HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-07-30, Page 5SCA/. O1tTN NEWS F3RODHAOEN Mr, and Mos, Alvii, Rose, Sar. ;pia, with Mr, and Mrs. Chris W. Leonllardt on Sunday. M. and avis, George Vincent 'of Sarnia and Mr, Lorrain Rose of London with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Leonhardt, The roof of the community hall has been completed and :the firwst dance was held on Wedneaclay. evoniiig. . Miss Muriel Ferguson of Exet- er ds holidaying with her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Rodgert. McKILLOP Visitors with Mrs. Chas, Eggert and lir. and Mrs. Irvin Rock were Mr. and Mrs, Clinton Dip- lre1, Muntaville Mr, and. Mrs, -TliurscI y, Ally 30, :i Ano Martz, Woccistoelc. Master• Rey Kieber of Kitchen. er is holidaying with Mr, and Mrs, Lavern Iloegy, Miss Ka'r'en Reek is holidaying with Miss Sheila Flood at Sea - forth, ' Airs, Christiana Ileber 'ts Patient at Seaforth hospital. Mrs. Sohn Dietz is a patient at $eafortir hospital. "Air, John Wells of Kitclierrer is visiting with Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Koehler, Mr. and Mrs. John Aikens and Mr. Henry Thawing of ,SebringviIle visited with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock. ALrs, Clarence Barber and Mr. ITarvey Koehler of Galt called on relatives and visited their moth= er, Mrs. Klober in Seaforth hog. lri'ta1, Masters Gary and. Ron Rosllier had their tonsils removed la Sea- tortli hospital on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Norman i7ggert and girls with Mr, and Mr's. Ross Saran's at Cromarty. VARNA Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Pitt left this week for a month's 'visit with relatives in Newfoundland,. Rev, Mr, Tavener oi' GrandBend-will have charge 'of the ser- vice in the 'United Church next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Barker and family of King City and Mr. and MTs, Douglas Robinson of Toron- to spent the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Mc- Clymont. A number from here attended' the Coleman picnic at Lime Park, Seaforth, last Saturday afte'r'noon. BE REALLY REFRESHED! SET '1.0911'. 0R "0009.OQ A"—BOTH TRADEMARKS MEAN TNB PRODUCE OP OOCA•COLA LTD.—THE WORLD'S 0E0T.LOVED SPARKLING DRINK: The McGuire Sisters Pause for King Size Coca-Cola A refreshing sip after a refreshing dip .... that adds up to king size pleasure for the McGuire Sisters. Only Coca-Cola has that world-famous cold crisp taste, that welcome lift that really refreshes! Remember ... KINGSIZE COKE HAS MORE FOR YOU! TRADE -MARK REG. Get value ... lift ... refreshment too! GET CARTONS OF KING .SIZE TODAY! ESBECO LIMITED STRATFORD, ONTARIO Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. After you pour, there's still lots more W TO LIVE WELL CANADA'S manufacturing industry began to grow significantly about 80 years ago when the people decided that more of their needs should be provided from Canadian factories. Today manufacturing is the most important ele- ment in the Canadian economy. It provides nearly half of all employment; it pays high taxes; and it is the greatest contributor to our national production. Manufacturing will continue to provide Canadians ' with the world's second highest standard of living if the people`of Canada will Buy Canadian. THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQWE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO TOWN TOPICS Mrs. W. E. Batt leaves this weekend on a conducted torn.' of the western states and cities of the IPaeliio Ceast. Mr. 'and Mrs, Gordon MacDon- ald spent a few clays at Napapee. Mr, and Maes, Fred Jackson and Sqn Paul, of Kenora, were guests e , kir. and Mrs,, William Leem- ing 'on Thursday, enronte to spend a week at Bruce Beach. Alias Minnie 'siser, Mre. Florence rSmith have moved to Seaforth from Galt and are in the Royal Apts. A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Chambers, Tuckersmith, on Sun - 'dray in honor of the wedding an- niversary of her parents, Mr. and Abs. I0, Brown. Itlrs. W. D. Southgate, Sr„ Mr, W. RI. Southgate and Bill were in Port ;Perry on Sunday vieiting Mre. outhgate s sister and bro- ther -ha -law, Rev, and Mrs. Pell. etier. Leonard Muegge was a ,patient in 'Stratford hospital last week. Mrs, Ken Larone has returned to Toronto after spending some holidays with her parents, Mr. arrd Mrs. J. R. Spittal, Mr. and Mrs, Leo Stewart of Regina, who have been vision Stratford, sailed this week from Bayfield la the sail boat built last winter by 'tile Coutts Uoys, "The Met'amor," on a trip to Georgian Bay. Bob Dinsmore, Bill Teal, ,Thur Diol. and Jiru Gray 'of Ipperwash cadet camp, .spent the week end at their homes. Mr. and Mrs, Austin Porter, of 'Sault Ste Marie and Mims SailY Nett, London, were week end sitars with 1VTr, and Mrs, Ray- mond Nobt. Mr, and Mrs, Ralph McFadden and family of Burlington visited Miss Davina Anderson over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan of Chicago, 111.; Misses Sandra and Diane Glasson, Hazel Orest, Lll„ Mr. Lawrence Murray, Chicago; Mrs. Dan Galligan and family. Mr. and MPs, Dd Eggert, Airs, Beverley Borovslcy and family of Mattison, Ill„ were guests last week of Messrs. Ken and Joe Murray. Mr, and Mrs. Grattan Marini. gall, Hamdlton, spent the week encl at the summer home here. Mr, and Mrs, Jolrn Wright, 'of Sarnia visited last week with her Cather, Mr. Peter McIver, Mrs, 3, MaillIoux and Ray- mond, Toronto, visited last week g with 1\dra, Joseph MCQna'id at the home of their sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and Airs. Nor- ris 'Sillory of Tuckersmith, left for their home on Friday. Cpl. F: H. Osborne and Mrs. Os- borne and children, Rill and Sharon, are vacationing with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Meagher, East William street before leaving for 1(F) Wing, Manville, France,' They aspect to spend four years overseas. 'Mr. and Mns. Ray Murphy and daughter Mary, Pontiac, Mieh„ Mrs. Dan Costello, lir, and Mrs. Martin Feeney, Dublin; Rev. Harry Feeney, Hamilton, Bermu- da, and his mother, Mrs. Kath- leen Feeney, Dublin, AZT'. and Mrs. Harvey Dantzer and son, Victor, Windsor, and Miss Ann Marie Stock, London, and Donna Meagher, ,Stratford, were visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Meagher. Mrs. and Mrs. C. 3, Walden, Mr. and 'Mrs. Cliff Broadfoot and Mr, and Mrs. Ross Murdie attended the wedding .on Saturday in Knox Presbyterian Church, Wat- erloo, of Mr, and Mrs. Walden's daughter, Marjorie Marie, to John Alexander Hlraser, Mies 'Sharon Van Rooljen was a (holiday visitor in Galt last week. Donald and 'Glen Coutts, ac- companied by James McLeod of Mrs, Josephine Morris visited her 'laughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Garnet Cairns, Merlin. 31(fr, and MTs, Joseph Lauden- bach, Toronto, and Michael Lau- denbach, Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mss. Louis Laudenbach. Ml'. and Ms's. Ron Sills and Kathy, Kitchener, are holidaying with Mrs. 0. P. Sills, MVIi'. and Mrs. Michael Bechely, Toronto spent the week end with Aims, F. J. Bechely. Mrs, Rog. Kerslake entertain- ed members of the Barbara Kirk- man Auxiliary last Tuesday at her cottage at Bayfield, Rev, Thos. McQuaid who has completed ten .years as Supervi. sor General of the Scarborough Foreign Mission Society, has been appointed recently Superior and Novice Master at Nazareth I-Iouse, St. Mary's, Ont. Rey. T. McQuaid is a son of Mrs, Joseph McQuaid. BORN Hart --In Scott Memorial Hos- pital, to Mr. and Mrs. James Hart, Brussels RR 2, on July 27, a daughter. Maloney — In .Scott Memorial Hospital, to Mr. and 'Mrs. Clar- ence Maloney, Seaforth RR 5, on July 28th, a daughter. BROWNIE'S ,- LI ITER Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Fluren County Thursday & Friday—July 30-31 "THE LAST WAGON" (Color) (Cinenrascope) Richard Widmarlc -- Felicia Farr One Cartoon Saturday Only --August 1 1'23 PACES TO BAKER STREET" (Color) (Cmemaseope) 'Pan Johnson – Vera Mica One Cartoon Sunday Mid-nite and Monday August 2-3 "THE MAN WHO NEVER WAS" (Color) (Cinenascope) Clifton Webb -- Gloria Grahame (One Cartoon) TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Rain or clear, first shore at dusk Jack Lemmon Cldldren under 12 In cars Fres (One Cartoon) EGMONDVILLE A. and Mrs. Harry' Weiland returned home from Kingston on Saturday after au absence 'of 10 week, Mr, Weiland 'was receiv- ing treatments in the Interest 'of his health which his many friends are pleased to know is much improved. We hope they may have many years of health and happiness in their nice new home. BLAKE Mr, and Mrs. Phillip McICenzie and family were Sunday visitors Week end visitors with Mr. with his mother, Mrs. Hugh Mc- William Clarke were Mr. and Lachlan, ' Mrs, Lloyd Finnigan and family Recent visitors With Mrs, J. S. of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Nei. Watson were Miss Jean Watson, son Broderick of Wdllowdale. R,N., of Toronto, Mrs. Jean Sin- Abs. Leon Jeffery spent the clair of Clinton, Mr. Alf Westlake week end with her daughter and and Nlrs. T. ,Snowden of Bayfield. son-in-law, Mr. and MTs. Napo1- Mr. and Mrs. Don Campbell eon DAChaTme and family 01 and children of Bayfield visited London. with dlr, and Mrs. E. Stephenson Mr. and Abs. Lloyd Gascilo and on.Sunday, family are spending their vacs= Dr. S. and Mrs. Semple leave 'tion with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. this week far Sauble Beach for LeRoy Drb and family. a vacation, Mr. Lloyd Morgan of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Westbrook Centralia will have charge of t'he of Goderieh spent Sunday with ehnreh during their absence, Air. Gustva Bohn. CLINTON, ONTARIO Tuesday and Wednesday, August 4.5 —Double Feature— "HELL DRIVERS" Stanley Baker - Barry Fitzgerald "ROONEY" Jolrr Gregson •'Muriel Pavlov (One Cartoon) THURS. FRI. SAT. and: MON. August 6-7-8-10 "Some Like It Hot" aclscii entertainment Marilyn Munroe -- Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon ADMISSION; 75 cents Children under 12 'Pres (One Cartoon) Tuesday and Wednesday August 11 12 `BELL, BOOK and CANDLE' COLOR Sanies Stewart - Ifirn Novak Miss Alva Elford of New York is spending her vacation with her sister, 1tiss Florence Elford. Airs, Elmore Stephenson ' and family and Mrs, Bruce McCdin- obey and family visited on Tues- day with their :sister, Mrs. Mc- Kenzie and Rev. A. II. McKenzie of Acton, 3 BIG NIGHTS OF COLORFUL, ACTION - PACKED VARIETY AT THE SEAFORTH LIONS 24th ANNUAL UMMER CARNIVAL LIONS PARK SEAFORTH WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AUGUST 5, 6 & 7 Outstanding Programme WEDNESDAY The Four Teens Rock and Roll like you never heard it before ! Elmer Trudgen and his one-man Band His 17 instruments are famous to Canadian and U.S. network listeners The Champions Outstanding Square Dance Attraction SDHS Girls' Trumpet Band Outstanding Pr gramme THURSDAY Jack Bateman Star of TV - Novelty. Magician Hal Bee POPULAR EQUILI13RIST Familiar to TV Audiences Jack Bateman COMEDIAN & MAGICIAN Seaforth Highlanders Band • BINGO • GAMES Draws for 50 prizes -- value $1500.00 Popular games - Sensational attractions 1 1 FRIDAY The Four Teens In a programme of Rock & Roll Seppo Leivo NOVELTY JUGGLING Elmer Trudgen AND HIS 17 INSTRUII'IENTS Del Rio and Rosita Mexican Stars in a Knife and Hatchet Act seen around the World three times ! SDHS Girls Trumpet Band • CARTER'S MIDWAY • Featuring Favorite Rides To thrill and delight young and old, plus old favorites Ferris Wheel, and for the younger set Merry_go-Round Program commences each Night at 8.30 P.M. -=- ADMISSION 25c — Children Under 12, FREE LOTS OF PARKING -- FREE Proceeds for Lions Welfare and Maintenance of Lions Park and Pool