album 404 Reprints 81 each KODACOLOR Developing roll. 91.00 (not Including prints). .Color prints 380 .each extra, Ansco and Ektaehrome 35 mm, 20 co posures -mounted In slides 51.25 Color prints from elides 350 each. Money refunded, In full for unprinted nega- tives, FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31. GALT. ONT. $8,000 'DOWN! ON only modern ranch style MOTEL, 14 unite, In process of completion plus 5 room apt. Located on lovely lake re- sort (no • road changes) where year around temperature 60.80 degrees. De- luxe furnishings. Estimated g r o a e 514,000; estimated expenses 52,000, In - eludes gerdner, maid, elect., taxes, sup- plies, repairs. 4 acres. Tiled swimming pool.' May lease to responsible people. Ideal for retired couple. Write: $OX56, CHAPALA, JALISCO, MEXICO. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITIES HERE le your chance to start fresh 113 a new department of a 52 -year-old coal ppany to help It grow and. grow With it: to become an important mamba of our well trained team of specialista,. An opportunity to create e high pay. Ing career in the sales field. Frankly, we don't want just anybody. Each marl will be selects with care and con• slderable investment made by this fin - anoint firm in his future. The men Wp are looking for must be intelligent and personable, Who Man talk sincerely to the average person. If selected 700 will be trained thoroughlyy and be given Wer ares certain tthatipthiisufield represents a splendid opportunity for those seeking above average earnings. Salary and commission, monthly bonus, group Insuranceannual increases in this responsible position. If you feel you can qualify Write to Box 194, 123 -18th street, New Toronto, Ont, STAMPS AND SI"JAIS FOR the famous British Line of Rap - kin Stamp Albums and accessories, see your. Stamp Dealer or Bookseller. The Ryerson Press, 299 Queen St. W., Toronto 2-15. GERMANY, Saar locals, print, used. List free, Ted Stals. 916 Oak. St. North, Aurora, Illinois. OLD Coins wanted, pay Highest prices. Catalogue 150. Gary's, 9910 Jasper Ave- nue, Edmonton, Alberta, . 100 DIFFERENT Worldwide. stamps 104 plus surprise packet. Williams, Box 187 WL, Toronto 1, Ont, TEACHERS WANTED BILINGUAL teacher for Grades 1 to 4 inclusive, for S,S. No. 11, Tilbury North, State experience and salary expected, Bernard A. Trepanier, secre- tary -treasurer, R.R. 1, St. Joachim, Ontario. CATHOLIC teacher wanted fqr Public School, No. 6, Rochester Township, grades 1 to 5. Duties to commence In September. APPLY, stating experience qualifica- tions, and salary expected,. to Ray Strong, Sec. -Trees., MR. 2, Belle River, Ont. SUDBURY district - Salter, May and Harrow T.S.A. require teacher for rural school, seven miles from Massey, sixty west of Sudbury. Approximate attendance, eighteen, seven grades. School equipped hydro. New Central area school under consideration. Good board close. SALARY minimum, 92,700, Allowance forqualifications and experience, APPLY giving references and name of last inspector to Mrs. Carl Emiry, R.R. 2, Massey, Ont. TEACHERS wanted: One English and two bi-lingual for Separate School. Quote qualifications. APPLY to J. Nadeau, Secretary Treas. urer, P.O. Box 66, Spragge, Ont, TRAVEL FORMA Bound - See Virginia from central point, Monticello, Jamestown rooms 54.00, Trailers 51.00. Special Unies. on, lxleVirgrailer Park, U.S. 15, Fork ISSUE 34 — 1959 MAKE EXTRA MONEY In your spare time. It's easy to make all kinds of extra money for the luxuries you want. Show your friends our, line' of. Christmas Cards, Gifts, Stationery and Decorations. Write today for our free catalogue and samples on approval. A 'lovely men's or ladles'. hair brush 'with every inquiry free. ' BELLEFAIR GREETING CARD CO. 305 King St. East, Toronto • SLEEP TO -NIGHT AND RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS A 1DAi' TO-MORROWI BEDICIN tablets taken according to directions Is a safe way to induce sleep sr quiet the nerves when tense. BEDICIN' $1'00-$4.96 Drug Storer Oely1 Corner Say t, Wellington Sts., Toronto, Ont. Tel.: EMplra.2-2911 {RANCHES' AT: Ilolifax • 10101 lob • (Mhos lteelrea! • Menlo • WIenips4 • Dire glee Tdenaver P(easwn'0 lS a thirty ca((ed Ocean Jrave,C Ar sea with Cunard tomorrow . , , new lands, new faces and old friends only a few enchanting clays away. For the most delightful, most relaxing way of making your holiday dreams coin true, nothing 010 surpass the - thrill of a Cunard ocean voyage to Europe or a. sunlit cruise to far-off lands. Wherever you go, whenever you tr:wcl with Cunard, all pleasures take en new, exciting dimensions. Luxurious staterooms . . . out- standing service . entertainment to suit every taste , .. in short, the perfect setting for a holiday you will never forget! See Your Local Agent— No One Can Serve You Better, geltag*e i '71 t ° tic -Rau J a9 U N A""'1L G-_.1®.. ,F.1laN«