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51,60 a Year
Next Week Is
Holiday Week
Next week is our holiday
week and no paper will be
The next issue of The
Seaforth News will be,on,
Apgust 13th,
Will correspondent please
send in their news as
usual, and it will appear
in our next edition.
St. Columhan Takes
First of, Finals
Qn interm'ediehe football, Tues-
day in •St. Coluanlban, •Sit, Colum
ban beat Winthrop 2-0 in first
game of bast of three out of five
finale. The next games: Friday.
July 31, in Winthrop; Monday,
Aug. 3, in i34. Columbia; 4th and.
5th games if necessary will be
Thursday, Aug. 0 in , Winthrop,
and Monday, Aug. 10, in Sit. Col-
St. Columban Junior :team won
the Junior -cup, defeating Win-
throp In the finals. The first
game was a tie 1-1, In the sec-
ond game St, Colunnban defeated
Winthrop 1-0 and in the third
game defeated Winthrop 2-0.
Car Burned
Sunday Night
The Seaforth rural fire bri-
gade was called to a fire in a car
on the Kippen road, 2% aniles
south of Seaforth on Sunday
evtning about 10.30. The car, e
1951 model owned by Paul Som-
ers of town, took fire under the
hood and by the time the blaze
was extinguished •little was left:
The interior of the car, driven
by Paul Somers, was completely
gutted. Mr. 'Somers told of not-
icing a sarong smell of gasoline
do the car. At the same moment
one of the .laassengera noticed
flames. MT. Somers required
ime3Lcal teeatntent later tori
•burns to his hands, •
Red Cross
Completes Drive
The :Seaforth Branch of the
Canadian Red Cross Society has.
completed its 1959 campaign
drive. The amount realized was
31271.85, We wish to thank Mr.
Harvey Leslie, chairman of the.
drive, the members of the Lions
Club and the Legion who col-
lected, Constance United Church
W.A., all other collectors and
.contributors who gave to this.
work of mercy; also 'Mr. R. S.
MacDonald for his work.
an June the local workroom
shipped to the Ontario Division
in Toronto 366 pieces of sewing,
135 pairs of socks and 6 large
quilts.—Ivy M. Butt, Treasurer.
Mr, and 111Irs. ;William Dennis,
Walton, wish to announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Mary Beatadce, to Mr. David
Keith Hackwell, Son of Mr. and
Mrs, Wesley C. Backwell, .Walt-
on. The wedding will take place
Saturday, August 8, 1959, at
P.m., in Duff's United Church,
The WIVES and WA 'of Cavan,
Winthrop, 'wild ,meet on Wednes-
day, Aug5th. This is the Chris-
tian stewardship meeting with
Mrs. George Case asthe leader.
The roll •calf will be a verse of
Christian stewardship. Circle 4
will look after the lunch.
Wayne Chapple
Army Graduate
Henry Wayne Chapple, eon of
Mr. and Mrs. FTed Chapple, Kip-
gen. RR 3, is included in a group
of 54 soldier apprentices ,gradu-
ating from the Royal Canadian
School of Military Engineering
at Ohilltwack, B.C., on Wednes-
dela July 29th,
The plan started in 1952 .is de-
signed to train 16 year old boys
in .military skills and at the same
time Increase ,their educational
standards by at least two years
of grade held on leaving school.
They will graduate after study-
ing two years at the West Coast
camp and will now take their
place as megelar soldiere with
,campg and units acreas Canada.
Legion Picnic
Held at Bayfield
Seaforth Legion picnic was
held at Jowett'e Park, Bayfield,
on July 26 with 145 in attend-
ance. Harry Nesbitt, president,
and the special events commit-
tee, Charles Wood, Allan Nichol-
son, 36en Betties; ICen Powell,
Gordon Scott, Hartman Huisser,.
Ken Maclntyre and Geo. Hays,
were in charge of a good pro-
gram. Sports winners were;
Boys under 5, Kennie Wood, Ca-
meron Holland; girls under 5,
Lynn Nicholson, Lynn MacLean;
One 6-8, Dianne Dennis, Judy
Fraser; boys 6-8, Riokie Wood,
Bill McLeod; girls• 9-11, Pamela
Powell, Jean Scott; boys 9-11,
Michael Walsh, Brian Scott;
girls' 12-14, Pamela Powell, Lin-
da 'Powell; boys 12-14, David
Watson, Paul Betties; girls, 15
and over , Barbara Alexander,
Shirley Storey; boys 15 and un-
der, Jimmy Watson, Flan Nich-
olson; girls wheelbarrow race,
(Pamela Powell and Patsy Me-
Intyre; boys wheelbarrow race,
'Rich'ard and David Watson; mar-
ried women race, Barbara Alex-
ander, Betty Masser; married
men's race, Don Dupuis, Keith
MacLean; girls backward race,
Pamela Powell, . Mary Walsh,
boys backward •race, David Wat-
son, Gary Betties; girls kick the
slipper, Jean Scott, '. Linda Pow-
ell; boys kick the slipper, Gary
Betties, David Watson; women's
kick the slipper, Shirley Storey,
Olive Betties; men's kick the
slipper, Harry Nesbitt, Ken Bet-
ties; closest birthday, Lynn (Nich-
olson; man with most keys in his
pocket, Henry Ziler; woman with
most buttons' on dress, Mona
Adams; man with least hair, Al-
lan Nicholson; woman with lon-
gest hair, Dianna Dennis; largest
family, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon
Scott; anniversary closest to
date, Mr. and MTs. Clayton Den-
nis; youngest baby, Harry Nes-
bitt; oldest man present, Fred
Williams; most freckles: boys,
David Watson; girls, Judy Fres-
er; boys and girls three legged
race, Patsy McIntyre, Pamela
Powell, Jimany and David Wat-
son; oldest lady, Mrs. Geo. Eat-
on. Seaforth Legion defeated
Goderich Legion 8-7 in a ball
First (Presbyterian' Church,
Seaforth, was the setting for the
wedding of Doris. Elizabeth. Pull-
man and David Thompson Mc-
Gee, both of London. The bride
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Sidney C. Pullman, Seaforth, and
the groom's parents are Mr. and
Mrs. Howard :McGee of Flesher -
ton. The Rev. D. Leslie Elder of-
The bride chose a doer length
gown of nylon organdy featur-
ing an embroidered empire style
bodice with scalloped sabrina
neckline and long pointed
sleeves. The bouffant skirt was
shirred at the sides and two
sashes flowed from the back
waist to the end of the chapel
train. She carried a white orchid
encircled with white carnations
and stephanotis.
Miss Marion •Chamberlain, of
London, was maid of honor and
bridesmaids were Mrs, Donald
Andrews, Clinton, and Miss Pat-
ricia Spence, London.
(Martin Olesen was groomsman
and guests were ushered by Tho-
mas McGee and Harvey McGee,
brothers of the groom.
For a wedding, trip to the New
England States, the bride •donned
a figured green sheath dress with
matching duster oo'at, and white
accessories. The couple will re-
side in London.
The bride is a graduate of the
Stratford Teachers' ,College and
the groom graduated from •Ont-
ario Agricultural College, Guelph.
Albert Joyner Peterson, 2
Churchill Circle, died Wednes-
day morning, July 22, .in Strat-
ford General hospital where he
;had been a patient since Friday.
He was in. his 83rd year , Mr.
Peterson was born in. West Mon-
trose on Sept. 11, 1875, a son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. James
Peterson. He married the form-
er Elizabeth McGavin of Walton
in August, 1902. Mr. Peterson
had worked as a well driller
and a garage mechanic. He came
to Stratford in 1950 after 'his re-
tirement in Kincardine. MT. Pet-
erson was a member of St.
Paul's Anglican Church and of
the ,Canadian Order of Forest-
ers. Surviving besides his wife
are four sons, George, 32 Oak St.,
Stratford; Earl, 350 Brunswick
St., 'Stratford; Herberlt, 24 Ag-
nes St., Barrie; Charles, 61 Glen -
grove X34., Hamilton; three dau-
ghters, Mrs . Albert (Frances)
Wylds, Ripley; Mrs,'Prank (Hel-
en) Morris, Middlesalop , Etrg.,
and Mra. Alfred (Dorothy) Beal,
490 Brunewiek St., Stratford; al-
so 14 grandchildren, One daugh-
ter, ,Mors. Jaclt (Evelyn) M1oLaur-
in, Kincardine, died In 1956,. and
S. son, Harold, died ,in 1945.
• A [funeral service was held at
the Heinbuck funeral home, in
Stratford, on Friday :afternoon.'
Ven. F. G. Lightbourn,' DSD., of
St, James' Anglican Church, of-
ficiated. Burial was made in,
Avondale cemetery . Pallbearers
were Alfred Beal, George and
Earl Peterson, and Fred Boyes,
all of Stratford; Charles Peterson
of Hamilton, and Herbert Peter-
son, Barrie. Friends and rela-
tives attended • from Hamilton,
Seaforth, Goderieh, Ripley and.
Spectacular Fire
Wednesday Noon
Starting while the tractor was
being refueled fire quickly spread
in a storage ga'r'age on the farm
of James Carter anal his son,
Lorne, highway No, 8 about two
miles west of Seaforth en Wed-
nesday 'about 1 p.m.
Lorne was filling the tractor
from a 250 -gallon tank located
half way between the house and
barn on the :farm., located in
Tuokersmi:tlt, It all occurred so
quickly that he is not sure of
Just what did hap:gen.
An alarm was sent in to Sea -
forth rural fire brigade and in
the aneant4me the family worked
to ethaustion to prateot the
house, A south wind was carry-
ing the fire directly towards the
The family were uncertain, how
much gasoline was in the stor-
age tank, but said it would prob-
ably be nearly full in anticipa-
ition of the Doming harvest.
The heavy black smoke from
the burning oil was carried over
the house and north amass the
highway by the steady wind,
which was blowing away:. - from
the barn. The firemen were able
to keep a .'fine spray of water on
the house to protect it. The shed
housing the gas tank was a com-
piete loss.
Donations For
Brodhagen Hall
Additional list of donations to
the Brodhagen and District Com-
munity Centre:
Mrs. Minnie Vock 2.00
Adolph Trentowsky 5.00
Wm. Flanagan Jr, 100
Joe -Kelly 8.00
Frank O'Rourke 10,00
Ambrose .Givlin 2.00
Wilfred O'Rourke 5.00
George Wheatley 5.00
Roy ISiemon 10.00
Edward Wardell
Mervin Wardell 10.00
Martin (Rock 10.00
Michael Connolly 2.00
Edward Bennewies 10.00
Dalton Diegel 25.00
Art Priestap 1.00
Otto and Harold Bauer 2.00
Fred Scherb'arth 1.00
fiarvey Ahrens
Wan. Ahrens 10.00
Gus Ahrens _ .
Harry Ahrens 0,00
Frank Eickmeier 1 1010.0000
Wilbur Hoegy 50.00
Zack ElLigsen 25.00
Edgar IElligsen 50.00
Friend & Whetham 10.00
Joe Dill 2.00
W. Stapleton & Son ..._10.00
Louis Duffy 2.00
Bill Boyd 20.00
Hubert Johnson. 1.00
Pete McLaughlin. 5.00
Ed. Godkin 2.00
John Boyd 3.00
Stanley Hillen 1.00
Ed. Gertsch 2.00
Roy Elliott 2.50
Carl Leon'hardt 2.00
Mervin Godlcin 1.00
Gilbert Smith 1.00
Roy Patrick .1.00
John Glanville '2.00
Wni. Alexander 3.00
Herman Axtmann 1.00
Dr, McMaster 15.00
Robert French 5.00
Martin Mummay .. 5.00
Gilbert Murray.. 2.00
Gordon .Miller 25.00
Johu • McCarthy 1.00
Norman Bushfleld 10.00
Wm. Rose 2,00
Martin Rose 2.00
Toni MoKenzie 10.00
Mabel Higgersan 2,00
Harvey Elliott ' 2.00
Bert Tubb - 2.00
Len Ingram 2.00
George Ingram 2.00
George Cook 10.00
Ben Nyland 2.00
Earl Bennewies 8.00
Bill Mulholland 25.00
Ralph Siemon 10.00
Henry Bennewies 10.00
Densmore & Fuller 10.00
Ed Ruston 5.00
Carman Vent 10,00
Irvin Rook 15.00
Willard Bennewies 5.00
Harry Regele 5.06'
Wm, Koehler 10.00.
Joe Eckert, Sr. 5,00
Charlie Dietz,2.00
George Beuerman 5.00
Laverne Hoegy 10.00
Orval Beuermann 15,00
Don Rose . 15.00
Keith •McLagan 5.00
Alex. Rhode 3.00
Lorne Miller 20.00
Wilbert McPherson 5.00
Ben Leake 5.00
Ivan Hinz 2,00
Glen Batten 5.00
Jim Nicholson 1.00
John Nicholson 2.00
Mrs. A. Pfeifer 2.00
Wm. Diegel 60.00
Irvin, Swint 5,00
John 'Mueller 2.00
Mrs. Wm. Querengesser 5.00
,Jonas Dittmar 5.00
On July 24th thircty-eight rep-
resentatives of the Fireside farm
forum of Hallett met In Lions
Park, :Seaforth, for their annual
picnic. The following sports
Were enjoyed: Pre school, Ian
Halley, Joan Hewett; 10 and un
der: giarls, Betty Hoggart; :boys,
Barry McDougall; girls, Marsha
Tebbuttt; boys , EMI Boggart;
married women, Mrs. Hugh
Flynn; married. nien, Jim How-
att; throwing baseball, Jim
Jamieson; children throwing
baseball, Gail Storey; dropping
clothes pins in bottle, Ken, Hul-
ley' guessing beans, Gordon How-
att; :placing football in basket,
Jim Howatt.
Police Search For
Safe Breakers
On. Wednesday town police :said
no arrests had been 'mad yet
following a breakdn at the office
of the new Seaforth Shoes plant
on West William street,
The grime was discovered on
Friday morning about 9 d'elock
when Mel Merriam came to the
plant to do repair work while the
staff was on holidays. It is under-
stood the safe contained little of
Mr. Merriam notified Chief of
Police Hutchison, who called in
police from Mount Verest and
0liotou 60 record finger prints
and other evidence.,
Entry was gained thorough a
steel window on, the month side of
the factory and thento the office.
The safe was located inside the
vault. It is believed two men
must have worked half the night
hammering the safe. it is' a
complete wreck.
Mr. Merriam had been working
Thursday night until 10 o'clock,
and it was between then and the
next morning that .the thugs were
in the building.
Mrs. Filmer Chapnei returned
home on Monday after visiting
with her .parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Henry Drake of Hamiota, Man,
Mi. and Mrs. Stanley Allen and
their son, Norman, of Edmonton,
Alberta, spent a few days last
week with Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank
Allen and other relatives•.
Miss Olive Spears attended the
funeral of her nephew, Mr. Art
Speere in Toronto on Tuesday.
• Mr. and (MTs. Nell LaMond, of
London, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Hers'. Lloyd Sorsdahl.
Mise Alice ,Sorsdahl, who is
taking a (preparatory course with
lire Bell Telephone in Toronto,
spent the week end with her
Mr. and Mrs, T. L. Scott and
amity attended the Scott Ander-
son re -union at •Lions Park at
Mitchell Saturday.
Robbie Houghton, M>itohell, is
holidaying with her grandmoth-
er, Mrs, M. Houghton,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ramsay and
family spent the week end with
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. :Sorensen, at
Georgetown. 'Mrs, Raansay and.
childrenremained for' a week's
Mr. and Mas. Wesley Russell
and Margaret Jean visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Frank
Caddick, ,Sarcnia. Donnie Caddiclt
returned: :home with them for
A two-week Vacation Bible
School was .held in the Sunday
•School roam •of Cromarty Ohurch
with an enrolment •of ..112 and an
average daily attendance,of 119.
86 of the pupils had a perfect at-
tendance record. Daily devotions
consisting of a hymn, Bible read-
ing and grayer, also a short
story weregiven each day by
members of the staff, which in-
cluded the fallowing teachers:
Rev. Albert Martin, director and
superintendent; Grade 9 and 10,
Rev. S. Kerr; Grade 7 and 8,
Mrs, T. L. Scott; Grade 6, Mrs.
M. Lomond; Grade 5, MTs. Calvin
Ohristie and Mrs. Norman Dow;
Grade 4, Miss June Ross; Grade
3, Miss Ina ,Jefferson and Hiss
Arlene Iioggarth; Grade 2, Mrs.
Keith IYIcuaren and Mrs. E.
Kyle; Grade 1, Miss Margaret
Jean Russell and Mies Marlene
Riley. Kindergarten, Mrs, Mervin
Dow, Miss Sharon McBride, Mrs,
Robert Norris; Kindergarten 2,
Mrs. Murray Christie, Mrs. G.
McKinnon. A program of die-
play of work was held for par-
ents and friends on Friday even-
ing, July 24th to mark the close
•of the school as follows:
School March, "We Are Little
Soldiers"; school songs, "Jesus
Loves Me", "Take Time to be
Holy"; call to worship, -Grade 9;
class exercises, Kindergarten 1,
Grade 3; solo, Eric Ross; reports
by the director' ,offering; Hymn,
"What a Friend We Have in Je-
sus"; class exercises, •Grades 4
and 7; presentation of diplomas;
dedicatory prayer; school songs,
"Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam"
and "Jesus, Tender Shepherd,
Hear Me"; benediction, Rev. S.
..Kerr; •sehool march, "We Are
Little :S'oidiere."
Mr. and MTs. Joseph 'Malone
and family, Winnipeg, with .Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Costello. Mr. Ma-
lone has been transferred from
Winnipeg as manager 02 Empire
Brass Co, at Kitchener.
Mr. and 1ALrs. Leo Jones and
children, Meatier, and Arthur
Vincent, Brantford, with Ma. and
Mrs. Pat *McGrath.
Joseph 'O'Rourke, Mrs, M. J.
O'Rourke and .Mrs. Anne Donnel-
ly, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Burns.
Mr, and Mrs. Gene Giroux, of
Thorold, and Gordon Costello, of
Toronto, with Jir. and Mrs. Dan
John E. Molyneaux, Thorold,
with Mr. and MTS. Fergus Staple-
Mr. and Mrs. Pat McGrath at
Goderieh and Pont Albert,
Rev, Vincent Eckert, C.S,B., of
Aquinas Instituite, Rochester, N,
Y., with his another, Mrs, Theresa
Mr. and 1Mrs. Frank IKaaua-
kopf, Tilsonburg, with Mrs. Ca-
therine Krauskopf.
Mies Betty Aolcroyd, Tonwnto,
with Mrs. M. E. O'Rourke,
Mr. and Mae. Pat O'Rourke and
children, Dundas, with Mr, and
Mrs, Bill O'Rourk'e.
Finnigan, Reunion
Held at Seaforth
A happy gathering was held at
Lions park, Seaforth, July 2661E
when 70 •guests met for a reunion
of the Finnigan families. A birth-
day supper was served at 5 p.m.
by the host and hostess, Mr. and
Mrs. John Finnigan, Wingham,
and Mm. and MTs, Robert J. Elgie
of Kippen,es helpers. The honor-
ed guests were Mr, W. J. Finni-
gan and .his grandson, Charles
(Chuck) Haney, who were cele-
brating their birthdays the same
date. A huge birthday cake ad-
orned the table. Relatives attend-
ing were from Port Colborne,
Toronto, Weston, London, Kitch-
ener, Galt, Godertch, Sarnia, Dun-
gannon, Wingham, Walkerton,
Aubuarn, Egmondville and KIP -
pen, Gifts wexe presented to;
Coming farthest distance, Mrs,
Alfred Babel and son Jimmie of
Port Colborne; oldest couple, Mr,
and Mrs. Richard Finnigan, Go-
derich; youngest person, Neil
Maelfay Finnigan, London; fox
July birthdays, Mr. W. J. Finni-
gan, Egmondville; Chuck Haney,
Egmondville; Mrs. Roy Finnigan,
Auburn; luoky plate, Mrs. John
Finnigan, Wingham, Most :money
in his pocket, va•, Don Mansz, of
Races for the children were
conducted by Mrs, Clair Haney:
7 under, David Finnigan; 11 un-
der, Colin Haney; 14 under, Geo.
Finnigan; kick the slipper, Glen
Finnigan; 3 -legged, Chuck Haney
and Ronnie McKnight; wheel-
barrow, George Finnigan and
Glen Finnigan,
The •officers for the coming
year were appointed: Retiring
lmesident, Mr. Beat Finnigan;
Honorary` Pres., MT, Richard Fin-
nigan; president, Mrs. Erma An-
derson; Ise vice pies„ Everett
Finnigan; secretary, Mrs. Robt.
J. 'Elsie; sports, Mr. and Mrs.
Clair Haney; lunch, Mrs, John
Finnigan and committee:
MT. and Mrs: Bob Byrne, Ham-
ilton, with Miss Monica Byrne
and Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Kelly.
Miss Lorraine Lambregts, Mt.
Brydges, with Mr. and Mrs. Loo -
- Miss. Monica Byrne and Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Byrne and Mrs. Ka-
thleen Feeney spent Sunday at
Martyr's Shrine, Midland.
Miss Helena Loomans in For-
est with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ber-.
•Master John Palin, Toronto,
with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McCar-
Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Dantzer
and son of Windsor with Mr. Bill
Dantzer and Mr. and Mrs. John
, Mrs. M. Vincent'withher dau-
ghter, Mrs. Jones at MacTier.
MT. and Mrs. Maurice Dillon
and children, St. Thomas, with
Mrs. Louis Dillon and Dorothy.
Miss Betty Anne Butters is va-
catianing at Stokes Bay with Mr.
and Mrs. Ran Butters.
Brother De Sales of the Pres-
entation Brothers, Montreal, with
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mainers,
Miss Cathy McDonald, Detroit,
with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. 'Stapleton.
The funeral of Sara Coyne was
hell from the residence of her
mother, MTs. M. Coyne, to St.
Patrick's Church, Dublin, on We-
dnesday morning last. Rev. R.
Durand offered Requiem High
Masa and Rev. Dr. F•foulkes was
in the sanctuary. The pallbearers
were: Michael Doyle, James
Doyle, John Kahue, Louis Coyne,
Michael Coyne and Joseph O'-
Reilly. Among those attending
the funeral from a•distance were
Ma. and MTs, R. Keine, Chatham,
Mr, and airs, Walter Kmiec, Tor-
onto; Mother M. Alice, Uisuline
Community, Wallaceburg; Moth-
er M, Henrietta, Pembroke, Miss
Marg. Burke and M. Burke, Mt,
Forest, John Murphy, Markdale.
Burial took piece in St. Patrick's
cemetery, Dublin.
air. and Mrs. G. King and fa-
mily of •Sault Ste. Marie spent a
few clays recently with the for-'
mer's sister, Mrs. Alex, McGreg-
' or, Mr. McGregor and family.
Barbara Jean Gridzak returned
home from three weeks' vacation
with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs, Cliff Watson, of Centralia,
and an aunt, Mrs. Graham Trieb-
ner and Mr. Triebner of Park-
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Priestap
were recent visitors with the
tatter's father, Mr. Robert Thom-
Recent .guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Kyle were Mr. and,
Mrs, George Woodcock, Ann and
Jimmie of Detroit,
Mr, William McGregor, Kippen,
had an infection in his hand, Af-
ter having it lanced at South
Huron I•Iospital, he was soon able
to return home.
Mrs. Osbert Whitehouse of
New Blrunswiok, is visiting Mr.
and Mrs, Ernest Whitehouse.
Master Michael Gridzak re-
turned borne from a week's vac-
ation at the home of his grand-
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Cliff Wat-
son of Centralia.
Miss Mae Sommers of Winni-
peg is visiting her friends; Mm,
and Mrs. Nelson Hood,
Mrs. Lacy Himton Pisses—
Mrs. Lucy iiinton, wife of the
late Reverend Albert Hinton, for-
mer •pastor of Kippen United
Church, passed away on July 24
at Lachine •General Hospital,
P.Q.,She was in her 88th year.
She leaves to mourn her loss two
sons, Edward, of Edmonton;
Stanley of Brantford; two laugh-
•tense (Enid) Mrs, Eric Rdchard-
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New WEDGWOOD Ware....
Elegance far your table from Breakfast to Bedtime!
Designed for both contemporary and traditional
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ceptional beauty at moderate cost. You'll cherish
its smooth, uncluttered lines . , , soft, delicate
colouring. Patterns include Havana (cocoa brown),
Summer Sky (sky blue) and Barlaston Green, each
withwhite trim. Luncheon, dinner and demi-tasse sets.
CUP & SAUCER $1.70
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son, of Toronto; (Muriel) Mrs.
Fraser Cliff of Point Claire, P.Q.
Funeral service was at Cedar
Park United Church, Pointe
Claire, Monday afternoon. Burial
was in Lakeview cemetery, P.Q,
Mr. and MTs, Harry VanWier-
ren visited Sunday with friends
in Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert are
away for a few days vacation.
Mr. Wm, Gibson of Wroxeter
visited Sunday evening with his
aunt, airs, Mellis and Mr. Mellis.
Mrs. Dickert Sr. returned to
her home in Bengston an Satur-
Baseball scores: Bantams 10,
Hensall 9, at Seaforth. Juveniles
0, Sebringville 3.
Saturday Wedding at Constance
VAN DER MOLEX - WHI'TE ground bouquets with white
Aurid a setting of blue clelphin- chrysanthemums.
rum and white lilies, Constance
United Church was the scene for
a lovely double ring mid -summer
wedding, when Mary Jane, elder
daughter •of Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Whyte, Huliett township, and Mr.
Frank Van der Molen, son of Mr,
and Mrs. H. Van der Molen, 19
Goldie Ave., Guelph, exchanged
marriage vows before the Rev.
H. Funge,
Miss Marilyn Taylor played
traditional wedding .music and
accompanied the soloist, Mr.
James Scott, who sang "The
Lord's Prayer" and "0 Promise
Given in marriage by her fath-
er, the bride were a floor length
gown of obiffon taffeta with gui-
pure lace :sprinkled with iri-
descent sequins and seed pearls,.
The molded bodice was styled
with scoop neckline trimmed
with lace motifs and long lily -
point sleeves, with a bouffant
skirt of unpressed pleats falling
from a smooth front panel to a
chapel train.. '
The 'headpiece, in :a coronet
style, embroidered with seed
pearls and iridescent sequins
held her French illusion veil,
and her bridal bouquet was pink
roses sprinkled with ,stephan.otis.
Bridal attendants were Miss
Shirley Montgomery, Fergus;
maid of honor, Mies Olene Dun-
das, Walton, and Miss Harmina
Van ,der Molen were gowned
identically in ballerina gowns of
sky blue Swiss :dot organdy over
blue taffeta,,crushed taffeta oum-
berbund with flower at the back,
Miss Margie Whyte, sister of
the bride, was flower girl, cost-
umed in a similar gown, with
Peter Pan collar, and puff sleeves
and carried a pink and white
chrysanthemum bouquet.
David Shackleton, Galt, at-
tended the groom, and John
Whyte of Oshawa, brother of the
bride, and Norman Swayne, of
Burlington, ushered.
The reception was held at the
home of the bride's parents in.
Mullett Tp. For receiving• the
bride's mother wore a beige or -
gauze slteath over taffeta with
three - quarter length Jacket and
brown accessories, and a carsaga
of yellow carnations. The grooms
mother chose a beige nylon suit,
with pleated .skirt and matching
hat and accessories and corsage
of yellow carnations.
The wedding supper was serv-
ed on the spacious dawn by Joyce
,Jewitt, IvIuriel Dale, • Frances
Cook, Ruth Anne Ennis, Betty
Axtman and Ann Haugh, the
serving tables having been beau-
tifully decorated by Mrs. Archer
Baldwin sat °memee, with flowers
from her Own :garden,
For travelling to Ottawa and
the United States for their wed-
ding trip, the bride wore a beige
linensheath with three-quarter
length coat, beige shoes and yel-
low fiat, with green purse and
gloves, and a yellow carnation
Guests were present from
Montreal, Toronto, Guelph, Osh-
awa, Omemee, St. Davide, Lan-
don, Stratford, Port Carling, Ex,
bolero jackets and harem, hens- eter and. Fergus. Upon their re-
idne. They carried pink back- turn they will reside in Guelph.