HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-08-13, Page 8SAVE $4,00 TO $7.50 IN TJ -HS
Sires 141/2 up to 261/2 in this big group of sixty better
grade dresses that are styled and proportioned for slightly
larger women. All are the dressy styles to wear through-
out the whole year, or on any dress -up occasion,
Choose from crepes, sheers, laces and nylon prints in
tailored, sheath, gored or Hared skirts with short or
bracelet length sleeves.
Colors include navy, brown, sand, rose, grey, green, aqua
and black.
Reg. $15.95 Less 25% ' SALE $11.95
Reg. $16.95 Less 25% SALE $12.75
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Reg. $29.95 Less 25% SALE $22.45
SALEThey Last!
Reg, to $10.95
Reg. to $13.95
Reg. to $18.50
Reg. to $22.50
$9. $10. $15.
Chenille Spreads
Full double bed size chenille bed spreads,
with fringe finish.
Plain wavy pattern in rose, aqua, red,
wine and green,
Regular $7.96. Special
f uunnuuunnn11nu111u111111111111111111w llllllllll
The petition asking for a vote for repeal of
the Canada Temperance Act in Huron County
now contains approximately 10,500 signatures.
It is being filed this week with the County
Registrar of Deeds.
We wish to thank all those who helped with
the canvass to secure signatures.
As many people as possible were called on
in the limited time available. We extend sin-
cere apologies to the many qualified voters
whom we were unable to contact. Whether
you signed the petition or not, if you are resi-
dent in Huron County when the vote is held and
are over 21 years of age, you will 138 eligible to
cast your ballot on the C.T.A. question.
, 11,,,,1,1,1„111111,11111
Town of Seaforth
Re Dog Proclamation
In view of the disregard by the general
public of the recent proclamation
issued by the Town Council re the
confinement of dogs, and the fact that
they are not to run at large at any
time, the Council feels that charges
must be laid under this By-law.
Any owner or harborer of a dog who
allows it to run at large can be sum-
moned into court. The fine in a case of
this kind could be $50.00 and costs.
The Council and myself would ask all
citizens concerned to comply with the
laws and avoid the consequences.
B. F. Christie
llBible School d in
The community type summer
which was held
the Hibbert # 6 schoolhouse and
the. Cromarty Presbyterian
Church was concluded on Friday
evening, July 24, in a public pro-
gram presented by the boys and
girls and young people. The pro-
gram which featured Bible mem-
ory drills, stories, recitations,
musical numbers in groups and
a solo, was well attended by par-
ents and friends from the com-
munity. The books and hand-
work used during the two weeks
were exhibited. Average attend-
ance was 119. Total enrolment
132 . 86 young people had per-
fect attendance; 110 were pres-
ent tor 8 days •or more. Mission-
ary ,offering which amounted to
$83.40 will be sent to missionar-
ies in Africa, India, British Gui-
ana, Northern Manitoba and
Care Parcels. Denominations re-
presented were: 'United, Presby-
resbyterian, Anglican, Faith Taber-
nacle, Pentecostal, Dutch Reform-
ed. A..Mennonite and Church of
the Redeemer. This year, for the
first time the teaching staff for
the school was entirely from the
eontinunities and churches serv-
ed by the school. Those serving
were: Rev. S. Kerr, pastor of
Cromarty Presbyterian Church,
Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs. Lammond,
Mrs. C. Christie, Mrs. IC. Mac-
Laren Mrs, Dow, Mrs, M. Chris-
tie, Mrs. Norris, Mrs. E. Kyle,
Mr's T. Sinclair, Mrs. H. „Tones,
Mrs, Alderdice, Mrs, Workman,
Mrs. Finlebeiner, Mrs , MacKay
and Misses June Ross, Ina Jeff-
erson, Marlene Riley, Gladys Mc-
Kinnon, Sharon MoBride, Marg-
aret Jean Russell and Arlene
Hoggarth. These workers repre-
sent such churches as Cromarty
Presbyterian, Chiselhurst, Roy's,
Staffa, Munroe and Kippen Unit-
ed, Exeter Pentecostal and Blake
A. Mennonite. Rev. A. Martin of
Zurich Mennonite Church served
all dldrector .of 8obool, Mrs, T. L.
Soobt as director of :mucic and
Miss June Ross as pianist, The
school which offers oourses for
every school grade from Kinder-
garten through high school was
again a •deoided succeses and
plans are now underway to ap-
point a committee to plan and
.organize a school next year.
Yellow tapers in candelabra
with white :and .yellow gladiolus
and ferns provided the back-
ground on Saturday, Aug. let, at
2,30 o'clock in Staffs United
Churbh, when Norma Alice, dam,
ghter of Mr, and Mrs, Henry Hai,
barn, Staffs, became the bride of
'William Alexander Meikle, son of
Mn. and Mrs. Robert James
Meikle, R.R. 1, Kirkton. Her fa-
ther gave her in marriage, Rev,
A. H. Daynard officiated at the
double ring ceremony, Mas. R. D,
Sadler, Staffa, sang Tho Lord's
Thayer and Bless This House, to
the accompaniment of Mrs, Carl
Douglas of Belmore who also
played traditional wedding ram-
p It. Dotted Swiss nylon over taf•
fetta fashioned the bride's gear.
length gown designed with :a
scalloped neelcline anti cap filesy
es. Flower petals and pearls ac-
cented the bouffant skirt with its
side panels or plain nylon, white
sequins were sprinklpil on her
Ringer till veil of sill: illusion
wbieh fell front a Juliet rap
edged with Pearls: She carried a
I3'ible erected with red roses and
ivy, Miss KathrynI4arburn,
Statla, was her sister's maid of
]honour and her cousin, Mrs. MUT
ray Coward, Exeter and Mrs. Al
Ian Smith, R.R, 3 Zurich, siste1
;of the gloom, were bridesmaids.
They wore cocktail gowns of tur-
quoise silk organza over taffeta
end their matolring headdreases
were sprinkled with seed pearls,
while they carried arrangements
of ,yellow roses and stephanotis,
Julie Ann Elliott, ea lower girl,
wore a laretty frock of yellow ny-
lon over taffeta and carried a
nosegay of stephaneti4 and yel-
low roses. Groomsman was Cor-
yle 'Meikle, R,R. 1 EAvkton, bro-
ther of the groom and ushers
were Dunoa.n Scott and Murray
Coward, Summer flowers Went:
ed the church parlors whore the
wedding dinner and reception
were held with the bride's moth-
er receiving guests from ,Stafla,
Cromarty, Exeter, Hensel], Mit-
chell, Hamilton, Kirkton, Sarnia,
London and Mt. Brydges,. in a
dress of .turquoise brocaded taf-
feta with white accessories. She
was assisted by Mrs. Meikle in a
beige frock with pink and white
accessories. Both wore pink car-
nations and roses in corsage. Ser-
ving the guests were Ma's. Goad -
on Parsons, Misses Mary and
FIelen Barbour, Alice Armstrong,
Jeanette Elliott and Margaret
Hoggarth. Leaving for their trip
to the east coast the bride wore
a white sheath with matching
three-quarter duster, black and
white accessories and a corsage
of red roses. They will reside in
Aliases Shirley and Joyce Mal-
cho of Rostock with their grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Har-
loff for some holidays.
Mrs. Ida Brunner of Sebring-
ville and Mr. and Mrs. I. Haat-
man of Kitchener with MP. and
Mrs. Wm. Diegel recently .
Miss Barbara I3oegy is holi-
daying with her aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mra. •E0 McKenzie .of
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Whitfield
of St Catharines with Mr . and
Mrs. Russell Sholdice on Satur.
Mr. and Mrs. Laube, Jan and
Mary of Toronto with Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Rock.
Master David Schellenberger
of Mitchell holidaying with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Steins of
Detroit with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Besserer
and Mary Ann of Kitchener call-
ed on Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wur-
dell on 'Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Mogk
and girls of at. Thomas with Mr.
and Mrs. Gear Mogk.
Master Marcel Darrel and Dale
Wolfe of Kitchener with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. La-
vern Wolfe this week.
Mr. and MTs. Lavern Wolfe
with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Con-
nolly and Mrs. John ,Hinz Sr.,
The Brodhagen Band and Mai-
•orettes took part in the Band
Tattoo at the Teeswater 020
Boys Reunion Monday evening.
A very large crowd attended
the first dance in the newly er-
ected comanunity hall last week.
Another dance was planned for
Aug. llth.
A student of Waterloo Semin.
cry was in charge of the service
at St. Peter's Lutheran Church
The Mitchell band stand has
been purchased by the Brodhag-
en Band and located on the new
Community Park here, Co-opera-
tion by the band members and
community is necessary to make
good use of the hand stand and
we will be looking forward to
many' concerts.
Recently mothers and their
children who are interested in
taking piano lessons met in the
church basement to interview a
music teacher, Miss Audrey El-
aine Priestap of Mitchell. Twen-
ty children registered and lessons.
begin in S'eptem'ber on Wednes-
day from 4 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. and
Saturday 9 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.;l,
lessons to be given in the church
basement temporarily until the
Brodhagen and District Commun-
ity Hall Is in readiness.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Milton
of Toronto were week -end visit-
ors With. the tatter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 0. Rapson.
Misses Jean and Lynda Noakes
visited during the past week
with 'Mr. and Mt -s. Jack Peebles
in London.
Mm. Geo. 0tterbein of Preston
visited during the past week
with his father, Mr. Wm, Otter-
Mr. and M•rs. Len Noakes and
family spent the past week cam-
ping at Inverhuron.
Mr, and Mrs. A, J. Barnes and
sons of Montreal visited last
week with Mrs. Edna Corbett,
Mm, and Mrs, Ed Corbett and
Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Snow and
family of Thames Road were re-
cent visitors with Mr, and Idlrs,
Lorne Lukei',
Ms -s. H. MoM,urtrje is holiday
dug with her sister, Mra. Ann
Hopkins in X41ilsdsle,
Ma•. and Mrs. Clayton Roselle
and family spent the week -end et
their cottage at Inverhuron,
Miss Gwen Chapman of Lon
don iapent the week -end with her
•parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
MacLaren Letter
To the OWRC
Partial text of the MaoL• area
proposal for the Seaforth sewer:
The proposed pumping station
will discharge into the tlpstrean
enol of an existing sewer and
should help to improve P011(1100218
in this sewer by increasing they
flew therein, If desired at some
later date, the flow from these
proposed sowers can be routed
through a now low level sewer
which will be required to serve
the low lying area in the easter•
ly part of the Town. Durittg.ear1-
ier discussions with the Sewer-
age Committee, we suggested that
a prefabricated pumping station
would be suitable for this instal-
•lation and would also be the
most economical. However, it is
our opinion that a more realistic
estimate of the installed cost of
such a pumping station is $16,000
rather than the $5000 contained
in Dr. Turnbull's letter, and that
in addition, an allowance of $3,-
000 ,for •a force main from this
pumping station to the existing
sewer must be made.
In discussing this whole prob-
lem with your Mr, L. Owers, he
requested that we give some con-
sideration to improving the de-
gree of treatment of the sewage.
In our report of June 1968 we
recommended that the present
plant be abandoned and that a
pumping station and force main
be provided to convey the sew-
age to a lagoon to be construct-
ed about one half utile from the
existing plant site. We still rec-
ommend this as the best solution
to the problem. However. as it is
apparently economically impos
sible for the Town to proceed
with this we offer the following
alternative solution:
The existing plant consists of
a manually cleaned screen, grits
channels, settling tank and chlor-
ine retention pond, and the solids
from the Settling tank are dispos-
ed of by drying •on beds within
the plant site.
We suggest that the settling
tank be altered and added to and
converted to a total .oxidation
plant, and that the chlorine pond
be abandoned. We estimate the
cost of this work to be $20,000.
The converted plant would then
Provide complete treatment for a
loading of 100 lbs. of live -day
B.O.D. per day, which under nor-
mal conditions is approximately
equivalent to the flow from a po-
pulation of 600 persons. If the
present i9opulation is converted
as suggested ,then it is mecom-
mended that when the additional
capacity is required, 14 be prov-
ided by another total oxidation
plant in parallel to the existing
works, or by the addition of a
primary tank to convert the
plant to a normal activated
sludge plant. The later alterna-
tive would require facilities for
the treatment .and 'disposal of the
sludge. -
Preliminary estimate indicates
that the wastes from the approx-
mately one hundred house con-
nections contemplated in the pre-
sent proposals together with the
hospital and the existing con-
nections will approximately equal
the capacity of the converted
plant. This may necessitate the
deletion of some of the current-
ly proposed connections.
2 Holstein cows due Sept. 1st, and
60 little pigs. Paul Vogels, Dublin RR 2.
Phone 86r11
A girls bicycle PSAe 84 Seaforth
24 pigs ready to wean. Francis Hick-
nell,64x11 Dublin
Very modern 4 bedroom home on pav-
ed street, three blocks from post office,
reasonable down payment, balance on
monthly Payments.
100 acre farm in Hullett township 0
miles from highway, 3 large barns,
modern house, 95 acres of workable
Land, silo and other buildings. Every-
thing in excellent repair.
Other farms, business properties and
hake frontage.
Real Estate Broker
40 Wellesley St., Goderich.
Salesman, Jos. McConnell
phone 266 Seaforth
For the construction and repair of
Elligson Drain according to Engineers
specifications will be received until fore-
noon, August 22nd.
6680 lineal feet open drain, excavat-
ing and levelling material on new and
old spoil bank and filling in part of old
9620 lineal feet of 14, 10, 8, 6 inch
tile and pipe to dig, lay and backfill,
also catch basins and fie1d. stone Pro-
Township to supply the and pipewith-
in approximately one and a half .tulles
of work.
Contractor to have Workman's Com.
pensation Insurance, a marked chem],
for ten per cent, with a minimum of
$100.00 to accompany tender.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily
Tender to state when work will be
Plan, profile and specifications may
be seen at the Clerk's office.
J. M. EC1ERT, Clerk,
McKillop Twp.
R.R.1 Seaforth, Ont.
Goderich at. west, well main-
tained home in good location, 011
heat, modern kitchen, Phone
118w, Mrs. F. W. Wigg
Wallace -At Scott Memorial Hospital
on July 20th, to Mr. and Mrs, Laverne
Wallace, Cromarty, a daughter
Pryce-At Scott Memorial I•laspital on
August 6th, to Mr, and Mrs. Harrold
Pryee, 1LR 1 Senfor'th, a son
Haney -At Scott Memorial Hospital,
on August loth, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Haney, RR 4 Seaforth, a daughter
Forbes --To Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Forbes (Gladys Hopper) of Kit-
chener, Ont., on August 1st, the
gift of a son,
Watch Repair
at Savauges
Fred H. Savauge
I wish to express my sincere thanks
to all these whoremembered me with
crds, flowers, and gifts while, a Pat.
lent 111 Clinton Hospital, Specinl thanks
to the Women's Association and the
Choir of Irudefield United Churelr, and
to Rev, and Mrs. Davison, to Dr. J, CI
Goddard, Dr. W. Oakes, my special
nurses No. E. McLean, Miss Kay El-
liott anti Mrs. Livermore,
iwnx rionosNEo
The Catholio Women's Lenyve of St.
Columban parish wish to thank nil those
who attended, donated and helped in
any way, at our Summer Carnival on
July 22nd.
Mrs. Bob Hulley Jr., wishes to thank
all her friends and relatives for the
treats, cards, gifts and visits while she
was in Scott Memorial Hospital, also
the (lectors et the Clinic and the nurses.
Wanted, u capable middle aged woman
to help in a home with two adults:,to
live in. Phone 21113-7419 Clinton
Custom combining with 12' Massey,
Price reasonable: Phone Lyle Mont-
gomery, 860181 Seaforth
A house for family of seven with
modern conveniences. Lee Fawn, phone
649118... HONEY FOR SALE
Now pouring fresh clover honey
25e a lb. in your own containers.
Wallace Ross Apiaries
Also 1 Ib. comb honey sections 50e..
Wanted, a man to do a ditching
job. Leave name at News Office
Sign painting, skow cards. Gar
Baker, Seaforth, Goderich st. E.
Auction Sale
Of Household Effects. Will be
held on Saturday, August 15th, at
one o'clock. Located two blocks
north of main intersection, If'wea-
ther is unsuitable sale will be
held in the Seaforth Community
Centre, 24" Moffatt electric stove.
11 cubic foot Frigidaire with 60
pound freezing chest . Full bed
room suite with box spring mat-
tress. Connor washing machine.
2 continental beds, box springs
and mattress, headrests. Din
ing room suite, 6 chairs, table and
buffet. Singer sewing machine. 3
piece Kroehler chesterfield suite
custom made. Rogers Majestic
TV 17" screen with table. 4
chrome kitchen chairs, walnut
hall tree, rug 9'x6`. Johnson floor
polisher. ICroehler rocker, lazy
boy chair with footstool, heavy
rocker, studio couch, lamps, ches-
terfield and coffee tables, mats,
full line of garden and carpenter's
tools; heavy work bench wired
for saw. Outside sun cot with
mattress, lawn chairs, electric
stove suitable for cottage. Many
other items too numerous to.
mention.. Harold Jackson, Aunt.
E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Harold O.
Free, Proprietor
Approximately 74 acre of land situ-
ated at Pt. lot 16, Concession 1 L,R.S.,
Township of Tuckersmith on the east
side of Highway #4 in the Hamlet of
Sale will be .held on the property at
2.00 P.M. D.S.T. Thursday, August
20th, 1959,
TERMS. 5100,00 cash or certified
cheque at the time of the sale, balance
payable within 30 days.
Further informationmay be obtained
The Department of Highways,
336 Saskatoon street,
London, Ontario.
Telephone: GL -1-8460
The Auctioneer,
Mr. Harold Jackson,
Seaforth, Ontario..
Telephone: 474 Seaforth
Sale subject to reserve bid
Department of Highways -
Tenders Repair
To Floor
Tenders will be received
by the under -signed until
5.00 P.M., August 17, 1959,
for the repairing of the floor
in the County Registry Of
All details and specifica-
tions may be received from
the under -signed.
Your tender is to be sub-
mitted in a sealed envelope
clearly marked.
John G. Berry
Clerk -Treasurer
County of Huron
Goderich, Ontario
Clerk -Typist
Applications will be re-
ceived in writing by the und-
ersigned until' 5 P.M. Aug-
ust 14, 1959, for the ;position
of Clerk -Typist in the Huron
County Library Office.
Please state education, ex-
perience and references.
Starting salary $1800.00
per annum.
5. G. Berry, Secretary
Huron County Library Board
Court house, Goderich, Ont.
Thursday, August 18, 1969
Funeral Service
Prompt and Careful Attention
Hospital Bed
Flowers for all occasions
Phones: Day 43 Night 695W
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 90 Seaforth
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 6-W Seaforth
0. A. MoMaeter, B.A., M.D., lateral*
P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon
Office Hours, 1 pm. to 6 p.m., daily
except Wednesday and sandal
Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sao
urday only 7-9 p.m.
Appointments made in advance sire
W. R. BRYANS,'D.V.M., V.S.
W. G. DRENNA'N. D.V.M., V.S.
Phone 105 Seaforth
JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist
Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth
Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 1 t0•
5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur
by appointment only. Clinton HU -2.7010.
above Hawkiae' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 6.0'
• Fire
• Auto
• Accident
• Liability
• Weather
Complete Coverages
W. E. Southgate
Phone 834. Res, 640
'blue coal'
Phone 573 or 332-R
Office Phone 784 - Res. 206
We_write all lines of
Fire Auto Wind
Liability& Life
Successor to
Phone 214 Seaforth
Manufacturers Life Insurance
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.
Officers President, Robert Archibald,.
Seaforth; Vice Pres., Allister Broadfoot,
Seaforth ; Sec.-Treas., W. E. Southgate,.
Directors -E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;
J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris Loonhardt,
Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth;:
John H. McEwing, Blyth; Win, S. Alex-
ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich;
J. D. Pepper, Brucefield;. Allister Broad -
foot, Seaforth.
Agents- William Leiper, Jr., Londes-
born; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn.
Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clin-
ton; James Keys, Seaforth.
Footwear Service, Seaforth.
Shoes repaired. For Sale - Men's.
& Boys & children's footwear. It
is our business to give comfort
and save you money
"Where Better Bulls Are Used"
Artificial Breeding Service. Oast low.
Efficiency High
Disease controltea. Safety. All Breeds of
Cattle: use of the best of bulls. Mem-
ber owned and controlled.
For service or more information phone -
Clinton HU 2-3441 or for long distance
Clinton Zenith 9-5650 between: 7.30 and
9.80 A.M. week days; 6 and s P.M. Sat-
urday evenings.
Calle received on Saturday evening
will be serviced on Sunday morning. For
caws in heat on Sunday morning, do not
call until Monday morning.
Bette,- Cattle For Better Living
OTuckeremith : owvnship Municipal dump
will be opened from. 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on
Wednesday and Saturday afternoons un-
til further notice
E. P. Chesney. Clerk.
See your authorized dealer for
district of Seaforth, Dublin and
Clinton for 'Viking Cream Separ-
ators and Viking Mincing .lidach
Ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith
and Welding Shop, Brucefleld.
We specialize in Diesel Fuel
and Farm Lubricants
Phone 686w Phone 190
Seaforth Goderich
Hudson Sterling
Phone 47
4' DORIS `4
Beauty, Salon
Main St., Seaforth
Phone 373