HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-07-30, Page 8FINAL CLEARANCE • TEEN-AGE • MISSES • WOMEN'S, SUMMER DRESSES AT BIG SAVINGS HOUSE FROCKS, SUN DRESSES, STREET DRESSES, PARTY DRESSES, HALF-SIZE DRESSES ALL AT BIG DISCOUNTS SUN DRESSES, 3.95 to 10.95 for. , .. 3.15 to 8.75 Regular to 10.95 DRESSES for 7.00 Regular to 15.95 DRESSES for 10.00 Regular to 25.00 DRESSES for 15.00 Half -Size DRESSES, sizes 141/2 to 261/2 20% off GREAT DRAPERY SALE SAVE 20% TO 50% AND MORE FOR THIS WEER ONLY • SPECIAL TABLE 36" wide Draperies Reg. to 1.25 , . , 79c yd Shorter Ends 48" wide DRAPERIES Values to 3.95 .. 1.00 yd ALL REGULAR DRAPERIES Including Barkcloth Sailcloth, Antique Satins Fortisau in florat, neat or abstract patterns 20% off STEWART BROS. MERRY MAIDENS The third meeting of the Mer- ry Maidens was Held at Mrs. Ross MacGregor's with mothers and Mrs, McAllister present. Achieve- ment Day is to be held on August 27th 'andall books are to be handed in' by August 6th. The next meeting.is to be held at Mrs. Haugh's on August 4th. The vis- its to gardens is to be to mid- August. During discussion Mrs. Whyte outlined the progress of the garden, staking tomatoes, and thinning. Flower arrange- ments in living room and dining room were also discussed and Mrs. 'McAllister demonstrated dif- erent floral designs. Mrs. Whyte told how to prepare and cook ve- getablee-Home assignments are: Prepare and cook vegetables; keep weeds under control; keep record book up to date; start re- ference flies; arrange flowers for dining room table. Por roll call two vegetables of any kind are to be brought to next meeting. A silver rose bowl was presented to Mrs. Whyte for Mary Whyte, a former 4H member prior to her approaching marriage, by Mari- lyn Taylor. Mrs, Whyte thanked the girls on behalf of Mary and showed everyone the gilt. J McKILLOP The VMS and WA of Duff's Church; McKillop entertained the Mission Band and Baby Band members ab their July meeting held at the home of Mrs. Ken Stewart. The WMS president, Mrs. Les Pryce, opened the meet- ing. Mrs. H. Harrison read the Scripture and Mrs. Arnold Scott, Mission Band leader had charge of the program during which life membership pins were pre- sented to Amy Stewart, Donna Gordon and Barbara Scott. After each girl offered prayer the chor- us of a hymn was sung, Mrs, Scott closed with prayer. The business was conducted by the president. It was decided to send Marjorie Smith and Mar- guerite Scott to Alma College. There will be a dutch auction at the August meeting, proceeds to go to the Alma College fund. The WA. president, mixs. R. M. Scott opened the WA meeting anti Scripture was read by Mrs. Ken Stewart. Mrs. David Shan- non read a poem, Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Dalton, leaders of the Mis- sion Band and Baby Band, con- ducted games for the children. 011111,,,111111111111111x,11a1111111 l l 111„11,1„11,11 11,1,11111 n 111,1,1111,111111111,111,111, q 1111,11 N u ll ANNOUNCEMENT Watch this paper for complete listing of articles for sale. Auction will be held Saturday, August 15th, in Seaforth. HAROLD O. FREE Auctioneer, Harold Jackson e1/11111111111111111111111,111111111111111111111111111,1111111 lllllll 11111 llll 1 llll 1111111111111 llllll 1 llllllll lllllllllllll 11 llllllllll 1„11,11111,111,111,11111111111111 x111,1,1,1,,,11111„1,1111111111111111,11,1,1„11,11,111111,111,1,,,11„11 Town of Seaforth - Re Dog Proclamation In view of the disregard by the general public of the, recent proclamation issued by the Town Council re the confinement of dogs, and the fact that they are not to run at large at any time, the Council feels that charges must be laid under this By-law. Any owner or harborer of a dog who allows it to run at large can be sum- moned into. court. The fine in a case of this kind could t he $50.00 and costs. The Council and myself would ask all citizens concerned to comply with the laws and avoid the consequences. B. F. Christie Mayor ST. COLUMBAN More than 800 attended the dressed sham supper sponsored by the Catholic Women's League of St. Columban parish in the parish hall last Wednesday even- ing. An even larger crowd attended the evening program held out- doors on the church lawn, The draw brought duck to Raymond Murray, Seaforth RR 5. Mr. Mur- ray was present as a volunteer worker in one of the booths, and received the keys to the car on the spot. Consolation prizes of $5 each for each 100th ticket drawn went to Mary Catherine Roaeh, Strat- ford; Harald Diegel, Mitchell; Peter Eckert, Dublin RR 1; Alex. Tanner, Stratford; D. J. Cronin, St. Columban; ibIanuel Benet, man, Brodhagen; Gerry Staple- ton, Dublin; John. Soontines, Dublin. Winners of prizes in the penny sale, A. Westcott, Seaforth; Mrs. Mark Miles, •Stratford; Mrs, Eli- zabeth Cronin, Dublin; Caroline Leics, Kitchener; Mrs. William Kinahan, St. Augustine; Rose Doyle, •St. Columban; John Ryan, Mount Carmel; Mrs. Mary Mc- Quaid, Seaforth; Miss alae Can- acari, Stratford; Mrs. Tom But- ters, Dublin; Mrs. William Sta- pleton, Dublin, Mrs. Jack Wells, Dublin; Mrs. A. Westcott, Sea. forth; firs. IL Mcllwain, Sea-” forth. CROMARTY WAADDELL - McOULLOOH Summer flowers decorated the Roy's United Church for the mar - rinse of Helen iRoyetta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Roy Mc- Culloch, Cromarty, to Robert Hackney Waddell, eon. of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D. Waddell, of Fullerton, Rev. A, H. Daynard officiated, Mrs. Elmer Dow, the organist, played traditional wed- ding music, and accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Gerry Hornung, of Stratford, who sang "The Wed- ding Prayer” and "I'll Walk Be. side You.” Given in marriage by her father, the beide wore a gown of silk organza styled with a bo- dice of embroidered dace and a bouffant skirt. Her fingertip veil was 'held by a crown of lace, pearls and sequins, and she car- ried a bouquet of Better Times roses and etephanobie on a white Bible. Miss Lauren Scherbarth, Kitchener, was maid of honor, wearing a ballerina -length gown of rosewood silk organza fash- ioned on princess lines with a full gored e'kirt over crinolines, a lineortrait comngotto a�"1 ” inr back, .A. large bow and a Panel fell from the "V” to the hem. She carried a basket of •Sweethea•1•t roses and stephanotis, Miss Janet Saunders, Windsor, was bridesmaid wear. ing a dress similar to that of the maid of honor and Carrying simi- lar flowers, Bruce Roger, Little. Current, was :best man, and ush- ering were Donald Diokson and Anderson McLean. The church basement, decorated in pink and white, was the setting for ,the re- ception and wedding dinner. For a wedding trip to the New Eng- land States and Nova Scotia, the bride chime a blue dress of figur- ed chiffon with matching duster and white accessories, On their return the couple will reside in Kitohlener, Gules[te attended the wedding from Detroit, 'Windier, Port Credit, Haw)oetolie and List - ower, FEDl7ItdTXQN N1'll•VS (By J, Carl Hemingway) On July 17th a meeting of the members of the Ontario Federa- tion of Agricllhture was held in the ,Seaway Hotel •4n 'T'oron'to, In order to give you an idea of the thinking of these mem- bers I will tl'y to give you an outline of the resolution's, 1, Feed Grain Subsidy (On- tario Poultry Producers A0800111 - Con) Resolved that we, express to O.P.A, members our opposi- tion to the ,removal the freight assistance ,on "Mestern feed grain and that we support' the proposal for sufficient /freight assistance on the movement of eastern feed grains to make the price compet- itive with western grains. The announcement that the freight rates on fresh meats were to be lowered inspired this resolution since this government action places the Eastern produ- cer at a decided disadvantage in the production of .poultry. The question was raised as to how much of this freight rate as- sistance benefited the farmer and how much was retained by the. t1 nod After it was agreed to study this question the resolution, was approved. 2. 'Sale of Calves by Dutch Clock. (zone 4) After a great many of the members had tolyl of their satisfaotory experience with this method of selling it was agreed that it should be con- tinued. 3. Tax on Trailer Dwellings (zone 4), It was agreed that the $120.00 limit on taxation for trailers be removed and that the municipality should be allowed to set the tax proportionate to the cost of servicing these trailer homes. • 4. Deficiency Payments (zone 4) After a great deal o4-discue= sion it was filially agreed that all commodity ,groups, particularly the Hog Producers do all in their power to keep their producers fully informed. 5. Government Financing of Producer Marketing Facilities (zone 4). By this resolution the Government was requested to supply finances for farmer con- trolled processing plants on the same basis as money is made available to :industry through ,the Industrial Development Bank, The highlight of the meeting was an address by Prof, D. 1t, Campbell of the O,A.C. in which he abated that agricultural re- search .has been almost exclusive- ly pre -occupied with "things" ra- ther than with "people"—the far- mers and their families. With hundreds of professional person- nel working on research prob- lems of produotion, there was, he stated, until 1958 only one train- ed rural sociologist working on the problems of the people. HENSALL The annual congregational and Sunday 'Sc'hool •picnic of Chisel hunt United Church was held ad: Seaforth Lions Park on July 21 under ideal weather conditions and attended by S0. At the con- clusion of a delicious picnic sup- per a full line of sports, •directed by Miss June Ross, Miss Dorothy Parker, Mrs. Beatrice Munn and Mervyn Eyre were carried out and much enjoyed. Prize for the oldest person present went to Mrs. :Emily Parker; youngest, Valerie Brier,granddaughter of Mrs. Mae McLellan, Winners as follows: Races, under 6, Ricky Parker, Larry Ferguson; boys 6- 8, Allan Saran's, Don Cole; girls 6-8, Janice Wright, Joyce Fergu- son; girds 9-11, Ruth Ann Cole- man, Bonnie I{ay; boys 12.15, Bob Munn, Doug Upshall• girls 12-15, (Patricia Harris, Dorothy Parker; young ladies, Geraldine Parker, June Munn; young men, Gordon Ross, Mervyn Eyre; lad- ies' kick the slipper, Mrs. Russell Ferguson; men's kick the slipper, Gordon Ross; 3 -legged, under 15, Eric Ross, Bruce Drummond; ov- er 15, Gordon Ross and Wayne Coleman; bursting balloon, 10 under, Ruth Ann Coleman, Jean Cole; egg step. race, Mrs. Rus- sell Brock; hula hoop relay, Bob Munn's side; longest earring, Mrs, Ernie Ross; guessing game, rims, Richard Kinsman. Mrs, ,Edna Corbett visited over Die week end with her daughter and son-in-law, iOlr, and Mrs. Jas. Sangster, .Leo Cronin, Dublin, is report- ed in serious condition at .Scott Memorial Hospital on Wednes- day and Mol ,' v1n Ai c rI econ of the Top Notch staff is also in hospi- tal following a recent motor ac- cident north of Dublin. Demotic/rate United. Church Dr. J. Semple, Minister, Lyle Hammond, organist-ohoir leader. 11 .a.m., ,Guest speaker, Mr. Frank 'Morgan, Sunday School, 10 a,m. 3 Joint Devotional Services First Presbyterian and Northside United Congregations SUNDAY, AUG. 2 at North Side United Church Rev, D. Leslie Elder, Miulater 10am. Sunday Schools at their respective Churches 11 am. "Finding a way out" Music, solo, "The Lord is My Shepherd" James A. Stewart, Soloist SUNDAY, AUG. 9 Services in First Presbyterian Church Minister; Rev, J, C, Britton Organist and Choir Leader H. A. REMPSTER .e1111111111n1111111) 111111111111111III,Ii,111111111111111111 CARD OF THANKS '. I wish to thank all who sent Me Cards, letters, flowers and treats, also those who visited ane while a patient in Stratford Gel- er'ad hospital, Everything is deep- ly appreciated. Mrs, 358, Idenderson. CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this op- portunity to thank all the kind friends who sent cards, flowers, gifts and treats while 5 Was a Pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lond- on; also Dr. Brady, visitors and friends for boxes of fruit and treats since I came home. Sinc- erely,. LILLIAN PEPPER WANTED Wanted, a man to do a ditching Job, Leave name at News Office FARM FOR SALE 109 acre farm in McKillop on county road near village. Excel- lent two story brick house, all modern conveniences. Large bank barn, good stabling, good water supply, well drained. Harold Jack- son, phone 474 Seaforth WANTED TO BUY A quantity of mixed grain, Ap- ply to W. Coleman, phone 652014 11 pigs. Phone 662r12, John Nigh 9' overhead d doom in excellent shape, reasonable, Apply Harold Maloney, Seaforth . TRUCK LETTERING Sign painting, show cards. Gar Baker, Seaforth, Goderich et. 17. WFAllis-Chalme •s tractor com- pletely overhauled and in excel- lent condition. Alden Crich, Tel. HU 2.3237, Clinton. RR 3 Seaforth' Early cooking A pples, Tele- phone 8471'21 FOR SALE Cows and heifers, some Close springers, Dale Nixon, 673r4 225 Red and SussexEpullets, lay- ing, 5 months old. Apply to Alvin. Cole, Cromarty FOR $ALE 26 goodg sucking pigs. Jack Mc- Iver, St. Columban FOR SALE Two modern homes in Seaforth, centrally located. Reasonable' terms. Possession 30 days. 50 acre farm near Seaforth. Water pressure in barn and house, bathroom and furnace. Buildings in excellent shape, all workable land. Will carry mort- gage. Other 100 and 200 acre farms near Seaforth JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley St„ Gadeich, Salesman, Jos. McConnell phone 266 Seaforth 1 child's Fphonogrph with re- cords, in good condition. Phone 490-W after six, Auction- Sale Of Household Effects. Iu the Town of Seaforth, North Main st., on. Saturday, August 8th at 1.80 P.M. Chesterfield and 2 chairs, occasional chairs, open book case, couch, small,tables, Birch bed room suite obed, springs and mattress, dresser, dressing table. 2 bedroom rockers. White bed room chair, felt mattress, 2 fea- ther ticks. Dining room table, 6 windsor style dining room chairs, china cabinet, buffet,' large drop leaf table. end tables. Cabinet radio, RCA -Victor. Wall mirror, pictures. Barrymore carpet (9'4" x 6'9". Goblin vacuum cleaner. Washing machine, 7 cu, ft. West- inghouse refrigerator, two burn- er stove on a stand, one hot plate, window fan. 2 venetian blinds 68" x 34". Painted door 75" x 32". 3 pair drapes, kitchen table and 3 chairs, trunk, table lamp, bridge lamp, flower pots: Odd dishes. Numerous other articles. Terms cash, Prop. Miss Alice Reid. Auot., Harold Jackson. In case of rain sale will be held in community centre. Auction Sale 0f Household Effects. Will be held on Saturday, August 15th, at one o'clock, Located two blocks north of main intersection. If wea- ther is unsuitable sale will be held in the Seaforth Community Centre. 24" Moffatt electric stove. 11 cubic foot Frigidaire with Ell pound freezing chest . Full bed room suite with box spring mat- tress. Connor washing machine. 2 continental beds, box springs and mattress, headrests. Din- ing room suite, 6 chairs, table and. buffet. Singer sewing machine, 3 piece Kr Oehler chesterfield suite Custom made. Rogers Majestic TV 17" screen with table. 4 chrome kitchen chairs, walnut hall tree, rug 9'x6'. Johnson floor polisher. Kroehler rocker, lazy borocker, t h stud ocoucht lamps, lamps, and coffee tables, mats, full line of garden and carpenters. tools; heavy work bench wired for saw. Outside sun cot with mattress, lawn chairs, electric stove suitable for cottage. Many other items too numerous to mention. rrduE.PChesney, Haroldlek Harol0. Free, Proprietor O.P.P. REPORT Report for June of OPP Dist- rict No, 6: Accidents 172, fatal 6, Persona fouled 7, iniiuries' 78, ve- hicles safety checked 9418; charges laid 658, mate of speed 235, defective equipment 114. wwwwwwwwwwwwwww DORIS' Beauty •Salon Main St., Seaforth Phone 373 VIIIMANIANIANINIINNAANIO Clerk -Typist Applications will be re- ceived in writing by the und- ersigned until 5 P.M. Aug- ust 14, 1959, for the position of Clerk -Typist in the Huron County Library Office. Please state education, ex- perience and references. Starting salary $1800.00 per annum. J. G. Berry, Secretary Huron County Library Board Court House, Goderich, Ont, Auction Sale In Seaforth on East William s one block north of Sunoco statin Corner lot, at the residence Isaac McGavin, on Wednesd afternoon, Aug. 5, at 1,80 p.m, household furniture. Claire Jew white enamel range. 2 electric h plates (2 burner); dining roo table and 6 chairs to match; glass sideboard. Raymond sewing machine. 6 antiquerocking chairs. 4 small tables; cabinet victrola with records; antique couch; num- ber of odd chairs and rockers; rug 7x9; rug 4yx6. Rogers radio like new. 4 wooden beds, springs & mattresses. 4 feather ticks. ' 4 dressers. 3 washstands. $ed clo- thes, pillows, bed spreads, blank- ets.Beatty washing machine (el- ectric). 2 step ladders; quantity new lumber; some 2x4a and oth- er lumber; copper boiler; 3 -day clock; meat saw. All household dishes, pots, pans, shovels forks, hoes, scythe, logging chain, etc. As property is sold, terms cash. Isaac McGavin, Prop. J. L. Ryan. Auctioneer TILE SDAPCI?TO' NEWS Thursday, July 30, 1909 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasion Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon, Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A„ M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth • SEAFORTH CLINIC E. M Master, ,� A ,1N D., Internte9 3'. L. Brady SLD .""Surgeon Office Hours 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.,daily except Wedne,day and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. erday only 7.9. p.m. de adradbintments made in advance am TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.O. TURNBULL, D,V.1VI,;, V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. DRENNAN, D.V.D.V.M.,V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth n, JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optom•tr589 Of Phone 791. Main St., Seefoeth ay Hours—Seaforti, daily except Moa.. 8 to• Of 5.80: Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM. Thur. eg el' by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010, 111 above Hawkins' Hdwe. Mr.. m. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres in McKillop . town- ship, 7 room cement house, frame kitchen 14x22, Barn 44x60. Plenty of water. Priced reason- able. Apply to Thomas O'Reilly, Seaforth RR 5. FARM FOR SALE Located on concession 10, Go- shen line, .Stanley township, con - loam bank barns,of l0troom frame hone, steel drive shed, frame garage, all buildings wired with hydro, pressure water system, posses- sion given in the fall. Apply to Wm. J. Clark, Varna, Ont. 14 inch FORoSALEerhammer mill; Lightning evaporator, 600 pails, spiles, 2 gathering tanks, 3 supply tanks. Heintzman piano. Cherlyn hydraulic pump. Also spray pump for Ford tractor. 100 hard maple tops. C. J. Walker, Cromarty, phone 12r13 Dublin CUSTOM WORK Custom combining and.swath- ing; 2 self propelled swathers; 2 self propelled combines. Grain put in granary. "CarlJ. Walker, Cromarty, phone 12r13 Dublin FOR SALE A 1952 Dodge 1/z ton truck with built in box, in good condition. Call 139 .1 Seaforth HONEY FOR SALE Now pouring fresh clover honey 2&c a lb. in your own containers. Wallace Ross Apiaries "WATERLOO CATTLE-BEEEDINti ASSOCIATION "WheArtificial Brree�ding SeryBulls ice. Core st t low. Efficiency High Disease controllea, Safety. All Breeds of ,Cattle: use of the best of bells. Mem- ber owned and controlled. For service or more information phone Clinton IIU 2.3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-6650 between: 7.80 and 9.80 A.M.week days; 6 and 2 P.M. Sat- urday evenings. Calla received on Saturday evening will be serviced on Sunday morning. For cows in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning. Better Cattle For Better Living Viking Cream OSepara or Sales and ator Service for Byermnew an,usedE st William St. Seaforth.Phone 566 w Tuckersmith NOTICE Municipal dump 0511 be opened from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons un- til further notice. E. P. Chesney. Clerk. NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ- ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefleld. Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD , Phone 47 Anneaviattowinerewannonans BUTTERMILK BISCUITS 11 l` eWE MAKE 'EM- YbU BAKE SEM"°' Ciearv's IGA Seaforth elesaaAIWWWWWWWWIAleteeel INSURANCE • Fre • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 4blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM 1 HART Office Phone 784 Res. 268 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Successor to WATSON & REID Phone 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers Life Insurance The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. OfEAD ficers-Pres dent E Robert Arcch bald. SeaSeaforth ; Sec. rth ; ViceT reas., W. E. Soutter hgaate, Seaforth. Directors—E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt. Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McEwing,. Blyth ; Wm. S. Alex - J. E. Pepper. B3•ucafi le Harvey Faller, Broad. foot, Seaforth. Agents—William Leiner, Jr., Londes- boro; J. P. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clin- ton; James Ifeys, Seaforth. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Alex J. Rohde, ER3 Mitchell Vice President Milton McCurdy, RRA Kirkton Directors E. Clayton Colquhoun, RR1 Science Hill Martin Feeney, RR2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner, R1 Cromarty Timothy B. Toohey, RR3 Lucan Agents - Harry Coates, RR1 Centralia Clayton Harris, Mitchell Stanley Hocking, Mitchell Solicitor W. G. Cochrane, Exeter Secretary -Treasurer JACK THOMPSON'S Footwear Service, Seaforth. Shoes repaired. For Sale -. Men's & Boys & children's footwear, 3t is our business to give comfort and save you money TEXACO. PRODUCTS We specialize in Diesel Fuel and Farm Lubricants Phone 686w Phone 190 Seaforth Goderich . Po QP:•':INSURANCE • ,Automobile • Truck and Cargo Insurance • Farm Liability and Tractor Ins. • Fire Insurance and Contents Insurance • Accident & Sickness ART WRIGHT Phone 187J John Street S31A3'ORTI Insure the Co-op way and you insure the 'Wright way