HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1959-07-23, Page 1Th
Seaforth News
51,6U b Year
Authorized as Second Mee man,
Poet Oliiee Dept.,Ottawa
Snowdon Bros., BublMahere
90th Birthday of
Mrs. David Boyd
We. David Boyd celebrates
Tier ninetieth birthday July 23.
The former Cheri:ate Dundas,
elle has spent her entire life iu
MoI£illop township, She is still
active in the W,A, of Bethel 'Uni-
ted (lewd', She is in, . gopie
health and makes her °home, with
!her 'son, Charles Boyd, A broth-
er, George Dundas lives is Wal-
ton,. .. -
Boys Get New
'Trikes for Old
Two local boys are getting
brand new tricycles- as 'a result
of their own having( been smash-
ed by a Sas at the week end. The
accident happened at the south
end of Jarvis street, While the
dads were away looking for trea-
sure in a nearby junk yard, a.
Passing car was in collision with
the tricycles. The driver is
buying new ones, police state.
The wreaked machines were at
the police office early ,this week:.
Mrs, D. II, Wilson received
word of the death of her mother,
Mrs. G. 18.. Henderson, Detroit, on
Tuesday morning. Mrs. Hender-
son hpd (been a frequent visitor
in Seaforth, She had not enjoy-
ed the best 'of health for some
time and entered hospital in De-
troit last week. Formerly Marg-
aret Cummings, and .born in
Ventnor, Eastern Ontario, Mrs.
Henderson, had lived for many
years 4n Detroit. Surviving are
two daughters and a eon: Mus.
Christensen, Maa'garet; Detroit;
MTs. Wilson, Eleanor, Seaforth;
and Leon Henderson, Detroit,
also two brothers and a sister,
Neil and Charles Cummings and
Mrs. Wm.. Henderson; all resid-
ing neer Ottawa.
The funeral will be held in De-
troit on Friday, with burial at
Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Willson
leave Thursday for Detroit. 'Mrs.
Dolena MOQuaig and Mr. and
Mrs. M. E. Clarke will attend the
funeral on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer 'Coombs
of London have returned home
after spending the past week
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Coombs.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Varlet',
Manion and Jimmy of ,St, •Cate.-
erines, visited the former's mo-
ther, Mrs. R. Dalrymple and oth-
er relatives last week.
Miss Kathy Wild ef Clinton re-
turned home on Monday after
spending holidays with tier grand
+parents,. Mr. and errs. William
Scotehmer. •
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Scotehmer were, Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh McLaren and daugh-
ter Christine of Port Elgin and
the Misses M. and J. Stirling of
Mr. Jaek Scotehmer and son
Roy of Baydield visited Mr. and
lvlrs. Wm. (Scotchmer on Tuesday
(of this week.
Miss Linda Brown is holiday-
ing with relatives at Dublin.
The accidents- which almost
happen on the highways are so
:common that they are usually
quickly forgotten if no one is
hurt and no damage is done.
One such "close shave" occur-
red ou Saturday on Highway 21
some miles north of Goderich.
The road was re -paved this
spring and in . keeping with
modern practise the Dept. of
Highways closed off the end of a
little side road that slanted in to
join the highway.. The junction.
is now at right angles, so a driv.
er can look both ways and be
sure no traffic is coming before
entering the highway.
There was a terrific squealing
of .brakes and skidding tires.
When a big cloud of dust settled
a car was down on the shoulder
of the road but still upright.
While the driver was assessing.
the situation and working his
(car and ,trailer back up to the
pavement, another car stopped at
the nearby store and an elderly,
man got out, He was asked
what had happened.
Rut it turned out he had been
the cause of the other car going
in the ditch,
"They had plenty of time to
slow down when I drove off the
side road," he said. "They were
as far as from here to over
there," pointing to a spot about
1.60 feet away,
i'May!e et' would be better if
I got out of sight," was hie part-
ing remark as he headed into
the store,
The tourist can slowed :•flown
andstopped ter a moment, but
:Continued on his way after glar-
ing at the culprit,
All of which goes .toshow that
the best laird pians of traffic
sarfety engineers are easily upset
without the co-operation of the
"human element."
Foot Bridge for
Silver Creek
Construction has begun by De -
Pertinent of Highways workmen
Lo build a wooden foot bridge on
the 'South side of Silver Creek
bridge on No. 8 highway near the
Lions park, The purpose is to
reduce the hazard for children
going and coming 'atthe seem
ming pool. A sand -bag cofferdam
Is holding back the water while
concrete 'foundations are laid,.
Fire In Car --
Seats Burned
What might be :called a silent
fire occurred about 6 o'clock on
Wednesday marring in the alley
between the town hall and the
Commercial Hotel when the seate
in a car parked• there took fire.
Hydro workers ,getting ready to
go to work discovered smoke
coming Grout a 1949 Chess: car
owned by Henry Schwarz, an el-
ectrician residing at the hotel.
Constable A, Calder used the fire
extingulaher out of the police
car to bring the flames under
control. A plentiful supply of
water doused the seats. The fire
apparently started under the
dash in the -wiring and it was
considered fortunate it 'did not
reach the gas tank.
As • la was mot .necessary to
sound a fire alarm, few people
were aware of the excitement,
even in the hotel.
Resuscitator Used
by Firemen' at Pool
Firemen were called to the
Lions swimming pool late Wed-
nesday afternoon, with ,the rte
suscitator, and were successful in
reviving Alan McLean, 10; •son of
Mr. and Mrs. A, Y. McLean,
Alan was removed, unconscious,.
from the bottom of the pool by
Life Guard Mrs. John McDowell,
Children's stories varied as to
what had happened.
Firemen reported there was no
water in the lungs, and said they
understood the boy had dived
head Rist into the water:
This is the second rescue made
this season by Mrs, McDowell.
Donations For
Brodhagen Hall
Following is a list of cash do-
nations for the Brodhagen and
District Community .Centre. More
will appear in next week's edi-
Herman Leonhardt $ 5.00
Harold Smyth 6.00
Louis Bennewies 10.00.
Edgar Hillebreeht 10.00
Edwin Gloor 25.00
Ralph G1oor 5.00
Meyer Bros. 10.00
Carl Hillebrecht 25.00
Ray Brodhagen 5.00
Wilfred Wolfe 10.00
Carl Basler 5.00
Douglas Leary 5.00
Earl Ahrens , 6.00
Mrs. Geo. Heimpel. 1.00
Norman Thompson 2.00
Lloyd Squire 5.00
Gordon Woods 5.00
Wen. Obaffe 2.00
Don Rolph
Ted. Wolfe
Laverne Rolph
John Jordon
Phlle' Rook
Carl Newbrand
Norman. Kistner
Jerome Jacob
Harvey Wolfe
John Gloor
Harold Gaffney
Howard Jackson
Clarence Pfeifer
Harold Ward
Alvin Hinz
Edgar Ritz
Alex Drummond
Win. .Drummond
Ross Drubrick
Howard Brown
Cecil Bartje
Lloyd Machan
Wm. Osborne
Lawrence McLean
Clifford Moegy 1.00
Mrs. John Seherbarth 10.00
Ed. Osborne 1.00
Henry Davey 10.00
Steve Murray 10.00
Dan Beuerman 6.00
Robert Beuerman 5.00
Joe 1VIcLaughlin 5.00
Frank .Murray. 5.00
Harry Kiehne 1.00
Everett Beuerman 4.00
W. J. Leeming 200
Boyd Driscoll 1.00
Wm. Dennis 2.00
Earl Mills 2.00
Alvin IStimere 1.00
Orland Rohrer 1.00
Wilfred Felts 2.00
Walter Eickmeer 1.00
Tom Tully 3.00
Gus Trentowsky 5.00
Clark McGregor 1.00
Art & Lorne Connolly 5.00
Earl Pfeifer 5.00
Aug. Bauer' 2.00
John Campbell 5.00
Art Campbell 10.00
Mr. and Mrs, J, C. Cochrane of
Seaforth were recent visitors with
relatives here,
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Keys aril
family of Ottawa were week end
visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Harv-
ey Keys and family.
Mr. P. J. 8ma1e of Wainwright,
Alta., is visiting his sister end
brother-in-law Mr, and. Mrs. W. R.
Mrs. Ann Hopkins of Hillsdale,
Ills is holidaying with her sister,
Mae H. McMurtrie,
Juveniles Win 1,
Lose 1 in Baseball
Goclerieh blanked Seaforth 5-0
in Goderich last Thursday even-
ing In a Juvenile series game.
Seaforth, only got two 'Bite, a
single by John Patterson in ;the
first Inning and a triple •by Tom
Dlek in the fifth inning. Tom
Dick started to pitch for Seatertih
and was relieved by Boib Jteith in
the 'fourth and fifth and by John
Patterson in tile two 'remaining
Goderloh soored single runs in
each of the first three innings,
and two yin the fourth to give
them their 5 -run victory. Coder
ice got eight hits. •
Seaforth pitchers struck out se-
ven batters, while Goderich only
struck ,out three.
Seaforth: Wayne Hugill Mess;
Lloyd 'Pethiok, es -c; John Patter -
sate e -p; Bob Reith, lb -p; Bill
Pinder, Mab; Tom Lave, 8+b;
Pte Rowatt .(Bruce Dale), rt;
Tom Phillips, of; Tom Dick, p -ib' -
Goderich-Bissett, e; Currell,
3b; Laithwaite, es; Stoddart, 1b;
Baxter, (et; Deer, c; Worrell
(Bowra) ef; Pinder, 2b; flower -
by, 1f.
Seaforth Juveniles• defeated
Clinton .Juveniles on Friday
night -8-3. The big. blow of the
game came do the first inning
when Seaforth loaded the bases
and. Tom Dick hit his second
triple of the season, scoring three'
runs, and came home on an error
to .melte the score 4-0. 'Clinton
tried desperately to: go ahead in
the third inning, scoring three
runs. Seaforth got two more at
the fifth Inning and this ended
the scoring for the night.
Bob Reith pitched the entire
game for (Seaforth, with seven
strike outs, and the Clinton pit-
cher struck out only four.
Seaforth: Wayne Hugill 2b, L.
Pethiek ss, Tom Love 3b, John
Patterson •c, ,Bob Reith. p, Tom
Dick 1b, ,Bill Pinder df, Pete Re -
watt et, Francis Hagan ef.
Clinton: Jacob c -p, Cummings
lfp, Bartliff .p-cf, Livermore sere,
Ladd lb, Ennylstead cf-ss, Allen
3b, Lockhart se, Livermore 21).
Two Teams Still
Tied in Play-offs
In Intermediate football, Win-
throp and Brussels best -et -five
series continues as there were
•two ties and no winner decided.
W L T Pts..
Winthrop 2 1 2 -6.
Brussels 1 2 2 4
Winthrop 'and ' Brussels will
play one more or possibly two
games, until one of them has
won three games.
St. Columban awaits winner.
en Juvenile football, St. Colum
ban and Winthrop played to 1-1
tie on Friday night in St. Colum -
ban in their first of three finals.
Next game Friday night at Win-
Winthrop intermediates play
in Brussels Thursday night. The
game starts at 7,30.
Mrs. Robert Boyes and Miss
Mary Stobie left this week to vi-
sit their brother, Mr. Wm. •Stobie
at White Rook, B.C.
• Mrs. Gordon Churohward and
family of Toronto have been via
Ring with her father, Mr. Ivy
The following were week end
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. El-
more 'Stephenson, also attended
the Murray family ,picnic at
Bayfield on Saturday: MTs,
(Rev.) A. H. McKenzie and fam-
ily of Acton, Mr. Jas. el. Reid of
Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jahn
and Mrs. Verna Greenbury of
Flint, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sicker of
,Fort Wayne, Indiana, were Sun-
unday visitors with Mrs. Eicker'S
brother, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Ren-
nie, also galled on Mr. Thos, Ro-
binson and family Sunday even-
ing. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ricker spent
their early years in the :vicinity
of Zurich. They are at present
camping at Grand Bend.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Ma's. Andrew Houston were Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Taylor, from
Long Island, New York, Mrs.
Thomas Bell, of Exeter, and Mr.
and Mrs.' Win. Strong, Ottawa.
Simmer Bible School --
A community summer Bible
school .is being •conducted at the
Hibbert No. 6 •school house near
Cromarty. The good attendance
has made et neceesary for the
four upper grades to meet in the
Cromarty Presbyterian Church
for their class periods. The aver-
age attendance to date is 118.
For eight consecutive years the
,school .liras been operated by the
Zurich Mennonite ,Chus'cli. This
Year the teaching staff is entire,
ly from the community and
church nerved by the school, The
workers 'represent the following
churches; Cromarty Presbyter-
ian, Ohiselhurst, Roy's, Staffs,
Munroe and Kippen United, Exe-
ter Pentecostal, Blake A. Menn-
onite; Rtev, A. Martin of Zurich
Mennonite Church serves as dir-
ector. A public .program will .be
presented by the school on Fri-
day evening, .July . 24, All are
welcome to attend,
Farmers Union
Picnic at Seaford'
The Huron 7Dlst'rict '.Farmers'
Union picnic wee held July 20th
at Seafomtb Lions park with
good attendance, Varna and
Holmesville looked after 'worts,
Seaforth Lcoal, beverages; Aub-
urn find Welton Locals, tables.
Results of events: 8 yes. und-
et', Brian Semple, Gerald Rose;
6 under, donna Clifton, Mark
Rathwell; girls 0 yrs. 'under, Ma'
Filen Keys, Ann Clifton; Boys,
Steve leathwell, Greg Potter;
girls, 12 ,ere. under, Karen Tal-
bot, Pansy Bothwell; boys, John
Mohn, Don Taylor; young ladies,
Karen Talbot, Lorraine Talbot;
men's race, Fred Rose, Bruce
Keys, Edgar Rathwell; ladies,
Mrs. George Cantelon, Mrs. Grant
Webster, MTs. Ken Carnoohan;
3.legged race, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Rose, MTS. Grant • Webster and
Mrs. Geo, Cantelon; ladies kick
the slipper, Grace Clifton, Patsy
Rathwell; gents„ Ken Carnochan,
Kelly Dalton; hit .the natal, (Mrs.
Anne Nesbitt; mien :hit nail, Carl
'Govier;clothes pin race, Mrs. C.
Hoegry" ; largest family present,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Rose and fa-
mily, Mr. and Mrs. John Semple
and family; oldest person, Thos..
Miller, 90 years of age.
Following the picnic supper a
short report was givon by Gordo
Hili, Prov. Pres, Ma's Anne Nes-
bitt, Carl Dalton and ,Robert Tay-
lor, who had been delegates at
the Inter -Provincial Board •meet-
ing held last week in Guelph.
•Kirkton, Girl
Dairy Princess
Patricia Marshall, of Kirkton,
Neon the title of Dairy Princess
of Huron county in a milking
competition held Tuesday even-
ing at the Huron -county farm,
south of Clinton. She will repre-
sent -Huron In. the milking con-
test to be held at the ONEb'to sel-
ect a Dairy Queen for Ontario.
mtunner-up in the competition,
held at evening chore time at the
county Perm, was Sandra Wright,
of Clifford, whose home is in the
north end of Hetrick township.
Other finalists were Doris Corn-
ish, Woodham, and' Yvonne Sper-
ling, Gerrie.
Marlene Johnston, of Fordwich
was 1958 Dairy Princess,
The :milleing com�petiittlon was
conducted using four caws from
the .county herd of registered
Holsteins, selected for uniform-
ity. Stanley Collins, herd mana-
ger, had charge of arrangements.
Judges of the competition were
Mrs. William Dale, 1ullett; Mrs.
Robert Gibson,-''•Eeedwich, anal
James Needham, Lucknow, .past
president of Ontario. Junior Far-
Committee in °barge were Geo.
Watt, Blyth; Barry Walter, God
evicts; Russell Bradford, Goder-
ich, :Huron field man ,for the
dairy branch of the Ontario De-
partment of Agriculture.
Mr. and Mrs., Geo. Gould and
Dianne of London visited on
Sunday with Mrs: Gould's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker,
who accompanied them to their
home In London for a week's
MT. and Mrs. Don-Joynt, John
and Pat lett on Sunday for their
cottage at Manitowaning where
they will spend their vacation.
Mr. Bill Shaddiek is holiday-
ing with relatives at :Sauble
Mr. and Mre. John Blackwell
and family, Mrs. Harold Black-
well and son, who are camping
at Turnbull's Grove visited last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Bell, Pauline and Anne.
Mr. and Mrs. Murdock Stewart:
of Chicago visited last week with
the formers father, Mr. Duncan
Stewart, and while here motored
to Sudbury and visited an old
•friend of MT. Duncan :Stewart.
LAC,. and Mrs. Andrie Hebert,
•formerly of dondon, have .moved
into the apartment at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, Mr.
.Hebert is now stationed at the
RCAF station, Centralia.
Mrs. Lulu Elliott of London
and Mrs. Wm. Elliott and aim -
Ten of Montreal called on friends
here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lee of Lon-
-don visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Clark and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Murdock Stewart
of Chicago visited during the
,past week with Mm. and Mrs,
Stewart Bell, Pauline and Anne.
Mr. and Mrs, W. O. Goodwin
and Isiiss Mary :Goodwin are va-
:cationing at Drysdale this week.
Master Ricky Parker is holi-
daying with his grandparents,
Mr. and MTS. Harold Parker,
A number of relatives from
Hensall, Kdppen, ' Cromarty and
Exeter were entertained at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
teens, Ellimville on Thursday
evening in honor of their ettugh-
tsr, Mies Grace .Johns of London,
bride -elect of this week. Court
wlslst was played with the follow-
ing prize winner's: Mrs, Jim
Hyde, Hensall; Mrs. A. Ryekman,
Exeter; Mrs. Lorne McNaughton,
Cromarty; Mrs. Sdtinner, Diem
ville. Gwen Hendrick of K,ippen
gave a reading anvil Mies Marion
Bell, 'Hensall read the address,
while Lynda Bell and Jerry
Johns presented beautiful cresCei-
laneous gifts in a decorated war
gon. Refreshments were served,
The annual S.S. picnic of Duff's
United Church was held in the
community park on elontlay ev-
ening with a splendid turnout of
children and adults.
A basket hunch was served at
7 Pen. with everyone enjoying
the Bumper. The kiddies were
treated to •chocolate milk and or-
Min. V. McCreath, Mrs, Menton
Hackwell, Miss Clara Buchanan,,
Jim ,Smith and Walter Bewley
were in eharge of the following
sports program:
Primary girls race, Dianne
Fraser, Connie Coutts, Debbie
Primary boys, David Baan,
Keith Wiibee,, Johnnie Leeming.
Girls, 6 to 7 years; Brenda
Bewley, • Cathie Young, Karen
Boys, 6 to 7 years, Douglas
Wey, Keith W,llbee, Murray Hou-
Girls, 8 to 9 years, Barbara
Hamilton, Glenna Houston, Mary
Boys, , 8 to 9 years, Gary Ben.
nett, Jim Rutledge, Neil McDon-
'Girls, 10 to 11, Sherrill Craig,
Alexine Williamson, Mary Helen
Boys, 10 to 11, Jimmie Bos-
man, Larry Bolger, Douglas Liv-
Girls 12 .to 15, Joan Hamilton,
Ruth Ritchie, Barbara Turnbull.
Boys 12 to 15, Bill Hamilton,
Brian Travis, Gerald Smith,
Ladies 16 and over, • Audrey
Hackwell, Clara Buchanan.
Boy 16 .and over, Jerry Achil-
les, Mack' • (Sholdice, Bob Stevens.
Married: women's race, Mrs. E.
McCpeath, . Mrs. R. Meeichael,
Mrs. Wm, Coutts.
Married Men's re; Ken Mc-
nald,• Don McDonald,' Merton
Married men's walking race,
Ken McDonald, Torrance Dune
las, W. J. Leeming; ladies' walk-
ing rake, Mrs.. Ronald Bennett,
Mrs. W. C. Backwell, Mrs. Ethel
Girls 8 -legged race, 12 and un,
der, Alexine Wdlliamson and
Mary Helen Buchanan; Sherrill
Craig and Bambara Hal/llama
YAudroungey. Moitiichael and Susan
Ladies and young men's three-
legged race, Audrey Hackwell
and Joan Hamilton; Mack ,Shol-
dice and Jerry Achilles•; Neil
McGavin and Bob Stevens.
Sack race, 12 and under, Sher-
rill Craig, Graeme Craig , Mary
Helen Buchanan.
Sack race, 13 and over, Jerry
Achilles, :Neil yMcGavin, Joan Ha-
Ladies kick the slipper, Brenda
Houston, Mrs. Rae Houston, Mrs.
Ken McDonald.
Men's kick the eldpper, Ron
Miler, Ken McDonald, Jerry
Ladies ball throwing, Mrs. F.
Walters, Mrs. H. Craig, Mrs. C.
Martin; men, Ernie Stevens,
Andrew Turnbull, Have Watson.
Grandmothers change the dia-
per relay race, winning side, Mrs.
Jim McDonald, Mrs. W. R. Shoe
dice, Mrs. C. Martin, Mae. 2. Mc-
Donald, Mrs. J. VanVliet, Mrs.
A. Turnbull, Mrs. E. Stevens.
The primary classes assembled
for their own games and races
under the supervision of Mrs. W.
Bewley, Mae. R. Williamson, Mrs.
Doug Fraser and Mrs. Harold
The Walton Group held their
July meeting in the •church base-
ment last Wednesday evening
with Mrs. Wm. Thamer, vice pre-
sident in charge. Miss Bessie Da-
vidson was accompanist for the
hymns. The scripture was taken
by Mrs. Nelson Marks followed
by comments by Mrs. Theme:.
Prayer was offered by Mrs. Wel-
ter Broadfoot and meditation
read by the leader. Mrs. C. Lyd-
iatt gave the topic ending with
a suitable poem. Roll call and
minutes were taken by the sec-
retary, Mee. H. Travis and Mrs.
Ron Bennett reported for the
WA. We were reminded of the
Baby Band pdcuic to be held' at
Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull's on Aug.
13 with the regular meeting pre-
ceding the Baby Band. Our group
will be responsible for the flow-
ers in the °hueech during August.
The committee ,consisted of Mrs.
P. McDonald, Mrs. W. Broadfoot
and MTs. L. Porter.
The following pupils of Mr,
and Mrs. L. D. Thompson, Brus-
sels, were enecessful in their re-
cent music examinations, from
this district:
Piano, Oracle VIII, pass, Mar-
garet iiillen.
Grade VII, Pass, Marilyn John -
Grade VI. pass, Brenda Hous-
Grade SII., first class honors,
Glenna Houston, Graeme Craig.
Gracie I., honors. Nellie Baan.
Pre -Grade I.. first class honors,
Carolyn Fraser. Carolyn receiv-
ed the silver medal for receiving
the highest marks in her grade.
.Singing, Grade I, honors, Faye
Primary, honors, Pauline Tha-
History, Grade IL, First Class
Honors, Margaret Hillen.
Sandra and Kim Pickeriug,
:datiglnters of Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Pickering, Oakville, are holiday-
IngDundas. with Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr; and Mrs, John King and
family of Sarnia .spent a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. George
Mies June Heaven of Strat-
ford spent a few Slays at hem
"U...... UI„ r,hll,:",,11",,I„1,11„r,Ir11i4eqU;,li,1,U,,i" 1„r. u",""p"",an""„p""Ig1"","n
Silverware Specials
Set of 4, Regular $10.00 , , , , SPECIAL $6.00
Regular $2,25 each . , ... .. , SPECIAL 99c each
Regular $2.50 each SPECIAL 1,25 each
In. Victorian Rose & April
Regular Tablespoons
1.75 value
.special 88c
Pierced Tablespoons
1.75 value
special 88c
Consisting of
1 Silver Plated Salad Spoon
1 Silver Plated Salad Fork
at $2.95 complete
57 piece set of SILVERWARE
In NEWPORT Pattern consisting of
8 Teaspoons 8 Tablespoons
8 Small Teas 1 Butter Knife
8 knives (hollow handles) 1 Sugar Spoon
8 Dessert Forks 1 Gravy Ladle
8 Salad Forks 1 Cold Meat Fork
8 Dessert Spoons 1 Berry •Spoon •
1 Pierced Pastry Server
Wingham Television - Wed., July 29th, 6 PM to 7 PM
Mr. and Mrs. Armand Kernick
and Mr. and Mrs. John Harris of
Liman called on friends in the
vicinity en Sunday.
Miss Verde Watson, steward-
ess with TCA, spent a -few days
ah the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Watson, MoKillop.
Miss Joan Shertreed has •ac-
cepted a position at Goderich
Alexandra Marine Hospital,
Miss Sara Coyne died in St.
Joseph's Heepital, London , on
Sunday following a, lingering ill-
ness of several months. She was
do her alth year. She was the
daughter of the late Michael
Coyne and Mrs. Coyne, Hibbert
Township. She was a faithful
member of St. Patrick's Church,
Dublin, of the Altar .Society and
C.W.L. The fun`dral took place
from the residence of her moth-
er, coneession 4, Hibbert to St.
Patrick's Church, Dublin ou Wed-
nesday morning. She is survived
by her mother, six brothers,
John, Frank, Toni, Matt, all of
Hibbert Township; Joseph of
London and George, Dublin; also
four sisters: Mrs. (Florence)
Kahne, Chatham; Mrs. Walter
(Mary) Kr•oski, Toronto; Alicia
at home and Mother AI. Alice,
Ursuline Community, Wallace -
burg. An older sister, Mother
St. Louis, predeceased her.
Miss Marie Krauskopf, Hamil-
ton, with her mother, ears. C.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Doherty
and children, Albion, with Mrs.
Nicholas Krauskopf.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Murphy,
Pontiac, Mich., with Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Costello and Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Feeney.
Rev. H. F. Feeney, C.R., St.
Theresa's Church, Hamilton, Ber-
muda, with his mother, MTs.
Kathleen Feeney.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feeney
and Mrs. Dan Costello spent Fri-
day in Goderich.
Mrs. A. Guyette, Detroit, with
Mrs. A. el. Looby.
Mr. and Mee. Tom Butters,
Billie and Gordon at Olaremont
with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pugh.
Mrs. ,D Stapleton and' family
have taken a cottage at Bayfield
for three weeks.
Mrs. Edward Holland, Toron-
to, with Mr: and Mrs.. George
Miss Mary Shea in Chatham
with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blondde.
lvIrs. Loretta •Schmidt in Strat-
Mrs. Charles Kistner and D.i-
•anne are spending•a week in De-
1Ir. and Mrs. Lawrence Dillon,
Breslau, with Mr, and Mrs. Al-
bert Kramers,
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Wolfe of
Detroit and Mrs. Wolfe, Mdtehell,
with friends,
Mrs. Mary Sullivan and Mrs.
Strub, Kitchener, with Mr. and
Mrs. William 'Flanagan and Mar-
Mr. and Mrs, Jos, Dill, Karen
and Billie in Dundas with Mr.
and Mrs. John Frost.
Mr. and Mrs , Douglas Bain,
St. Marys, Mrs. Wdl1iam Ityen,
142. and Mme, Syly. Ryan and
children, Sebringville, with Mrs,
Louis Dillon and Dorothy.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kelly and
children, Kitchener, with Mr.
and Mrs. Fergus Kelly and Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Eckert.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Jones and fam-
ily, MacTier, Mr, Arthur Vincent
of Brantford, with Mr. and Mrs.
Pat McGrath and Mrs. M. Vin-
The Dublin Pee Wee Cubs
baseball team were forced to
cancel their scheduled game last
Monday due to wet grounds.
This game will be played Wed-
nesday evening, July 29 in Dub-
lin, with. Mitchell Pirates provid-
ing the opposition.
This coming Friday, July 24,.
'the locals will be travelling to
Mitchell and will meet the Mit-
chell Braves, this being their first
encounter of the season.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Storey of Sea -
forth and Mrs. May Wilbe of Cal-
gary, Alberta, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris.
Mr. and .firs. H. King of Ham-
ilton are guests of ?Jr. and Mee.
Harold Carey.
MT. J. M. Scott, Mar. Gordon
Scott and Hiss Dorothy Scott vi-
sited with Mr. and bus. Millard
Crandall of Falconer, N.Y., dur-
ing the week end. Muriel Scott
and Gerry and Alice 'Walker re-
turned home with them after a
two weeks' vacation.
Mrs. Bessie McDonald, Mit-
chell, spent a few days last week
with her :sister, Miss Olive
Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and
Patti Jean of Toronto were week
end visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
Gerald Carey.
Mae and Mrs. George Wallace
spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Wallace of Carling-
Tee regular meeting of the
Ladies' Aid was held et the bore
of Mrs. J. M. Scott with a good
attendance. The president, Mrs.
Will Miller :presided. Devotions
were led by Mrs. ,Scott and Mrs.
G. Carey. Reports were given by
the secretary and ,treasurer.' Mrs.
3, Miller gave a reading and Mrs.
Carey led a contest. Program and
Bower committees were appoint-
Linda Currie, Dorchester, and
Bobby Hulley, Seaforth, are with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Walker.
The Mien - McLachlan - Hog -
earth reunion was held in Strat-
ford Queen's park Saturday.
Many of the connection from this
district were in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar
spent the week end in Mitchell
at the Some ,of their daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, W.
N. Binning,'
Richard and Robert Binning
are holidaying at the home of
their .grandparents, Mr, and Mss.
K. McKellar.
MISS Marilyn Potter, daughter
of lvlr. and Airs, George Potter,
Clinton RR 3, will teach at SS 4,
McKillop, this September. Before
graduating from •Stratford Tea-
there' College in June, elle Went
to SS 2, Goderich township, and
Clinton District Collegiate,