HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-08-13, Page 5TI -IE SEAP'OETI-I NEWS—Thursday, August 13, 1959 i Itlllll,"1,111111, 1 111,1,1111"11111111111„111„111,11a 1.,111,11,11111,1A1 1 1111,1,,,1111„11111„1,1,11„1,a1111a11,111111e�1� Smith's Superior Food Market SPECIALS THUR.S,I' RI. SAT,, AUGUST 13-1446 JEWEL SHORTENING 11b. pk. 2'7c SALADA ORANGE PEKOE TEA 60's 73c MIRACLE WHIP, 32 oz5cQ .. ,, n7 � c 48 oz. CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE .. 23c SAICO FANCY WHITER "TUNA 7 oz tin .355 c ELI. MAR PEANUT BUTTER .... 16 oz jar 35c AYLMER CHOICE CREAM, STYLE CORN 2 15 oz tins 25c GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE 2 lbs. 49c A L LE N'S APPLE JUICE ....2, 20 -oz tins 29c FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES DAILY PHONE 12 WE DELIVER 111111"11,1ItI1111,W n11t11nm11nl1,l Yll,l,.lultllnllltn,,,,, 11n1111111,,,1t„In1n111",11n11n1o11,1111„1,111111111,11. Our Twentieth Serving Seaforth and District SHOE REPAIRING — Prompt service or while you watch. Miltonian Polishes in all shades. Shoe laces in colors. Urethane Top Lifts for spike heels, do not spread or chip or fray. SUNBEAM BOY PROOF OXFORDS for tough wear. Sizes 31/2. to 8. PLAY PALS FOR CHILDREN FOR SALE — Men's and Boys Oxfords Official Boy Scout Oxfords, sizes 31/2 to 8 QUALITY MEN'S & BOYS WORK BOOTS Jack Thompson FOOTWEAR SERVICE NORTHEAST SIDE OF MAIN ST., SEAFORTH It isour business to give comfort and save you money COUPON VALUE $1.00 Valid until August 22, 1969 on purchase over $5.00 Your signature 1 `Fine ...I'll send them right home” Welcome words at meal -time! Usually a phone call or two among the neigh- bours rounds them up. How many cold meals and frayed tempers and moments of uneasiness have you been spared be- cause your telephone was handy $... How many ,rsman-hunts"when'small ones have wandered off? The telephone helps mdkeameighbourly commu- nity—helps us all to live more securely, to get more things done, more easily. Yes, your telephone is a wonderfully low-cost, wonderfully efficient servant. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA TOWN TOPICS Prey. Constable and ;vire, John McDowell and son the o11 a Month's camping trip in North- ern Ontario. Mr and Mrs. Jack Eisler Jr.,. Cindy and Gary and Mr. owl Mrs. Bedford 1)uugey and Brenda spent the past week at WaSega Beach and visited with lir, and Mrs, James Hogg, Oollingwood. John Van Rooijen 11as aaceePted a p0sWon in the Toronto-Domin- 504 Bank. :Philip Baldwin returned home on Monday after spending six weeks 'at Dryden, Out; Mr, and Mrs. J. G•rummett spent last week at Kincardine Beach. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mirth of Cookstown. Mrs. Margaret Hutton, Kincas. dine, will observe her 91st birth- day on :Saturday, She is the mo. ther of Mrs. J. Grummett. Resent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Jahn Kellar were her broth- er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mars. Wirt Linger, Richard and Aron, and Mrs. Harry Harris, ell of West Virginia. Mrs A. B. Mick accompanied them here' to spend the summer with her daughter. Mr, 'and Mrs. Art Wright, Don- ald and 'Douglas, hove returned' home from a'vaoatfon lin :the western provinces and Banff. Mr, and Mrs. John Gallop, Tor- onto, are visiting an town. Mr. and 'Mrs, Charles Case and family, Streetsvllle, were week end visitors with Mrs, E. C, Case. Mr. and Mrs, James IKelly and Mary Margaret spent holidays at lvridland last week. Miss Donelda Adams who is. holidaying In the Western Prov- inces rowinces is at present the guest 02 her brother and sister-in-law, Cpl. and Mrs, K. T. Adams and eonipnseg, ,,Gerald nand Michael, in Win- , Mrs, Christens Rowland and Mrs. Duncan, Toronto, are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Flynn. Mr. :and Mrs. Neville McMillan and children, Pickering, are hol- idaying with 'Mr. and Mrs, J. M. McMillian. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rivers spent two weeks at Wasaga. Mr, and Mrs. W. Oleery, Lon- don, were visitors of Mr.. and Mrs. W. J. Cleary. Mrs F. J. Bechely is spending two weeks :at her cottage at Hay- field. ayfield. Mr, and Mss. 'Michael Bech- ely, Toronto, 'are visiting his mother. Seaforth Highlanders Band at- tended the rarest band tattoo on Wednesday evening. Mr: Peter 'McIver ds holidaying at Ste. Anne de Beaupre this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Morris, Tildsonburg, accompanied him. Mr. and Mrs. 'Earle Hawley are spending” a couple of weeks In London. Mrs. J. M. Doyle of Dorchester has returned Biome after visiting with relatives and friends. Mrs. A. G. Kinnear and two sons, Wayne and Paul of St. Oa. therines are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baker. Mr: Gerald Jordan, Sarnia, •spen•t last week with his 'aunt, Mrs. Jean Fortune, Mr. John Weber, Toronto, is visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson • and family .have returned from Eugenia Palls where they spent their vacation. Mr. and Mss. Lawrence- Har - back, Kitchener, were week end visitors of Mr. •and.Airs. Clarence Malone. . STAFFA The regular meeting of the Staffs, W.I. was held in Staffa hall with a good attendance. The roll call was answered by a hob- by for the farm woman. Mas. Lloyd Sorsdahl and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, oonveners, had charge of the topic, Agriculture and -Can- adian • Industries, and the .motto, If you plant a seed of character in the home, it will bloom in the community. Plans were made for a family .picnic to be .held in Seeforth the 26th of August; sports to start at (three and sup- per et five o'clock. Current ev- ents prepared 1by. Mrs. Ross 'Smale were given by Mrs. Sam Norrie. Mrs. Art Kemp and Mrs. John Templeman conducted a couple of contests on Canada and "music. Household 'hints were giv- en by Mss, Jehn Drake. A short report on the Institute,rally held do Stratford was given by Mrs. Tom Laing. Mies Romona Wor- den one of the 4=H girds demon- strated on tablecentres for the different seasons of the year, which we all enjoyed. HULLETT BURNS' . CHURCH PICNIC On Tuesday, July 28, a ,very successful picnic was bald at Lions Park, :Seaforth, The wea- ther was Ideal and sports were keenly contested. Boys, 5 yrs. and under, Gerald Riley, Larry Flynn; girls, 5 yrs. and under, Joan Hewett, Jeanette Riley; boys 6-8 yrs., Barry MacDougald, Donald' McGregor; .girls 6-8 yrs., Colleen Bell, Connie Hlowath; boys 9-11, David Riley, Bruce Hurley; girls 9-11, Jane Alblas, Joan Moon; boys 12-14, Alec Mc - Ewing, :Brian Bell; girls 12.14, Bonnie Hall, Joyce Roe; young ladies, Nancy Caldwell; young men, Carman Riley, Douglas Bell, married ladies, Mrs. Jim Howatt, Mrs. Hugh Flynn; married men, Jack McDening, Jim McBwing; oldest lady, Miss Martha Leiper; oldest man, Rev. Funge; football in basket, Carman Riley; spot walk, Mary Lou Roe; guessing contest, Mrs. Jack Riley; 8 and under, kick the slipper, Connie Howett; 12 and under, Jane Al - blas, 15 and under, Tommy Riley, young ladies, Mary Lou Roe, men Jim McISwing. There was a peanut scramble for the • child- ren. EGMONDVILLE Recent visitors with, lir. and Mrs, • W111, Seotollmes' were Mr,. and :Mrs. Oliver Yallop alhd son Jim of Islington, Mr. and Alm, James Black and Marilyn of Bel- mont, Mr, and 9435. ,1'hom'as Scotchmer, Jim and Lynn .O2 Guelph. Mr. and'Mrs, Wm. Sootenter were in Bayfield on Friday visit- ing friends, MI'. 'and Mrs, Reg. Joliffee of London and NIr, and Ilirs. Doug. Rec110 of Dublin visited on Tues. day with Mr. land Mrs. Edward Brown. The Vanetone family of Hensen were week end visitors at the same ::home, Mrs. Reg. Clark was a ,reeont visitor with Mrs. R, Dalrymple and Charlie. 11VIrs, Thos. Barton has .moved to Listowel:' IWRIPTY IKIPPRNFITTHe The fourth meeting of the Thrifty ISttppenettes 4-H Garden Club was held at the arcane of Mrs. Rose Chapman on Aug. 3rd, at 8.30 pre.; roll ca1I was enewer- ed by 12 girls. Record books were to be completed by Aug. 6 and taken to either Mss. Chapman's OT 'Mhos. Sinclair's before noon. Achievement Day is to be Aug. 27th at 'Seaforth, District High School. The leaders :gave out the .programs and a sample quiz. Mrs, ,Sinolatr gave a demonstration on trimming vegetables and Jean MoNauglhton t01d the members :now to give reasons when Judg- ing vebetables. There will he an- other meeting to prepare for the demonstration at Achievement Day. Home assignments are: 1. Complete all garden records, 2, second year members complete garden reference file; fret and second Year members epmplete report ,pg garden reference file in, member's pamphlet, 3, Write club story, 4, Complete record book. Meting Closed with. the National A11thepn and 11111011 followed. KIPPEN EAST The Kipper East Women's In. stitute will meet at the home 'of 9105, Robert Gemmell on August 19th at 8.30 p.m, The co -hostess is Mrs, Charles Eyre. This is the home economics program, The roll call, My worst mistake in cooking. The speaker will be Mrs. Lan McAllister. Current events, Mrs. W. Broadfoot and ,poem by 'bars, Arthur Finlayson. Music, Mrs. Robert Gemmell, Lunch committee, Mas. E. White- house, Mrs, William Kyle, Marg- aret McKay and Mrs. Glen Slav- in. tes.pessissists l lllsl nnnllinnlunntnlulnl 1111111111111 Joint Devotional Services First Presbyterian and Northside United Congregations In First Presbyterian Church REV, J. 0, BRITTON Minister lOa,m, Sunday Schools at their respective Churches 11 A.M. "ON VACATION WITH THE BIBLIO" Music, solo, "Down from Ills. Glory” Guest soloist, Mr. Glen Lodge, Goderich, Out, Organist and Choir Leader H. A. IiEMPSTER tom 11n"t11111"11,",1",a1„11111nu1a,",1"111111nu t BROWNIE'S DRIVE -I N LIMITED Oatitecg xv. CLINTON, ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron county THURSDAY AND FRIDAY -- August 13 -, 14 "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" KENNETH MORE (One Cartoon) SATURDAY ONLY — August 15 "FACE OF A FUGITIVE" (Color) FRED MacMURRAY - Elaine McCARTHY 1 STOOGE COMEDY (One Cartoon) MONDAY AND TUESDAY -- August 17- 18 "ROCKETS GALORE" (Color) JEANNIE CARSON DONALD SINDEN (One Cartoon) WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY August 19-20-21-22 "AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS" Two Shows Nightly --- Raiu or Clear First Show at busk CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE for just... ofacent you can cook a serving of bacon and eggs c electrically This is only ONE example of the economy you enjoy when you use electricity. In terms of electric energy, a cent will buy a loti—a lot of comfort, convenience, time- saving efficiency, and a lot of entertain- ment, too. Here are three of the many bargains you can enjoy with just one cent's worth of electricity:* • HYDRO . is yours • Wash two loads of' clothes in an auto- matic ,washer • Watch TV for 41/2, hours + Keep food fresh in an electric refrigera- tor for 17 hours You get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. *Based on average cost to domestic municipal cusleteers in Ontario, LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY