HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-08-20, Page 5THE SDAF ORTH NEWS—Thursday, ,August 20, 1950 1/111111111111 1111111,11111111 1111111!111111111111111,11111111111 11/1111110111111,11111111111111111111 11111111111111,11111111111/, Smith's Superior rood Market SPECIALS TERMS, P1 i, SAT., 20-21.22 KELLOGGS RICE KRISPIES 2" o pkg (SAVE 4o) STOKELY'S TOMATO JUICE, 48 oz tin 29c PILLSBURY PINEAPPLE - LEMON ANGEL MIX 47c (SAVE 12c) Canada Packers Snowflake SHORTENING 2 lb. for 49c' (SAVE 100) SHEDD'S SALAD DRESSING 32 oz jar ,. 59c (SAVE 6c) GARDEN PATCH TENDER PEAS 2 tins 29c PILLSBURY Buttermilk Pancake ....2 pkgs. 29c (SAVE 9c) PION 12 WE DELIVER n4111114,111111011111411,OINI11l llll11,1111111,111111111110p111u1111111!1111,1Ig11111111111111141,111111llllll 1111111111111111P ST. COLUMBAN Maurice Malady and Jack Mel- ady are on a trip through the western States and Canada. Mr. Mark Hopson and children, Dolgeville, N.Y., with Mrs. Mary McQuaid and other relatives. - Mr, and Mrs. Jack Lane and children at Rosland Lake, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Leary, London, with Mr. and Mrs. John Coyne. Peter Maloney, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Rowland and fanrily, Waterloo, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIver. Miss Carol Melady, Detroit, with Miss Mary Melady, Miss Anne Marie McMillan, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Will - lam McMillan. ♦ • • *HALE or •A SptE Of •SUPREME QUALITY BAKEWARE SAVINGS 'GALORE! BEST VALUE EVER•O.FFERED SILLIE:i PLUMBING HARDWARE , QUALITY HEATING PHONE 56 "SERVICE TOWN TOPIOS rs,l -, LI, Graeey of Vencony, er, 13.0„ Is spending her holiday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Secord alcBrieu, Hullett township, Mr. Joseph Robinson and Ml1s, Marion Robinson of Rosemead, California, were visitors Wednes- day afternoon with the Misses Seip. 11tr. Robinson was tourmer- ly in the Dominion Bank hero and is now in a bank in Califor- nia, He is a eon of Fred Robin - awl. They came by plane to De - trait and returned to London on Wednesday to visit Walter Rob- inson who is in. hospital. Master flan Halley .spent sever- al days last week et the home of Mr, and Mre. Jack Tebbutt, God- erich township. Visitors at hie home of Mr. and Mrs, George Addison, James St„ on Tuesday were Miss Norma, Wallis sot Simooe and MT, Nor- man Snyder ,of Woodstock, and en Friday Mr. land Mrs. Lew Tebbutt and Mr, Hamilton, ,ot Seaforth, and Mrs. Martha' Shine of Kingston and Mrs, Robert Moffat of Atikokan, Ont, arr. and Mrs: Walter Plum and Mr. and Mrs, William Kibler of Girard, Pa„ were guests sat Mi. and Mrs. Wallace Ross and fam- ily last week. Mr, and alas, Garnet Stockwell and family are holidaying at Ot- tawa. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Condron and family have returned to Chi- cago after visiting Messrs. Ken and Jos: Murray, 114r, sand Mrs. Thos. Murray of Chicago .and Mr, Frank Killoran of Stratford visited Ken and Jos. Murray. Miss Maureen Kelly has return- ed to Willowdale ,.after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Devereaux. Mrs, (Mahlon Sander of Zurich Is a patient in Clinton- public hospital, .having undergone a ma- ior operation. 1Dr. F. -Harburn has returned home from a two months' visit to Carberry and Flin Flan, Man. Mr. and Mrs, George Pinder and family •of Welland were vis- itors lest week of Mir. and Mrs. Irvin Trewartha and Dr. Har- burn. Mr. and airs. J. J. Cleary are visiting with their daughter and son-in-law, Dr, and Mfrs. L. Mat- thews in Detrolt. Mr. and Mrs. L. Fleming and family are spending a few 'days this week with relatives in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Edward McIver, Kathy ,and Mark, were week -end visitors of Mrs. Henry Mcbver. Min. Velma Kelland has re- -turned home from St'. ' JosePlti'ss Hospital, ,London. Mr. and ,Mrs, Arnold Storey, Dorchester, are holidaying with relatives. Mr. and ,Mrs. Ken Doig and Family .moved •this, week from their home on Goderich street west to Byron, Ont. • Miss McLeod, RN., of New York,. is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. E. Southgate, Sr. Mr, sand Mrs. Frank Bingham, 'Hamilton, spent a few days last week with MTs, Ross Sproat. Miss Davina Anderson is spen- ding two weeks' vacahion with Rev. and MTs. D. Glenn Campbell at Hamilton and Mr. .and Mrs.. Ralph McFadden at Burlington. She will attend the Morton-Mc- Fadden orton Mc- Fadden wedding on Saturday. Mr. George Earle has returned after holidaying in Ottawa. Dr. and Mrs. J. 1C. MacLennan and family are holidaying in the Muskoka district. Misses Gloria Blue, Betty (Blue And Faye Blue, and Mr. L. Nic- •olle of .Palmerston and .Mr. Roddy Doig sans spending two weeks' vacation at Prince Edward Iei- and COMPLETELY GRANULAR—NO DUST NEW DRILLING PRECISION The controlled -particle size of SUPER FLOW—no dust or oversize ,granules- gives you new accuracy and ease of application. SUPER FLOW ruins evenly and freely—no drill clogging and skip- ping. This uniform distribution. of fer- tilizer gives you more even crops— higher yield. NO`'OGST r, ,rE .'. SUPER FLOW is completely dustless easier to handle . especially on windy days. ALWAYS FLOWS` FREELY Completely, granular, oven dried to re- move excess moisture, SUPER FLOW contains no dust to harden into lumps. SUPER FLOW Superphosphate Superphosphate is now available in SUPER FLOW precision granulated qudiify. Smooth flowing makes spreading easier, more convenient. see your C -I -L or NATIONAL FERTILIZER DEALER you get more for your money with SUPER FLOW, , NORTH MoKILLOP Xr. John IIigtner,. 'tlra, 'Petty Schaeffer and -Mian Anne ltlstnor spent Sunday. with. Mr. awl Ml's. Joseph Thornton, Hasten David Wildfong had tonails'removed lsuet week at the Seatorth hospital, Mr, and Mrs. William Durst and Bill of Wroxeter spent. Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs, EJB Reg- ale. Mr•. and Mips, Fareld Metalluin .and Paul, Ronald and Marion spent Sunday at Formosa. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Burns of Dublin spent ,Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thorn - tan, Miss Joyce MoNiollol is holid- aying with ter aunt, Mas. Tom Petley and Mr. Pettey of Landon, ,Miss Muriel Glanville of Cred- iton sand Master 1Peul McCallum of Walton are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Regele, BRODHAGEN Visitors with MT, and 'Mrs George and Ivan Eickmeir• were: Mrs, Milton Eiokmelr, Roger and Gary, of Detroit. Roger and Gary remained for some holidays, Mr. end Mrs. Lawrence ,tock of Detroit at the same home, Mrs. Campbell or Victoria, B.C., with her sister, Mrs. Ed, Scher - broth and Mr. Soherbarth and ether relatives. Master Ross Townsend of Tavistock with his grandparents, Mr. and Mars, Ed. Scherbarth. Roger Shalc1ice is attending Intermediate Boys Canup et Edge - wood Park, Eden Mills, for two weeks, Master Bruce Milner of Gait is ,holidaying at the Home of Marie, John and Martin Meyer. MT. and Mrs. Herald Dittmar and family visited his smother, Mrs. Mary Dittmer. Mr. and Ma's. Wilbur Hloegy et - tended a wedding do Detroit re- cently. Mr. and Mrs, Lavern Wolfe at- tended scemetery decoration ser- vices at Seebach's Hill Lutheran Ohuroh on Sunday. Mr. Wayne Beuernian of Lon- don with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuermann for the week end, Mfrs, Albert Querengesser ac- companied Mr. and Mre. Don Stauck sof (Kitchener• to Lake Pa- prineau visiting her daughter, Ma's. Arbuckle sand Rev. 'Jno. Ar- buckle at their cottage'there. MT. and Mrs-. Jim Simmons 1of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam S. Riehl. Mr. and Mrs. George • Mogk, Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Weitzel and Mr. and Mrs. Carman Mogk with Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hinz at ,Guelph on Sunday. NIr. and Mrs, Orval Whitfield and Margaret and Tom McClellan of St. Catharines with MT, and Mars. Russell :Sholdice. blas, Russell Shaldice and Bev- erley everley and Roger, MTs. W. L. Que- rengesser uarengessera000mpan4ecir by Mrs. Carrl Sohellenberger 'and, Neil of Mitchell, in Guelph and Eden Mills ,on. Sunday. Roger end Neil remained alt Edgewood Camp. Members of the Luther League held a picnic at Ipperwash Beach on Sunday. •Cemetery decoration; services are tobe held atSt.Pet's Lu- theran - e u theran Church en Sunday after- noon at 2.30. Rev. Paul Fischer of Zurich will be guest speaker. ' A stag party was held in the community hall on Saturday night for Donald Wolfe prior to his marriage. He was presented with an occasional chair and a magazine rack. Ion Friday evening a shower was held in the community hall here for Mr, and Mrs. Robert Weitzel (Nancy Mogk) newly- weds. The address was tread by Mrs. Ross Leonhardt and written by Mrs. Fred Herberlt. They were Presented with a ,chesterfield and chair, end tables and coffee table. Mrs. Wilfred Fink of Rostook read the address :anti Mr, Fink made the presentation from Ros- tock ttriends..Dancing was enjoy- ed with hanaic by Sippel's orch- estra of Tavistock. Lunch was served, A. second dance was held in the new scomrnunity hall with a good attendance with another one to be held next Tuesday. ,Mrs. Marry Wessman of Toxon to Is visiting doer sister -an -law, Mrs, Ad. Pfeifer. Mr. and Mrs. Daiton Hinz and Gerald, accompanied their dau- ghter, Mrs. sGlen Blackman and M. Brickman and Barry to the latter% home at Brampton en Saturday and on to visit the for- mer•'s son, Mr. and Mas. Kenneth Hinz at St. Catharines on Sun- day. ' Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Buuck and Rose Eva with Mr. and Mrs. Martin -Busick and David of Mil- verton .with the former's sister, Gertrude Buuok at Plainaviile, near Rice Lake, for the week end. Mr. and Mfrs. Mannel Beuer- mann ami Mr. and WITS. Wilfred Ahrens at Fanshawe Dam and with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Bach at. Thamesford on Sunday. Ray Seanewi.es of J,'nndon at his home. (Mrs. Vin Dittmser, 'wan; Don and. Susan of Montreal and Mrs. Boyd of Toronto who are vacat- , tioning at Point Clarke visited Mrs. Mary Dittmer en Monday, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Leonhardt, Kim :and Kathy, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Hamm at Blyth on Sunday. Miss Rose . Eva Bun* .is holi- daying with her brother, Mm, and Mas, Martin Buuck, Milverton, this week, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Menne- Vies attended the lnaririage of their greed daughter, Marlene Bennewies of Mitchell In liatch- ener r=ecently. WALTON The W.A. of DuIf's Milted Church niet at Mrs, Wilbur burn bull's onThursday.' afternoon with Mt ., Kea ,McDonald presid- Ing, The seei'etary's and treasur er's reports wore seal by Mrs Ronald Sennett, The following committees were named to look atter the Variety Auotiou to be held on Sept. 4th 4n Gordon Mc• Gavin's shed across from the church Lunob booth Mrs. Harold Bol ger, loins. Jas. MoDontnid, Mist. Al. vin McDonald, Mrs, Doug Fraser, Bake booth: Mrs. W. Turnbull, Mrs. N, Scheele, with Mrs, T. Dundas as cashier.. Country Store: Mrs, Geo. Wil - Mumma Mrs. H. Craig, Mrs. Roy Wiliiamslon. Green Thumb: Mrs. H. Small - don, Mae. C. Ritchie, Mrs, M. Baan. Household articles and dishes: Mrs. H, Travis, Mrs. E. Stevens, Mrs, Wm. Timmer, Mrs, R. Travis Clothing: Mrs. N. Reid, Mrs, G. McGavinMrs. D. Watson Advertising; Mrs Ron Bennett, Mas. ,E, McCreath, Auctioneer: Frank Kirkby, as- sistant, Campbell Wey, Cashiers, Mrs, A Coutts, Mrs. R. McMichael and Mrs, Doug En - itis. Helpers: Rae Houston, Alvin McDonald. The lunch counter will be ser- ving sandwiches and pie. It was decided to hold the annual fowl supper Wednesday evening, Nov, 41h. The Duff's United Church an- niversary will be hell Sept, 20. The extension cord for the tel- ephone at the manse is to be lett with the :manse oommitbee, The Christmas oaaule will be ordered as usual., The meeting closed with player by Mrs, McDonald. ,Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull was .in change of the VMS meeting, The Big Package Offer, suggested In the July Missionary Monthly will be subscribed tor, also any books needed in the Mission Band. Mrs. R. McMichael was appointed as- sistant stewardship secretary to assist Mrs. H. Kirlkby, The Lords Brayer repeated in .unison closed the ,meeting. Baby Band Meets The W1MS sof Duff's United Chua'ch entertained the Baby. Band and their mothers, taking the term of a picnic on the lawn of Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. Mrs, Herb Travis brought the meet-, ring to order with .the Baby Band prayer and a hymn. . Miss Aud- rey Hackwell read a very inter- esting story entitled "When Tom Hadto be Quietathletes utes of the last 'meeting were read by Mrs. Ron Bennett and.roll was called. Pamphlets and oards were Tres- ented to the members sof the Baby Band, New Band .members were: Jane Elizabeth Muir, Sus- an Gail Murray, Brian Gregory Marks, DebraLynne van Vliet, Barbara Jean Schade, Stanley Brian McClure, Gertrude Helin- ga, Julia Irene McCall, Robert John Rryane, This age grorup graduated into Mission Band and each received a booklet. Bruce McDonald, Lois Williamson, Deb- orah Wey, Gail Searle, Deborah MVloCali, Gail Travis, Lynne Mc- Donald, Sharon Marks, Dianne Fraser, Stephen laholdioe , Tom- my Williamson, . John Leeming, Ronald McCallum, Rickey Cor- lett. .Gordon and Ross Mitchell favored us with a duet and Miss Dianne Lawless recited in song and verse the story of "Henry and the little red wagon. Dianne and'C'araiyn Fraser recited. The following prizes were awarded: The youngest baby .attending the meeting, Bobbie Bryans; mother with the most children present, Mrs. Donald McDonald; child having birthday in December, nearest Christmas, Clayton Fras- er; birthday nearest baby band meeting Susan Humphries. Mrs. H. Travis moved a vote of thanks to Mars. Turnbull tor giving Ilea home for the occasion; to the CGIT members for sending out the invitations :and to .the moth- ers tar bringing theta children to the meeting, The meeting' closed with hymn 613 "Jesus Bids Us Shine." A social half hour was spent on the lawn where lunch was served. Mrs. Muriel Fr•y of Carman, Man., is visiting with her aunt and unole, MT. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter. Mr. and Mrs. 7. D. Gorby have returned to their home at Emer- son, Manitoba, having spent two , weeks with Mr. Ed Davidson and Miss Bessie Davidson, Travelling with then was their daughter, Mrs, Dave Murray and Mr. Mur- ray, Garry .and Susan, of Winni- peg, Manitoba. Miss June Hackwell has retur- ned to. Stratford after spending a three weeks' vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hackwell, 'Mrs. Luella Marshall is hall- dazing with her eon and Baugh- ter -in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall, North Bay. Mi, and Mns. K. Ritchie and Larry of Egmondville visited with Mrs. E.• Ennis on Sunday. MT. and ,Mrs, H. Rutledge and family of London are holidaying with relatives. FEDERATION JT)liwg (By J. Carl Ilemingway) Harvest is proceeding remark- ably well this year and many reading this will already be fin- ished. While reports are not quite as good as last year, (Huron county. farmers can .consider themselves well favored this year. I was talking to Otis 'McGregor, assistant secretary manager sof the Ontario Wheat Producers Marketing Board and the follow- ing information was supplied by him. At the moment the .office of the Wheat Producers lo busy compil- ing the number of bushels delta ereti by producers in the 1968 BROWNIE'S aara :•ti:.��+r CLINTON, ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron county WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY August 19-20-21-22 "AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS" (Color) (Cinexnascope) DAVID NIVEN and All-Star Cast ADMISSION: $1.00 each Children under 12 Free ONE SHOW NIGHTY ONLY commencing at Dusk MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY August 24-25-26 "MAM'ZELLE PIGALLE" (COLOR) (CINEMASCOPE) BRIGITTE BARDOT (One Cartoon) Two Shows Nightly --- Rain First Show at Dusk CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE or Clear orop year. This amount will be divided into the amount of mon- ey remaining from the 9c per bushel equalization -fund and will be returned to the producer at so much a bushel. While the figure Is not yet de- finite it appears certain that at least 4c per bushel will be re- paid to the farmer. This year the demand has been strong and as yet the Board hos not been required to purchase any wheat. The quoted price is on a dif- ferent basis. This year the quot- ed Price at the elevator is subject only to the lc deduction for the Wheat Board and the 9c Eos the equalization fund. Last year the the elevator charges ,of Ia maxim - ;um of 10c were also •deduoted I from the quoted price. For example on August 14th Unites Co -Operatives were bid- ding $1.71 to the elevators far wheat. Thus If the heated .price et your local elevator was $1.64 the operator was getting 7c per bushel for his services and with the deductions off you would re- ceive $1,54. With the, active demand and corresponding fluctuations in the market price the cost of elevator ,services has varied from le to 9c per bus. .averaging about 7c. • Deliveries of wheat .this year are surprising in view of the se- vere winter damage in many areas. Kent and Essex have had a poor year but Lambton, Middle- sex and the eastern counties are going quite well, with harvesting completed somewhat earlier. Reports from the West shave indicated a good Drop until re- cently when a hot airy spell has set in reducing both yield and quality considerably. Mr. McGregor would venture no forecast on prices. While pro- duction in Canada would war- rant an increase in price later, our , exports of Ontario wheat flour are down about one third and with heavy exports from the United States it is doubtful that we can do much to increase our exports this year. Whether you sell now or store for later is a gambler's choice and perhaps this is one of the things that makes farming int- eresting, BLAKE Mr. and Mrs, Russet Beard of Bayfield visited with Mr, Harold Finlay and fancily. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Desch and :family spent last week vasation- ing. in Michigan. Mr. Hughie McBride of Lond- on spent • the weekend with his parents, 11'r. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Bride. DANCE Brodhagen Community Centre Tuesday, Aug. 25 Desjardines Orchestra Admission 60e Proceeds for new hall r FARE AND .Lac I Vat *ie AVIOPTR/R/ Going Tuesday, August 25th 1 to Saturday September 12th, incl. Return limit—September 16th, For fares and train service contact your local agent, APPLICATIONS will be received by the undersigned up to and including Friday, August 28, 1959, for the position of WEIGHMASTER For the Town of Seaforth Duties consist of the operation of the Town of Seaforth Municipal Scales daily: Monday through Friday, irk 8 a 1X1; to 5 p.m. Saturdays — 8'alnilb 12 noon and on other occasions by arrangement REMUNERATION WILL BE AT THE RATE OF FIFTY CENTS PER WEIGH D. H. WILSON Clerk, Town of Seaforth