HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-07-30, Page 4CONSTANCE
Mr, ,cull Firs. ' Earl l.asmon,
spent a few •days: holidays tour
lug Michigan .last week.
Miss Ann Bileliauau retuned.
Renis to 11(1 ou after holidaying
with her grandlotreats and other
Miss W41znt% Dale spent holt.
ldaye with her grandmother, ,Arcs.
T. McMiciiael oi5 Goderioh last
Recent visitors at the house of
Mr, and t1rs. ,Ross MacG•rego'r'
were M. anis MIS. Wed Jaelrselr
and Paul of Kellam; 1113'. and
Allan 11'ariihazh of Detroit
and Mr. and Mrs, Cacti Farnham
of dfittalzenor.
11r, and Mrs. B. Brawn and fa,,
miry spent Sllilllay at Fort Elgin
and Hanover, Miss Linda Weis,
who slats Speak holidays returned
home to 1-lanover and Illiss 1111.
aloe Brown remained there for
holidays and is attending day
camp at the Ilanover Park.
Miss Janet MacGregor return-
ed home after spending a week
St MIT oazup at'.Godericlr. While
They'll miss the Smiths at
Trout Lake this summer
Everyone on Trout Lake knew and liked the
Smiths. You'd see them up' at their cottage every
weekend. You'd hear the children's carefree laughter
echoing across the lake. And Mr. Smith never
failed to give you a friendly wave as he cruised by
in his boat.
But Trout Lake won't see the happy Smith
family any more ... all because Mr. Smith was in a
hurry to get up to the cottage for the weekend. He
left at night and drove too fast ... and there was
an accident!
The Smith's cottage is for sale now. And it
needn't have happened!
Is it worth your life and your family's just to get
to the cottage a few minutes earlier? Rem saber,
you have a whole summer for fun and relaxation—
don't try to squeeze in a few extra minutes by
driving carelessly!
Your Ontario Department of Transport urges
you to observe the speed limits. And when driving
at night, always lower your headlights when ap-
proaching or following another motor vehicle.
there, .Janet acted as cannseilo'r.
• Masters. David and Jimmy
Medd' after Splitting the past two
weeks with Mr, and Mrs. 'ROM,
Johnson and Bruce of Grand' Val.
1eY returned home with Arra,
Joluison and Bruce, who are re-
maining for holidays with the
fernier% parents, Mr, and Mrs
James Medd and other relatives
Miss Muriel Dale of Toronto
spent the week enol with her Par,
encs, 1\Ie. and Mrs. Verne Dale
awl attended the Van der Molen-
Whyte wedding in Constance Un-
ited Ghnreh.
Miss Pauline Dolniage of near
Seatorth is holidaying with her
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs,
L_eR'ne Lawson.
Mrs. Las Lawson and Mrs,
Galbraith and Mr, Bob Lawson
of Tuckersmitll visited recently
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson
and Reg.
Mr. and Airs. Frank Riley and
Douglas visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Robt, Woods and Deb-
bie of Ajax ,and Mies Heather
Norris of Guelph, who was holi-
daying at Ajar, returned home
with Mr. and Mrs. Riley for hol-
idays Here.
Airs. Donald Bnehanalw spent
the week end in Toronto and at-
tended the Dolimore ants Beam-
leh wedding and also attended
the funeral on Monday of Mr.
Edwin Covey before returning
Mr, and Mrs. Ken Pr eszcator
and family visited with Mr, and
?Ars, Robert Jennison's, Grand
Bend, on Sunday. Master Billy
Jennison returned home With
Aliases Laurel and Deanna!
Dale are this week holidaying
with their aunt, Mos, Art Brom-
ley of Kitchener.
Mrs, Wm. Drennan and daugh-
ter, Helen I3ammond of Barrie,
are visiting with Mr. .and Mrs.
Walter Scott and Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Scott.
Mr, and Mrs. Ross MacGregor
and family spent Sunday in
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Willis,
Carl :and Susan of Kitchener, and
Mr, Roy Lawson visited Sunday
with Mr. and .Airs, Earl Lawson
and Reg.
Aln and Mrs. George Hall of
Flint Mich., visited Tuesday
with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hincls and
Marylin of New Liskeard spent
a few clays this week with Mr.
and Mrs, Lorne :Lawson enroute
to Toronto.
Mr. Alf Buchanan underwent
a hernia operation Tuesday mor-
ning in Toronto at Dr. Shauldice
Nursing Home.
Mr. Wm. .Dale attended the
,Classic Guernsey sale at Fraser -
dale Farm, Toronto, on Wednes-
tier of this week.
M. and Mrs, Jack Busby of
Chatham spent ,last Saturday
with Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Law -
the members of Gana,
Mace Ui1 ed Olu10i . ?
i ea s o
ulernber the D411411011 seroloe. of
Rev: !.Fang° at Loudesboi'o' Unit-
ed Church on Friday evening at
8 •o'olook ,anti ohiu'oiii. services 'on,
Sunday, August 2nd' at the usual
A trousseau tea .was Held Wod-
ne8day afternoon, J1ilY 16th and
evening at the 'home sof Mt',.and
Mr4, W. T., Wlltte, Hulett twp.;
in 'honor of 'their !laughter Mary,
who was married, on July 25. Re•
oeiving the guests at the !door
were Mrs. Van der Molen, +of
Guelph, mother of the groom,
end ➢ors. Whyte and Mary. Miss
Margie Whyte was in charge of
the guest book. Pouring tea dur-
ing the.afternoon were Miss Mar-
tha Leiper and Miss Hattie Mur-
ray, assisted by Mrs. Harvey Tay-
lor, 1In the 'evening, pouring tea
were Mrs. Ephraim Snell and
!fn's. Joico Broadfoot, assisted by
Mrs. (Ross MacGregor, Serving in
the dining room Were Miss Mari-
lyn Taylor and Miss Frances
Cook, while dbieplaying the trous-
seau and gifts were 'Miss 0. Dun-
das, Mrs. Margie. Taller and Mies
Joyce Jewitt.
Mr, and Mrs, H. Van der Molen
and son Marvan, Guelph, (spent
'Wednesday afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Whyte.
Miss Shirley Montgomery, of
Guelph spent a few days with
Miss Mary Whyte,
Mrs, John Whyte, Oshawa,
spent last week with Mr. and
Mrs, W. L. Whyte,
Visitors at the Whyte home on
Sunday last were Mrs, Phyl Wat.
son and daughters, Cindy, Bon-
nie.. Mary and Jeanie of Strat-
Guests at the hoose of Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Whyte are Mr. and
Mrs. Howell Partridge and son
Richard of Barrie, ie, lis•. and sirs,
Hudson Woodruff, St. David's;
Mr. and Mrs. Archer Baldwin,
Omenloe, and Mrs. Finlay Perrin,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whgte en-
tertained the wedding .party at
their home on Friday evening
after the rehearsal, prior to their
daughter's wedding on Saturday.
Mr. l8alcolin Fraser and Mr,
and Mrs. Glen Fraser are spend-
ing a taw days with relatives in
Sandra and Kim ,Pickering re-
turned to Oakville on Sunday
after !holidaying with their
1Dundgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Steles and
family, Mr. and,- Mrs. J. Rutledge
Man with service itt mind
Ask Ed Wallwin what he considers a bank's most important stock in trade and
he'll answer "service And it's friendly, efficient service that makes dealing with
The Toronto -Dominion Bank in Welland—where he is a Branch Manager
—such a pleasure. With 35 years of service to his credit, heis thoroughly experienced,
young in outlook and, of course, sincerely interested in serving people.
Away from his job, Ed is an active sportsman, enjoys woodworking, and serves
his community as an officer in several civic and service organizations. You'll find
friendly, efficient people like Ed Wallwin at any branch of
The Toronto -Dominion Bank, Drop in soon, won't you, and see why . , .
people- make the difference at
H-8810 Rio.
W. C. MOORE, Manager Seaforth Branch
and family of Weiland and Mr:
and sirs. Dodnian and' fancily of
Merriton are holidaying at the
StoiSs residence in thevillage.
The Seaforth branch of the
Woineii's Imtitute were guests at
the July meeting of Walton WL
Thursday ,evening,
Mrs. 1'. Waltora,
president, was
in charge loft the business • period
0111'd welcomed -the Seaforth }O-
tos, The secretary, Mb's, E. Me,
Creatil, gave the Juno report and'
read the+ oorrespondence, The.
Walton members areinvited to
Ethel en the evening of Aug,' 12,
A 'bus trip to.Dotroit planned fog'.
Wed., Aug, 20, was disbusaed,
The roll •call• was answered by
"My Worst Mistake ,in Cooking."
Mrs, T. Dundas gave the finan-
cial statement showing a balance
of 862.21 on hand,
Mis: Ed Miller and Mrs. Law+
rence. Ryan, oo-conveners for the
•seoond part •of the meeting, MrO;
17. Miller gays current events and
the motto on the history of the.
Mary Stewart collect was read by
Mrs. Lawrence Ryan, Mrs. Gor-
dan Paiiple of Seaforth gave as
her number, "What Mlle May
Stewart collect means to ane."
Mrs. Nelson Reid gave a demon-
.etotion on the makingof bias
binding and Mals. Jam McDonald
A sing -song with Mrs, William
Humphries at the piano was en-
joyed" after which lunch was
served by the following hostess-
es; sin's, E. Perdue Mrs. 1•S. Sel-
lers, Mrs• H, Williamson, Mas. G.
Love, Mrs. G. McGavin and Mrs,
18. McCreath,
The (third meeting !of 'the Wal-
ton Willing Workers Garden Club
was held Wednesday evening at
the hone of Marion ,and Barbara
Turnbull with all members pre-
sent. Onr two leaders, Mrs. Frank
Walters and Maus, Wil, Turnbull,
also Mrs. McAllister and, Miss
Bette Tillman, the Huron county
home eoononnists, of Clinton.
Shirley Bolger, president, presid-
ed and ,opened 'elle tweeting with
the 4H pledge. Jean Bolger read
the minutes of the previous meet-
ing and called the roll which was
answered by one improvement I
have made or intend to make in
my home surroundings. Mrs. F.
Walters told that the roll call tor
next Meeting would be to, bring
two vegetables of •any loin. We
plalluecl to have our •m•eeting at
the home 08Shirley azul Jean
Bolger. Mrs, McAllister .gave a
demonstration on ilbwer arrange-
ments •showing some suitable con-
tainers, also some that were not
suitable. The girls then arranged
flowers which had been brought
from loome into several !bouquets.
Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Turnbull
•told about the necessary progress
in our gardens :pertaining to re -
thinning, pest control and tomato
staking. Mrs. McAllister talked
about garden reference files anti
Mrs. Turnbull on how many ve-
getables did you eat today. Mrs.
Wolters presented Mrs. McAllis-
ter and Miss Tillman with a cup
and saucer each in behalf of the
girls. They both thanked the
girls and leaders after ,.which
Mrs. Bill Turnbull, Marion and
Barbara, served a delicious
The regular :m•onthly meeting
of the 17th and Boundary group
of Duff's United Church was held
at the home of Mrs. John Bruce
with 17 members and 1 visitor
Present. Mos. Harold Smalldon
was in charge of the meeting.
Scripture reading .by Mrs. Cliff
Ritchie. Mrs. Ray Williamson
read a poem and the topic was
•taken by Mrs, Albert Clarke af-
ter the .business •session. Lunch
was served by the hostess and
lunch committee, sirs. H. Arm-
strong, Mao. Roy Bennett, Mrs.
D. Buchanan and MTs. M. Baan,
and a social .half hour spent.
The I%teKillop group met for
their July meeting at the home
of Mrs. George Fox with 18 lad-
ies present. Mfrs, Nelson Reid
Presided, with Mrs. 0ampbell
Wey !at the piano. Mrs^A. Coutts
read the Scripture lesson and
Mrs, N. Reid commented ,on the
Passage. The reports were given
and business transacted. The
topic was given iby Mrs. D. Shol-
dice on the missionary, Mr. W. M;
Walton, the man who never wast-
ed time. At the close lunch was
served by the hostess and Mrs.
Gordon'McGavin, Mrs. C. Wey,
Mrs. Win. Leeming and Mrs. D.
Mrs. Rosine Midler is observing
her 88th birthday ,on Friday.
The family of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry E. Diegel ,gathered at the
home of their daughter, Mrs.
Norman Ahrens and Mr, Ahrens
last Thursday evening,
Mrs. Henry Rock o'bseryed her
SOth birthday en Friday, July 24.
'Miss ,Phyllis and Master
Wayne Ahrens, children of Mr,
and Mrs. Harvey Ahrens, had
their tonsils removed at Seaforth
hospital last Tuesday.
Mrs. Millie Head ,of Toronto
with her parents, Mr. •and Mrs.
Henry E. Diegel.
Miss Deborah Broughton of At-
wood holidayed with her grand-
Rockparents. , lir. and Mrs. Edwin
Miss Gloria Suehri•ng of Seb•
ringville with .Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Diegel last week. .
Miss June Rock has !been hol-
idaying with her sister, Mrs. Bill
Broughton and lir, Broughton,
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Rode of
Detroit with her parents, Mr.
,and Mrs. Ed. Ptrueter and other
relatives this week,
Mr, and Mrs. Peter Kraus and
family of Ruthven with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ben-
newies for the week end.
Mr, and Mrs. Glen Bennewies
and Wanda, of Windsor with Mr.
and Mrs. Bennewies this week.
Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Newton
and Diane of Toronto *Visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hicks,
lila. and :Airs. Don Stanek 'and
family of Kitchener are Holiday. 511.1.1m
THE SEAFOIITII N17WS—Thnretlay, July 30, 1009
1111111111A1,111 111111„I,AI,I),I1111....1111!111)111" 1 1111111„11111.. I 11111111111„111„1111,111,11 1111U111, 11,1111, 1111
I. THURS.FtZl. SAA.,, JULY 30-31, AUG, 7 only
5 K
SALMONoz3/x: tin
Sc 7
SAVE 8c •
VA lb tin
KAM MEAT ....,..,, 37c tin
SAVE 10c
, ,,•, 2 bottles 33c
Libby's Pork & Beans ....... 2 tins 41 c
Hunt's Tomato Juice 4 tins 49c
Golden Dew Margarine .... 2 lbs 49c
Smith's Superior P,+ od Market
.111111,1111111111111111,111,11111111111,1111111„1111141111111111......11,11,1 1111111,111,11111111111111111111,11111111„1111111111111111,
ins at the
ldl'a. Albert bllololsellogeahae. mother, famliril.y a0nfd L1o4Tnsd, onJ. wCirtohssolener panrd-
A , and sirs. Laverne Wolfe eats, lit and Mrs, Henry E.
and Alice. Charles Ahrens with Diesel•
Mr, and Mrs, C. Watson, Centra -
ria on Sunday.
Flowew's were on the altar in
bit and Mrs, Russell Sholdice the church here on Sunday from
and family at Amberley Beach the wedding on Saturday of
on Snnclay. Nancy Mogk and Robert Weitzel.
„I...11111111111,1111111111111111.1111111111111111111."1111111111111.11.11! 1 1 1111111111111111 ..1111111111111111111111111W
�. nl
On Instruction from the Municipal Council
I hereby proclaim
In the Town of Seaforth
and respectfully request the Citizens and •
Businessmen to observe the same
B. F. Christie
"God Save the Queen”
Chevrolet - Oldsmobile
Phone G. Fawn 186
Sales & Service
Phone 541
In accordance with a resolution passed by
the Municipal Council, of. the Town of Seaforth,
I hereby proclaim that in view of the present
rabies situation no dog shall be allowed to run
at large in the 'Town of Seaforth until further
notice ;from this date, November 12, 1958.
B. F. Christie
God Save the Queen
111111111111111.1.1tl111111111111111 ... 11111.11,11111111111111..,i111111.11111111111111111111.11111111..11111111111111iii 1111 n9