HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-07-23, Page 5TIIE S17AFQfTII *OWS lrtodi,IL,LOP 1V.1)?,r, The Mo=lop WKS of First Presbyterian. Chu1a1 301d their i .July meeting at the home of Mrs, Helen McMillan With a geed at' +tendance. The president, Mrs, Helen MbMilian presided and opened the meeting with a Poem „II„I,a,l, 111,1111 „1,1,1,11 o 44 11 lll11l41 , l ll ll111. 'Joint 'Devotional Services First Presbyterian and Northside United Congregations at NORTH SIDE UNITED CHURCH I1EV, D. LESLIE ELDER Minister 10a.m, Sunday Schools at their respective Churches 11 a.nl, — "THE NEVER - FAILING CHRIST” Music, Solo Mr, Don McDonald, Brussels "How Great Thou Art" J. A. Stewart Mre, J. A. Stewart Ohoir Leader Organist Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County Thursday & Friday, July 23.24 "BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT (Color) (Cineniascope) Robert Wagner - Terry Moore One Cartoon Saturday & Monday, July 25-27 "THE TALL MEN" (Color) (Oinemascope) Clark Gable - Jane Russel - One Cartoon Tuesday & Wednesday, July 28.29 ."BAND OF ANGELS" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT (Color). Clark Gable - Yvonne DeCarlo (One Cartoon) TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Raja or clear, first show at duck Children ander 12.1n can Free. ---Thursday, duly 23, 1959 and hymn, The scripture lesson WAS read by Miss Jessie Praiser and 'firs, Jaines Keyes led in Prayer.. interesting 'letters were road from Nip's. ;lames BlekSon, one of our nlisslellwries 40 Form osn, regarding their work. Miss Elizabeth Smote delighted the ladies with -her lovely piano solo The topic'bop the study boon Qar .Church and the people .from many 'lands, was given by Mrs Helen McMillan with Miss Jessie Praiser reporting about the Ohl neses people .in our church, Mrs James T. Scott as representative of the church and Mrs. R. 17, Mc Millan speaking about the Im migrants from Europe. Miss IJIi zabetli Single received the offer ing. The society received a very gracious invitation from Mrs. Arthur” Smalo to hold their Aug- ust ugust meeting at her home near Staffs. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Lord's prayer, A delicious lunch was served by the social committee and a social half hour spent, • TOWN TOPICS Da', and Mrs. F, C. McCune, of Girard, Pennsylvania, were vioit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross and family. Mr. and Mrs, Pete Hobin of Toronto anal Mr, Robert Chesney and Mrs, Della Katth of Cree- mor'e, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Chesney on Sunday. It', and Mrs. Ernest Adams and Doueida spent two weeks at their summer home, .Bel Aire Lodge, Goderich, Jae Broome's mare, Mies J. B. Hal, was in :the money at Inger- soll last week, winning a second and a first. Mr, and Mas. John Hothany Jr. have sold their house on John street through Joseph McConnell, to Mr. and Mrs. 'William McCur- dy of Galt, who will get posses- sion en :Saturday. Mas. McOurdyY will teach at Clinton RCAF pub- lic school, and Mr. McCurdy will Ile employed at the RCAF station, Mrs. IHotham and children expect to move to Windsor next week. Mr. Zack McSpadden, of Rox- boro, has bought Mr. Roy Lam - son's house at the west end, of Goderich street. Mrs. Bud Britton, Flint, Mich., spent the past week with friends and relatives, Mrs. Britton, the Tot mer Marlene Austin, success- fully passed 'her '58 and '59 col- lege year with honors. 8n1 The Sale you have been waiting for THE HOUSE OF STONE TAILORED TO MEASURE CLOTHES AT 20% DISCOUNT Choose your Suit, Top Coat, or Sport Jacket now at these low prices Men's and Ladies' Suit from 40:00 td 60.50 Save $16 to $20 on a suit Also ladies' skirt, slacks, men's pants and materials by the yard at 20% discount. Hundreds of wool samples to choose from. We guarantee to lit you. MR. AND MRS. J. HOELSCHER, Agent Residence 1 block east of library. - Phone 367 w ,..'000§0W0 1.W0K00400:VO NOTICE RE Timothy Seed Farmers are urged to' harvest timothy carefully. Straight combining is not recommended unless the crop is thoroughly cured. Newly harvested timothy seed has a high moisture content and unless prop- erly dried before processing will heat and become musty. Swathing of the crop prior to combining. or threshing pre -shocked timothy will result in the seed Meng .sufficiently Soi idr,and dry for proper processing. •. .. Jones MacNaughton Seeds Ltd. Crediton Exeter, Phone 664 London u"III In111/n111111 al,1I/111111,, ,,b",,Il.11l Illrl0llll,a 111111 e, l,ill111111,a l,yill) l lltl a"bill: 11 aballllll,,,r111116, TOWN TOPICS Mrs. Mervin Lane and Mrs. Peter Swinkles left on Sunda/ IV T04 from Malton alrPort to s> 1 olid Dive wows, vacation, in Holland. Mr, and Mrs. Art Wright, Don. aid and Douglas, left on Monday for It motor trip to' the Western Provinces where they will vaoa tion at Banff and La4ke Louise in Alberta, Dr. Donald J. Munn of Inger. soil, and Dr, William D. Munn o Clinton, with their families, have established residence in the town et Listowel, where they wil Practise medicine, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Free and Diane are moving to Santiago, California, about the middle d August. They are 'holding an au ction sale Aug, 55M, after wdldob Mr. E, Iezacoyics, the new own- er, gets possession of the house.. Mr. Free has been :district mana- ger of Supertest for a number of years. Mr. and iVirs, Joseph Williams and daughter, Debbie, of Whitby spent, the week end at the iionie of Mr, and Mrs. M, Williams. Nli". and Mrs. Scott .Coffin of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. Pete Molver. Mr, and Mrs. Sylvester Ben. ninger of Welland open the week end with MT. and Mrs. 112. Will- iams. Mrs. Joseph Johnston has re- turned home after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. 3, Benninger.'or Welland, Ronald Williams of ISitobener spent the week end at his Home here. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hoggarth and family are holidaying for a week near Peterboro. Mr. Frank Jordan has bought the residence on East William street of Mr. Isaac McGavin and will move aoross the etneet next month. Mr.. McGavin will live With his sister, Mrs. John Kerr, North Main street. Mr. Jordan's house .on Side street has been bought by Mr, :Ken Vincent of Dublin, who plans to rent it at present" Attending a joint board meet- ing of Western O.F,U. from Hu- ron: Alf. Nesbitt, Carl Govier, of Auburn; Mr. and. Mrs. Edgar Rathwell; Mfr. and Mrs. Bob Tay- •lor, 14Ir. and Mrs. •Gordon Bill, of Varna; .Clifford Hoegy, Hugh Johnson, Clifford Jaeklin, Wal- ton; Carl Dalton, Seaforth. The meeting was held at Guelph. BORN Duchamme—In :Scott Memorial ]Hospital on July 18th, to Mr, and Mrs. James Ducharme, Dublin, a son. Elland -4n Scott Memorial Hea- ld -tat, on July 18th, to Mr. and Mss. Patrick Eldard, RCAF.Sta- tion, Clinton, a son. Maloney—At St. Mary's Hos- pital, Kitchener, on Ally 19; to Mr. and 'Mrs. Louis Maloney (Therese Etue), 92 John St. E., Waterloo, a daughter. BRODHAGEN . Mrs. W. L. •Qnerengesser, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholddce and family and Mr. George Diegel at- tended the .celebration of Mrs. John C. Diegel's 84th birthday on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martiin Diegel, Walton, Mrs. Hired Herbert has been visiting with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Chas. Ahrens .in Hamilton tor a few days with her son, Do- nald Ahrens. .Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walker, De- borah and Karen of Toronto with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kistner on Sunday. Hodgert of Exeter with his son Mervin and :Mrs. Hodgert. Mr. and Mss. John Mueller and Ruth Ann :of Hamilton with Mrs. Aug. Hillebreclrt. Master (Roger Pryce, Kitchen- er, is spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ahrens. Miss Beverley Sipoldice is holi- daying with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Querenges- ser, Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Wnl, Diegel at- tended the Thiel reunion at the Mitchell park on 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and family and Mr. Ed Smith at Sprinkbank park .on Sunday where they met Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Smith and family of Blen- heim for a picnic. Arthur Smith returned with' MT, and Mrs. Ken Smith for several weeks holi- days. Mrs. Chrlstena Meyer of Dids- bury, Alberta, Mrs. Jim O'Brien, Edmonton, Alberta, Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz, Kitchener, Mrs. Thel- ma Mantle, Mr, Ed West, Strat- ford, with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wolfe. Rev. and Mrs, Walter Be. cker and family of London were at the same home recently. Mrs. Lavern Wolfe acoompan- led Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connol- ly of Sebringville to Chatham, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hinz last Tuesday. Flowers were placed on the al. tar .of St. Peter's Lutheran Church by the family Sunday in memory of Albert E. ,Querenges- ser` who passed away one year ago, July 20th. Brodhagen and District Cham- ber of Commerce held a very successful saleorama at the com- munity park last Wednesday af. ternoon and about 800 partook of chicken barbecue from 5 to 8 O'- clock. A ball gamic between Born, holm and Brodhagen was inlayed with Brod.hagen the winner. Des jardine's 'orchestra of Zurich played for open air dancing. The pie, hot dog and refreshment booths were well patronized. Another dente is to :be held on July 29th. Members of Ellice Lutheran Ladles' Aid and First. Lutheran Church, Logan, Ladies Aid were guests of the United Lutheran Church 'Women at :St. Peter's Lu - ,o, &oran Church here on Monday afternoon. Short devotions were cont4ucted by Mrs, Near Telin•gr and program of a solo by MTs, L. 'Hicks; Plano seieotion by Mrs. E. J. Fischer, god roaalng, Mrs. R. Umiak. Genies and contests worn conducted by Mas. Iidwin Scher. bal"th, Mi's. Geo. Rook, We, Irvin Miller and Mrs. Oaoar Young and swing bowling was enjoyed atter witieli a delicious lunch was served, KIPPEN Mr. Webster- Buchanan of Lea. mington visited; a day last week with Mr. and Mrs; Mellis and Oh - er friends in the district, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McGregor were pleasantly simPrised recent- ly when a cousin of the former, Mir. George McKay, of Pilot Mound, visited them. It .is 38 years sines they saw each other. Mr, and Mrs, Wilmer McGreg. or of Mount :lope were recent visitors with their parents. Mrs. Mary Nelson of :Saska- toon, visited for a dew days with her cousins, Mrs, Robert Dins. dale and Miss Mabelle Whiteman. Mr. and Mrs, Win. Gibson and children of Wroxeter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L Mellis and on Monday Mr. and Mrs: Art Gibson and children of Wroxeter were their guests, Master Larry Consitt is holid- aying with his, grandparents, Mr, and MTs. Wm. Shepherd at Ip- perwash, Recent guests of Mr. end Mrs, Ronald McGregor included Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Green and family of Sarnia, also Mr, and Mrs. Jos- eph Jenkins of London, . Mr, and Mrs. T. Bears and ,fa- mily were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dupont and fa- mily at Turnbull's Grove, Miss Ann Gllbson, Wi'oxetier, visited Monday with an aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Mellis. The Misses Barnby of London visited an evening during the week with their uncle, Mr. Wm. Ivison. Tom Munroe returned home by plane on Saturday from a two weeks' vacation in Calgary and other places in the West. Al Kyle entertained several boy friends and some relatives to a 12th birthday party on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Littleton visited Saturday with her parents, Mr. and MTs. Mathers of near Park- hill, iDon and Brad returning home from a week's vacation with ;their grandparents. Miss Cheryl Little of Hensall spent a few days visiting her grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs. Long. Miss Ethel Mate Mitchell of Mitchell, music pupil of Mrs. Clarence Priestap of :Mitchell and daughter 02 Mr. Robert Thom- son, obtained highest mark of ally pupil in elle province in Grade IIIpiano examinations for the year 1957.58 in Western On. torte Conservatory examinations. Tlio silver medal is to be pres- ented this Rail 'at eorlvooation hell in Legion. Snn)av School Picwfe The annual SS pionle of St. Andrew's United Church was held at Lions park, Seafortli, on July 14 with 125 in attendance,. Table conveners were Mrs. Ross Broadfoot, Mrs. John Sinclair; sports conveners, Mrs, Flush Ken- drick, 'Mrs. Wm, Coleman. Res- ults of races—Oliildren under 6, Joan Finkbeiner, Brenda Turn. er; gir'ls 6 years, Kathy Rend. rick, ,Sandra Gibbs; 8 and und- er, Gwen Hendrick, Nancy Coin sitt; boys, 8 and under, Kenneth Jones, Jim Kyle; gahisc 10 under, Gwen 1lendnicle, Nancy Consitt; .boys, 10 under, Grant Jones, Gary Deitz; girls 12 under, Marjorie Turner, Gwen Hendrick; boys 12 under, Robt. Cooper, Bill McNioli- ol; girls 14 under, Marjorie Tur- ner, Nancy Armstrong;- boys 14 and under, Billy MaNiahol, der'ry Johnson; girls 14 and over, Mar- garet lroadfoot, Susie Lostell; boys, 14 and over, David Cooper, Jim Consitt; married women, Mrs, Ray Consitt; married men, Howard Finkbeiuer; 3 legged, 12 and under, Nancy Consitt, Mar. loris Turner; over 12, Susie Los - tell Margaret Broadfoot; wheel- barrow race, 12 under, Al Kyle, Billy Turner; over 12, Jerry Johnson, Jimmy Consitt; kick the slipper, 12 under, David Tur- ner; ladies over 12, Norma •Cole- man, men, Ray Consitt; shuttle race, David Turner's side; shoe scramble, David Turner; candy scramble, Mrs. V. Alderdics; ad- ult pop bottle contest, John Sin- clair; clothes pin •race, Mrs, E, Kyle; match box relay, Mrs, E. McBride's team; stepping off paces, John A. Cooper; oldest person, . J. W. McLean; youngest, Deborah Consitt; lucky .plate, Al Kyle; birthday closest, Donelda Lostell. Thomson Reunion— About 60 gathered at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Priest al, Mitchell, on July 15tH -for their family reunion. Sports as follows: 2 yrs under, Linda 8110. er; 5 yrs, under, Mary Thomson, The July meeting of the Barbara Stanlake; 6 yrs. under, BrnceSeld W.M.S. was held on John Thomson, Barbara Stan- l Tuesday,. July 14 at 2.30 p,m. lake; 9 yrs. under, Eleanor Stan - CAROL r�47��T SHOPSHOPStimer CLEARANCE DRESSES -- 7 to 15 12 to 20 161/2 to 221/2 Special Clearance Prices Many half price and less. TEE SHIRTS, SHORTS, BEACH COATS SLACKS, JEANS AND SLIM MIS Greatly Reduced HATS -- HALF PRICE SKIRTS AND BLOUSES 20% OFF LINGERIE 20% OFF Special tables - 50c and $1.00 CAROL LYN SHOP lake, John Thomson; 13 yrs, un. der, Douglas Stanlake, Eleanor Stanlake; married ladies, Audrey E. Priestap, Mrs. Gwen O'Rourke, married men, Cecil Pepper, Best Thomson; pillow rase, Herb Brit - toll's team, young ladies race, Audrey 17. Priests"), Gwen 0'. Rourke; kick the slipper, Gwen O'Rourke, Mrs. Elgin Thomson; grandparents most graceful walk. er, 72r, R. Thomson (Judge, Mies Eleanor Fische of Winnipeg) ; hunting game, Douglas Stanlalco; peanut scramble, Douglas Stan - lake; oldest person, Mr. Robert Thomson; youngest person, Dale and Gail Schneider, twin child- ren of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schnei- der of Stratford; coming farth- est, Eleanor Fischer. I3lection of officers: Pres., Albert Alexander; vice Pres.,'Norman Stanlake; sec., Gwen O'Rourke; lunch com- mittee, Mrs. A. Alexander, Mrs. Norman •Stanlake; sports, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pepper, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Pepper. BRUCEFIELD The meeting opened with quiet music. Silent prayer . was ob. served In memory of Mrs, H. Dalrymple and Mrs, Consitt. The theme for .the worship service was "The Fellowship." Call to worship 'and the prayer by Mrs, N. Walker. Hymn 252' was sung, Mrs. ID Thompson read Mph. 2, verses 11-22. Mrs. Fother- ingham read Acts 10, verses 1-20, 23, 24 and 34-44. Comment and prayer by Mrs. Walker. The business part of the meeting was taken by Mrs. W. Scott, There were 18 members present. It was decided to omit the August meet- ing, Airs. B. Mc011nehey, Mrs. B. Thompson and Mrs, Geo. Clifton, from the study book "Know Your Neighbours," acquainted us with some of the special prob- lems of our Japanese and Chin- ese neighbours. The C.G.I.T, girls sang two numbers. Mrs. McOlinchey read a poem entitled "His Offering," We then had the re -affiliation service 3 BIG NIGHTS OF COLORFUL, ACTION - PACKED VARIETY AT THE SEAFORTH LIONS 24th ANNUAL 0'0 • MER CARNIVAL LIONS PARK SEAFORTH WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AUGUST 5, 6 & 7 Outstanding Programme Outstanding Programme WEDNESDAY The Four Teens Rock and Roll like you never heard it before 1 Elmer Trudgen and his one-man Band His 17 instruments are famous to Canadian and U.S. network listeners • The Champions Outstanding Square Dance Attraction SDHS Girls' Trumpet Band THURSDAY Jack Bateman Star of TV - Novelty Magician Hal Bee POPULAR EQUILIBRIST Familiar to TV Audiences Jack Bateman . COMEDIAN & MAGICI-&N • Seaforth Highlanders Band FRIDAY The Four Teens In a programme of Rock & Roll Seppo Leivo NOVELTY JUGGLING Elmer Trudgen AND HIS 17 INSTRUMENTS Del Rio and Rosita Mexican Stars in a Knife and Hatchet Act seen around the World three times ! SDHS Girls Trumpet Band BINGO ! GAMES Draws for 50 prizes -- value $1500.00 Popular games Sensational attractions 1 • CARTER'S MIDWAY • Featuring Favorite Rides. To thrill and delight young and old, plus old favorites Ferris Wheel, and for the younger set Berry -go -Round Program commences each Night at 8.30 P.M. ADMISSION 25c — Children under 12, FREE LOTS -OF PARKING — FREE ,Proceeds for Lions Welfare and Maintenance of Lions Park and Pool 1 1 1